Why can't you give a watch for a day. A watch as a gift is a bad omen

According to popular belief, giving someone a watch is a bad omen. There are many assumptions about how this sign was born. However, its general meaning remains unchanged: the watch attracts negativity into a person’s life. Some people believe that by giving someone a watch, a person gives him years of his life. You can accept this accessory as a gift and not bring trouble only in a special way. To better understand this sign, you should study it in detail.

History of signs

This sign has ancient roots. The thing is that the Chinese characters, meaning the end of life and time, are similar. The Chinese believe that watches are endowed with supernatural powers. Clock hands can count time and measure things that a person cannot see with their eyes. In Japan, it was not customary to give a watch to a person to whom you relate well and wish success. The Japanese believed that giving a watch to someone means wishing that person to end his life. Therefore, such a gift was considered forbidden.

According to an old Russian sign, objects with pointed ends should not be presented as a gift. Forks, edged weapons, etc. fall into this category of unsuccessful gifts. Watches also belong to them, as they have pointed hands. Such gifts can bring misfortune and misfortune to a person. A popular sign claims that the pointed ends of the watch "cut" any human relationship.

Why can't you donate a watch?

If the person to whom the watch is intended is superstitious, then you should think about another gift. There are many explanations for this sign. We can list only the most common of them:

  • According to an old belief, when the clock stops, the person to whom it belongs dies. This is another reason why some people are afraid to get this thing.
  • It is not customary to give this accessory to your soulmate. It promises parting and separation from a loved one. Many girls believe in signs and do not choose it as a gift for a guy. Having received such a gift, a woman may decide that in this way the man himself hints at the end of the relationship. To avoid misunderstanding, you should not give the chosen one cause for concern.
  • For a beloved friend, such a birthday present as a watch can hint at the past years and the passing of youth. Even the most elegant wristwatch can evoke sad thoughts in the hostess of the holiday and make you think about age. Giving this device that measures time is not the best idea, also because the recipient of the gift may misunderstand its meaning.
  • Men also rarely choose this particular accessory as a surprise for a friend on a holiday. Watches should be chosen in such a way that they fit the person in style. Therefore, if there is any doubt about this, it is better to buy another gift, otherwise the watch can cause disappointment and even deprive you of a good mood.
  • You can not give this item to the elderly and parents. This thing makes you think about the time left to spend with family and friends. Heavy thoughts and experiences can negatively affect the well-being of the recipient of the gift. It is worth saving the peace of mind of dads and moms and look for another gift idea.
  • This thing, presented to the young at the wedding, will bring quarrels and grief to the house. The sign prophesies adultery and the breakdown of marriage.
  • There is a belief that if a man received a watch as a gift from his wife or relative, then the family will exist while the clock is ticking properly. If family members are superstitious, they are likely to be upset when they learn that such a sign exists.
  • You need to give a wall clock for the New Year only with the best wishes for the owners, and then this item will bring happiness and comfort to their home.

To inherit a watch is a good omen. This item will protect the house from troubles and misfortunes. The most important thing is that the person did not ask to be given a watch.

How to donate?

If you want to give a watch or get it yourself for a holiday as a gift, you need to do it right. To avoid the fears and fears that are contained in popular beliefs, you need to pay a ransom for them. Even very superstitious people can use this method. But even here there are subtleties. Giving and accepting a ransom should follow the following tips:

  1. 1. The amount that the recipient of the accessory gives to the donor should not be too large.
  2. 2. When redeeming a gift, it is recommended to use small coins, not banknotes.
  3. 3. Accept and give the ransom only with the left hand.

You can give this item without fear of consequences to people who do not believe in omens. It is known that human thoughts are material. If a thing is presented with the wishes of health and happiness and is charged with positive energy, it will not cause trouble for the new owner.

It is a good form for businessmen to give each other such accessories. Watches in this case symbolize commitment and punctuality and are the key to a long and productive partnership.

If you still have doubts about whether to give this item to your son or daughter, then you can safely discard them. If parents know that this stylish accessory will please their child, then it will become a useful and meaningful gift and will cause only positive emotions.

