How to make your first kiss unforgettable. First kiss. When your time comes

Everyone has their first kiss and everyone worries about it. There are plenty of tips to help you make your first kiss wonderful, amazing, and memorable for you and your partner!


Part 1

Choosing a place to kiss

    Choosing the right place. For this memorable kiss you need to be in right time and the right place. If you are not a public person and, in general, not a fan of publicity, then you will not really like kissing in public.

    • The right time to kiss someone is at the end of the first or second date, but it will all depend on the connection between you and the person you want to kiss (After all, the first kiss doesn't have to happen on the date).
    • There are good generally accepted romantic occasions, for example, prom, cinema, beach, where you can make your first unforgettable kiss. Once you're sure it's what you and your partner (or potential kissing partner) want.
  1. Dress appropriately. That is, dress for the occasion, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable. When having a truly amazing and memorable first kiss, your comfort is very important and it's all about choosing the right place and the right time and how well you kiss.

    • Avoid wearing lip gloss that is too sticky. It's hard to enjoy a kiss if you're afraid your lips will stick to each other.
    • If you are afraid that you will sweat a lot or smell bad at this point, use deodorant and perfume. Remember, a little smell is better. You don't want your partner to choke on the smell.
  2. Make sure your mouth is clean. Avoid bad breath - this is very important during the first and unforgettable kiss(unless of course you want it to be unforgettable in a bad way). Eat a mint or chew gum after eating and drinking, or brush your teeth before meeting your potential partner for your first kiss.

    • Women smell much more strongly than men, so this step is especially important if you're a guy who wants to kiss a girl.
    • You shouldn't make it too obvious that you're using the breath mint to freshen your breath. Subtly hint at this by offering one to your potential partner.
    • Avoid spicy foods, fish, garlic and onions, anything that has strong smell, which lingers for a long time.
  3. Create tension for the right moment. Another thing that makes a first kiss memorable and enjoyable is the anticipation of the occasion itself for both parties. It also creates a comfortable situation for you and the person you want to kiss.

    Select right moment. Don't put off deciding whether you want to kiss your partner until the door at the end of the date. Both of you should be comfortable.

    • Instigate a kiss in the car, on the way home after a date, or while playing a video game, or while you're taking a walk after lunch or coffee.
    • Be sober: Kissing can trigger the release of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin (all the fun and healthy chemicals). Alcohol may prevent you from feeling the full extent of these chemical releases.
    • Avoid distracting things like peeing or turning off your phone (on a date, your phone should already be off).
  4. Get closer. Once you're both excited, enjoying yourself and feeling comfortable, move closer and let your potential partner walk the remaining distance. If the person is not suitable, then it is better for you to move away.

    • You can also ask Can I kiss you?, as many people like to give their consent before someone enters their personal space.
    • Make eye contact while doing this. Eye contact raises the level of intimacy of the kiss between you.

    Part 2

    First kiss
    1. Tilt your head in the opposite direction than your partner. This way you are less likely to hit your teeth or noses. That is, if your partner tilted his head to the right, you tilt your head to the left.

    2. Take things slowly. If all is going well and your potential partner has given the kiss signal, touch his lips gently. This may take a little time to get the hang of, so make sure you watch what your partner's lips are doing.

      • Strong kissing is usually not recommended. It is usually too unexpected and aggressive for your partner. Put off being aggressive until you know each other's kissing style and preferences.
      • Aggression can also be desperate, which many do not find particularly attractive.
    3. Relax. Seriously, this can be difficult because you want to kiss right and you want everything to be good. But if you relax, you will make the kiss much better for you and your partner.

      • The best thing you can do is be yourself in this moment. Feel the touch of your partner's lips, their smell (smell is very important during a kiss), how they respond to you.
    4. Make it interesting. If you're feeling relaxed, try adding variety to your kiss. Memorable kisses are those that are unusual (in in a good way), so try different romantic techniques.

      • Try kissing other places, not just your lips. You could start at your partner's neck and then move up to the lips.
      • you can use forefinger on your partner's chin to guide their mouth forward for the kiss.
      • Remember: do not lick a person's face, only with his consent. A good rule of thumb is that during your first kiss, your face should not become wet.
    5. Do something with your own hands. It's better if they don't just hang around. Why don't they join in the fun too? Of course, you'll want to make sure you're not in too much of a hurry or that your hands don't touch too many places during your first kiss.

      • Good places for your hands: in your partner's hair, on his cheek, hugging his sides or behind his back.
      • If you open your arms too much, it can distract from the kiss, so don't open them too much during your first kiss.
    6. Don't use your tongue right away. The first kiss is always perceived as a gentle touch of lips, a signal that you both like each other. A French kiss, if the first kiss goes well, can come later, by mutual desire.

      • Most people don't like it when someone's tongue gets stuck in their throat during their first kiss.
    7. Stop after a couple of seconds. It would be nice to break the kiss after a few moments. This will increase desire and give you the opportunity to make sure that everything is fine with your partner.

      • Slowly move your face back, even just a few inches, to maintain the intimacy of the moment. Look what your partner looks like. Is he surprised? Is he trying to escape? Is he uncomfortable?
      • Ask: Everything is fine? Do you like it?

    Part 3

    What to do after a kiss
    1. Don't push. Now that you've overcome the first hurdle of giving a memorable kiss, don't push or ask for more. Now, kiss a few more times if your partner doesn't mind, it's so great.

      • Now, if you both want to continue, go ahead. The path is clear.

The content of the article:

The first kiss is very important point in relationships between young people. Many people imagine it as a plot from a movie, but more often than not, expectations do not coincide with reality. As practice shows, experiences take over and spoil all the romance. To make a kiss a wonderful memory, you need to do a little preparation.

On what date is it time to kiss?

Each of us is afraid of being rejected, so the question of which date to kiss a girl or a guy arises for almost all young people who are just starting to build a relationship. It is extremely difficult to answer this definitely.

A lot depends on the nature of the dating, the girl’s upbringing, the couple’s worldview and approach to the issue. If the girl herself is very modest, then it is better not to rush, as this can only scare her away. The same can be said if one of the partners adheres to strict, for example, Muslim customs.

Ideal option you could call it a second or third date. The thing is that after given quantity Over time, people already get a little used to each other and manage to get carried away. Of course, it is important not to think about the deadline, about what date is today. The main thing is the feelings and impressions that arise. It is very important to feel the pull and understand that it is time to move on to a kiss. For some, a few hours are enough for this; for others, it takes a couple of weeks.

It is also very important to monitor your partner’s reaction. For example, you can lean towards him, simulating the desire to kiss. If your partner puts his face forward, then you can try.

Fears and doubts before the first kiss

Many young people not only look forward to their first kiss, they are afraid of it. Worried that it will accumulate in the mouth a large number of saliva, which will spoil the whole impression. To prevent this from happening, you can swallow it before the kiss and not delay the process itself.

But do not forget that there is such an option as a wet kiss. It is worth noting that according to statistics this type liked by a huge number of representatives of the fair sex. Therefore, everything has its advantages.

Another fear is duration. Many people simply cannot decide how long the first kiss should last. It is impossible to answer this question precisely; you have to feel it. But, according to many experts, perfect time- one minute. You shouldn’t be afraid of the fact that you have no experience with kissing, everything comes with time and training.

A person's attitude is of great importance. Agree that you are always more attracted to smiling and friendly people. If a person withdraws into himself, is shy and hides his nature, then he can scare away, even having an attractive appearance. Try to joke, talk more and don’t be afraid of the moment of your first kiss. Fear can be transmitted to a partner, which is highly undesirable.

Tightness and unnecessary worries can only do harm. If you have a truly genuine feeling, then everything will go as it should.

