Fruit acids for the face. Fruit peeling: in a beauty salon and at home Peeling with fruit acids at home

One of the most useful procedures for the skin is peeling. It helps cleanse pores from deep impurities, rejuvenate the skin and make it fresh and velvety. Peeling can be done by a professional cosmetologist or you can do it yourself, in your usual home conditions. We will devote our article today to a story about peeling based on various fruits.

Who needs fruit peeling and why do it?

All women who take care of their appearance know about the benefits of peeling and perform it regularly to improve the condition of their skin and maintain their beauty and health. This procedure is not recommended for those with very dry and sensitive skin types. All girls over 20 years of age should undergo peeling at least once a month (ideally, once a week).

Peeling helps the skin get rid of dead skin particles, thereby accelerating the physiological process of regeneration and rejuvenation of the epidermis. The upper layer of the dermis needs this procedure the most, because... It is he who comes into contact with the external environment and receives a maximum of harmful substances that contribute to the deterioration of the skin. Over time, this layer begins to get tired, fade, lose elasticity and appearance, however, after complete death, the cells are replaced by new ones that have formed on the layer below, they are the ones who return the face to its previous state and healthy appearance. Peeling can speed up the process of cell replacement, which “cleanses” old cells and gives room for the development of new ones. The older a woman is, the more difficult it is for new cells to break through to the surface of the skin, so peeling is a mandatory procedure for those ladies who want to prolong the beauty and youth of their skin.

The presence of dead dermal cells on the face leads to a deterioration not only of its condition, but also of its external appearance. This epidermis becomes sluggish, peeling and irritation can be noticed in some areas, and the complexion becomes gray and uneven. To the touch, dead skin becomes rough, its surface acquires unevenness and other imperfections. Peeling will help solve these problems and return your face softness, healthy color, silkiness and external attractiveness.

Fruit peeling is classified as superficial; it effectively removes dead skin, remnants of subcutaneous gland secretions and cosmetics, substances deposited on the skin from the air, etc. This procedure improves oxygen exchange, refreshes the epidermis, relieves the dermis of shine and blackheads, smooths out small wrinkles etc. The intensity of peeling depends on the type of skin: oily dermis needs a more rapid rhythm of finger movements when applying the scrub, normal skin does not require much effort to cleanse the pores, and dry skin needs soft and gentle cleansing.

What fruits can be used for peeling?

To ensure that peeling does not cause harm to the skin, it is necessary to correctly select fruits that are suitable in composition, action and presence of acids.

The leader among natural derma cleansers is glycolic acid, which exfoliates dead skin particles, softens it, increases elasticity and fights pronounced pigmentation. This acid is present in green grapes, sugar cane and oranges. Ascorbic, citric and malic acids, as well as lactic and acetic acids derived from them, are no less effective. In combination with glycolic acid, they acquire additional beneficial properties: smooth the epidermis, tone it, brighten it and relieve inflammation. The listed acids are found in apples, pineapples, lemons, red currants, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, grapefruits and cherries.

To increase the healing properties and effectiveness of peeling, additional components can be added to the means for its implementation: chicken protein, ground nuts, flour from various cereals and potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, etc. With their help, peeling will help the skin to cleanse itself more efficiently and deeply, and also narrow pores, soften the epidermis, moisturize it and enrich it with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Peeling stages

