Feeding the newborn through. In what position to feed the newborn. How to calculate the required amount of food

The body of a little man is a very delicate and receptive system. What the baby eats in the first year of life has the biggest impact on his health in the future. This is a time of active development - at no other time in life there are such significant changes, and everything that your child eats now provides him with energy to support such rapid growth. Make sure that your baby gets all the best, useful and necessary. After all, what foundation you lay, such will be the house.

Newborn (1 month). At this stage, breast milk is the ideal food for your baby. It provides the baby with all the substances necessary for full mental and physical development. The psychological moment is also important - the minutes of breastfeeding give mother and child great pleasure, and happy moments of mutual communication make your life wonderful.

In addition, breast milk is a guarantee of good immunity of the child. Breastfed children are much less likely to get sick with infectious diseases, they rarely have food allergies. In addition, mother's milk is "always ready" and at the right temperature, which greatly facilitates and improves the digestion process. Despite the variety of different breast milk substitutes, in fact, he has no real competitors. But if breastfeeding is not possible, then the baby's immunity will need additional support - a whole range of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that should be ingested with baby food.

Breastfeeding also makes it easier to control the baby's appetite - when the baby has let go of the breast, turns away, looks contented and sleepy, you can be sure that he is full. If the child is bottle-fed and drinks milk less than the norm, then there is a desire to feed him more. But remember: not the marks on the bottle, but the natural desire of the child should be your best guide.

Already holding my head (2-3 months). The baby has already grown and grown so strong that he can confidently hold his head and rise on his arms, looking at everything around. At this stage, the baby's only food should still be breast milk. Only during this period of life the child grows so fast: every month the growth of the baby increases by three centimeters, and the weight - by 600 grams! At the same time, the baby is very actively developing, mastering new skills.

In the first months of living together with a newborn, 90% of parents are faced with one of the most unpleasant features in the digestion of crumbs - infantile colic. The child tells you about the aching tummy with desperate crying, sometimes lasting for several hours. The fact is that his immature gastrointestinal tract is still only adapting to self-digestion of food, and this process is accompanied by painful symptoms: increased gas formation, bloating and abdominal cramps, belching, etc.

Therefore, you must remember that colic is not a disease, and a child with colic may still develop normally and gain weight well. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of colic, but it is also impossible to leave the baby inconsolably sobbing.

First, try to calm him down: carry him in your arms, cuddle him, rock him, take him out into the fresh air, massage your baby's tummy and put a warm heating pad wrapped in a diaper on your back, lull him to songs or quiet music.

Secondly, you can regularly give your child the natural preparation Plantex for the prevention and treatment of infantile colic. Plantex consists of fruit extract and fennel essential oil. It helps to eliminate spasms, prevent the accumulation of gases in the intestines, and promotes their discharge. Plantex is also useful during the introduction of complementary foods, when the child's gastrointestinal tract adapts to new food.

I sit with support (4-6 months). Your little one has grown a little. He is increasingly paying attention to the world around him and even begins to “chat”, imitates the sounds he hears, gradually moving from simple sounds to complex ones: “gu-gu”, “agu”, “yes-yes”. The baby's digestion has already returned to normal: the intestinal microflora has formed, intestinal peristalsis has strengthened. At the same time, the sucking reflex decreases - it is replaced by the chewing one. All this opens the door to the world of new tastes for the baby - it's time to give the baby a taste of the first food from a spoon in addition to breast milk. A child's readiness to introduce more solid foods into the menu can be determined by four signs of physical development:

  • baby sitting with support
  • he confidently holds and turns his head
  • the baby's weight has doubled, and now he weighs about 6 kg
  • the baby remains hungry after 8-9 breastfeeds.

Complementary foods should be started with one-component products: fruit or vegetable purees and cereals. In these months of life, the baby must be carefully protected from the occurrence of allergies. If an allergy does appear (most often in the form of a rash on the skin), the main thing is to identify the allergen and exclude it from the child's diet. And, of course, be sure to see a doctor. In no case should you ignore the manifestations of allergic reactions in a child, since this triggers a pathological mechanism that causes the body to respond to new allergens!

I sit by myself (7-8 months). The kid is already sitting on his own and begins to explore everything around. The first tooth will appear very soon - which means that it's time to try new dishes. Now you can add a little variety to the menu by offering him meat purees, cereals from several cereals, delicious dairy desserts, as well as vegetable and fruit purees, consisting of several components. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, starting from this age, mothers can try to transfer their children to five meals a day.

As the child grows older, the signs of an emerging appetite become more noticeable: your baby signals “I want to eat!” By grabbing a spoon, or shows “I don’t want to anymore!” By pushing the plate away and closing his lips tightly. At the same age, the baby begins to move a lot: try to crawl, sit down, lie down. He is drawn to take everything into his own hands. Let the baby tinker with his food a little - this develops fine motor skills of hands and imagination well.

