Beautiful words for a month from a mother to a baby. Congratulations for a baby for one month: girls and boys

It seems this month has flown by too quickly. It’s been a whole month since that magical moment when the woman, having parted with her huge belly, met its little inhabitant for the first time. Until every tiny date turns into a real anniversary - with gifts, congratulations and loved ones nearby.

In principle, they do not differ much in essence from the same congratulations for a girl. But parents will be pleased if, having decided to congratulate their baby on the first great date, you mention that very soon, after only a couple of years, their little son will turn into a cool guy, a true “man.”

Congratulations on a boy’s 1st month may sound like this:

Thirty whole days have passed...
Life is so fast!
Well, it rose thirty times
The sun is sparkling.

Here the days rushed in a succession -
Ah, the first anniversary!
And soon you will become an adult,
You can invite your friends yourself.

Well, for now it’s only a month -
And next to you
Those for whom you are gathered have gathered
Beloved and dear!

The main thing to remember is that no matter how beautiful and melodic it may be, it must be sincere and come from a pure heart.

Today is your little boy's month!
Of course, he has grown a little!
And we give you congratulations
Happy miniature birthday!
We wish you blessings,
Love, health, wisdom, patience!
Let your baby grow up day by day,
And children's laughter will fill this house!

A month has passed - it flew by in an instant.
There were worries, worries, things to do!
My son has grown up. Became obedient, exemplary
And his mother took him to kindergarten.
What kind of kindergarten? He's a great kid-
He's only a month old, let him grow up!
And we baby, through a pile of diapers
Let's give our congratulations on the flight!

You've been with us for a whole month!
To the delight of dad and mom!
And happy first month
We want to congratulate you!
Sleep tight, eat, don't get sick
And grow up, baby, quickly!
We are close, we are always with you!
Grow, our dear chick!

First month! First victory!
The first month is the first important day:
Mom and dad - forget about laziness,
The boy knows no sorrows!
I am looking into the cradle now;
I still can’t imagine...
Can I congratulate you on your first month?
Sleeping? OK then; then I'll take you!

Thirty days already baby
The bell rings
Like bird trills from the rooftops.
And peace is already forgotten.
We hasten to congratulate you
Also hear from you
We certainly want
A story about a baby!

The nice little boy is growing up -
Dear angel!
Happy first month to you,
Sweet little granddaughters!
Grow up quickly
Listen to mom and dad!
Gain more strength
Eat well!
Grow up as a strong baby -
Strong and healthy!
This is very good -
You will be the coolest!

Baby, we congratulate you,
You've been making us happy for a month now,
You appeared, beloved, desired,
Our dream come true.
You are growing healthy and happy,
And light up the world with a smile,
Be the smartest and the most beautiful,
And quickly get up on your feet.

That's how life rolls on, baby
And the first anniversary!
Then you start talking
You invite your friends yourself.
Well, for now only 30 days
And got together with you
Those for whom you are forever
Beloved and dear!

A month from the date of birth of the boy, this is real happiness for the family. The baby is already making first progress in mastering the world around him. Parents have become accustomed to the difficulties of raising and caring for a child. Close family friends are happy for the young parents and, if possible, help care for and monitor the baby. Three months, although not a round date, but still: an anniversary! And you need to congratulate accordingly. Bright, colorful and lively congratulations will bring an atmosphere of special celebration and pride for the child and his parents into the family circle. All these congratulations can be easily found on this site, and rest assured: you will be the most original congratulatory greeter to the family of the hero of the day. Original, bright and colorful congratulations will become the most beautiful attribute of the holiday. You can find them on our website, and you can use them absolutely free.