In order for peeling to bring a positive result and not cause damage to the skin, it must be carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the dermis. Ideally, you will need 2 days to fully prepare your skin for peeling. Avoid injuring the skin (if there are cracks, wounds and cuts, the procedure cannot be carried out), do not get carried away with sunbathing and visiting a solarium, and also purchase the necessary ingredients to create a homemade scrub. 7-10 minutes before the procedure, steam the dermis: take a shower, put a warm cloth soaked in a herbal decoction on your face, or breathe over a plate of hot water.
  2. Preparing the scrub. The peeling agent should be prepared 20 minutes before it is performed. We have given recipes for effective scrubs below:
    1. Apple-banana scrub. Grind 1/2 apples and 1/2 bananas into puree, mix 20 g of pulp from each fruit and add 15 ml of honey, cream and semolina. The product is ready for use.
    2. Grape scrub. Mash 7 grapes into a paste and mix with 10 g of rolled oats flour. Homemade scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    3. Apple-orange scrub. Mix 40 g of peeled apple pulp with 15 ml of lemon juice and 25 ml of orange juice. Stir the mixture with flour (wheat, potatoes or oats) until a creamy mass is obtained. The scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    4. Apple-walnut scrub. Grind the apple peel and 160 g of walnuts in a meat grinder and combine the resulting mass with 30 ml of cream. The apple can be replaced with cherries, blueberries or strawberries. The mixture is ready to use.
    5. Scrub made from fruit pulp and flour. Mix 30 g of the pulp of any berry or fruit with 30 g of rolled oats flour, dilute 10 ml of olive oil and add whipped chicken protein. The product is ready for use.
  3. Peeling. When applying the scrub to the skin, avoid sudden movements and do not rub it as hard as you can, otherwise redness, peeling and even scratches may remain on the surface. The scrub should be rubbed in with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using light massaging movements in a circle. If the product consists of 1 component (fruits or berries only), then leave the scrub on the skin for 15 minutes, if it contains 2 or more components, leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. Remove the product with warm water without using cosmetics.
  4. Final stage. Its duration is 3 days. Immediately after peeling, give your skin a rest and do not apply cosmetics or other products. For 3 days, avoid using alcohol-based products and other aggressive substances. At night, nourish your skin with cream and do not forget to use gels, foams and milk to superficially cleanse the dermis when washing your face.

Fruit peeling is one of the safest and most beneficial home treatments. A scrub made with your own hands will not only cleanse the dermis of many impurities, but also make it healthy, soft and attractive.

Fruit peeling is a highly effective and absolutely safe procedure that allows you to restore youth and beauty to your skin in a short time. Its advantage is that preparations based on fruit acids do not injure the dermis at all, but penetrate into its deep layers, triggering the processes of regeneration and cell renewal. How does this method differ from other chemical peels, and how does it work? Read on.

Differences from similar procedures

Facial peeling with fruit acids is a type of superficial chemical facial cleansing. But unlike medium and deep acid treatments, this option does not injure the skin and, with the right approach, is absolutely safe.

Its active ingredients cause a slight burn on the skin, as a result of which dead cells are exfoliated and start renewal processes in the deep layers of the dermis. Fruit acids only affect the upper skin.

Medium facial peeling is aimed at removing the upper layer of the epidermis. The most commonly used solution is trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The destruction of living skin cells leads to the accelerated formation of new cells and activation of the production of natural collagen and elastin.

Deep peeling is carried out by removing the first and reticular (second) layers of the dermis. One session allows you to get rid of even deep wrinkles and scars. However, this method is very dangerous and requires a long recovery period.

Types of fruit acids

In beauty salons, the following fruit acids are most often used for peeling:

  • Dairy. It is found in large quantities in blueberries, grapes, apples and tomatoes. It has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, helps even out the complexion, whitens and exfoliates.
  • Almond. It is extracted from bitter almond extract. Mandelic acid molecules penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and cleanse it. Suitable for sensitive and very dry skin.
  • Glycolic. Contained in sugar cane, beets and grapes. Its molecules actively penetrate even the deepest layers of the epidermis, triggering regeneration processes. Effective for acne and post-acne, hyperpigmentation and decreased skin tone.
  • Lemon. Its main sources are citrus fruits - lemon and orange. Effectively whitens and helps the skin surface regain a healthy color, tightens pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Apple. It is extracted from apples and tomatoes. Contains pectin in large quantities, which has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for acne, various inflammations and acne.
  • Wine. Contained in grapes, apples, limes, avocados, oranges. Effectively whitens, exfoliates and moisturizes.

Indications and contraindications

The following problems are indicated:

  • acne and post-acne, pimples;
  • dark spots;
  • enlarged pores;
  • facial wrinkles and the first signs of photoaging;
  • oily and problem skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity and firmness;
  • dull complexion.

