Pregnancy changes in a woman's body. Dear men, loving husbands! Behavior of the expectant mother

Pregnancy causes significant changes in your body. Many of these changes are caused by hormones.

Human gonadotropin, which we have already talked about, is secreted by the developing placenta and ensures that the female ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone - hormones necessary for normal course pregnancy.

Estragen contributes to the thickening of the uterine mucosa and improves its blood supply, as well as the development of the milk ducts. Progesterone not only relaxes the uterus, preventing it from contracting excessively, but also releases relaxin, a substance that softens the ligaments, cartilage, and cervix, allowing them to stretch during childbirth.

Apart from hormonal changes, others are observed. Your entire body is rebuilding, mobilizing all the forces so that you can give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Some changes are also observed in the genitals of a pregnant woman - the large and small labia of pregnant women acquire a bluish tint. There may be a secretion from the vagina, sometimes profuse. The biggest changes occur in the uterus, in which your baby develops and grows stronger over the course of 9 months.

Before the onset of pregnancy, the uterus weighs approximately 40-50 g and has a length of 7-8 cm. By the end of pregnancy, its average weight is 1 kg, and the length from the neck to the bottom is 40-50 cm.

The growing uterus gradually leaves the pelvic area and pushes other organs. This explains most of the ailments - such as indigestion, constipation, varicose veins veins, shortness of breath.

Preparation for breastfeeding should not begin after childbirth, but immediately after you find out about your pregnancy

Big changes are taking place with your breasts, and this is not surprising, because it is on it that for several months, or even a whole year, the main function will be assigned - feeding the baby. The breast increases significantly in size, the areolas become dark brown. The blood supply to the nipples also increases - you may notice that when they come into contact with something, they protrude faster. Around the third month of pregnancy, a few drops of future milk - colostrum can be squeezed out of the breast yellow color. Now is the time right time in order to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding, as often mothers are forced to transfer babies to artificial nutrition due to the fact that they did not take care of it in time. And how many babies are deprived of the most important and healthy food - mother's milk! Read below to find out what steps you need to take to ensure that you can breastfeed your baby.

Share YOUR thoughts and experiences with your husband, and this will help you cope with this. transition period. Remember that he is the father of the child and, just like you, worries about your baby.

Together with physical changes in the first months of pregnancy are often observed and mental. You notice that you have tears in your eyes at the slightest provocation. You either want to laugh or cry. These changes in behavior cannot but embarrass, and sometimes - let's be honest with ourselves - annoy your husband. Often, our men do not represent the fact that a whole revolution is taking place in our body, and attribute everything to the usual. feminine whim. Feel free to try to explain your condition to your husband. And be sure to say that soon it will all be over. The time will come, and you'll both laugh as you remember the inconvenience the first weeks of pregnancy caused you.

In the first three to four months, most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting. In order to alleviate your condition, after consulting with your doctor, you can take the following herbal infusions:

2 teaspoons mint, 1 teaspoon valerian root, 2 teaspoons dried marigold flowers, 1 teaspoon yarrow herb, 2 teaspoons chamomile flowers, 2 teaspoons shepherd's purse. All components (the absence of one or two is quite acceptable), pour one and a half glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour. After that, strain the infusion and take 4 cups 6 times a day. After 25 days, take a break for 10-15 days, then resume treatment.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort, 1 teaspoon of crushed hawthorn fruits, 1 tbsp. spoon of motherwort grass, 1 teaspoon of birch buds, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of bearberry leaves, strawberry fruits and leaves with two and a half glasses of boiling water, put on fire for a minute and a half, then insist for 20 minutes, strain.

The infusion should be taken hot half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Many women feel so bad that sometimes they begin to regret that they are carrying a child. Cheer up, the nausea will pass in a couple of months, and you will feel fine for the rest of the time until the birth. The main thing during this period is to avoid crowded places, because the defenses of your body are significantly weakened. In the event that you catch a cold during pregnancy, remember that the flu virus itself does not affect the baby, but the disease is terrible primarily because it is accompanied by high fever and the release of toxic substances and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

The teeth of pregnant women are most susceptible to caries, so they must be especially carefully looked after - not only brush twice a day, but also rinse your mouth every time after eating or drinking, especially sweet ones.

Great changes occur in the oral cavity, where the process of digestion begins. During this period, the salivary glands secrete saliva more intensively. Her chemical composition also changes, and this can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

The most significant changes occur in the pelvic area - the joints of the pelvic bones and spine become more elastic and flexible, thereby facilitating the process of childbirth.

In the second trimester, your pregnancy becomes visible to your friends and acquaintances. In the future, your belly - the subject of your pride - increases even more due to the uterus, which seems to pull you forward, and this leads to the fact that the center of gravity moves. Watching the pregnant woman, everyone notices that she involuntarily leans back, as if she is carrying something heavy in her hands. This is what is called the "proud posture of pregnant women."

Remember that in the second half of pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall are strongly stretched. If pregnancies follow one after another, the muscles will remain stretched. Some women develop bluish-reddish streaks on the skin of the abdomen, breasts, and thighs due to the tightness of the skin. After childbirth, these stripes noticeably lighten, sometimes leaving barely noticeable traces, and sometimes scars.

