Dating men from Italy profiles. Marry an Italian Free dating Italians Reliable and rich men from Italy

If your goal is , then welcome to our . And below, an article about what you can bring.

Finding love in Italy is just as difficult as anywhere else. Many are attracted here, as lovers, by representatives of the Romanesque peoples, especially in the southern part of the country, where the men are still cheeky and the women are passionate. Before looking dating in italy for marriage, explore these 6 features that dating italian men while you are in your home country.

1. You may receive ambiguous signals

Italians from the southern part of the country are flirtatious from a very early age, by nature. This is part of their charm and this is what makes people come back to Italy again and again and look for italians through. Good flirting can, after all, make the other person feel attractive! And who doesn't want to feel attractive over and over again? But when you tie dating italian men, it is important to understand the main intentions of a man towards you.

Sometimes Italians flirt with you just to flirt and nothing more. Sometimes, flirting happens when they need your involvement in something. Sometimes, they follow you. If you are looking for dating in italy for marriage, then the good news for you is that when they really want to get to know you, they say straight out that you should go on a date with them. Or, in my husband's case, the first day we met, they'll ask you if there's anything you'd like to do. In addition, our dating site for Italian men is designed just for those who are looking for a serious relationship.

2. Chivalry still exists

Italy is a country where men are still men and women are still women. Dating Italian men suggests that in Southern Italy, a man will open a door for a woman, pull up a chair in a restaurant, and on a date tell the woman how beautiful she looks. Of course, men always pay for women. In fact, even if a group of friends go to a restaurant for dinner, the men tend to pay for all the invited women. Thus, meeting Italian men will give you a positive experience.

3. If chivalry exists, so does patriarchy

The next paragraph will be of interest to those women who looking for dating in Italy for marriage. The downside of having your man pay for you in a restaurant is that he will feel like he's in charge. Italian men, from time to time, can cook themselves to treat their girlfriend and even guests, but most of the household chores fall on the shoulders of a woman. What will bring acquaintance with Italian men from the southern part of the country to single young women? A man will probably expect you to wash the dishes and floors - he is not going to help you or even offer to help. If you spend more time at home (for example, if he stays overnight), he will expect you to prepare bedding, linen, and usually everything you need. Over time, this trend may change a little, but too many Italian mothers treat their sons like kings, which leads the sons to believe that they can sit on their throne all day while the fairy does all the work. home.

4. Young people like to get acquainted in the company

Teenagers in Italy, of course, meet and spend time together. They tend to get to know each other and start new relationships in the company of friends. You can see it in our country too. A group of guys meet a group of girls and go to the movies or to the beach, for example. They spend time together, but some of them are couples. This is a good way to test the waters. And if Giovanni did not inspire confidence, then Francesca can switch to her friends, who will be on her side, and not communicate with him. It's also a good way to get rid of the attentions of Italian fathers who tend to be overprotective of their daughters: "Dad, he's not really my boyfriend, because we're walking with a group." For you, our dating site for italian men(and not only with men from Italy). Here you can at a safe distance get to know the person (to a certain extent) before meeting him.

5. Sex happens

There was a time in Southern Italy when you had to get married in order to have sex. Not everyone followed suit, of course. People had to follow these rules so as not to earn themselves a bad reputation and shame for the whole family (especially for women). Nowadays, everyone can have sex before marriage - men, women and aliens from another planet who visit this country. It's kind of like an overblown sexual revolution. Having no sex education in school and living in a Catholic country (where the church expects you to abstain from sex until marriage, no matter what actually happens), many Italians are not very knowledgeable about contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases way, and unwanted pregnancy. So if you decide to date an Italian you found through an Italian dating site, insist on using a condom!

6. Dating in Italy for marriage

Italians love sex. And Italians love love. But they do not attach as much importance to marriage as they used to. If you are looking for dating in Italy for marriage then you better keep that in mind. Young people meet, but this ends with the termination of the relationship, and not marriage. Many young people go to college in their 30s. This makes them unable to take on financial responsibility for a family. Thus, they postpone marriage indefinitely. Many couples can be together for many years and have a child, but not get married. Some young people in Southern Italy already have a reputation for being "married to their mom" and this reputation often leads to broken relationships and eternal childhood. All these young people do nothing for the people and the country's economy. However, the reputation of Italians from the southern part of the country precedes them - they are great lovers and fun friends. Dating Italian men has given many girls a positive experience(These lines are written by a girl who married an Italian young man and lived with him for almost five years).