There are also contraindications that should be taken into account:

  • herpes in the active stage;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • fresh tan;
  • allergy to the components of the drugs used;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Stages of the procedure

Two weeks before going to the cosmetologist, you should avoid tanning in the sun and solarium. In addition, 10 days before the procedure, it is recommended to begin special preparation for a more pronounced result. It consists of using gels based on fruit acids, which act on the stratum corneum, smoothing it and clearing it of dead cells.

The procedure itself consists of several stages.

Stage one is preparatory. First, the face is cleansed of remnants of makeup and impurities using foam and warm water.

Stage two is the main one. The cosmetologist professionally applies a very thin layer of the drug to the face. Maintains up to 5 minutes. At this time, the patient may feel a slight burning and tingling sensation, which is a normal reaction to the effects of acid.

Stage three is the final stage. At this stage, a neutralizer is applied to stop the effect of the main drug. It lasts no more than 3 minutes and then is washed off with warm water. After this, a mask is applied to the skin, which stops the burning and soothes.

The frequency of such procedures and the time of effect depend on the skin type. So, for dry and fading skin with wrinkles, at least 6 sessions (once a week) once a year will be required. For fatty women, such courses are conducted more often - at least 10 sessions 2 times a year. To rejuvenate the skin of the body, 20 procedures are needed once a year.

You can see how the fruit peeling procedure is carried out in the salon in the video:

Possible complications

Facial peeling with fruit acids is an absolutely safe procedure if the concentration of active ingredients does not exceed 10%. Higher concentrations may result in a severe chemical burn with blistering and severe pain.

In general, after the procedure there is slight redness and tingling. But these symptoms disappear within the first day.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How much does peeling cost in a salon?

The price of the procedure depends on many factors. But on average in Moscow salons the cost ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.

How often should I exfoliate?

The frequency depends on the skin type. As a rule, a cosmetologist prescribes 1 procedure every 7-10 days. The number of sessions may vary - up to 10 for dry skin and up to 20 for oily skin.

How long does it take to see results?

The result after 1 course is noticeable within a year. Sessions may need to be resumed in the future.

Can it get rid of deep wrinkles?

Superficial peeling does not get rid of deep wrinkles, but it helps reduce them and prevent the appearance of new ones.

What should post-peeling care be like?

It is very important to properly care for your face after the procedure. It is recommended to give up decorative cosmetics for a week and avoid direct sunlight and tanning in a solarium.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this rejuvenation method:

  • Removes traces of acne and post-acne, inflammation, pimples and comedones.
  • Reduces pigmentation, lightens even large age spots.
  • Moisturizes and restores the skin, making it smoother and more radiant.
  • Smoothes out small wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

But, despite the advantages, this procedure also has disadvantages:

  • It should not be carried out during periods of active sun, as exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause hyperpigmentation. The best time for the course is autumn and winter.
  • High cost of one procedure. For maximum results, up to 20 sessions will be required, which is a significant amount.
  • It does not get rid of deep wrinkles, but only smoothes out small expression wrinkles.

Fruit peeling at home: simple recipes

Peeling with fruit acids at home is very simple. To do this, you can use purchased products or prepare the active composition yourself. The most popular brands producing cosmetics for skin rejuvenation are: Janssen Cosmeceutical, Holy Land, Lan Secrets, Skinlite.

However, it is best to prepare the composition yourself. Reviews from girls indicate that even in simple home conditions using a minimal set of ingredients you can rejuvenate and restore your skin. Here are some proven recipes:

  1. Grind 200 g of fresh pineapple, add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey and a little oatmeal to it. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. Crush a few grapes with a spoon (it is better to use varieties with seeds, but remove them before cooking). Mix in a few chopped cranberries. Apply the acid mask for 15 minutes.
  3. Take the pulp of one fresh orange, add 1 tbsp to it. natural honey and a little coffee grounds. Apply the mixture to your face with gentle circular movements and leave for 5 minutes, then remove the product with warm water.
  4. Take 50 g of kefir and add 1 capsule of vitamin A. Apply the composition to the skin in several layers. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.
  5. Mix 4 tablespoons of chopped fresh strawberries with an egg and a small amount of coffee grounds. Apply the composition with massage movements, and after 10 minutes, rinse it thoroughly.

