How a man chooses his woman psychology. Natural or light makeup. Men's Choice: Modernity

When choosing a life partner, men are guided by many factors, not the least of which is the appearance of the chosen one. Oddly enough, male representatives often pay attention to whether a girl looks neat, whether her nails, hair, etc. are well-groomed. A woman does not have to be the winner of a beauty contest, the main thing is that she takes care of herself and knows her own worth.

For a man, such parameters of a female figure as height, weight, breast size, waist and hips are important. Each representative of the stronger sex has his own preferences, someone likes thin and tall girls, someone likes short and full. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally which female figure is the standard of beauty. It happens that a man is guided by individual evaluation criteria, for example, he can only pay attention to girls with long hair, big eyes, or even a special smell of skin.


A man who is ready for marriage or a long-term serious relationship chooses a woman with a balanced character. Passion is good, but in family life, representatives of the stronger sex are looking for peace and comfort. Endless showdowns can be fun and blood-curdling on dates, but not at home.

For a man, such personal qualities as kindness and caring are important. Loyalty deserves special attention, not only in relationships, but also in life position. A life partner should share the beliefs of her chosen one, to some extent follow his ideals, hobbies. However, everything should be in moderation. Representatives of the stronger sex do not really like "spineless" women.


Today, women have long ceased to be the weaker sex. They get an education, the right to drive a car, they quickly move up the career ladder, competing with many men. In this turmoil, they lose their tenderness and femininity, which men appreciate so much.

Of course, the representative of the stronger sex will be happy if a purposeful woman with an active life position is next to him. However, in the family circle, she must take off the mask of the "iron lady" and become an affectionate creature in need of care. Men want to take care of their chosen ones, to feel their superiority. They choose women who need this care, and do not reject it in every possible way.

Professionals these days are often faced with the question of How men choose their women and why they are ready to build a family with one of them, and not with the other. The answer to this question, if you do not take into account emotional experiences, mystical coincidences and other random factors, is actually very simple: men are not looking for a burden for the rest of their lives, but an assistant who can create a strong rear.

In adolescence, when common sense is driven by hormonal levels and youthful complexes, men consider women the main goal in life. But over time, they realize that in fact their goals are completely different: after all, creating an art project, winning a jumping competition or becoming the deputy director of an international corporation is much more important than seducing another beauty. Adult men are well aware that the length of the legs and the fat content of their companion's borscht do not determine his success in life, although they make life much more pleasant, and if you choose between an obscure woman and a smart book, then choosing a book is much easier, and even more economical. It is very difficult to give advice in such a matter, since every mature man looks for traits suitable for him in a woman, and there are no win-win strategies in this matter. However, knowing what men think and what they prefer, in many cases, does not hurt at all.

What most men need

When men grow up, they quickly realize that they can, in principle, live without a woman and even without sex, but they cannot live without money, good friends and their favorite music. Constant female support, acceptance and approval are needed mainly by weak men. Practice shows that most "womanizers" are cowards who need to constantly prove to themselves and others that they are something significant. The words “I need you” are more typical for men who are prone to addiction and need not a woman, as such, but a mother and an object for self-affirmation.

However, all men understand that they are much better off when they have a woman, especially if she is “right”. How men choose a woman for themselves largely depends on what life tasks they set for themselves and not at all because women are somehow weaker, dumber and generally worse than them. The first rule for women looking for a life partner is not to interfere with his business, and even better - to become useful to them. For this, it is not necessary to be a coach or an accountant, it is enough to inspire and support him, especially in case of failures.

How not to lose your identity

When caring about how men choose a woman for themselves, it is very important not to lose yourself and remain a person. No need to "dissolve" in other people's affairs, forgetting about your own and trying to play some role for your man. Often women are so involved in this role that they forget about it only in exceptional cases: such games are rather tiring, and men, as a rule, are in constant tension with such a woman. Building a long-term relationship on adaptability and the principle of "it's supposed to be" is almost impossible, and only those women who do not understand or deceive themselves are able to live with invented feelings.

Of course, alcoholics never leave women with the same addiction, and womanizers do not leave those who “not notice anything,” but when a woman, adjusting to a man, changes her principles, adequate men quickly feel manipulation and experience tension. And from the relationships that "strain" them, they seek to get out at any cost.

What should you pay attention to in creating your image

Speaking about how men choose a woman for themselves, it is impossible not to mention that almost all men prefer companions with a brilliant sense of humor. In an effort to conquer a woman with successful jokes, they always pay attention to how she reacts to them. The attention of men is attracted by women who know how to sincerely joke and laugh: it is they who often become the soul of male teams. In addition, happy and cheerful women are considered very sexy by men, regardless of the length of their legs and the thinness of the waist. However, do not get carried away with vulgar jokes and vulgar expressions: such women can cause discontent and misunderstanding in men. To arouse interest in a man, psychologists recommend sincerely approving his humor.