For newlyweds, the watch can become a symbol of future happy years that they will live in marriage. They are a symbol of immutability and constancy, and these are precisely the qualities that make a marriage strong and durable.

Everyone likes to receive gifts, but it is much more pleasant to give them, especially if they are to the liking of people dear to our hearts. However, often the choice of a gift turns into a painful process. I would like to give something practical, and not some banal thing that will gather dust on the mezzanine. And what could be more practical than a stylish wrist watch? That's just there are unpleasant beliefs associated with such a gift.

And even if you are not superstitious, then your chosen one may be. How to be in that case? Is it possible to give a watch to a loved one? What are the consequences of such a gift? Let's figure it out.

Folk omens and superstitions

This is probably inherent in nature: despite technological progress and a developed society, many of us are prone to superstition. But most of the superstitions and signs were born due to ignorance of the nature of the occurring phenomena. Although, if you think about it, time is still an abstract quantity, absolutely beyond the control of man. It cannot be touched, and no matter how much we would like to turn back time sometimes, we are powerless. It is no wonder that a lot of superstitions are associated with such a mysterious substance.

One of them is the donation of watches. This belief has its roots in those distant times, when watches were only invented and superstitiously terrified ordinary people who understood little about mechanisms, and even more so in measuring what is not. In their view, the clock could somehow affect the passage of time, and a little later this fear was reborn into the belief that they measure the life of their owner.

The clock was also endowed with magical properties and it was believed that magicians, using them, could influence human destiny. But in the mysterious Chinese mythology, the clock was directly associated with death. In Chinese, even the hieroglyphs for hours and death are almost identical. There is an opinion that a person will live until the clock presented to him as a gift stops. Therefore, before giving a watch to a Chinese or Japanese, think carefully, as they may perceive such a present as a wish for a speedy death.

Based on these superstitions and myths, many rather contradictory signs were born:

  • a watch as a gift to a loved one - for an early parting;
  • a watch presented to a colleague is a harbinger of a short life;
  • a watch as a wedding gift will bring discord into a young family, and then a divorce is inevitable;
  • at the same time, your favorite watch, which you have not parted with for a long time, can become your talisman and amulet;
  • to change life for the better and get out of the black streak of failures, you need to urgently purchase a new watch;
  • lost watches bring bad luck, but those found, on the contrary, are considered a symbol of success.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved one?

Do they give watches to their halves? Popular superstition claims that this is categorically undesirable. The ban applies to boyfriends and girlfriends, as well as married couples. They say that by giving a watch, you will begin your parting with your loved one. Moreover, separation is inevitable and does not depend on the stop of the clock mechanism. They may keep moving, but you will still part ways. Particularly superstitious young ladies are very upset by such gifts, believing that the young man is trying to get rid of their society. And even a gift in the form of a gold watch does not delight them.

One legend tells of a certain young couple who never quarreled, as they say, they lived in perfect harmony. But on the anniversary of the acquaintance, the girl decided to give the guy a watch. And from the moment a cat ran between them, quarrels did not stop. But contrary to superstitious omen, separation did not come between them: the clock broke, and love turned out to be stronger than time.

Whether we believe in signs or not, there are watches, they are worn, put on fireplaces, hung on walls, sold, bought and given away. It is only necessary to remember that thought is material. If you think about something bad all the time, then it will definitely happen. Therefore, if you are in doubt whether it is possible to give a watch to a loved one for a birthday, and thoughts of separation from him do not leave you, it is better to refuse such a gift and give him something neutral.

Give or not?

"To be or not to be?" - that is the question. This is the whole essence of the human, the eternal search, constant torment and the need for choice. The situation is simplified if a person is free from superstitions. Then, in order to give a watch to a loved one, it is necessary to find out his attitude to popular beliefs and rumors. If he, like you, does not pay attention to signs, then there is no problem. You just have to choose a chronometer worthy of your young man. Otherwise, either leave this idea, or recommend that he buy a watch himself, and give another present for his birthday.

