A slight increase in temperature in early pregnancy. How to prevent fever during pregnancy? Low temperature during pregnancy

A woman staying in interesting position, with the receipt of good news, he begins to be especially attentive to his health.

Many of the fair sex notice that they have a temperature of 37. During pregnancy this phenomenon can be called the rule rather than the exception.

Of course, you should consult a doctor and dispel your doubts. But if you decide to become a mother, then it will not be superfluous to know what will happen in the body for a long 9 months and how this will affect changes in body temperature.

The reasons that the temperature is kept at 37.3 during pregnancy for a long time can be both natural changes occurring in the body future mother and various diseases.

You should not turn a blind eye to such a state. It often causes extra experiences and doubt.

Negative emotions are not very good for the baby, so you should consult a doctor and dispel your fears.

Practice shows that in 8 cases out of 10 a slight increase in temperature during the entire period becomes a variant of the norm.. But a lot depends on the gestational age.

First trimester changes

If the temperature drops, this indicates a threat of interruption. Most often, the cause of this pathology is the insufficiency of the corpus luteum and, as a result, the release of a small amount of progesterone.

Temperature 37 during pregnancy early dates is the body's physiological response to a new state. In order for the embryo to develop correctly, and the body does not perceive it as a foreign body, there is a decrease in immune defense.

This process is inherent in nature and does not require the help of people or the use of any means. The natural decrease in immunity cannot but affect the temperature values. Many women during this period feel unwell: headache, drowsiness, increased fatigue.

It also increases the risk of colds. But if there are no additional symptoms illness, you don't have to worry. In the coming weeks, your condition will improve, and the pregnancy will move to new stage- second trimester.

A temperature of 37 during pregnancy (in the first trimester) often appears due to the release of progesterone. This hormone is designed to support pregnancy. It is produced by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum formed in the ovary after ovulation.

Progesterone is needed to relax muscle muscles, so often in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience problems with stool and urination (the urge becomes more frequent).

Progesterone affects thermoregulation and the functioning of the pituitary gland. There is nothing surprising in the fact that because of it there is a fluctuation in temperature values.

It is most noticeable in the evening. By measuring body temperature after a hard day, you can see values ​​​​reaching up to 37.5 degrees, which are not a cause for concern.

Separately, it should be mentioned that basal body temperature 37 during pregnancy is good.

Not all women are faced with the need to control these values. But for those who have experienced problems with conception or difficulties in the early stages, this becomes a necessity.

Please note that the temperature may rise when ectopic pregnancy. This pathology can be reliably established only with the help of ultrasound.

Changes in the second trimester

Important, that high performance thermometers, determined in the second trimester, are much more likely to indicate pathology than indicators at the beginning of pregnancy.

With the beginning of the second third of pregnancy, a placenta is formed in a woman. But she cannot immediately take over all the tasks, so she will function for another 1-3 weeks corpus luteum. As already known, it releases progesterone, which provokes a slight increase in body temperature.

Very soon, the placenta will take over the tasks of the ovaries and will secrete the pregnancy hormone on its own. From this moment on, the expectant mother may notice an improvement in her well-being: mood swings occur less frequently, toxicosis and drowsiness disappear.

But a body temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester can still be maintained for natural reasons.

The second third of pregnancy obliges rapid growth embryo.

If in the early stages only its formation and the appearance of organs, the formation of systems, now all this will grow at an incredible speed.

This additional load especially affects the cardiovascular and excretory system.

If a woman has some chronic diseases (for example, venous insufficiency or pyelonephritis), then an increase in temperature may occur precisely for these reasons.

Therefore, if any extraneous symptoms are detected, it is imperative to consult a doctor for advice.

third trimester

A temperature of 37.1-37.3 during pregnancy in the third trimester is usually no longer a normal option.

Sometimes this condition, in the early stages, is physiology and does not indicate deviations.

Also, women with a malfunction of the pituitary gland can stay in a similar temperature regime all the time.

But statistics show that the third part of pregnancy usually proceeds with normal indicators thermometer. What can a slight increase in temperature indicate?

Acute period of illness

The immune system makes the body of the future mother especially vulnerable in the early stages, in the first trimester. But even before childbirth, it cannot be called strong.