I crawl (9-11 months). During this period, children gain an average of 500 g in weight and 2 cm in height every month. Growth rates are slightly reduced, but physical skills and psyche are developing rapidly. This is a special and very important period when the personality of the baby is revealed, and he begins to show his abilities and behaves almost like an adult! At this stage, continue to feed your baby cereals fortified with iron and zinc. Iron is absorbed better when cereals are given with foods rich in vitamin C, such as apple, pear or peach fruit purees. The baby is already familiar with many fruits and vegetables, so during these months, start giving him to taste the same familiar dishes, but in small pieces.

Learning to walk (11-13 months). Your baby is almost a year old. He walks more confidently on his own. The babbling, which consisted mainly of individual sounds and syllables, gradually transforms into the words "mother" and "dad". A baby at this age can already tell you about his appetite with the simplest words, for example, “no” or “juice”, or with gestures. Now that your baby has enough teeth to chew food and can eat with a spoon, it's time to start giving him food with a thicker consistency: coarsely chopped vegetables, fruits and meat, fish, hard-boiled eggs that are easy to chew, as well as pieces of soft cheese, pasta, small pieces of bread, soft boiled vegetables and whole milk.

Pediatricians advise parents not to rush to transfer the baby to the “common table”. After all, the digestive system of a child at the age of about 1 year is still very different from the digestive system of an adult. So just follow the rules of healthy eating and cooking. And remember: all the anxieties and difficulties of the first year will pass and be forgotten, and only parental joy and happiness will remain!


Hello dear mothers! We turn to you. After all, basically, only mothers are engaged in feeding their miracle child. But, if dads and grandparents want to learn about the features of feeding the baby, no one will object.

Surely, already in the last months of pregnancy, you, mother, thought about how you would feed the baby. Will it be breast milk or formula?

And if you have given preference to breastfeeding, then you have already taken the first step towards natural feeding. You have tuned in to breastfeeding not only psychologically, but also physiologically.

Breast milk is nature's intended food for the baby. Breastfeeding is a process as natural as pregnancy and childbirth, a logical extension of the nine amazing months of waiting for your baby.

How often to feed a newborn?

In order not to miscalculate, follow the principle - feed the baby on demand and at will. Please note that this principle is only suitable for breastfeeding, as the mixture takes longer to digest. In the case of artificial feeding, a regimen is necessary.

Breastfeed your newborn as often as he wants and hold at the breast until he is full. Then you will produce exactly as much milk as your baby needs.

How many times to feed a newborn?

Newborn babies may require breasts up to 15 times a day. Some suck often and little by little (may ask to eat every hour). And only after several feedings do they eat and fall asleep. Listen to your child, he will establish a feeding-nutrition regimen that is convenient for him.

What needs to be prepared and how to tune in to feeding?

Breastfeeding should be fun for both you and your baby. Choose a quiet place in the house. Believe that even in a small apartment you can allocate a corner for yourself.

Put a chair with a back or an armchair there, or even better a rocking chair. Prepare a few small pillows (they used to be called "dumochki"), a footstool.

All these "simplicity" will help you deftly hold the baby at the chest and at the same time not strain your back and arms.

When feeding a child, do not hunch your back, otherwise, you will quickly get tired, and feeding will turn into an unpleasant burden for you, which you will want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Place a table next to the chair. During feeding, you will definitely want to drink, you can put a glass of water and a plate of crackers on the table.

Relax, so the milk will be easier for the baby to flow. You can imagine yourself as a cat. After all, she has a whole basket of kids and can you imagine, they all suck at the same time, but she does not strain at all. Blissfully squints and purrs softly.

How to properly feed a newborn?

Well, we have created an emotionally comfortable environment, we have adjusted ourselves, and now we can talk about how to feed a newborn

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • express some milk and wipe the nipple with it to remove germs;
  • take the baby and press it against you so that the nipple is directed to his mouth;
  • in order for the baby to capture the breast well, it is necessary to feed it correctly - your fingers should be located outside the areola. The index finger supports the chest from below, about 5-6 centimeters from the nipple, the ring and little fingers are pressed to the chest. The thumb is located a little closer to the nipple and lies freely on top of the chest;
  • at the moment when the baby opens its mouth wide, insert the nipple, when it touches the child's palate, the baby will begin to suck;
  • make sure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola, otherwise he will swallow air;
  • the baby's mouth is wide open, the nose and chin should touch the chest, the lower lip will be turned outward, and the cheeks will be puffed out, and you will hear how the baby swallows the milk. These are all signs that the matter has gone;
  • when the baby is full, he will release the nipple;
  • Squeeze out a little milk, gently lubricate the areola and nipple with it, and wait until it dries. Milk contains special substances that help heal cracks and prevent inflammation;
  • hold the baby in a “column” so that he burps air;
  • after feeding, lay the newborn on the side, put a rolled-up diaper under the back.

How much to feed a newborn?

The duration of feeding for each baby is different. Some babies feel full faster, while others spend more time at their mother's breasts. Some babies have enough milk from one breast, while others need to be applied to the second. The child should be at the mother's breast until it is satiated and releases the breast itself.