It is also impossible not to mention the importance of a well-groomed woman. They are very attentive to this and immediately notice girls who love themselves and those who have not taken the time to look after their appearance. Of course, in order to please a man, it is not necessary to spend all your free time in beauty salons, but we must not forget about velvet skin, beautiful manicure and clean hair. The inner world of a woman is not immediately noticeable to men, so they choose attractive women with whom they are interested in spending time.

Almost every woman thought about how a man chooses a woman for himself. You may be fine in a relationship. However, he does not consider you as his future wife. Why is this happening? Let's try to find out in our article.

Looking at relationships from a male perspective

A woman chooses a man for herself only from those who care for her. For men, freedom of choice is not limited. And if we consider a normal and accomplished man, then it is he who decides which woman will be next to him. Do you want to know how he thinks? Before choosing a girl for himself, he will have about three options:

  1. Dating only for sex;
  2. I will meet until the moment when I come across “normal”;
  3. The one I was looking for.

Perhaps the first two are not suitable for you. You will not have a long-term relationship if he initially placed you in these two categories.

Why do men leave?

If he left you, then most likely you fell under the description that we talked about above. For adult men, one beautiful appearance is not enough. Everyone knows that a woman chooses on an emotional level. A man chooses by logic. This is how our nature works and nothing can be done about it. It must be pointed out that for a man, as well as for you, there must be a fall under your favorite type. What are we talking about? For example, a man chooses a woman like this:

  • For some reason, he is drawn to her;
  • She enjoys spending time with her and even just being silent;
  • In principle, it is similar to the one that will be able to raise my children;
  • Cooks delicious.

Again, there can be a lot of these criteria. Or maybe only the first point is enough for someone.

How to keep your loved one

Read this carefully: If he wrote you down as just a girl for sex, then in order to change this, you need to completely change your attitude towards him. Ideally, you need to find out what kind of girls he likes. Under no circumstances should you ask him such questions. In general, such topics do not need to be raised, otherwise he will definitely run away. Giving any advice on how to keep it would be stupid. Why? Because every man has an individual approach to choosing a woman for a long-term relationship. Your ideal plan is to "type". This means becoming the kind of girl that he will definitely like.

For example, if he has a hobby, then it is not necessary to do it with him. Show him that you understand the subject, and he will invite you. You never need to impose and ask. If he likes you, then a normal man himself will take the initiative. And if he does not show it, then you do not need such a future husband.

It's no secret that every woman prefers to remain desirable and loved by a man even for a long time living together. In addition, the female essence is such that she has little attention from only one man, she wants to please absolutely everyone. To do this, you need to visit beauty salons on time, do stylish hairstyles, expressive makeup, bright manicure, do not forget, if possible, solariums and SPA procedures.

It has long been known scientifically substantiated fact that there are several times more women on this planet than men. Each tries to stand out from the background of the rival, bringing some zest and individuality to her image.

Unlike desperate fashionistas who strive to keep up with the latest brands and stylish designer collections, some ladies seriously believe that appearance is not the overriding priority when choosing. They are educated, confident that they can easily support any small talk, thereby endearing their partner to them, and appearance does not really matter. Indeed, in their opinion, choosing a companion, a man should look into the soul of a person, and not at the surface shell.

Men, by their very nature, are completely different. Someone has a kind heart and a soft soul, they are malleable to female tricks and sweet persuasion, while others, on the contrary, have an overly tough character, are prone to violence and suppressing the will of the chosen one. Despite this, all of them, to some extent, are connected by something in common in the approach to choosing a partner.

How a man chooses a wife

It is simply impossible to please everyone, but having some knowledge in the field of male psychology and making efforts to create an image that, in their opinion, is close to the ideal of female beauty, one can achieve quite real success.

One of several aspects that unite men with experience and even without experience in choosing a partner is the natural instinct of reproduction. At the first meeting, almost everyone has the concept of a “one-night stand” in their heads. The young man does not even think about the inner beauty of a new acquaintance, he devours the image that appears before him with his eyes: he evaluates the figure, chest size, waist size, leg length. Also important here is the smell. Sexual attraction is manifested against the background of physiological processes, and it is aroma that can contribute to physical attraction or repulsion.

However, if a man is already ripe for full-fledged family relationships, the external parameters of a woman for him are shifted to second place. No, an attractive image, of course, is important, but inner harmony, style of behavior and qualities of character still come to the fore. According to psychologists, for long-term relationships, men tend to choose a companion who looks like a mother.

As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to predict the female qualities that attract one or another "male", but there are some types that are very likely to interest them:

The list of such criteria that modern men rely on when choosing a life partner can be continued indefinitely. We have listed the main points above.

To put it simply, in search of a lover who will live happily ever after with a woman, you just need to strive to understand what the chosen one wants, to be affectionate and sexy, neat, with inner self-confidence and harmony of feelings, balanced, while not forgetting to educate yourself and an increase in intelligence.

Lawless Heart

For every person on this earth, sooner or later there is a soul mate. Someone meets their fate at an early age, someone manages to find love, being already an elderly person. And if someone initially pays attention exclusively to external qualities, someday spiritual principles and strength of character will prevail. The attraction of two loving hearts is inevitable if both people want to acquire family peace, mutual respect and stability in relationships.