Remember that you should never ask your significant other the question: “Can I kiss you?” This will ruin the whole moment and can put both of you in a difficult situation. If a girl does not want to be kissed, then she will definitely show this in her behavior. Doubts away!

Preparing for the first kiss

For everything to go perfectly, it’s worth thinking through every detail in advance. After all, absolutely everything is important: the place, the technique, the partner’s attitude, his reaction. It’s good if the partner himself takes the initiative, then you just have to answer his call. If this does not happen, or you have to take control of the situation yourself, then the following recommendations will help you not to make a mistake.

Place has a huge influence on the overall impression and emotions. Therefore, it is better for the kiss to take place in a romantic setting, without prying eyes. It’s good if a guy invites a girl on a date and thinks through all the details in advance. The ideal place might be a quiet one flower meadow, cinema, park or boat in the middle of the river. You can also take the beautiful lady home and only then decide to take this step.

According to most psychologists, ideal place For a kiss for the first time there is a movie show. Pick up some exciting romantic film that will add zest to your time together. If it’s hard to decide, then take your loved one by the hand and try to attract his attention. Have courage and take the initiative.

First of all, it is very important to relax, and this is only possible if you have confidence in your appearance and fresh breath. To make your lips as pleasant as possible for kissing, you can:

  • . Agree that dry and tight lips do not bring pleasant sensations. Girls can use a special balm or chapstick. Moreover they will add pleasant smell. Young people can also benefit cosmetic product, intended for men. It is odorless and cannot be felt on the lips. Therefore, guys who are not accustomed to the procedures will feel nothing but soft and smooth skin.
  • Peeling. The procedure will help make your lips soft, tender and pleasant to the touch. The scrub will also help get rid of all the unwanted pieces of skin. You can make it at home using regular sugar and honey.
  • Pleasant breath. Remember that during the first kiss your mouth should smell fresh. To do this, it is better to carry a mint candy, chewing gum or a special freshener with you. Brush your teeth regularly, preferably twice a day. It is recommended to clean your tongue, because no less bacteria accumulate on it. Avoid leaving food or drink in your mouth.
It is extremely important to show positive emotions. Many girls repel boys with their menacing and impregnable appearance. Be more friendly, smile more and show interest. You can take your loved one by the hand, thereby removing nervous tension.

Main types of kisses

The first kiss on the lips, as a rule, is very tender and reverent, but it all depends on the temperament of the partners. In any case, it is better to prepare for this action in advance and familiarize yourself with the technique:
  1. Touch. The young man should tilt his head slightly to the side and lean towards the lady's lips, and then touch them. You can freeze for a few seconds to feel the beauty of the moment and enjoy it.
  2. Intensity and penetration. You should not immediately frighten your chosen one with your aggressiveness; only the lips should participate in the first kiss. If you want to use your tongue, you can move it slightly without penetrating your mouth.
  3. Completion. After the kiss, you need to hug the girl, hold her close and say something good.
Kisses can be completely different; experts distinguish several types. Here are the most popular ones:
  • "Even" kiss. The young man must purse his lips into a tube and “suck” the girl’s lips into himself. In this case, it is very important to touch your partner’s tongue.
  • "Bashful". This is the kiss when the girl moves her lower lip.
  • "Inato". Represents romantic and tender kiss, best suited for the first time. Performed without tongue.
  • "Fight of Mouths". Is one of the most popular. During such a kiss, they bite the partner’s lips a little, very lightly. But remember that it is extremely important not to cause harm, but to give pleasure.

The first kiss should be romantic, but not too intrusive. After a while you can try different techniques and types, but first it’s better to choose standard option no frills.

How to learn to kiss correctly

It’s difficult to think through all the romantic situations, because every relationship is different. The best thing to do is to listen to your inner voice and act according to the situation. Many young people wonder how to kiss for the first time. In order for everything to go perfectly, you should not let the situation take its course. It's better to prepare a little in advance.

How to learn to kiss without tongue

Kiss without tongue - the best option for the first time. If you want to learn how to kiss well, then it is only important to relax your lips in a timely manner. Tense and hard, they are unlikely to please their partner. A young man can slightly moisturize his lips, but a girl should not forget to wash off her lipstick.

When kissing for the first time, it is better to close your eyes and only then touch your lips. You can hold your loved one's hand or waist to increase skin-to-skin contact.

In the process, carefully and gently grab one of your partner’s lips with your lips, you can pull it a little. Change the top and lower lip. A very weak bite is also acceptable, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to injure delicate skin. It is not recommended to stretch your lips too much with a tube, as this will make them harder.

The main rule is to be yourself, follow your feelings and don’t be shy about your impulse.

The task will be significantly simplified if you have an experienced partner. In this case, you just need to relax and try to repeat his movements, act in time. Initiative is also welcome; it can pleasantly surprise and delight.

How to learn to kiss with your tongue

A French kiss or with tongue is a very sensual and passionate moment between a man and a woman. It brings people closer together and fills relationships with new feelings and emotions.

Before kissing, it is better to lightly lick or moisten your lips. This way they will glide well. Tilt your head slightly to the side to avoid bumping noses. When the faces are very close, close your eyes and enjoy.

It is better to start a kiss first without tongue and with closed lips. Gradually open your mouth and use your tongue. You also need to be completely sure that your partner doesn’t mind French kiss. For the first time, some may be surprised.

When your tongue is in your loved one's mouth, try to feel his mood and play with it. All movements should be smooth and gentle. If the partners really feel each other, then such a kiss will be remembered for a long time.

There are some useful tips that will help make this moment memorable for a lifetime. Firstly, it is better to kiss with a special and loved one, because this is the only way to get true pleasure. Reciprocal sympathy is a necessary condition.

Secondly, it is not recommended to kiss if there is no desire, but you simply do not want to offend the person. It is also better not to do this in order to simply gain the necessary experience. A kiss is a manifestation true feelings, which should not be forgotten.

Thirdly, under no circumstances should you use alcoholic drink. Many people do this in order to gain courage and feel less shy. Remember, alcohol dulls feelings and desires. So there is a risk of missing out on all the most beautiful and intimate things.

A girl can take the initiative into her own hands, because not all boys are able to decide to take this step, so it is important to know how to kiss a guy first. So:

  1. Opportune moment. You need to face the young man, smile and look straight into his eyes. If you are sitting next to each other, then catch your partner's eye. His head should not be at a great distance from the girl.
  2. Approaching a guy. Take a step towards, so the faces will come closer. At this moment, the mood of people is best felt and true attitude friend to friend. Close your eyes and begin smooth movements towards your partner.
  3. Kiss. Kiss slowly young man, tilting his head a little to the side. Try not to rush, feel all the charm. The technique should be the same as described for a guy (no deep penetration, only light, weightless touches).
After the kiss, the best solution for the girl would be to say goodbye and leave to leave some kind of mystery. So, the young man will look forward to the next meeting with even greater impatience.

It is worth noting that the “riddle” plays an important role in further relationships. A little intrigue touches everyone and arouses interest. If you don’t forget about this, you can keep your partner’s sparkling eyes long years, the main thing is not to overdo it with the “riddle”.

How to kiss correctly - watch the video:

The first kiss is happy memory, which often remains for life. No need to worry about technology or other nuances. It is enough to celebrate, after freshening your breath and tidying up your lips, and simply reach out to meet your partner.

First, find the one you really like, the thought of which keeps you up at night, and the mere mention of her name makes your blood rush through your veins.

Being in the same room with such a girl, you feel that your heart begins to pound wildly, and fog floats in your head.

If you experience such symptoms, this is where you need to start. When breaking up after a date, try kissing her and wishing her Good night. Do this sober, because your senses will not be dulled and you will have more fun.