Therefore, very often a woman picks up a viral infection:

  • flu,
  • cold,
  • intestinal diseases.

Within 3-5 days in this case the mother-to-be has a fever. If it does not reach critical levels, but stays within 37.2-37.6, then nothing needs to be done.

Organization of appropriate conditions, peace and positive emotions quickly return the pregnant woman to normal life.

Under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet, as you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby.

Recurrent chronic pathologies

A temperature of 37-37.5 in a pregnant woman can be diagnosed with chronic diseases or sluggish pathologies.

Usually, their exacerbation occurs with an increase in the load on the body. So, over time, the volume of blood increases, and the obstructed outflow of urine can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis is often exacerbated in expectant mothers. There is also the notion asymptomatic bacteriuria”, which often develops in the last trimester.

At the same time, the expectant mother may not observe any signs of the disease, except for a slight increase in temperature. Only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis.

External influence of factors

An increase in the thermometer mark to 37.5 degrees and above can happen when overheating. This happens more often during hot weather. For the expectant mother and her baby, this is not the best condition. Therefore, going on vacation, do not forget about a hat and sunscreen.

Slight fluctuations in temperature in a woman in position can be a consequence of eating hot or spicy food.

Physical exercise (swimming, cycling or House cleaning) also provoke a slight rise. The value of 37.4 on the thermometer can also be seen after sexual contact.

Influence external factors can be very easily distinguished from the pathological process.

If the expectant mother unexpectedly found herself with an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worth re-measuring after a while.

If during the day the hyperthermia disappeared, then it is possible to say with a high probability that it arose under the influence of external provocateurs.

When does a woman need treatment?

If you have a temperature of 37 in the early stages, then you should not immediately panic and grab the medicine. First, visit a doctor and find out about the causes of this condition.

With the natural reaction of the body to external stimuli or physiological reasons Hyperthermia usually does not require any action.

Remember that taking any drugs now can adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus. When a doctor detects a pathology, women are recommended certain treatment regimens that are safe for her condition.

  • For viral infections, permitted immunomodulators and homeopathy are often used (Ocillococcinum, Grippferon, Viburkol). The woman is shown peace and comfort.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases requires the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials. This is a very serious decision that the doctor makes after weighing all the pros and cons. Expectant mothers are usually prescribed penicillin drugs and only from the second third of pregnancy. Treatment involves the subsequent restoration of microflora and vitamin therapy.
  • The need for treatment of chronic diseases is determined by the doctor. Some situations do not provide for emergency therapy and may well be eliminated after delivery.

Do not forget about symptomatic treatment. Expectant mothers need to try to lower their body temperature when it exceeds 37.5 degrees. Otherwise given state can be dangerous for the baby and adversely affect the work of the placenta.

The use of folk remedies

To reduce the high temperature, the expectant mother needs to drink plenty of water: fruit drinks, compotes, milk, water without gases and everything that a woman loves.

Hot drinks should not be consumed. Their temperature should be as comfortable as possible. You can use decoctions of chamomile, linden,.

But you should be careful with herbal drinks, as they can provoke allergies. Sponging with water will help reduce body temperature by 0.5 degrees.

It is strictly forbidden to add vinegar or alcohol to the water. If within an hour the thermometer values ​​​​have not decreased or they continue to grow, then you will have to resort to medical methods treatment of hyperthermia.

Pregnancy dramatically changes a woman's daily routine. Dynamically changing, the body concentrates all its efforts on the formation of a new life, building the organs of the future little man. How strong the health of the child will be depends largely on the mother, so taking care of your health obliges expectant mothers to treat themselves with increased attention.

Since the functions and even organs of the female body seriously change in the process of bearing, a woman should maintain a careful and reverent attitude to her state of health throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Until the baby is born, you will have to listen to the slightest sign ailments and immediately take the most effective measures to normalize their condition.