There is another way out of this situation. The same popular belief that prohibits donating watches says that if you sell them for a nominal fee, then this is not considered a gift, which means that the omen will not work. A few kopecks or an iron ruble will do as payment. The fate of the donor, whose chosen one is a watch collector, is completely facilitated. Such a person will certainly be glad to receive a watch, especially if there are none in his collection. A gift with a memorable personalized engraving will be priceless.

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the belief that giving a watch is not good, but not everyone knows what actually causes this. Perhaps this is just a senseless superstition that only naive people can believe in? Or is there some sound logic in it? In this article, we will tell you why gifting a watch is a bad omen.

There are a number of theories that can shed light on the question. For example, in Western countries watch hands are sharp objects (along with knives, forks and others). Things of this kind are classified as bad, inappropriate gifts.

Also, many people believed that such gifts are closely related to power and the person who received them as a birthday present is able to bind her to himself. In addition, according to the sign about donated watches, over time, relations with the donor must have deteriorated. And also various troubles and troubles were not excluded. Our ancestors were convinced that sharp objects (in particular, watches) can cut long-term relationships once and for all (no matter what plan - friendship, love or partnership).

Turning to another variety of this sign about the prohibition of giving watches, we find ourselves in ancient China. For a long time, the Chinese believed that if you present a watch as a gift to a person, together with them he acquires an invitation to a funeral.

The inhabitants of Japan went even further - in this culture it was believed that if someone wants to present a watch, it means that he quite consciously wishes death to the hero of the occasion. At first, it may seem to you that there is no sound logic at all in such a statement, but do not forget that Eastern culture has always had its own innermost secrets and mysteries that are incomprehensible to strangers, but do not lose their relevance from this.

The eastern sign about the ban on giving a watch for a birthday to a person was explained from the other side, in this case there is several interpretations at once:

  • The presented clock starts counting the time until the soon parting with the donor, and when they become, the connection with the person will be irretrievably lost.
  • A watch received as a gift automatically starts a certain countdown until the moment of death of a person.

Signs about the clock of our ancestors

Our distant ancestors, the Slavs, interpreted this sign in their own context: they believed that pain, anxiety, disappointment and excitement come to life along with the donated watch.

Another explanation of the sign indicates that, together with the watch, the donor gives away a certain part of his life. There is also a version according to which a gift of such a plan provokes serious quarrels or even death. And it does not matter what kind of clock was presented - wall, pocket or wrist.

Faced with so many negative opinions about donated watches, it becomes clear why people in most cases avoid giving such gifts. After all, even if in reality nothing bad happens, the human imagination will surely paint a terrible picture for itself, “inspired” by so many negative premises.

Can a man give a watch for his birthday?

There are a large number of versions explaining why you should not give a watch to your loved one. According to a popular legend, one girl decided to give him a beautiful watch on her lover's birthday. Until that time, there were absolutely no quarrels and problems in their couple, and after the triumph, relations changed, and in the most dramatic way.

Regular conflicts and showdowns began to arise, which, of course, did not bring any pleasure to both partners. As a result, fortunately, everything ended quite well - the strength of their love was enough to break the ill-fated clock. The item could not be restored, and the lovers were able to live happily ever after.

When is it acceptable to donate a watch?

All the signs described above, for obvious reasons, do not have scientific confirmation, therefore is it permissible to give watches to your surroundings or not- This question will have to be answered independently. First of all, it is necessary to once again reflect on how a person will perceive such a present. If you know that the hero of the occasion is very superstitious and will subsequently think and worry about such a present for a long time, it is better to refuse it, not to spoil the nerves for yourself or the birthday man.

It can be said 100% that hours(especially vintage) people will be happy who are collectors of these items. Or they just love watches. In this case, to add even more “zest” to the gift, order a special engraving for them.

And if you want to be sure that such a present will bring only positive emotions to a person, go shopping with him.

What to do when you receive a watch as a gift?

