Craft "Autumn" with your own hands. Interesting ideas with detailed photos. Autumn crafts for kindergarten, photos of the best compositions

Almost all children are engaged in autumn crafts. A variety of figures and compositions attract kids. An exhibition is held annually in all schools and kindergartens, which presents the best crafts on the theme of "Autumn", made by the hands of parents and children. In interesting compositions, you can see figures made of paper, cones, chestnuts and other natural materials.

We offer several ideas for simple but interesting crafts made from natural materials. Step-by-step diagrams, photos, ideas and descriptions will be great helpers for educators, teachers and parents in the creative development of children.

In addition, the work on creating crafts captivates the child. He happily walks with his mother in the park, collecting a variety of twigs, acorns, leaves. In anticipation of the creative process, he invents a story that he wants to recreate in his composition.

Acorns. Autumn crafts for kindergarten, photo and video selection

The easiest way is to make crafts from acorns. The smooth surface of the fruit allows you to paint it with any paint. Just look at what set of soldiers can be made from acorns.

It is more difficult to perform combined figures from acorns and other additional materials. For example, you can make funny little men. On the right side is the assembly diagram.

Or such a cute dog.

And such little men are obtained from unripe acorns.

So that your inhabitants have a place to live, you can make such a nice hut.

Step 1. Make a cardboard base.

Step 2. Paste it with acorns and hats.

So the child will get a fabulous composition, and he will be able to come up with various stories.

Plasticine is a good additional fastening material for acorns. With it, you can do any crafts.

Video selection. Perhaps you will find a suitable autumn composition for yourself.

chestnuts. Beautiful autumn crafts for kindergarten, photo of original ideas

Surely your children love to sculpt from plasticine. Each time they mix different colors, resulting in a "slick mass". For your information, used plasticine can be used to create crafts from chestnuts. It turns out pretty funny products. See what mushroom symbiosis can turn out if you use chestnuts, acorns and plasticine in your work.

According to the instructions, you will understand how such a mushroom is made. It is enough to connect the acorn and chestnut with plasticine, and the craft is ready. It is desirable to decorate the hat with dots. Having made several products, you will get a real forest clearing that can be decorated with needles.

The second version of the mushroom requires more time and the following materials:

  • plasticine of the corresponding color;
  • acorn without a cap;
  • chestnut.

Step 1. Cover the lower part of the chestnut with plasticine and make a match mushroom texture on it.

Step 2. Glue an acorn to the hat - a mushroom leg.

It is better to choose flattened chestnuts or cut off the lower part of a whole fruit.

Such crafts are very simple, so a child of 3-5 years old can easily make them. Invite your child to make a snail.

It is performed as follows. Pay attention to the diagram.

Flower. Autumn crafts in the kindergarten, photo instructions are attached

To make such a wonderful flower, prepare the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • rosehip fruit;
  • ash fruits - "helicopters";
  • acorns.

Step 1. Roll a ball out of plasticine and insert an acorn there.

Step 2. Attach the "helicopters" to the plasticine.

Step 3. Glue a plasticine pancake on top of the acorn - this will be a pestle.

The flower is ready.

Pumpkin to the rescue

Amazing crafts are made from a pumpkin. Remember the fairy tale "Cinderella"? No wonder the author chose this particular vegetable for reincarnation and magic. In the skillful hands of a child, an ordinary pumpkin will also turn into a beautiful craft for the Autumn exhibition in kindergarten. Since the pumpkin has a rough skin, one cannot do without the help of parents.

Cheerful houses will turn out from a small decorative pumpkin. The vegetable itself will act as the base. You just have to decorate the top as you wish and draw windows and doors on the surface. Here you can safely show your imagination.

Leaves crafts are very beautiful. Watch a video collection of ideas.

The most common material for autumn crafts is leaves. They can act as a separate material, as well as additional. Roses and all sorts of applications are made from leaves, but we suggest making an original bowl.

Prepare for work:

  • autumn leaves of different colors;
  • glue;
  • balloon;
  • scissors;
  • sponge.

Step 1. Inflate the balloon.

Step 2. Make an adhesive mass consisting of water and glue (1: 1).

Step 3. Apply the mixture with a sponge over the entire surface of the ball.

Step 4. Glue each leaf in turn, alternating colors.

Step 5. Apply the adhesive mass over the leaves.

