Regressive hypnosis. Plunging into your inner world. What is regressive hypnosis? Is regressive hypnosis dangerous?

This is a type of hypnosis. This is a way of putting a person into a trance state. When a person arrives in this state, there is an opportunity to find out how he lived before, his past lives, reincarnations. This opportunity can be very helpful in solving problems and fears that have arisen in this life.

This type of hypnosis allows you to identify and treat various psychological disorders, phobias, and psycho-emotional problems. Using regressive hypnosis, scientists confirm the existence of reincarnation, the rebirth of the human soul.

Regression is the process of returning to a person’s past. There are different types and techniques of regressive hypnosis.

The process of regressive hypnosis consists of immersing a person in a deep trance and finding certain information in the depths of consciousness. This is a very difficult process. In a normal state or in a state of classical hypnosis, it is often not possible to obtain the necessary data. In order to find out about their past lives and correct past mistakes, people agree to regressive hypnosis.

Immersion methods

To conduct a regressive hypnosis session, you must have certain skills and knowledge. The first thing a psychologist needs to do is to examine the patient and find out that plunging into regressive psychosis does not pose a danger to his health and well-being.

The immersion method consists of several steps:

  1. Putting the patient into a trance state. The specialist puts the person into a trance and keeps in touch with him, asking questions. The hypnologist helps the patient feel comfortable in the new state. Questions are asked to ensure that the individual is under hypnosis and is seeing his past.
  2. Obtaining the necessary information. After the psychologist is convinced that the person is immersed in a trance and sees his past, he begins to ask questions to obtain the necessary information. Tries to find the source of the problem, to find out all the nuances of what happened.
  3. Finding the cause. After receiving the required information and finding out all the reasons for what happened, the hypnologist changes the data in the patient’s subconscious, records it and takes the person out of the state of hypnosis. The patient comes to his senses with an already altered state of consciousness.

The specialist stays next to the patient throughout the session, monitoring his condition. With the help of questions, he helps to understand the situation. It is important to monitor the patient’s well-being; excess vitality must not be allowed, as this will create new problems.

To get the whole picture of what happened, all past lives, it is necessary to conduct several sessions of regressive hypnosis. It is believed that in such a state a person can tell in detail about all his past lives and even predict future reincarnations. Regressive hypnosis allows you to penetrate into a person’s consciousness into his unconscious part. On this platform it is possible to correct the situation, problem, behavior.

You should be very careful in carrying out any manipulations with consciousness, with suggestion, as this will entail many serious problems and difficulties. Regressive psychosis must be carried out by a person who has all the necessary skills for this, is calm, and has a positive attitude.

What problems does regression hypnosis solve?

The purpose of hypnosis is for a person to go back into the past, relive certain painful moments and correct the mistakes made. This will solve problems in the present.
The main problems that hypnosis corrects:

  • Eliminate constant fatigue.
  • Restoration of a person’s psycho-emotional state.
    Finding harmony and integrity.
  • Identification and resolution of sexual deviations.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Believe in yourself, in your inner strength.
  • Establish communication with people around you and the outside world in general.
  • Elimination of excess weight;
  • Correction of speech defects, stuttering.
  • Improve sleep, get rid of insomnia.
  • Getting rid of phobias.
  • Explore yourself and your inner self.
  • Rethink your past by correcting your future.
  • Find your purpose.

Regressive hypnosis is a dangerous procedure, since once in the past, the patient may be shocked by what he sees. And consciousness will involuntarily wait for what has already happened, but no one knows what will happen.
At special trainings and seminars on esotericism, training in regressive hypnosis is provided.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors do not approve of regressive hypnosis, because they believe that serious disorders can occur in people with an unstable nervous system when interfering with their subconscious. There were cases when interference in a person’s subconscious did not help, but only harmed. In Israel, this type of hypnosis is officially prohibited.

Consequences of regressive hypnosis

Like any effect on the human subconscious, regressive hypnosis poses a certain danger to the psyche. In the case where the past trauma was very strong, the person may not be able to endure the re-experience of all emotions and will not receive any real benefit. And if there is a certain genetic predisposition to psychosis, there is a high probability of its development, even leading to psychosomatic pathology.

If the hypnosis treatment was superficial, that is, the problem was not solved at the level of consciousness in the past, but only a suggestion occurred that everything was fine, then the general nervous state, the phobia, will return after some time. Any hypnosis uses hypnotic amnesia, so a person will treat an old problem as if it were a new one and will not think that something like this has already happened.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, other negative consequences may occur. Regressive hypnosis should not be abused, as it leads to addiction.

Age regression - what is it?

This is a phenomenon in which a person, while under hypnosis, relives his childhood fears and problems. Age regression is very real, as is trance itself, and therefore patients do not consciously regress into childhood.

For example, we can consider such an emotion as resentment. Esoteric scientists believe that resentment is a behavior pattern inherent in infancy, and not an innate emotion. This is psycho-emotional blackmail. Subconsciously, a person who is offended is trying to make others feel guilty and get what he wants. If we consider the period of childhood, then resentment is usually directed from the child to the parents. As an example of immersion in age regression, a woman is offended by her husband due to lack of attention, or a drunk man falls into childhood and behaves accordingly.

