How to determine when you will meet your love. Numerology by date of birth: when will you meet your love? Do you need to know when you will meet your love?

Numerology is the study of the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. They say that with its help you can find out the main character traits of a person, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future.

And many of us, of course, want to find out when they will meet their person and get married. With the help of numerology you can find out how your personal life will turn out. To do this, you need to make a calculation based on your date of birth.

You need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth and add the number of the day of the week. Let's look at an example. Let's say your birthday is February 24, 1995, and it's Friday. It turns out 32 + 5 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1. Let's talk about the meaning of all numbers.


Love is very close. Your personal life will improve in the next six months. It is possible that fate is already close, but you do not notice it. Maybe this is your friend whom you don't even consider as a potential partner, or maybe you have a secret admirer. In any case, happiness is very close, but numerology advises you to reconsider your priorities.


The meeting with your destiny will happen within a year. Judging by the numerological description, it will be associated with a work trip. At first you may not like the person because you will be very similar in character. You will get used to each other for a long time, but constant contradictions and disputes will not let you get bored.


If you get the number 3, it means that your personal life will improve only when you are ready for it and really want it. And when you do find your love, there is a chance that your relationship will develop very quickly. If you are a romantic person, then you will have to bring a little cuteness into your everyday life.


You shouldn’t miss the chance and you need to be open to new acquaintances, because your love is already very close. In this case, there will be more than enough romance. The relationship will be very bright and stormy. Get ready!


Here numerology advises to become simpler. The main thing is to remember that everything depends only on your desire. Most likely, you will find your love thanks to a friend. Perhaps you have already heard about this person or even met a couple of times, but something interfered with the development of your relationship.


Probably, a meeting with your destiny awaits you at some holiday or special event. You will immediately understand that this is exactly your person. But the relationship between you will develop very slowly, perhaps you will even switch to someone else. However, if this is not your style, then it is better to be patient.


Your relationship will begin in the coming months. Most likely, your destiny is your boss or someone higher in status. At first, your relationship will be exclusively working, but then a situation will happen after which you will look at this person with different eyes, and for him you will open up in a completely new way.

Numerology cannot accurately answer the question of when you will meet your love, but the main thing is to believe.

Love is the strongest and most exciting feeling for which people are capable of going to great lengths. In the name of love, wars and revolutions began, and for the sake of their beloved, people are able to cross the desert and swim across the ocean. Try taking the free online test, when will I meet my love, without registration or SMS. The result obtained and the interpretation of the test will tell you how soon you will gain this bright feeling when you meet your chosen one or chosen one on the path of life.

Online test

When taking the test “When will you meet your love?” — you need to disconnect from the world around you and listen to your inner voice; only if such conditions are met, the answer will be as accurate as possible.

Advice. Listen to the interpretation that you receive as a result of passing the test and follow the call of your heart, then you will definitely meet your true love.

Do you need to know when you will meet your love?

Lighting the fire of love in people's hearts, Cupid always selects a life partner for each of us. Sometimes, we rush into things or are so busy with our daily work that we don't notice the people around us. What will our understanding of when you meet your loved one give us:

  • The test results will help you understand how close you are to your true love, and the tips from this will help you reconsider your behavior and speed up the meeting.
  • Love gives you new qualities: it makes the modest more confident, the weak - strong, the hot-tempered - gentle and caring, and gives strength and energy to the tired of life.
  • One of the main goals in a girl’s life is to find her true love. Previously, fortune telling and magical rituals were used to find out when a woman would meet her love and get married.
  • Traditionally, rituals were carried out on certain days, which made it possible to obtain the most accurate results. Or were considered the most faithful. But at present, the techniques of magical rituals and fortune telling are lost in the space of time and completely forgotten. Currently, with the help of online tests, which are created on the basis of ancient teachings, professional esotericists can find out the date when you will meet your true love.
  • There comes a time in every woman's life when she is ready to start a family. After all, when a girl is in love, she blossoms and enjoys life, she experiences a surge of energy and happiness.
  • Each of us needs a soul mate, because you can get married, have children, and still not find a soul mate.

Every person on the planet has their own soul mate, you just need to be patient and follow the clues of fate. And besides, you need to believe in yourself, your uniqueness and irresistibility. After all, every woman is a delicate flower that needs its own gardener.


Are you waiting for your soul mate, your soulmate? Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to meet a person whowill be your destiny!

In order to find out exactly when you have a chance to meet him or her, you should take an easy test: several timesselect the desired number from those offered.

Everyone knows the numbers: You can easily verify this!

Maybe you don't believe in numerology, but there are things you don't need to believe in, you just need to check!

Does a soulmate exist?

This question has probably been asked by each of us at some time. But still: do we really have “halves” and do we need them? Or is it just that each of us is completely self-sufficient and unique, so there can’t be any “halves”? The answer, as often happens, lies somewhere in the middle.

There are several opinions, what do you think? Write in the comments!

YES, THERE ARE HALVES! If you believe that one person could be a perfect fit for you, like a puzzle, it is likely that you will meet him someday. However, the opposite also happens: we meet many different people in life, but we are waiting for someone special, someone unusual and the most important, deliberately leaving important relationships.

NO, WE ARE ON OUR OWN. There is an opinion: the law of karma says that in this life incarnation we must complete a certain program and learn something, gain experience. Soul development is impossible without experience. We live for development, and other people help us develop.

Some people are luckier: he or she meets very harmonious relationship and live in perfect harmony all their lives. Probably, their lesson in terms of relationships has long been learned, and they receive a reward - their near and dear person, with whom they have a good relationship.

Second option - troubled relationship, from which you must take something important, your soul wants this relationship and finds it. Such a person may well also be your “soul mate”, you just may perceive it completely differently.