Photos before and after the procedure

In the photo you can see what effect a course of procedures has on the skin of the face.

For a long time I circled around this thread and could not understand why many people consider strawberry and kiwi masks to be peeling fruit acids, either people like to deceive themselves, or the placebo effect is so strong that the skin begins to peel off in layers even from looking at fruit. Alas and ah, It is impossible to carry out chemical peeling at home with ordinary fruits.

I’ll tell you in my review what real peeling with fruit acids is and where to get fruit acids for peeling.


Chemical peeling is a procedure for removing the surface layers of the skin epithelium using acid solutions.

(For moderators. All photos were taken by me)


Fruit acid is a special chemical compound found in naturally occurring foods, first obtained from fruits. Substances of this class are characterized by the properties of both acids and alcohols.


I think you know many acids and have encountered them not only during masks with tomatoes.


In principle, such promises can be read on many products, but this is not always a reality, however, acids really perform the listed tasks, the main thing is to use them correctly.


And this is where the fun begins. Why is facial peeling with fruits impossible?

Necessary conditions for peeling: acid concentration from 4% and pH 3-4

If all fresh fruits, berries and vegetables had the properties necessary for peeling, then when they were consumed, the mucous membrane would be corroded, and the tongue would peel off in shreds


Maybe from fruits/berries?

I’ll give you a couple more arguments AGAINST peeling with fruits (besides the fact that peeling with fruits is impossible, hee hee).

  • Seasonality

It just so happens that fruits and berries that are used for masks with acids mainly grow in the summer. And in summer it is not advisable to peel. It is fraught with the appearance of pigment spots.

  • The need for long courses.

Imagine having to spend at least 30 minutes every other day smearing yourself with fruit pulp for several months to see, for example, slight whitening. I think after a couple of masks you will want to do what I did - eat the mask instead of eating fruit all season.

  • Allergy

Even if you are ready to spend time on fruit masks, I’ll disappoint you, catching an allergic reaction from them is more realistic than seeing the result. It’s not for nothing that natural cosmetics are the most allergenic. My skin responded with rashes to masks with some fruits.

I would like to clarify that I am not talking about the USELESS of masks with fruits, they have an effect, but not peeling. Not enough "acidity".


Acidity up to 3%

Kiwi masks are popular, but peeling is not possible, especially if the fruit is sweet. Short-term hydration, yes. It’s also not possible to clean pores with kiwi masks; water-soluble acids act on the surface without penetrating into the pores.

Although in reviews you can find statements that kiwi is simply a monster in the world of pore cleansers (I don’t believe it).

My skin starts to itch from kiwi.


Acidity up to 3%

Another popular mask product that makes my face itchy. There is no visual difference before and after; I didn’t make masks for several months. Peeling is not possible due to low acid content.


Acidity up to 3.5%

Same song. Little acid, little acid, I open up the world of other peeling methods.

In addition, the pink-purple skin tone left after such a mask is not the most fashionable this season.


Acidity up to 2.2%

Too much hassle for just moisturizing and whitening. Take out the seeds, grind the pulp, apply to the skin so that the mass remains on the face and does not spread over the hair, neck, or pillow. And then try to wash away the blue that has ingrained into the skin.


Acidity up to 0.8%

Don’t even think about transferring this deliciousness to masks. It is better to use all these fruits and berries for making cocktails in fasting days on a drinking diet, there will be more benefits, including for the skin.

Acidity up to 6-8%

I would like to note that the acidity of 6-8% may not be in lemon, but in concentrated lemon juice. If you buy the most sour lemon, you can try peeling with its juice.

I tried it. Pure lemon juice only irritates my skin (breakouts appear) and temporarily tightens the pores because it dries out the skin. For teenage oily skin, the drying effect may be good, but this method is not suitable for the future, because the skin responds with even more oiliness.

For several years now, the most effective fruit acid has been for me lactic acid. An annual supply of lactic acid will cost you 50 rubles. And I didn’t miss a zero, indeed its cost is about 50 rubles. And the effect can be estimated in a million

I use lactic acid not only as a peeling.