Temperatures during early pregnancy: norms

  1. The development of a new life in the womb of a woman is accompanied by a rapid increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. Done normal reaction such rapid changes is a slight increase in body temperature.
  2. In the absence of other signs, for example, malaise, you should not sound the alarm. In fact, nothing bad happens, just drastic changes hormonal system, previously unfamiliar to the body, cause a small defensive reaction.
  3. In fact, a small jump is the smallest and most imperceptible thing that a future mother will have to face in the process of adaptation. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often experiences bouts of nausea, and not only in the morning, as well as dizziness, reaching light fainting. It is too ordinary phenomena associated with the restructuring of the body.
  4. But back to the temperature and its level. Normally, thermometer readings may vary slightly, within 37 - 37.1 ° C. In this case, there is no reason to panic, since the temperature increase is due only to a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother to prevent the threat intrauterine development fetus in terms of natural defensive reactions. Thus, the body tries to preserve the embryo, reducing the likelihood of rejection of the nascent life.
  5. Why does this happen if the child is part of the mother? The explanation for this is simple, the child, in addition to maternal genes, also inherits the father's genes, which are perceived as foreign. Therefore, in obstetric practice, the temperature during pregnancy in the early stages is considered the absolute norm within 37 ° C, and the diagnosis is defined as an increase caused by physiological changes that do not pose a threat.
  6. Very soon the temperature returns to normal and starting from 3 weeks future mother cease to disturb this nuance.
  7. For more later dates pregnancy, an increase in temperature can be caused by both hypothermia and banal overheating. Therefore, the choice of clothes during pregnancy should clearly correspond to the weather, no need to wrap up too much in winter, and dress too easily in summer.

Temperatures during early pregnancy: threats

  1. High body temperature during early pregnancy can provoke rejection of the embryo or development in the fetus different kind pathologies.
  2. Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the development of the nervous system is in full swing in the child, so the state of heat in the mother is highly undesirable.
  3. After the 20th week of pregnancy, the danger to the baby is somewhat reduced, because since then it has been reliably protected by the formed placental barrier.
  4. An increase in body temperature during pregnancy to 37.5 ° C is not dangerous for the fetus, but exceeding this value on the thermometer requires an immediate response. At any stage of pregnancy, prolonged fever in the mother is dangerous for the growth and development of the baby.
  5. High temperature disrupts protein synthesis, and also negatively affects the condition and functional component of the placenta.
  6. Prior to the prescription of medication by a doctor, a pregnant woman can take paracetamol in a limited concentration or try to lower the temperature with the help of folk remedies that are safe for the child and pregnancy. Remember that uncontrolled medication can have the most negative consequences for pregnancy.

Cold during pregnancy

An increase in temperature during pregnancy caused by acute respiratory infections, viruses and other pathogens is extremely dangerous and carries many threats not only for the mother, but also for the child. Moreover, the danger lies in wait for the expectant mother throughout the entire period, because complications of pregnancy and pathology of the development of the child can occur at any time. If the thermometer is above 37.5 ° C, immediately go to the doctor, because the preservation of the fetus is in danger.

In this case, you can not do without the qualified help of an experienced specialist. After examination and analysis, the doctor will determine the degree of danger, prescribe the right treatment up to hospitalization. Strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, do not refuse the hospital, because a well-chosen treatment regimen and constant monitoring in this case is the key to your health and well-being of the baby.

External infections during pregnancy: threats

The reduced immunity of a woman in position carries a threat of increased susceptibility of the body to any external infection.

  1. For 9 months, the health of pregnant mothers is threatened by weather changes. These are hypothermia, and overheating, and extremely dangerous viral diseases that worsen during seasonal epidemics.
  2. It is autumn, winter and spring time in our latitudes - from September to April, that is considered the most epidemiological. Even mild cold can cause a significant increase in temperature.
  3. Especially dangerous, in terms of the rate of development and damage to health, is acute viral infection. Except high temperature, characteristic symptoms of this disease are runny nose, cough, headaches, pain in the throat, as well as intoxication. If you find these symptoms, you should immediately consult a general practitioner and notify your gynecologist.
  4. Many progressive mothers who have eaten not a single pound of salt on colds, without thinking about the consequences, they prescribe massively advertised antiviral and immunostimulating drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. In no case should you do this, and even more so be so careless with a child under your heart.
  5. In addition, even folk methods, such as steaming your legs, can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, in this case, set aside the advice of friends and grandmothers, because the health of the mother with the child, and sometimes the outcome of pregnancy, depends on the correct and timely prescribed treatment.

A woman during pregnancy often experiences malaise, runny nose and other symptoms of mild acute respiratory infections. This is not surprising, because its increased vulnerability to infectious diseases is the result of reduced immune protection.