Step 6. Stick on the leaves until you cover the entire bottom. To make the bottom more durable, make two layers.

Step 7. Leave the craft to dry, then pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it.

The basket is ready.

Through creativity at an early age, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, performing crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten he studies new materials, learns to work with them and with auxiliary materials. During the creative process, the child's fine motor skills of the hands work, which is very useful for overall development. Being engaged in creativity from an early age, the child receives a comprehensive intellectual development, and even develops the speech apparatus.

That is why it is important to instill a love for creativity from an early age, as soon as the baby can work independently with the safest materials. At the first stages, he will definitely need the help of his mother, and then he will already make original ones on his own. And let parents not think that creative activities are just entertainment for kids or a pleasant pastime, because everything that preschoolers do with their own hands forms their personality, and it depends on parents whether they can unleash the creative potential of the child.

When a child works with his hands, whether it's modeling or drawing, or, he develops fine motor skills of his hands, which stimulates all the centers in the preschooler's brain, including the center responsible for speech.

It is important not to get hung up on one type of needlework, for example, if you have chosen modeling for a child, then you should not give preference only to working with plasticine, because there is also clay, self-made salt dough, as well as seasonal outdoor activities - modeling from snow and sand . Working with each material, the kid learns the specifics, because somewhere it is necessary to knead the plastic with effort, and some materials are very malleable and plastic. Thus, the mobility and strength of the fingers change, the coordination of movements improves when working with small elements.

The creative process captivates the child so much that he becomes focused, diligent, more purposeful, because with the help of his parents he will definitely bring the matter to the end in order to demonstrate to everyone crafts in kindergarten theme "Autumn", photo the very first successes of your baby will be stored in the family archive.

Even performing a simple application, a preschooler will learn to sort objects by shape and size, by similarity, if he works, for example, with autumn leaves, and you can also invite him to make a mosaic using various seeds, grains and legumes.

In the process of learning various materials, the baby will understand how certain things are made, for example, a snowman will now be not just an incomprehensible figure made of snow, but three balls of different shapes stuck together.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn" contribute to the development of imagination and fantasy, accelerates thought processes, because if for the first time the baby will think for a long time what kind of leaf to take, then over time he will perform all actions instantly.

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts for kindergarten are always accompanied by a fun journey, because in order to collect the necessary materials, you need to go with the whole family to the forest. In autumn, in a deciduous or coniferous forest, the necessary tools for creativity literally lie underfoot or hang from tree branches.

Adults at this time can search for mushrooms or pick berries, and children will put even multi-colored leaves of different sizes and shapes, large and small cones, acorns and their hats, small even twigs and Christmas tree needles into their basket. All these simple materials, so familiar to us in everyday life, can open up a whole new world to the baby.

It will be interesting to work with colorful leaves for the crumbs throughout the year, in the cold winter months, when walking along the street becomes impossible due to bad weather, you can cheer up the whole family if you offer to do it together.

The leaves collected since autumn should be laid out between the sheets in a thick book. Thus, they will dry out, remain even and retain their color. If you need to quickly dry only the plucked or collected leaves, then you can use the iron. It is necessary to go through the leaves several times with a hot iron, and they are ready for the application.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn"

In one craft, you can combine several types of creativity. For example, you can take autumn materials and plasticine and make original figures or make a picture using not only paints and felt-tip pens, but also yellowed foliage.

For the smallest craftsmen, you can suggest working not with whole leaves, but with small pieces that will simply be poured onto a surface smeared with glue.

Dried leaves should be cut or broken into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It is better to take multi-colored foliage, then the application will be bright, colorful.

With paints or a pencil, you need to draw a trunk and branches on a piece of paper, then glue the part of the tree where the crown should be with glue. Sprinkle this area with chopped leaves and press down a little with your fingers. The crown should turn out to be voluminous and openwork. For example, for a crown, you can take a mixture of yellow and red, and make a lawn of green crumbs under a tree. When the material sticks to the surface, it is necessary to turn the base over so that all the extra elements that do not stick fall down.

"Gifts of Autumn" - crafts for kindergarten

Composition "Gifts of Autumn" - crafts for kindergarten, which can be prepared for an exhibition of children's creativity, and it is always held in October so that children can demonstrate their creative success. In addition to beautiful crafts, you can also make functional baskets that will not only please the eye, but everyone can treat themselves to ripe fruits - apples or pears.

