Caution - a virtual, ordinary man

Online dating is one of the signs of our time. How to find in the virtual space the right man and find out who he really is?

Psychologist, NLP master shares his observations medical center"Arnimed" in Odessa Eva Romanovna Morozovskaya.

As practice shows, men who constantly get acquainted on the Internet can be divided into several categories according to their goals and motives.

1. "Philosopher". These are men aged 30-35, married, with, as a rule, one child. They are bored with their marriage, the relationship with his wife ranges from tepid to strained. But they do not intend to get divorced - some because of the child, some for material or moral reasons. "Philosophers" are looking for an outlet - a girl or a young woman to completely bother her head. "Philosophers" I still called them not without reason: as a rule, they are really smart enough, educated and interesting enough to attract a free young woman. Relations with them are an explosive mixture of romance, passion, complaints about life and wife, boasting of the success of the child and teachings - because their life experience is richer due to the greater number of years lived than virtual girls. "Philosopher" will persuade his virtual girlfriend to love relationship in reality, if he likes her outwardly. Or not, if she's not that attractive. Usually "Philosophers" are jealous and authoritarian, so it costs them a lot of effort to get a mistress. Much more than for adultery, they need a girlfriend on the Internet as "chewing gum for the soul." When he gets bored, he will spit it out and find himself a new one, with a different taste. Therefore, when recognizing the "Philosopher", I advise you to run away from him. Try not to "get stuck" emotionally in a virtual relationship and not meet him. These people, being unhappy themselves, spread the unhappy vibes around them to everyone around them.

2. "Prince". This is a man of about the same age, but either childless, or, regardless of the presence of children, successfully ruined his family. It happens that the "Prince" appears on the network and gradually becomes its regular, while still being married. Not willing to decide family problems, he runs away from them into a beautiful virtual world. There, no one "cuts" him. There is an atmosphere of a masquerade, a change of faces, disguises, "nicknames". He can prove to the whole world his exclusivity and remarkableness, since his need for recognition, already very high, is now increasing. His wife did not appreciate him, so beautiful - well, he will receive admiration from dozens of other ladies. Since the dream of a prince lives in the subconscious of every woman who grew up on fairy tales, our hero will soon form a "fan club", from which he chooses girls for meetings. Behaves, by the way, fabulously generous. And, in general, honest: he will never say that you have him the only woman, and will try not to flirt in the chat with one of his girlfriends in the presence of another. These stories, as a rule, end well: the "Prince" finally chooses a girl from the "fan club", and personal life subsequently overshadows the virtual world for him. So the chance of becoming his princess is small, but there is if you are the best. Or smarter. But once you get the Prince, you should be careful that your love wounds received in difficult task coexistence of two people, he did not run to heal in the network - there are comforters there, and his role has already been successfully developed.

3. "Dwarf". These "guys" spend online the lion's share time solely for the sake of communication. They often have very good language, creative thinking, subtle sense of humor. In addition, they are delightful in correspondence and unsurpassed masters of virtual novels. And how they play on the nerves! Some grievances, requests of a personal nature, jealousy - all this binds emotionally, forcing a virtual girlfriend to worry about his feelings offline. Falling into the sweet trap of emotional dependence, very similar to falling in love, a girl risks her peace of mind. Because two things are subsequently revealed: firstly, in real life he has a girlfriend. Beloved, moreover. Then why did he play these games with love? And for the sake of self-assertion. Here is a compote. Secondly, it turns out that not everything is in order with our wonderful interlocutor. Either he is obese, or his face is covered with blackheads, or his height barely reaches one and a half meters. And if he is outwardly attractive, then things are not much better - it means that he has serious psychological problems. What all these "handsome men" have in common is that they have complexes about something in their appearance or life. Some girl fell in love with him no matter what. And he protects her, because he is not sure that another will love. At the same time, he is completely unable to communicate with girls in places suitable for dating. He is afraid of condemnation, rejection. And in the virtual world, he achieves two goals - falling in love with himself for the sake of raising self-esteem, and at the same time revenge on all women who refuse him love in real life. In fact, the novel ends most often in one of two ways. Or "Dwarf", having made sure that the Internet girlfriend is attached to him and in love, tells her online that their relationship does not mean anything, because he has a beloved, and then enjoys the effect of the wound. Or, which happens much less often, he still decides to take advantage of his attachment to him and transfer the relationship to the real world. And there already behave like an ordinary man who has a wife and a mistress. But in this "Dwarfs" fail: a virtual girlfriend, having come on a first date, sees what a monster she has been talking with all this time, and is instantly cured of her love. "Dwarf" returns to the network offended and then behaves according to the first scenario for the end of the novel. Bottom line: do not believe in the crazy love for you of a person who has never seen you. Be wary of those you have never seen.