The first kiss will give you so much emotional and physical pleasure that you will feel like you are on another planet!

How can I tell when a girl wants me to kiss her?

Believe it or not, many girls on a date are only thinking about when you will finally kiss her. This happens because guys usually take a very long time to do this.

The best way to tell if a girl wants you to kiss her is to watch the way she looks at you. If she stares around and cannot concentrate her attention on you, this means that she is not yet ripe for a kiss.

If she looks you straight in the eyes during a conversation and does not look away when you look at her the same way, it should become clear to you that the situation is developing in the right direction, that she feels comfortable with you enough that she can allow you to kiss.

There are no time limits in this matter; you don’t need to measure every movement with a stopwatch in your hands. Rely on your sense of the situation, it will tell you the right moment for a kiss, when you feel that she is encouraging you with her eyes.

Is it possible to tell if a girl wants me to kiss her by how close she gets to me?

Yes, there is even a science that studies this fascinating subject. Humans, like animals, have a so-called zone of personal communication. Anthropologist Edward T. Hall, who created this science, in his book “Invisible Distance” proves using the example of US citizens that a person has 4 contact zones: the public communication zone (more than 3.5 m) - for strangers, zone social communication(1.2-3.5 m) - for friends, personal communication zone (0.5-1.2 m) - for family and friends and intimate communication zone (0-0.5 m).

Animals also have developed contact zones, the size of which depends on the species to which they belong. If you come into the animal's personal contact area, it behaves aggressively. You can experiment, for example, with a street dog. If you stand 3 meters away from her, she very likely will not notice you, but if you come closer, at a distance of less than 0.6 meters, she will consider you an enemy and will either run away or attack.

Knowing these zones can help you understand whether your partner wants to be kissed. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that women intimate area less than men. You can measure your zone by extending your arm forward. Your intimate zone ends approximately halfway up your forearm.

Since this zone is smaller for girls than for guys, your chosen one may think that she is in your personal (not intimate) communication zone, while for you it is an intimate communication zone.

It seems to you that she agrees to you kissing her, but for her this is just a friendly conversation. Keep this in mind when talking to girls at parties. They usually come closer than you. You may think this is an invitation to move on to a more intimate relationship, but in reality it is not.

Remember that you cannot kiss a girl if she is at a distance from you that does not allow her to reach you with her elbow. If she comes closer to you, this means that she is flirting with you, so you can safely kiss.

At what age do people usually kiss for the first time?

Most people (86%) experience their first kiss at around 10-14 years of age. However, don't worry because you're 16 and haven't kissed yet. It happens that people kiss for the first time after they are 20.

You can quickly catch up with your peers - it's easy. If, on the contrary, you had earlier experience of kissing, say at 8 or 9 years old, there is nothing wrong with that either.

Sometimes such people can be distinguished from the crowd by a smug smile, as if saying that they know a secret hidden from others, or by a look that is “out of this world.”

Is everyone really nervous before their first kiss?

The first kiss is always exciting. Some people experience stomach cramps before their first kiss. So relax, give in to the flow. Excitement is an integral part of the joys of life.

If nothing excites you anymore, it means that the spark of life has gone out in you, you are missing out on so many interesting things!

Is it possible to kiss on the first date?

Yes. Almost 50% of people think so. This is good, because, firstly, it causes pleasant excitement, and secondly, it allows you to quickly find mutual language, and thirdly, you no longer have to worry about when your first kiss will happen. The downside is that you will no longer experience the magical excitement in anticipation of your first kiss. In addition, you may suddenly realize that you and your partner are incompatible.

I know people who meet and kiss one or two new partners every week. They may find it difficult to remember who they are going on a date with today and who they really like.

One girl kissed so many guys a week that she couldn’t remember them all and even considered hiring an accountant to do it. But, despite the logistical difficulties, it would be nice to kiss someone new after a certain period of time.

Some people get used to frequent changes relationships are like a drug: for several weeks they live in a high from one portion of kisses, but soon they need a new dose of romantic adventures.

Is it true that talking about a kiss beforehand ruins everything?

Yes, this almost always happens. A 15-year-old girl says: “My first kiss It didn’t work out because my boyfriend and I had been talking for at least half an hour before that it was simply impossible for us to avoid a kiss.

The longer they talked, the more frozen they became. We sat and looked into each other's eyes, then I noticed that he was trembling, blushed and tears ran from his eyes. When our lips finally connected, it did not bring any pleasure. We talked about it too much!” Before a kiss, it’s better not to say anything at all.

Is it necessary to kiss right away on the first date?

No. It is not at all necessary to immediately enter into such intimate relationships. You can spend first dates without kissing, because you can hold off on it. Without kissing, you can go on five or six dates or even more, depending on your imagination and financial capabilities.

How to avoid awkwardness when kissing?

“The first time I kissed my girlfriend, not everything went smoothly. This all happened somehow unexpectedly and took me by surprise. We were at school and without any warning she came up and kissed me. Our lips squashed against each other, and for me it was terrible. What would you advise me to do next time?

Take your time. If necessary, grab her by the shoulders so she can't move away and try to take the initiative. It's not uncommon for your lips to be flattened; it happens sometimes.

Imagine that you are two spaceship, going to docking. It always occurs with a small collision, but the astronauts use a special program that softens the docking. And you use your hands for this. Hug her, pull her towards you.

The easiest way is to take her by the shoulders, or you can hug her around the waist and above. Pull her gently towards you and lightly touch her lips with your lips. Here it is, your kiss! Do it slowly, because the first kiss is the scariest, you may miss the mark or your lips will slip at the most inopportune moment.

But this is much easier than docking ships in space, so go ahead - because in order for you to succeed, you don’t have to train hard first, like, for example, astronauts. You have practiced this a thousand times, bringing food to your mouth.

Just take your time and remember to hold her - even by her head if necessary - to guide your lips to a successful connection.

Can my partner guess that I am new to this business?

No. It is almost impossible to guess how many times in your life you kiss. On the contrary, your unusual manner and excitement can add originality to the kiss and cause more pleasant sensations in your partner, because your kisses will not be rehearsed and uncluttered. No one will ever guess about your lack of experience unless you talk about it yourself.

I am very clumsy when I try to kiss someone, I always lose my balance. What do you advise me to do?

There are four things that can be advised in this situation.

  • First, try kissing while sitting.
  • Secondly, you can lean your girlfriend against the wall, this will help you maintain your balance.
  • Third, for added stability, place your hands on her shoulders.
  • And finally, fourthly, take a little time with the kiss. I want to say, maybe she herself will take the first step, and then she will have to lean towards you and look for support in you.

How to excite a girl with a kiss?

Most the right way- kiss her on the ear or neck. Studies have shown that women like best when they are kissed on the neck (not counting the lips). Yes, yes, in the neck.

You may find that neck kisses don't turn you on very much (since only 10% of guys get turned on by neck kisses) and so you decide to give them up. You shouldn’t do this, this is where the difference between the sexes comes into play. Here's what one 15-year-old girl told me: “I love it when my boyfriend kisses my neck, it turns me on very much. I also like it when he kisses my earlobe.”

The following advice contains something that men too often forget. If you use it, you will get a huge advantage over the rest. The secret is simple: be gentle.

Women are surprised: “Why are all the guys so rude when kissing? Don't they understand that slow, passionate kisses mean so much more to girls? Everyone can stick out their tongue, but few people care about making the kiss tender, and yet it should serve as proof that the guy really cares about the girl and wants to be with her.”

Do I need to ask permission to kiss?

Usually not. Instead, demand a kiss with a line from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew: "Kate, kiss!" Say something in this style, but in a gentle, loving tone. Or like this: “I want to kiss you.” But it’s best to wait for the right moment and, without saying anything, take the first step.