The basket itself can be made from a large pumpkin by removing all the pulp with a spoon and drying the fruit on a warm battery for several days. Drawings or ornaments can be cut out on the peel with a sharp knife, and the edge of the cut can also be made not even, but carved.

You can fill the basket with grapes, heavenly apples, small pears, dried apricots and other small fruits, and additionally decorate with rowan branches, beautiful yellowed leaves.

Of course, a child cannot make such a basket without the help of their parents, because it is difficult to work with a pumpkin, and besides, it is necessary to use a sharp knife, which is not safe for preschoolers.

But even from an ordinary plastic bowl, you can make an original basket for an autumn composition using acorns and hats from them. Acorns and caps should be glued all over the plastic base, leaving no gaps. The handle for the basket can be made from several twigs of the vine, intertwining them together.

Without a doubt, such crafts for the autumn holiday in kindergarten will take center stage on the festive table that parents will lay for their children.

Craft "Golden Autumn" in kindergarten

The tree of happiness is bright craft "Golden Autumn", in kindergarten it can be done by a preschooler with the help of a mother or older sister. We know that various topiaries are one of the most popular types of needlework today. To create them, they use all kinds of materials that are at hand: coffee beans, pine cones, acorn caps, autumn leaves, and a child can make his first topiary with rowan berries.

These can be done by the whole family, having fun. In addition, the baby will perform only the simplest steps of the craft, so you can not do without the help of adults.

A tree can not only be demonstrated at a competition at a school or kindergarten, but also put at home, adding bright colors to your interior, you can see how beautiful it turns out craft "Autumn" in kindergarten, photo and be sure to present your results in the comments, this will serve as inspiration for other craftswomen.

The basis for the topiary will be a foam ball, if you did not find it in the store, then you can cut a spherical even shape from any thick piece of foam.

The trunk of the tree is made from a long, even stick or branch (you can fasten several skewers), and then the trunk must be decorated by wrapping it with a rope that has a natural texture, so it will easily fit into the concept of your natural crafts.

Craft "Autumn" in kindergarten: photo

To make crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary materials and think over all the stages of the work. In addition to the trunk and the foam crown, which we will decorate with rowan berries, we must also find a pot where we will plant our tree. A small glass, a cup, a decorative plastic pot, an iron tin can are suitable for us. The pot can also be decorated with a tourniquet, glue coffee beans on it.

We will attach the berries to the foam base using stationery or sewing pins, and you can also use small carnations. Each berry must be pierced with a pin in the middle, and when all the elements are prepared, you can attach them to the base. The pins easily enter the foam and hold securely in it.

To hide the white base, you can first glue it over or simply wrap it with gold or orange crepe paper. It is necessary to fasten the pins as tightly as possible so that the base is practically invisible, for this it is necessary to prepare berries of different sizes and fasten them in a checkerboard pattern.

Near such a bright tree, you can plant a hedgehog made from a pear in a clearing, because the kids really like to do crafts from vegetables in kindergarten, autumn gives us a huge selection of different fruits and berries.

You will also find many ideas for autumn creativity with children, the main thing to remember is that you can use absolutely any materials, because if you show your creative abilities, then you can make an original decorative figure from an ordinary plastic bottle, not to mention various openwork fluffy cones and leaves , which even without additional decoration look simply charming. Be sure to make a wreath for the fall festival that would decorate your front door, and it will be replaced by a Christmas wreath on New Year's Eve.

Autumn is the golden season and a great opportunity to create extraordinarily bright crafts.
It is this time that gives us a rich selection of bright material for creativity. Seeing all this beauty of the autumn landscape, you can dream up and you will get wonderful work. especially since this is the time when children no longer spend so much time on the street, and beauty and bright leaves with puddles beckon and call)))

We offer you ideas for autumn creativity that you can make with your children from inexpensive and affordable materials. It will be about wonderful crafts for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

Crafts autumn in kindergarten

Autumn paper leaves

You won't need a lot of material for this easy but interesting craft. All that will be needed is:

  1. colored paper
  2. scissors
  3. double sided tape
  4. wire

You can use any color paper.
To begin with, on a colored sheet, in this case on an orange one, draw the outline of the leaf and cut it out.
Then we fold the accordion in a circle.
Now we proceed to our ponytail, we take the wire and wrap it with a strip of colored paper on adhesive tape.
When both of our blanks are completed, we transgress to the last stage of our work, and glue the tail to the leaf between its edges on the back of our orange leaf.

