Homework for preschoolers on the theme of spring. Educational activities for children on the theme of spring. Children's game "Spring words"

Synopsis of the complex lesson "Hello, Spring!"

Purpose: To clarify and systematize children's ideas about spring changes in nature.


    Physical development

Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Consolidation in pupils of the need for physical activity;

Formation and development of physical qualities in children (coordination).

    Communicative and personal development

Formation of cultural behavior in children, the ability to act on command;

Encourage children to participate in joint games;

Development of curiosity;

Development of independence;

Formation of the ability to expressively perform small-sized poems, performing skills.

    Speech development

Development of free communication with adults and children;

Expanding children's vocabulary;

Development of all components of oral speech;

    Artistic and aesthetic development

Formation of the necessary skills and abilities in various activities (application, modeling).

Developing children's interest in music.

    cognitive development

Development of interest in cognitive research activities;

Expanding children's ideas about spring changes in nature.

Fixing the names of colors (red, blue, yellow, etc.) and the ability to make a choice according to the model;

Development of perception, the ability to distinguish various properties and relationships of objects (color, shape, size).

Development of the volume of visual perception.

Equipment and attributes.

Poems about spring, riddles about the sun, audio recording by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”; illustrations depicting spring, pictures of birds.

Course progress.

Sounds music from the album P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" ("Spring"). Enter children and teacher.

Children, look, please, how many guests we have. Let's say hello to the guests.

Today is an unusual day
I want to surprise you.
On a big trip
We'll recover now.

Listen to the poem and guess who we are going to visit:

It dawns early in the morning
Thaw patches here and there.
The stream roars like a waterfall.
Starlings fly to the birdhouse.
Droplets ring under the roofs.
The bear from the spruce got up from the bed.
The sun warmly caresses everyone.
Who knows this time of year?

Children- It is spring.

Teacher: Today we are going to visit in the spring.

What other seasons do you know?

What season is on the screen?

Teacher: - what spring months do you know? (March, April, May - don't forget them)

Who has a birthday in the spring?

How old are you?

What is greater than 6 or 7?

How did you guess? What signs of spring do you know?

(-the sun shines brighter, warmer warmer

The wind is blowing warm

The sky is blue, clear

On the river the ice is cracking

Icicles appear on rooftops

Happy drops

The days are getting shorter

Birds arrive from warm countries

Snowdrops appear

Fizminutka: "snowdrops wake up"Teacher:

Turn left and right and turn into a snowdrop! (Sit down, eyes closed) Here the snowdrops woke up, (Stand up, rubbed their eyes) Smiled, stretched. Once - they washed themselves with dew, (2 rubbed their cheeks with their hands) Two - gracefully circled,

Three - bent down and sat down

And looked at the sun.

To the left - to the right turn around and turn into guys.

Teacher : Do you know the difference between winter and spring?

Game: "I will start, and you continue"

In winter the sun shines, and in spring (warms)

Winter is gone and spring has come

Days are short in winter and long in spring

Winter is cold and spring is (warm)

It snows in winter and it rains in spring

Snowdrifts are high in winter and low in spring.

In winter they wear fur coats, and in spring (jackets)

Teacher: What poems about spring do you know?

1. In a clearing by the path

Weeds break through.

A stream runs from a hillock,

And there is snow under the tree.

2. The snow is already melting, streams are running.

The window blew in the spring.

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage. (how do you understand that the forest will be dressed in foliage)

3. Spring is walking towards us with quick steps.

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields,

It is true that spring has very warm feet. (How do you understand the word thawed patches?)

Teacher: - Let's pick signs for the word spring.

(early, sonorous, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited)

Let's read the words: winter, (make a sentence with the word WINTER), frost, spring (make a sentence with the word SPRING), water, puddle, puddles, rains, river, forest.

The game "Say kindly."

The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In the spring I want to say only affectionate words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - the sun, a branch - a twig, a leaf - a leaf, a stream - a stream, a puddle - a puddle, a flower - a flower, a cloud - a cloud, a tree - a tree, a cloud - a cloud, water - water.

Physical education "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine

golden bottom,

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

If streams are running on the street, then the children are launching boats. Guys, do you like to launch boats? (Answer children). How many of you have learned how to make an origami boat on your own?


Join hands, and I will stand at the beginning of the stream. Our brook ran, murmured.

Educator. Streams flow in spring. Let's draw streams with you and do finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics "Brook"

The sun laughs softly

(draw a circle in the air with index fingers)

Shines brighter, hotter,

(show outstretched palms)

From the hillock it pours loudly

(with the index finger of the right hand we draw along the palm of the left)

Talking stream.

(with the index finger of the left hand we draw along the palm of the right)

I'm murmuring, murmuring, murmuring

(palms forward, moving fingers)

Sharpen stones smoothly

(rubbing hands)

I'll run away with a blue ribbon,

("snake" palms)

I will pour into the river full.

(connect palms separated to the sides)

My water is good

(massage with thumb all the others)

Lean in for a drink.

(tilt, hands "handful")

River, grass moving,

(wiggle fingers)

The stream is calling me.

(smooth movements of the palms from side to side)

Leaf work. Preparing a hand for writing. (circle a stream, a boat).

Teacher: Why are streams running? (snow is melting)

Why does the snow melt? (the sun is shining). That's right. People are always looking forward to the sun. It gives warmth and light to everyone. And from this we become joyful, fun, festive. What riddles about the sun do you know?