Age regression treatment

All psychological institutions use the age regression method for treatment. It is used for psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis and other psycho-emotional procedures.

The operating principle of age regression is based on immersing a person in a trance and discovering his not-distant past. Searching for problems in his childhood. This is a proven effective method. Since the appeal occurs to real events that happened to the patient in childhood, and not fictional stories. In this procedure, hypnosis is an auxiliary tool, not the main one.

How to hypnotize a person

Hypnosis is of interest not only to doctors who study psychology and practice medicine, but also to various kinds of scammers. But, as a rule, only a professional can put a person into a trance. There are people who have the gift and are able to hypnotize a person without much difficulty. There are two types of hypnotization:

  • words;
  • glance.

Hypnosis with a glance

To hypnotize a person with your eyes, follow these steps:

  • Establish contact with a person, get him talking, find out topics that interest him. You should watch your voice; it should be calm, even and pleasant. It is not good to interrupt your interlocutor.
  • The hypnotist's gaze should be direct, confident, decisive. Professionals advise training your eyes, looking at one point for at least 10–15 minutes. A person is put into a trance by looking into his eyes continuously, with a specially trained gaze.
  • When the interlocutor looks away, you also need to look away and try to repeat everything again. At the moment of eye-to-eye contact, you can try to suggest something to a person, since at such moments it is easiest to penetrate the subconscious.

In order not to fall under hypnosis, they avoid looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. Mentally build a wall and repeat the words to yourself that hypnosis has no power over you. They close and do not allow entry into consciousness.

Hypnosis with words

The method of elementary hypnosis is based on diverting a person’s attention to some stimulus, a rosary, a pendulum, or even speech. This causes a stupor in the nervous system. Hypnosis requires that the entire nervous system slow down; for this it is necessary to keep the interlocutor in this state. The result will be a trance into which the person will fall.

Hypnotization with words is based on charming and overloading the brain with information. As a result, inhibition of the nervous system occurs. Stories, stories, tales are used as texts. The main thing is to add commands to the narrative that the interlocutor performs. When narrating, you should insert a second or third into one story; the more complex the story, the better. They tell the story correctly, clearly, so that the interlocutor understands the meaning, but gradually falls into a trance from an overabundance of data and facts.

To protect against this type of hypnosis, they do not delve into the essence of the stories, interrupt the interlocutor, turn on the player, do not make eye contact and quickly leave.

Immersion in hypnosis on your own

The main psychologist and hypnotist for every person lives inside him. Regressions that are performed independently are considered very effective.

Regressive hypnosis is carried out in a cozy, calm, protected place. They are worried that no one will interfere with the process.

Immersion technique

It is recommended to record everything you see in a diary. All the details, everything ordinary and unusual seen. They pay special attention to what they see, because the experience of the past will be very useful in the present. Having become familiar with regressive hypnosis, they study their past in order to make it easier to live in the present.

How to protect yourself from external influences

A person is constantly in contact with the outside world on the street, in transport, at work. Often, after communicating with certain people, unpleasant sensations, headaches, and signs of illness occur.

Everyone has an energy field that blocks the access of negative energy from outside. But when this field weakens, the so-called energy vampires suck the life force out of a person. To protect yourself from harmful effects you should:

  • alternate work and rest;
  • do not let the disease take its course, treat it;
  • smile and think about good things;
  • play sports, strengthen the body and spirit;
  • replenish lost energy through yoga and meditation.

This strengthens the outer protective shell. They try to avoid unpleasant people who are constantly on edge and make scandals. If you can’t avoid the conversation, they agree with everything and don’t give in to provocative words.

Be sure to make or buy amulets against the evil eye, damage, and negative people. This can be an amulet made of aspen. At home they keep holy water and wash themselves with it. If you pour a small amount of liquid into a container and carry it with you, you will get a talisman that will save you from an unkind glance and evil human thoughts.


Give kindness and the universe will answer you in kind. A healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude are the key to good luck and success. And, of course, self-confidence. This power can work miracles. A confident person can do anything. You should not pay attention to evil, negative people, you should feel sorry for them and move on with your head held high. People are envious by nature, but this anger and envy eats them from the inside. Don't give them your precious time.


Hypnosis techniques have been known to mankind since ancient times. In general, hypnosis is considered as one of the methods of achieving an altered state of consciousness. Initially hypnotist was called magnetizer. It was believed that magnets ward off illness from a person and it is magnets that put a person into a trance.

In traditional, classical hypnosis, which came to us from the 19th century and became known to the general public, the hypnotist puts a person into sleep and gives him direct suggestions and commands.

The term “hypnosis” was introduced in 1843 by the English physician J. Brad (Bride).

Medical hypnosis

Hypnosis treatment is actively and successfully used in the treatment of such ailments as overweight and obesity, neuroses of all forms, stuttering, depression, fears, lack of appetite, mood swings, feelings of loneliness, panic and anxiety.

In medical practice, hypnosis is used to treat psychosomatic diseases such as peptic ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, suffocation, increased sweating, fever or chills, excessive drowsiness, nausea and dizziness.

