How to quickly meet a guy on the Internet: a step-by-step plan of action. How to start a conversation with a guy in VK - a list of successful phrases for dating

How to attract a guy or how to please him?

Are you tired of being bullied by men? Do you want to be given flowers, attention and love? No problem! Do this, take a good phrase we created, copy it and send likes! That's all! This is the simple formula for success!

You often think about it. What is it to write to him so that he is hooked and does not let him get out from under your “nose”? If so, then we are for you! We decided that hundreds or tens of thousands of girls need a little help! Read, choose, send and everything will be just super! We wish you the best and most joyful meetings!

The best way is to study all the phrases and make up your own individual phrase, typical for the beginning of dating:

Good morning, mysterious stranger!

Greetings man! How is your mood?

Hello, I'm so bored cheered me up ...

Hi boy, you are beautiful, I want to get to know you better...

You are so mysterious, thoughtful and sweet!

Hello, have you been told that you are good-looking?

Hello, I've been watching you for a long time. Today you have beautiful photo placed!

PA I love your photos!

I would break away with you)

Hello, I'm your cute fairy!

Hello, are you by chance not my prince, whom I have been waiting for so long?

Hello, I have a question for you, what can I give a man who likes you very much?

Greetings! I'm just crazy about you!

Hello, and you are such a naughty as I see!

You are beautiful like an angel (god)!

I won't have anyone at home today, maybe you'll come visit?

Hello, I would not mind giving birth to your son!

Do you know how lonely and depressing it is to sleep alone in a cold bed?

What movie do you like to watch after 23-00?

I ask you to come to me at my house the bed broke and I need to attach the legs. But you are a man and you can do everything!

Hello dear, where have you been for so long ... I feel bad without you!

I so want to touch you... your face... lips... can we get to know each other?

Hello, you were looking for a passionate and tender girl? So here I am!

What about your photo?

Hello, my name is (name), how are you?

Well, here you are, yo-ma-yo!

Hello dear, come and see your son!

You have such a smile that I want to kiss you directly!

Hello, don't get bored with me! Come, you won't regret it!

Of course, I am an intellectually developed and comprehensively educated person, very smart and liberated. But let's get to know each other in the end!

When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!

Hello, have you seen my hamster? Didn't you run there?

Hello, do you have a sense of humor?

You know, I lost my happiness somewhere... Sadness in my heart... But you don't have it there by any chance... my happiness?

Hello, how do you spend your evenings and days?

What can I do, I'm so bored!

I want boundless and bold love, so that you kiss until the morning! Crazy to drive and keep an eye on me!

LuPwi wants..

Hai! I am all yours forever!

Hello May Friend!

Hooray! I found you!

How has no one turned his head to this guy yet?

Have you ever fallen in love? How it was?

Hello, I'm actually a quiet and modest fluff, but maybe we'll meet and have a real blast?

Hello kitty, how are you?

Hello, I'm your princess!)))

Hello, how does a wife let such a man go on the Internet alone?

Girl let's go to the club tonight let's shake our youth?

Hello, are you alone here? Now we will be together!

What's new in your city? I was there when I was born!

Do you have lakes with a huge amount of fish? I'm a fisherman at heart! Do you like to fish?

What are you doing tonight?

What is more important for you friendship or love?

How do you feel about love on the first night? I'm positive!

When I saw you, I was stunned with joy! You are right out of my dreams!

You know, I think you and I have a lot in common!

You are so beautiful on this internet!

The first phrase will help you start over!

Do you want to find the man of your dreams? Oh yes, it's not that easy! After all, there are many of them, but all of them, for some reason you don’t like it, then they don’t like you? Now there is a way out of this tunnel of life! What do you think is the matter? But the point is in words and in their magnetism! Yes, it is in the words and lines written by you on the Internet! Have you ever wondered how they affect our subconscious? That's it influence as a drop inciting to action! Therefore, to win a guy's heart, add these drops to your letters! And that's it! In the bag! Your man forever! Don't hesitate to write what you want to write. It seduces the coolest of all beliefs!