A golden apple rolls on a blue saucer.

The red girl walks in the sky.

We cry without it, but when it appears, we hide from it.

There will be no knocking on the door, on the window,

And he will rise and wake everyone up.

Well done. Interesting and beautiful riddles you told about the sun.

And now we will draw a portrait of the sun. We will draw with the help of a thread and counting sticks.

Children, what color is the sun?

Each of you has a yellow thread.

What will you make with string?

(We will make a circle from the thread).

What can you do with counting sticks?

(We will make rays from sticks).

Well done. Let's get to work. Make a circle. Put the stick up, down, left, right, and the rest between the beams.

(Children do the work. A calm melody sounds)

The portraits are ready. This is how they draw attention to themselves. Guests will see your work. Tell me what the sun is.

The game "What is the sun"

(Children talk about the sun. Bright, golden, hot, warm, spring, affectionate, radiant, kind).

What is the shape of the sun?

What geometric shapes do you know?

What is in between...

What is behind the square?

What figure is in front of the triangle? Etc.

What is the third figure in a row?

What is the oval? Etc.

Close your eyes. What shape did I add? (polygon)

How many rays does the sun have in our portrait? (8)

How can you get the number 8?

What number comes before the number 8 when counting?

What number comes after 8 in counting?

Show neighbors of number 8.

Which number is greater than 8 or 9? Make up an expression. How do you determine that this sign is "greater than", "less than"?

Work on the painting "Spring".

- what season is in the picture?

What colors did the artist use?

Who is missing in the picture? (birds)

What birds come to us in spring? (show pictures of birds)

What are they called? (migratory)

Why are they called migratory? (in the fall they fly away to warmer climes, and in the spring they return)

Teacher. Guys, an icicle came to visit us.

/children gather around the teacher/

What is its shape? Touch her, what is she like?

Children's answers. Slippery, smooth, cold, wet, sharp...

What color is she?

Transparent, shiny.

What happens if you hit her? (She will crack).

So what is she like? (fragile).

What will happen to the icicle if you keep it in the room longer? (It will melt and turn into water).

Why will this happen? (Because the room is warm).


Guys, I will now read you a poem about an icicle.

Under the very cornice,

Above the window

Climbed into icicles

Spring sun.

Sparkling, teardrops run along the icicles ...

And icicles are melting - funny ice floes.

Spring came. Streams run.

They murmur, laugh, have fun.

And their sharp noses

Icicles hung from the roof.

But here they hang and very

They suffer, they suffer.

They only have evening and night

The runny nose stops.

And in the afternoon again trouble noses.

Merging with the noise of the street,

Not just dripping water -

The life of an icicle is leaving.

Attention game:

Up palms! Clap! Clap!

On the knees - slap, slap!

Now pat on the back!

Slap yourself on the sides!

We can clap behind!

Let's clap in front of us!

Right we can! We can go left!

Let's sit down at the desk and put our hands on!

Riddle about the lark.

It rises before all the birds,
Sings a song to the sun
All living things rise
What is that bird called?

About the holiday "Larks"

The merry carnival died down, the people saw off the winter and began to wait for spring. But the news does not come immediately, not suddenly. According to the folk calendar, spring is celebrated three times. We will talk about this with you today. And now I want to say that March 22 is a holiday. Larks. Since ancient times in Rus' they bake them from bread dough. Such birds were inserted eyes from raisins. Loving grandmothers gave “larks” to their grandchildren, and they ran out into the street, planted larks on sticks and began to call out to spring.

First meeting spring falls on February 15 - this is MEETING. “At the meeting, winter and spring meet for the first time,” they said among the people. But the first month of spring stands at the crossroads between winter and spring. They say about him that March is not spring, but suspension. March - zimobor, protalnik, rookery, berezozol.

In March, it drips from the roof, but catches on the nose” “Martok - you put on seven trousers”.

But here comes March 22, the day of the spring equinox. And in Rus' this day was called SOROKI.

The second meeting of spring. “Forty martyrs fly forty birds, forty birds make their way to Rus'” - the arrival of larks. How many thawed patches, so many larks. They say that “forty martyrs - forty matinees” (forty frosts are coming).

Which one of you has seen a lark?

The poem "The Lark" is read by Nikita Baymurzaev.

Modeling of larks from plasticine.

Step by step display. Children's work. Craft exhibition.

Reflection. If you were interested in the lesson, raise the red circle, if you are not interested, raise the black square.

Psychogymnastics. Let's join hands, smile at each other, give all the warmth of our souls to each other.

A selection of lexical and grammatical tasks on the topic "Spring" will be useful not only for speech therapists, but also for parents - for homework on the development of speech. Such speech games and tasks develop the child's speech well and prepare for successful schooling.

These lexico-grammatical exercises were collected and tested by me over the years of many years of successful speech therapy practice. The selection is divided into lexical topics, from each article you can go to the next one - by clicking on the link.

speech pathologist
Natalya Igorevna Kulakova
project leader

Read the previous part of the selection of lexical and grammatical exercises in the article

Lexical topic: Spring

Talk to your child about the signs of spring. In early spring, the sun begins to warm the soil, the snow melts, and ice begins to drift on the rivers. Buds are blooming on bushes and trees. Willow, alder, aspen, maple, birch leaves begin to turn green. The first grass appears on the edges. With the advent of spring, there is a lot of food for the animals, so in the spring they give birth to cubs. Migratory birds return in spring, all birds make nests in spring, where they hatch chicks. Insects and their larvae wake up. Late spring comes in May, this is the time for the flowering of bird cherry, lilac, apple, apricot and other fruit trees. Red clover and lilies of the valley bloom in the meadows.
Most of the birds are already hatching their chicks in May, and the nightingales have just arrived from distant countries. The sun is warming brighter, the spring rains are coming. Summer is coming soon…

  1. Game "Tell me what happens in nature in spring"

An adult calls a noun, and a child tells what happens to him in the spring. For example, "birds" - migratory birds arrive, all birds begin to build nests, etc.

