Types of kisses: why, where, how. What types of kisses exist: what do they mean, and also how to kiss in French? Kiss below the belly

What could be better than a burst of endorphins, donated by a kiss from a loved one. The touch of the lips is the sweetest way to express your love.

Try to surprise your soulmate with a new technique, read what kisses are.

Names of types of kisses and their description

There are many types of kisses on the lips. They can be passionate, tender and friendly. The degree of development of relations depends on the sensuality of gentle touches of the lips.

The first touches are awkward, the subsequent ones are filled with more passion. Pamper your partner with passionate kisses.

Advice! Kiss only the person you love. A kiss "by calculation" will not bring pleasure, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul.

Names of kisses Description
Long This is an alternation of different techniques, from gentle kisses to passionate, erotic touches in a hickey
French The most fashionable among teenagers. With this method, the language is actively involved
licking Run your tongue along your partner's upper or lower lip
In the neck Intimate and passionate. Lightly touch the earlobe with your lips, slowly moving down to the neck, barely touching the skin
Sink Sexy earlobe nibbling
one lip Catch your upper or lower lip, suck and nibble on it
Playful Alternate between licking and biting lips while playing with your partner's mouth
Pendulum Perform horizontal movements with your tongue in your partner's mouth
Contrasting This is an alternation of a tender kiss with a passionate one. Start the process with gentle smacks, moving on to playful tongue touches.
Rain A way to kiss every cell of a lover's body. Start at the lips, go to the neck and go down
Avalanche of passion Great way to wake up. Wake up your loved one with a passionate touch
Vertebrate Move the guy to a position lying on his stomach, massage with light kisses along the spine

Advice! Learn to use all the techniques to surprise your loved one every day with a new kiss.

Passionate touches excite. Sometimes the mood is romantic, you want warmth and affection. Gentle touches are light, filled with care for the partner.

Mastering the technique of gentle touches is not difficult, the main thing is love in the eyes and a sincere desire to show an attitude towards a loved one:

  1. Loving look. Look at your beloved with tenderness, whisper sincere words of recognition, touch your lips with your fingers and give bliss with a light smack.
  2. childish look. Lightly smack the mole on your cheek.
  3. A smack in the eye. An unusual kiss on closed eyelids is filled with reverence for the beloved.
  4. Inato. A method in which only the lips are involved without the tongue.
  5. Touching the corners of the mouth. Teasing movements convey the caring attitude of the beloved.

There are unusual types of kisses like Eskimo or electronic. You can send a smack on social networks in the form of a sticker, emoticon or sound message.

Eskimo The principle of kissing the tips of the noses applies to children as well.

Passionate French Tongue Kissing Technique

Exciting, passionate, mysterious - French kiss. French kissing can only be learned through practice.

Stock up on theoretical knowledge, surprise a guy in practical classes.

To make the first kiss unforgettable, learn the technique of owning French love:

  1. Language. The main weapon of pleasure. Find a middle ground, he should not be lethargic or too persistent. Involve the whole organ: from the sublingual part to the tip.
  2. Naturalness. Do not make unnatural movements, do not try to get your tongue into your partner's throat. Learn what the guy likes.
  3. Do not be shy. Keep your lips open, open your mouth to pleasure.
  4. Repetition. Try to imitate the movement of the lips and tongue of a loved one.
  5. Salivation. Control the moisture in your mouth.
  6. Imagination. Come up with your own movements, do not limit yourself to horizontal and vertical planes.
  7. Teeth. It is better to bite only the lips, without injuring the tongue. Control the force of the bite.
  8. Reciprocity. Respond to the guy's experimental movements, come up with a new kind of kiss together.

Touching in French is a new stage in the relationship in a couple, more trusting and personal. Do not forget that a kiss is also a hug, the interaction of hands and body.

correct“Meetings” of lips will bring unforgettable pleasure to both partners.

The meaning of kisses in different parts of the body

The location of the touch also matters. By the type of lip touches, you can recognize the relationship of a guy to a girl. Choosing a place on the body of a partner, a young man is guided by subconscious messages.

Guess the attitude of a man to a woman at the place of the kiss:

  1. smack in the corner of the mouth means that the guy wants more than friendship.
  2. Eskimo a kiss expresses tenderness.
  3. Touch lips to eyelids - this is the sincerity and tenderness of the partner in relation to the girl.
  4. Touch to the neck, take it as a desire to have sexual contact with the girl.
  5. ear kissing- the beginning of an erotic game.
  6. Touch to the cheek means the beginning of a new friendship.
  7. Kiss on the lips- a love affair between kissers.
  8. Kiss the hand conveys respect and respect.