This advice only works for 90% of people. The remaining 10% prefer to ask permission. One guy admitted that he used a similar move because he never met resistance. "May I kiss you?" - and it burns for you green light. So, if you belong to that 10%, just be polite and - full speed ahead!

Another way to push your partner to the first kiss is

There is such a line of behavior: the strategy of the clumsy. In the usual scenario, you try to do everything “right.” Touch her hair and say something complimentary. This will help you get closer to her for a kiss. After that, you lean towards her, close your eyes and touch her lips with your lips. The only downside to this scenario is that it doesn’t always work, especially if it’s the first kiss.

Therefore, you can try to adopt the strategy of the clumsy. According to this strategy, you don't have to worry about being clumsy and unsophisticated. Imagine, you deliberately do the opposite: you clumsily approach a girl, touch her with your shoulder and hit her with your head, leaning in for a kiss, but not hitting her lips on the first go.

She starts laughing. She knows what's on your mind. She's on your side and wants to help. That's the beauty of it. She understands how difficult it is for a guy to decide to kiss her for the first time, and so she agrees to help you through it. She turns to you, ready for a second try. Make sure you don't miss this time! Now, when she is ready for a kiss, when she is waiting for him, be precise, like Cupid, striking hearts with his arrows.

The clumsy strategy works in almost any situation. Its huge advantage is that it disarms your partner and makes her understand that she does not have to be a standard. This allows her to relax and makes the first kiss enjoyable for both of you.

How to get close enough for a kiss without announcing your intentions so as not to be rejected?

You are sitting in the school assembly hall. Alone. You are talking and feel that the air is filled with something special and romantic. The only thing missing is intimacy enough for a first kiss. She sits on her desk, her legs dangling over the papers scattered on the floor.

Look at her and smile. Come and pick up one piece of paper. Give it to her and comment on her content. When she looks at the paper, sit next to her on the desk. When she returns the piece of paper to you, tell her that she has beautiful hair. It doesn't matter what they really look like, just give them a compliment.

She looks at you, and it seems to you that the whole room is filled with the rays of the setting sun. They play on her face and she smiles like a saint. You feel like a great sinner because the only thing on your mind is to kiss her. You are already quite close to her, and the only unresolved issue is...

Where to put your nose when kissing?

So, you kiss for the first time, feel the amazing, desirable lips of your girlfriend, start moving your head and suddenly bump into each other’s noses. “The end of everything! - you think. - What to do now?"

At this point, some guys throw their hands up and decide that they are not cut out for kissing. How wrong they are! The man is perfectly suited for such an occupation. You will understand this once you know one little secret: As soon as you feel that your noses are about to collide, tilt your head back a little so that your noses slide past, lightly touching each other, until their tips touch. All this time, your lips should be connected to your partner’s lips.

When you touch the tips of your noses, tilt your head slightly to the side so that your noses, like two ships in the night, pass, barely touching each other's sides.

Keep kissing. Do everything as described above.

How to kiss on Valentine's Day Valentina?

If you want to kiss a girl for the first time on a special day, such as Valentine's Day. Valentine, you must remember to create a romantic atmosphere while waiting for the right moment. On holidays, romance and high spirits are always in the air. And the very fact that you are spending this day together will increase the feeling of closeness and the joy of anticipation.

Give her flowers or chocolate before kissing and see her reaction. She smiles? She is happy? Does she enjoy being in your company? "Create a romantic atmosphere by showering her with compliments and slowly approaching her. For example, in a record store, pick up a new CD for her.

Get as close as possible while giving it to her. Let the music in the store emphasize the romance of the moment. Show her some picture on the cover of the disc and look at it together. At this moment you are so close that you feel the warmth of her face on your cheek. This alone is enough to take your breath away. However, gather your remaining common sense.

When she gives you the disk, touch her hand with your fingers. Do you feel a jolt of electricity? Do you think she felt it too? Then lean towards her and complete the circuit! Kiss her now, without putting it off until later. Kiss her right in the store! Let the whole world know that you love to kiss her!

The main steps are always the same: wait for a romantic situation, come closer, connect in a kiss. If she backs down at any stage, go back to the initial stage.

Sometimes this game can last for hours, sometimes for days, weeks, years... Ah, these sweet pangs of love!

How can you achieve the maximum duration of a kiss?

The most important thing is to take your time, just try to enjoy the physical feeling of someone's lips on yours. “Yesterday I kissed my girlfriend for the first time,” says the young man. - We kissed randomly. Languages ​​were constantly getting in the way. The only thing I want now is to learn how to kiss easily and for a long time.”

If you take your time, it will certainly have an effect. Also, don't forget how much tenderness means to women. Just listen to what a 16-year-old girl says: “When my boyfriend kissed me ex-boyfriend, it seemed to me that my lips were being sucked by a vacuum cleaner.

Why do guys like to be so aggressive? After all, a girl needs rather tenderness and sympathy, at least at first.” She is only 16 years old, and she is already tired of the aggressiveness of guys!

Be soft and gentle and she will adore you. She might even think you're a stylish kisser.

What should you do while kissing?

You feel your girlfriend’s lips, so soft, warm, so delicious! For a while you lose your head and you really want to bite them. No need! Quiet aggressive desires. This is just the first kiss, you have everything ahead of you. Be gentle and loving. Do what people usually do when they kiss for the first time: move your head from side to side... very slowly.

Turn your head gently, as if reluctantly, as if you were asking her a question. This is what horses do in a stable: they stand next to each other and lean their muzzles against each other. It seems to you that all considerations of reason have left you and you no longer feel anything except a feeling of closeness with your chosen one. You don't even have enough time to think about how good you feel now. It’s so natural and easy for you, just wonderful!

How to kiss a girl so that she understands that I love her?

Since most women judge the sincerity of your intentions by the way you kiss, French kissing on the first date will make her sign you up for sex.

But if you kiss her tenderly and affectionately, she will be almost 100% sure that you like just being with her. When you supposedly reluctantly kiss a woman, she will certainly think: “Oooh! He really loves me!

Is it necessary to hold your partner's lips with your lips?

Not necessary. Many guys wonder if they have to work with their lips, or if they should just stay on their partner's lips while kissing. There are no rules here. Just do what feels good for both you and your girlfriend. You can capture her lips with your lips, but just be careful not to overdo it.

How long should the first kiss last? How do you know when it needs to end?

When you kiss for the first time, you are so excited that you barely understand anything. Your heart rate increases and your breathing becomes short. And the sense of time completely disappears.

It may feel like you've been kissing for an eternity, but in reality only a few seconds have passed. Whatever happens, don't try to count the time to yourself. Instead, just let your lips connect and move your head for a while. You may feel dizzy with excitement, but despite this, remember to pay attention to what your partner is doing.

She may gently suck or bite your lower lip or try to insert her tongue into your mouth. Get ready for anything, don't hesitate. Accept whatever happens, and after a few seconds, when you are dying of pleasure, decide to finish your first kiss.

The easiest way to finish it is to break away from your lips and slowly pull away. Before pulling away, some people like to “pinch” their partner’s lips with theirs, as if saying goodbye to her. Another way is to rub your nose against hers, as the Eskimos do.

Sometimes it may happen that you will be so absorbed in the kiss that you will not notice that you need to end it. It can bring you such bliss that you don't want to interrupt it. In this case, continue kissing for as long as possible, soaking up the happiness to the last drop.

On the other hand, you may feel that you will offend your girlfriend if you stop the kiss. Have you ever been at a party with someone whose flow of speech you wanted to stop, but didn't know how to do? If you want to do the same with a kiss, simply by an effort of will, force your lips to close and pull away.

