Pattern of sports gloves. How to sew gloves to your liking is difficult, but possible. Idea: Use threads in contrasting colors to bring out the leather color of the gloves. For decoration, use small bows, embroidery or frill

Before you start working on leather, it is best to make a test glove out of cotton or muslin.


  • soft skin
  • pattern paper
  • skin tone thread
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • sewing machine


Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Place your hand on the folded edge of the paper so that your thumb stays out of the paper. Leave space between your index finger and the edge of the paper. Slightly spread your fingers and circle your hand, leaving 3 mm above the fingertips and on the side of the little finger. When drawing between the fingers, start at the little finger and spread your fingers just to make dots in the tightest places. It is important that the lines between the fingers are parallel.


Mark with points B and C where the thumb meets the hand. Draw a vertical line from A (this is the point at the top of the gap between the index and middle fingers) and horizontal lines from B and C. Draw an oval for the thumb hole.

Cut out the pattern.


To make a gusset pattern, place your finger on the edge of the paper and circle each (except the large one) with a pencil and cut it out.


Connect the corresponding fingers with the gussets: index finger with the middle finger, middle finger with the ring finger, ring finger with the little finger. Circle around each pair of fingers. Label each finger.

Tip: For sewing gloves, choose thin and smooth leather. It should be elastic, but only in one direction - along the width of the glove, otherwise it will stretch a lot when worn.


Before cutting, draw a curve at the bottom of each insert. Cut out patterns along this curve. Your three gussets will look something like this.


Make a pattern for the thumb. Circle around your finger. At the middle point of the gap, draw a "wing/sash" to the right, then draw a pattern. At this stage, you only draw half of the pattern. At the tip of your thumb, add some seam space as the thumb does not have a gusset. Fold the paper in half and draw the outline of half of the pattern you just drew.


Do a test run first. Before you start working on the leather, it's best to make a test glove out of cotton or muslin to make sure the pattern is correct. Use thread in a contrasting color so you can easily see where you are sewing and where you need to adjust the pattern. Once you get the pattern right, you can make as many leather gloves as you want without a test piece.


Pin the pattern to the back of the leather, placing the longest side of each gusset towards the back of the hand (where there is no thumb hole). Sew with a 3mm indent from the edge. If you need to adjust the shape of the fingers, do it now.

Turn out and try on.


Fold each part of the thumb piece (right sides together) in half lengthwise and sew. Leave the bottom open. Trim the corner so that it turns right side out. Turn the thumb piece right side out.


Pin the right sides to the glove, aligning the seam of the thumb piece with the seam of the index finger. Try on the glove to make sure it fits. Adjust if necessary. The "wings" of the thumb piece may need to be trimmed to fit well. Pin again and try on. When all is well, sew the thumb piece onto the glove.


Sew the sides and hem the bottom of the gloves.

Well, what else can I say, an endless variety of different anime characters have such a thing as gloves in their arsenal of clothes. They can be completely different, long, short, silk, lace or just leather, but one way or another, gloves remain gloves. And it is against the background of this fact that I am doubly surprised that many cosplayers, faced with the problem of sewing this accessory, come to a standstill and go in search of gloves to the nearest stores.

You understand that such an approach means not only extra cash costs, but also a waste of precious time with a far from unambiguous result. Okay, if it's just white or black gloves, but when it comes to more sophisticated colors, the usual stores are no longer relevant.

One way or another, today I will try to show you that there is absolutely nothing complicated and scary in sewing gloves on your own, and I hope that after reading you decide to save a few hundred rubles and make gloves with your own hands.
The first need for the manufacture of gloves visited me a long time ago. At the time of my first cosplay and then, I could not find adequate lessons or patterns for the subject I was interested in. True, after some effort, on some Chinese blog, quite by accident, Chinese patterns were found. It was them that I adapted for myself and as a result - I made gloves with my own hands in a fairly good quality for the first time. Not much later, for my old site, the first version of this lesson was written in order to convey to beginner cosplayers the simplicity of the design. Today I took up the correction and rewriting and I hope the article has become more adequate. By the way, a funny feature of this lesson is that it is not necessary to use it for the needs of cosplay. You can take, say, leather as a material and sew gloves for everyday wear.