If you belong to the category of superstitious people, do not rush to immediately think that the donor certainly wishes you harm. Most likely, a person is simply not aware of the existence of such a belief or does not really believe in it. And in principle, it is not the gift itself that is more important, but the attention shown.

In addition, there is an effective way to get rid of the alleged negative impact of the gift. All you need is just redeem, i.e. pay for the clock. Then they will automatically become not a gift, but an acquisition. Of course, at the same time, there is absolutely no need to pay half the cost of the goods - a few coins will suffice.

Try to focus only on the positive in all life situations. Scientists have long been able to prove that thought is material and can greatly influence the further course of events. Therefore, believe in the best, wear your watch with pleasure and try to never waste time in vain!

According to an old sign, there are a number of things that cannot be given to people. This list includes watches. Why is it impossible to give a watch and what is this sign connected with?

There are many versions of the origin of signs about watches. In the West, people believe that clock hands are capable of accumulating negative energy, so such a gift can bring a lot of trouble. And the inhabitants of eastern countries believe that the watch is an invitation to a funeral.

There is another interpretation of belief. Many people believe that the donated watch will count down the time until separation, that is, when the hands stop, the donor and the owner of the watch will part. There is also a version according to which the clock counts down the time until the death of a person. The inhabitants of Japan believe in this sign. It is not customary to give watches in this country.

All these beliefs about watches, many of us now consider a relic of the past. However, is it really so?

Is it possible to give watches to loved ones and close people

There is a popular belief that a watch given to your partner will count down the time until separation. There are many stories of married couples falling out over the gift of a watch. In this regard, many are afraid to give watches to their soul mates. But is it worth believing?

If you want to give your soulmate a watch, you first need to find out if your partner believes in this sign. If your loved one is not superstitious, do not be afraid to give such a gift. It will bring only joy and pleasant memories. In the event that a partner is frightened of every black cat and constantly spits over his left shoulder, you should not give him such a surprise, since faith in signs provokes their fulfillment.

Why you shouldn't give watches to the elderly

Most older people believe that a given watch will measure the time until their death. Out of courtesy, they will accept such a gift and even use it, but this can lead to sad consequences. Do not give watches to superstitious elderly people. Imagine if the clock suddenly stops. This can cause your relative to panic, which can subsequently result in a heart attack or an exacerbation of the disease.

Is it worth believing in signs about hours

As mentioned above, if you believe in a sign, then it will certainly come true. However, it is not so easy to forget once and for all about the old superstitions that you have followed for so long and stubbornly. If we talk about the sign associated with the clock, then you can find a way out that will allow you to protect yourself from the fulfillment of this belief.

It is believed that if a person gives a coin in return for a donated watch, then trouble will bypass.

Do not take the clock as something negative. Trouble, according to this sign, can only be brought by a donated watch. And if you buy a watch for yourself, then they will only bring you good luck. Our great-grandparents believed that watches could warn of danger. If the arrows stop, then something unpleasant can happen.

Today, watches, especially wristwatches, are perceived as essentials. In everyday affairs and worries, people always try to keep track of their time. This item gives energy and disciplines a person.

Believe in bad omens about watches or not - the choice is yours. Just remember that it is better to believe in what helps you live. Be happy and don't forget to click and

27.03.2014 10:06

They say that gifts are not given. This superstition has firmly entered the minds of many people. But why can't you give a gift...

You can't give an even number of flowers. Perhaps this is the most common superstition that almost everyone observes. Where...

Why can't you donate a watch? Even in modern society, many believe that it is better not to give watches, although they can be a solid present. Many men and women are given wristwatches, and wall clocks can be an interesting addition to the interior. However, not every person dares to make such a gift to his friend or loved one, since this device is surrounded by various signs and secrets.

In ancient times, people did not trust watches and believed that they were enchanted and had the magical power to take away years of life. Many did not dare to leave a wall clock in the house, especially with a cuckoo, as according to legend, it measures the number of a person's life years. Over the years, many superstitions and rumors have arisen around the clock, which are believed not only by the elderly, but also by young people.