Smile at your partner as if telling her, “Everything was great. We'll do it again someday."

Is it necessary to close your eyes while kissing?

No, not necessarily. But almost 66% of people do this. Many people say that this helps them concentrate on the sensations of the kiss. On the other hand, a third of all people like to leave their eyes open when kissing.

Here's what one guy says about this: "I have to see where I'm aiming my lips and where I'm hitting." And one girl admitted that she likes to look over her partner’s shoulder in the mirror while kissing: thereby she gets double pleasure- physical (from a kiss) and visual (from seeing, as if from the outside, how a partner hugs and kisses her).

What should you do to relax your lips?

Some people push themselves too hard when kissing, and as a result, their lips become uncomfortably hard. “My boyfriend,” says one girl, “was the first person to French kiss me.

He told me that everything was just fine, but that I needed to relax my lips while kissing. What did he mean? I'm afraid that next time my lips will be like jelly." Maybe he meant that you were pursing your lips too tightly. But he is wrong when he says that your lips should be relaxed throughout the French kiss.

In this case, you will feel the same thing that you feel when you try to eat an apple after anesthesia - the person does not feel what he is doing and cannot control his actions. Therefore, it is better to simply change the pressure of your lips, let them be tense at times and relaxed at times.

The same should happen with your tongue. Take an active part in the kiss and everything will be fine.

Is there a moment of risk in a kiss?

Since when you kiss in French you come into contact with your partner's saliva, this can lead to various germs and viruses, such as colds, herpes or mononucleosis, entering your body from his body.

However, despite the fact that, according to medical forecasts, by the year 2000 the number of people infected with AIDS will be 70 million, there has so far been only one recorded case of transmission of the virus during a kiss, when it entered the body through wounds in the mouths of both partners. Since then, not a single case of infection with this virus through the exchange of saliva during a kiss has been reported.

Of course, a kiss is one of the safest manifestations of love.

How does a hickey appear?

A hickey can form in 3 cases. First, you can simply kiss a girl so intensely that her skin turns red. Secondly, the bite will definitely leave a red mark on her neck or shoulder.

Thirdly, a hickey can be formed as a result of sucking during a kiss. If, for example, you kiss her hand this way, it will develop redness, indicating that the capillaries beneath the surface of the skin have been damaged (to see what effect this will have, you can first try making a hickey on your hand).

Sometimes you have to wait almost half an hour for a mark to appear. And when your girlfriend sees what you did to her, depending on her character, she will either love you or hate you. This is not always predictable.

How can you get rid of hickey marks?

In this case, there are a lot of stupid tips, including: clean the area with toothpaste, apply a cold spoon to it, moisten it with vinegar, put an eraser on it and rub.

Does any of the above help get rid of a hickey?

No. Nothing can help you. A hickey is a bruise. You can't get rid of a bruise with toothpaste, or an eraser, or vinegar. The opposite effect may occur. It's best to wait until the hickey goes away on its own, like any other bruise.

And if you don't want to put it on public display, cosmetics or suitable clothing will hide it from prying eyes until it resolves.

Is it possible to kiss with gum in your mouth and what is the best way to do it?

Kissing with gum in your mouth is the most sensual of all kisses, but requires special precautions. First, stop chewing when you feel your partner's tongue in your mouth. And in general, chew slower and more gently than usual - just to be on the safe side.

Make sure that the gum doesn't fall out of your mouth or get tangled in your hair - this can ruin your whole day and your romantic date.

What should I do if my girlfriend suddenly starts crying?

Kiss her on the eyes. This is the most romantic and tender response with which you show that you understand her condition, sympathize with her, and moreover, that you are a caring guy. Almost 2% of people cry during a kiss - either from joy or from grief.

How can I let my girlfriend know how I feel during a kiss?

The best way is to let her know this with your lips. If you want to put feelings into words, say something light - sweet nonsense, “pleasant pleasantries.” Make her laugh. Don't overdo it with seriousness. Spout all sorts of romantic nonsense.

One young man was caught off guard when his partner asked what he was thinking about during the kiss. His thoughts were occupied with completely unrelated matters, and he did not know whether to tell the girl about this.

Never admit anything like that. It might hurt her feelings. Instead, say that you were thinking about how you were going to kiss her, or something else that indicates that you were thinking about her. And after that, try to really think about it at least a little.

Focus on your breathing. Breathe through your nose, inhaling your partner's scent. And most importantly, relax. You ask: how? Just force yourself to do it, especially try to relax your lips. A young woman says: “I don’t like guys who kiss with tense lips. Either they relax, or don’t count on my reciprocity!”

The best way to relax your lips during your first kiss is to remember this simple advice: “If something is worth doing, you should do it slowly.” Those. don't try too hard. Too much effort sometimes only makes things worse.

Just connect your lips with your partner's and see what happens next. If you concentrate mentally, your lips will relax on their own. Just shake your head and let your lips do whatever they want.

Would a girl be disgusted by kissing a guy who has a wide lower lip?

Quite the opposite: many women find a man's wide lower lip very attractive. In addition, such a lip will allow you to kiss a woman’s lower lip without complications, since it will serve as a kind of support for her.

If you kiss her upper lip, then she will be able to suck your lower lip at this time, which will give her the greatest pleasure. Look at her reaction.

If you notice women looking at your lips, this will be a signal to you that they are just dying to kiss you. (And you thought they were laughing at you in secret!)

Should I be concerned about wearing dental restorations on my teeth?

Definitely not, you should rejoice at this fact! Unfortunately, people often make too much of it. great importance, which is absolutely wrong. In fact, young people these days think it's very sexy to kiss in records. And that's why.

Firstly, they are a sign of youth, because they are usually worn in teenage years. Secondly, they draw attention to your mouth and your smile, adding charm to your appearance. Thirdly, and most interestingly, in light of modern fashion In addition to body jewelry, plates are gradually moving into the category of mouth jewelry.

And since kissing someone who wears plates has a more stimulating effect, your popularity among members of the opposite sex can increase dramatically.

If both partners are wearing patches, can they get caught in them?

Yes, the plates have hooks and wires that pose a potential threat to the kissing couple. However, this will not be a serious problem if, in order to disengage, you take all the same actions that preceded the clutch, only in exactly the opposite way.

There aren't many hooks you can get caught in, and dentists say that if you're careful, you won't have this problem. This happens extremely rarely, and if it does happen, it can be disconnected quite easily. Just treat it like a game and try to enjoy it.

Never refuse a kiss just because you are wearing braces.

How can I get my girlfriend to brush her teeth more often?

Tell her this: “You know, honey, I think my breath smells bad. I have read what to do to get rid of this and will do everything I read:

Brush your teeth.
Use a special rinse every time after eating.
Clean your tongue. Yes, yes, you heard right, the tongue, because a lot of bacteria accumulate on it, which create bad smell.
I won’t eat onions and garlic before kissing you.”

In other words, act as if you have bad breath. She will be so worried about you that she will do the same. If she doesn't take the hint, stop kissing her. “My breath smells, I won’t kiss you,” tell her.

If she insists that your breath is fresh, tell her that you don't think so. Brush your teeth and make her do the same - and kiss her only after that.

What should I do with my hands?

Move them along your partner's back. Gently stroke her hair. You can put your hands in her pockets, or you can do something else, for example:

  • Run your hands up and down your partner's back.
  • Run them gently over her face.
  • Take her chin and turn it in a direction convenient for kissing.
  • Grab her by the ears and turn her head in a way that is comfortable for you.
  • Hold her tightly to you, then release her so that she can breathe normally.
  • Put your arm around her shoulders.
  • Place your thumbs under her arms.
  • Run your fingers through her hair.
  • Wrap your arms around her neck.
  • Hold each other's hands.