4. "Sysadmin". "System administrators" are united by a common feature: they spend a lot of time at work, sitting at a computer connected to the network. They do not get acquainted out of harm - they just need to take time. And among them come across very sociable people who work half the day, sleep half. The only thing that darkens the bright image of a sociable "SysAdmin" with the best intentions is his wife. Civil or legal, it doesn't matter. It's just that "sysadmin" is most often married. And also not out of harm, but for practical reasons - he is simply not able to cook dumplings for himself and wash his shirt after a shift at work. "System administrators", as a rule, are unpretentious creatures, so feeding and household service on the part of a wife or girlfriend are able to keep them in a marital state. Sysadmin is lazy. If you are aiming for a mistress, you should head towards proving your uniqueness. Methodically and purposefully convincing the "sysadmin" that you are perfection itself and just a holiday compared to the one that darns his socks. You will plant doubts in his domesticated soul and, most likely, will achieve intimacy with him. In my free time from work and my wife, which, I dare to assure you, is very little. If you are going to become the wife of the "Sysadmin", you will have to choose a completely different role - you will need to come to his work, bring him hot meals, take care of his comfort. It would be useful to bring the "sysadmin" to your home and show what order and comfort reign there.

5. "March cat". This is probably the most pleasant category of men looking for dating: "March Cat" is honest in his intentions. He needs a woman by all means, and he is looking for her wherever he goes. It is worth agreeing to a meeting with the "March Cat" if your interests generally coincide, the information received about him suits you, and you will not be sorry for the time spent on the meeting. By the way, if you weren't impressed by ICQ communication: the man didn't say anything particularly interesting to you, didn't get you talking about high things or writes with errors, this is no reason to refuse the meeting. Sometimes people don't have enough written language and fast typing skills to write beautifully. But they talk willingly and listen attentively. Although sometimes the opposite is true. Photographs should not be trusted: as practice shows, a photograph never creates the right impression of the appearance of a virtual acquaintance. However, it is advisable to still get a photo before your date to be sure that you will not faint from appearance your boyfriend. The greatest chances of finding a loved one are among the "Cats". He needs a woman, you need a man. And if, with such a coincidence of intentions, you like and get along with each other, then advice to you and love.

Martha Lvova

Who it virtual man? Now many are trying to find a mate, but how to do it if you are busy with work? You constantly do not have enough time not only to leave the house in a cafe, but also to simply relax in front of the TV.

Some solve this problem easier without leaving home. There are many dating sites on the Internet. With their help, it is easy to find a person. And no one cares that it will be a virtual man or woman. Who is sitting on the other side of the screen? How to find the right person How do you know who you are really talking to? And why are there so many lies on the internet?

Let's talk about virtual men

Psychologists say that they can be divided into categories depending on their motives and goals.

1. Philosopher. This married man, 30 to 40 years, most often. They have a child, but family life bored with their problems. They are tired of constant problems and strained relations with his wife. They don't want to get divorced. Many because of the child, others because of the financial situation. But there is, they do not get divorced due to moral considerations.

Philosophers are looking for an outlet on the Internet. It could be a girl or a young woman. To confuse her head for a philosopher is a couple of trifles. Such a virtual man is smart, educated and interesting in communication. Relations with him are filled with romance, passions, complaints about his wife. He will constantly boast about his child and teach. He believes that his life experience is much richer than that of a virtual friend.