Today, very often young people get acquainted through various social networks. Just texting each other is always very interesting. But if a girl liked a young man, then you definitely need to know how to please a pen pal in order to be able to start a relationship with him in the future. real world.

Preliminary steps

If you are interested in how to meet a guy on the Internet, then, first of all, remember that in a hurry to correspond with the young man you like in the social. network is not worth it. After all, very often the first impression is deceiving. To get to know a young man, you must first study his page in great detail. Psychologists say that about 82% of information about a person's character is contained on his personal page in the social. networks.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • On the completeness of profile sections. At the same time, the lack of personal information often indicates a person's secrecy.
  • On the comments left by the owner of the page. If a guy often participates in discussions, then this means that he is talkative and in real life.
  • In the Foto. You need to consider whether he has a lot of photos with friends, as well as whether he likes to travel. From such pictures one can judge the sociability and openness of a person’s character. If the albums contain only “selfies”, then be careful, perhaps you dream of meeting a narcissistic type.
  • per page as a whole. It is important to take an interest in what the young man writes in statuses, what kind of music he prefers, a member of which groups he is. This data will allow you to determine the real scope of the page owner and learn about his hobbies.
  • Read your own profile.
  • View own photos, audio and video recordings.

If you intend not only to correspond with a young man, but also to meet him in the future, then your own image should be on the “avatar”. Moreover, the picture must be used fresh and not too “photoshopped”. Remember that if people met in the virtual space, then in reality they should get to know each other. Otherwise, disappointment may ensue.

How to meet

Getting to know a man on the Internet is absolutely not difficult, but it is important to do it right. It’s funny to write in the Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki forums messages like: “I’ll get acquainted with a normal man" or "I want to meet a reliable and faithful man." You also do not need to put “likes” everywhere on the page of the chosen one. Such a habitual action for a social network will not always contribute to the further continuation of relations. If you are not familiar with a person, then by “likes” you will not arouse interest in yourself, but rather, you will repel the person you like with your obsession.

Don't be afraid to send young man an offer to become friends. You just need to know what to write to the guy so as not to push him away from you. It must be remembered that the wording must necessarily sound original.

For example, a comment might be about his recent travel-related photos:

This method, used when meeting, is the simplest answer to the question of how to get to know a guy in contact. But after that, you need to make sure that the young man’s interest in you does not disappear. If anyone is interested in how to get acquainted in Odnoklassniki, then you should use the recommendations described above.

Basic rules of correspondence

So that communication with a man on the Internet does not end after discussing one specific topic, you need to find common interests. To do this, you need to use the information from his page or try to ask unobtrusively leading questions regarding the hobbies of a young man. But you need to do it very carefully so that the chosen one does not suspect that you are collecting data about him for personal gain.

You can attract the attention of a young man in yourself only if you think about what to write to a guy every time. Of course, you don’t need to lay out everything about yourself to your chosen one at once, you should keep a certain halo of mystery around you. But on the other hand, it is necessary to be as sincere as possible in communication and express your thoughts about the things discussed very clearly. You should not be afraid to be disappointed in each other at this stage, because it is much worse when people, after a long communication on the Internet, meet in the real world and realize that they are absolutely not suitable for each other.

When a girl met a guy on the Internet, long breaks in communication should not be allowed. They, as a rule, occur when everything is left to chance. Since the initiative came from the interlocutor, the young man will always subconsciously wait for the appearance of a new spark in communication. You just need to remember that the correspondence should be natural, that is, the topics for discussion should flow from one another. You can’t be intrusive and wake up every morning to send a hackneyed message: “Hi! How are you?". If the topics of discussion have exhausted themselves, then it is allowed to resume the virtual conversation by informing the young man interesting news from the press or telling him about some adventure from his life.

Other requirements

It is very important to write messages correctly. You need to try to build phrases in such a way as if your chosen one is a teacher of the Russian language. Against the background of the fact that jargon is often used on the Internet today, the correct Russian speech will certainly draw attention to you and inspire respect.