I have one that describes all the methods of use and is full of photos of the results, so in this review I will show only a few photos.

Like any fruit acid, lactic acid whitens the skin, making freckles noticeably lighter. Skin oiliness has decreased, pores have become less noticeable. Skin hydration is felt from the first use, and there is no need to spend half a day buying fruit, preparing and applying a mask, just wipe the skin with the prepared solution.

Peeling can be done with different % acid. Do you want a soft skin renewal that is invisible to others? 5% peeling occurs with barely noticeable peeling. Peeling is 10% more intense, as is the effect.

At home, I even used a 40% solution of lactic acid for my face, and 80% for my heels; the effect is mild compared to other acids and is suitable for any skin. Therefore, among all fruit acids, I most recommend taking a closer look at lactic acid.


Another one of the fruit acids that I have ever used. You can buy it in powder or tablet form.

Salicylic acid is fat-soluble, penetrates deeper into the skin, can exfoliate the surface layer of the skin, and also penetrate into the pores (dissolves in the fat layer) and cleanses them.

The fact is that in the public domain you can only find 2% salicylic acid, 5% and above are prepared according to the recipe. 2% salicylic acid is too weak to effectively exfoliate, but is too AGGRESSIVE due to its high alcohol content, which dehydrates the skin and creates new comedones.

As a result, there will be peeling (peeling) of the skin, but due to dryness from alcohol or due to acid, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin. My skin more or less reacted to 2% salicylic acid in adolescence, when its oiliness was increased, but after each use closed comedones appeared, which is even worse than blackheads. For normal and especially dry skin, it is better not to use.

But this does not mean that salicylic peeling is bad by default, it is just better to use salicylic acid with a higher percentage.

And for high percentages of acid you need to go to the salon.

This is where we can probably end this review. I hope I was able to convey the main idea to you, but I’ll repeat it again.

Peeling with fruit acids is not possible with fruits. If someone claims the opposite, smearing themselves with kiwi pulp and telling them that such masks can replace salon care, do not believe it. You can try it yourself to see for yourself. And when you get tired of wasting fruits, buy pure fruit acids and experiment, then the result will not be long in coming

I gave 3 stars only because many people mistake masks with food for peeling with fruit acids, don’t do that. I rate competent care with fruit acids at 5 and, of course, recommend it.

Thank you for attention!

Becoming the owner of healthy, youthful, glowing skin these days is not at all difficult. Some cosmetic procedures are so effective and easy to carry out that they can be easily performed not only in the salon, but also at home. The most popular peeling with fruit acids. Its distinctive features are a minimum of contraindications and side effects, the ability to eliminate fine wrinkles, and improve the structure and color of the skin.

general information

Procedures of this kind involve the use of fruit acids, which are naturally found in berries and fruits, and it is to them that they owe their official name.

Hundreds of centuries ago in Rome, Greece, Egypt and even Rus', juices and extracts were used to maintain youth through lotions, masks and even baths.

Depending on the type and intensity of modern drugs used, peeling with fruit acids can be either superficial or medium.

At the same time, most experts still agree that such an intervention can be considered the most gentle and delicate, and also very effective at the same time.

Main types of acids

There are several types of fruit acids, each of which has specific characteristics and purposes.

Thus, it is customary to select drugs based on:

  • Citric acid. Extracted from citrus fruits and pineapples. It is used infrequently and not in its pure form, but has excellent disinfecting and lightening properties.
  • Malic acid. It is naturally present in tomatoes and, of course, apples. Actively promotes stimulation of internal regenerative processes and strong exfoliation of the skin.
  • Glycolic acid. Contained in cane and green grapes. Due to the minimal size of the substance's molecules, it easily penetrates the pores and is absorbed almost completely. Reviews from experts contain information that peeling with glycolic elements is indicated in the fight against increased pigmentation.
  • Tartaric acid. The source is fermented wines, various varieties of grapes and even oranges. Helps replenish the lack of moisture, eliminate dead cells through pronounced peeling and deeply moisturize the skin.
  • Lactic acid. Contrary to popular belief, it is found not only in dairy products, but also in apples, blueberries, other fruits and even vegetables. It is used most often and is characterized by maximum hydration of the dermis.