The baby is sleeping in the cradle,
And sniffles so sweetly,
Today is his first anniversary,
Don’t regret your warm words and wishes.
Grow your baby cheerful and healthy,
To the joy of mom, dad, all the relatives,
Be a good boy, be good,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

You are just an angel, our dear child,
He gave us all his smile,
Let it grow from your cradle,
Good boy, sweet person.
1 month of life has already passed, congratulations,
We sincerely wish happiness to the baby,
Live happily, may you always be lucky,
Let your son grow up healthy

Exactly a month has passed, like a long-legged stork,
Arrived at your house
And left it on the doorstep
Bundle with a little son.
Happy tiny birthday, baby, congratulations,
We wish you to grow strong,
Let life be a paradise for you,
May all your wishes come true.

30 days flew by unnoticed,
Today is your anniversary, baby,
We are very happy for you, of course
May everything work out perfectly in your destiny.
We wish you only happiness,
Let all bad weather pass by,
May every day make you happy,
May a good angel protect you.

Happy 1 month of life to your baby,
Let the guy's eyebrows not frown,
Let him have a clear voice,
Lots of strength, excellent health.
May he be happy in life
And with him, of course, you too,
May the Almighty send blessings,
May all his dreams come true.

Little toddler,
You've been with us for a whole month now,
You puff out your cheeks like a watermelon
You laugh merrily to your mother's delight
Now you're sleeping in your crib,
In your sleep you play hide and seek,
Grow up as a big boy
So that mom doesn’t threaten with her finger
Don't upset your parents
After all, there are no relatives in the world,
And to you dad and mom, we will say:
“Cherish your son!”

Our boy has overcome his first month,
Let's celebrate your so far modest anniversary,
We wish you, angel, not to get sick,
So that you gain strength and grow up quickly,
We still have a lot of efforts to make,
And how many sleepless nights will lie ahead,
So that this baby develops, grows up,
May your dear angel grow up happy.

Today is exactly one month, thirty days
Since we have a boy in our family,
I grew up a little, became a little more mature,
We congratulate you on your first date at this hour,
From all sides with great care and affection
Our angel is surrounded day and night,
So that he grows up happy, like in a fairy tale,
May he always be healthy and strong.

Just recently there was that happy day,
When our little boy saw the light,
You are one month old today, our handsome guy,
There is no one more beloved and dearer in the world than you.
And today I need to wish mom and dad
More strength, patience, good health,
To raise a son, to raise a boyfriend,
To be surrounded by affection and love.

Today a special day will come to you,
After all, he will celebrate his first month in life
That nice boy who is growing up in your family,
What is best for you in the whole world.
A son was born, a cherished dream came true,
You have received this gift of yours from God,
Don't let the bustle tire you too much
And all the worries, because now there will be a lot of them.

How quickly the month flew by, perhaps too much
Thirty wonderful days flew by like lightning,
That boy celebrates his first month
With whom life became more fun for us.
After all, only recently we were just a couple,
Now there are three of you, you have a boy,
Let the baby grow healthy, strong,
Let everyone congratulate him at this hour.

Today is exactly one month for our baby,
The boy was born thirty days ago,
Proud daddy dances around the crib,
He can’t take his eyes off his son.
It is very small, but time moves stubbornly,
Day by day he will grow up faster,
The time will come, the guy dad and mom
In many ways he will be able to overtake him in his life.


Today is your baby's month!
Of course, he has grown (grew) a little!
And we give you congratulations
Happy miniature birthday!
We wish you blessings,
Love, health, wisdom, patience!
Let your baby grow up day by day,
And children's laughter will fill this house!

You've been with us for a whole month!
To the delight of dad and mom!
And happy first month
We want to congratulate you!
Sleep tight, eat, don't get sick
And grow up, baby, quickly!
We are close, we are always with you!
Grow, our dear chick!

Let's celebrate in full
(Works “Sleep, my joy, sleep”!):
Today you are one month old - both dad and mom,
And to everyone who sympathized with you these days!
You will soon be studied, tortured, called out -
After all, a month is much faster than a year;
Let's congratulate all those who don't whine!
Let the one (the one) that sniffles grow to their joy!