For fun, if he likes the appearance of the virtual girlfriend, he will persuade her to sexual relations. Such a person needs a girlfriend on the Internet, like a cigarette "for the soul." I'm bored, I'll throw this one out and find another one.

If you feel that a man of such a warehouse is communicating with you, run away from him. Nothing good will come of you. Tears and upset nerves are guaranteed to you. Don't let this person near you. He is not only unhappy himself, but also spreads negative emotions on acquaintances.

2. Prince- uh then a man from 35 to 45 years old. He may be childless, sometimes he has children. He successfully "ruined" the family, and is looking for a new victim. He feels good online, no one nags him, no need to solve family problems, you can easily get away from annoying virtual acquaintances, you just need to change your nickname or put a different photo.

He is very sensitive to confessions. The wife of such a handsome and clever woman did not appreciate, so the need to receive admiration from numerous acquaintances grew.

Every woman has a dream to find her prince. Such a hero creates his own fan club out of fools (there is plenty to choose from). The girl for meetings is chosen very carefully. He can be described as a fairly honest and fabulously generous person.

You will immediately feel that he is not the only one with him, but in your presence he will not allow himself to flirt with another. "Prince" chooses a woman from his acquaintances. His personal life is getting better, the virtual world with many acquaintances is forgotten. So the chance to become his woman is not very great, but still there, provided that you are beautiful, smart, agile.

You, as a woman, will have to watch your "prince" so that the former love problems did not darken your Cohabitation. You have to keep an eye on his inner peace of mind, otherwise he will again be drawn to the Internet to heal his wounds. Comforters are already waiting for him there, he knows very well how to communicate with them.

3."Dwarf", another type of virtual man, spends all his free time. He has a great mind good feeling humor, the correspondence is delightful, he is a master of virtual novels.

These people know how to play on the nerves. His grievances, jealousy, personal requests bind the virtual girlfriend emotionally. A woman becomes addicted, her mental balance is disturbed.

Subsequently, it turns out that in real life he has a wife, and not just like that, but a beloved one. The question arises why he should play on the Internet with the feelings of women. And he so asserts himself, at your expense. That's it, ladies.

It turns out that he is not all right. He can be fat, scary, or his height is not higher than 150 cm. And if he is handsome, then things are much worse - he may have psychological problems. He complexes for any reason, it doesn’t matter if it’s appearance or his personal life. If a woman loves him, he takes care of her, because he knows

He has no experience of communicating with girls in a cafe, on the street. He is afraid of being judged or rejected. And on the Internet, he can raise his self-esteem and take revenge on all women.

A virtual romance most often ends with the “dwarf” reporting his relationship with another woman, he loves her. The pleasure of the inflicted wound gives pleasure, increases self-esteem.

Sometimes things go differently. "Dwarf" translates the relationship into real world. Out there trying to act like normal man, it crashes. A woman comes on a date, sees who she was talking to. She is completely cured of her addiction and falling in love.

Bottom line: the "dwarf" returns to virtual life and everything repeats as if according to the script.

So girls don't believe in unearthly love a man who doesn't know you and has never seen you.

4. Is there some more "System Administrator" . He spends a lot of time at work in front of the computer. He has nothing to do. He is not a harmful type, just a lot of free time, what should he do? The only problem is his wife. He doesn't want to part with her. The "system administrator" does not want to cook his own dinner, wash his shirt, lie down in a cold bed. Everything is so well arranged in his life, he will not give up all the blessings. This is an unpretentious type of men, feeding, plus service, will keep him in a state of marriage.

He is lazy enough. If you want to become his mistress, you will have to try. Constantly prove your uniqueness, go purposefully towards the goal. You should be a holiday to him, and really different from the woman who cooks dinner for him.

5. There are men who urgently need a woman. He looks for her wherever he goes. This is a pleasant category of men. He expresses his desires honestly. You can agree to a meeting, or you can refuse.

Often such people do not speak written language, but they speak very willingly.