The duration of one feeding can vary from 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the baby falls asleep on the chest, you need to wake him up, as he must actively suck on his mother's breast and receive food.

The main task of a newborn is to get the most valuable and nutritious so-called. "back" milk, containing a large amount of fat and protein. So do not rush to take the breast from the baby, even if it seems to you that he is full.

Dear mothers, we think that you will not be disturbed by information about how to feed a newborn baby. Perhaps you have learned something new and useful for yourself. But strictly follow all the recommendations is not worth it.

Better listen to your baby, or rather, learn to understand him in sign language, because only with the help of gestures and an invisible connection between you, he can tell you something. You will definitely succeed.

Photo and video: How to feed a newborn baby?

A newborn baby requires special attention from the mother, and the most important thing for her during this period is to provide him with attention, affection and good nutrition.

However, not a single parent knows how to feed a baby so that he receives the maximum of nutrients during a meal. Especially if it's her first.

So, how to properly breastfeed a newborn, but how about a mixture? Which positions are more comfortable for feeding, and which ones are better not to use? Finally, what is the correct way to apply the baby to the breast or to the bottle, and are there any differences in the feeding techniques of infants and artificial mothers?

Breastfeeding Rules

Mother's milk is a natural source of nutrients that builds the baby's immunity and helps to establish contact with a loving mother during feeding.

However, even such a seemingly simple procedure as breastfeeding requires care and compliance with a number of rules.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

The first thing any mother should do is to keep her breasts clean: before each feeding, wash her hands with soap and water, and then wash her breasts with boiled water and wipe with a towel.

Putting the baby to the breast

A newborn baby is applied to the mother's breast immediately after birth. However, not every mother correctly approaches this issue from the technical side, causing herself a lot of pain.

To avoid such troubles, you need to follow a certain breastfeeding technique.

Step by step breastfeeding process

  1. The baby lies in his arms with his body to his mother, while his head and neck are located on the same line: this is how milk flows freely into the stomach.
  2. The child does not need to forcefully open his mouth: when approaching the nipple, the newborn, smelling food, does it voluntarily.
  3. If the baby does not want to open his mouth, you should touch his lips with the lower part of the areola.
  4. The nipple is placed in the baby's mouth in such a way that the dark circle of the areola remains visible.
  5. It is necessary to position the breast so that it does not interfere with the breathing of the baby during feeding.
  6. After feeding, it is necessary to hold the child in an upright position until burping occurs.
  7. If you feel pain, you do not need to endure discomfort: take your breast and try to give again, but this time correctly.

Features of breastfeeding

  1. The on-demand method of feeding, which has been actively practiced over the past decade, has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby and increases the mother's lactation.
  2. In the first days, the baby may ask to eat 10-15 times a day, and after 2 weeks the number of feedings will be reduced to 6-8 times.
  3. Until six months, any baby needs mandatory feeding at night.
  4. It has been scientifically proven that the last drops of milk obtained during breastfeeding are not only the most delicious, but also the most beneficial.
  5. In order for the child to develop fully and without deviations, you need to breastfeed him up to 1.5-2 years.
  6. A newborn sucks both breasts alternately - this is how milk is produced in the amount necessary for him.
  7. Up to 5-6 months, a breastfed baby is full of milk, so it is not worth introducing complementary foods before this period.

What not to do while breastfeeding?

  1. You can’t wash your breasts often, because with frequent rinsing, the nipples lose their protective fatty layer. To keep the mammary glands clean, it is enough to take a shower 1-2 times a day.
  2. Give the baby water. It is allowed to take a teaspoon of boiled water every knocking - in the event that the mother's milk is too fatty and the baby has constipation.
  3. Do not use pacifiers or bottle feed your baby until 6 months of age.

  1. You should not express milk after each feeding, it is better to take short breaks.
  2. Do not give a newborn sweet tea, as it contributes to the development of anemia.

Positions for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding in bed and in a chair, lying on your side and sitting - in what position is it best to breastfeed a baby and why?

We feed sitting

Pose "hanging"

Mom sits on all fours and gives the baby a breast, as if hanging over the child. So that the little one does not choke on milk, it must be put on a barrel.

This posture helps mother's milk to come out of the central and lower lobes of the breast. In addition, it is well suited for feeding babies transitioning to breastfeeding after a bottle.

Pose "cradle"

Mom sits with her legs tucked under her, and the baby lies with his head on the bend of her elbow. With one hand, the woman holds the back of the child, turning him with his stomach towards her.

This position is well suited for feeding both newly born babies and those who are already six months old.

We feed lying down

Pose "from under the arm"

Mom, leaning on her hip, lies on her side, and the baby is located on the side of her, sitting on a pillow. The baby's head is held in the palm of your hand.

The pose helps release breast milk from the lower and lateral lobes and is great for women who have had a caesarean section.

Pose "lying from the lower chest"

Mom and baby lie on their sides, facing each other. With one hand, the nurse holds the baby by the head, and with the other she gives him the breast.