Along with the darkening of the nipples, as we have already mentioned above, some women have pigmentation of the entire skin - dark freckles appear, the genitals, arms and legs darken. This pigmentation is called chloasma - pregnancy spots. Quite often on the skin appears dark streak from the pubis to the sternum through the navel - it is jokingly called the “mother-in-law path”.

You can try to prevent scarring of the skin with moisturizing creams and lotions. At the pharmacy, you can buy a special lotion to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. However, I want to warn that there is still no evidence of the effectiveness of these funds. In about half of women, they still appear, regardless of whether they used creams or not. But you can still try. An annotation is usually attached to each such tool.

In no case should you use baby creams and oils to combat stretch marks - they will bring the opposite effect, since they are designed to fight various skin rashes and dry the skin.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you or the father of your baby will begin to have some concerns about your health or the health of your baby. This is quite natural. You may have depressing thoughts that your life is in serious danger - and this is also normal, since both pregnancy and childbirth are associated with certain difficulties and dangers, which are reduced with careful attention to your health and timely prenatal care. The times when women in childbirth died are over. Statistics say that the death rate of women in childbirth is now almost zero, and the death rate of newborns is constantly decreasing. Remember that you will be producing your child under supervision. qualified specialists, in a well-equipped maternity hospital, where both you and your baby will be provided, if necessary, with timely assistance. In addition, all maternity hospitals have resuscitation devices for newborns, so all your fears are groundless.

When a woman's body is born new life, then all the organs and systems of the expectant mother begin to work in a completely new way. It seems to many that the changes concern only the reproductive organs and endocrine system, but in fact there is not a single organ in female body, which would not have changed during this period. Of course, the activity of the central nervous system of a pregnant woman also changes.

Changes in the nervous system of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is life changing future mother, because now she does not live by herself, but with the child, even if there are still a few months left before his birth. But the changes concern not only relationships with outside world, but, above all, the relationship between the expectant mother and the future baby - everything that happens in the body of a pregnant woman, from the first days is aimed at harmonizing the relationship between the two organisms - the mother's body and the fetus's body - which will for a long time to be one.

In addition, from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to prepare for such important processes as childbirth, and then breast-feeding. Changes associated with pregnancy, future childbirth and future breastfeeding affect almost all systems and organs of the female body. It is quite natural that it should be reorganized and nervous system future mother.

Often, people around assume that a young woman is expecting a baby, because they notice sharp drops moods - fun is replaced by tears, joy - irritation, calmness can easily and quickly turn into nervousness. In addition, there are some incomprehensible desires, vague sensations, whims, and even tantrums happen. On the one hand, all these changes are often attributed to changes in the functioning of the hormonal system (the so-called hormonal storms), but there is another side to the issue - the activity of the central nervous system, which is undergoing very significant changes.

It is well known that the human central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, which direct the activities of the whole organism. However, does everyone know that it is in the central nervous system (CNS) with the onset of pregnancy that very complex nervous processes (mechanisms of nervous activity) begin to work, which should ensure the normal development of the fetus in the mother's womb?

But for this it is necessary to maintain the necessary balance in the body of a variety of substances, on which both the development of the fetus and its safety depend. Moreover, it is easy to understand that the balance of these substances in almost necessarily will differ from the balance by recent weeks bearing a baby.

Attention!During pregnancy, the most complex mechanisms in the work of the central nervous system are aimed at the normal development of the fetus and at maintaining the required level of all the necessary substances that allow the baby to develop in the prenatal period.

Scientists who deal with issues of gestation note very interesting fact: Impulses that enter the body of a pregnant woman from very sensitive uterine receptors are blocked by the central nervous system at the level of the spinal cord until the 39th week of pregnancy. It is this reaction of the central nervous system (blocking of impulses) that allows you to maintain pregnancy for the time programmed by nature and avoid premature birth or miscarriage.

It is noted that in the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres during pregnancy, the so-called gestational dominant is formed as a focus hyperexcitability CNS. At the same time, the excitability of the nervous system (nervous apparatus) of the uterus decreases, which allows it to remain at rest. The excitability of the nervous system of the uterus and the lower parts of the central nervous system increases only in the period that precedes childbirth, which creates the conditions necessary for a successful delivery.

No less interesting are the conclusions of the researchers that changes in the behavior and mood of a pregnant woman, for example, increased fatigue, drowsiness and even irritability, are nothing more than defense mechanisms that are produced by the central nervous system to protect a pregnant woman from overwork.

Attention!Morning sickness and vomiting, which often torment pregnant women, especially in the early stages, depend on changes in the tone of the vagus nerve, which regulates the work of many internal organs. In addition, the changed tone of the vagus nerve is also responsible for changes in the perception of smells, taste perceptions and preferences, as well as for frequent dizziness.

The autonomic nervous system during pregnancy

It is known that the autonomic nervous system, otherwise called the autonomic nervous system, is of great importance for the functioning of the body. It is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that performs the most important functions of regulating the work of all internal organs, including the nutritional organs, respiratory organs, hematopoiesis and blood and lymph circulation, and also regulates the activity excretory system, the work of the reproductive system and the function of reproduction of a biological species.

The work of the autonomic nervous system does not depend on human consciousness and therefore does not obey consciousness and will. The reactions of the autonomic nervous system are objective and do not depend on external influences. The autonomic nervous system covers all organs and systems of the body and coordinates their work - it is the activity of the ANS that determines the creation of optimal conditions for the body at every moment of time and in every situation.