Before the meeting, try to get a photo of a virtual acquaintance. But even a photograph will not give you a complete and real picture of a person. It is better to chat in Skype in advance.

Never take your friend to heart, most likely he will have about two dozen more like you.

I see a target

People who approve of IT adultery emphasize the word "virtual" and emphasize this by calling the whole process "virt". It turns out, and not treason at all, but sort of like computer game: conquered the galaxy, killed thirty thousand monsters, but no animals were harmed.

Opponents focus on the word "treason", no matter through the Web or in real life, anyway, "You were not with me"!

Wirth is, of course, making progress. And it can be classified according to the level of resources used: Email, "ICQ", "Skype", social networks... For the most advanced, there is also a game-wirth: this is when in an online game a beautiful elf instead of "Let's go kill the orcs" suddenly writes to you: "What a beautiful long staff you have, my sweet magician." Sometimes a textual Wirth is accompanied by sending a photo, and sometimes it turns into an even more visual form, up to direct online video conferences with online undressing, stroking, and so on. By the way, here you have to be as careful as possible - the video is often recorded, and it is possible that it is posted somewhere.

Ask your young man(and at the same time two or three more) whether they consider virtual treason to be treason. Everyone will say in unison: "No, this is not treason!" And they are completely sincere. It's just that the key word here is "still". Virtual cheating for a man is just a preparation for a real one! A run before a full-fledged adultery in all its physiological glory.

Renting a hotel room, buying elite alcohol and an armful of flowers is not treason either. Change, if you're lucky, will come later...

Yes, I understand that I'm pawning mine now ... But someone must tell the truth sometime! Think for yourself, men never do anything without a specific and important goal for themselves.

I justify the means

This is for you Wirth can be an end in itself. Therefore, I am ready to admit that on your part he is not as criminal as on mine. Why do girls get into all this online whispering? You can honestly answer: because the office is boring; because it is interesting to talk to someone unfamiliar; because you want to feel interesting and attractive, and you can name 80 more reasons ... In any case, starting a frivolous correspondence with some "incognito", you least of all think about how to really change in three days.

And why do boys enter into virtual relationships, looking for beautiful and spectacular companions? No one to chat with? Can you even imagine a man who will say: “I love to get along with the girls so much, I don’t need anything else, as long as they hang on my ears”? For most of us, typing letters on a keyboard is hard work. And if we undertake it, the reason must be weighty.

This girl can just come to the store to read the price tags - she is interested. And not the fact that something will buy. A man comes to the store not for this. He will not re-read "sausage, sausage, sausage" twenty times, but simply buy and eat. It's clear? There are no male lovers of virtual romance.

When a man writes "What an interesting conversationalist you are!", in fact, it means only "I am ready to endure these endless conversations for a while for a better perspective." And one more revealing fact: no matter how spiritualized virtual communication, there comes a moment when he writes: "And send a photo ..."

What follows from this? Wirth itself is not treason. This is just an invitation to treason, stretched out in time and passed through computer, telephone and social networks. At least for a man.

I take it to heart

In general, if someone, and it does not matter - a man or a woman, begins to secretly correspond with someone, this is a sign of trouble. Sooner or later online friends will try to meet up. And the attempts will continue until there is suitable option or the conviction that is deadly for any relationship will not be formed: "All women (men) are the same."

The situation is much more complicated when no one kisses anyone, does not get goosebumps and does not undress in front of the webcam. In medical terms, the symptoms are blurred. It would seem that there are all signs of virtual treason: an unknown friend of the opposite sex, regular epistolary contacts with him, the use of modern computer technology. On the other hand, the style of communication is not loosely erotic. Something like "I ate a bun for breakfast, the bosses are harmful and stupid, the weather is similar to the bosses, plans are to buy a bedside table and slippers, the mood is complicated, and I like the color purple now." Formally, there is nothing to complain about, just chatter. Reminds the conversation of the spouses at dinner about everything and nothing. Here's the catch: what's stopping him (her) from talking to me about it? And immediately after that, resentment covers: it means that he (she) has no time to listen to me, and it’s not clear who always has time to talk about garbage for two hours? This may turn out to be even more offensive than an open Wirth.