With the help of this pose, the baby eats his fill at night, and at the same time, the mother does not get out of bed to him.

Pose "lying from the upper chest"

Mom lies on her side, propping her head with her hand, and the baby lies, “holding” the emphasis with a small pillow.

This position helps to change breasts during feeding and is good for preventing congestion.

Pose "baby on top of mom"

Mom lies on the bed, the child settles on her stomach.

This position perfectly reduces the rate of “emission” of milk, so that the baby does not choke when feeding.

We feed standing

Pose "sickness standing"

Mom takes the baby in her arms, turning to her, and gives him a breast. At the same time, she can rock the baby in her arms.

This position is very soothing to babies and is considered ideal for breastfeeding babies of all ages.

Pose "on the hip"

Mom sits the little one on her hip and, holding him behind her back, stands, shifting the emphasis on her leg, bent at the knee.

This is a good opportunity to try something new if you are already tired of all the other poses.

Six important rules for bottle feeding

Nowadays, a person who is far from the principles and issues of children's nutrition believes that you can master the intricacies of feeding in an instant: go to the Internet, read tips, buy a bottle, pour water into it - and you're done!

But even such a simple thing as feeding a newborn from a bottle should not harm the health of a toddler. Even loving mothers make a number of mistakes in this regard, which we will try to prevent.

Feeding bottle

The bottle for the mixture can be either plastic or glass. In the first version, it is lighter, in the second - more durable. Remember that on any of its varieties there should be divisions for dosing the contents.

Wash clean!

The bottle must be thoroughly washed both before "eating" and after feeding.

Mixture temperature

Milk mixture should not be hot or cold - only warm, close to room temperature. You can easily test this by dropping cooked milk on your wrist.

We warm up slowly

You can heat the mixture in a pot of boiled water or in an electric heater. Do not use the microwave to heat the mixture!

Correct nipple

If the opening of the nipple is too large, the milk from the bottle will quickly pour out, and the baby will not eat enough and will choke. From the "hole" of the correct size, the newborn drinks the mixture in 15-20 minutes.

We process and sterilize

The nipple must be handled both before and after feeding. This can be done in a microwave oven, a sterilizer, or simply by boiling it.

Features of formula feeding

  1. Formula feeding is carried out in a comfortable position (this is how eye contact is established between mother and child).
  2. The bottle is positioned horizontally so that the mixture does not flow out of it too quickly.
  3. The angle of inclination changes as the baby drinks the mixture. If it is too small, air enters the stomach and provokes hiccups.
  4. The baby needs to be fed slowly, giving him the opportunity to pause.
  5. After the newborn has eaten, he must burp air. To do this, you need to put the baby on your knee, placing your back to yourself and supporting your chin.
  6. You can not feed a newborn in a horizontal position (when he lies) - this puts him at risk of choking.

  1. Don't leave your baby alone with a bottle.
  2. Only one person should feed the baby, and not a whole guild of advisers.

How much formula does the baby need?

A newborn baby eats the mixture at least 6 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. At night, the pause between feedings is up to 6 hours. At 5 months, complementary foods are introduced into his diet, and the number of feedings with mixtures is reduced to 5 times a day.

Amount of mixture: daily volume

Age up to 10 days: calculated by the formula: 70-80 ml * R (number of days lived).

It means that:

  • from 10 days to 2 months: the volume of the mixture is 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 months: the volume of the mixture is 1/6 of body weight;
  • 4 to 6 months: 1/7 of the weight;
  • from 6 months to a year: the daily volume is equal to 1/9 of body weight.

Bottle feeding positions

If the mother has taken a position that is not very comfortable, during feeding, the baby may begin intestinal colic, he will swallow excess milk and, as a result, slowly gain weight.

A comfortable position for feeding becomes the key to his health and tranquility.

"Face to face"

Mom sits, and the child lies on her lap (his butt is on his stomach, and his head is on his elbow).


Mom sits with her back against the headboard and her legs bent. The child lies on one of her thighs and leans on the other.

Feeding in these two positions is very convenient when the baby is still small, but over time, keeping a baby gaining weight in this position becomes quite problematic.

"On the side"

The child lies on his side, and under his head he has a pillow or a sheet folded several times. Mom sits next to him on a chair and gives formula from a bottle, which she holds at a 45-degree angle.


Babies over 7 months old can easily hold a bottle in their hands, but they should never be left alone while eating. Just give your baby a bottle while sitting in a chair or on your lap.

Summing up

Feeding a newborn is a complex science and a long journey that any mother goes through with her baby. However, it is on this path that a woman discovers new “horizons” for herself: comfortable postures, rules for breastfeeding and formula feeding, a baby feeding regimen and other important wisdom of a subtle, sometimes responsible, but such a pleasant science!

A woman, while still pregnant, must make a clear decision to breastfeed. This forms a dominant in the brain for the formation and development of lactation. Proper breastfeeding is not possible without an internal setting. The support of family and friends in this matter is important.