Undoubtedly, VNS is very important for successful development pregnancy: it is known that the innervation of the autonomic nervous system concerns all organs of a pregnant woman, except for the placenta. And although the placenta is not included in the scope of the ANS, however, the blood supply to the uterus and its contractions depend precisely on the autonomic nervous system.

It is very important to understand that the ANS works autonomously, that is, independently, and many organs of a pregnant woman fall into the sphere of its independent influence, including the heart, bronchi, large and small blood vessels, smooth muscles of the intestine, bladder, uterus, and many other vital organs. important organs for a pregnant woman. It is the autonomic nervous system that regulates the activity (including the activity) of the cells that are innervated and controlled by it, therefore, the work of many organs and the changes that occur in them during pregnancy depend on the ANS.

It is noted that during the period of bearing a child in the body of a pregnant woman, the sympathetic-adrenal department of the ANS is more active and the work of the heart is more actively stimulated, vascular system and respiratory system, which provides the body of a pregnant woman and fetus with sufficient oxygen and the necessary nutrients. In addition, during the same period, the blood supply to the kidneys increases, which should remove the waste products not only of the pregnant woman, but also of her unborn child.

Gestational dominant in a pregnant woman

During pregnancy huge role plays the formation of a gestational dominant, which is a focus of increased excitability in the cerebral cortex.

In the formation of the gestational dominant, the most important role is played by the fact that the nervous system of a pregnant woman constantly perceives numerous impulses that come from developing fetus and react to them. Undoubtedly, the first on the impulses that come from gestational sac, react nerve receptors, which contains many different receptors that allow you to instantly respond to the condition of the fetus. Any effect on any of the receptors located in the uterus causes changes in the work of the maternal central and autonomic nervous systems, and any of these changes is designed to provide the maximum proper development fetus and its safety.

It is known that during pregnancy the most serious changes occur in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman. As soon as an egg is fertilized in a woman’s body, that is, from the moment pregnancy begins, the mother’s central nervous system begins to receive a huge and constantly increasing stream of impulses, which leads to the formation of a focus in the cerebral cortex that has the ability to increase excitability - it is this focus that received the name of the gestational dominant.

It is very important that around the gestational dominant, that is, around the focus formed under the influence of pregnancy in the brain, in accordance with the laws of induction, a certain field is created in which the processes of inhibition of the nervous processes of the pregnant woman take place. When observing pregnant women, such Clinical signs, as a somewhat inhibited state of a woman, a change in priorities and interests that are shifting towards the unborn child, especially towards everything related to future childbirth and the health of the baby. Doctors who monitor pregnant women note that everything that is not related to the child and pregnancy often fades into the background in pregnant women and even loses its meaning.

However, doctors who monitor the course of pregnancy note that if a woman who is expecting a child is exposed to severe stress, including fear, fright, or any other strong emotional experiences, then in the central nervous system of a pregnant woman, in addition to the gestational dominant, other foci of persistent arousal may occur, which can not only weaken the gestational dominant, but also provoke the development of any pathology in the development of pregnancy.

Attention!It is the formation, along with the gestational dominant, of another focus of persistent arousal, which often leads to pathological processes, confirms the urgent need to provide a pregnant woman with constant and maximum psychological comfort. Getting out of the psychological comfort zone during pregnancy can have unpredictable negative consequences. The role of the gestational dominant is to ensure that the woman who is expecting a child is psychologically protected from any troubles and upheavals as much as possible.

However, shortly before childbirth, some lethargy (reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex), which ensures a relaxed state of the uterus and a favorable course of pregnancy, is replaced by an increase in the excitability of the nervous system (nervous elements) of the uterus, which is necessary for successful labor activity and successful childbirth.

During pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Weight increases, the uterus and breasts increase, changes occur inside the body. The mother's body adapts to the new state.

What physiological changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman?


On average, the weight increases by 12.5 kilograms, depending on the structure of the body and the height of the woman (read the article for more details). Recommended.


The breast from the very first months will begin to increase, swell. You may experience tingling and even mild pain. The nipples may become moist, and at 4 months, a yellowish liquid (colostrum) is secreted. Around the nipples it will darken and small bumps may appear (they are called Montgomery tubercles) and the appearance of veins.


From the very beginning of pregnancy, the uterus swells and increases in size. Over the entire period of pregnancy, its weight will increase from 50 grams to a kilogram on average, length - from 6.5 to 33 centimeters, capacity - from 2-3 milliliters to 4-5 liters. The uterus will soften, become rounded. Throughout pregnancy, the rest of the organs will adjust to the size of the uterus. During the examination, the doctor will see changes in the uterus already at 8-10 weeks, but you will notice changes in the body at 4-5 months.


Through the blood, the future baby is supplied with everything necessary for development, and its waste is also removed. Throughout pregnancy, the blood vessels dilate. The volume of blood increases by one and a half liters. The content of erythrocytes increases. The expectant mother needs iron.


The pulse quickens, especially when (frequency is about 60 - 90 beats per minute). The cardiovascular system gradually adapts to the load, the heart beats faster.



Arterial pressure almost does not change. If your blood pressure was slightly elevated before pregnancy, then in the first six months it may decrease, as the amount of blood increases, the vessels dilate. By the end of pregnancy, the pressure returns to normal and should not be more than 140/90 mm Hg.