Fruit peeling has quite a lot of different indications, among which, first of all, it should be noted:

  • Pale, unhealthy complexion, gray skin tone.
  • Heterogeneous skin structure, tuberosity.
  • Reduced dermal tone, prevention of the appearance and development of ptosis.
  • The first, shallow expression wrinkles.
  • Acne.

In cosmetology, fruit peelings are mainly used to care for the skin of the face and neck. They are chosen by girls aged 25 years and older.

Procedures that involve a superficial effect are good as a preventive measure, while intermediate methods are more relevant for the treatment of moderately severe problems.

Operating principle

At its core, any chemical peeling (all fruit peelings belong to this type) represents a mild burn of the skin, through which the upper layer of the dermis is removed, moisturized and the launch of its protective functions (restoration, collagen production, normalization of blood circulation processes).

Main stages

Peeling with fruit acids refers to procedures, the positive result of which is formed only after attending several cosmetic sessions.

Their exact number is determined by a specialist, but on average the course of treatment and rejuvenation is about 8 – 10 peels with an interval of 7 to 14 days.

If you want to take such a course, it is recommended to visit a specialist in advance for consultation. At this stage, the cosmetologist will tell you about contraindications and possible negative consequences of exposure, determine the type of facial skin and existing problems, the type of necessary ANA acids and their permissible concentration.

It would be a good idea to check with a specialist about the need for preliminary training. In most cases, facial peeling is carried out after a week of using creams with a low content of fruit acids.

The session itself lasts approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the specialist manages to pre-cleanse the skin of external impurities and makeup, treat problem areas with the selected composition, maintain the required amount of treatment exposure, neutralize it, wash off any remaining drug and apply a soothing mask.

Rehabilitation is carried out at home and is very easy to carry out. So, the skin will need to be moisturized regularly.

The easiest way to do this is with thermal water purchased at a pharmacy. Do not forget about fatty ointments that promote regeneration and nourishment of the skin. Most often Panthenol, Bepanten and Solcoseryl are used for these purposes.

We should not forget about protecting the skin from sun rays using cosmetics with a high protection factor.

Peeling based on AHA acids is tolerated quite easily by most patients. During the manipulation, no severe pain is felt; a rare reaction is a slight burning sensation, which passes quite quickly and does not cause any inconvenience.

However, we should not forget that side effects may well occur after the procedure. Thus, patient reviews indicate frequent manifestations of skin redness, swelling, itching and burning, mild pain, a feeling of tightness and flaking.

In some cases, more pronounced negative reactions (burns, allergies) may be observed, but this happens extremely rarely.


The use of AHA acids for cosmetic purposes is very safe and beneficial, but must be done wisely. To do this, it is imperative to adhere to the list of basic contraindications, which includes the following points:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, accompanied by exacerbation of chronic diseases, viral infections and other manifestations of a similar nature.
  • Oncology, diabetes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components in the peeling preparation.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin, tendency to form scars, severe tanning.
  • Open wounds, herpes, active inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or body.

Fruit peeling therapy is considered a rather expensive pleasure, and reviews from many patients confirm this statement.

On average, the minimum price for a session starts from 2,000 rubles, but in the end it can be four or five thousand. The final amount usually depends on factors such as:

  • Type and concentration of the drug used.
  • Experience and qualifications of a specialist, pricing policy of a salon or medical clinic.
  • The size of the problem area and the complexity of the problem.

Fruit peeling at home can be performed superficially, or as a replenishment and cleansing of the middle layer of the skin.

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the procedure; if you just need to get rid of pimples or acne, then we use a superficial scrub, but if the problem is wrinkles, then we will need a deep homemade fruit facial peeling.

Step-by-step instructions: how to do peeling yourself

First you need to clean your face, this can be done with regular soap and water, or by wiping the pores with a cotton swab and lotion. Next, we prepare our own mixture for the procedure.