Is it possible to talk while kissing?

Yes, and your partner will be happy about it, as long as you don't say any nasty things to her. In fact, people who never talk while kissing are never truly interested in their partner.

If you want to say something to your partner while you kiss, tell it to her directly without moving your mouth, and let it be something romantic. You can also occasionally interrupt the kiss and whisper all sorts of tenderness in her ear.

How should you touch your partner's hair while kissing?

Both men and women love it when their partners play with their hair. Sometimes you can even pull each other's hair, but not too much.

Why do we constantly clash teeth?

For most people, this happens because they press their lips together too tightly. “When my boyfriend and I kiss,” says the girl, “we very often clash our teeth. It doesn't hurt, but we get embarrassed and start giggling. How can we get rid of this?”

Kiss less intensely. Try eliminating French kissing from your practice for a while. Kiss the corner of her lips, cheek, neck, ear, tell her that you also like it when they kiss you like that. If this doesn't solve the problem, try kissing less aggressively.

Are there any differences in the way men and women kiss?

There are many differences based on gender. In general, men are less sensitive to kissing. Women enjoy kisses on the neck and ear much more than men.

In addition, men prefer French kissing more early stage dating than women. Knowing what you like opposite sex, you can deliver significantly more pleasure to your partner.

When is the best time to move from one kiss to the next?

Move on to another kiss when you feel like your partner is tired of the way you kiss. If you notice a bored expression on your girlfriend's face, this will serve as a signal for you to move on to the next kiss.

For example, you can move from a French kiss to a neck kiss. In addition, you can move on to a new kiss when your partner, on the contrary, begins to enjoy your kiss.

If at this time you change tactics, she will want to return to the previous kiss and at the subconscious level she will want both you and the continuation of the interrupted wonderful kiss.

What is a combination kiss?

If lovers are not satisfied with one kiss, they mix several different ones. The main thing here is ingenuity and surprise.

A kiss can begin as a simple kiss, which at its height can turn into sucking lips, then give way to a vacuum kiss, and end, after going through several stages, in the same way as it began - with a regular kiss on the lips.

The options here are endless. Your girlfriend will never get tired of variety, especially if you put at least a little feeling into your kisses. The main difficulty will be to remember the entire sequence of actions when she asks: “Now let's repeat it!”

I want to kiss my girlfriend for the first time. How to put her in the right mood?

The mood is what you both feel. There are no magic words, with the help of which it would be created in itself. The best thing you can do is to arrange everything so that your date is in highest degree romantic.

This includes both talking and being close together for some time, sitting next to each other, or walking, or doing activities together. homework. Look into her eyes until you feel that you are starting to dissolve in them.

Let the situation unfold so much that you feel a magnetic attraction to it that you cannot overcome. If you both feel the same way, you will be fine.

If there was only one chance to kiss a girl and your future depended on that kiss?

True love or friendship is much stronger than one single kiss. But in any case, your first kiss should be gentle. These are scouting kisses during which you need to monitor her reaction.

If you think she doesn't like it, stop. If she smiles contentedly, continue kissing her. But just don't French kiss her on the first date, unless, of course, she wants it herself.

If you really want to impress her, re-read the previous sentence, underline it, memorize it and write it down on a piece of paper, which you must take with you on the first date with your chosen one.

Is there any way to find out what kind of kisses a girl likes without asking her directly?

You can usually tell by the way she kisses you. Therefore, follow this and kiss her the way she kissed you, still trying to add something from yourself. Also, remember that girls usually don't like it when guys move on to tongue kissing too quickly or don't use other kisses at all.

How can a guy let a girl know that he wants to kiss her?

Approach her, look into her eyes for a long time. Most importantly, ask about how she spent her day, what she thinks about this or that matter; Listen to her carefully, but also take part in the conversation yourself.

When you get close enough to her, find an excuse to adjust something on her clothing, brush off a speck of dust, or run your hand through her hair. If she turns pale and recoils, you were too hasty. If everything goes well, you will feel as if a electricity and an unknown force attracts you to each other.

If she doesn't take the hint, you can tell her something like, “I kept trying to let you know that I wanted to kiss you, but you didn't seem to notice!”

When should you kiss on a date?

The most convenient time for a kiss - when parting, because it is the most natural. However, some girls complain that their partners kiss them despite the fact that during the date there was no intimacy or attraction between them.

Therefore, if you did not feel anything like that, it is better to refuse a kiss goodbye.

If you do kiss, it may turn out that this kiss will open a series of new kisses. Therefore, it is worth ending your dates early - so that you can start kissing.

In addition, kissing at the beginning of a date is very popular. These welcome kisses will create a pleasant romantic atmosphere for the whole evening.

After such a kiss, you will remain in her heart and thoughts until the next date.

What is a “wet” kiss?

This is a kiss during which so much saliva is released that your partner's whole face can be wet, and your lips will glide over it as easily as a swan on the waters of a lake.

Sometimes it feels good, especially when you're already so excited that you don't notice the unpleasant wetness. But much more often the partner doesn’t like it.

How can this be prevented?

Swallow your own saliva. Or take a break to get something to drink. You can prepare a bottle in advance cold water for yourself and for your girlfriend. This will give you the opportunity to get rid of excess saliva in your mouth.

You can try kissing on a full stomach, when salivation decreases. Conversely, kissing before your usual mealtime helps produce more saliva.

Alas, the stomach cannot always recognize the difference between your friend and your favorite dish.

How “wet” can a kiss be?

Although no kiss is complete without drooling, the saliva should not be so copious that your partner has to use a towel. However, the more erotic the kisses become, the “wetter” they become.

Luckily, when people become aroused, their tolerance for other people's saliva increases accordingly. As you become more and more aroused, your hands begin to sweat, your heart rate increases, and your kisses become wetter.

Do people who don't like wet kisses feel differently?

In general, yes. Disgusting people are usually more reserved and cannot relax quickly. They are disgusted by the slightest sensation of their partner’s saliva; they can hardly stand the sensation of even their own saliva.

If your partner complains about too wet kisses, this may mean that she has a thing about it. But at the same time, this may be a signal that you are salivating too much.

You can easily check this by consulting your dentist when you come for your next checkup.

Would it be rude if I wiped my mouth after kissing?

In general, no. It won't look any more rude than wiping your mouth after finishing a meal together. However, it is worth keeping in mind that such a gesture may be interpreted by your partner as a sign that you did not like the feeling of his saliva. Therefore, there is no need to advertise this.

What's the best way to let my girlfriend know that her kisses are too wet?

Tell her about this when you don't kiss. You shouldn't do this while kissing because it can cause a long discussion. Offer to swallow saliva. Show her some dry kisses you've seen in movies or on TV.

Make her happy with a promise to buy her a bib if she doesn’t try to “dry” the kisses.

When do “wet” kisses go off without a hitch?

To begin with, most people choose short, “dry” kisses, followed by long, but also “dry” kisses. It usually takes some time for the partners to become so excited that they can move on to “wet” kisses.

This time is approximately ten minutes, during which relaxation occurs. Naturally, no one will like it if after a kiss he is covered from head to toe with saliva, so be careful with “wet” kisses. They are certainly highly erotic, but your partner may be squeamish.

In general, try to swallow your saliva and watch your partner. If suddenly she begins to choke like a drowning person, immediately wipe her off and call for help.

How can I tactfully hint to my partner so that she doesn’t shower me with her saliva?

Tell her what you heard about interesting game the kissing game you want to try to play. It's called "Show Me Your Kind of Kisses." You tell your partner to kiss you for three minutes.