And so, in order to make gloves with our own hands, we need fabric (everything is in your hands and depends only on your choice and needs) and those very Chinese patterns (which I adapted to the needs of a Russian cosplayer):

Now a little magic for the exact match of the sizes of future gloves and your hand. First, download the pattern and open it in any graphic editor, where there is a function to set the size of the picture in centimeters. In this case, I give my personal preference to Photoshop.

Then we measure the width of the arm. To do this, we take a ruler, tape measure, meter, whatever, and measure the distance across the palm as shown in the figure.

Now let's go to the image settings in the graphics editor and edit the width of the image to the measured width of the palm, plus half a centimeter to be sure. In this case, it is necessary to set the preservation of proportions in the settings, and then the height will increase automatically. In Photoshop, the checkbox next to constrain proportions is responsible for proportions.

After all the manipulations described above, you should have patterns on your hands that fit exactly to your size. It remains only to print them without distortion, and you will be one step closer to making gloves with your own hands.

We transfer everything to the fabric, not forgetting to leave allowances for the seams, it is also worth remembering that in the place of the fold line the pattern should continue in a mirror way (see figure). We cut out the details.

Well, that's all, you just have to carefully sew the parts together, guided by the scheme. Connect the letters on the main part with the letters on the inserts (the inserts are located between the fingers). If this is one of your first sewings, then do not forget that you should sew inside out, so that you can turn the finished product inside out with the seams.

What, in fact, we do at the last stage. We turn your brand new gloves inside out, process the edges, cut off the protruding threads and enjoy the result. What happened to me can be seen below. It is worth noting that these are not only my first gloves, but also the first suit, so for sure you will have everything much neater.

Good luck with your cosplay
your revision.

Gloves are versatile, depending on the material, they can be an addition to a coat, tracksuit or evening dress. Gloves are made from various materials - from lace to thick leather, but in any design they should be comfortable. These leather products are worn by men and women, making them an elegant element to a stylish look.

There is even a special term "glove leather". It is elastic, durable and thin, but keeps its shape perfectly. As a rule, glove skin receives these properties in the process of special dressing, which differs from that for belts, bags, shoes.

Main types:

  • Lamb skin. Soft, highly elastic. It is used when tailoring expensive products.
  • Goat skin. Often found, thicker and rougher than the previous type, but much cheaper.
  • Deer skin. Thick but soft type of material, interesting pattern, warm skin.
  • Pigskin. Cheap, but quite rough. Used for sewing winter gloves with fur.
  • Suede. Capricious material, thin and velvety. It is produced from various types of leather. Luxe class evening gloves are sewn from the thinnest suede.


If your sewing machine can sew leather, then the gloves will be indistinguishable from factory-made ones. Most older machines are capable of stitching glove leather. It is advisable to purchase a special Teflon foot for leather, as well as a triangular sewing needle.

We will need:

  • sharp knife;
  • wheel with needles for marking holes;
  • thin awl;
  • glue;
  • sewing needle;
  • threads in tone or contrast;
  • ruler.

Important! All the holes made remain on the skin, therefore, it is not swept away and is not fixed with pins in case of emergency.

How to sew leather gloves with your own hands?

Patterns for men's and women's gloves are similar, it is important to take measurements correctly.

Glove pattern

Step-by-step construction of a pattern:

  • We place the hand on paper so that the fingers are closed, and the thumb is located as freely as possible.
  • Outline the hand.

  • The junction of the index finger with the thumb should be in the middle of your sheet.
  • We mark the points of connection of the bases of the fingers with dots.
  • We place the ruler between the fingers, then draw straight lines from these points to the tips. All lines must be parallel.

Add 5 cm to the length of the pattern.

  • Carefully outline the resulting drawing.
  • Fold the paper in half so that the edge of the index finger is the edge of the fold. We are losing the part with the thumb.
  • Cut out the blank immediately on both sides of the sheet.
  • We get a one-piece blank of a glove.
  • We make a hole for the thumb.