Why you can’t give a watch as a gift

Why is giving a watch a bad omen? Many believe in this sign, but do not know where it came from. Belief about the clock came to us from China. In ancient times, the Chinese believed that watches could bring death. Apparently, this came from the fact that the Chinese character for death is similar to the sign that means hours. Also, donating a watch was considered an invitation to a funeral. The Japanese may even think that you wish them dead. The Slavs have a belief that by giving a watch, you bring misfortune, pain and disappointment into a person's life. Some believe that if you give a watch as a gift, you give away part of your life.

Other nations also did not trust the clock, because they did not understand their working device and mechanism. Rumors arose from ignorance and temporary devices were attributed to witchcraft and magical powers. It was believed that the clock had the ability to control time, so many did not want to keep a clock in their home. There is a terrible sign that tells why it is impossible to give watches. If the donated watch stops, then its owner will die. Many people are afraid of this terrible superstition and therefore do not want to receive this item as a gift.

Why you can't give a watch to your loved ones

According to popular belief, one should not give watches to loved ones, as this will inevitably lead to parting. According to superstition, this can happen at any time or at the moment when the clock stops running. Many women doubt whether it is possible to give a watch to her husband. There are many stories and rumors that say that couples broke up shortly after giving the watch. That's why you can't give a watch to a man. Many girls believe that a loved one can leave if you give him such a gift.

Usually it is not customary for couples to give each other watches, as superstitions haunt, especially girls. They believe that the clock can count the time of parting, and when it stops, the beloved will leave them. Many tend to believe that with a watch you give away part of your years. Even some guys are afraid to give their beloved a watch, so as not to bring the hour of separation closer.

It is better not to give watches to women and girls, as they take everything to heart. The girl may think that you want to break up with her or will break up soon and will constantly think about it. This will be taken as a hint of a break in relations. The mood and the holiday will be spoiled for sure, and the girl will hold a grudge. You can’t give a woman a watch on her birthday, as she acutely perceives the approach of maturity, and this can greatly upset your beloved.

However, there are girls who do not believe in signs and superstitions. Ask your beloved if she wants a watch as a gift and then doubts will disappear. Many couples gave each other watches and nothing terrible happened in their lives. A girl can even rejoice at such an expensive gift if the watch is gilded or with expensive stones, and will appreciate it.

Why don't they give watches

In addition to signs and superstitions, there is also a psychological factor. A person may regard such a gift as a hint that he is not punctual. And if he is often late for meetings with you, he can be very offended and upset. It is unlikely that he will wear the watch that you gave him. Watches can also be a bad gift for those people who are used to living freely and not keeping track of time. They do not like to measure their lives in hours and live according to a schedule. In this case, you can give a watch, but without a dial, you can wear it as a fashion accessory.

Older people should not be presented with a watch as a gift. Firstly, they will constantly think about the time and the years they have lived, be sad and upset. Secondly, in old age, grandparents tend to more often consider signs to be true. To avoid unnecessary worries, it is better not to give a watch. Seriously ill people should not make such a present either, since every minute is dear to them, and they do not want to look at the course of the arrows and time.

Who can give a watch

Despite all the signs, a watch can be a great gift for a father, husband or your director. Not everyone can afford to buy expensive watches. This is a solid present that will last for many years and will become a pleasant memory of you. A watch collector can also be delighted with such a gift. Watches can be rare and vintage, decorated with gold or stones. The director can be presented with a wall or table clock as a gift, which will be a useful addition to the office. For a particularly close person, you can order a personalized engraving, which will make the gift even more valuable and original. You can give a girl an elegant watch that will be a bright addition to her style.

Is it possible to give a watch, everyone decides for himself. If your friends are not superstitious, you can safely present a beautiful watch as a gift. And if they gave you a watch and you believe in omens, do not be upset and thank the person. There is a belief that for a watch you need to give money to the person who gives it. It can be a few coins or a symbolic banknote that will make a gift a purchase, and the omen will not work. It is best not to believe in omens and not worry about trifles, as these are far-fetched stories of our ancestors.