Many girls treat their men's virtual adventures as a necessary evil, like watching pornography. And to be jealous of such nonsense is not to respect yourself. But if instead of "You are so beautiful" heart-to-heart talks and discussions of films, books, relatives and bosses begin, then it is here, oddly enough, that you can expect big trouble. If you scroll through such a correspondence, then somewhere in the middle phrases like “No one understands me as well as you do”, “I can only communicate with you so freely and interestingly”, “I think I have known you for a thousand years” and, finally, something that can piss off the most loyal to Internet weaknesses person: “I’m more interesting with you than with ...”. Further, the unfortunate virtual cuckold or deceived wife discovers his name with surprise.

The devastating consequences of such a sweet and innocent communication can be worse than from the darkness of virtual minxes with a set of phrases at the level of "Liu cha, zay."

I'm trying to advise

How to behave if your priceless is caught for virtual cheating? Can be killed immediately. Or you can pretend that you didn’t notice anything, and anonymously register with him as a “girlfriend” - most likely, he will not refuse. Male pride flatters when new ladies are added to it, no matter for what purpose. Knowing its features, preferences and tastes, you can achieve outstanding results. And your dreary real existence will turn into a stormy virtual romance, moreover, you will always remember that you are collecting dirt. When gigabytes of compromising evidence accumulate, you will develop depression. You will go to catch him red-handed, he will be offended that you "followed and did not trust" ... In short, it was better to kill him right away.

There is less sophisticated, but more efficient way to discourage the desire to look under other people's virtual skirts: arrange for him in real life such a life that he is not up to Wirth! A year of joint trips to exotic countries. Dinner conversations about football and fantasy - but you never know. If at the heart of the relationship there was something more serious than "just to be with someone," all trips to the left on the Internet will take off as if by chance. And if not ... Better sooner than later with undermined nerves.


People began to exchange messages of an erotic nature around the same time that letters were invented. True, with the assistance of a postman with a thick shoulder bag, the process dragged on for weeks, months and years. Balzac corresponded with Evelina Ganskaya for 20 years ...

Dating via the Internet is one of the hallmarks of our time. How to find a suitable man in the virtual space and recognize who he really is?

As practice shows, men who constantly get acquainted on the Internet can be divided into several categories according to their goals and motives. We asked Eva Romanovna Morozovskaya, a psychologist, NLP master at the Arnimed medical center in Odessa, which of them would be the most appropriate to make acquaintances with?



Male, aged 30–35, married, usually with one child. Marriage bored him. But he does not intend to get divorced - because of the child, or for material or moral reasons. Usually "Philosophers" are jealous and authoritarian, so it costs them a lot of effort to get a mistress. Relations with them are an explosive mixture of romance, passions, complaints about life and wife, boasting of the success of the child and teachings. Much more than for adultery, they need a girlfriend on the Internet as "chewing gum for the soul." When he gets bored, he will spit it out and find himself a new one, with a different taste.

Therefore, when recognizing the "Philosopher", run away from him. Try not to "get stuck" emotionally in a virtual relationship and not meet with him. These people, being unhappy themselves, spread the unhappy vibes around them to everyone around them.



A man aged 30-35, but either childless, or, regardless of the presence of children, successfully ruined his family. Not wanting to solve family problems, he runs away from them into a beautiful virtual world. There, no one "cuts" him. He can prove to the whole world his exclusivity, since his need for recognition, already very high, is now increasing. His wife did not appreciate him, so beautiful - well, he will receive admiration from dozens of other ladies. Since the dream of a prince lives in the subconscious of every woman who grew up on fairy tales, our hero will soon form a “fan club”, from which he chooses girls for meetings. Behaves, by the way, fabulously generous. And, in general, honest: he will never say that you are his only woman. These stories, as a rule, end well: the “Prince” finally chooses a girl from the “fan club”, and his personal life subsequently overshadows the virtual world for him. So the chance of becoming his princess is small, but there is if you are the best. Or smarter. But, having got the "Prince", you should carefully monitor that he does not run to heal his love wounds in the net - there are comforters there, and he has already successfully developed his role.