Second rule: the first feeding of a baby

Ideally, the first attachment of a newborn is carried out in the delivery room. Early contact contributes to the development of lactation and the colonization of the skin and intestines of the newborn with bifidum flora. How to properly apply a newborn for feeding, the medical staff will show. If the condition of the child or the puerperal does not allow this, the first attachment to the breast is transferred. If the woman is in a satisfactory condition, the medical staff teaches self-pumping. This skill will not allow the extinction of milk production and the development of lactostasis. In the absence of contraindications, the child can be fed with expressed milk during a separate stay.

The third rule: the correct attachment of the child to the breast

The problem of how to properly attach a baby to the breast, especially for the first time, is very important. How to take a breast, the newborn is still unknown. And mom needs to remember or learn to how to breastfeed your baby:

  • immediately before feeding, the mother needs to wash her hands and pour warm water over her breasts;
  • Decide on a position for feeding. Usually this is sitting (reclining) or standing (after an episiotomy);
  • the child is placed on the crook of the elbow, the other hand brings the nipple as close as possible to the mouth of the baby;
  • obeying the reflexes, the baby will grab the nipple and start sucking;
  • the breast should be given so that the baby captures the nipple and almost the entire areola with his mouth. At the same time, its lower lip will be slightly turned out, the chin and nose touches the chest.

The child's nose should not sink. How to properly apply the baby for feeding is also important for the health of the mother. If it is wrong to breastfeed a newborn, several breast problems can be acquired. First of all, these are macerations and cracks in the nipples.

  • breastfeeding a newborn, especially the first few days, should be no more than 20 minutes each. This will allow the delicate skin of the nipples to harden and get used to the new effect.

Often this does not work out. The child may be restless or have a large body mass and constantly demand to eat. In such cases, a nursing mother needs to arrange air baths more often and lubricate the nipples with healing ointments, such as Bepanten.

  • one feeding - one breast. If the child ate everything from it and did not eat enough, offer a second one. Start the next feeding with the last one. So the child will receive not only foremilk, but also hind milk.

Fourth rule: signs of production and flow of milk to the breast

The symptoms of lactation are:

  • tingling or tightness in the chest;
  • the secretion of milk during the crying of the child;
  • for each sucking of the baby there is a sip of milk;
  • leakage of milk from the free breast during feeding.

These signs indicate the formed active reflex of oxytocin. Lactation is established.

Fifth rule: feeding on demand

Newborn babies need to be fed frequently. In Soviet times, there were rules according to which breastfeeding was carried out every three hours and no more than twenty minutes. Nowadays, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. Give breasts literally at the first squeak. Particularly capricious and demanding children almost every hour. This allows you to feed the baby and give him a feeling of warmth and care.

Frequent applications relieve the need for mandatory pumping and serve as a prevention of lactostasis. And night feedings will serve as an excellent stimulation of the main hormone of lactation - prolactin.

How much to breastfeed in time, ideally, the baby himself determines. If you turn away or fall asleep, it means you are full. Over time, the baby will eat less.

Sixth rule: sufficiency of feeding

Women's milk in the process of its evolution goes through certain stages: colostrum, transitional, mature milk. Their quantity and quality composition ideally meets the needs of the newborn. They also produce early and late milk. The first is produced at the very beginning of feeding, rich in water and proteins. The second comes from the back of the mammary gland, it has more fat. It is important for the baby to get both.

There are times when it seems to the mother that she does not have milk and the child does not eat enough. To determine the adequacy of feeding, there are certain criteria:

  • restoration of body weight at birth by the 10th day of life with an initial loss of 10%;
  • 6 - 18 wet diapers per day;
  • the child poops 6 - 10 times a day;
  • positive oxytocin reflex;
  • audible swallowing of the baby during suckling.

Seventh rule: accounting possible feeding problems

  • flat or inverted nipples. In some cases, by the time of delivery, this difficulty is solved by itself. Others need to remember that the baby, when sucking, must capture both the nipple and most of the areola. Before feeding, try to stretch the nipple yourself. Find an acceptable position for feeding. For many mothers, a comfortable position is "from under the arm." Use silicone pads. If the breast is tight and it is difficult for the newborn to suck from it, pump. The breast will become softer in 1-2 weeks. And the child will not be deprived of mother's milk.

No need to try to "pull out" the nipples before childbirth. Excessive stimulation will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Over time, an actively suckling baby will normalize everything.

  • cracked nipples. The basis of prevention is proper breastfeeding. If cracks appear, use silicone pads. Make applications with lanolin ointment and Bepanthen as often as possible. If the cracks are deep and feeding is painful, use a breast pump;
  • milk flow. Easily solved by using special inserts. They are disposable and reusable;
  • a lot of milk, and the child chokes on it. Express some fore milk. When feeding, it will flow out under less pressure;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands. Occurs when overfilled with milk. The chest is sore, swollen, hot to the touch, and very hard. Milk does not flow out of it. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to quickly remove milk from the breast. Attach your baby often or pump. Take a warm shower before feeding. Do a light chest massage. This will improve outflow. To reduce swelling after feeding, apply a cold compress;
  • lactostasis and mastitis. Occurs when the milk ducts are blocked. The body temperature rises, the chest hurts, the place of stagnation turns to stone. Pumping is painful. A warm shower, gentle breast massage and frequent breastfeeding come to the rescue. When an infection is attached, antibiotics are required.