Also, when communicating in VK or Odnoklassniki in order to please, you should remember the following:

  • In written communication, you need to emphasize your politeness, it is she who will focus on your decency and tact. Remember that an adequate and educated person always says: "Thank you" and "Please." These words should be present in your messages.
  • With dignity, you need to accept the compliments of a young man addressed to you. You should by all means maintain a high opinion of yourself, but it is important not to overdo it and not seem like a narcissistic person to him.
  • Boasting should not be allowed when communicating with a young man. Everyone knows that distrust always arises in the soul for braggarts. You need to be careful and very carefully emphasize your own merits so that this does not equate to deception.
  • No need to strive to look smarter than the interlocutor, too persistently challenging his beliefs and views on life. At the time of disputes, one should listen to the opinion of the young man and analyze how much he is able to find compromises in life.

Meeting in the real world

Corresponding in VK or Odnoklassniki, you need to understand that sooner or later there will be a date with a young man. Therefore, communication in the virtual world should be natural. If you are afraid to meet in reality for any reason, then it is better to postpone the date for a while, having come up with an excuse that will not alienate the young man. But at the same time, you should remember that you should not correspond for a long time, since in the process of this your chosen one will lose interest in you.

If a young man in one of the messages suggested that you meet in real life, then for safety reasons, choose a place for your first date yourself. It should be relatively crowded, but there should be a place in it where no one would interfere with your conversation. Remember that the first date doesn't have to be long. Therefore, in your message, warn the young man that you have limited quantity time. This will allow you to protect yourself if, during real communication, something goes wrong. And if everything goes well, then you can always think of a reason to extend the date.

Pay attention to the following dialogue requirements during real communication:

  • Don't talk continuously, even if you're nervous. Excessive talkativeness will create an unfavorable impression of you. Try to ask as many questions as possible, and tell a little about yourself.
  • Demonstrate your openness and friendliness, reveal your abilities as an interesting interlocutor who can support a conversation on any topic.
  • Don't talk about your past relationships personal life, keep the mystery around you for a while.

According to statistics, most people successfully met in the real world after a few weeks virtual communication. Psychologists say that if a girl was not afraid in the process of written communication of a date in real life with a young man she liked, then she will feel confident and natural. This will allow for real communication to quickly find mutual language with the chosen one and not disappoint him.

Therefore, if you feel that you really like a young man, tell yourself: "I'm not afraid of meeting, and I'm sure that our relationship will work out well in the real world." And after that, as soon as possible, try to arrange a meeting with your chosen one in reality, and if you are separated by a long distance, then at least chat on Skype. With this approach, there is a high probability that the person you have chosen subconsciously will become your destiny.

Sometimes some girls are very sad that they do not have a boyfriend. To brighten up their loneliness, they go in search of the World Wide Web. And for this there are a lot of different social networks: from special dating sites to the well-known VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Let's look at how to meet a guy on the Internet, so that it is really interesting and very informative.

Safety First

How to meet a guy online safely? This is a very common question. If you have already decided to find yourself a young man on the Internet, then always remember about safety. In many cities, there have been cases when, after peaceful communication on various sites, dangerous maniacs or criminals made appointments for girls, etc.

And all why? Girls can be very careless when they tell their new "virtual" boyfriends their phone number or home address. Therefore, try not to start a conversation on such topics, or simply avoid answering. And another small point regarding your safety: do not trust the photographs. On the Internet, of course, anyone can hide their external data, and "slap" a photo of some Johnny Depa or Brad Pitt.

  • How to properly format your profile?

Before you write to someone from the male gender, make sure that your account social network“ready” for this, that is, fully completed. Delete all old photos, leave only the most beautiful and fresh ones. Double-check the data in your profile, fill in the fields about your favorite books, films, music. Marital status is better to hide altogether. If you decide to openly write about what you are on this moment are free, you should not select the item "in active search”: a young man may think that you are only looking for ways to meet a guy on the Internet.

  • What should he write from the very beginning?

So, you found a nice one, and, it seems, the right guy. We add him as a friend and write: “Hi, I’m (for example) Nastya, let’s be friends?”. Write exactly “to be friends”, and not “to meet” or “to get acquainted”.

If it is wrong to handle these words, then any young man may think that you are another girl who wants a relationship. Always remember how to get to know a guy on the Internet correctly, so as not to arouse a suspicious opinion about yourself. If the guy answered right away, that's good, he's interested. If not, wait a little. Maybe he's busy, or maybe he just doesn't want to answer. NEVER write such phrases: “Why are you silent?” or “hey, where are you?”. Be patient and humble. This is the main key to success.

  • Hiding key facts about yourself

In the event that you have already talked with a new acquaintance for several hours, got to know him as a person, his priorities in life, hobbies, saw a real photo, then you can tell a little about yourself. Tell us about how old you are, what city you live in, what your hobbies are, where you study or work.

However, do not lay out all the facts about yourself at once. They need to be “dosed” correctly so that topics for conversation do not end. Again, remember: no phones, no addresses, just communication. If a young man asks for inappropriate conversations, awkward topics, it is better to quickly end the dialogue and conclude: this is not the guy with whom you should continue to communicate.

After a long correspondence, he wants to meet? Let's be ready!

For example, you have been talking to a young man online for several weeks. He liked you - you liked him, so it's time to bring the relationship to new level. For greater confidence, you can, of course, take a friend with you, but warn her in advance what is worth talking about and what is better to remain silent. And one more thing: if after the meeting you saw that the guy is good, agree with your friend that after a certain signal she will leave and leave you alone.

What to do to leave the relationship at the level of "virtual correspondence?"

Well, it also has its pros and cons. The main plus is that if you suddenly have to part, it will be easier than in real life. They broke up, deleted each other from friends and that's it! But there are also disadvantages. 75% of the time a guy can't stand it simple communication on the Internet, and is looking for close relationships on the side, and his girlfriend firmly believes that he loves only her, and no one else.

Therefore, dear ladies, always think about how to meet a guy on the Internet so that your relationship is long-lasting.

And remember: there are far from isolated cases when, from a banal expression: “Hi! Let's be friends" was born tender love and strong family.

Love and be loved.

IN modern society already few people pay attention to the fact that a girl can be the first to take the initiative in getting to know a young man she likes. No one will condemn her, but a man, on the contrary, will rather be delighted with such an impulse. This line has been erased largely due to the fact that many dating sites have appeared and millions of people resort to their help to meet their love.

Where to meet online

The most popular place where you can meet a guy on the Internet is dating sites and social networks. networks. On it you can create your own page, fill out a questionnaire, post your most best photo. The main thing is to present yourself interestingly, try to hook something special. Tell us about your hobbies, hobbies, post your favorite music, write about your favorite movies, books, and so on. All this information will be displayed during the search and will help to interest as many people as possible.

How to meet a guy online

Some time after you fill out a profile on a dating site, they will start writing to you. Choose from all the candidates you like the most and start chatting with them. Try to interest the interlocutor, develop a conversation, ask questions, tell about yourself, share your impressions and emotions. If communication does not work out or you become disappointed in a person, just stop communicating with him. And if, on the contrary, you are pleased to communicate with a person and this is mutual, then feel free to exchange phone numbers and get ready for a personal meeting.

Online dating: what to do next

Don't be afraid to date. After all ordinary correspondence it can drag on for a long time and never bring anything to anything. And with visual contact, you can better understand a person, feel him and decide for yourself whether you want to continue communicating with him. If you live in different cities or even countries, you can arrange a Skype video date. Even such a limited date will help you understand a lot about this person. And, perhaps, you even decide to buy a plane ticket and fly to it.

So first date...

If you doubt this person, then try to protect yourself somehow. For example, go to a meeting with a friend, or set up a date in a place where you will constantly be surrounded by people. First of all, pay attention to appearance young man, he must be neat. If, when talking with you, he behaves rudely, uncivilized, tries to pester you, often remembers his wife or children, asks you to go to his house, gets angry when you refuse him, then you must decisively end communication with this person. Nothing good will come of it. A young man should show you attention, care, be gallant and polite. You should pay your attention to such a partner and think about whether you would like to meet him a second time. Perhaps this is your soulmate.