You are one month old today!
Congratulations to the baby and mom!
Even if today he is still a baby -
Time rushes forward stubbornly!
Let it grow to your joy,
And his illnesses will not touch him!
Let there be weakness in his hands for now -
When he grows up, his grip becomes ironclad!

First month! First victory!
The first month is the first important day:
Mom and dad - forget about laziness,
Daughter (son) knows no sorrows!
I am looking into the cradle now;
I still can’t imagine...
Can I congratulate you on your first month?
Sleeping? OK then; then I'll take you!


Happy month of life!
It's your first birthday!
May you be small and capricious -
This is a temporary phenomenon!
You will soon grow up unnoticed!
And show your ability to read!
Then you will certainly
Read this congratulation yourself!

Thirty days already baby
The bell rings
Like bird trills from the rooftops.
And peace is already forgotten.
We hasten to congratulate you
Also hear from you
We certainly want
A story about a baby!

Thirty days have already passed.
Time is a fast river!
Thirty times already risen
The sun is radiant!
You already recognize us
You look so closely
And you expect smiles from us.
This is amazing!

Parents, congratulations today
Happy first anniversary to you baby!
Even though he was only a month old -
But his life is already so good:
Grows in care, affection and attention,
Bathing in a series of happy days.
Despite his age, he understands
Parents are dearer and dearer!

Baby, you've been with us for a month now,
Usually you sleep a lot, walk, eat, laugh,
And now you’re snoring quietly in your mother’s arms,
Everyone is patiently waiting for you to finally wake up.
An unspeakable joy settled in our house,
After all, the long-awaited happiness appeared in him!


Today is your first anniversary.
It’s been a whole month since you became parents!
We hasten to congratulate you, dear ones, at this hour
With the miracle you dreamed of!
Let your baby smile more often,
All this is simply called happiness.

You answer a smile with a smile.
And how sweetly you sleep in your crib,
Hugging the bear so tightly.
Happy first month of life, baby!
Continue to grow strong and healthy
And continue to please us with yourself.
Feel - we are always, always with you,
Our beloved, good, mischievous!

What happiness is this -
daughters birth!
Sleeps like an angel -
Well, just a sight for sore eyes!
Full attention
It belongs to you.
We kiss you tenderly on the cheek,
We value you!
They run day after day...
A month has already flown by!
Baby grow up quickly
For very important matters!

The nice little boy is growing up -
Dear angel!
Happy first month to you,
Sweet little granddaughters!
Grow up quickly
Listen to mom and dad!
Gain more strength
Eat well!
Grow up as a strong baby -
Strong and healthy!
This is very good -
You will be the coolest!

Baby, we congratulate you,
You've been making us happy for a month now,
You appeared, beloved, desired,
Our dream come true.
You are growing healthy and happy,
And light up the world with a smile,
Be the smartest and the most beautiful,
And quickly get up on your feet.

Today is your baby's month.
During this period you have become experienced,
Father found out why diapers are needed,
And both of you slept quite a bit.
You learned to feed in different poses,
And bathe him in such a way that he likes it,
But most importantly, among other important matters,
Give love to your child.

That's how life rolls on, baby
And the first anniversary!
Then you start talking
You invite your friends yourself.
Well, for now only 30 days
And got together with you
Those for whom you are forever
Beloved and dear!


I will follow the fashion -
I study all the trends;
Are you six months old?
I want to congratulate you:
The happy days are over
As many as one hundred eighty two
(This is on average)! Well, a lot!
And so the words
I won't spend it now
And I'll tell you, not jokingly:
Happy half year, guys -
You and your child!


Who cares about six months?
No, you're already six months old!
They will definitely fit in this time frame
All the whims of nature:
Whining of a sore belly,
The color of the diaper is discreet,
Increase in number of diapers,
Bottle volume with nipple
And all the night vigils -
I'm not belittling at all!
Yes, it's a birthday!
And I congratulate you!