And now our bright autumn leaf is ready. Having made a lot of such leaves, you can make a garland and decorate the children's room.

painted leaves

Or you can not do it, but just collect the leaves in the yard and color them. It's just that the colors need imagination. And in order for the kids to like this activity, they just need to be prompted.

Look at some original ideas, you can make a fish and a dog and Indian feathers from the leaves .... Well, of course you will come up with something else more interesting and fun. The start is given ... Crafts about autumn for kindergarten

Owl from cones

Tree - palm

This is a very interesting craft that you definitely need to do with children, they will really like it.
What you will need:

  1. paper black, white
  2. colored paper (corrugated)
  3. scissors

To start our work, we need to make as many blanks.
The first one is the trunk of our tree. Have your child trace their hand with a simple pencil on black or brown paper. And cut it out.
We also make leaf blanks. The mode is colored, corrugated paper into small pieces and wrinkle it with your fingers, your baby can handle it.
It is advisable to make leaf blanks from two colors, it will be more interesting.
Now that all the blanks are made, we proceed to our application itself.
We glue our stem-palm on a sheet of white paper, and on top of the leaves of two colors in a chaotic manner. As shown in the photo.

The autumn tree is ready. Such a children's masterpiece can be framed and decorate a room with it.

Application "Autumn trees"

In autumn, bright and cheerful crafts for children.
You will need:

  1. paper black and white
  2. scissors
  3. glue and brush
  4. simple pencil
  5. colored paper (corrugated)

At the beginning of the work, you should make some preparations.
To do this, you will need three sheets of white paper, the same size, approximately 10x20 cm.
We take colored paper (corrugated), it can be purchased at any stationery store, and the mode is into small rectangles of different sizes.
Having cut a sufficient number of colored pieces, we paste them on white blanks in a chaotic manner. As shown in the photo.

Then on black paper we draw the silhouettes of three trees and cut them out.
When our three sheets with colored rectangles dry up, we can start gluing our trees.

Optionally, pre-cut small light green leaves or any other color can be glued on top.

This is not for the smallest crafts for autumn day in kindergarten, but for those who are already older.

Apple tree

This is an unusual drawing with paints that will undoubtedly cheer up not only your children, but also yourself.
For this fun drawing you will need:

  1. paper
  2. paints
  3. apple

In advance, on a sheet, draw a tree trunk with brown paint, as shown in the photo. Let the paint dry, 5 minutes will be enough.
Then the most fun and interesting part of drawing begins.
Cut the apple in half, paint one half red and the other yellow.
And we put prints, making the crown of the tree.
It is best to use gouache paints, they are bright and dry quickly.
This drawing does not take much time, but it will be interesting for children of any age.

The same beautiful apples can be made on pieces of fabric (burlap). You will get either an autumn garland or a vintage house decoration.

Here comes autumn

Autumn is a fascinating craft for children about the transition from summer to autumn. Easy to do, all you need is paper and colored pencils. Children with great pleasure turn the picture over, seeing a different image. For them, it's like a mini-cartoon.

First you need to take a sheet of paper and fold it with an accordion.

Then you need to lay the paper on one side, draw a tree with a crown and leaves. We draw first with a pencil so that we can correct (wipe).

When you rotate, you get this picture

Then draw the branches for the autumn tree and the leaves for the summer one.

You paint it in green and summer colors.

Having painted the autumn tree, we get this picture.

And we get such a changing picture as a result:

Pumpkin in modern style)))

A very simple and very affordable craft about autumn. In autumn, a lot of pumpkins ripen and make another orange beauty just right.

Oka, by the way, looks like a pumpkin from a fairy tale about Cinderella. It is made very simply from ordinary colored paper in 2 colors. Well, all you need is:

  • colored paper in orange and green;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • marker.

Hedgehog from autumn leaves

A hedgehog can turn out to be both kind and economic and fat and thin. It all depends on how many leaves your kids will collect.

For the smallest, of course, you need to prepare a blank for drawing a hedgehog, so that they only have to glue the leaves collected in the garden. Adult children can draw a hedgehog according to the model themselves.

It is also important to show the children the autumn craft before they go to the garden and collect the leaves. You can spend a whole lesson in botany, telling the children the leaves of which trees they will collect on the back of the hedgehog.

Birds flying south

A very bright and funny craft for children about autumn.