  1. The game "Call it affectionately"

Sun-sun, puddle-puddle

Rain - meadow -

flower - earth

Cloud - grove -

Bird - water

Chick - tree-

Beetle - branch-

Drop nest -

Grass - sprout -

Leaf - stream -

  1. One-to-many game

Nest - nests feather - feather-

Tree-chick - cub -

Branch-leaf-beast -

Kidney-song-flower -

  1. The game "It happens in the spring - it doesn't happen"

Sparrows are returning from hot countries.

Birds make nests.

The trees are budding.

Birds fly to warmer climes.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off.

The leaves are unfolding.

Flowers bloom.

Ice is melting on the river

The sun is shining brighter.

Severe frost.

The first weed appears.

It's getting warm.

People are harvesting.

People are planting seedlings in vegetable gardens and seedlings of trees in the garden.

  1. Finger game "Spring"

Spring has just arrived

(pull hands forward)

I dipped my hand in the snow

(arms bent at the elbows, "dip" the palms

back side, front side)

And blossomed there tender

Educational games and activities on the theme of spring for preschool children contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the spring season, about the characteristics and seasonal features of nature in spring.

Classes in a playful way develop observation, memory and form a careful attitude towards nature in children.

Suitable to help teachers-educators of preschool educational institutions, parents and all inquisitive children.

Game-lesson "Spring is coming"

There used to be a snowdrift to the roof, (Raise hands up)

And now it's going down, down.

Settling, settling

And then it melts away. (We lower our hands and squat)

The sun is getting hotter (Hands up, spread fingers)

Can melt all the snow.

Streams run everywhere.

Everything will be in the water.

All the trees suddenly woke up (We stretch)

And shook off the snow. (Showing: the trees shake off the snow)

Awakened from sleep.

It's spring coming to us! (Hands to the sides: we joyfully meet spring)

Snowball game"

The teacher invites the children to play snowballs until all the snow has melted. You need to throw snowballs (lumps of paper) into a basket or bowl. Those who are unable to do so can come closer. The winner is the one who throws the snowball from the farthest distance, or the one who gets into the basket the most number of times.

Game-lesson "Spring walk"

We listen to verses and perform various movements

The sun is shining brightly (Raise hands up)

And the snow is melting everywhere.

The cold ends

Puddles spill. (We lower our hands through the sides)

Even though there is water everywhere

Let's say: "It's not a problem!"

Let's go for a walk anyway.

Let's measure puddles. (Let's go to the place)

How wide are these puddles!

Where are the puddles?

Lots and lots of big puddles.

Let's jump over them! (Jumping in place)

Game "Puddles"

On the floor - sheets of paper (you can cut out ovals). These are puddles. Children try to jump over all the puddles - first through small ones, then those that are larger. Whoever jumps over the biggest puddle will be the winner.

Game-lesson "Spring ice drift"

Spring is coming to us!

Melting, melting ice in the river.

Everything is warmer, the weather is warmer

Before the start of the ice. (Raise hands up and down through the sides)

What is making noise in the distance?

What happened on the river?

Ice cracks and breaks.

Ice floes appear. (We put our hands in front of us and bend forward)

Ice floes floated down the river.

They forgot about winter

And they don't call for help.

Ice floes float into the sea (We make wave-like movements with our hands in front of us)

Ice floe game

To play, you need to cut a piece of drawing paper into pieces and spread these pieces on the floor. The teacher informs the children that the ice floe has split, and invites them to put it together from pieces so that it becomes whole again.

Game-lesson "Rain"

We listen to verses and cheerfully stretch our fingers to the handles, legs, head, ears, nose, etc.

The rain drips a little

Both on arms and legs.

On the head - cap-cap!

And on the ears - drip-cap!

We are on the cheeks - cap-cap!

And on the nose - drip-cap!

On our shoulders - cap-cap!

And on our chest - drip-cap!

On the tummy - drip-drip!

On your knees - drip-drip!

He wet us with water.

What a mischievous rain!

Game "Umbrella"

The teacher takes a large umbrella, opens it and explains to the children: " As long as there is no rain, you can run, jump, have fun. But when it starts to rain, you need to quickly hide under an umbrella"Children are playing. The teacher says:" The rain has begun!". Everyone surrounds the teacher - they hide under an umbrella. After the words " The rain is over!"The kids keep playing.

Game-lesson "Snowdrops"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

We see snowdrops -

Little tender ones.

Grow up from under the snow (We squat)

We are nodding our heads. (nodding head)

The wind blew on the flowers. (showing)

Petals trembled. (Shake hands)

You flowers don't tremble. (shaking head)

Keep your head up. (We raise our heads)

The sun will come out from behind the clouds

It will warm you, will not offend you. (Raise hands up)

Tomorrow we will go for a walk (We walk in place)

And see you again! (Spread hands to the sides)

Game "Looking for a snowdrop"

The teacher informs the children that a snowdrop has grown in the forest, but you need to find it. Playing the role of a driver, the teacher asks the children to close their eyes and hides a snowdrop in the room ( paper cut flower). The one who finds the flower will become the leader. He hides the flower again. Game continues.