With the help of hypnotic sessions, patients get rid of various types of addictions, be it addiction to the Internet, TV or addiction to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. They treat with hypnosis and psychological dependence on people (partner, parents, managers and bosses).

The most interesting thing is that hypnosis even allows you to get rid of skin and allergic diseases, which has become possible only in recent years thanks to many scientific discoveries of this kind.

A special medical aspect of hypnosis is the treatment of sexual disorders of the body, because often such diseases cannot be solved by traditional methods. In particular, hypnosis is used to treat uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, and dependence on a partner. Men can consult a hypnologist to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, fear of women and sexual addiction.

The effectiveness of recovery when using hypnosis depends on many factors, primarily including the complexity and depth of the disease, and then the duration of the sessions and the depth of hypnosis. A set of modern hypnosis methods (computer, verbal, erotic, sound hypnosis) allows you to find the right combination of ways to introduce a patient into hypnosis for the best recovery.

Despite the universality of the medical use of hypnosis, this method of treating diseases has its contraindications. The most important and absolute of them are any acute somatic conditions, for example, myocardial infarction, infections accompanied by high fever, acute appendicitis. If there are such cases in the medical record, the use of hypnosis is strictly prohibited and can have extremely negative consequences. Hypnosis is not recommended for hypertensive and hypotensive crises, cardiovascular failure, bleeding and mistrust of the hypnologist. For all other diseases, hypnosis can serve as the main or auxiliary means of treatment.

Domestic school

Kashpirovsky phenomenon

The suggestibility of the “average” person is very high - this was discovered by Anatoly Kashpirovsky when, as he himself wrote, he was surprised to discover this fact. He successfully used the phenomenon of mass states to correct a number of chronic diseases and psychological disorders, to treat obesity, etc. Suggestibility is the most important characteristic that exists in the range of problems one way or another related to hypnosis. Sociological surveys show that the necessary ideas can be instilled in a fairly high percentage of people - from 40 to 75%. Sociological research makes it possible to calculate this percentage over time, studying which factors it depends on to the greatest extent. Thus, it is possible to definitely highlight such points as the intensity and duration of the impact, and the correctly chosen emotional background for the suggested information. It is clear that it is based on the characteristics of the audience itself: its psychological state, level of general awareness, as well as the number (and quality) of alternative sources that are used.

« In the recent past, situations in my life were surprisingly repeated that made me suffer again and again. People and scenery changed, but the situations themselves remained the same. It was so amazing that I could predict with 100% certainty the further development of events at the very beginning of the emergence of relationships or situations. I always carefully monitored all my emotional reactions and actions, which may have thrown me into a well-worn rut, but no matter how hard I tried, the ending always remained the same. The coincidences were so amazing that it was impossible to explain them simply by coincidence. Having come to the understanding that I was the source of the problems, I began to try to practice recapitulation methods. I tried to identify those moments from the past, living which, I attracted people into my life who would later cause me pain. All this was ineffective. Along with the correct, in my opinion, scenario, there has always been an alternative. I never considered hypnosis as a method of identifying the source of problems, until one day I accidentally saw an advertisement for regressive hypnosis sessions. I decided to read more about this method first. After reading the topic, I realized that I would definitely try its free version first, that is, I decided to try to master regressive hypnosis on my own. Surprisingly, I was able to do it. It turned out to be even easier and faster than what I initially set myself up for. It only took a few independent sessions, and I was able to break through the thickness of the layers into the layer of my past experiences. There, I was able to see with absolute clarity the origin and development of situations that actually repeated themselves, like a broken record. The “needle” of life constantly slipped into the previous, cut groove on the plate of fate, and there was no chance of avoiding this if this moment was not seen and recognized in advance. Seeing and understanding this, my life instantly changed. For the first time I feel like I am in a new place, with new people. I feel fresh, hear new melodies and smell new smells. I live …."

(excerpt from Svetlana K.’s letter. Author’s spelling and punctuation preserved)

Regressions are the essence of the method

The method of immersing yourself in the past, through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, in order to identify aspects of the personality that influence the events of current life is called regressive hypnosis. The state of a person who practices regression is characterized by awareness and the ability to remember. In the case of sufficient depth of immersion, events from the past are experienced with authenticity and strength that leaves no doubt about the true reality of their existence.

Experts disagree on how successfully regressive hypnosis can be mastered independently. The question is the need to achieve a very deep hypnotic trance. Step by step going through all the phases of entry, stay and exit from this state, it is necessary to achieve not only regression into the past, but into a very distant past, beyond the current incarnation.