What you need for such creativity:

  1. colored paper;
  2. disposable cups;
  3. scissors;
  4. glue;
  5. artificial eyes for children's creativity.

This is a creative lesson with a story about birds flying south. Birds can be made different by making tails from one-color or multi-colored paper.

If after the end of such creativity, you pour cocoa into these cups, the children will drink it even with a nasty foam.

dense autumn forest

Blanks need to be drawn and cut for each child in advance. and distribute before the start of the art class. And already with the idea of ​​​​gathering the kids and going for a walk with them, collecting leaves.

If you have a large group of children, then it is interesting to make trees tall, with the growth of children. Then by putting them along the wall you will get a real autumn forest in the classroom or room for creativity.

autumn red apple

Very bright and simple craft. It is made from used plastic bottles. Therefore, in parallel, you can conduct a lesson with children about the preservation of our nature and the use of already made things that will simply be thrown away.

To make an apple you need:

  1. 2 plastic bottles (transparent);
  2. a piece of green felt;
  3. red braid;
  4. a piece of wooden stick or twig;
  5. red colored paper;
  6. scissors;
  7. glue.

We cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle with a height of 5-7 cm.

Crumple the red paper with your hands and put it in the cut bottoms of the bottles

We connect the cut bottoms by inserting one into the other. We glue them together and tie them with a red ribbon.

We make a hole in the top of our apple with scissors and insert a twig there. If the red paper inside the apple lies tight enough, then the twig will not need to be fixed.

Cut out leaves from green felt and glue them on a branch.

Candlestick with leaves

Children are very creative people. They love to talk on stage, receive gifts, discover something new for themselves ... The only thing is that they cannot do this work without adults. And of course we must help them in this!

crafts in kindergarten on the theme of autumn

Crafts gifts of autumn for kindergarten - ideas from natural materials (video)

Every autumn kindergartens announce contests for the best autumn crafts. Usually, nature itself suggests ideas for implementation: curved snags can be easily imagined as snakes and dragons, any men and animals can be made from acorns, chestnuts and cones, plots for applications suggest themselves from leaves. But if you have no time to fantasize, but you want to make an autumn craft for kindergarten with your child with your own hands, Active Mom tried for you and created a selection of interesting ideas.

Crafts from acorns and chestnuts

Perhaps the most popular natural autumn material is acorns and chestnuts, which are in abundance in every park at this time, I don’t want to take them. And we want to! And we return from a walk, carrying packages with these treasures in our hands.

Acorns and chestnuts make excellent topiary. To make such a decorative tree, crumple the paper into a ball, wrap it with thread and cover with white napkins / paper towels. The "trunk" of the tree will be a strong, even branch, which must be wrapped with twine, ribbon or corrugated paper. Any container can be used as a pot, the main thing is that the tree stands firmly in it.

But, of course, most of all, children love to make little men, animals and birds out of acorns and chestnuts, because this is a great opportunity to smoothly transform creativity into a game.

These charming owls are obtained from chestnut, acorn caps, paws cut out of felt, wings, beak and glued puppet eyes.

Matches (toothpicks), plasticine, maple and ash fruits (for wings, ears, tails) are also required as additional material. Such autumn crafts for kindergarten are easy and simple to perform even with a three-year-old child:

But not just a craft, but a real composition.

Overdoor wreaths of chestnuts and acorns look great. If the little animals seem too “childish” to you and with a preschooler from the older group you want to make not a toy, but an element of decor - this is your option. The basis of the wreath is an intertwined vine. For fastening acorns and chestnuts, Moment glue or liquid nails are used.

Candlesticks made using natural materials look stylish. Making them is very easy.

Crafts from cones

Cones are the second most popular natural material in autumn. From the cones, spectacular baskets and vases are obtained that can be filled with autumn gifts of nature: apples, grapes, mushrooms, twigs with mountain ash, wild rose, sea buckthorn. To make a vase, you will need wire, fishing line, pliers.

And look how charming flowers are obtained from cones if they are painted! Admit it, you did not immediately guess that these were cones?

Well, where would a kindergarten be without a variety of bumpy animals and birds.

Autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits

In creating compositions for kindergarten, you can actively use vegetables and fruits that autumn is rich in.

The most popular vegetable for making crafts is, of course, pumpkin. From it you can make a vase for flowers or autumn leaves, a basket for vegetables.