Little lump
You are already a man!
With curious eyes,
Meaningful "speeches".
Time is fleeting:
Here's to half a year!
You eat, you play,
No stomach ache.
Oh, it turned over! ─
Mom, dad are happy ─
You are our miracle!
Everything is going as it should...


Congratulations, our baby,
Our plump-cheeked strong fellow!
The sun is shining from the sky,
And you’re already six months old!
Half a year is yours
Let's celebrate with the whole family!
The guests look on with emotion,
Let's say congratulations together:
By the minute - not by the hour
You will grow for our happiness!


Half a year, six months
There are already three of you in the world,
And your faces glow,
And happiness and peace!
Came to you like a ray of light,
Your sweet angel,
There are clouds in your sky
Since then it hasn't changed at all!
For both you and your honey,
We wish you only joy,
And mommy and daddy,
All the best in the world!


My own baby has turned six months old,
And I only ask the angel for one thing -
Keep and protect him from sorrows and troubles,
Protect your loved one, give warmth and light!
May his destiny always be full of joy
Let it glow with a smile on your pink lips!
Grows healthy, affectionate and strong as a rock,
May luck accompany him in all his affairs!

Who in the crib seems to glow
Is it someone's anniversary?
We came to celebrate
I wish you to grow faster!
They grew up, their arms got stronger,
And the legs match them.
That's what the baby wants -
Get up and run to mom.
Adhesive booties coming soon
They will embellish the tread of the feet,
And your baby won't be able to
Sleep across the crib!

Our wonderful angel,
A gift from the gods, a reward from fate,
Our child, our son,
A joy for parents!
Today is a beautiful day,
Turns six months old
Like in our house, sometimes stormy,
Clear weather has arrived!
You brought it with you
With your pure smile,
Guiding star
Illuminated our thorny path.

You are now half a year old...
Squirrel teeth are already starting to appear;
You are already playing with dolls:
Already a rattle for you - little things...
During these long six months,
Filled with wild joy,
You tried to hang yourself,
And get poisoned by eating diapers;
But this is the end of the world
It's already over... Wait a minute!
You are now six months old!

How quickly time has flown by...
You're already six months old!
Baby, we congratulate you!
You are the best on earth!
You've changed so much since you were born -
You already know how to sit by yourself,
Do you like puree, compote, porridge,
Look at the pictures in the books.
Grow up as a healthy toddler!
Many discoveries await you!
Let your life be like a miracle,
So sweet, like honey!


We want to congratulate the baby,
He's six months old today
Let it grow slowly
And learns everything in life.
Sit, talk and walk,
And crawl and play games.
Parents will love
Teach and help in everything.

By leaps and bounds
You're growing in your first year
Half of this date
You passed without all the troubles.
Happy six months to our little one!
For parents, a star.
Six month old boy
Let's kiss gentlemen!
He is at the beginning of a long life -
To choose the right path,
To grow up big and cheerful,
Learning the essence of life.


A whole year has already flown by
From the moment you were born!
Go baby, just go ahead
Joy and luck await you!

Grow healthy, beloved
To our joy and joy!
May your life be happy
Like a fairy tale, miracles!

Thank you, dear daughter,
For what you are in the world!
We wish you happiness
And dreams come true!


You are like the clear sun
You warm me with your smile.
With your beautiful soul
You will dispel all our sadness.

To you, our beloved,
Today is exactly one year.
Always be happy
And may you be lucky!


You're already a year old, baby
You can do a lot now:
Leafing through a cardboard book
You knock loudly on the door with your fist.
May your day bring gifts
And to your mother and to you,
Grow and get smarter. And let it be bright
Everything will be in good fortune!

You look like an angel
Only the wings are missing.
But your gentle image, nevertheless,
Reminds me of an angel.
We are celebrating today
Your first birthday.
We wish you joy,
Much happiness and love!