The causes of increased pressure in pregnant women may be hypertension, preeclampsia (protein in the urine increases, edema appears) and other diseases (kidney disease, thyroid gland, tumors of the adrenal glands, hormonal disorders, diabetes).

Physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman will occur constantly throughout all nine months. Thanks to these changes, your future baby will be provided with everything necessary for growth and development.

With the onset of pregnancy, a new period in a woman's life begins. By this time, nature had provided for a number of physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother, designed to create optimal conditions for bearing a child. Thus, optimal conditions are created for the development of the fetus. A lot can change in 9 months - self-awareness, mood, life goals.

Pregnancy is rightfully considered a special state of the body, characterized by a whole range of typical transformations.

You can observe the following changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • lack of menstruation - due to functional changes in the ovary, changes in the state of the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity are observed;
  • prolonged increase basal body temperature due to the influence of the hormone progesterone produced by the ovary;
  • the formation of the placenta;
  • the appearance of the expectant mother also undergoes changes, the weight increases noticeably;
  • the cerebral cortex ensures the coordination of the functioning of various organs and systems in a direction that provides suitable conditions for bearing a fetus;
  • there are changes in metabolism, as well as the volume of blood circulating in the body;
  • changes in indicators of blood composition, as well as systems of its coagulation and stop bleeding;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems is also subject to changes.

Thus, the body completely rebuilds its functioning, taking into account the new state of the woman.

Why do you need changes in the body during pregnancy

Bearing a child is a natural process that is accompanied by a physiological restructuring of the woman's body. The body of a woman in this period functions in a new mode, there are increased loads on it.

During the course of pregnancy, from the first days, a number of structural physiological changes are observed in the body of a woman during pregnancy, which are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • supplying the developing fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients important for full development fetus and childbearing;
  • excretion of fetal waste products from the body of a pregnant woman;
  • Preparation various systems the body of a woman for the upcoming birth of the baby, as well as his breastfeeding.

These tasks are generally aimed at maintaining reproductive function human, so changes in a woman's body during pregnancy can be called quite natural and physiological. If the body is not able to fully adapt, unfavorable conditions for the health of the child and the pregnant woman may develop. Under the influence of increasing loads on the body, in the presence of chronic diseases or violations in the work of individual organs, there may be a deterioration in the health of a woman, as well as the development of pathologies of pregnancy. To avoid possible problems need to arrive early women's consultation for registration, to pass the necessary tests and get expert advice.

The condition of the pregnant woman can be monitored and corrected by the doctor as a result of examinations, as well as laboratory and instrumental research. After passing the tests, you will need to determine the parameters of blood, urine, etc. Based on the information received, you can preventive measures in order to avoid the development of any complications during the course of pregnancy, and most effectively prepare for the upcoming birth. It should be noted that the physiological course of pregnancy is characterized by its own indicators, which generally do not coincide with the norms for pregnancy. healthy person. In addition, for each trimester of pregnancy, the norms of these indicators are different.

What changes can be observed in the body during pregnancy

There is a point of view that this period is a kind of endurance test for the female body. Thus, overexertion and overwork should not be allowed during pregnancy. IN Everyday life for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to create conditions so that she can successfully adapt to the changing conditions of the development of pregnancy and safely bear a child.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: body weight and metabolism

During pregnancy, weight gain is normally about 10 kg, generally reaching from 8 to 18 kg.

In this case, weight gain is dispersed approximately according to the following principle:

  • the fetus together with the placenta, including also the membranes and amniotic fluid- from 4000 to 4500 g;
  • mother and also mammary glands- kilogram. The weight of the uterus from 50-100 g increases to 1000-1200 g;
  • blood - about one and a half kilograms;
  • adipose tissue - 4000 g and tissue fluid - 1000 g.

In the first half of pregnancy, the increase is about four kilograms, in the second half - twice as much. If there is a lack of body weight before pregnancy, a more significant weight gain may be observed with its onset. In connection with this phenomenon and in order to fully develop the fetus, attention should be paid to the diet of the expectant mother. Will need to provide balanced diet containing the required amount of nutrients. It may be necessary to supplement it with calcium preparations, necessary for the development of the child's bone skeleton, as well as iron for optimal hematopoiesis.

In order to meet the needs of the gestating fetus, the woman's metabolism is largely rebuilt. The amount of digestive enzymes produced by her body increases. The lungs are saturated with more oxygen due to the higher concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, it increases the amount of nutrients that are transported through the placenta into the blood of the fetus. Due to increased metabolism and the need to meet the needs of the fetus, a woman needs to consume more vitamins.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: the nervous system and respiratory organs

During the course of pregnancy, the work of the endocrine and nervous systems of the woman's body is rebuilt. In the first few months, one can observe a reduced excitability of the cerebral cortex, as a result, the reflex activity of the subcortical part and the spinal cord is enhanced. Further, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases and remains in this state almost until the end of pregnancy. By the time of delivery, the opposite phenomenon can be observed, while the activity of the spinal cord increases, which leads to an increase in the reflex and muscular activity of the uterus. Often you can notice that pregnant women are somewhat immersed in themselves. Perhaps the appearance of irritability, mood swings, drowsiness. In addition, it is known that until the end of pregnancy, most of the impulses coming from the uterine receptors are blocked. These mechanisms are provided by the CNS to maintain pregnancy.