Important! Pay attention to the eyes of your lover during the kiss.

Open eyelids indicate that the guy is following your movements. Closed eyes convey the pleasure of the opposite sex.

There are exceptions to the rule when girls can kiss each other on the lips, showing their close friendship.

A kiss on the hand is a sign of gallantry, adopted when a man meets a charming woman. Children show their love by kissing on the cheek, nose or lips. Make men fall in love with you by mastering new kissing techniques!

Useful video

Kissing is one of the most exciting caresses, because there are myriad sensitive points in the mouth. That is why there are many different types of lips and other parts of the face and body, with or without the tongue.

What are the types of kisses?

The most unpretentious kiss, with lips alone, can be performed in a variety of variations: with strong or weak pressure, light biting, touching the corners of the mouth. The duration of such a kiss gives room for imagination and often it is such a caress that is the beginning of a love foreplay.

Particularly pleasant for women are kisses of the most receptive parts of the body - neck, neck, earlobes, wrists, abdomen, inner thighs. Such caresses are able to release the sensuality of even the most modest.

A lot of small kisses covering the girl’s face will tell her without words about the tenderness she feels. Very pleasant and light touches of lips to closed eyes.

A kiss on the hand in the old days was a demonstration of the gallantry of a man, although such signs of attention are still appropriate today. You can make a kiss on the hand more intimate if you pay attention not only to the back, but also to the palm itself, fingertips, as well as the wrist, the skin of the elbow, and the shoulder.

Types of kisses can be distinguished not only by the place that is caressed with the lips, but also by the kissing technique. The lips can be tensed or kept relaxed, puffed up, or made to pinch, pulsate, or suck. The kiss-bite is one of the caresses recommended by the Kama Sutra. This kiss is extremely exciting, but the treatise on love advises against biting the eyes, tongue and upper lip.

What are the types of tongue kissing?

In almost any kiss, the tongue takes an active part - its tip can be carried over the lips, the skin of the sensitive corners of the body. But no kind of tongue-kissing can outshine the sweetness of the magical French kiss, which is not much less intimate than sex.

Despite its popularity, the French kissing technique raises the most questions. To make this kiss as pleasant as possible, you need to listen not only to your feelings, but also to the feelings of your partner, and if she feels negative, turn a deep kiss into a regular one.

To provoke the beginning of a French kiss, you need to open your mouth and wait for the girl's reaction - perhaps she herself will take the initiative. Then you can try to run the tip of your tongue over your partner's lips, and if she opens her mouth, take advantage of this invitation and penetrate the tongue deeper.

The most important rule of a French kiss is that it should give pleasure, and not cause unpleasant ones. Therefore, one should not penetrate deeper into the partner's mouth than she allows. You should also monitor the amount of saliva - if there is too much of it, it can even cause disgust.

Inexperienced people believe that with a deep French kiss, the tongue must be in constant active movement. However, this is not so - slow and gentle touches bring no less pleasure. You should not squeeze your partner too much either - an abundance of emotions is unlikely to please her if she feels half-strangled.

In order to diversify the French kiss, you can try kissing with a candy or a berry in your mouth. If you try something very pleasant before the kiss (ice cream, flavored tea), the contact of the tongues will become more pleasant.

The end of the French kiss should be as gentle as possible, otherwise it can cause emotional shock. First you should remove the tongue and continue the kiss with the same lips. Then you can gently kiss the girl on the nose, forehead, cheek and extend the hug for a few seconds already without contact of the lips.

The delight experienced during a kiss cannot be described in ordinary words. And no matter what kind of kisses will be chosen, if it will bring fireworks of pleasure.

The meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, a person is programmed to kiss. First of all, it is a kind of "oral" memory that occurs in the womb. After all, it is there that the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Every kiss and touch of the lips has its own meaning.

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy on a subconscious level decided what his partner meant. With the help of a kiss, you can determine how a guy treats you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. It's a kiss by the way, which could mean that the guy wasn't going to kiss you.
  • Seductive. Most often, this is a kiss that involves the lips and tongue. Suctions may be present. This kiss speaks of sexual desire.
  • teasing. This is a kiss, when the movements of the lips are either active and sucking, then they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. In this case, the tongue inside the mouth moves, as friction occurs during sex.

The neck is an erogenous zone for most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and sexual desire in the fair sex. The most interesting thing is that a US citizen was given a life sentence for kissing a woman on the neck. It was equated with sexual harassment of the first type. Therefore, if a man kisses you on the neck, he wants to possess you.