Game-lesson "Birds"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The birds have come from the south (We wave our hands)

And they sat on the field. (We squat)

They started running and jumping

Began to look for grains. (Jumping in place)

The birds found the grain

They were willingly pecked at. (We tap the index finger of one hand on the palm of the other)

The birds ate the grains

They flew away to make nests. (Waving hand)

Game "Owl"

The teacher informs the children that the owl sleeps during the day, and flies to hunt at night. All children are birds. When the teacher says: Day", children jump, run. When he says: " Night", everyone should freeze ( fall asleep). You can't move. Anyone who moves is out of the game. Then the teacher says again: Day". Game continues.

Game-lesson "Tree"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

The trees are budding.

There will be leaves and flowers. (Show fists)

The wind is blowing, blowing

The wind shakes the branches (We put our hands in front of us and swing)

The sun will heat the branches.

Everything around will turn green. (Raise hands up and lower them through the sides)

Suddenly all the kidneys will open,

And there will be leaves! (We expose the cams and unclench them)

The game "Buds, leaves, flowers"

When the teacher pronounces the word "buds", the children should show their fists, when the word "leaves" - they should show their palms with clenched fingers, and when the word "flowers" - they should spread their fingers. The teacher can accompany the words with actions and sometimes show the wrong action to confuse the participants in the game.

Seasons for children: spring

Seasons: spring. Games, poems, educational tasks about spring for children, educational video. Together with the kids, let's discover the secrets of this wonderful time of the year and find out the reasons for spring changes in nature and in people's lives! We will also become experimenters and creators, play with spring words and watch an informative video. And also - let's turn into scouts of spring and its assistants!

Children about the seasons: spring

In this article you will find materials for games, projects, activities with children on the topic “Seasons. Spring":

  • game - observation "Scouts of spring" (spring signs in nature),
  • how spring comes to us,
  • spring experiments and logic puzzles for children,
  • speech games and exercises for children on the topic "Spring",
  • physical education minutes about spring,
  • finger spring exercises,
  • pictures about spring with tasks for children,
  • educational videos for children about spring,
  • spring riddles and proverbs

Spring Scouts game

In the morning, going out into the street on the way to kindergarten, to school, for a walk, play scouts of spring with your child. "Scouts" in our game must be very attentive and notice everything around. The task is to find as many signs of spring as possible in the surrounding world.

Option 1. You and your child take turns calling the signs of spring that you see around you. The one who called last wins. Condition for adults - an adult always in this game names the most difficult, at first glance, invisible signs of spring or those signs that the baby does not pay attention to yet. For example, the sun began to rise earlier. Or there is no ice in the puddles now. Or: a thin crust of crust formed on the snow.

Option 2. 1 minute is given to find as many signs of spring as possible. At the same time, all players are silent and only observe. If you play on the playground, then give the child the opportunity to run, touch, and examine everything during this minute. After that, everyone tells about what he saw. Who was the most attentive and who named more signs of spring is today the “chief scout of spring”.

What can our "spring scouts" see in this game, or spring observations with children in nature.

  • Sun: a) Three-year-old children will notice that the spring sun is warmer, they want to take off their mittens or unbutton their coats. And some kids and adults get freckles from the sun! From the sun there are also sunbeams. B) Four-year-olds and older kids can already notice that the sun rises early and wakes people up. You get up, and it's already light outside. And in winter, when we woke up, it was still dark. This means that the day has become longer and the night shorter.
  • Icicles: icicles appeared under the roof, water dripping from them - you can hear the sounds of a drop. In the sun, icicles glisten and sparkle beautifully. In winter, there were few icicles, but now there are a lot of them.
  • Snow became dark, dirty, spongy, grainy, it melts in the sun. Often you can see a settled snowdrift, from under which streams of water flow - streams. There is still a lot of snow in the shade and cold places, but in the sun it has already melted. Four-year-olds and older children can already notice the crust on the snow.
  • Air smells like spring. He is warm. You can take off your mittens and stretch out your hands to the sun - your palms will be warm. And in the cold I wanted to hide my hands in warm mittens. We changed into lighter clothes (we wear a jacket instead of a fur coat, boots instead of boots, etc.)
  • Puddles. Puddles appear in the spring. In the morning they are still covered with a thin crust of ice. If you press the ice with a stick, it will break and water will be visible under it. During the day, the puddles melt, and murmuring streams run around. Why does ice melt during the day?
  • Sky. The spring sky is bright blue, while in winter it was often gray. Cumulus clouds float in the sky, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Why is it so? It depends on the strength of the wind. If the wind is strong, the clouds move faster.
  • Brooks. Streams flowed. Where does the stream flow - up or down? Where does the water go? Show how in the city water flows into special grates. Say that in nature, small streams flow into larger ones, and large streams flow into rivers. Rivers overflow with water and overflow their banks.
  • sparrows joyfully jumping in puddles, swimming, chirping, basking in the sun. And in winter they sat on the branches, ruffled.
  • Birds - bullfinches, titmouse, woodpeckers - stopped flying to the feeder. Why? It is already warm in the forest, many insects have appeared, and the birds find their own food. And some birds flew away from us, they returned to their homeland in the north.
  • Insects woke up in the spring.
  • They flew to us, returned home migratory birds. Why did they return? Insects appeared - their food.
  • Cracks form in the ice on the river, it breaks and starts to move. Ice drift - where did this word come from? Ice drift = Ice is moving, ice is moving! The ice began to move along the river, the ice started to move!