Due to the increase in the content of progesterone, the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls additionally relax, while the lumen in respiratory tract increases. The expectant mother's body's need for oxygen increases. In order to supply oxygen to the growing fetus, the volume of air inhaled per movement increases, as well as (toward the end of pregnancy) the respiratory rate. Thus, the indicator of lung ventilation increases significantly (by about 40%). About a third of this amount of air is used to supply the fetus, 10% - for the placenta, the rest is used in the woman's body. If you experience shortness of breath or other breathing problems, you should seek medical advice from a pregnant woman.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: the cardiovascular system, blood pressure and blood composition

It can be said that the main load during the course of pregnancy falls on the cardiovascular system. To supply the pregnant woman and the fetus with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, the heart and blood vessels pump more blood - its volume increases by about one and a half liters, reaching its maximum value at about the seventh month of pregnancy. At the same time, there is an increase in the left ventricle, the heartbeat quickens and the minute volume of blood increases. Thus, the heart and blood vessels function in a mode of increased stress. At the same time, the occurrence of systolic murmurs is not considered a pathology; in most cases, after pregnancy, these phenomena disappear.

Blood pressure at normal course pregnancy in most cases does not change. In the first trimester, it can be somewhat lowered (with lethargy and drowsiness observed). Around the 16th week, the pressure may increase by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. Take into account the initial value blood pressure women before pregnancy, to judge its changes in dynamics. An increase in systolic pressure by 30% is regarded as a pathological symptom. In addition, it is believed that diastolic pressure should not exceed 70-80 mm Hg. Art.

The processes of hematopoiesis in this period proceed in an enhanced mode, the composition of the blood also changes - there is an increase in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and blood plasma. To enhance the synthesis of red blood cells and improve blood viscosity, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein in food. In addition, iron supplements are often indicated. During pregnancy, the number of leukocytes in the blood may slightly increase. The content of platelets, as a rule, does not change significantly.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: genitals, endocrine system, endocrine glands

In the area of ​​the external genital organs, there is an increased blood supply, the cervical canal of the uterus is dilated. Its tissues, the uterus itself and the vagina are characterized by considerable friability, acquire softness and the elasticity necessary for subsequent births.

The endocrine system influences future pregnancy before fertilization. The normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries ensures the development of the egg and promotes fertilization. For normal development the fetus also plays an important role hormones produced by the endocrine system of a woman - they stimulate the development of its bone tissue, brain development, energy production.

Noticeable changes in the female body during pregnancy are caused by the influence of the endocrine glands. The ovaries are slightly enlarged, one of them contains a functioning fourth month pregnancy corpus luteum. Further, the production of hormones (progesterone and estrogen) takes over the placenta. Increasing number blood vessels, expanding and braiding the uterus, which increases and by the end of the gestation period reaches more than 30 cm in height. By the beginning of the second trimester, it goes beyond the pelvic zone, with the approach of childbirth, it turns out to be in the hypochondrium zone. The volume of the uterine cavity increases significantly, its weight increases to 1-1.2 kg (excluding the fetus). The growing uterus is kept in the desired position of the ligament (in this case, their thickening and stretching are observed). Sometimes, especially when changing the position of the body, there are pains in these ligaments caused by their stretching.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: digestive and excretory organs

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is often possible to observe manifestations early toxicosis- nausea, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting in the morning refers to his characteristics. May also change taste sensations, to appear strange addictions in food. Most often, these phenomena stop by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, sometimes later. Under the influence of hormones produced by the placenta, intestinal tone decreases, so there is often a tendency to constipation. Over time, the enlarged uterus shifts the intestines upward, while the stomach also shifts, which can cause some of its contents to be thrown into the esophagus. Hence the emerging feeling of heartburn, which can be combated by taking antacids. In addition, the last meal is recommended no later than two hours before bedtime, as well as placement on sleeper with raised headboard.

kidneys during given period function in the mode of increased loads, ensuring the excretion of urea from the body, supporting optimal performance pressure and regulating water-electrolytic exchange. If inflammatory diseases were previously present in them, their exacerbations are possible with the onset of pregnancy. In the process of gestation, the uterus exerts tangible pressure in the area Bladder therefore, there may be an urge to urinate frequently. Renal filtration of blood is enhanced, and small amounts of sugar may appear. However, the appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the presence of an inflammation or preeclampsia process. At the final stage of gestation, the appearance of small edema can be noted.

Changes in the body during pregnancy: musculoskeletal system, skin, mammary glands

Due to the action of the hormone relaxin, loosening of the ligaments of the joints occurs. Thus, the joints of the small pelvis become softer, which increases their mobility and prepares the conditions for the flow of childbirth. Sometimes there is a slight divergence of the pubic bones - when the so-called "duck" gait appears in a pregnant woman, the doctor should be informed about this. Peculiar changes during this period can be observed on the skin. Quite often, pregnant women note an increase in pigmentation of the face, in the area around the nipples, and also on the abdomen along the line rising to the navel. An increase in the mammary glands is noted, the number of lobules and adipose tissue in them increases, nipple roughness. Closer to childbirth, colostrum production starts - when squeezing the nipple, a few drops of a thick, light liquid may appear. Sometimes on the skin around the navel and in the lower abdomen, as well as on the chest and thighs, the appearance of arched stretch marks can be observed.