To avoid infection and the consequences of diseases during pregnancy, it is enough just to follow a number of simple recommendations.

  1. Be careful and minimize contact with sick people, up to their complete exclusion.
  2. Do not visit crowded places a large number people, try not to use public transport, do not go to the cinema, theater and public institutions With high risk morbidity.
  3. Do not neglect simple, well-known preventive measures.
  4. Regularly ventilate the rooms in the house and do wet cleaning.
  5. Walk more - long walks in the fresh air, taking vitamins and observing the rules of hygiene will give their results. In addition, fresh air not only strengthens the immune system, but also improves emotional background and mood. A calm, peaceful environment has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the woman and the child.
  6. Do not be lazy to wash your hands with soap more often, caress your nose and throat, even if you are not sick.

Remember, for the sake of the baby's health, it is better to try to prevent complications for 9 months than to deal with the consequences later.

Cold during pregnancy: treatment

If it was not possible to protect yourself from acute respiratory infections, try to be treated with the help of proven folk remedies, but remember that not all of them are equally useful for your delicate condition.

  1. A pregnant woman, like all patients, will not be harmed by drinking plenty of water. Just remember, you need to drink in moderation. Too much fluid leads to swelling, and this is undesirable. Be especially careful with liquids recent weeks pregnancy and women with impaired renal function. But on early stages you can relax a little, but still do not neglect the advice of doctors.
  2. Tea with lemon, linden, chamomile tea, raspberry drink and milk with honey will help to normalize the temperature and relieve intoxication. It is important to remember that any liquid should be moderately warm, not hot.
  3. It is not recommended to drink herbal infusions, since many herbs have contraindications for pregnant women.
  4. Cool rubdowns can also alleviate the condition. But in no case should you overheat and especially take a steam bath. Wraps can only increase the already high temperature.
  5. If ways traditional medicine they will not give a noticeable effect, and the temperature will continue to stay for more than 3 days, they will help bring it down medications prescribed by the doctor.
  6. Never take medication without first consulting a doctor. Only a therapist, together with a gynecologist, will select a safe treatment.
  7. Traditional blood-thinning aspirin can harm development early gestational sac. It seems to be completely safe paracetamol, with prolonged use it has a very unpleasant by-effect- Violation of the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

It is better to take care of prevention in time and do not get sick for the entire period of bearing a baby.

Change in temperature during pregnancy: other causes

  1. Unfortunately, not only a cold can lie in wait for expectant mothers on the way to the long-awaited replenishment of the family. Just like all people, they can become infected with such dangerous infectious diseases as rubella, chicken pox, measles and mumps. These diseases develop against a background of very high temperature, with accompanying rashes on the body, and can have disastrous consequences for the development of the child. Only timely vaccination is necessary prevention against such diseases.
  2. Stool disorder and high fever are indicators intestinal infection in organism.
  3. If a pregnant mother is aware of chronic kidney disease and urinary tract, you need to remember that they can lead to an exacerbation of the disease in later pregnancy. This is because the growing uterus every day puts more and more pressure on nearby organs. As a result, the outflow of urine is disturbed, which leads to the multiplication of microorganisms. A woman, in addition to temperature, suffers from pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, and urination causes pain.
  4. Symptoms such as severe headache, heaviness in the frontal region, a throat covered with a white coating, nasal discharge, accompanied by a low temperature, should be the reason for an urgent visit to a doctor with a targeted examination.
  5. Rarely, but in pregnant women there is a so-called temperature fever, as a sign allergic reaction body for non-infectious inflammation.

Low temperature in early pregnancy: causes

In obstetric practice, there are cases when pregnancy causes a decrease in body temperature. Such an unusual feature of the body does not pose a threat to the fetus, fortunately.

  1. Early toxicosis, overwork and disturbances in work endocrine system lead the body to collapse. If adequate measures are not taken in time, health complications are possible in the future: weakness, dizziness and frequent fainting. It is important to do something only after consulting with a specialist.
  2. body temperature of a pregnant woman important indicator health, so you need to measure it regularly. Any deviations from the norm signal what is happening in the body. pathological processes. If temperature deviations are also accompanied by malaise, you should immediately notify the doctor who controls the pregnancy.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

The topic of basal temperature during pregnancy deserves special attention.