Kiss her on the neck if you like neck kisses. Kiss her with dry lips - do whatever you like. Then switch roles. Let her show you what she would like. In this game you both will learn how to kiss each other.

If none of the above helps, play another game with your partner called "Candor." Tell her what you like and then what you don't like about her kisses.

Is it possible to determine for myself that my kisses are too “wet”?

You can determine this by swallowing your own saliva during a kiss. If this saves the situation, know that it was your kissing that caused the excess moisture.

If the kiss does not become drier, ask your partner to swallow saliva. Appeal to her sense of justice: “You must learn to regulate your salivation.”

In the life of every person there are many different events that are important to the heart. One of these is the first kiss. What should it be and what should be done? This question is often asked by a huge number of young people. It is worth understanding some of the nuances.


The most important thing in the first, in principle, as in all others, is attraction, the desire to kiss this particular person. Only this way, at the peak of your emotions, can you get the greatest pleasure in the world. Only in this case everything will certainly work out, and only the most pleasant and warm memories will remain about the first kiss. And this is very important for all subsequent relationships with the opposite sex in the life of any person.

Moment of surprise

An important recommendation when figuring out what a first kiss should be like is that it should be spontaneous and unexpected. You should not first ask your object of adoration “can I kiss you?” Everything should come from the heart. There are a huge number of moments for such action. Any romantic setting can contribute to this: a date in a cafe, a walk through the city at night, saying goodbye at the entrance door... These are those cases when a kiss is not only necessary, but also very important. You can also kiss a girl in an unusual or unexpected environment. For example, during a game: the first kiss while having fun will not only be a surprise, but also a pleasant event. Kissing during bickering or arguing in a couple will also be memorable. surprise. By the way, this great way shut your lady's mouth if she's in earnest.

Types of kisses

Probably everyone knows that there are quite a lot of different ones. So which one is better to start with? Certainly not from French. The first kiss should be gentle, soft, affectionate. You should not rush at your companion with the desire to give him (or her) hickeys, this will be inappropriate. A slight touch of lips is the ideal first kiss in the history of every couple. And then events can develop according to different scenarios.

Important points

Everyone knows that in exciting moments a person may experience shortness of breath and even feel dizzy. This is normal, but this behavior may raise questions or even scare your partner. Therefore, you need to control yourself as best as possible in order to avoid such excesses. There is no need to panic or be too nervous; there is nothing scary about the first kiss; moreover, it is a pleasant experience. You also need to take care of your body scents. It may be unpleasant to think about, but an unpleasant odor from the mouth can scare a person away once and for all. And such a first kiss may be the last in the couple’s relationship.

It is also worth thinking about where to place your hands during the first kiss. Scouring your entire body in search of where to catch on is not the answer. The ideal situation would be if the girl hugs the guy by the neck, and the man puts his hands on the lady's waist. Trying to grab a girl's butt or breasts is not the best option, as this will only scare away your lover.


If it’s not at all clear how the first kiss should go, you can practice the art of kissing the opposite sex at home. The old method of learning with tomatoes can also help. But it’s better to watch a video or ask your friends about it. By the way, life stories explain the first kiss perfectly. You can talk about this with

The magic of a kiss begins to excite a person from the moment he understands and identifies himself with a certain gender. Boys and girls in high school begin to look at their peers with interest, not only playful, but also sexual. It is clear that no one raves about physical intimacy, but everyone fantasizes about the first kiss.

At the moment of the rapprochement of two lips, eyes, faces, pent-up emotions spill out, a still unknown bliss spreads throughout the body, tears are ready to appear in the corners of radiant eyes. Primitive instinct attracts bodies, foaming the blood in every cell with a hurricane of passion.

Memories made up of wonderful seconds of the pleasures of life will more than once return mature people to the languor of the first touch tender lips to other lips, no less thirsty for affection and warmth.

Two people, in love and exalted by their first feeling, dream of an unforgettable kiss, without constraint and confusion. So that the hearts that began their flight at the moment of acquaintance begin to beat the beat together, with one beat for two.

How will it go? The thoughts of girls and boys who do not know how to kiss revolve around one dilemma. Maybe I’ll ruin everything and lose the person I’ve managed to become a loved one forever? Doubts prevent you from plunging into romantic thoughts without worrying about making an irreparable mistake.

Such a responsible, even decisive step in growing up requires preparation. It is clear that once upon a time no one knew how to kiss. The torment of the unknown and uncertainty as a result makes you wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about the right thing to do. Let's think about what to consider and how to make the kiss truly enchanting.

The first kiss will be remembered for a lifetime

Fears and concerns before a kiss

Kisses surround us from birth. The consciousness of a person who grew up in a loving family atmosphere is prepared to express affection, friendly feelings or family ties touching lips and hugs. But the first kiss, so long-awaited and fabulous, is scary. Fears, which are well founded, make the girl nervous and force her to delay the moment of rapprochement further.

It would seem - what is insurmountable? He folded his lips into a bow and closed his eyes, shining with joy, with fluttering eyelids. But it is not at all easy for young girls to cross the threshold of modesty and show their lack of experience in kissing. You should start with the psychological settings in the young creature’s head.

Over millions of years of development, our genes contain behavioral programs in many cases. Including tenderness leading to the awakening of sexuality. Everyone has an idea of ​​​​the movements when pressing lips to the lips of a partner, thanks to on-screen characters who daily demonstrate this process on camera. But not everyone can dare to do the same thing live, without preparation.

To have a successful first kiss, you need to get rid of fears

How to get ready for your first kiss

Start of the bookmarking program correct behavior When kissing a guy, you should do a little training. Repeating the installation daily will make the situation itself habitual, the body itself will carry out the actions correctly along the laid path, without failure.

Stay in the room by yourself, sit in your favorite chair, relax your muscles and lose yourself in the fantasy of your date. Think about how you will touch the skin of your loved one, first stroke the unruly strands, then kiss them on the cheek. Gradually move on to gently touching your entire face with your lips, slowly moving towards your lips. The smell of the cologne your boyfriend uses will pop up in your brain and envelop you in silky aroma. Think about how the young man will respond to the affection, press his lips in the opposite gift of tenderness. This should continue until you feel a reality in which you make every touch correctly.

Continue these activities every day until the thought of the first kiss ceases to be scary, uncertainty and timidity are erased. The performance should be sensual, with complete immersion and release of emotions. Only then will every brain cell relax, there will be no stupor or fear, which can poison such an expected and significant moment in a relationship.

Frequent mental exercises They will bring to the moment of kiss not a fearful incompetent, but a confident and courageous girl. Experiences and waves of confusion will remain a thing of the past. The seconds before the merging of lips will not become painful, but will be remembered in all their charm.

Preparing for a kiss never hurts

Important points in preparing for a kiss

Why does fear and chill arise in the heart before the most romantic event in life? This is not only doubt about the correctness of one’s actions, but also an inability to control one’s impulses and emotions. Many young people imagine touching their lips as causing them to become so emotional that they lose control. Therefore, they are afraid to relax too much, which cannot be done at all! Tension that constrains movement and does not allow you to get full pleasure can subsequently be deposited in memory and interfere with building relationships with the opposite sex. Such psychological locks lead people to consult highly specialized doctors.

Only complete relaxation at the moment of meeting trembling lips will guarantee that you will remember this second forever. Don’t fill your head with unnecessary thoughts, because your partner also feels the same anxiety as you.

The rules of not only the first kiss, but also of every subsequent relationship, imply giving completely to your partner, and not focusing on your emotions and desires. Try to feel what your loved one feels like. Show that his actions are pleasant to you. Don't think about the correctness of his kiss, otherwise the tension that has arisen in your body will be transferred to the guy, and the moment will be ruined. Surrender to the reflexes that will be reborn in your brain, transmitted by the genes of your ancestors.