  • High water in the forest or in the park. Why does spring flood occur? The snow melts and the formed streams run to the rivers. Rivers overflow their banks and floods begin. What does the word "polo - water" look like. Full water! The river bank and the forest are full of water!

It is difficult for modern city children to see the flood. But we have a wonderful cartoon "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" based on the work of N. Nekrasov, in which kids can see this phenomenon.

How does spring come to us?

Your child or children may ask why spring does not come immediately, why does nature change so slowly? Answer them with a poem by F.I. Tyutchev about the dispute between winter and spring. Spring comes unnoticed so that winter does not drive it out of the yard! After all, Winter does not immediately let spring in, it sweeps with blizzards, covers it with snow.

Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything fussed
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...

Wicked witch pissed off
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child...
Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed up in the snow
And only became blush
Against the enemy.

Watch the cartoon "Vesnyanka" with your child about the dispute between winter and spring and how the evil Baba Blizzard did not let the young spring into the forest.

It is this struggle between spring and winter that takes place in March, when the weather is very changeable and sometimes looks like spring, sometimes like winter. Now I am writing these lines, and outside the window there is a blizzard and snow, although a week ago the streams murmured, and it seemed that winter would not return! Kids in such situations are often confused and do not understand what season is going on. A fairy tale and a poem about the struggle between winter and spring will help clarify the children's idea that the change of seasons does not occur immediately, but gradually.

Spring: simple spring experiments and logic puzzles for children

  • From 3 years old. Why is the snow melting? Put snow or ice in the mold and place the mold in the sun. The snow will turn into water. Ask your child why this happened? You can try to bring a mold with snow into the room - the snow will also melt. Why is the snow melting? When does he melt?
  • From 4 years old. Where does the snow melt faster?- in the shade or in the sun. Take two molds and put snow or ice in them. Put one mold in the sun, and hide the other in the shade near the fence or at home. Where will the ice/snow melt faster? Why? After that, ask the baby a question - where does the snow melt faster - in the forest, where there are a lot of trees or on the lawn? (It is sunny on the lawn, so the snow melts faster there. There is a lot of shade from the trees in the forest, and therefore the snow in the forest melts more slowly)
  • From 4 years old. Where will spring come sooner? Take a mold and pour water into it. Freeze the water in the freezer or outside if it's still cold. Fill another similar mold (you can use yogurt or sour cream cups instead of molds) with snow. Bring home both molds - with ice and with snow. Put them side by side on the table and watch what melts first - ice or snow? After that, ask the baby a question - where will spring come faster - in a clearing or on a river? (The correct answer is that spring will come faster in the clearing, as snow melts faster than ice)
  • From 4 years old. Where will the first thaws be? Take empty yogurt or sour cream cups and fill them with snow. Very important: some of the cups should be dark, and some of the cups should be white! Put the cups in the sun next to each other and observe which cups will melt the snow faster (dark ones). Ask your child a riddle - near which tree will the first thawed patches appear - near a birch or near a mountain ash? Consider birch bark - it is white. And the trunk of the mountain ash is dark. Remember our experiment with cups. Near which tree does the snow melt faster? (near a tree with a dark trunk). It turns out that it is warmer near trees with a dark trunk!
  • From 4 years old. What floats and what sinks? When streams run along the ground, throw pebbles, chips, sticks, leaves into the water and watch which objects float in the stream and which sink. Why is it so? Which objects sink and which float in water? (this is how kids learn such a property of objects as “light - heavy”).
  • From 3 years old. When do leaves appear? Take poplar branches on the street and put them in jars of water at home. Change the water every 3-4 days. After a while, leaves will appear. Ask why leaves have already appeared on the branches at home, but not yet on the street? Let the baby guess that it takes heat to open the leaves.
  • From 4 years old. Where are more icicles? Take a walk with your baby around the house and see if there are the same number of icicles on the roof of the house? No, somewhere there are more, and somewhere less. Why does it happen? Why do icicles fall from the roof during the day? It turns out that the sun warms during the day, so on the sunny side of the house, icicles shine in the sun and melt, fall down to the ground, drip. Place a bucket under dripping water drops and see how much water is collected in it. Tell the baby that you can water the plants with melt water - they love this water very much.
  • From 5 years old. Spring snow. Ask your child which snow is more difficult to remove - loose or compressed snow from the tracks? Try to remove the snow with a shovel to test the assumption and draw a conclusion. Observe with your child where the snow melts faster - in a snowdrift, or where it was split into pieces? In the sun or in the shade?
  • From 5 years old. When does the drop happen? Watch with your child when drops of water drip from icicles on the roofs of houses - day or night? To do this, listen to the drops in the morning, afternoon, evening. You will see that in the late evening, as a rule, the drops stop. Why? It gets cold, and water droplets freeze right on the icicle. This makes her thicker.

Now let's play with spring words.

Speech exercises and games with children on the topic "Spring"

1. Grammatical riddles about spring

Guessing these spring riddles, the kid will learn to coordinate adjectives and nouns in number and gender.