  1. Its main feature is the method of measurement. You can find out the level of basal temperature by placing a thermometer in the rectum or in the vagina.
  2. For the reliability of the indicators, the basal temperature is measured at complete rest immediately after sleep, excluding any physical activity.
  3. Indications of basal temperature are especially important in the first weeks and even days of pregnancy, when they slightly exceed the norm, which is an indicator of pregnancy.
  4. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the temperature returns to normal and its rate reaches a normal value.
  5. It makes no sense to take measurements in the second half of pregnancy, but in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to control the basal temperature to prevent the threat of interruption or difficulties in the development of the fetus.
  6. If the level of the next measurement of basal temperature has decreased by at least 0.8 ° C or more, this is a sign of a drop in progesterone levels. In this position, the development of the fetus stops, and the pregnancy is frozen.
  7. Decreased basal temperature indicates the need for hormone therapy. A timely visit to the doctor can improve the situation.

Temperature measurement in pregnant women is effective tool control of the pregnancy process. Timely detection of deviations will help to avoid complications. The beginning of a long journey of life for mother and child is destined to pass together. Show maximum responsibility in the first 40 weeks of nascent life. Mostly it depends on you how this life will turn out. Happiness for a baby to have an attentive and caring mother. Protect yourself and your child from possible complications. Fulfill your main purpose in life with honor.

Pregnancy is a period when a woman's body undergoes many changes. These changes manifest themselves in different ways, and often the body's unusual reactions to a new position frighten a woman, it may seem to her that harmless drowsiness or dry skin, for example, indicates a pathology.

Expectant mothers often fear fever To protect yourself from unnecessary and even harmful worries, so as not to worry in vain, contact your doctor who is leading the pregnancy. No need to try on your own so as not to provoke more serious problems. An experienced doctor will immediately tell you whether fever in early pregnancy is evidence of a disease, or in this case it is a variant of the norm.

The temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy can rise to 37.2-37.4 degrees, for some it can last at this level until the end of pregnancy. And this is by no means a pathology, the reason for such an increase in temperature in physiology. early can be caused by one of two the following reasons.

First, during pregnancy, the hormone progesterone (pregnancy hormone) is produced. This hormone affects the thermoregulatory center located in the brain.

Secondly, with the onset of pregnancy, the immune system weakens somewhat. This is also “conceived” by nature so that this “protector” of our body from all kinds of diseases could not negatively affect the future baby and not reject him.

However, once the immune system is weakened, then a pregnant woman can get sick faster than any other person. This is both a common cold and acute pneumonia. Indeed, the main evidence for the presence infectious disease is In this case, this means that the body is actively fighting the virus.

You need to have an idea of ​​​​in which case the fever in early pregnancy is caused by pathological causes, and in what - physiological.

Listen to your feelings. If there is an infection with viruses or microbes, then the expectant mother will feel general malaise, chills, fever, weakness, loss of appetite. And the temperature level will not be so "harmless" - 38-38.5 degrees. If your temperature is above 38 degrees, and it cannot be brought down at home, then you must immediately go to the hospital.

The temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy should not rise above thirty-seven degrees.

If, nevertheless, for some reason you cannot temporarily get a doctor's consultation, and you need to bring down the temperature, then listen to the tips below.

Carefully and responsibly approach the choice of antipyretic. Almost all drugs, if taken during pregnancy, can affect the development of the baby. This applies even to aspirin, which is taken both separately and in combination with other drugs. Aspirin can interfere with blood clotting and cause bleeding. It turns out that this is especially dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy. Always read instructions for medicines, check if they contain aspirin. If it is still part of the medicine - do not take it without receiving detailed advice from a doctor. Give preference to drugs based on paracetamol - it will not negative impact to the fruit.

If the reason that caused the temperature in early pregnancy is SARS, then do not be afraid of simple folk remedies - milk and honey, tea with lemon, chamomile tea. But soaring your legs or trying to warm yourself in a hot bath is not worth it.

Keep in touch with your doctor and take care of yourself and your unborn baby.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Everyone knows about the changes that occur with a woman in a position: breasts increase, weight increases, the belly is rounded, tastes, desires and mood change, and so on. The list of such changes can also include an increase in body temperature, which scares expectant mothers.