Infectious mastitis is a formidable complication that requires medical intervention. Non-conversion is fraught with surgical intervention up to the loss of the breast.

  • lactation crises. They develop at 3-6 weeks, at 3-4 and 7-8 months of a child's life. During these periods, the most important thing is to apply more often and be sure to feed the baby at night. Drink teas with lemon balm, fennel and cumin. Rest and eat well.

Breastfeeding a baby is a laborious, but delightful, natural process. Remember this and everything will work out.

Most expectant mothers begin to prepare for the birth of their baby in advance. Usually from the very first days of pregnancy. And if the birth of the first-born is to be, then even earlier: even before it begins. For their education, convenience and psychological comfort, a lot of special literature has been published, videos have been shot and training programs are being conducted. And yet, on the eve of replenishment in the family, every woman seeks to learn as much as possible about the upcoming troubles, to master all the subtleties of handling a newborn child. Especially when it comes to food. After all, its complexity lies not only and not so much in the diet, but in the very process of eating food by a little man.

He cannot use a plate or a fork, and even with the help of a spoon he will be able to feed him far from immediately. The newborn does not have its own teeth either, and they will not appear soon. All this little hungry baby can do is suck and swallow. And on these two reflexes the whole process of his nutrition is built, and for his mother - the process of feeding. Nature has prudently taken care that they are easily realized in a natural way. All of us, both humans and most warm-blooded animals, belong to the class of mammals, which means that our offspring after birth receives the necessary nutrients from mother's milk. But modern man has become so distant from nature that even these basic processes of his life and development are often violated. And then a vital question arises: what and how to feed a newborn baby?

Mother's milk and artificial feeding
Feeding a newborn baby with mother's milk is a natural process that has been formed as a result of a long and complex evolution of biological species. It meets all the needs of an organism beginning life, takes into account the peculiarities of its structure and functioning. This is not difficult to verify, given how different the composition of milk and the period of feeding in different mammals. As for a person, feeding with mother's milk from the first minutes of life ensures the correct development of the digestive system, metabolism and immunity for the newborn. And all alternatives to breast milk are only conditional substitutes that are not able to create optimal conditions for the development of tissues, organs and their systems. Children who have not received the required amount of breast milk are slower to adapt to the outside world, otherwise they develop physiologically and psychologically.

Especially important is breast milk, or more precisely colostrum, which is formed in the mammary glands after childbirth. Attaching a baby to the breast immediately after birth gives him a few milliliters of this supernutrient fluid, which creates reliable immunological protection, affects his endocrine system and helps to establish a subtle psychophysiological and biochemical connection between him and his mother. However, this does not mean that a child whose mother, for one reason or another, could not give him a breast immediately after birth, will grow up differently from his milk-fed peer. It’s just that special attention should be paid to the nutrition of such babies and specially supplemented with all those substances that are contained in mother’s milk in its natural form. To this end, modern food and pharmaceutical industries produce special nutritional formulations designed to feed children from a very early age.

Breastfeeding is usually called natural, and any other - artificial. But even in this division, not everything is clear-cut. First, breast milk can be produced directly by the baby's mother, or maybe by another breastfeeding woman. Both in the first and in the second case, nutrition can be considered natural. In addition, even if the mother does not allow the child to breastfeed, but she has milk and she expresses it into a bottle from which the baby drinks, then nutrition is also natural for him. Donor milk of a wet nurse, given in a bottle through a nipple, can also be considered natural, that is, natural feeding. There are also different options for the so-called mixed feeding. For example, if breast milk makes up at least half of the baby's nutrition, we can talk about natural feeding. And only after the reduction of the daily volume of breast milk to 1/3, as well as the complete replacement of breast milk with substitutes, nutrition becomes artificial.

Thus, if you still have milk, but it is not enough to meet the full nutritional needs of a newborn baby, do not rush to completely refuse breastfeeding or bottled milk. After consulting with your doctor, you can supplement and “improve” natural feeding, but it is not recommended to cancel it completely without an urgent need. Health professionals have several ways to determine a child's daily nutritional needs. With their help, they can calculate how much formula to give your baby daily in addition to breast milk. The same doctor will recommend an adapted formula that is best for your child. This is a well-established practice all over the world, and you should not be afraid of it. How not to refuse professional advice and independently prescribe a newborn to feed on animal milk (cow, goat, etc.).