Regressive hypnosis using the Michael Newton method

The founder of the method is Michael Newton. He imagined our mind as three rings. Moving from the outer ring to the inner one, we pass through the layers of the conscious - thinking mind, the layer of the subconscious and reach the center. This center is super or supraconscious. This is the impersonal level of our Self, which is the focus of our undying essence, our Soul. It is an inexhaustible source of life that fills the personality with the power of existence and at the same time brings from the past impressions and the pattern of our innate reactions. M. Newton and D. Canon are representatives of the Ericksonian hypnosis school. Ericksonian hypnosis is called a therapy of the unconscious, in which the patient is taught to independently enter a state of trance. Erickson himself, by the way, considered trance to be an absolutely normal state and stated that a person unconsciously falls into it several times a day, dreaming, reading or fantasizing. Absorbed by these images, he is disconnected from the outside world and does not hear, see or be aware of his immediate surroundings. Some breathing practices, yoga, lucid dreaming also immerse a person in a shallow trance. However, its depth is not enough for regressions into the past. NLP and shamanic practices reach a greater depth of trance, but it is not enough for regressions. Representatives of the school of classical hypnosis reach the deepest layers of trance in one session. However, in this case, the presence of a hypnotist is mandatory, since the person in this case plays a passive role, and without the guidance of the hypnotist, at a certain stage he will simply fall asleep. In the technique of regressive hypnosis according to Michael Newton, a person gradually learns how to enter a deep trance himself, consciously move forward or backward, while retaining the memory.


The goals of those starting practice can be completely different: from simple interest as a researcher to the desire to resolve difficult life situations. The method will be useful to most serious seekers. Immersion in the huge layer of our Self, hidden by layers of momentary thoughts, is a truly transformative and transformative experience. Here is a partial list of results that will result from the practice of regressive hypnosis:

  • increasing the level of awareness;
  • increasing the level of personal effectiveness;
  • significant improvement in health;
  • increased personal power and ability to create;
  • elimination of negative blocks and programs;
  • improvement (restoration) of relationships with relatives and children;
  • opening new directions of active and creative life.

Practice regression hypnosis on your own

The reader should not get the feeling that the brevity of the description of the method indicates its ease of mastery and accessibility. In classical regressive hypnosis, in which an experienced hypnotist puts the patient into a trance, several hours of preparatory sessions are required. Hypnotic regression can only be fully realized in a deep hypnotic state.

How to prepare?

Firstly, good theoretical preparation is required. It is necessary, at a minimum, to familiarize yourself with the books of Michael Newton, which fortunately can be downloaded for free on the Internet. Secondly, it would be a good idea to read forums and watch videos on this topic. Thirdly, start practicing, since it is practice that will be your main Teacher. So:

  1. sit on a chair or armchair in a comfortable position;
  2. give yourself a relaxation mindset;
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply for several minutes (10-15), focusing all your attention on this process;
  4. give yourself the attitude of complete self-control during the session and a safe exit from it on the count of 5.


  1. Give yourself the mindset that with each count your state of immersion into the depths of the subconscious will deepen.
  2. Clearly imagine a pendulum that moves rhythmically and freezes for a while in the upper right position.
  3. Without turning your head, begin to track the movements of the pendulum, moving your open eyes upward to the right and fixing them in this position.
  4. Hold your gaze for a while until you feel slightly tired.
  5. Return your gaze to the left and down. This is for one count.
  6. Continue counting and moving your eyes from 10 to 1.
  7. After counting to one, close your eyes and return them to their normal position. Relax completely.


  1. Visualize any landscape you know or imagine. Consider its details.
  2. Immerse yourself in it and feel coziness, comfort and security.
  3. Concentrate on any finger of one of your hands. Feel it clearly, without trying to do it through any extra effort. Focus all your attention and, after a while, feel the warmth and pulsation at the point of your attention. Having lost the feeling, bring it back again. Realize your control and ability to control consciousness in a trance state.
  4. Imagine a vivid picture from your childhood. Take your time. Let the picture be filled with colors and become voluminous and alive. Allow yourself, by throwing away all the brain filters, to become a participant in this “film.” You are able to do this quite easily and become deeply immersed in the state, just as sometimes, while watching an interesting film, we completely lose touch with reality and find ourselves participating in the events on the screen.
  5. Remind yourself that you can get out of this state at any time.

The time of each phase is determined individually and depends on the ability to relax, concentrate and visualize. With each lesson, the time to complete the steps will decrease. Numerous questions about how to enter a trance yourself for the purpose of regressive immersion and exploration of past lives will also decrease each time.


  1. Dive deeper, even deeper. Go to very early childhood, to the very first days after birth,
  2. Move beyond your birth.
  3. Look carefully at the emerging corridor of your lives. The doors on the sides open doors to unique layers of your experiences. Once you pass through a certain door, you will again experience the experiences of that life. However, now the observer is not sleeping. You are present, aware of your experience, and can make a difference. You lack involvement in the situation, despite the full range of feelings and emotions.
  4. Choose the door you want to open first. Once you enter, you can move in the layer of reality you choose in any direction. The movement tool is forward and backward counting. Counting from 1 to 3, you move forward. Counting from 3 to 1, you return.
  5. When you have thoroughly explored and lived the situations of this life, leave the layer of this reality by going out the door through which you entered. This would be a good place to end today's regression experience. If you decide to continue your journey, remember that the events experienced in the next life will weaken the vividness of previous experiences.


  1. Remind yourself to come back. Go the same way you came.
  2. Return to childhood experience, and from it to the present.
  3. Before leaving the trance state, give yourself the command to remember everything you saw, felt and experienced during your journey.
  4. Start counting slowly from 1 to 5.
  5. On the count of five, open your eyes and remain motionless for a while, reflecting on the experience.
  6. Write down the experience and your interpretation of what you saw.