These changes are indicative of physiological adaptation pregnant woman to bear the fetus. In order to prevent the development of pathologies, it is recommended to take measures that contribute to the creation suitable conditions for the development of pregnancy. These include the formation of a balanced diet, drinking enough fluids, eliminating bad habits, ensuring sufficient physical activity and being outdoors.

Changes in the body during pregnancy - video

From the very moment of pregnancy, the mother's central nervous system begins to receive a stream of nerve impulses from the receptors (sensitive nerve endings) of the uterus, the growing fetal egg. The impact of this stream of impulses inhibits the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, which leads to drowsiness in pregnant women. This is not only the result of the action of receptors, but also the influence of progesterone, aimed at maintaining pregnancy. This is a “hint” to the body that the life that has arisen inside it must be protected. Pregnant women develop a certain detachment, a “look inside themselves”. For some, the intellect even slows down a little, reading is difficult, solving crossword puzzles. Emotional lability, slight resentment, tearfulness are also observed, memory and memorization suffer. Therefore, the learning ability of pregnant women is deteriorating.

These violations are typical for 1-11 trimesters of pregnancy. Then all this gradually disappears. Before childbirth, the entire nervous system is activated, the body of the pregnant woman wakes up, as it were, the tone of the spinal cord and the nervous elements of the uterus increases, which contributes to the onset of labor.

Changes in the cardiovascular system in a woman's body during pregnancy

The mother's blood circulation also undergoes significant changes to ensure the intensity of oxygen and nutrient delivery necessary for the fetus and the removal of metabolic products.

The volume of circulating blood increases, even in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, it increases, reaching a maximum by the 36th week. The volume of circulating blood in this period is increased by 30-50% of the initial volume, before pregnancy. Gradually, there is a predominant increase in the volume of blood plasma and, to a much lesser extent, in the cellular elements of the blood. There is some blood thinning, hydremia, which ensures its better fluidity. This improves the passage of blood through the vessels of the placenta and other vital important bodies- kidneys, liver, brain. In this case, the so-called physiological anemia occurs - a decrease in hemoglobin from 130 g / l to 110 g / l. At the end of the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the uteroplacental circulation is formed. Although the blood of the mother and fetus does not mix, but the mutual influence is confirmed. Changes in the circulation in the uterus affect the circulation in the placenta and the condition of the fetus, and vice versa. The vessels of the uterus and placenta have low resistance to blood flow, blood circulation is regulated passively, due to fluctuations in blood pressure in the mother. Walls smallest vessels- the capillaries of the uterus and placenta become easily permeable to water, salts and light protein chains. This improves the metabolism between blood and tissues.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood loads the heart, and an increase in the heart rate occurs - tachycardia. An increase in frequency to 90-96 beats per minute is considered extremely normal.

Changes in the respiratory system in a woman's body during pregnancy

The respiratory system of a pregnant woman changes according to changes in cardiovascular system. An increase in the volume of circulating blood and an increase in the heart rate entail an increase and deepening of breathing due to the constancy of the ratio between the amount of blood flowing through the lungs and the volume of air inhaled.

A developing fetus in the process of life releases an increased amount of carbon dioxide - CO 2. Once in the mother's blood, carbon dioxide causes an increase in breathing in order to quickly rid the body of excess carbon dioxide.

Increased breathing also occurs due to an increase in the size of the uterus in the second half of pregnancy, which compresses everything internal organs, including chest, and this reduces the volume of the lungs, deepens and quickens breathing

But the respiratory rate should not increase more than 20-22 breaths per minute.

Hormonal changes in a woman's body during pregnancy

The onset and development of pregnancy are accompanied by pronounced changes in hormonal system woman's body. The complexity of these changes is determined by the influence of placental and fetal hormones on the activity of the mother's endocrine glands.

The onset and progression of pregnancy supports the corpus luteum of pregnancy. This structure in the ovary is formed after ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary. In an empty follicle, a vesicle in which the egg cell developed until its final maturation and release into the "light", the cells of the membrane quickly transform into luteophores (buttercup - yellow flower, lutein is a yellow pigment, therefore the structure in the ovary is called the corpus luteum), which secrete the hormone progesterone, which ensures the development of the embryo in the first 2-3 months. Progesterone plays a significant role in the process of implantation of the ovum into the endometrium. With the beginning of the development of the trophoblast, and then the placenta, the corpus luteum gradually undergoes the reverse process. Further, the development of pregnancy and the growth of the embryo and then the fetus is provided by the placenta.

Of the hormonal glands of the expectant mother, let us first consider the pituitary gland, the “teardrop” hanging from bottom edge large hemispheres of the brain. It produces all the hormones that control the activity of the endocrine glands.

They are located in the anterior lobe, which increases by 2-3 times during pregnancy, since there is a complete redistribution of all members of this "council". Increased 5-6 times prolactin (pro - for, lactis - milk) blocks follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, so the maturation of eggs stops in a pregnant woman and menstrual cycles do not occur. With the development of the placenta, the function of prolactin for the development of the mammary glands and the production of colostrum and milk in them is taken over by the placental lactogen (lactos - milk and genesis - formation), i.e. milk-forming hormone.