And you can use it as a blank for creating an animal or a bird ...

... or even such a madam.

From a pumpkin, you can build such a ship:

Apples, potatoes, zucchini will be an excellent material for crafts:

Autumn is a very colorful time of the year. Knowing about the approach of cold weather, nature seems to be trying to show people how bright and charming it can be. That is why in kindergartens and schools children are often asked to make autumn crafts.

autumn composition

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

You need to stock up on materials for making autumn crafts in advance - starting from the end of August. The collected "wealth" should be stored in a cardboard box, carefully laid in layers. If you plan to create paintings or panels from dry leaves, it is better to place them between the pages of books so that they become even and do not begin to crumble during work.

Autumn crafts

For creations on the autumn theme, you may need:

  • cones;
  • leaves of different colors and sizes;
  • pebbles, sand;
  • shells;
  • spruce or pine branches;
  • dry branches of fruit trees;
  • maple seeds;
  • acorns;
  • chestnuts;
  • walnut shells;
  • flowers;
  • sunflower seeds, grains;
  • feathers, etc.

Plasticine and seeds hedgehogs

Autumn forest

That is, almost everything that the surrounding nature can offer us.

Hedgehogs from thorns

You should not write off vegetables and berries. Of course, they cannot be stored for as long as, for example, products made from wood, cones and dried grass, but they will be a great solution if you need to make an unusual craft for an exhibition in a kindergarten or school.

Butterfly made of leaves and shells

turtle house

Hedgehog from chestnuts and rowan

Do-it-yourself autumn crafts for kindergarten - interesting ideas

Before you start making crafts "Autumn", you need to imagine what should happen in the end. If a child takes the initiative in their own hands, it is important for parents to hear him, to understand how he wants to portray this or that animal, picture.

Applications on the autumn theme

Worthy of attention autumn applications. For the most part, they are made fairly quickly.

Leaf applications

Flower garden

summer field

Collages-portraits of leaves

If parents are willing to spend more time on autumn crafts in kindergarten, collages may be to their liking. When creating them, you need not only to glue, but also to draw a little. Portraits prepared using dried leaves look especially great.

Leaves portrait

Flower hair girl

Original collage of dried leaves

Craft from autumn flowers

If you really want to make a collage in the form of a portrait, but none of the parents can draw well, you can print someone else's sketch, decorate it with watercolors and decorate it with leaves, berries, and flowers on top. Such work will also look very beautiful.


They look unusual and, importantly, very easy to make pictures from the prints of autumn leaves. For their implementation, it is necessary to prepare the leaves of different trees (they can be both dry and green), thick paper and watercolor.

How to make a picture from prints

colorful picture

Autumn forest

The painting "Birds fly away"

Sun from prints

The big advantage of such autumn crafts is that a small child can make them almost independently. An adult only needs to observe his actions and suggest where it is better to attach the next sheet covered with paint.

Autumn crafts in the paper garden

It is not necessary to make crafts in the garden and school exclusively from natural materials. Suitable and colored paper, cardboard.

Autumn sheet of paper

autumn tree

If these materials were not in the house, you can use plain white paper. And when the work is done, decorate it with pencils, watercolors or gouache.

Autumn forest

autumn garlands

An excellent craft for both the garden and your own apartment will be garlands of paper multi-colored leaves.

Preparing an autumn garland

They can decorate walls, curtains, lamps. The main thing is not to be afraid to include as many bright colors as possible in the overall composition. After all, autumn is the time for yellow, red, orange, brown, beige, burgundy, green. All these colors need to be combined, then the garland will turn out incredibly bright and expressive.

Decorate your home with an autumn garland

Autumn paper leaves

Window decoration in kindergarten

paper leaves

How to store natural materials

If you properly store natural materials collected in the fall, they will be usable until next summer. All fragile herbs and flowers should be placed in a box with rigid walls. So they will remain unharmed, dust will not appear on their surface.

You can not stand on ceremony with snags and twigs - they can even lie on a shelf. A good place for them is the pantry, where they can be hung.

Storage of flowers and plants

Chestnuts, acorns and cones should not be poured into a common container. They need to be laid out in boxes or paper bags. In plastic bags, they will start to mold.

If you decide to prepare seeds for fruit crops, you will need a paper bag. You can do it yourself - roll up an A4 sheet and secure its edges with a stapler. Pebbles and shells can be put in a glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid.