Where to go on vacation to meet a man. Anytime and anywhere. Virtual platforms - accessible and fast

Greetings, dear readers!

Today we will discuss actual question for many girls. How to find your love in the form of a charming and attractive man, yes, so that once and for all. Well, or at least for the coming years... Do you want it? Then quickly read on and learn a lot of interesting things!

I am often asked where to meet a man for... Serious relationships. Why am I being asked this question? I think that all girls are interested in who is married and at least does not complain about their husband. And if so married girl gives the impression of being very happy, then they ask her even more so.

And it is right. The other day, after another such question, I decided to tell all my thoughts about this on the blog. Just shhh, this conversation is between us girls, and in confidence!

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits? Remember this childhood phrase? Traditionally, hunters are men. But to find the answer to our exciting question, right now we will switch places with them for a while. And let’s look for the answer to where the “pheasants”, that is, the men, are hiding. By the way, there are plenty of them in our world!

It’s possible to meet smart, interesting and good people. In general, someone with whom you will have butterflies in your stomach and words flying out of your head.

This is me for those who complain that after 18... 25... 30... years there is no chance to arrange a personal life.

Thinking that free, interesting men have been taken for a long time, and you have to live your whole life in splendid isolation, this is still a passive position. And it brings zero results. I believe that everything is in our hands, and therefore we cannot give them up. This means that if everything in your relationship is quiet, lonely and unpromising, then you need to correct it. And this is better than just whining to your friends, complaining or waiting for a miracle.

It's time to act! But it’s wise to do it like a woman! The difference between creating a successful basis for acquaintance is very different from imposing your candidacy on a man, and even more so hanging it around his neck.

I am for the first method, and I will call it humane. In this case, the man does not feel like a hunted pheasant caught in the snare of a crazy girl. Therefore, I will continue to write only about him. So where can you find your love?

Passwords - appearances or about opportunities around you

Your living space

Where do you live? Not a specific house-street, but a locality. What is he like? Is it a small village, or a huge metropolis, or something in between? What reputation does it have - is it a city of brides or a city of grooms, or half and half?

You understand that if you live in a small village, the name of which, with all due respect, is interesting only to its residents, then there is practically no choice there. Here you either have to be content with what you have, or decide to move to larger cities or regional centers. Maybe you can come up with some other real option that I don’t know about.

I'll tell you about one student friend. After receiving her education, she returned home and still could not find a life partner in her small town. There were a lot of men in it fewer women. And those who had not yet been “bewitched” were, for the most part, spoiled by female attention. Everyone felt like a prince, because several girls were competing for his attention at the same time.

In general, such proud men did not suit her friend at all; pursuing someone was not her style. And she solved the situation radically. She moved to live in the nearest large city. And there she soon got happily married.

Deciding to move can be difficult, but don’t dismiss the option right away. Look at the situation realistically, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

In any case, when you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, you will discover hidden reserves in yourself, and this is always beneficial. Or, at a minimum, you will get memories that you will sort through in retirement and tell your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Look around you

Where do you often go?

Maybe it’s an office center, an institute, a sports complex, a cafe, Entertainment Center, a library, after all, or something else?

Where do you spend a lot of time - at work, study or somewhere else? Who are the people you interact with frequently? These could be groups of friends and acquaintances, company clients, office employees, partners, colleagues, classmates, etc.

All this initially contains many opportunities for acquaintance. The more people around you and interacting with you, the greater the chances of finding your person. Think about what you can add to your life from all this.

Maybe you should take part in a large-scale project from the university, or get more active at events and meetings with friends? In winter, should you go skiing or skating more often, and in summer on a bicycle and rollerblades?

Remark. In many cities, mass runs on roller skates and bikes are popular in the summer. You can have an interesting time and find new friends.

By the way, professions in which you need to communicate with many people are very conducive to the development of personal life. For girls, this could be the position of an office manager in large company, realtor, manager in a travel company, hairdresser for men, receptionist (dentistry, sports center, etc.) and many others.

In such positions, willingly or unwillingly, you learn to interact and find an approach to different people. And the ability to communicate well and adequately will definitely play a role positive role when meeting.

In general, a network of personal and professional contacts, active communication, visits and business meetings remains one of the most effective methods.

A lot of girls met a worthy and beloved man among their friends, in common companies, as well as while working or getting an education together.

Internet, including social networks

Global opportunities for everything, including organizing your personal life, are on the Internet. Among my friends, every sixth or seventh found their love thanks to him.

At the same time, those who do not have special hopes for him often successfully meet. If they go to dating sites, then rarely. But accurate.

In this method, you do not know who the person on the other side of the screen pretends to be, what is true in his words and what is an illusion. But a little common sense, and everything falls into place.

Where to meet people on the Internet? In addition to popular dating sites, there are all kinds of groups, public interest groups on social networks, forums where you can start a conversation with like-minded people and then meet them in person.

I know examples of how couples met on car forums (by specific brand and divided by city) and on a social network, finding common interests and topics of conversation.

Interests and passions

  • If you are looking for a future Nobel Prize winner, look for him in his native environment. The same thing, if you are interested in a fun-loving party animal, then it makes sense to visit parties and clubs. And in them you can stand out from the crowd.
  • Do you need a type that is elusive to the usual perception, balancing on the edge of the material and spiritual? Sign up for esoteric clubs energy practices, participate in outdoor activities, training your spirit and body.
  • Are you interested in purposeful men? Go to trainings, conferences, master classes, seminars on personal growth. Good strong training is not for infantile guys. The exception is when they promise a freebie. For example, they teach you how to make millions in one day.
  • Exhibitions - industry, educational, scientific, technical, commercial and industrial. The same gradation according to interests and level of education.

In general, the meaning is clear. Decide who you are interested in and think about how he spends his time, what his interests are. And go there. At a minimum, you will find some new educational information and expand your horizons.


These are all kinds of trips, excursions, concerts, exhibitions, bowling, billiards, kayaking, hiking, etc. During such events, everyone is in a positive mood and feels on the rise. A great opportunity communicate with interesting people.

Strong emotions initially bring people together. Try to overcome in company strangers steep rapids on a kayak or get driving emotions at a concert. After the experience, everyone who was nearby becomes close.

I'll put it in a separate line beach holiday, clubs, etc. A dubious option for a long-term relationship, but there are exceptions.

Transport and everything connected with it

More places to meet. Airports, planes, train stations, trains, cars, ships... Take a closer look at your cute neighbor. Maybe he is the one you need?

While I’m writing this article, someone probably met this way.

Casual dating

They can be anytime, anywhere. Then when you are not expecting them at all. And also according to the law of meanness, when you are not made up, not dressed up, not combed and not perfumed with your favorite perfume. This is the case when fate itself is actively involved in the arrangement of your personal life.

I love a joke about this - the most long relationship from people we met in winter. If he liked you in a thick sweater, voluminous down jacket, with a red nose and frostbitten cheeks, then this is definitely love.

Let's sum it up

Answer yourself these questions:

  • Who? That is, what kind of man are you interested in, what is his type, what does he do and is interested in?
  • Where? Where does he spend his time? Where do you spend it yourself, and where should it be held?
  • How? How can you be in the same place at the same time?

Write down the answers, think about what and how you need to change and start acting!

Be open to all possibilities! And it doesn’t matter whether you meet through a coincidence or with a slight dose of planning. The main thing is the result.

I sincerely wish you good luck with your acquaintance with the best man for you! With the man of your dreams.

And when you meet, don't do it typical mistakes, spoiling even the most wonderful relationships. You can read about this

Be happy!

And share your dating stories in the comments!

Subscribe to my blog, and see you again.

Hugs, Anastasia Smolinets.

I decided to write this article because I constantly see around a lot of single women who simply do not know how to meet men, although, as you will see later, this does not present any particular difficulties - with the exception of some restructuring of their own psychology, of course. But, dear women, in this case The end justifies the means, doesn't it? Now let's talk about everything in order.

Where is the best place to meet men?

It is with this question that the “problem list” most often begins, and one of the most common excuses looks like this: “there are only perverts or slackers on the Internet, and in other places it is simply impossible for me, a poor girl, to meet.” Well, it’s really unrealistic to get acquainted with such an approach. But we’ll talk about this in the appropriate place, but for now here’s a list of specific places where to meet men:

  • the Internet (thematic sites, forums, chats, etc.);
  • cultural and entertainment events (concerts, holidays, performances, etc.);
  • catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants various directions);
  • large companies (birthdays, get-togethers with friends, outings, etc.);
  • work (if your activity is related to communication).

I think the above list is enough for you to, so to speak, assess the breadth and scale of the field of activity. Women meet men almost everywhere and the list of such places for men, believe me, will not be much different. Now it's time to talk in more detail about the most promising ways to meet people.


The good thing about the global network is that here you can be yourself without any problems. However, many, and especially women, are afraid, as they say, of “running into” deceivers. But if you think about it: where is the guarantee that someone you meet not “virtually” will not deceive you? Therefore, for those women who like to spend a lot of time on the computer, this method of dating is ideal. Yes, and understanding who is who on the Internet is not so difficult: you just need to be attentive. And sometimes there are pleasant surprises, when a braggart and a lover of “joking around” and expressing himself in a not too disingenuous manner, in fact turns out to be quite adequate and well-mannered person. Faithful and counter examples, so the advice here would be the following: do not get attached to the virtual image and try to quickly transfer these relationships to the real plane. If you live in the same city, then, having met and talked a little in a chat room, on a forum or on a social network, why not agree to meet and sit in a cafe or just wander around the city together? This way you will learn much more about each other. Consider the Internet as a means to attract the one and only, but do not fill your relationship with a person with the notorious “virtual”.

Thematic meetings

These could be meetings of representatives of a particular forum where you communicate, or so-called “chat rooms” - meetings in a real place where visitors to a particular chat come. Common interests bring you closer together, in any case, this is the bridge that can help you establish strong relationships. By the way, chat rooms and forum meetings are also good for their relaxed atmosphere - almost everyone there is friendly to each other, which means good acquaintance very conducive. Both lovers of flirting and those hungry for a serious relationship can find an object to their liking, so take advantage of the opportunity.


If your professional activity is related to communication, then you are very lucky - in this case, it’s enough just to establish friendly relations with the object of your interest or at least just to get to know each other. If clients come to your office, or you yourself are looking for customers, nothing at all is required to start a relationship except your desire. Start by discussing work issues, and there will certainly be an opportunity to “get hooked.”


Take advantage of the opportunities your friends give you. Of course, it’s tempting to spend the evening at home in the company of your favorite book or online game, but you want to get to know each other, right? Therefore, do not hesitate and go to a celebration with a friend or girlfriend, agree to the offer of friends and good acquaintances about outdoor recreation in fun company or going somewhere. In the end, go with your friend to some cafe or other cozy place, where the chance of meeting a man will be much higher than lying on the couch at home.

How to meet a man correctly

So we got to the most important thing. In order to please a man, you need, firstly, to look appropriate. And the point here is not at all in your external data, but in the ability to present yourself. Who would be interested in a woman who has withdrawn into herself, is afraid to say a word and reacts nervously to men’s attempts to talk to her? Of course, there is a possibility that this will not scare the man away, but I will judge by myself and my circle of male acquaintances. If a woman avoids men and is afraid to communicate with them, this will attract few people. You just need to overcome yourself 2-3 times, start a conversation, show interest in general theme- and every next time it will turn out much easier and more natural for you. Women who say: “men don’t get to know me” often behave too passively and timidly. However, there are other cases when, in order to cover up her shyness and modesty, a woman, on the contrary, tries to appear bold and interested, but from the outside this may look like excessive intrusiveness or even cheekiness. Therefore, I will cite here a hackneyed, but no less true axiom that one must observe moderation in everything. If you notice that the reaction to your remarks is not the same as you would like, reduce their number, use others: with glances, gestures. Sometimes silence can say much more. To the question of why men don’t get acquainted, the answer will be different in each case, but in almost any case a way out can definitely be found. It’s enough just to calm down and look at your behavior. No, not from the outside, but to analyze what the reaction was to certain of your words, gestures and views and slightly adjust your behavior. Well, watch your appearance. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that men are designed in such a way that they first of all evaluate a woman from the point of view of sexual attractiveness, and only then look at other qualities. And, as a rule, just some correction in your image is enough for men to perceive you completely differently. I wish you to meet a man worthy of you!

It's easy to look for a life partner when you're probably not yet 25 years old. Although even at this age there are difficulties. At 30, there are still quite serious chances, because the body is still fit and the soul is young. Many people believe that meeting a man after 40 is a task that is impossible to complete. Allegedly, you yourself are already afraid of relationships, you think in stereotypes and don’t want to “break” yourself, and there are practically no good unmarried representatives of the stronger sex. On forums on the Internet they write that men of this age mostly lie on the couch with beer and watch TV.

In fact, everything is not quite like that. All ages are submissive to love, but people are different. Yes, there are those who are nothing. But there are also 40-year-old dream men. Who is looking for it, in general. But we'll start with women.

Portrait of a 40-year-old single woman

A woman of this age may fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Divorced.
  2. Widow.
  3. A lady who has not entered into an official relationship.

Each category is characterized by its own characteristics. Why talk about this in this article? The fact is that if a woman decides to meet someone to start a family or just for friendship, the first step towards her goal will be to work on herself.

Probably the “divorced woman” will be very afraid of relationships, since she had problems in her previous marriage.

If there are children, there will be some concerns associated with them:

  1. How new man will treat the child?
  2. Will they get along?
  3. How will your ex-husband behave?

Typical widow problems include:

  • she will try to look young man, who is somewhat similar to her husband;
  • Attempts will constantly be made to forget the former spouse, and this is not easy to do.

The hardest thing is for a woman who has never been married. Here you can identify a whole range of fears. Naturally, it is necessary to fight them. IN as a last resort, you should seek help from a psychoanalyst.

What all these categories of ladies have in common is that they have become accustomed to the routine and ordinariness of life. Let's say, a younger representative of the fair sex, in case of failure on the love front, will most likely try to find her faster. true love and forget about heartache caused by previous relationships. 40-year-olds begin to concentrate on other things. And this does not contribute to finding a man.

To “stay on track”, here are some tips:

  1. Don't forget to take care of your appearance. Moreover, by the age of 40, you need to put more effort into this. Well maintained and pleasant appearance is needed not only to attract men. If you look good, your mood will improve. Positive thinking– the key to success in dating matters.
  2. Learn to smile.
  3. Don't forget that you want to get to know each other. It happens that a woman dreams of marriage, but things and worries drag on. It seems that he is the man of your dreams, you need to meet him. But in the end you run past him on “important” matters. Remember that there is nothing more significant than the personal. The work can wait. Organize your life.

About men

As for the stronger sex, they can also be divided into groups. Among the 40-year-olds there are widowers, singles and those who have been divorced, perhaps more than once.

The psychology of men of this age can be revealed using the following theses:

  • guys only get better with age;
  • There are more women, but men are in short supply.

Perhaps this is why, by the age of 40, the stronger sex begins to place inflated demands on women. But there is nothing illogical about this. However, such beliefs interfere with building normal relationships.

According to many, by the age of 40, all men without exception are lazy and alcoholics. Is it so? If these reviews were adequate to reality, only women:

  • would occupy senior positions in large companies;
  • coached famous sports clubs;
  • solved political issues;
  • engaged in legal representation.

These are just some of the prestigious areas of activity. As we see, our president, for example, is still a man, and the stronger sex predominates among deputies.

It is believed that decent, rich and successful men are quickly taken away.

But success in professional activity has nothing to do with personal relationships. A man who knows how to “make money” can quickly get married and just as quickly file for divorce. Financial wealth attracts ladies, and this does not mean that it is easy for a millionaire to find a loved one. He just has more choice than others.

Therefore, there is always a chance to meet an adequate young man and marry him. Those who see only alcoholics around them are probably communicating with the wrong people. Finding a man for a serious relationship after 40 is possible if you look in the right places.

Where to meet

First, you need to finally understand who to look for. However, everything here is quite traditional. A man must be:

  1. Lonely. Married people will not be suitable, or will not suit everyone.
  2. Strong, brave, independent.
  3. Secured.
  4. Good.

Based on this, it is already possible to outline some meeting places:

  1. Gyms and sporting events. These places are suitable for those girls who put physical development first. Guys in these places usually have serious views on healthy image life. And it wouldn’t hurt any lady to work on her body once again. You can learn about the degree of freedom of a particular potential partner in the process. In any case, if people constantly go to the same fitness club, see each other often, they cannot avoid communication.
  2. If you intend to find a person with money, start moving in the entrepreneurial environment. To make a new acquaintance it is not necessary to open an individual entrepreneur. Now, for example, a lot of business trainings are held, a sufficient number of people gather in the halls interesting men. The main thing is that admission to the event is not free. Otherwise, all those who have not yet achieved success in life will be present there. Paid entry is a good filter. Surely some men at the training will be free and ready for a serious relationship.
  3. The shops. A single woman over 40 should, of course, not go to the nearest Pyaterochka to meet her. And where well-to-do men appear: car dealerships, sales centers building materials, fashionable men's boutiques, etc. There is one old scheme dating in such places: you need to ask the guy for help, saying that you are choosing a gift for your brother or dad. This will serve as a reason to start communication.
  4. You can meet people who sell goods and provide services. For example: with a doctor, lawyer, store owner, etc. Let's give an example: one woman ordered plastic windows. The installers did something wrong, they did something wrong. Things came to a scandal. As a result, in order to smooth out the conflict, the head of the company came to a meeting with the client. He listened to the woman and personally participated in eliminating the shortcomings. There was some flirting going on in the process. Next, the man found the lady’s phone number in the documents, called her and invited her on a date. People lost their loneliness and became a wonderful couple.

Thus, the opinion about forty-year-old alcoholics and parasites, to which we keep returning, does not stand up to criticism.

It’s still possible to get to know good man, the main quality of which will be seriousness:

  • At work;
  • at events with friends and acquaintances;
  • V own home- with a neighbor;
  • on a rest.

Some people do not advise looking for compatriots for marriage, believing that they are unreliable.

They say it's better to pay attention to foreigners:

  1. Forty-year-old men who are lucky enough to live in European countries, for example, they are sensitive to family values and they look for wives of their own age, not young girls.
  2. As a rule, their finances are stable. There are areas where the economy is poor. In general, things are better with wealth there than here.
  3. There is a chance to quickly and very successfully go abroad. Even if there is a divorce in the future, it is possible to stay.

You can meet foreign citizens on various websites. Registration for women there is free. On the Internet you can find a spouse from your city. Online is worth considering: dating sites, social networks, chat rooms.

There is an opinion that the chance of finding a man of the stated age on the Internet is one in a million. But whoever searches will always find a second spouse or first and only true love. The main thing is to fill out the form in detail, upload photos and videos, if possible in the service.

The only thing left to do is choose interesting men, communicate and date them.

Thus, at 40 years or more mature age You can find someone you like if you really want it and follow the recommendations in the article.

Use your acquaintances and friends. They are unlikely to set you up with a scoundrel, gigolo, alcoholic, womanizer, or simply a person lost to society. Surely among your friends there are lonely people worthy men who have long been ready for a serious relationship. Well, or at the very least, before meeting someone, they will warn you about their “cockroaches.”

Who to meet?

An excellent answer to the question of where to meet good job. Of course, not every girl wants to get involved with an employee. But you don’t have to have an affair with a colleague. You can meet one of the clients or employees from the office nearby. And why not have an affair with the person sitting at the table next to you? It doesn’t matter that others will whisper and smile maliciously. After all, there is nothing criminal if the gentleman has no family. And in general, yours concerns only you!

Should you have an affair with your boss?

If you notice an unmarried boss, then, first of all, think carefully. If your relationship seems to begin to develop, and then suddenly for some reason does not work out, then he may begin to take revenge. In this case, you will have to quit. It’s also worth thinking about when you yourself are the boss and want to start an affair with a subordinate. What if nothing happens? Then it will be difficult to communicate with him.

Where to meet a good man on the World Wide Web?

Today there are many different social networks, dating sites. But before you meet anyone, remember to be careful. After all, online dating is one thing, but in real life a person can turn out to be completely different. Surely you don’t want the romantic from the Internet to end up being a rude lout. Free dating through - this, of course, is good, but the interlocutor does not always turn out to be the way we would like.

Where to meet a good man, besides work and the Internet?

Finally, you can meet a man in a bar, restaurant, at a course, or while doing what you love. It's also very easy to start a conversation on the street. There are a lot of single men walking along the sidewalks of the city. You can simply ask them how to get somewhere, what time it is, or something else. And after you receive an answer, give a compliment and smile charmingly. Maybe a conversation will start. It is much easier to meet someone who loves cars, especially if we ourselves have a car. No man can refuse a girl who cannot have her own “baby”.

Where to meet a good man who is exactly what you need?

In general, it’s not that difficult to approach and start a conversation. And this can happen anywhere and at any time. The main thing is that the woman does not turn out to be too fearful and timid. And she must know exactly what kind of man she needs. Do you want him to be a calm homebody family man? Then you shouldn’t look for him in noisy discos, but rather take a closer look at men at courses or at work. Do you want him to be a smart and gentle intellectual? Don't look for him among successful businessmen. Do you want a promising entrepreneur? Don't look for him at a reading club.

What should you remember when meeting a man?

When dating, it is worth considering one very important point. You should only start it with single men. If the stranger already has a wife, you better stay away from him. Especially if he is attractive in every way. Otherwise, you may suffer from it later. And you don’t need it at all. After all, you seek only happiness and rely only on it.

In big cities, only the strongest survive - clever girls who know 1,000 and 1 ways to meet a man, and then, if desired, turn him into a friend, lover, husband, loader, computer technician, or at least a “taxi” to the airport. How miraculously do they manage to do this and how can they learn to transform random encounters in the city into pleasant long-lasting unions followed by a noisy wedding? First, to bring luck to your side, learn to smile. It seems nothing complicated, but in fact, for the Russian mind, always tense with the adversities of existence, to give a sincere smile, without mockery or pomposity, - a big problem. Secondly, learn to open up to new acquaintances. Don’t pretend to be a princess and don’t imagine your interlocutor as Shrek at first - a brain clouded by stereotypes has never helped anyone build a personal life.

We'll tell you where to practice new skills. In our review you will find 8 places for dating in Moscow.

At work: “On Monday I’ll eat a cucumber...”

Let's assume that you already know everyone at your own workplace, but it is possible that some newcomers have nevertheless hidden from your close gaze. In this case, urgently invent some kind of charitable activity and start collecting money to save a family of moose in Sokolniki Park or to set up a shelter for hamsters in the Moscow region. The one male colleague who responds with all his heart, and at the same time likes you, will be the most successful candidate. And don’t forget to send the collected funds to those in need, because you are not some soulless bastard who has only men on her mind.