Pros and cons of online dating

The advantage may be that you do not need to preen in any particular way for this acquaintance, because you just upload your photo, in which you are already in all your glory. The main thing, then at the first date to correspond to this beauty. So avoid photoshop and be yourself. Also, this way of dating allows you to meet several young people at the same time and choose among them the most suitable for you. A significant disadvantage is that you can make a mistake in a person, take him for some ideal, fall in love, and then be very disappointed. Many people spread false information about themselves or simply do not take online dating seriously.

Bottom line: are real dating on the Internet possible?

You never know where you will meet your true love. It is quite possible that this will happen on a dating site. Such cases are far from uncommon. Do not rush to start a serious relationship. First, text, then go on a first date, take a closer look at the person, and only when you are 100% sure, decide on a further relationship. True love you will definitely feel it.


Getting acquainted in VK and other social networks has now become the norm. Moreover, in many cases, girls are active, who eventually receive a reward for their courage. If you look, there is nothing supernatural in the fact that a woman is trying to start a conversation in the 21st century. Long gone are the days when the fair sex had to sit modestly in their "svetlitsa" and silently wait for the knight. Not everyone, mind you, waited.

Now you can take the initiative into your own hands. The main thing is to do it right. The question of what to write to a guy when meeting on VK comes to the fore in importance. The phrase should not spoil the first impression and should contribute to the successful start of the correspondence. This article contains some positive experience on this topic.


Is it worth it to start with this word? Probably, in any situation, it would be logical to greet the person with whom you plan to start a dialogue. The question is, do I need to add something to the greeting? Some girls can't think of anything original other than, "Hi! How are you?".

Theoretically, you can make an acquaintance on the Internet in 2017 in this way: there is nothing complicated.

Especially if a man is open to relationships, and the stranger who wrote to him has an attractive appearance. Most likely, the guy will answer the greeting and ask some kind of counter question. This will be the beginning of the acquaintance.

However, in such easy way to attract attention and start communication has its own pitfalls:

  1. Various bots and fakes began to write to many Vkontakte users: from representatives of various companies who want to attract people to their group for free, to drug dealers looking for new clients or couriers to work with. Therefore, many men have become immune to the word "hello." If you are familiar with attractive guy in VK it was possible only by greeting a person, but now it doesn’t work anymore. Previously, it was clear that some absolutely real girl who needs something. Now there is much less confidence in people and faith in them in VK.
  2. Is it possible to be interested in how everything is in a guy’s life? The hero of one cult film asks: “What about them, is everyone wondering how I’m doing?” Another character replies, "No, not interested." A lot of guys keep this kind of dialogue in their heads. If unknown girl wrote a message to a man in which she asked the above question, in some cases she runs the risk of running into a wave of negativity or, at least, being ignored. Firstly, a guy may consider that the phrase is formal: no, an outside girl may be interested in what is happening in the life of a man she likes, but he will not devote the first person she meets to the details. Secondly, since the phrase is banal, you might think that the letter was sent by a fake or a bot.
  3. "Hello!" - Too informal. It works well for the internet. On the Vkontakte website, many people switch to "you" without further ado. However, a man who has reached a certain age and position may not like that they do not write to him: “Hello!”.

There is a completely different experience: many guys, provided that they like the interlocutor, are ready to answer “Hi! How are you?". Trite, but effective. You can try. And you can show your originality in the following phrases, if you can continue the correspondence.

Topics guys like to talk about

People, especially men, like it when:

  • they are given attention;
  • they are cared for;
  • they are considered experts in some field and are asked for help.

Based on this, you can prepare a list of questions that it would be nice to ask a guy when meeting in VK. But first you need to study his personal page on the social network in order to get the necessary information.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The interests of the guy you like. For example, if a young person is in several groups dedicated to the Manchester United football club, you can ask him how the team played the last match. Preliminary it is desirable to find out the account from other sources. Maybe, football club lost, and the question will only cause negative. In order not to use a man as a source of sports news, which can be found on quite accessible resources, you can formulate the question in a more interesting way. Example: "Hello! I see that you support Barcelona. Congratulations on yesterday's win! How do you like Messi's game? It is obvious that tackles are different. In the first case, the girl just asks for the score, and the guy can unsubscribe briefly and not cool - 2:2. In the second situation, the fair sex: gives positive emotions, recalling the victory of the man's favorite club in a recent match; joins the interests of the young man, talking about the team he likes; “designates” the acquaintance as an expert in the field of football, requesting an assessment of Messi's game. Such a simple phrase, but so many positive emotions!
  2. What kind of work does a man do? You can ask a professional question, ask for help. And then take the conversation in a different direction.

When asking questions, you should not show your knowledge in any area or shine with intelligence. There is a stereotype that men love it when a girl is "stupid". Actually this is not true. It seems to many representatives of the stronger sex that it is easier to have an affair with a lady who is not very intellectually developed. But if we are talking O serious relationship, guys try to choose smart women. Certainly not smarter than yourself.

About feelings directly

You can often find such advice: you need to write about sympathies directly. For example: “Hello. I like you. Let's meet!". But this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, men do not always understand hints. Therefore, you do not need to put down likes under the photo and write "mysterious" comments. On the other hand, an expression of sympathy "in the forehead" can scare away a guy who is not thinking about anything serious yet.

Although if a man is looking for a life partner, there is nothing wrong with asking him to meet. This will be clear from the information on his page or what groups he belongs to.

Main features:

  1. His page states that the most important thing in life is family.
  2. His profile says that he is looking for a wife.
  3. The man is in dating groups for serious relationships.

We emphasize once again: it is possible to give an exact answer to the question of what to write to a particular guy after the analysis of the data on his page is carried out.

Humor in correspondence

Everyone loves to receive positive emotions. If we analyze the content of the Vkontakte social network, we can conclude that most of it is entertainment materials. People come to VK to relax, laugh, or at least smile.

You can start chatting with a guy to make him laugh. For example, one girl, seeing a photo of a handsome young man, decided to write him the following message: “Hello! Tell me, please, is the queue long? The man did not understand what it was about and asked again: “Which queue?” To which the girl replied: "To get to know you."

An original move that makes you smile. As a result, the guy's mood will rise, and he himself will want to continue communication. There is another advantage to this example: the girl has shown that she can invent something more than: “Hello! How are you?"

It is advisable to come up with a specific list of interesting phrases on your own. Because the joke that was repeated ceases to be entertaining. Can do original compliments. For example: “Do you have such handsome men in every generation?” Of course, one should be guided by the level of intelligence of a man in order for the joke to “gone”.

The main disadvantage of the situation when the girl writes first is that the guy is put in a winning position in advance. Judge for yourself:

  • the lady herself turned to the man, which means that he is interesting - he attracted her with something;
  • a compliment was made;
  • the girl has a desire to communicate further.

People with an inflated sense of their own greatness may behave inappropriately. You don't have to keep in touch with them.

"Introduction" to the former

Life is an interesting and rather strange thing. Sometimes you really want to renew a relationship with a person with whom everything has already happened, but ended. One meme from VK comes to mind here:
young woman:
- Like your personal life after me?
- Yes, not really, I would even sleep with a toad now ...
Young woman:
- Qua.

Of course, this is an example of a special case. Sometimes it's not worth bringing up the past.

If you really want to, you can write to a young man, ask how his affairs are going, remember something good that was experienced together.

If the reaction to the messages is positive or at least neutral, you can offer to renew the relationship.

In almost the same way, you can establish connections with familiar guys. Nostalgia most often causes positive emotions. Therefore, to begin with, we can recall the common past. Then - move on to the present and the issue of relations in the future.

Thus, thinking about what to write on a given topic, a guy needs to:

  1. Analyze his page and try to make a psychological portrait.
  2. Show originality.
  3. Communicate on topics that are of interest to him, not showing high knowledge, but showing passion for it.

In general, all people are different, each man needs individual approach. But no one called psychology a pseudoscience. Therefore, you need to use its achievements, tools that are universal.