Safety precautions for regression therapy

According to most experts, the method is relatively safe. It is believed that it is impossible to achieve deep states without a certain level of mental stability. However, for persons with the following diseases, the practice of independent regressive hypnosis is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive crises;
  • epileptic and hysterical seizures;
  • intoxication;
  • heat;
  • any disease in the acute stage.

Where and how else can you learn regressive hypnosis?

Upon request for training, the Internet provides links to numerous courses conducted almost throughout Russia, by specialists of various skill levels. Among them are doctors of medical sciences and people who have independently mastered the techniques of regressive hypnosis. Advertising and recommending someone is not the purpose of this article. As a recommendation, when choosing a teacher, take into account work experience, reviews of people who have completed training, and cost. Try to find out how close the technique is to the classical one. Give preference to followers of Michael Newton's school, as this will guarantee that you will master the method in the right way.


Academic science does not believe in the existence of conscious experience prior to human birth. However, hypnotic methods are successfully used by professional psychotherapists to correct the mental states of patients. To believe or not to believe, which side to take, is up to each of us to decide for ourselves. The wise person would be to independently plunge into this amazing and unknown world, and, like a pioneer, set out to conquer uncharted depths that conceal countless secrets and mysteries.

In some cases, in my practice, I use regressive hypnosis - one of the most effective tools in psychological counseling and psychocorrection. Its essence is quite simple, and the result is stable and achieved quickly. Dozens of my clients have solved their problems through regression hypnosis.

In this article I will try to briefly outline the basics of what is meant by regressive hypnosis, because there are many prejudices and even hoaxes about “zombie” associated with it. At the same time, regressive hypnosis not only has nothing to do with the imposition of will, but, in fact, is not even the influence of one person on another.

But let's take things in order, we'll come back to this later. What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state in which your attention is highly focused and critical thinking is absent.

This means that it is easier for you to perceive the desired ideas, without their careful analytical processing.

Let's look at an example for clarity. The self-awareness of “I am beautiful” will significantly improve the life of any woman. At the same time, attempts at direct suggestion will often encounter resistance: “Well, what’s beautiful about me, my nose is like a potato, and my legs are crooked.” Despite the fact that the idea is important for this woman, and, most often, is truthful, her mind evaluates and rejects it is due to internal destructive attitudes received in childhood

During hypnosis, the attitude that you want to work through is realized and corrected.

I wrote above that hypnosis is not the influence of one person on another, let's return to this. What does it mean? Isn't hypnosis used to influence people? This is both true and false. Regressive hypnosis is not an outside influence because it is your own choice to work through your past. And this is not a play on words, here lies the fundamental difference between regressive hypnosis and the so-called “directive”: under the influence of regressive hypnosis, it is impossible to impose anything on you. You simply will not accept what is contrary to your desires.

Let's summarize: hypnosis is not an externally imposed influence. It allows you (and only you!) to find beliefs in your subconscious and change them if you really want to.

Now I propose to dive into the question even more fully.

About critical thinking: what it is, what it’s for, and why avoid it

None of us could survive without critical thinking. It is necessary for survival, but it can also turn your whole life into survival: “I won’t succeed,” “this doesn’t happen,” “it didn’t work out before and now it will be the same again” - all these thoughts come from the critical mind. They are designed to protect us from failure, but in the end they often do not allow us to take a step towards success.

How are these thoughts formed? Your mind compares new ideas with past experiences based on your attitudes, attitudes, and beliefs. Try to convince yourself that everything will work out for you, if it hasn’t worked out already a hundred, two hundred times?

Most often, negative childhood experiences or experiences during the prenatal period are registered in the subconscious. You may not even be aware of it.

Thus, as a child, your subconscious has accumulated a large number of misconceptions about yourself, which cause irrational behavior, thoughts and emotions. They arise spontaneously and unpleasantly, and your consciousness is completely powerless in front of them.

Problems that seem to have no obvious causes are often impossible to eliminate through the efforts of the conscious mind.

This is the effectiveness of regressive hypnosis: it allows you to work directly with the subconscious. That is exactly where the problem lies. Thanks to hypnosis, it becomes possible to find and correct it.

How does hypnosis feel?

You will not feel anything radically different from your usual state. You will be conscious, thinking clearly, consciously. You will be relaxed, feeling complete comfort.

You will remember the entire conversation after leaving hypnosis, there will be no “memory lapses”.

You will be aware of the situation and may not even feel that you are under hypnosis.

Are you surprised? You may not actually feel like you are in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a feeling, not a sensation, but a state of mind. You can only note deep relaxation and a change in your perception, but these sensations do not reflect the essence of hypnosis and the full depth of its impact.

Will it work on you? Hypnosis and fears

Sometimes I hear the phrase: “I can’t be hypnotized!”

This is the same as saying “I cannot sleep.” I will repeat: hypnosis is not submission to someone else’s will, therefore you cannot “give in” or “not give in” to it. Otherwise, the hypnologist’s technique would look like this: the specialist is trying his best to hypnotize you, and you resist him as best you can.

There is no confrontation in the session. This is your own state into which I can help you immerse yourself. I am not “hypnotizing” you. You enter a hypnotic state yourself, and you do this, by the way, in everyday life several times a day in the most natural way. In those very moments when you focus on something, that feeling is when you “freeze.” At an appointment with a hypnologist, the state is, of course, more profound, but the essence is approximately the same.

Another fear is not waking up after hypnosis.

This phrase itself contains a logical error. A person does not sleep during hypnosis, his consciousness is clear. This is the same as being afraid of not waking up after a long contemplation of a fire or the surface of the sea.

Many people also believe that hypnosis is a mental intervention and its use can be harmful to the psyche. Again, this misconception is based on the concept of influence - as if a hypnologist climbs into a fragile psyche with rusty instruments and begins to restore order there. Regressive hypnosis, as I have repeatedly emphasized above, is not an alien influence and does not act so clumsily.

Can they be harmed? Yes, like any other tool in the wrong hands. A match can light a house on fire, a needle can prick your fingers. For all its harmlessness, regressive hypnosis must also be used using safety precautions and common sense - no one has canceled this. And thanks to this tool, it is possible to solve problems that previously could not be solved in any other way.

Such beliefs reflect the fear of hypnosis shaped by stories, films and books - the image of a powerful, cunning hypnotist and a weak-willed person. Regression hypnosis is absolutely safe and designed to help you, and you will not lose control of yourself during the session.

Stereotypes of human behavior, the way to react to situations and events are determined by a program recorded in his unconscious. This program does not always work to a person’s advantage. Traumatic events of the past, early childhood in the present create obstacles to being happy and satisfied with life. Sometimes incorrect subconscious programs lead to serious deviations in behavior and even disruption of vital systems in the body. You can cope with such problems using regressive hypnosis.

Regressive hypnotherapy

Regressive, or retrograde, hypnosis is an exploration of the past of the patient, immersed in a hypnotic trance, together with the hypnotherapist. The task of such work is to find and change or eliminate attitudes embedded deep in the unconscious that negatively affect a person’s life. It is also possible to create new installations.

Psychologists have long known that any personality problem has its beginning in the past, most often in childhood. Eliminating it requires regression, that is, going back to the situation or time when the problem first arose. It is not always possible to do this through conscious processing, since the memory of such traumas is often erased. More precisely, it is hidden in the subconscious, and consciousness guards access there. Therefore, a person does not understand the reasons for his failures.

Hypnosis, by putting a person into a trance state, removes the protection of the sentry centers of consciousness and opens the way to the unconscious. Before the session begins, the hypnotherapist finds out from the client exactly what problems need to be solved, and together they formulate a request. Then the immersion in trance occurs, and work with the past begins.

By asking questions, the specialist evokes certain memories in the patient, gives the opportunity to return to negative and traumatic moments of the past, look at them from the outside and even relive them. Then change your attitude towards the situation and the existing stereotype of behavioral reaction. can relieve the patient from:

  • pathological phobias;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • incorrectly formed behavioral skills;
  • feelings of inferiority;
  • feelings inadequate to life situations (anger, guilt, fears).

The list goes on. By eliminating psycho-emotional and physiological problems, regressive hypnosis gives a person a feeling of peace, harmony with himself and the world, and relieves him of the heaviness that hindered development and full-fledged existence. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by numerous real reviews of regressive hypnosis on the Internet.

You can get a consultation on regressive hypnosis from a hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin on his VKontakte page.

Regressive hypnosis also includes the study of past lives. Psychotherapists have an ambivalent attitude towards the study of past incarnations of a person under hypnosis, expressing fair doubts about the truth of memories of past lives, deaths and existence between lives. However, this does not prevent people who have undergone hypnosis in past lives from solving many of their problems and even finding a new meaning of existence. These techniques are often used in personal growth trainings.

Reviews from those who have undergone regression hypnosis

Anton, 29 years old: “What made me go for regressive hypnosis was a persistent feeling of aimlessness and walking in circles. The feeling of wasting energy was debilitating. After the first session there was lightness and a feeling of freedom. Conscious work on problems during the session gave me an incredible feeling of confidence. There was a calmness that I had been missing. The next two sessions turned out to be more energy-intensive, but the result was impressive. Now I am enjoying the fruits of working with a regressologist and enjoying life.”

Marina, 36 years old:“I want to tell you about my unusual experience. This is a regression hypnosis session. First I read the reviews of those who did regressive hypnosis. In general, it took me a long time to come up with the idea of ​​undergoing just this type of hypnosis. At first I was scared and unclear what would happen ahead. How to live later and who I will see myself in a past life. But after my regressologist gave me instructions, it became clearer and easier. It will be easy to follow. And everything that will happen to me happened before. What I have already experienced. That is, just my memory. The most interesting thing is that I was able to remember my entire childhood down to the smallest details that had long been forgotten. And I plunged into the emotions that I experienced as a child.

I also want to note: it seemed scary to go deep into my consciousness to see what was happening there. But if a person has already decided on regressive hypnosis, he will definitely enter there to satisfy his interest. Interest is the most powerful lever. The sensations you experience when entering this water are difficult to retell or explain to other people. This is your dear, close, peculiar only to you. After completing the immersion, you begin to contact mentors. Either you are your own mentor, or you are looking for one in people who are interesting to you. Unfortunately or fortunately, I did not experience finding a mentor. I am too integral to divide myself into the one who teaches me and the one I study.

Everything turned out to be interesting, but most importantly - useful. It was possible to understand: a person himself is responsible for his actions, for the results he receives. Having experienced a whole storm of emotions, an incredible flow of energy that passed through me, I needed to explain to the hypnotherapist in an elementary format what was happening to me. It was impossible to retell what I felt. A hundred years of history, the emergence of souls, the hunt for the soul. All this flashed before me like in a science fiction film. But I realized that it exists. That it takes place in a parallel world and may never touch us, but it exists. Regression hypnosis is worth trying. The most important thing is not to be afraid, because what will happen has happened a long time ago. These are just your memories, and you can see who you were in that life and what you did. In your current life, you are already responsible for yourself.”

Natalya, 28 years old: “I read a lot of reviews about retrograde hypnosis, I went for it out of curiosity. During the session, at first I felt how much my hands were freezing, they became simply icy. Then I saw myself as a man. I stood in the cold. I had a mustache, it pricked my upper lip. I smelled men's cologne. I felt completely like a man, while at the same time I was aware of where I really was. It's very difficult to explain. I have been able to easily establish contacts with people before. But after the session I felt as if I had gained the ability to get on the same level with any person. There was some kind of indescribable desire to help people.

I also began to think: often people, especially young people, do not understand what exactly they want from life. They simply do what others expect from them, often without much pleasure or even to their detriment. After the session, I had some unexpected clarity about what exactly I want and what I need to avoid. I even had a desire to master this method myself, in order to help others learn what I myself had learned, and change in the same way.”

I see so many good things around me, I just look at my surroundings in fascination. And I’m so happy with my condition. All the blackness was swept away, as if snow were melted water. All the negativity that I have experienced for several years is leaving me. I have not felt such a state as I have now since the moment I was diagnosed with my illness. The negativity enveloped me then, and it became more and more every day. And then suddenly one day - and it all goes away.

At first I was afraid that it wouldn't. And then, when everything happened, I remember the moment when love suddenly flared up inside me. I even saw this place, below the neck at the level of the heart. And this good state is slowly living in me. I'm so afraid of losing him. It's like a precious ball inside me. Thank you very much to my hypnologist.”

Karina, 36 years old: “It all started after my divorce from my husband. I felt empty and exhausted, apathetic. But it was necessary to take care of the child, to earn money somehow. I was consciously looking for a way to help myself understand the cause of my situation and cope with it. I learned about regressive hypnosis from reviews and realized that I wanted to try it. The first session lasted about five hours. The regressologist and I went through several of my incarnations, looked at some ancestral stories, and removed several visible blocks. But along the chain, it seems to me that more of them were removed.

It was interesting to recognize myself in past incarnations. Much became clear, my views found an explanation. On a subtle level, it was interesting to look at the obstacles to the natural movement of energy and correct them. In the second and third sessions, blocks and influences were removed much more easily, answers to questions came more easily, and all the work was carried out more intensively.

I managed to reveal my abilities and accept my soul. Now I can do much more, but I continue to work on myself. I clearly see what exactly I need to do. I see more positivity around. I have become much more responsible in raising my child, I take into account the consequences of all my words and actions. I’ve almost opened my own business.”

Sergey, 32 years old: “I would like to talk about my unusual journey, writing a review about retrograde hypnosis. Travel to a past life. When I learned about this opportunity in our city, I immediately showed interest. Before the regression session, I was advised to stock up on questions that I would like to get answers to. I was just asking myself different questions and took them with me on a journey to the past. I remember the day when my session was scheduled, I waited with impatience and excitement. But when I arrived, the excitement disappeared. I just trusted my hypnotherapist. She uttered phrases that helped me relax, take my mind off the hustle and bustle of the world in which my consciousness lives every day.

The journey itself began after complete relaxation. I remember describing out loud the pictures that appeared before my eyes. My regressologist guided me and suggested that I pay attention to some details. I remember the trip itself as very positive. I remember laughing a lot. I managed to get answers. But they seemed so small to me compared to the world that opened up for me. Now, when I remember the course of regression, those tasks that occur every day in life seem so insignificant to me in comparison with the eternal absolute tasks. After regression hypnosis, I felt very confident and calm. Vanity disappeared from my life. Some true values ​​have been identified. I began to understand why I was going, where I was going, why I was saying certain words. It has become much easier to refuse people things that do not relate to my true values. Everything seemed to fall into place and fall into place. Life in general has become calmer and more confident.”

Larisa, 29 years old: “I was very impressed by the reviews about regressive hypnosis, I decided to try it and signed up for a session. Before going to it, I was simply torn by contradictions, doubts whether I needed it. But I decided and didn’t regret it at all. I still can’t believe what I saw with my own eyes. Everything was super emotional, I cried and even screamed. I saw several of my incarnations at once, and they changed so quickly that it simply blew my mind. It's like some kind of performance. I clearly saw my birth. And even after the session, these memories haunted me for a long time. I honestly didn’t believe that this was possible, but now I simply admire the skill of the hypnologist. I feel positive, some extraordinary energy has appeared. I started doing something that I had been putting off for a long time - I’m doing yoga using video lessons and English.”