A kiss on the cheek has different meanings. Abroad, it is customary to greet your acquaintances with a kiss on the cheek. This is the usual friendly kiss that says that the person is glad to see you. But if you are in a relationship, then kissing a young man on the cheek indicates that he values ​​\u200b\u200byou and is glad to see you.

This kind of touching of the lips is called the kiss of an angel. It is believed that this is the highest degree of intimacy and only those who have serious intentions kiss in the eyes. Although the people believe that such a gesture promises separation.

Usually this is how small children are kissed. The same thing happens for a woman. In this case, the man takes care and is ready to support, patronize and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you like a little girl.

The attitude of women to such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In European countries, such signs of attention are considered the norm. It's just considered a greeting. But in Russia, the attitude towards such touching is ambiguous.

They are positively treated by older women, but young people do not really like it. But if you are unfamiliar with a man, and he kisses you on the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If your wrists are kissed, then the man idolizes you and wants intimacy. Kissing fingers indicates a strong sexual desire.

The meaning of kissing a guy, a man in the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

A kiss on the nose means a desire to attract attention and bring a smile to your face. Used by mothers who want to cheer up their children. Often couples in love who have been together for a long time, with the help of a kiss on the nose, want to improve the mood of their soulmate.

This is a passionate kiss, it is often combined with nibbling of the lobe and indicates the passionate desire of the partner. A man makes it clear that he wants you.

This kiss usually has no sexual overtones and expresses patronage. A man in every possible way wants to protect you and take care of you. This often happens in couples where the man is older than the woman.

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still naev lips, but not on the forehead. Often this speaks of hidden passion. A man wants you, but so far he manages to restrain his desire.

Such a smack is usually used when people greet in a friendly company. In that case, it doesn't mean anything. But if it was an accidental kiss, then perhaps the partner is eyeing you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the ability to move forward.

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. This is how newly-made lovers usually begin to kiss.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your lips and touch them to one lip of a man
  • It could be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover's lip between yours, hold for 2-5 seconds
  • If your partner reaches out to you, you can suck on your lip, run your tongue over it, or bite

This is one of the most passionate kisses ever. He talks about the sexual desire of a man, which he is not able to restrain. At the same time, the partner's tongue moves in a businesslike way in your mouth.

Reasons for smacking with open eyes:

  • Wants to be in control
  • Wants to see that you are good with him
  • Can't relax until the end
  • I read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is head over heels in love.

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But it's not quite like that.

Causes of biting lips:

  • If during a kiss your man bites his lower lip a little, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner expresses jealousy.
  • If he lightly bites his upper lip when kissing, then this is usually how authority is expressed towards you.

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It starts from the neck and goes down to the chest and stomach. Talks about the passion of the partner and his sexual desire.

This kiss is possible between lovers. Your partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. When stimulated, sexual desire is activated.

Such a smack speaks of the uncertainty of the partner. He is afraid that reciprocity will not follow from you. Perhaps the partner doubts your interest.

A kiss on the knee area speaks of the partner's tenderness and care. The man wants to dominate you. In you, he saw a little girl who needs care.

This kiss means the uncontrollable and violent passion of a partner. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

With the help of an air kiss, girls flirt. It adds mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching the lips, and they all carry a hidden meaning.

VIDEO: The meaning of kisses

I am sure it will be interesting and useful to absolutely everyone. No one has yet died from kisses, rather the opposite - they revive feelings, revive the soul. However, many do not know that in addition to the usual couple of kissing options, there are dozens of possible ways to kiss a person and give him pleasure))) Naturally, everything is within the bounds of decency. In general, read and then go and kiss ...))

It turns out there are at least 50 types of kisses:

1. The usual kiss on the lips, accompanied by a slight pressure on them.

2. The usual kiss on the lips, accompanied by stronger pressure.

3. "Love Bite". When the kiss intensifies with sensual excitement, it turns into a love bite. "Kama Sutra" recommends biting the same places on the body where they kiss. Except perhaps the upper lip, tongue and eyes. In other words, the most suitable places to bite are the forehead, lower lip, cheeks, chest, arms, and navel.

4. "Deep kiss", or "Maraycinage", which the French call the "kiss of the soul", and we are the "French kiss".

5. Kiss on the eyes with very little pressure on them.

6. A kiss on the neck, considered especially pleasant for women.

7. Long kiss. The lips of lovers, as it were, cannot tear themselves away from each other. The kiss is accompanied by a strong, then a weaker pressure of the lips.