Here are just some of the profiles of Italians that can offer you. On the site you will find serious dating in Italy for marriage. In order to see the photo albums of men and get to know each other, you need to register on the site.

I would never have thought that I would touch on the topic of dating on BlogoItaliano, but demand determines supply. One close friend, who, by the way, married a Swiss, once remarked in a conversation: “Here you are running a website about Italy, there are all sorts of travels, sights ... But the main thing on your site was not, and is not.” Seeing how my eyebrows crawled up, she laughed for a long time and finally said: “Italy is not only spaghetti, ancient Rome and Florence. These are also Italian men "...

I chewed this thought in my head for a long time, but, in the end, I thought: why not. After all, interest in Italy, indeed, can have very different roots, and if someone asks the question “How to marry an Italian”, wants to meet the love of his life or just play a little romantic Italian flirting, then why not suggest a few sites . Moreover, it seems to me that Italian women are no less interesting to male readers ...

Dating box

Another Italian dating site, but, shall we say, with more international overtones. So, in addition to Italian, English, French and Spanish were also added to the possible language options. Yes, and with permanent residence, you don’t have to fantasize too much - the system allows you to indicate the real place of residence.

The dating site Datingbox has been around since 2008.

Of course, here the density of Italians per square pixel of the screen is slightly lower than in the first version, but it remains quite high: the site has existed since 2008, so the user base is quite up to par. In the end, those who do not live in the Apennines can simply be cut off by a filter.

Register on the site and start chatting.


I must say right away that this is not quite an Italian dating site ... Rather, not even Italian in principle. It's international, but made it to our list for one thing: Millionairebuddies is focused on dating millionaires. So for those who are not only wondering how to marry an italian, but also wants the chosen one to be wealthy, it makes sense to pay special attention to him.

The Millionairebuddies site is interesting for everyone who wants the chosen one to be wealthy

I don’t know how the organizers manage to gather such a specific audience on it, but you will definitely be asked for the annual income level upon registration, and the “minimum wage” here starts from 100,000 evergreens. However, if your income is less, and you indicate “what will fall on your eye”, then this does not affect the registration process in any way. It is noteworthy that in the same income column, you can also indicate “search for support”. So those who do not plan to work, but do not like to lie, will also find their cherished option here.

Get to know the site better and start looking for your own millionaire.

1. A huge number of users. Romantic idlers and ambitious businessmen, talented musicians and extravagant artists, first-class culinary experts and fashion connoisseurs, car connoisseurs and sports fans - a variety of representatives of the stronger sex are registered on the site. You will be able to choose the most attractive Italian, acquaintance with which will make your heart flutter.

2. Advanced search system. It includes at least 100 parameters: appearance nuances, worldview features, character traits, hobbies. You can choose the criteria you want and meet the most attractive Italian man.

3. Amazing statistics. Many of our users make successful acquaintances: they find pleasant interlocutors, true friends, devoted lovers.

How to meet an Italian on LovePlanet?

An Italian is a man who will never put on short socks and refuse delicious pasta. Elegant and charming, he knows how to enjoy culinary delights and feminine beauty. Do you dream of receiving chic compliments every day? Dating Italians for you!

On "LovePlanet" you can find the perfect man. Register on the site, create a personal profile, add photos, and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting.

Read more "

Searching on our site acquaintance with Russian women, and some of them - Italians. Some place their profiles in a men's directory, preferring to be chosen; the majority decide to give sympathy to their favorites on their own, paying attention to one or another woman from our photo gallery.

If you are interested to know what Interfriendship clients think and say about Italian men, visit the pages of our website or. And also be sure to check out our women's forum. There you will find a lot of not only interesting, but also useful information about foreigners in general, and about Italians in particular. Our compatriots living in Western Europe share, so to speak, an inside look at life in various countries, as well as the nuances of characteristics from these countries.

And if you are new to the field with foreigners via the Internet, then familiarization with the above information is not only desirable for you, it is a must! Why? Yes, because real everyday life in Italy(as well as in any other country) differs significantly from our idea, made about it only on the basis of a fleeting stay there on vacation or business trip for several days or weeks. In order not to be disappointed when you go out, it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge in advance. ;-)

Dating Italians

Famous Italians: Da Vinci, Galileo, Marco Polo, Michelangelo, Columbus, Verdi, Celentano.