Is the norm this sign, and is it necessary to panic if the mercury column of the thermometer "creeped" over 37?

What body temperature during pregnancy should be normal

In any case, there is no need to panic! nervous system you need to take care of it in a normal situation, and if you are in a position, then the excitement is generally superfluous.

So, what do you need to know about the temperature values ​​​​of a pregnant woman?

In the early stages of gestation mild subfebrile condition is the norm. Of course, in the absence of other accompanying symptoms.

And keeping elevated temperature regime will last up to 4 months.

during this period may have the following indicators:

  • At 3 weeks: 37-37.7.
  • At the 4th week: 37.1-37.5.
  • On the 5-12th week: from 37 and not higher than 38.

If subfebrile condition is replaced by an increase in temperature above 38 and the appearance of new symptoms, then there is a reason call a doctor .

Causes of an increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman in the early and late stages

An increase in body temperature to 37 degrees - and even higher - is due to very specific reasons.

  1. First of all, increased production of progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the preservation of the fetal egg after conception. It also affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain.
  2. The second cause of subfebrile condition is immunosuppression. Or physiological suppression of immunity to contain it (to avoid affecting the fetus as a foreign body).

Usually subfebrile condition is a phenomenon characteristic of the first trimester. Sometimes it "clings" the fourth month, and for some mothers it ends only after childbirth.

And yet, most mothers forget about fever after the 2nd trimester, and the causes of subfebrile condition in the later stages are slightly different:

  • Temperature jump before childbirth: slight fever and chills, like.
  • The use of anesthetics . For example, after treatment at the dentist.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • viral disease . For example, a seasonal cold.
  • Infection of the placenta or amniotic fluid. The most dangerous option, which is fraught with premature birth and fetal hypoxia.
  • Psychological moment . Excitement is a natural state for a future mother. And nervousness is often reflected in the body by an increase in temperature (usually without the addition of other symptoms).

When an increase is associated with a disease, how to understand this?

The expectant mother, as you know, is not only not immune from diseases during pregnancy, but is also at risk: she must be protected from any potential opportunities to catch a cold, sore throat, intestinal "byaka" or other trouble.

It is not always possible to resist diseases, and the first signal in this case is (most often) the temperature.

When is fever during pregnancy a reason to see a doctor?

  1. The temperature jumps above 38 gr.
  2. Subfebrile condition is observed even in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
  3. The temperature is accompanied by additional symptoms - sweating, headache and nausea, chills, gastrointestinal upset, etc.

Among the most "popular" causes of fever in expectant mothers are:

  • SARS and influenza. With these diseases, the temperature usually jumps above 38, and can reach 39 and above. Additional symptoms: aching joints and chills, runny nose and cough (optional), severe weakness, etc.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.). An increase in temperature is usually observed for the first 2-3 days, and then weakness and coughing, a sore throat.
  • thyrotoxicosis. This reason to increase the temperature associated with thyroid gland and is caused by a violation of its work. Apart from possible increase temperature (up to 38 degrees), there may be a strong appetite with weight loss, tearfulness, anxiety and irritability.
  • Problems of the genitourinary system. With cystitis or pyelonephritis, in addition to temperature (the temperature of an inflammatory nature usually rises in the evening), there is pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, a feeling of a “brick” in the lower back.
  • Intestinal infection. Sometimes it "slips" almost imperceptibly in the form of mild nausea. And sometimes the poisoning becomes very severe and can be dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother - in this case, urgent hospitalization is indicated. Symptoms include fever and liquid stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.

Pregnancy is most vulnerable to these (and other) diseases in the 1st trimester. Indeed, during the first three months, not only a disease, but also most medications can provoke a miscarriage.

Therefore, an increase in temperature is an unambiguous reason for visits to the doctor .

Is high body temperature dangerous during pregnancy - all the risks

In the first trimester light natural subfebrile condition is absolutely not dangerous for mother and fetus. The danger increases along with the increase in the mercury column to a value of 38 and above.

The main risks of high temperature for mother and fetus:

  1. Increased tone of the uterus.
  2. Inhibition of the process of fetal development.
  3. The development of defects in the systems and organs of the fetus.
  4. The appearance of problems with the brain, limbs and skeleton of the face of the fetus - with prolonged high temperature.
  5. Violation of the blood supply to the placenta and fetal hypoxia.
  6. miscarriage or premature birth.
  7. Development of dysfunction of cardio-vascular system.
  8. etc.