8. Kiss on the corner of the mouth. Kiss it in one, then in the other corner of the mouth.

9. Pulsating kiss. Lips and nose are pressed against the girl's cheek, easily vibrating and rubbing against her cheek.

10. Many small kisses on the inside of the arm, rising from the wrist to the armpit. Such kisses can awaken love.

11. Kiss on the cheek. The most common and natural. However, much more pleasure can be obtained from light, very, very fast kisses on various points of the face, excluding the lips. Speed ​​is especially important here.

12. A great variety can be made by kissing a partner on the lips, while slightly puffing up your own.

13. The previous version can be slightly modified if the person being kissed will pout his lips.

14. It is possible to evoke an extremely pleasant sensation by kissing the earlobe of a loved one or near it. Men especially love being kissed like that.

15. A variation on the previous method would be to lightly suck on the earlobes instead of kissing them.

16. A rain of kisses covering the neck and chest, descending lower and lower at varying speeds. Some kisses may be shorter, others longer.

17. The inner side of the thigh is especially responsive to kisses.

18. Many romantic writers sang kisses on the shoulder. Men do not really like such kisses, but they love to kiss the shoulders of women themselves.

19. An excellent preliminary stage before kissing on the lips is kissing the fingertips.

20. A common modification of kissing on the lips is to lightly suck on the lips instead of pressing on them.

21 and 22. You can limit yourself to sucking on only one lip. Top or bottom.

23. You can continue to add variety to the methods already described, sucking in turn either the upper or the lower lip. Don't do it too hard. Tenderness and attentiveness have a place in passion.

24. Stroking kiss. Lightly touching the lips of the forehead on one side, gently draw them across the entire forehead and kiss on the other side.

25. The exact same stroking kiss can be kissed on the lips. Having touched the corner of the mouth with your lips, draw them along the lips and gently kiss in the other corner.

26. A light kiss on the tip of the nose can be a great prelude to more intense forms of kissing.

27. A man can insert the tip of his tongue between the lips of his beloved, swiping from left to right, then from right to left. This can go on for quite some time. And there is no reason preventing a girl from doing the same.

28. You can touch your lips and cheek with your teeth, while not forgetting about accuracy, so as not to hurt each other.

29. You can also "bite" the partner's lips with one lips so that the teeth do not participate in the kiss.

30. Gentle contact of the tips of the tongues.

31. The previous kiss can be varied by alternately touching the tips of the tongues and pulling them back.

32. Sucking while kissing gives lovers great pleasure. Such kisses are applied actively, but they are accepted calmly and patiently. Sometimes one partner kisses, sometimes the other, but you can, for a change, kiss at the same time.

33. Many are especially sensitive to kissing in the area where the neck meets the shoulders. Both front and back.

34. As for kisses on other parts of the body, in most men and women the back is unusually sensitive to caresses, especially the lower part at the base and along the spine. The thighs are also very sensitive and form a weak erogenous zone.

35. Kiss with mutual gentle stroking of erogenous zones.

36. You can kiss right under the chin, while the kisser's head is raised up.

37. The throat area is very sensitive to kisses, so a kiss on the lower part of the neck is extremely pleasant.

38. A variation of the usual kiss on the lips is a kiss just above the center of the upper lip, under the tip of the nose.

39. If his mustache interferes, a kiss remains right under the center of the lower lip.

40. Quick "licking" kiss with the tip of the tongue in the auricle.

41. "Profile kiss". A series of kisses along the line of symmetry of the face, starting from the middle of the forehead, then descending along the nose to the central point of the mouth and ending in the middle of the chin. You can finish with a kiss on the lips.

42. Kisses on the upper chest of a girl. Kissing the nipples.

43. The back of the head and the back of the neck are an erogenous zone for most people, so lightly stroking this area with your lips up and down causes a very pleasant sensation.

44. "Vertebral Kiss". It is a series of small kisses along the spine, starting near the neck and ending at the lowest point of the spine. 45. The reverse version of the previous one is also a whole rain of kisses, but in front.

46. ​​"Smoking kiss" along the eyebrows.

47. It is possible to suck on eyebrows instead of kissing them.

48. Pretty intimate kisses in the area where the hips pass into the body are very exciting and arouse desire. Men mostly prefer to be active participants, and women prefer to take kisses.

49. Kissing down from the navel to the point where the thigh meets the body is also possible. The lips should be relaxed to easily pass over the skin.