  • To obtain an accurate pattern of the thumb, it is better to wrap it separately with paper, and make all the necessary adjustments.
  • To obtain a hole, we apply a pattern to the brush, then determine its position. The shape can be oval, or, as on a pattern with dimensions, complex.
  • In the case of a complex shape, do not forget to add the necessary area to the drawing of the thumb.

  • We make the sides (gussets) of the fingers, for this we trace their contours on paper. First one hand, then the other.

  • We connect the gusset of the index with the middle, the middle with the nameless and so on.

We try on the resulting pattern.


It is important to avoid natural holes in the skin, as well as edges, abrasions, as the quality and density of these areas are worse.

  • We lay out the details on the skin, grind.
  • Cut out.
  • Do not forget that the gloves are paired, which means that all the details must be duplicated and mirrored.

Important! Decide how you will stitch the product - on the front side or the wrong side, it depends on how you will fold the parts.


It is assumed that sewing comes from the wrong side on the machine.

Stages of work:

A long time ago I bought a piece of beautiful thin leather. And I did not dare to start working with her))) I was afraid to spoil it. It always happens when you do something completely new. The leather is truly amazing. With a very beautiful natural texture. From it, I decided first of all to sew unusual gloves. Now there are many beautiful leather accessories in stores, but role players always want something unique. And I am no exception.
Since the work has not been completed yet, I, like you, do not know what will happen in the end))) Over the course of several articles, I plan to talk about how things are progressing. This is my first leather sewing job. So I hope everything will be as planned in the beginning.
In this article, I will show you how to make a glove pattern. Before embarking on cutting, I read many articles on this topic. There are many ways to cut gloves. I have only used one of them. Looking ahead, I will say that after my glove was sewn according to this pattern, it sits on my hand like a glove! So I can vouch for this method of construction. Moreover, it is the most simple and ancient.
So, let's begin!
It turns out that it is customary to start cutting with the left glove. Since this is how it is, then I will start with it)))
Before you start building, carefully examine your hand. If you wear a long manicure, then it may be worth making the length of the fingers with a small margin. See where your fingers start. (For me, for example, the little finger starts much lower than the index and middle fingers) All this information will come in handy not only when cutting, but also while sewing. Because leather is a very flexible material.

Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Then place your hand palm down so that the index finger is adjacent to the fold. Then circle the hand so that the borders of the fingers and palm are displayed on the pattern.

Note that the fingers are close together. Do not crush them under any circumstances. Otherwise, there will be wrinkles on the finished glove.

Now make a mirror image of the resulting template on the second half of the sheet of paper.

Now the pattern does not have a front or back side. Straighten the sheet of paper. Divide in half the image of the index finger located in the left half of the pattern. Draw a line along the entire pattern through the middle of your index finger. Let's call it the axis.

Now it is necessary to mark the position of the thumb on the axis. Turn your hand slightly and bend your thumb so that it is about 80-90 degrees with your palm (that is, you need to bend your finger as far as you like). Where the thumb intersects with the axis, mark two points. Mark the third point in the most protruding part of the base of the thumb (the so-called hill of Venus).

Construct point 4, symmetrical to the third about the axis. Put point 5 where the axis intersects with line 3-4. Through points 1,2,3,4 draw an oval. Then draw a sector coming from point 5 to the borders of the oval as shown in the figure. This pattern will give freedom of movement to the thumb.

Now let's build patterns for the fingers. Let's start with the big one. This construction is the trickiest))) Again we bend the sheet in half. The height of the pattern is equal to the height of the thumb. The width of the upper part is equal to its half-girth. To the bottom, the pattern should be slightly expanded and rounded as shown in the figure.

The resulting image needs to be duplicated. You can check the correctness of the construction by attaching a pattern to your finger.

The remaining fingers must be applied to the paper with the side.

To avoid unnecessary work, combine the resulting side patterns in order. Little finger-ring, ring-middle, middle-index. Get 3 side patterns. On the pattern, the fingers are at an angle, since the length of the fingers on the back of the hand is slightly longer.

Let's check the pattern. Measure the circumference of your palm. The width of the pattern should not be less.