  • What can we say "spring"? (Spring cloud, spring sun, spring mood, spring sky, spring morning).
  • What do they say "spring"? (spring rain, spring stream, spring evening, spring forest, spring park).
  • And what are we talking about "spring"? (spring weather, spring drops, spring thaw, spring river)
    Guess what I guessed:
  • Spring murmuring - is it a river or a stream? How did you guess? (About the river, we would say "spring murmuring").
  • Spring joyful - is it morning or evening? How did you know?
  • Beautiful spring ones - are they tulips or a forest? Why do you say that?
  • Spring first - is it a thawed patch or a snowdrop? How did you guess?

Lexical game "Spring Helpers"

The task of the game is to pick up as many spring words as possible.

Option 1. Draw a sun on a piece of paper. And ask the child or group of children to pick up as many words as possible about spring. Each word will be one ray. The more words we choose, the more rays our sun will get! And the warmer it will warm! The kid said the word - draw a ray. This ray is a ray from his spring word! Now you. You picked up the word - a new ray and so on.

Approximate vocabulary for the game:

What is spring? Wonderful, early, late, late, friendly, stormy, warm, sunny, close, damp, dry, wet, long-awaited, smart, ruddy, grassy, ​​foggy, cold, blooming, bright.

What is the sun? Warm, burning, bright, generous, morning, evening, brilliant, bright, yellow, golden, fiery, radiant, huge, full, red, fertile, cheerful, exultant, gentle, friendly, joyful.

Option 2. Tear or cut into pieces a sheet of white paper. In our game, these will be snow clods. Take a picture of a snowdrop. Put your snow pieces of paper on the snowdrop drawing so that the flower is not visible from under the snowdrift. Show the resulting snowdrift to the children. Invite the kids to help spring, melt the snowdrift and see what is hidden under the snowdrift. To help spring, you need to pick up spring words. One spring word is said - we remove one lump of snow. The task is to help the spring melt the snow completely. And under the snow a surprise awaits the children - the first spring flowers - snowdrops, which they will be very happy about!!! Usually such a game causes such a stormy speech activity of our little helpers of spring that we have to make a huge snowdrift so that everyone has enough snow. And when the snow melts, what happens? Brooks! That's what we'll talk about in this game.

Approximate vocabulary for the game.

What are spring streams doing? They run, murmur, ring, make noise, merge into the river.

What streams? Seething, stormy, seething, fast, sonorous, cheerful, talkative, murmuring, ringing, impetuous, noisy, noisy, ebullient, clean, muddy, silvery, light, icy, crystal, cold, spring.

What is the earth like in spring? Wet, damp, cold, dense, loose, wet.

If you want to play this version of the game with a group of children, then I highly recommend using the UHU plastic mass to attach drawings to the board. This plastic mass is similar to white plasticine. It is designed for multiple use, i.e. you can attach a picture, and then unpin it again, and there will be no traces or stains on the sheet.

Lexical exercise "Say the opposite"

Invite the child to say the opposite:

  • The weather is sunny - what's the weather like? (cloudy)
  • Early spring - spring ...? (late)
  • Unexpected spring - spring ....? (long awaited)
  • A shallow stream - a stream ...? (deep)
  • In winter, snow is clean, but in spring it is ...? (filthy)
  • In winter the days are cold, but in spring the days are...? (warm)
  • In winter the sun is dim, but in spring the sun is...? (bright)

Now let's take a break! Physical education and warm-ups about spring!

Choose from these breaks-physical-minutes about spring those that you like best and bring joy to your child! And play with your baby, move to these rhythmic rhymes!

Unfortunately, I do not know the authors of many of these lines. If you know - tell me, please, in the comments to the article. After all, it is always very important for the author that he is known and remembered and that he is grateful for his work. Then I will write the names of the authors in the text.

Physical education minute 1. Bear

The bear got out of the den,
Looked at the threshold
(turns left and right)
He stretched from sleep:
(pulling arms up)
Spring has come to us again!
To quickly gain strength
The bear turned its head
(head rotation)
Leaning back, forward
Here he is walking through the forest
The bear is looking for roots,
(forward bends)
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
For a bear - vitamins.
Finally the bear has eaten
And sat on a log (sit down)

Physical education minute 2. Playing on the lawn

On the lawn in the morning
We started a game.
You are a daisy, I am a bindweed.
Become our wreath. (Hold hands, lined up in a circle)
One two three four,
Make the circle wider. (Walking in circles)
And now we are streams,
Let's run a race (Running in circles)
Let's go straight to the lake
The lake will become big. (Walking in circles)
One two three four,
Make the circle wider.
Start playing in a circle.
We are cheerful beams.
We are frisky and hot. (Jumping in place)
One two three four,
Make the circle wider.
One, two - bend forward! (forward bends)
Three, four - a little faster!
Pull up, pull up, (Bent over, arms up)
Then inhale deeply.
One, two - bend back,
Do not bend your knees at all.
One two three four,
Wave your arms, legs wider! (Mahi hands)
One two three four five! (Jumping in place)
They began to run and jump!

Physical education 3. Sparrow. Folk words

How to play this most interesting folk game for children and how to use it for physical education or fun exercises is described in detail in the article. There you will also find the words to the game and the musical audio recording.

What can a sparrow see and what will children show by movement? How the stream runs, how the snow melted, how the starling flies, how drops sing, how spring comes, how flax is planted and much more that you will come up with in joint creativity with children.