50. Kiss of the young, when they kiss their fingertip and then press it for a moment to the lips of their beloved. This is also a kiss, but such that clumsy words after it are sometimes unnecessary

Many articles and books have been written about how to kiss properly. This is not surprising, because a kiss is not only a manifestation of love and tenderness for each other, but also a whole art. It allows you to increase immunity, cheer up and avoid stress.

During the process, about 30 facial muscles are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps prevent wrinkles. It has been proven that not only knowledge of how to kiss correctly, but also the number of kisses - at least 7 per day - play a significant role.

In contact with

Types of kisses on the lips

There are so many kissing techniques that they are studied by a separate science - philematology. She considers the process from the point of view of physiology and psychology. Based on these criteria, there are different types of kisses.

It is this type of lip contact that has gained the greatest popularity. Its key feature is the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth. This makes the process more sensual, but more technically challenging. Before trying it out in practice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to kiss correctly:

  1. You need to prepare in advance. The success of a kiss largely depends on the freshness of breath, the pleasant smell of the body and hair, and neatness in appearance. Immediately before contact with lips, you should use chewing gum or candy.
  2. It's better to start with a light kiss. Haste is not the best friend in how to kiss properly. Light touches should develop into a passionate French kiss gradually, and it is recommended to increase the pace slowly.
  3. Give in to emotions. Only a sincere gesture will bring real pleasure. How to kiss on the lips in many ways will prompt emotions and feelings.

Mastering French technique can require lengthy training. However, the simplest kiss with the tongue is within the power of lovers without experience. The main thing is mutual attraction and sympathy, and knowledge of how to kiss correctly will be applied.


Surprisingly, in France, the famous love gesture is called the “English kiss”. According to the assumptions of some historians, this name of the French method was obtained due to the celebration of Kiss Day. The custom originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and is still celebrated every year on July 6 to this day. Two decades ago, the holiday officially received international status.

Between how to kiss on the lips - in English or in French, there is no difference.


Italians are famous for their passionate behavior, both in everyday life and in love. However, the Italian kiss is quite different and is also known as the "flirting kiss". The gesture is soft, gentle, romantic. How to kiss in Italian:

  1. Touch lips. This must be done slowly and gently. Before kissing, it is better to moisten the lips or use hygienic lipstick. In this case, they will be the softest and give the partner maximum pleasure.
  2. Movement should not be abrupt. Lips should be driven carefully. Excessive passion is not acceptable with an Italian kiss.
  3. Don't use the language. In this case, the Italian kiss turns into a French one.
  4. It's important to make time. The main feature of the Italian method is duration. This is a great way to kiss passionately without a tongue, if you have a few hours of free time. Such a protracted kiss can drive even the most persistent and reasonable people crazy.

No tongue

Lip contact without the participation of the tongue is typical for couples who have just started dating or for young lovers. However, even in family relationships, a kiss of this kind can add novelty and romance, because it exudes naivety and tenderness from him. How to kiss without a tongue:

  1. Preparation. Before kissing without a tongue, it is important to freshen your breath. Before a date, you can not eat onions, garlic, horseradish and other foods that have a strong unpleasant odor. It is advisable to use perfume, but in moderation.
  2. Lip condition. Smooth skin of the lips is an essential condition. It is better to take care of her condition in advance: make a scrub, lubricate with oil, use other moisturizers.
  3. Process. A signal that the partner is not against a kiss can be a long look into the eyes. It is necessary to slowly approach the face of a lover or beloved, touch your partner's lips with your lips, close your eyes. An important point in how to kiss correctly is relaxed lips.

After mastering the touch with the lips, you can proceed to the next stage - kissing with the tongue. This is the same French method, in which two varieties can be distinguished:

  1. "Dry". How to kiss in French was indicated above, but the dry method has its own characteristics. This gesture does not tolerate excessive salivation, the kiss should be moderately wet. This is a better option for young couples, unfamiliar lovers or conservatives.
  2. "Wet". In addition to the traditional French method of tongue penetration, the process is accompanied by copious salivation. Not every partner will approve of this gesture, but there are true fans of wet kisses.


Passionate kisses can be with or without tongue. How to kiss passionately:

  1. Start. Approaching the partner, you need to touch his lips with your own. It is worth moving slowly, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Complication. The lips of a lover can be sucked, bitten or run over them with the tip of the tongue.
  3. With tongue. If the partner opens his mouth towards you, then you can carefully enter your tongue. Do not do it abruptly, you need to accelerate in stages.
  4. Important. When answering the question of how to kiss correctly, it is worth noting that other gestures also play an important role. You need to hug your beloved, you can grab his head with your hands, run your hand through your hair. This will allow you to feel emotions brighter.