"Dwarfs" are unsurpassed masters of virtual novels. Falling into the sweet trap of emotional dependence, very similar to falling in love, a girl risks her peace of mind. Because subsequently two things are revealed: firstly, in real life he has a girlfriend. Secondly, it turns out that not everything is in order with this interlocutor. Either he is obese, or his face is covered with blackheads, or his height barely reaches one and a half meters. And if he is outwardly attractive, then he probably has serious psychological problems.

Do not believe in the crazy love for you of a person who has never seen you. Be wary of those you have never seen.

What unites all these "beauties" is that they have complexes about something in their appearance or life. In the virtual world, the "dwarf" achieves two goals - falling in love with himself for the sake of raising self-esteem, and at the same time taking revenge on all women who refuse him love in real life. In fact, the novel ends most often in one of two ways. Or "Dwarf", having ascertained her feelings, tells her online that their relationship does not mean anything, because he has a beloved, and then enjoys the effect of the wound. Or, which happens much less often, he decides to transfer the relationship to the real world. But in this, the “Dwarfs” fail: a virtual girlfriend, having come on a first date, sees what a monster she has been talking with all this time, and is instantly cured of her love. "Dwarf" returns to the network offended and then behaves according to the first scenario for the end of the novel.


"System administrators" have a common feature: they spend a lot of time at work, sitting at a computer connected to the network. They do not get acquainted out of harm - they just need to take time. The only thing that darkens the bright image of a sociable « sysadmin » - This is his wife. He is also married not out of harm, but for practical reasons - he himself is not able to cook dumplings for himself and wash his shirt. « sysadmins » , as a rule, the creatures are unpretentious, so that feeding and household services from the wife or girlfriend are able to keep them in a marital state. « Sysadmin » lazy. If you are aiming for a mistress, you should head towards proving your uniqueness. Methodically and purposefully persuading « sysadmin » in the fact that you are perfection itself and just a celebration compared to the one who darns his socks. You will plant doubts in his domesticated soul and, most likely, achieve intimacy with him. In his free time from work and wife, which is very small. If you are going to be a wife « sysadmin » , you will have to choose a completely different role - you will need to come to his work, bring him hot meals, take care of his comfort.

The Internet occupies a huge part of our real life nowadays. After all, what kind of services does he not offer! If earlier young people were limited to searching for information for study and work, plus sometimes they were fond of Internet games and used the World Wide Web to download music and movies, but now the possibilities of the Internet have expanded dramatically. You can find what you need: from buying clothes and shoes on foreign websites to excellent opportunity find yourself interesting interlocutors in chats and in social networks. More and more often the Internet helps to bring people together, uniting their destinies. Girls are looking for guys not only to chat on general interesting topics, but also for meetings that could possibly develop into something more than friendly relations. However, often we meet with the fact that, communicating long time with a man on the Internet, we can't wait for him to invite us to meet. Moreover, over time, we are trying to take the initiative into our own hands and take him for a walk ourselves in order to finally get to know each other in real life. But he seems to be deliberately delaying this event, justifying himself by the presence of urgent matters. So why is sometimes a virtual man afraid of meeting?

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Photo gallery: Virtual man is afraid of meeting

In fact, you can find many reasons why a virtual man is afraid of meeting you. And this does not mean at all that this virtual acquaintance of yours, periodically singing songs about how he likes you immensely, is blatantly lying at the same time. Most likely, even vice versa - although the option with a lie cannot be ruled out. It's hard to delve into the human soul, especially if you know someone only from the lines on the screen. After all, in any case, his virtual image is just an image. Perhaps he is close enough to reality, but it may also be that he is far-fetched from "A" to "Z". In everything, without exception. And this is a good reason for refusing to meet in reality.