What primarily interests a man in a woman? We will tell you why wives look so much like mothers, where blondes come from and how important the golden ratio is in a woman.


"Younger or older?" - each age has its own answer to this question. As David Buss, a professor at the University of California, David Buss, writes in his work “Evolutionary Psychology”, men at 23-27 years old prefer women a year or two younger, 30-year-old women 5-10 years younger, and 40-50 years old looking for a life mate between the ages of 20 and 40.

As for teenagers and young people under 23, they are more likely to be interested in older girls. David Bass explains such age preferences, first of all, by the reproductive nature of a woman. Men are looking for a woman with higher fertility than their peers.


Doctor of Psychology Michael Kenningham argues that men prefer girlfriends with signs of "neoteny" - a phenomenon in which adults retain physiological childhood traits. If you imagine such a woman, then she will resemble the famous "batty bop" - a fictional heroine of the Warner Brothers studio: a large head, round, wide-set eyes and a small nose. In general, everything is like an 11-14-year-old child.
According to Kenningham,

"Neotenic Venuses" are especially popular in the countries of Southern Europe and Asia.

In Japan, for example, children's beauty is in fashion, and the features of a mature woman are perceived as senile and ugly. It's the same with Italy, where, according to the researcher, almost all beauty pageant winners have neotenic features.
By the way, human neoteny is a natural anomaly. In addition to us, it is inherent in plants, amphibians and arthropods, but it is absent in animals. According to anthropologist Douglas Jones (Cornwell University), this ability has developed due to the “age sampling” mentioned above. Men give more preference to young women, which means that mature women who are still capable of childbearing need their own trump cards in unequal competition.

golden ratio

The figure of a woman, in the representation of a man, should not be thin or full. It must correspond to the "golden section".
In this case, we are talking about the ratio of waist to hips. It is calculated by dividing the first indicator by the last. The waist, say, 25 cm, is divided by the volume of the hips - 38 cm. It turns out, approximately, 0.65. For the owner of the golden section, this indicator will be equal to 0.7. According to researchers at the University of North Carolina, women with a score of up to 0.7 and above 0.8 will not particularly stand out in figure from others. But those who are lucky enough to fit the “golden mean” may not worry about their attractiveness.
It's not just about beauty. According to scientists, women with a score of 0.7 to 0.8 have better health.

The owner of the “golden ratio” figure has an increased level of estrogen and a reduced risk of such serious diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies, and ovarian cancer.

In addition, the “waist-hips” indicator reflects the reproductive abilities of a woman. According to statistics, a woman with a ratio of 0.7-0.8 is much easier to get pregnant than with any other indicator.


The owners of blond hair, according to some scientists, appeared as a result of the struggle for male attention. Darwin began to develop this hypothesis in 1859 in The Origin of Species, but having not found evidence, he abandoned the study.
Today in science there are many versions about the origin of light hair color.

Most researchers agree that the blond first appeared in the north.

Firstly, there is no need for such strong protection from ultraviolet rays, as in the south, which means that the skin and hair do not need as much pigment. Secondly, competition. According to anthropologists, in the north, where meat was the main diet, the need for hunting increases. But not everyone returned from it. As a result, men were in the minority, and women among numerous rivals. Given the choice, preference was given to persons with a distinguished appearance. By the way, this theory is supported by the fact that blond hair is more common in women than in men.


Appearance and figure for a man are priority criteria in choosing his second half. But not the only ones. According to Dr. Marcel Zentner of the University of York, in the West, where the rights of the sexes are equalized, men prefer smart women, and appearance fades into the background.
The reason, according to the researcher, is the change in social and gender roles. In many Western European countries, women work equally with men. This is considered not only the norm, but also a duty. In a society where both a man and a woman are the breadwinners of the family, representatives of both sexes will look for an intelligent and promising partner.

Similarity to mother

The statement that men prefer women who look like mothers is just as true as the fact that a person needs oxygen to breathe. The reason for this choice is still not clear. According to one version, this is due to the fact that the mother is the first woman in a man's life, the most reliable and most loving herself, regardless of his qualities, bad temper and bad habits. According to another opinion, men choose a woman who looks like a mother for the same reason why women look for traits of a father in a young man: people are unconsciously drawn to the familiar and familiar. Regardless of what the relationship was in the family, these were the first relationships that the child experiences, which means, a priori, comfortable. Therefore, an attempt to find a companion or life partner similar to one of the parents is just an attempt to return to that comfortable, familiar state.

social conformity

Although the problem of different social status has become a thing of the past with the emergence of a broad middle class, social compatibility still plays an important role in choosing a partner. Only the point is now not in a noble pedigree and a rich dowry, but in the ability to integrate into a social circle.
Man is a biosocial being. He is always surrounded by a certain community of people: family, colleagues, friends. Each has its own rules, its own hierarchy, its own customs. And since modern society is not matrilocal (the husband lives on the territory of his wife after the conclusion of the union), it is the woman who has to integrate into the environment of her partner. According to psychologist Dr. Seth Mayrs, the idea is simple: "To live happily ever after with a man, a woman must match his surroundings."