How to kiss?

For this case, spontaneity is much more important than rules. In order for a kiss to be remembered and enjoyable, it is important:

  1. Choose the right person. It is this, and not the possession of numerous techniques, that is the key to success. A kiss with a loved one or beloved is a priori successful.
  2. Don't be nervous. Embarrassment or worries will not let you relax, which means they will spoil the whole impression of a kiss. Get rid of thoughts about how to kiss properly, should be in advance.
  3. You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. It is impossible to make a mistake in a kiss if it comes from the heart, unlike the phrase “how to kiss properly”, which many users mistakenly drive into the search box.

The benefits of kissing

A single algorithm for kissing has not yet been developed by more than one scientist. To get an idea of ​​how to kiss on the lips, you can:

  1. Hone your skills on your own. Many people got their first knowledge of kissing with the help of tomatoes. Other smooth vegetables or fruits will work as well. It will not work to rehearse the French way, but it is quite possible to feel more confident when kissing without a tongue.
  2. Cinema and video. Romantic movie characters know better than anyone how to kiss properly. It is quite possible to adopt their experience by including a tape about love.
  3. Educational videos. Suitable material can be found on request on the Internet. In such videos, they not only tell how to kiss lips on the lips or with the tongue correctly, but also give valuable comments.

The most important thing is practice, practice and more practice. Regular kisses with a loved one will allow you to quickly learn all the secrets.

The first kiss is a special and crucial moment in the life of a girl or a guy. It is he who will remain in memory, it is he who cannot be repeated or changed. How to kiss for the first time if:

  1. You are a guy. The main task is to choose the right moment. If you try too early, you can scare the lady of the heart. However, a long delay can have a similar effect. As soon as the girl begins to give signs, hold her gaze on her lips for a long time, look into her eyes, you can act.
  2. You are a girl. Women's waiting position is more beneficial for those who do not have practical knowledge about kissing. You need to show the guy your readiness for the process. If he does not decide in any way, then it is not forbidden to take the initiative into his own hands.

Most men take the first step on their own. The girl only needs patience and openness. There are a number of secrets that will bring this moment closer:

  1. Open face. You should not cover your face with your hands, scarf or turn away from the guy. Such behavior will certainly be regarded as an attempt to move away.
  2. Eye to eye. Making eye contact is the first step to lip contact.
  3. Give an answer. During the kiss itself, you should reciprocate the guy, even if you have not had to kiss before.

With regard to the fair sex, it is better to act boldly and decisively. However, excessive zeal can cause resentment or aggression in the lady of the heart. You should not persuade her to kiss if she is not ready or does not want to.

How to kiss a girl the right way:

  1. You shouldn't do it in public. A quiet square, a non-crowded cafe or the last rows of a cinema will do. Extra eyes do not add self-confidence.
  2. Better scout the situation. A light touch on the cheek, neck or hair will help to understand the readiness of the beloved. If she does not move away, then you can act.
  3. Be gentle. You do not need to immediately turn on a passionate macho, a gentle kiss is suitable for the first time. In the process, it is better to observe how the girl reacts.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you?

Some timid young men are too shy to kiss a girl for a very long time. In this case, you can try to do it yourself. How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you:

  • he keeps his eyes on the neck or lips for a long time;
  • the guy often comes close, but retreats at the last moment;
  • in conversation, he bites his lips or touches them with his tongue.

In order for it to come to a kiss, you need to prove yourself on a date, namely:

  1. You need to prepare for the date. A neat appearance, neat clothes, unobtrusive perfume will create a pleasant impression at first sight.
  2. Place. It is better to choose a location based on your own preferences. In summer, it's good to just walk through the park or sit on the open veranda. In winter, you can go to the cinema or anti-cafe.
  3. In progress. Do not swear, talk very loudly, smoke. It pays to be polite and calm. A good sense of humor is not forbidden.
  4. After a date. Regardless of how the evening goes, you need to thank the girl. With a favorable outcome, you can immediately discuss the next meeting.

Useful video

How many types of kisses do you know? Air, French kiss ... This video contains the most common types of kisses:


  1. It is quite difficult to say how to kiss with tongue and lips correctly.
  2. The best solution would be to take as a basis any technique you like, but act according to the situation.
  3. It is worth remembering that a kiss is not an exam, but its main goal is pleasure, which means there is no need to be nervous.