Production increases significantly thyroid-stimulating hormone, TTG. Accordingly, the production of TK and T4, thyroid hormones, increases in a pregnant woman. They provide the proper level of metabolism, optimal for the growth and development of the fetus. Some women even experience some enlargement of the thyroid gland.

But this is followed by an increase in the activity of the thyroxin-binding ability of the blood serum, which is due to the influence of hormones of the feto-placental system.

The function of the parathyroid glands is reduced, because of this, the calcium content in the blood of a pregnant woman may be disturbed, which causes painful cramps in the calf muscles and in the feet.

Therefore, from the first weeks of pregnancy, it is required to increase the calcium content in the blood by taking foods rich in calcium, or prescribing drugs, calcium salts. Soluble Ca is the most effective, it is much easier to digest in the stomach and intestines.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland does not increase. It produces oxytocin, a physiological factor in uterine contraction. It accumulates in the posterior lobe during pregnancy. At the end of pregnancy, all the accumulated oxytocin suddenly enters the mother's bloodstream and triggers the onset of labor - uterine contractions.

Also, in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, antidiuretic hormone is formed, which ensures the accumulation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.

Significant changes occur in the adrenal glands. They increase blood flow, and due to this, there is an excessive growth of tissue of the adrenal cortex that produces hormones. And in the blood, the content of the specific protein transcortin increases, which accompanies adrenal hormones into the blood, ensuring their attachment to various sensitive cells - receptors in different organs.

This is exactly how hormones work - they attach to receptors, like inserting a key into a lock, providing their effects. The increased amount of adrenal hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman is explained not only by their increased production in the adrenal glands, but also by the intake of fetal adrenal hormones into the body of the expectant mother after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Adrenal hormones have an adaptive effect, increase the resistance of membranes and tissues to stress. But there is also a side effect - the formation of brown pigment on the face, nipples, areola, along the white line (middle of the abdomen) of the abdomen of pregnant women. On the chest, hips, abdomen in the 2nd half of pregnancy, cyanotic-purple striae appear - stretch marks of the skin with a divergence of connective tissue fibers. After childbirth, these scars become whitish in color and become less noticeable.

Changes in the intake of various nutrients by cells and tissues of a pregnant woman

A growing baby requires more and more vitamins and minerals. Due to the increased need of the fetus for glucose, the production of insulin increases. At healthy woman Usually, blood sugar levels are within the normal range for a pregnant woman, but if the expectant mother has diabetes, then various difficulties may arise.

Also, a doctor's correction may be required if a woman has anemia. A pregnant lady especially needs vitamins E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, PP, iron, etc. Your diet and appointment essential vitamins and micronutrients controlled by a doctor.

Changes in the immune system in a woman's body during pregnancy

The embryo receives 50% of the genetic information from the father, which means that half of it consists of material that is immunologically alien to the woman.

Therefore, the fetus is semi-compatible with the mother's body. In the process of pregnancy development, complex immunological direct and feedback relationships arise between the mother and fetus. Such relationships provide harmonious development fetus and prevent its rejection. The earliest barrier to antibodies is the zona pellucida of the fertilized egg, which is impenetrable to immune cells.

Trophoblast elements foreign to the mother's body appear at the 5th week of pregnancy, and the same fetal tissues - at the 12th week of pregnancy. From this period, the immune "attack" of the fetus develops and progresses.

The immune defense of the maternal organism is provided by several mechanisms. First of all, these are blocking antibodies - protein "reflections" of antigens - foreign proteins, corresponding to each other, like an electron and a positron, and also mutually destroying. Secondly, these are placental lactogen and chorionic hormones circulating in the mother's blood, which inhibit the "meeting" of antigens with antibodies and the manifestation of an antibody-antigenic reaction - mutual destruction. The third mechanism is the influence of a specific fruit protein, alpha-fetoprotein, AFP, which suppresses the production of antibodies by maternal lymphocytes.

And in the immunological protection of the fetus, the placenta plays a leading role. The trophoblast is resistant to immune rejection because it is surrounded on all sides by a layer of immunologically inert fibrinoid (we discussed it in the chapter on placental development).

This layer reliably protects the fetus from immunological aggression from the mother.

Changes in the urinary system in a woman's body during pregnancy

The kidneys of pregnant women function with an increased load, removing from the mother's body not only the products of her metabolism, but also the waste products of the fetus.

The hormone progesterone weakens the tone of the ureters and bladder. Urination becomes more frequent; not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but throughout pregnancy, the number of emptying of the bladder is higher than in non-pregnant women. An increase in vascular permeability of the kidneys at the end of pregnancy sometimes leads to the appearance of traces of protein in the urine. Moreover, there is an unproven opinion that these are the proteins of the fetus, and not the expectant mother. Sometimes sugar also appears - physiological glucosuria of pregnant women.

A glucose tolerance test, an analysis of sugar load tolerance, helps to distinguish this from the manifestations of diabetes.

Changes in the digestive system in a woman's body during pregnancy

Many women experience nausea, sensitivity to smells, and sometimes vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy. These phenomena are called toxicosis.

However, no toxins (poisons) are found. There is a theory that explains these phenomena by the unpreparedness of the body for the development of pregnancy, reduced ovarian function. All these phenomena disappear at the end of the first trimester, when the placenta is formed, replacing the hormonal function.