Young people who have not previously experienced the pleasure of kissing each other cannot overcome the tension that does not give complete freedom actions. A certain obstacle, in the form of fear of wrong behavior, is firmly lodged in the young head. It is necessary to help emotions relieve the tension in the atmosphere, relax muscles and thoughts, and let go of desires on a romantic flight.

This problem will be solved by the right place in which to kiss for the first time. Usually couples retire to the far corners of the park, to a dark cinema hall with a romantic film. If this happens at home, then it is appropriate to turn on slow, quiet music and dim the overhead lights. In the dark it is easier for a person to feel confident and dare to do more. It is especially important to create an intimate atmosphere when the first kiss is new for both. The guy and the girl will subsequently learn to kiss from each other, which is even more exciting and enjoyable than the first inept touch of the lips.

While kissing, think about your partner

To kiss or not on the first day of dating?

Young people sometimes think about the advisability of a first kiss on the day they meet. Feelings and emerging sympathy awaken the desire to get as close as possible with the newcomer. But should we be in such a hurry? After all, the first is irrevocable, and the emotion of a kiss is even more so. There is no need to throw away the unique and significant aspects of a relationship. It is much more pleasant to give the first kiss when you are confident in future joint plans, and not to someone you meet. Such feelings that a person experiences at the moment of giving affection with his mouth should be valued and given exclusively to close people. Be sure that your partner thinks the same way and will not be offended by a refusal. Wait, this will not at all interfere with the pleasure of kissing for the first time, but on the contrary, it will increase the influx of feelings. Only complete confidence in feelings for a person should become the trigger that releases each other into hugs and kisses.

Rules for a successful kiss

Descriptions of first kisses lead to the conclusion that there is no need to talk much and prepare each other for locking lips. Conversations leading up to the kissing process will only ruin the matter. It is much more pleasant and sensual to do this spontaneously, without a half-hour discussion of the need or futility of the matter. The tension will come into force and overshadow the intoxicating moments that give genuine happiness. What can you experience by planning ahead and running through the options in your mind? Surprise is more suitable for the first kiss than a clear schedule of action.

The kissing process itself involves not only the lips, but the whole body. When kissing for the first time, you should not press too close to each other; hugs should be light, not implying sexual impulses or aggressive holding. Tenderness should be in the dominant place.

In the first kiss, your lips should only be lightly pressed against your partner’s lips. No language involved. The head should be tilted slightly, moving the nose to the side. A few moments of enthusiastic touching lips to lips for the first time is enough. You should close your eyes, otherwise you might just laugh at the close contemplation of your accomplice’s face. Such a ridiculous laugh will destroy magical effect, will be constantly remembered and will settle unpleasantly in the soul of each of the couple.

How should a first kiss make you feel? It could be anything but disgust. You often hear the phrase “slobbering youth.” It is pronounced with disdain, showing hostility towards such people. Not everyone will like a wet kiss, although little depends on the girl. Typically, guys who are inexperienced or overexcited will salivate. If you are unpleasantly surprised by the saliva, then do not show it. Understand that your beauty and the excitement caused by touching and hugging played a role here.

The first kiss can cause a storm of emotions

Is it necessary to try to move your lips for the first time, to involve your tongue in a kiss? It is better to avoid such actions. A guy may be afraid of your experience, and a girl may recoil in surprise. After all, “adult” kisses, more sexual and frank, are designed to motivate the couple to continue the action. For the first time, you should not give such a color to the kiss. If you are very interested, you can ask your older comrades, but there is still no need to try at the very beginning of tenderness.

How to behave during a long first kiss? Usually, at the moment of touching the lips, the breath itself is held. But it is impossible to spend more than a minute without air. If the time of the kiss lengthens and it is impossible to stop it, you need to start breathing through your nose. But not too often. An excess of oxygen in the cells can cause dizziness, even nausea. Calm down, deep and measured breathing will help you wait until the process is over.

Which kiss will a guy take correctly? For the first time, show, even if you want too much to continue kissing, that enough is enough. To do this, move your lips while simultaneously moving the guy's hands away from your body. A shy girl is more valued among guys than an approachable and overly passionate girl.

How to move during a kiss for the first time so as not to ruin the moment? If your partner is experienced and has previously dealt with girls, then he himself will kiss you correctly. All that remains is to relax and enjoy the delightful seconds. There is no need to twitch or suddenly throw your arms over his shoulders or clasp his torso. Slowly wrap your arms around his shoulders, sit up, or let the guy push you slightly towards him. Let the man initiate the hugs, lifting and bending. This way the girl will not scare off the gentleman and will leave the impression of a timid and fragile princess.

How to purse your lips when you first touch a guy's lips? You should gather them a little in front, not strain, but also not relax too much. Lips that are too hard or lifeless are equally unpleasant to kiss. Try to relax and tense your lips alternately. Both will like these waves and will allow them to improve in the future in the science of kissing. No one just wants to cling to an indifferent mouth, but beware of getting carried away.

When a couple is about to merge in a kiss, such excitement rolls in that you can involuntarily hit your teeth against your partner’s teeth. Such cases are not isolated, there is no need to be afraid or embarrassed. Pretend that the situation is under control and that nothing terrible happened. Because that's how it is. Chalk up the awkwardness to mutual clumsiness, trying to avoid future clashes. Move away from the too strong hands of your loved one, this will reduce the pressure on your lips.

Important! If the kiss becomes a little wet, which happens in a fit of tenderness, do not grimace and demonstratively wipe your wet lips with a handkerchief. No one can protect themselves from unexpected punctures, especially in an atmosphere of intense desire. Turn away, quietly wipe your mouth with your hand, disguise the movement as correcting your makeup or hairstyle. You can’t show a guy disgust, he may be dissatisfied with himself. Protect the man you like from unpleasant moments, then he will begin to treat your feelings with thrift and tenderness.

Analysis of information about the first kiss

These simple axioms need to be learned when preparing for your first kiss. They will seem funny or unnecessary only to older uncles and aunts who can already do everything. And it is important for a teenager to receive information in advance, think through actions, and not seem clumsy and stupid to a loved one.

Spoiled first kisses sometimes forever deprive people of the desire to give joy to each other in this way. They themselves cannot tell how it turned out that kissing became unpleasant. And the reason for this is the lack of information, indifference to one’s further sensual side of life.

You can live without kisses, but is it worth it? Consciously avoiding awe and elation is stupid. Through touching with their lips, people convey the warmth of their souls to their loved ones from birth. And the lovers they become happy couples, they simply do not have the right to deprive themselves of the indescribable pleasure of kissing.

Moments for a kiss on the lips

The time for first kisses was chosen by nature for a reason. Only in their youth do people, without fear of being hit by fate, surrender to their feelings and experience the true elemental power of love. It’s so easy at fourteen years old to admire a boy, not think about problems and give yourself over to thoughts about the guy entirely. In such a cycle, the heart skips a beat at the memory of a friend, not to mention a kiss with him.

A romantic date spent just the two of you will help you tune in to lyrical waves. It is impossible to imagine the atmosphere leading up to a kiss, especially the first one, than during such an evening. Tenderness will no longer have barriers, love will show all its power and strength without much involvement of the brain.

Often the first kiss ends an evening spent together or group communication, in which two people listen only to each other and strive to be alone. The guy offers to accompany the girl and wants to kiss her. And only she decides whether to respond to a kiss or not. If you do this only out of curiosity, then you will not experience any pleasant moment. You will only destroy the imaginary magic and deprive your consciousness of a real explosion of emotions. You need to leave the kisses for the very best, who will be able to appreciate the anticipation and experience double excitement - for himself and for you!