Dating Italians will give you a chance to get to know this captivating and attractive country, where every corner is beautiful and unique, where antiquity and modernity are closely intertwined, where olive groves give way to lush flowering oleanders and azaleas, and where you can taste the best espresso and pizza in the world.

Women find the most interesting. For those who love "hot", we advise you to direct your activity to Liguria, on the Mediterranean coast, and look. Well, for those who remained an incorrigible romantic, despite all the difficulties and skepticism of modern life, the opportunity would be the most exciting.

And all this time I was watching Italian acquaintances and their friends, trying to figure out how relations between the sexes are built here, in particular in my small town in the northeast, how and where couples get to know each other.

In fact, everything is not so simple. Even if you and the man walking towards you have mutual sympathy, it is unlikely that he will rush to your feet. Despite the famous temperament of the Italians, it is not customary to get acquainted on the street here.

Young people and people under forty prefer spend time in bars drinking aperitifs from seven in the evening until early morning. Girls usually pay for themselves. Boys-boys-men do not show the slightest attempt to be gallant, and communication takes place on an equal footing. The traditional Russian occasion for dating in a bar - “let me treat you to something” is excluded here in principle.

One day, my husband, his acquaintance and the girl he wanted to conquer went to a pizzeria, which was already strange in itself. Firstly, if you want to impress a girl and arrange a date, why do you need extra witnesses? Secondly, he behaved with her as if they had already lived together for ten years - no compliments, no attempt to give a coat, open the door, move a chair. And when we went to the cash register after dinner, and the girl reached for her wallet, the boyfriend did not even lift a finger to pay for her.

Why this is happening is not very clear: or is it the girls who intimidated men so much that they are now afraid to take a step so as not to be sued for abuso sessuale(sexual harassment or sexual harassment), or men have “crushed” and are used to the fact that now they don’t have to fight for the signorina - they hang themselves on you with garlands. The conclusion is not the most pleasant: here gallantry has died or is found on the part of men of a very respectable age.

Many meet at the disco. But in Italy there are difficulties with this. Somehow, with my girlfriends, we went to a club, thinking that invitations to slow dances would now pour in. But nothing of the sort happened. There were no slow dances, or at least anything close to them, and individuals of both sexes propped up the wall, sipping diluted cocktails, and pretended that they had come here to exchange a few words. As if that's possible with blaring music. At the same time, local girls are incredibly good - slender, stylishly dressed, well-groomed, just princesses. But I did not notice any attempts to get acquainted with these fairies from the Italians. Why?

And they hardly dance. No drive. Everything is fine and boring. Maybe because they drink less drinks than we do? This is not so - the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia is considered the most drinking in Italy.

Where then do young people meet, you ask, if traditional options do not work?

Mostly, Relationships are formed at school. where students study until the age of twenty. Often a couple walks in grooms and brides up to thirty years old (or even more). At the same time, everyone lives at home, often with their parents. They meet, expecting either graduation from the university, or a good job, or housing, and then, having spent all the savings of their parents that have accumulated by this long-awaited day, they arrange a grand wedding. Or, without waiting for any of the above, they scatter ... And then the chances of finding the other half are greatly reduced, especially for girls, who, sadly, become “stale goods” with age. Men only win. Such is the paradox. Italians can live with their parents for up to forty years and are absolutely not burdened by this, calling themselves none other than “ ragazzo" ("boy").

But if the relationship is stable, couples can live together. They have children, and then, somewhere on the third child, they still decide to get married. It happens that way too.

But here if they get married, it's for sure. Most couples perform the ceremony in the church, even if they are non-believers. And if the spouses want to get a divorce, they need to ask permission from the Vatican and live separately for three years. If the couples sign in the municipality, in this case, before the divorce, you need to live separately for a year. Italy is a Catholic state and divorce is punished here almost like during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. I recently read an article in a local magazine about the suffering of believers, divorced men and women. One is not allowed to take communion, the other cannot confess in his parish and must run around different churches where no one knows him. They can not forgive sins. And this despite the fact that Pope Benedict XVI declared that the church should be next to those who divorced.

Although the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) complains that the number of separations of spouses and divorces is increasing every year, it seems to me that they are very careful about family values ​​here. It's just that Italians live slowly, looking at each other. “We still have time, we will be young for a long time, and we will get married and give birth to children.” Slowly, with taste, like their whole Italian life.