Leave no seam allowance!

Now we have a scan of the hand on paper! But that is not all. Now you can model the glove. Mark the required length and draw the shape of the bell. It is by changing these parameters that you can get a different design of gloves.

Here is an example of my design

Since leather is an expensive material, cut a glove on a plain fabric and sew it. This short procedure will allow you to practice and check the quality of the pattern. If you find inaccuracies, correct the pattern.

Now the pattern is ready!

If you are not afraid, you can start cutting the material))) Gloves can be sewn from different materials. For example, from leather, suede, silk, velvet, etc. Since I chose leather, I will describe the features of working with it. Moreover, this material is the most difficult to process.

If the leather you choose has a pronounced texture or pattern, then this fact must be taken into account when cutting. In addition, note that the cut parts of both hands should look the same.

To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to sign the names of the fingers on the reverse side of the cut parts.

So, we cut out the details of the gloves. Hope you get it right the first time. Good luck!

To be continued…

It is best to sew your first gloves from WELL-STRETCH fabric. When you become aces, you can sew from anything

Further. How to make a pattern? If you are sewing gloves on medium-sized ladies' hands, then an A4 sheet is enough for the pattern. Fold the sheet in half. Place your hand on this sheet so that the thumb is on the side of the fold

and trace it around the contour (I think many had fun with this in childhood). In this case, it is necessary that the fingers are not pressed against each other and are not spread apart. They should be in a free and natural position. In addition, everything is circled, with the exception of the thumb, which will be cut out separately. Next, mark on the fold point "A" - the upper base of the finger and point "B" - the lower base of the finger.

After that, you can cut out the pattern without unbending the leaflet. At the same time, do not forget that the fold does not need to be cut. You just need to cut the pattern along the contour and cut an oval on ONE side of the pattern. The result should be this:

Cut out the oval.

Now the pattern can be transferred to the fabric. Do not forget that we have a RIGHT hand and a LEFT hand, that is, we need to cut out two parts in a mirror.

Separately, the thumb is cut out. The thumb pattern looks something like this:

The "CFD" line should be the same length as the full length of the oval cut on the main piece of the pattern.

Further, since our fingers are not flat, but have a certain volume, then for the fingers it is necessary to cut out an additional ribbon (or several ribbons) for sewing them along the inner sides, where the fingers touch each other if they are pressed against each other. The width of the tape should be approximately 0.8 - 1.0 cm (but in general, it depends on the thickness of the fingers and the allowances for the seams, and beg according to the situation)

Now, the actual sewing. If you are cool and very good at sewing very small details on a typewriter, then you can sew everything on a typewriter with some kind of knitted stitch. I personally am not capable of such virtuosity, so I sew gloves by hand with a “back to the needle” seam.

It is convenient to start sewing with the little finger (although you can also use the index finger). If you start sewing from the little finger, then you must first sew PART of the side seam of the glove.

I draw your attention to the fact that you should not immediately sew the entire side seam if you later plan to somehow decorate the edge of the glove (for example, sew lace to it)

You can sew on a single ribbon, or you can make separate ribbons (only three pieces for each glove) at the intervals between the fingers. It makes sense to make separate ribbons if the fingers are thin. In this case, it is desirable to reduce the ends of the ribbons to nothing at the ends of the fingers so that the fingertips of the glove do not turn out to be thick. If the fingers are quite large or just plump and even from the base to the tips, you can sew a single tape along the entire length from the little finger to the index finger.

After you sew all four fingers, you can start sewing in the thumb. First you need to fold the part in half with the wrong side out, aligning
points "C" and "D" sew the part along the line "CE". Then I recommend basting your finger to the hole cut out for it, and only then carefully sew the needle back with a seam.

After the thumb has been sewn in, you can decorate the bottom of the glove with lace, or decorate the glove itself in some other way. At the end, sew the side seam to the end and the glove is ready.

In the last photo, I had to move the edge of the glove to the hand, because photographing my own hands is very inconvenient, and the whole glove does not fit into the frame.

I hope that my instructions will help someone to master the tailoring of gloves.