The fact is that, as already mentioned, the nutritional needs of the cubs, and therefore the composition of milk in different biological species is noticeably different. The milk of most animals contains much more fat than women's milk, its protein has a different amino acid composition, and the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of nerve centers and iron is reduced. All this is taken into account by manufacturers of adapted dairy nutrition. Since the digestive system of a child up to 3 months cannot yet absorb dairy-free products, special mixtures based on milk are enriched with vitamins, microelements and other nutrients necessary for full development. And although they are less natural than human milk, they are absorbed much better than animal milk. They are specially processed, and therefore safe for the developing organism. In addition, adapted milk formulas differ depending on the age of the child and have a clear division into feeding phases. In other words, the range of artificial nutrition is quite diverse and allows you to fully feed a newborn baby even in the absence of breast milk until he can consume complementary foods and “adult nutrition” in the form of vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, meat, etc.

How to breastfeed a newborn
So, in the previous section, we found out the two most important principles for feeding a newborn baby. The first is that feeding should be complete. The second is that, despite many life-saving alternatives, there is no better product for feeding an infant than breast milk. And best of all, if it is the milk of his own mother. Such nutrition ensures the normal growth, development and functioning of all organs and systems of the young organism. This is especially important from the moment of birth and during the first year of life, when at least 80% of the nutrients the baby should receive from mother's milk - pediatricians all over the world agree in this opinion. But how to properly feed the baby with this ideal product in order to establish contact with him and transfer all the necessary nutrients and emotions from mom? Nature herself will tell you this, but you can prepare in advance with the help of these tips:

  1. Place for feeding. It is very important that it is comfortable and quiet, allowing you to relax, and the baby to fully surrender to the sucking process. In the maternity hospital, this will most likely happen for the first time right in the delivery room, and then in the ward. At home, it is better to choose a wide sofa or chair for feeding, in which you can lean back and reclining. In addition, many different devices have been invented for the convenience of a nursing mother: these are horseshoe-shaped pillows, various soft coasters, etc. The main thing is that you feel comfortable, and nothing distracts the baby from eating. This process can be delayed, so put a book, a magazine, a couple of biscuit cookies next to you.
  2. Posture for feeding. The most natural breastfeeding position for a woman is lying on her back on a high pillow. The baby at this time is on her stomach and rests on her arms and legs. You can also lie down on your side, then the baby will also be located on the barrel and suck on the breast that turned out to be higher. Use both hands to hold it. Positions need to be changed from time to time to use both breasts and develop different milk lobes. To feed your baby while sitting, lean back on the pillow, do not bend your spine and make a “cradle” out of your hands in which to put the baby.
  3. Breast preparation. First of all, it lies in personal hygiene: wash your chest daily with mild soap, wipe it with a hard towel and arrange air baths for it, that is, let's “breathe”. Ordinary underwear is not suitable for a nursing mother: a bra should be natural in fabric composition, suitable in size and well supporting heavy breasts, have a special design of fasteners and cups to facilitate the feeding process. Small and naturally inverted nipples need regular massage so that feeding does not cause discomfort to either you or your baby.
  4. Psychological preparation. Your decision to breastfeed your newborn baby must be firm and sincere, otherwise don't be surprised by the small amount or disappearance of milk. Natural feeding is the most important step in establishing a psychological bond between mother and baby, so treat it with appropriate responsibility. Your family members should also understand this, surround you with attention and care. Only in such an atmosphere will feeding truly benefit both participants in that process. Many young mothers even admit that while feeding the baby they get real pleasure, they can relax and even doze off.
  5. Attachment to the chest. From the very beginning, you need to do this correctly in order to avoid injury to the nipples and inadequate feeding of the baby. The most serious of the possible problems are the squeezing of the milk ducts and cracked nipples. The first trouble can be avoided if you feed the baby in a timely manner and do not let the milk stagnate in the chest. To prevent cracking, train your baby to swallow the nipple deep enough that he can't chew it with his gums. The optimal depth of swallowing is when the nipple touches the baby's palate. And in any case, do not let the child suck on the breast if her nipple is already cracked or sucking causes you a sharp pain. Such sacrifices on your part are not good for you or the baby!
  6. duration of feeding. A very individual setting. Some babies suck greedily and with appetite, and fill up quickly. Others must first "taste" the milk and eat slowly. Sometimes the duration of feeding can reach an hour or even two. Do not rush the baby and let him empty his chest - this is necessary not only for him, but also for you. Do not forget that during sucking, your baby is not only satiated, but also calms down, warms up with your warmth, listens to your breathing and heartbeat. Do not deprive him or yourself of this pleasure, so that he literally absorbs care and love with mother's milk. At this time, no one bothers you to talk on the phone, watch a movie or read.
  7. Feeding frequency. There is such a thing as feeding on demand. This means that you will put the baby to the breast when he wants it. If it seems to you that this happens too often, then remember that during intrauterine development, the child receives food continuously, and this is natural for him. Breastfeeding is a period of smooth transition from merging with the mother's body to independent functioning. Especially in the first months of life, when the baby can ask for a breast even every half an hour. If you calmly satisfy his need, over time he will get used to the fact that there is always food and learn not to be nervous while waiting for it, but to wait calmly, and the periods between feedings will increase to comfortable for him and for you.
  8. Expression of milk. It is normal and even necessary if you have more milk than the baby has time to eat. However, this process still causes a lot of controversy between its adherents and opponents. The former recommend pumping as a stimulation of lactation and prevention of milk stagnation, the latter consider it unnatural and violate the natural composition of milk. You should also know that pumping milk is indicated when it is necessary to stock it for the future, but it is absolutely not necessary if you are constantly near the baby and can breastfeed him. For pumping breast milk, special breast pumps are designed, they are sold at any pharmacy. Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours without pasteurization.
Learning to breastfeed is not difficult, even if your parents didn't have children younger than you and you've never seen it done. The female body is designed to feed the baby and easily adapts to this process, especially under the guidance of attentive and experienced midwives. Think of breastfeeding as a temporary but wonderful experience, a period of closest contact with your baby. Believe me, you will not even notice how he grows up and becomes more independent, and you will remember with a smile how you held him at your chest and listened to his mouth-watering smacks. After a while, when you start giving your baby complementary foods, you may even miss those moments of solitude with him.