Dmitry, 33 years old: “I always felt squeezed and uncomfortable with people, even acquaintances. This interfered with the family and at work. Then further suspiciousness appeared and began to grow. I have matured enough to understand the reason for this and overcome it. So I came to regressive hypnosis. Everything went just as I read in the descriptions. I remembered, saw pictures. Somehow I suddenly realized that I was doing it wrong. Of course, the regressologist tried. I felt an incredible release. Now I continue to work on myself. I'm trying self-hypnosis. There are such changes in life that if it hadn’t happened to me, I would never have believed it.”

Olesya, 35 years old: “I had a situation in my life - I couldn’t bring myself to leave the house, panic attacks began. Of course, I had to go out; it was painful. I lived like this for more than ten years, I even got used to it. I didn’t understand why this happened to me. I was advised to consult a hypnologist, and he suggested regressive hypnosis. The reviews from other clients were simply enthusiastic and helped me make my decision. I made a request to find out the cause of my condition. At the session, we first reached the age of my first grade. We gradually progressed, reached one and a half to two years, then even further.

The situations always turned out to be similar - leaving the house, leaving the room in the common corridor. Even from the crib before the age of one year. I clearly remembered the moments of swaddling. And when we got to the moment of birth, my throat was constricted and I felt suffocated. I remembered my mother telling me: the birth was rapid, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck. Only the fact that she grabbed the pen saved me from death. But I had to pump it out. That is, I might not have been born.

We removed it - worked it out, looked at it from the other side. It was necessary to react to the situation as an adult. And the panic just went away. It amazed me. It’s amazing that we were able to figure out the reason in one session, although we didn’t even imagine this option. I am very grateful to my hypnotherapist.”

Vitaly, 23 years old:“They told me before about my inhypnotizability. I was interested in what retrograde hypnosis is. It turned out that it is more often called regressive. I really wanted to know what was there in these past incarnations. I came for this hypnosis, everything worked out. I was able to see much more of what I knew about. It’s interesting that he saw himself as someone else, but was aware of everything around him. I got scared when I saw myself in a woman’s body, I wanted to run away. I am amazed at the patience of the hypnologist. Very pleased with this experience. Some kind of extraordinary lightness. It was as if a stone had been taken out of my chest and my soul had been freed. Even the brain started working at full speed. Respect for such technology!”

Anastasia, 31 years old: “I’m a practical person, parting with money is quite difficult for me. I expect certain results from any investment. Therefore, the decision to go for regression hypnosis was not a whim. I needed to solve my problems, it took me a long time to choose a specialist. Now I can leave my own review of regressive hypnosis. To begin with, my hypnotherapist suggested formulating a request that we would work with. The session was via Skype, I was lying down. At first I couldn’t relax and immerse myself. But when the questions began, my subconscious began to give answers, incomprehensible pictures appeared before my eyes, I was very surprised.

I saw myself in another body, another time. I felt strange emotions towards this man. Outwardly, he was completely unfamiliar to me, but internally I felt that it was me. I saw this man in different situations and ages. At some point, I started having something like a quiet hysteria, the tears didn’t stop, although I usually don’t cry at all. I realized that this was an emotion that I didn’t live through in time. It was necessary to get rid of her, to free myself. I didn't want to stop crying. But the regressologist corrected my condition, we moved to another time period, when the situation had already been experienced. We looked at the situation through the eyes of God, which was generally surprising, because I also saw him.

Then I met my mentor. It felt like he was filling me with energy. The session lasted two hours, but it seemed like a moment to me. I came to understand what I was doing wrong, why physical problems appeared in my body. You could say I learned to help myself. Some guidelines appeared, a desire to continue this work. The worries that used to torment me now seem incomprehensible. Immediately after the session I really wanted to rest, but now I feel uplifted and physically feel much better. I realized how important it is to fully experience every emotion correctly.

I would like to add that if there is a problem in life that comes back again and again, you need to understand its causes. We need to resolve them, get rid of them forever. Move on in life as a free, confident person. The technique of regressive hypnosis allows you to do this. You don't pretend, you don't make an effort on yourself. You just lie there and watch the changes take place in your soul. I recommend this amazing experience to everyone. It will definitely give results."

Alexandra, 62 years old: “I would like to leave a review about regressive hypnosis. During the session, tears flowed several times. The experiences coincided with the moments when births and deaths occurred in different lives. I even saw the act of beheading. My most wonderful discovery is that I am big, that I am everything. I was amazed by the tears because I hardly cry at all. It seems to me that the tears flowed because the mission with which I was brought into the world in one or another reincarnation was not fulfilled.

My brain just turned upside down. I read a lot of books about this. But the effect of the session simply shocked me. What I saw changed my life. In those moments when everything seemed about to explode, a transition took place. And there was a feeling of happiness and discovery. After the session, it was as if a new breath had opened for me; even in the physical sense, it became easier to breathe. I look around and don’t recognize my surroundings. What was previously annoying suddenly became positive.”

Real reviews about regressive hypnosis from patients