There are several proven recipes that you can easily use to make a fruit facial scrub at home:

  1. Honey and pineapple. A little exotic wouldn't hurt us. Cut off several slices of pineapple (approximately 200 grams without peel), grate and mix with two tablespoons of natural, slightly heated honey. If our mixture turns out to be somewhat liquid, then you can add a little chopped oat flakes to it. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes;
  2. Orange and coffee. The first method is a gentle method; this recipe is more of a medium peel. Its basis is the antioxidants contained in coffee, which help get rid of wrinkles and give the face a healthy and bright color. Mix the pulp of half the fruit with a spoonful of ground natural (not instant!) coffee, add one spoonful of heated honey, stir until smooth and apply to a clean face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash it carefully (do not use water, it’s better to use something softer, say, a herbal decoction). You can do lemon peeling in the same way, simply replacing the main component;
  3. Grape mask. Grapes are very useful for children and pregnant women; their fruits contain a lot of sugar, which is so important for normal life, and the seeds help with many chronic diseases. In addition, this is a popular procedure, since making fruit grape peeling is very simple. You only need 5-8 berries. Mash them into a paste and wipe your face. You can mix the fruits with oatmeal or green tea (1:1). Keep on face for 10 to 15 minutes;
  4. Kiwi banana. Exotic fruits are one of the best sources of skin-healthy acids. The pulp of one kiwi and banana should be mixed and applied evenly to the dermis, leave for 10 minutes;
  5. Well cleanses and rejuvenates the skin without surgery strawberry peeling. Mash 4 berries, mix with a spoon of honey and apply to the face, rinse off after 15 minutes. This is an excellent recipe for fruit peeling of mature sensitive skin or body.

In addition, you can use special ready-made mixtures at home, which make fruit chemical peeling easier and more enjoyable.

You can buy ready-made fruit peeling either in a specialized store or order it on the manufacturer’s official website. Before applying the mixture to your face, try to watch a video on the topic and purchase special tools: a spatula, sponges, napkins, an eye patch, sticks.

A mixture of exotic fruits for beautiful skin.


  • 200 g pineapple,
  • 1 kiwi fruit,
  • 1 banana.

Peel the fruits, beat the banana with a mixer and add chopped kiwi and pineapple. This mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. After finishing the session, you need to wash your face with cool water.

Orange peeling.


  • orange,
  • natural honey,
  • coffee grounds.

The fruit pulp of the fruit is mixed with the other ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When applying the mixture to the face, it is recommended to perform a light massage. Peeling should be kept for no more than 5 minutes. The acids contained in orange make the skin elastic, velvety and very soft.

Lemon peeling.

To create this mixture we will need a small amount of lemon juice, rosehip oil and olive oil. To prepare the mask, you need to take the indicated ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and add a little lemon juice.

The resulting mass must be heated, but not brought to a hot state. The warm composition is applied to the face using a tampon. After 5-7 minutes, the face must be rinsed with water.


What method does fruit peeling work on the facial skin?

Thanks to fruit acids, dead cells that interfere with physiological processes occurring in the skin are exfoliated. After the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, soft and velvety.

How many procedures do you need to do to get a good effect?

It all depends on the skin and the problems that need to be addressed. Most often, patients are prescribed 6-10 procedures. The break between peelings is 7-10 days.

From the layer of keratinized epithelial particles. The fact is that the lifespan of epidermal cells is quite short - new cells mature within a month, and dead old ones remain on the surface of the skin, causing peeling, irritation and worsening complexion. In addition, the layer of keratinized scales prevents the penetration of nutrients into the layers of the skin, clogs the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands, destroys the protective water-lipid barrier and accelerates the aging process.

Homemade facial cleansing with scrubs with abrasive particles (mechanical peeling) and fruit acids (fruit peeling) helps solve this problem. Very effective are coffee scrubs for oily or combination skin, oatmeal scrubs with a moisturizing, nourishing effect for dry or aging skin, as well as sea salt or sugar scrubs, soft exfoliating gommage products for thin and problematic facial skin.

