Beautiful pictures with roses for your birthday. Birthday roses, congratulations to the rose. Happy birthday

Postcards for Valentine's Day began to be written in the XIV century. They served as messages between separated lovers. Naturally, in each country they brought their own flavor to such notes: the French added confessions in the form of passionate quatrains, and the British were the first to turn the note into a postcard decorated with angels, hearts and flowers. These postcards are still popular today. has selected for you several workshops on how to make a cute postcard for Valentine's Day with your own hands.

Postcard "100 hearts"

We will need:

  • scrapbooking paper;
  • cardboard;
  • patterned hole punch;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • envelope.
1. Take cardboard and make hearts out of it with a hole punch.
2. Bend the sheet of cardboard.
3. Take two different hearts and place them on the front of the card.

4. Using a sewing machine, sew the hearts onto the cardboard. Of course, this can also be done manually, only very carefully, because the seams will be in a conspicuous place.

5. Bend the top hearts.
6. Sign the postcard, pack it in an envelope and send it to the addressee!

Postcard "Confetti"

You will need:

  • cardboard;
  • old newspapers;
  • hole puncher;
  • colored paper;
  • oilcloth transparent;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • scissors.
1. Fold the cardboard in half and cut out a heart in the middle of the front side.

2. Make newspaper confetti with a hole punch.

3. Cut out squares from transparent oilcloth (2 pieces).
4. Sew the squares on three sides, and then fill the resulting pocket with confetti.

5. Sew up the remaining side of the square and attach the confetti figure to the inside of the cardboard so that the middle of the square is visible in the heart window.

6. Secure the square with tape.
7. Glue a piece of paper inside to hide the confetti.

Advice: a red envelope is perfect for such a postcard!

Valentine's card "We are together"

You will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • Polaroid photo card (we cut out a heart in it);
  • a series of photographs;
  • scotch;
  • pen;
  • knife;
  • glue.
1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and cut out a window on the front side.
2. In the postcard (if open, then on the right side), paste the photo with adhesive tape.
3. Stick a Polaroid photo on the first page.
4. The postcard can be supplemented with clippings from a magazine or signatures about your couple.

Postcard "Bouquet of flowers"

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • corrugated paper in pink and green;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. The basis of the postcard is cardboard. What it will be, you decide: plain, with a pattern or embossing. White paper is used as the second layer (cardboard is also possible).
2. The decoration of the postcard is flowers. They are easiest to make from corrugated paper. First, cut it into rectangles, and then roll them into a tube and bend them slightly. You will need a lot of such blanks of buds to decorate a postcard.
3. Do the same with corrugated green paper. Only twisted paper needs to be cut - to make it look like leaves.
4. Now you need to connect the rosebuds and leaves by gluing them together. There is no better material than corrugated paper for creativity. It is malleable and can easily be made into natural shaped buds.

5. Are the preparations ready? It's time to collect them in a bouquet. Stick them on the card, forming a heart shape.
Such a card, presented from the heart, is a proof of love for your soul mate.

Volumetric postcards for February 14

Volumetric postcards, or pop-up (“suddenly appearing”), are easy to make, but they turn out to be quite spectacular.

You will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • pattern;
  • cutter.
1. You can print the template or find a pattern on the Internet and redraw it. Mark the desired cuts, and then bend the paper along the dotted lines.
2. Glue the cutout onto a sheet of thick cardboard. It is better if the color of the blank and cardboard is different, so your confession will look more effective.

Such a postcard will appeal to a designer, gamer or programmer. Girls also like voluminous postcards, because they love surprises.

Paper valentines: "Cute elephant"

A very simple valentine. The secret to the card's success is the contrasting colors and hearts that make it look cute. By the way, a heart can be glued instead of an elephant's ear. As always, cardboard is taken as the basis, a carved elephant and hearts are glued onto it.

Valentine card "Heart in heart"

Such a card will be appreciated by a wife, husband or a person with whom you are just going to build a reliable relationship. Especially it will be to the place in the family where they are expecting a baby or already have children. Such a postcard is a message: “Your heart beats forever inside mine, the heart of our baby has safely settled in our hearts with you. Only together we are a real family, sincere love, and nothing can destroy our relationship.”

We will need:

  • white cardboard A4 - half a sheet;
  • red felt (as an option, suit fabric is suitable. You can use plain fabrics of different shades, this will add brightness to the composition);
  • openwork butterfly sticker;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
1. Fold the cardboard in half.
2. Cut out three hearts from the fabric. To prevent the edges from crumbling, overlock them or burn the edges with fire.
3. Assemble the composition. Do it carefully, trying not to stain a single heart.
4. Put the postcard under the press (for example, a book will perform this function).
5. It remains to wait until the valentine dries, and add the final touch - a voluminous butterfly. An inscription will not be superfluous, for example, this: “All this is only for you!”