Physical education minute 4. Is spring coming to us? Words - P. Zadnipru

Bear climbed a nut (imitation of movements - show how a bear climbs a tree)
From the branch, the distance is visible to him (put your palm like a visor to your forehead)
Looks at the hills and roofs (we connect our hands above our heads like a house - a roof)
Is spring coming to us? (raise shoulders - surprise)
Beyond the village, beyond the valley
Where the firmament is transparent (head turns to the right and to the left).
Wedge seeing a crane (showing the flapping of the wings of cranes)
He shouted: "Spring is coming!" (raise your hands to the sides up with joy and smile at spring!)

Physical education minute 5. Playful icicles. Words - Y. Klyushnikov

Playful icicles (Put your hands on your belt and playfully jump cheerfully.)
Sat on the ledge. (Squat or sit on a carpet, on the floor, on a chair)
Naughty Icicles (Raising and Lowering Shoulders)
We looked down. (Put your hand like a visor and look down into the distance)
See what to do? (To shrug)
They began throwing drops. (Hands depict this action)
Two icicles looked down (we repeat the movement - put your hand like a visor to your forehead and look down)
And they rang in the sun:
Drip-drip, ding-ding, (To the beat, tilt your head to the right - to the left.)
Drip-drip, ding-ding.
And they rang in the sun
And ... melted !!! (Sit down relaxed, arms and legs dangle. Touch the child’s arm - lift it up, and it will fall down relaxed by itself. Touch the baby’s leg, it should also be completely relaxed. Shake the arm or leg lightly).

Physical education 6. Sunny bunnies

Take a small mirror and start shooting sunbeams. You can do this both on the street and at home in sunny weather. The host takes a mirror in his hands and lets the bunnies go. Children at this time depict sunbeams. Reading a poem:

sun bunnies
Playing on the wall
Beckon them with your finger
Let them run to you (children beckon bunnies with their fingers).
Here it is a bright circle,
Here, here, here - left, left,
Ran to the ceiling.

"Catch the bunny!" - on this command, the baby tries to catch the bunny, runs after him, and the bunny runs away. If you managed to catch a bunny, then the child becomes the leader.

Another poem is suitable for this moving warm-up.

Runaways are jumping -
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them, they don't come.
They were here and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners.
They were there and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Did you find them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)

Seasons: spring in pictures with tasks for children

Here we are with spring. And now - the task is more difficult. This is a picture challenge. You can download all the pictures from this article in a large size for showing children or in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the photo section, the “Spring” album).

Ask the child to carefully consider 4 pictures and find spring on them. Ask him to prove to you that it really is spring. You can make a deliberate mistake and show the baby the wrong picture. Let him prove that you are wrong, and you praise him for his attentiveness! Children love to correct adults, so let's give them the opportunity to feel knowledgeable and competent!

Ask to name and find in the picture the season that goes until spring? Will it come after spring?

Now invite the child to look at another picture and look for signs of spring on it.

Spring: riddles for children.

The riddle is a mental gymnastics for young children. Indeed, from the text of the riddle, it is necessary to highlight the essential features and draw a conclusion from them. And you still need to prove your opinion!

Choose from the spring riddles below those that are suitable for your child by age. Read the riddle and ask your child to guess what it is. Ask him to prove his point. You can say the wrong guess - let him prove that it is not so! This will teach the kid to defend his opinion, to argue his answers.

Riddle 1. Read the riddle to the kid and ask him to name as many signs of spring as possible that he heard in this riddle. You can reread the riddle one more time so that the baby can listen and remember it more carefully. You can draw those signs that are mentioned in this riddle with simple drawings - pictograms, and use them to make a story about spring.

It dawns early in the morning.
All the snow has melted here and there
The stream roars like a waterfall.
Starlings fly to birdhouses.
Droplets ring under the roofs.
The bear from the spruce got up from the bed.
The sun caresses everyone with warmth.
Who knows this time of year? (Spring)

Riddle 2.

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming
When does it happen? (Spring).

And why did you decide that in the spring, because it snows and melts in winter? (because the day arrives in spring, the meadow wakes up and comes to life also only in spring, not in winter)

Mystery 3.

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So, we have come ... (spring)!

What signs of spring are mentioned in the riddle?

Riddle 4.

She came with a caress
And with my story.
Waving a magic wand -
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest! (Spring).

How did you know it's spring?

Mystery 5.

A nail hangs under the roof.
The sun will bake - the nail will fall (Icicle).

How is an icicle similar to a nail? Why does the riddle say "the sun will bake - the nail will fall"?

Riddle 6.

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small. (Snowdrop).

What is the affectionate name of the land in this riddle? Zemlitsa! What is a thaw? Why is the snowdrop so called - "under-snowdrop". Under-snow! This is the first flower that emerges from under the snow in spring.

Mystery 7.

I run like a ladder
Ringing on the stones!
From afar by the song
Get to know me! (Brook)

Mystery 8.

I open my kidneys
green leaves,
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is ... (spring).

How does spring dress the trees? Why does the riddle say that the spring is "full of movement"? What kind of movement occurs in the spring? (Streams run, buds and leaves grow, animals and insects wake up and come out of their winter shelters, ice drifts)
Mystery 9.

White, goes along the river,
Not a ship.

Why is ice compared to a ship in this riddle? How does it look like a ship (it is white, it goes along the river)

What else can go? (The clock is ticking, the time is ticking, the boy is coming, the bus is coming, the dog is coming)

Now let's rest again and play with fingers

Children about the seasons: finger gymnastics about spring

Finger gymnastics 1. Spring has come!

Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder
The titmouse began to sing (we connect our palms and depict a “beak”, then opening it, then closing it).
The sun rises early
To warm our earth (spread fingers on both hands like rays from the sun)
Streams run downhill
All the snow has melted, (wave-like movements with the palms, the palm looks down at the table)
And from under the old grass
The flower is already looking ... (join the palms and open slightly, half-bend the fingers to make a cup of the flower)
Opened the bell
In the shade where the pine is (we open our flower)
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
Ding-ding, spring has come. (we shake our flower from side to side)

Finger gymnastics 2. Capel

We depict drops. The fingers bend and tap on the palm at a slow pace in turn - first the index finger touches the palm, then the middle finger, then the ring finger, and everything repeats again. After that, the gymnastics is repeated with the other palm.

Drops dripping from the roof
Drip-drip, drip-drip! (At a slow pace.)
April has come to us.
Cap-cap, cap-cap! (Increase the temp.)
The sun got hotter (“Sun” from the palms, fingers spread out like the rays of the sun)
And the drops ring faster:
Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop! Drip-drip-drip-drip!!! (repeat the movement of the drop at a fast pace.)

Spring: signs of spring. Let's check it out 🙂

  • Friendly spring - wait for big water.
  • The snow soon melts, and the water runs together - towards a wet summer.
  • Rooks fly right to the nests - there will be a friendly spring.
  • Frogs do not croak until the first thunderstorm.
  • Cold May is a grain-growing year.
  • The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will rumble.
  • When bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.
  • Long icicles - for a long spring.

Proverbs about spring

Why do they say so?

  • Spring day feeds the year. (In spring, people plant grains and vegetables so that they have time to sprout and grow. Then they will harvest the crop, and the crop will feed people for a whole year)
  • Spring is red, but hungry, autumn is rainy, but satisfying!
  • Whoever works hard in the spring will have fun in the fall.
  • Who sleeps in the spring, he cries in the winter.
  • March with water, April with grass.
  • Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard (Rooks are migratory birds, they return to us in the spring).
  • Spring rain is never superfluous (Rain in spring is needed for seeds to sprout well)
  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies (In spring, flowers bloom, and in autumn they harvest bread and bake pies)
  • May decorates the forests, summer awaits for a visit.

Seasons - educational video for children "Spring"

And at the end of the article, I want to present you a wonderful video for children about spring. In this interesting and kind video, children will get acquainted with nature in spring and see those birds that fly to our parks and forests in spring.

So our conversation about such a remarkable season - about spring! I wish you new discoveries, interesting communication with children and spring mood!

Speech games and interesting tasks on the topic “Seasons. Spring "for children 3-4 years old you will find in the article

11 educational fairy tales in pictures and tasks for children.

Valasina Asya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of the site "Native Path"

Larisa Malysheva
A selection of games and exercises on the theme "Spring-Red"

With the introduction of FGT, we must build our work taking into account complex thematic planning. I would like to bring to your attention didactic games, exercises aimed at the development of coherent speech, the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech and word-formation skills in children on the topic "Spring".

"Signs of Spring"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the signs of spring, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting different seasons.

Stroke: The teacher offers the children pictures depicting various seasonal phenomena (it is snowing, the sun is shining, a spring forest, snowdrops in the forest, snow melting, the arrival of birds, etc.). The child chooses pictures that show only the phenomena of spring, names them.

"Spring meadow"

Purpose: To exercise children in agreeing nouns with adjectives.

Stroke: The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in a spring meadow, where everything is spring.

Q: I will throw the ball to you and name the word, and you catch the ball and repeat the same word, but put the desired form of the word “spring” in front of it.

H - r: day-spring day.

(sun, weather, forest, grass, sky, flowers, months, thunderstorm)

"Call it sweetly"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to form nouns with a diminutive meaning.

Move: leaf-leaf, bird-bird, tree-tree, etc.

Examination of illustrations on the theme "Spring"

Purpose: To continue to expand children's ideas about spring, its signs and phenomena, to continue to teach children to answer the teacher's questions using common sentences.

Reading poems about spring

Purpose: To help children feel the beauty of nature in a poem, to enrich children's speech with figurative expressions.

"Box with spring tales"

Purpose: To continue to teach children to use substitute objects as images when compiling fairy tales.

Material: box, 6-8 circles of different colors.

Move: The player takes out a circle from the box, invents who it is or what it is in the fairy tale. After the player says 3-4 sentences, the second player starts (continues the tale). When the tale is told, the mugs are collected in a casket.

"Say the opposite"

Purpose: to activate adjectives with the opposite meaning in the children's dictionary.

Move: big - small, smart - stupid, light - dark, clean - dirty, kind - evil, cold - hot, sunny - cloudy, new - old, sad - cheerful, etc.

"Choose an Action"

Goal: Continue to activate verbs in the children's vocabulary.

Stroke: What do birds do in spring? (arrive, prepare for nesting, etc.) Trees in spring. Animals in spring... What do the leaves do in spring? …. Snow in the spring....

Introduction to proverbs

Goal: Continue to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Mother spring is red for everyone. In April, the earth dies. February is rich in snow, April in water. Spring and autumn - eight weather days.

"Whose Leaves"

Purpose: To continue teaching children to form possessive adjectives

Stroke: The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and determine the leaf of which tree he has in his hands (poplar leaf - poplar, birch, willow, mountain ash, oak, maple, etc.)