Here, for example, the boy Kolya lives somewhere. Such an ordinary boy, there are not enough stars from the sky, he is not particularly popular. Simple and modest, perhaps unsympathetic, but kind. Or maybe not kind - who knows, this Kolya. Who is he on the Internet? Maybe he is no longer Kolya, but a real Nikolai with a gorgeous torso (by the way, perhaps not even his torso), with a fascinating biography and a great sense of humor. You really like him: he is so gracious, romantic - and it seems that all the girls on the Internet are crying for him. Great guy, this Kolya! And he seems to really like you. Naturally, the time will come when you decide that it is time for you to “get closer”. It's time for you to meet. At first, you will humbly wait for his initiative and proposal. But for some reason, he will back down, and point-blank not to notice your hints. And you will be perplexed: “Well, why is this chic virtual man afraid of meeting you, no less chic lady?”. And you will be unaware that Kolya is in great pain and keeps looking in the mirror at his teenage pimples, sadly looks at the place where a magnificent torso should be and understands that you will simply beat him with your purse for such a total deceit. Because he rests, does not want to get acquainted with you. He says that his car broke down (yes, and BMWs that are not killed break down, baby). Or that a blockage at work - a hundred subordinates do not understand anything at all, you have to spin yourself. But he flies to the Canary Islands with his mother - well, to buy beautiful tan. And you still believe, you believe.

In this case, there can be two ways out. Or you become very close virtual friends, discussing everything and everyone, but you still want to see this ideal man (however, like him - you). Or he gathers courage and gives you the whole devastating truth about himself. And you decide: do you need a person who started communication with a lie, a big, convincing lie. I doubt that you will continue this acquaintance - and the reason for this is not at all his teenage pimples or the absence of an expensive car. You just don't like liars.

Although this does not mean at all that if a man refuses to meet with you, then he is necessarily a crooked, oblique and narrow-minded liar. Maybe he just has a lack of communication, a lack of female attention - and he is trying to acquire virtual "fans". At the same time, he does not necessarily have a girlfriend in his life. Perhaps he just needs a lot of female attention, as much as possible - and only then does he feel comfortable. He will not meet with you because he simply does not need personal meetings. He lacks "remote", virtual sympathy. He needs you to send him passionate messages about how much you miss him, how wonderful he is, and how lucky someone is. But he hardly wants it all to be carried over into life. First, the Internet is easy to be the perfect man- but in reality it is quite difficult to maintain this image. As a result, you can simply understand that he is not so good - and then there will be no trace of your adoration and admiration, and you will begin to "saw" him at every opportunity. And he doesn’t need such a girl, he needs a “slave” - it’s better for him to find one on the Internet.

Well, one of the most commonplace reasons why a virtual man is afraid of meeting is the fact that he has a girlfriend. You know, these are long serious relationship with hints of marriage. They have been dating for a long time and he seems to love her very much. But he lacks a romantic drive in life - perhaps their relationship has long become measured and sometimes boring due to a lack of passion. And then the man either goes to the side, or goes to the side of the Internet. He wants flirting, banal light flirting, without meetings and obligations. He wants fantasies, he wants someone to fulfill his desires. And what could be better in this case than the Internet? A bunch of girls who are just as bored and suffer from a lack of attention from their men will flirt with pleasure with those who are interesting and attractive to them. You can run into just such a man, but he simply won’t tell you that he has a girlfriend. He, like all previous types of male virtuals, will be justified by deeds, but will not go to meet you.

The last thing I would like to say on this topic is that a man may not want to date you in real life simply because he does not really like you. Of course, you can say that you don’t want to - let him not communicate at all, but everything is not so simple. Perhaps he is interested in you as a friendly interlocutor. Maybe he just likes to argue with you. But in general, your character seems strange to him. He does not understand you and is afraid that he will never understand - and this keeps him from dating in life. After all, he can simply be disappointed in you (as you are in him, of course) - and then you will no longer have each other. It won't be virtual, it won't be real - it won't be. Perhaps he is simply afraid of losing a good companion?

In any case, we cannot say with 100% accuracy that this man does not want to meet with me for this reason, and this one for another. We do not know what is in their soul and why they do not want to get acquainted. I want to advise you one thing: don't be upset. After all, it is not yet known: who was more fortunate that you never saw each other? ..