Happy birthday, boy,
Even though you're only a year old -
You're hitting the road
Little by little with the first step!
We wish your feet
Feel free to follow all paths
And get to know the magical world,
Comprehend the steps of life!


Baby, you are one year old today!
Please smile at us more often!
You seem to have been born recently
But you became the main happiness for us!
Let your life be like a fairy tale,
Luck leads to victory
Be obedient and kind to us,
Step forward boldly!

You are a little miracle
You are the sweetness of our life!
And it’s hard not to notice
What a great joy you are!
You are one year old today
You have become so beautiful!
We wish you, kitty,
Be smart and happy!


Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

The house was filled with guests:
Share the joy with us -
Show me your sun
How it has become more beautiful in just a year.
Whose eyes are here, whose mouth is here?
Whose clan dominates in him (her)?

The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing,
It is heard here and there.
Our little son is very smart,
He wants to know everything himself,
A mischievous and braggart
There is bedlam in his house.
But our little son is our happiness,
Only with him there is meaning in life

Dear little girl,
A whole year has passed!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
Let everything bloom around you
Lives, plays, has fun!
You'll see, time will fly by unnoticed,
That you will become such a beauty,
That anyone will stare at you.
While growing healthy and diligent,
Obedient, loving and gentle.
Don't cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids.
And cherish: both mommy and daddy
And, be rich in heart and soul.
Always be the first among everyone
So that we can hear your cheerful laughter
And they said with pleasure,
We were waiting for such a gift from late autumn
(that spring, that winter, summer we)
And may every new day
Only the door opens to a fairy tale!


Why is today a holiday?
Why cake today?
And different colored packages?
And there is a cycle of guests?

You've become a year older!
You've become a year smarter!
You started jumping high
You started running far.

You will play with toys
You clean it up carefully.
You started eating well
So you've grown big!

And today is your holiday!
Happy Birthday, my little bird!


Your steps are still small -
Only a year ago was it possible to be born!..
But eagles grow from eagles,
A lion cub grows into a lioness!
Stronger, wiser in many days
You will become, coming out of diapers...
Be happy, because there are no relatives
You, our beloved child!!!


May your whole life become more beautiful
After all, now your home is even brighter:
The sun appeared clear in it
Sweeter, better and kinder than everyone else!
He laughs so loudly and smiles
I want to smile back!
Let it grow and gain strength,
After all, there is no more wonderful baby in the world!

Cheerful, funny hippopotamus,
I smiled at you, lovingly,
Baby, you are already a year old,
And everyone congratulates you!
All roads are always open
Wonderful kids like you!
Grow up, get healthy
And explore the world slowly!


Happy first year!
Wishes for the baby -
So that her life is interesting,
To have dolls and books.

Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
This means life will be like in a fairy tale!


Sunny bunnies
They shine joyfully
Your eyes are bright
The lights are on!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a sight for sore eyes,
You are a treasure
You are a treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Baby's first holiday
First birthday!
Cakes, gingerbreads and crumpets,
Waffles and jams!

Only a month old baby
He won't be able to eat it.
It doesn't matter, because there is a mother,
What will help him!

Congratulations to your child
Happy first anniversary!
And I wish life with him
It became more fun!

Congratulations on your first month!
I wish you all the best baby!
May your baby grow to happiness,
May troubles and bad weather pass you by!

Let the house be filled with children's laughter!
Be happy about your children's successes!
Let your child grow up healthy
Let him give you hope from the cradle!

And I personally wish the baby
Be healthy, cheerful and brave,
So that he, growing up every day,
He was confident and skillful!

You've become quite big already
To the delight of dad and mom!
You already see the world in color,
You know everything with your eyes.

You're completely unrecognizable
On your first day of jam.
We hasten to wish you
Smiles and good luck!

Now you're a month old baby
Not a newborn
Grow and rejoice, strong man
And be in love with the whole world!