How to formula feed a newborn
Breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn. But there are situations when natural feeding is not possible or it has to be abandoned for one or a number of reasons (smoking, drinking alcohol, certain diseases and / or taking medications). In this case, special adapted milk mixtures are prescribed for feeding a newborn baby. There are also such concepts as supplementary feeding (the introduction of additional products into the baby's diet if mother's milk is not enough) and complementary foods (gradual transition from breastfeeding to eating regular foods), as well as the use of nutritional supplements. All these nutritional options, especially from the first days of life, should be carried out very carefully and according to certain rules:

  1. Choice of adapted food. All the variety of jars and boxes with artificial mixtures are labeled taking into account the children's age for which they are intended. It can be indicated as words (for example, “from 0 to 6 months”, “from 6 months to a year”, etc.) or a special index (1 - can be used from birth, 2 - from six months, 3 - after 1 year of life). The composition of such mixtures is close to the composition of human milk in terms of the quantity and quality of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. High-quality baby food is quite difficult to produce, so it cannot be cheap. Cheaper formulas are usually called partially adapted formulas and can only be used for older children, after about 6 months of age. It is most convenient and practical to use dry rather than portioned liquid mixtures. They can be standard physiological, for children without special nutritional needs, or therapeutic, taking into account certain deviations in digestion and weight gain.
  2. The amount of artificial nutrition depends on the age, weight and speed of development of the baby. On average, it is recommended to give a child up to 150 ml of formula for every kg of his weight. A child under 1 month old can eat no more than 30-60 ml of the mixture at one meal. If the baby receives insufficient nutrition, he will slowly (relative to standard norms) gain weight, become capricious and restless. Excess nutrition is expressed in excess weight, bloating and frequent regurgitation. In addition, formula-fed babies are advised to give more drinking water because formula tends to be thicker and more concentrated than breast milk.
  3. Preparation of an artificial mixture. Each package contains detailed instructions. Compliance with the dosage indicated in it is necessary, because an excess of the mixture will lead to overfeeding, and a deficiency will not saturate the child. Be sure to boil the water intended for the preparation of the mixture, and cool it to a temperature of about 36-37 ° C, that is, body temperature. The mixture is scooped out of the package with a measuring spoon and poured directly into a bottle of water, where it is convenient to mix it until completely dissolved. After that, the freshly prepared mixture can be immediately given to the child.
  4. Formula feeding occurs with the help of a bottle with a nipple. Most babies prefer 150-200 ml bottles with a wide neck and a separate nipple. The size of the hole in the nipple should be such that at first the liquid pours out through it in a thin stream, and then it comes out at a speed of about 1 drop per second. If your baby falls asleep during a feed and there is still formula left in the bottle, be sure to empty it out and have a fresh batch ready for the next meal. At the same time, never leave the baby alone during feeding. Hold the bottle and generally be around to at least create the illusion of maternal feeding.
  5. Precautions for artificial feeding. Pay attention to how the child is satisfied with the shape and size of the nipple on the bottle - it may have to be replaced until the optimal configuration is found. Never replace the measuring scoop and use only the one sold with the mix container. Never prepare artificial food for the future, long before the child consumes it. Thoroughly disinfect bottles and nipples before each feeding. You should have several bottles and nipples in stock, as well as devices for washing and sterilizing them.
Even the highest quality adapted mixtures are not capable of completely replacing mother's milk. And yet, depending on life circumstances, do not despair if you cannot provide your baby with natural nutrition. With proper and attentive care, love and care, with complete and properly selected and prepared artificial nutrition, you can easily raise a healthy, strong and happy child. Most importantly, do not forget that a newborn child is connected with the mother on an emotional level, subtly feels her mood and attitude. Therefore, no matter what you feed your baby, give him enough warmth and attention, do not save physical contact, play and talk with him. Do not forget to give your formula-fed baby what he should receive with mother's milk: love, tenderness and care.