Pregnancy inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and other digestive glands, food stagnates in the stomach and intestines, constipation is formed at the same time.

The function of the liver changes significantly: glucose depots are emptied, transferring it into the bloodstream and to the fetus, which needs glucose as a high-energy material.

The metabolism of fats also changes. They are "simplified" to glycerol and fatty acids. In this form, fats enter the bloodstream and to the fetus. Therefore, in the blood of pregnant women, no increased amount glucose, no fat. The amount of cholesterol can be increased - this is a fatty depot of hepatocytes - liver cells. The protein-forming function of the liver also changes, aimed at providing the fetus with a significant amount of protein and its “building blocks” - amino acids, necessary for the fetus to nourish and build your own body. The number of blood coagulation factors produced by the liver increases at the end of pregnancy, causing an increase in clotting. This normal reaction body in the light of the upcoming birth.

The detoxifying function of the liver during pregnancy is weakened, so the use of alcohol, drugs and toxins can be especially detrimental. After all, the body is almost naked and not protected in the face of poisoning.

And in the second half of pregnancy, the growing uterus pushes the intestines to the back wall abdominal cavity. Moreover, the hormone testerone, which provides relaxation of the uterus, at the same time weakens the intestinal walls, inhibiting peristalsis - a consistent contraction of the intestinal walls that promotes the contents through the intestines. Of particular importance in the formation of constipation is increased fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman. The contents of the intestine are dried. This can lead to cracks. anus which makes defecation extremely painful.

And here the already existing constipation exacerbates conscious inhibition and postponing going to the toilet. Stagnation of feces in the intestines poisons the body of a pregnant woman. And, as already mentioned, it is not protected against toxins.

The state of health of the pregnant woman worsens, nausea, spastic pains in the abdomen appear.

The way to solve these problems lies in several measures. The first is the drinking regime: with nausea in early pregnancy, you should literally drink yourself, drink 5-6 glasses of water in a spoon, overcoming the tendency to accumulate fluid.

The second is the introduction of easily digestible foods into food, in small portions and more often.

When the intestines are pushed aside and peristalsis is slowed down, it is necessary to enrich the diet with vegetable fiber - beets, prunes, apricots or dried apricots, radishes, radishes, pumpkins. Fiber swells in the intestines and, like a broom, sweeps stagnant contents out of the body

You can use laxatives that disrupt the contact of feces with the intestinal wall. Under the influence of gravity stool moving towards the exit. Filling the rectum is a signal to defecate.

Also effective is the use of eubiotics, preparations of intestinal microflora - Acipol with lactobacilli, Bifiform with bifidobacteria, etc. These drugs have no contraindications either for children or for pregnant and lactating women. Normalization of the intestinal microflora leads to the disappearance of putrefactive bacteria capable of producing toxins from it.

Changes in the genital organs in a woman's body during pregnancy

They are undergoing significant changes. In the chapter on hormonal changes, it was already mentioned that prolactin suppresses the maturation of eggs in the ovaries and menstrual cycles.

The external genitalia become significantly softened and become bluish in color, as blood circulation decreases in them. The cervix and uterus also soften, especially the isthmus. This is one of the earliest likely signs pregnancy.

During the development of the fetus, the uterus grows significantly. Its weight before pregnancy 50-80 g increases to 1-2 kg by the end of pregnancy. All ligaments thicken and lengthen, providing a stretching of the uterus in height and width. They are also softened by soaking with tissue fluid. The joints and articulations of the small pelvis also soften. All this creates optimal conditions for the birth of the fetus.

Weight changes in a woman's body during pregnancy

Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 7.5-12 kg. Such wide boundaries are explained by the difference in the initial height and weight indicators women before pregnancy. If a woman had an average body mass index of 23-25, then she can add 8-10 kg during pregnancy. If there was a reduced body mass index of 17-20, then it is allowed to add 10-12 kg. What if a woman gets pregnant overweight, then her increase should be limited to 5-7.5 kg. Such restrictions are necessary, since both underweight and overweight with too much weight gain threaten to cause complications for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Increasing importance of the smooth functioning of the endocrine system

The uninterrupted operation of the entire endocrine system of a woman is extremely important for bearing a baby. No secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and their associated joint work it is impossible to conceive and bear a child. Therefore, any deviation in the work of the endocrine glands can introduce an imbalance in the work of the entire endocrine system and make it difficult to fulfill the dream of motherhood. The most common pathologies of the endocrine organs affect the thyroid gland and the gonads.

Thyroid hormones are necessary for the formation of the placenta, control of the process of embryogenesis, growth and development of all organs and systems of the baby, as well as for the laying and formation of brain functions. Actively working during pregnancy, the thyroid gland can even increase in size due to the increasing load. It can also occur from a lack of iodine during the bearing of the baby, since most of it passes to the fetus.

Changing the load on the musculoskeletal system

Under the influence of hormones, the ligamentous apparatus of the joints becomes more relaxed, and increasing body weight creates an additional load on them, so unpleasant and pain in the area of ​​the joints.

Due to the growing belly, the load on the spine, especially on the lumbosacral region, increases greatly. In this regard, the expectant mother may experience pain in the spine.

If a woman before pregnancy had problems with posture, joints, muscle skeleton, then with an increased load on them, she may need to consult an appropriate specialist. Physical exercise, wearing a bandage usually helps to solve such problems.