A whole month is behind us!
Happy birthday baby!
Come on, little one, wait a minute,
And you've grown up a little!

You're already looking around,
You love to smile.
You grow up healthy, friend,
And you will be happy.

Feel free to go big!
We will help you
After all, for us, believe me, dear,
There are no more expensive things!

Time does not stand still.
It's been a month since you've been together!
Your child is simply a miracle!
The embodiment of weight and height!

Happy birthday!
First month! First holiday!
You, parents, have patience -
- The prankster will grow up soon!

Let the baby grow up with happiness,
Let him be healthy and strong.
May bad weather pass you by
The rest will all arrive!

So thirty days have passed.
Your baby has grown up.
We are happy to come to you
For your first anniversary!

And we want to wish
Your baby needs to grow up,
Be healthy and beautiful
And, of course, happy!

Well, we wish you
Always hear children's laughter
Be with the baby on “You”
On this day and forever!

How unnoticed the month flew by.
Your birthday has already arrived.
You are growing by leaps and bounds.
What a great! I can't believe my eyes!

You'll already recognize mom and dad,
You are already giving signs with a smile.
Your eyes shine like the light of the sun,
There is no better happiness in this world!

We congratulate you, our dear!
Grow up happy! We are always with you!
Health, joy, luck to you,
All the best in your entire destiny!

Today is a very important day -
- Your first birthday!
And we, having thrown away all matters,

Just thirty days ago
We didn't even know you
But nine months in a row
We've been waiting for you.

Now you're already a month old!
So accept gifts
Let joy shine on your cheeks
And your childhood will be bright!

The first month is very important for the baby. Congratulations on your first little anniversary and I wish that there is happiness and joy in the child’s soul, that the tummy does not hurt and that no problem bothers him, that the baby is comfortable and cozy everywhere, that loving and caring relatives are always nearby.

You are daddy's joy
And mother's sweetness
Still just a baby
But he has grown a little!

The kid is kind, brave,
You have a whole month
Congratulations to you
And we wish you happiness!

I congratulate the baby on the first month of life and sincerely wish mother’s tender hands and father’s kind care, a happy family and prosperity on the path of life, sweet sleep and active wakefulness, pleasant voices of relatives and sweet lullabies.

Today is 1 month for the angelic creature! You are a great joy and a long-awaited miracle! I wish you to go through every step of exploring this beautiful world with ease! May your health grow stronger, the smile on your sweet face shine cheerfully, and your beautiful eyes look with delight! Quickly gain strength and energy. You are a great joy and a creation of great love! Happiness to you, sunshine!

Happy first month to the baby and parents. May your smiles be brighter and brighter from this day forward, may your tummy not be tormented, may your night's sleep become calm and long, your cheeks rosy, your appetite excellent, and the queues at the clinic pass quickly.

An important day in our family -
It's a month for the angel!
Every day you are stronger
We love you very, very much!

And while you sleep sweetly,
We wish you
Grow up quickly, baby
Be the happiest!

This is our baby's month.
My legs have grown a little,
No need for diapers now
To our little girl!

You sleep so sweetly in your crib,
There's no point in shouting.
And we are proud of you
Nice and dear daughter!

A whole month for our baby,
He holds his chest with his palm,
Quietly sniffling with his nose,
Does not say anything.

How I love her...
There is no need for many words here,
Mom's love forever.
May the angel protect you.

You are wonderful angel
You're still very little,
After all, today is only a month,
How you grow to the delight of everyone.

May all your dreams be beautiful
I dream of ponies and clouds.
Play with them gently
Quietly sniffling.

You, to the delight of mom and dad,
Eat very well.
May you be at peace
Joyful and so warm.

Just a month, little angel,
He is the sweetest and dearest!
And so, day after day,
Let him grow big and big!

I wish that the baby
He grew up healthy and did not get sick,
So that his laughter always rings a bell,
And may he make everyone happier!