What to do with an increase in body temperature of a pregnant woman - first aid

Naturally elevated temperature in the first months of pregnancy, in the absence of additional symptoms, does not require a decrease. If the temperature indicators exceeded 37.5 in the later stages, or tend to 38 in the early stages, you should consult a doctor.

If the doctor is delayed, or is not available at all, one should call to ambulance, call the brigade to the house , explain the situation and follow the recommendations in order to slightly contain the increase in body temperature until the ambulance arrives.

  • Prescribe your own medications.
  • Drink aspirin (note - for expectant mothers, aspirin is prohibited due to the risk of bleeding).

Usually, the doctor prescribes drugs from the paracetamol series, viburkol or panadol suppositories.

But the treatment in any case will depend on each specific case and reasons for the rise in temperature.

Of the safe folk methods for lowering the temperature, they usually use:

  1. Plentiful drink. For example, cranberry fruit drinks, tea with raspberries, milk with honey, etc.
  2. Wiping with a wet towel.
  3. Wet compresses on the forehead.

Remember that during pregnancy you need to exercise Special attention to your health, and even minor (in your opinion) problems to discuss with your doctor.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a decrease or increase in a woman's body temperature is not excluded.. This change is caused by changes in female body. If the thermometer indicator freezes at 37-37.5, then this can be considered the norm, and not a pathology. But you need to be wary if any other symptoms appear and the temperature does not drop for a long time. These factors may indicate the presence of an infection and cause a miscarriage.

The thermometer mark healthy woman can fluctuate between 36.6-37.7 degrees. The body reacts to changes in this way. hormonal background. The indicator increases in the second phase of the cycle during the period of production of the hormone progesterone, which manifests itself at the time of bearing the baby and is responsible for the safety fruiting egg. Many women wonder what temperature in early pregnancy is considered normal. Experts say that the norm is 37 degrees.

If fever accompanies subfebrile temperature, then it could mean as dangerous infection as well as the common cold.

About the state women's health basal temperature can tell a lot. With its help you can:

Basal temperature is measured in the following ways:

  1. Rectally (without getting out of bed immediately after waking up in the rectum).
  2. Orally.
  3. Vaginally.

The first phase of the cycle is considered the period from the first day menstrual cycle and before ovulation. The basal temperature should be in the range of 36.2-36.8 degrees. But during the second phase, it can be in the range of 37-37.5. The decrease in indicators begins 2 or 3 days before the onset of menstruation. At this point, the indicators can be 36.2-36.9. If there is no sharp drop in the indicator and it stays at around 37.5 degrees, then soon the woman will become a mother. The temperature will remain elevated during the first 4 months of gestation.

The hormone progesterone is needed so that the fertilized egg can attach to the uterine wall. When the level of this hormone rises, the body temperature also increases to approximately 37.3 degrees. You can measure it up to 16 weeks of pregnancy daily. The norm is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A small increase does not indicate the presence of pathology . In the early stages of gestation, the basal temperature can be as follows:

  1. In the third week - 37-37.7 degrees.
  2. On the fourth - 37.1-37.5.
  3. From the fifth to the eleventh - the temperature is high, but it should not exceed 38 degrees. If this happens, contact a specialist immediately.
  4. At the twelfth week - 37-38 degrees.

Raising early

An increase in body temperature in early pregnancy appears from the first week. This phenomenon in the first trimester is explained by the changes that occur in the female body. Heat transfer slows down, and the readings on the thermometer increase. Gynecologists recommend taking measurements twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This is the only way to track the daily dynamics of changes. Body temperature in the first trimester of bearing the crumbs rises to 37.2 degrees. And this can be considered the norm.

During the entire period of gestation, it can stay at around 37 degrees. And you don't have to beat it.

In order to know the temperature of a pregnant woman in the first months, experts use three measurement methods:

  1. In the armpit, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.
  2. Rectal readings should be within 37.5.
  3. With help electronic thermometer measure readings in oral cavity. The norm is 37.2.

If there are no deviations during pregnancy, then the thermometer mark is in the range of 37.1-37.5.