But it is useful to alternate the use of scrubs with abrasive particles with home peeling to give the skin a break from mechanical stress and avoid thinning of the epidermis. The use of fruit acids (alphahydroxy acids, AHA acids) refers to chemical peeling, through which the layers of the epidermis are exposed to active substances. As a result, the connection between the layer of keratinized particles and young cells weakens so much that dead cells begin to peel off easily. For peeling with fruit acids, you can use products prepared at home from natural products according to recipes (which you will find below). You will definitely be able to choose a fruit peeling recipe that suits your skin type, since a variety of AHA acids are used for home facial cleansing.

Material navigation:


glycolic acid.
Perhaps the most popular alpha hydroxy acid, which is often used for cleansing procedures for the skin. Due to its low molecular weight, glycolic acid easily penetrates every cell of the epidermis, effectively exfoliates dead cells, has a whitening effect on age spots, rejuvenates facial skin, smoothing out wrinkles. Glycolic acid can be obtained from natural products such as cane sugar or slightly unripe (sour-tasting) green grapes.

Apple acid.

An excellent option for fruit peeling for problematic, sensitive facial skin. Malic acid cleanses the skin of dead particles, improves blood circulation and accelerates skin regeneration. Malic acid is found in large quantities in apples and tomatoes.

lemon acid.
One of the most common components in masks and scrubs. Has a cleansing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Citric acid perfectly cleanses the sebaceous and sweat glands, helps prevent acne, eliminates comedones (blackheads) and milia (whiteheads, millet) . Citrus fruit juice is used for fruit peeling.

wine acid.
An excellent component for home facial cleansing with aging or too dry skin. This fruit acid gently exfoliates dead cells, promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and improves air exchange in cells. After peeling with tartaric acid, facial skin becomes more elastic and tightened. In addition, home peeling helps lighten age spots, scars and post-acne. Found in oranges and ripened grapes.

lactic acid.
If your skin often peels, irritation and redness appear, then be sure to try peeling with this fruit acid. Lactic acid perfectly cleanses the skin of dead particles, delicately removes sebaceous plugs from the ducts, and restores the protective water-lipid layer. Useful for home cleaning of any type of skin, but especially recommended for improving the condition of dry and aging skin. Fruit peeling with lactic acid not only cleanses, but also moisturizes, whitens, and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Regular use will help restore skin elasticity and healthy color without a grayish tint. Contained in fermented milk products (kefir , fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt), maple syrup, grapes.

Important! When using fruit acids for peeling, there is a risk of getting a chemical burn on the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to do at least several procedures together with a specialist!


➊ before proceeding with the procedures, it is advisable to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of the peeling mask. To do this, you can apply a small amount of the mask on your wrist and just below your earlobe, clean everything after a few minutes and check the condition of the skin in these areas a day later;

➋ It is advisable to perform fruit peeling in the evening before bed. First, you need to clean your face of makeup and accumulated dirt using a cotton pad moistened with cleansing gel, foam or milk. Then you can lightly cleanse the skin using a sugar scrub or soft gommage. The final touch - you can apply Vaseline to the delicate skin in the area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelids, and under the eyes so as not to cause irritation from fruit chemical peeling;

➌ By this time, you should already have a prepared product made from fruit acids for peeling (peeling cocktail, multifruit peeling) and a cosmetic brush for applying the mask. Very carefully and evenly apply the mask with a brush along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes;

➍ after applying a mask of fruit acids, it is advisable to relax and not move the facial muscles. Keep the mask on your face for 3 minutes (the first few procedures) or for 5 minutes. Then you can blot your face with a soft, dry towel and cleanse your skin with a sage decoction;

➎ total - 6-7 sessions (about a month and a half). Do procedures no more than once every 10-14 days for peeling dry skin and 1 procedure every 8-10 days for oily skin.


What's included:

1 tablespoon cane sugar;

1 tablespoon lemon juice;

1/2 ripe banana;

200 ml yogurt (or fermented baked milk).

Preparation and use:

Beat half a banana with a mixer (you can mash it with a fork) and mix it with a whisk in a bowl with yogurt so that you get a homogeneous mass. Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl and then add cane sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is rich in lactic, glycolic, and citric acids. Apply the mask with a brush in a thin layer on the face and after 5 minutes cleanse the skin.



photo: skin before and after peeling with fruit acids


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