But a significant increase in temperature in the first months of pregnancy is considered unsafe. The main cause is inflammatory diseases, but the presence of a serious condition that needs an ambulance is not excluded. medical care. cannot be considered the norm initial terms gestation body temperature of 38 degrees. In order not to harm yourself and the crumbs, call a doctor at home. All disorders that occur in the body with the onset of pregnancy affect the developing fetus.

Why does the thermometer increase

Large indicators indicate the presence in the body inflammatory process, SARS and other diseases. An increase in the thermometer can reach 38.5 degrees. Along with this, symptoms such as: pain in the sacrum, rash, swollen lymph nodes and others.

In addition to temperature, other symptoms of a cold can be observed with ARVI: headaches, runny nose and cough. In the initial stages of SARS can lead to tracheitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Hyperthermia in pregnant women intestinal diseases accompanied by stool disorders and symptoms of fever. But with diseases of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis), painful urination, general intoxication in the body, nagging pain in the lower back, chills can be observed.

A rash on the skin in the first months of pregnancy suggests that measles, smallpox or rubella is present. And even inflated numbers on the thermometer may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.


An increase in temperature is a protective function of the body. But if on initial stage If the numbers are too high, then this can lead to serious complications. The first trimester is the period of formation of the organs of the crumbs, the laying of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. If you turn to a specialist in time, you can determine the cause, start the right treatment.

High temperature in early pregnancy - possible consequences:

  1. Intoxication of the body leads to pathology in the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. The threat of termination of pregnancy due to the fact that the frequency of contraction of the muscles of the uterus increases.
  3. Due to early detachment of the placenta, premature birth is possible.
  4. A miscarriage is possible due to blood clots that clog the vessels of the placenta.
  5. Lagging behind the child in the development of brain activity.
  6. Decreased blood supply to the placenta.
  7. Violation of protein synthesis.
  8. Severe early toxicosis.
  9. The occurrence of malformations of the lips, palate, jaw and eyeballs in a child.
  10. Increased tone of the uterus.

Low temperature

Low during early pregnancy is considered to be a mark of less than 36 degrees. This condition can be triggered by easily manageable situations (stress, stress, overwork, undernutrition of the mother) or various pathologies. If a woman's nutrition is complete, but the blood sugar level and the thermometer are low, then this indicates the development of diabetes.

Causes low rate on the thermometer may be:


Elevated body temperature can be cured with the help of traditional medicine methods or medications.


anxiety about high temperature indicator should be shown if the mark is above 38 degrees. If, along with this, there are other negatively affecting symptoms, then therapy should be started immediately.

In this situation, medication should be taken. But they should be prescribed only by a specialist after examining the patient. You can not self-medicate, as many drugs adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Rules for prescribing medications in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Antipyretic drugs are prescribed only if the mark has exceeded 38 degrees.
  2. Specialists often prescribe the simultaneous administration of several drugs. Among them are antibiotics.
  3. A complex of drugs and vitamins can be prescribed that increase the protective function of the immune system.
  4. In severe cases, under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to take medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The most safe and effective in the early stages are drugs containing paracetamol. But do not take it more than 4 times a day. And all due to the fact that with prolonged use it has a bad effect on the liver. It is also possible to take antipyretic homeopathic medicines. These include "Viburkol". It has a plant base and is administered rectally. You can not prescribe the dosage yourself. This is only allowed for your specialist.

Indomethacin, aspirin, ibuprofen - these substances can cause negative action on the condition of the fetus, and they also have many side effects.


Complementary medicines are very welcome.

Cold prevention

During pregnancy, a woman often experiences a runny nose, malaise and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections. And in such a situation, there is nothing surprising. After all, her immune system is weakened. In order to avoid infection and complications, it is necessary to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. You need to be careful and try not to contact sick people.
  2. No need to visit places where a lot of people accumulate: urban public transport, theatre, cinema, public places where present big risk catch an infection.
  3. It is not necessary to neglect all known and simple preventive measures.
  4. Ventilate the rooms in the house and carry out wet cleaning regularly.
  5. Stay outdoors more, follow the rules of hygiene and consume more vitamins. This will bring results. Fresh air will help improve your mood.
  6. Gargle your throat and nose, wash your hands often.

It is important to remember that it is better to try to avoid diseases for 9 months than to deal with their consequences later.

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