Valentine's card "Seventh Heaven of Happiness"

Postcard with humor for a loved one.

You will need:

  • white and blue cardboard;
  • white paper decorated with love quotes;
  • felt (cardboard is also suitable) of red color;
  • silk thick thread;
  • mother-of-pearl beads;
  • clothes pin.
1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, then cut, fold one half again.
2. Cut out a rectangle from blue cardboard. And make it a little smaller than a postcard. Decorate the blue cardboard with beads, attaching the beads with glue. Attach them to the cardboard symmetrically. Let dry.
3. Take a sheet of cardboard with phrases about love. Cut out the clouds from it and glue it to the blue cardboard.
4. Glue a thick thread at the bottom of the blue rectangle. It should be attached diagonally. Fasten the entire structure with white cardboard.
5. Cut out a heart shape from red felt or cardboard. And then secure it with a clothespin on a string.

Valentine's Day "Thank You"

On Valentine's Day, of course, our soul mates are in the spotlight, but relatives and friends are also not left without attention. If you have someone to whom you want to express your gratitude, this craft will help you.

You will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • felt - multi-colored pieces;
  • buttons;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. From felt you need to cut out several hearts, different in size.
2. Fold the hearts with buttons and sew them together diagonally to the cardboard - this will be the front side of the card. Start sewing from the lower left corner to the upper right.
3. The inscription will complete the composition - in our case, it should express words of gratitude. Inside, it will also not be superfluous to write a few pleasant lines to the addressee.

Valentine card "Love at first sight"

You will need:

  • white cardboard as a base;
  • red yarn;
  • knitting needles;
  • glue.
1. First, tie a heart. Use a knit on the principle of a sleeve: this means you need to make air loops on one side and on the other, expanding the loop to the required size. Then close both ears in turn.
2. Take the cardboard, fold it in half and glue a heart on the front side. Attach an inscription below. Postcard is ready!
Ideas for creating original postcards for Valentine's Day

From the heart

The original postcard will turn out with handprints or fingerprints on the postcard. This idea is also a way to have fun with the kids.

Felt pens, pens or markers…

... to help you.

Fantasy and multi-colored pencils, paints or markers will help you create an original and bright postcard with your own hands.

Edible congratulations

Decorate and wrap cupcakes, brownies or a small cake. Write your congratulations at the top.

original packaging

Make a chocolate or candy wrapper. The template can be found on the Internet and printed, or you can make it yourself by putting your soul into a gift and making it 100% copyrighted.

Colors and textures will add originality to the postcard: clippings from old magazines, books or colored paper.

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A valentine is a small gift that people can give to anyone on Valentine's Day. If you have no desire to congratulate acquaintances or friends, then you can not give them gifts, but in no case do not forget about family and relatives. Be sure to buy or make your own beautiful valentines and hand them over. People say: the one who does not give a Valentine to another will be lonely for the whole current year.

If you go to the store, you can see a lot of beautiful postcards. Of course, you can buy ready-made and give it to your soul mate, but do not count on a special delight from it. Shop multi-colored hearts were made in printing publications, because they are not so highly valued. You can make a beautiful valentine with your own hands and hand it to your loved one.

A gift made by yourself has always been appreciated and will be appreciated much more. Even if you are not a creative person, but want to show your feelings, then be sure to try to make a beautiful postcard.

A few examples of the design of holiday cards for Valentine's Day

If you do not want to write banal notes on a postcard and draw hearts, then try to master quilling. This is one of the types of decoration for postcards, it consists in the fact that first applications are made from ribbons, then they are twisted and glued to a flat surface.

With the help of quilling, you can make a lot of different figures and patterns. Monograms or flowers are insanely beautiful. You need to have a special set on hand, which consists of a wooden stick and ribbons. Glue is also useful, with which we will fix the finished products to the surface.

Paper valentines

Do you want to make your own gift to your soul mate on Valentine's Day? We have collected for you a lot of original ideas that will help you in decorating a gift.

Recently, the direction of quilling is gaining popularity. Figures made using this technique look very beautiful.

You can create such beautiful kitties.

If you decide to make flowers, then proceed. You definitely won't guess!

Your soul mate will be pleased to hold a letter from a dove with love messages in her hands.

Make a valentine with wishes, seal the inscriptions with hearts.

The card can be decorated with beads. The gift will look more elegant.

You can make a creative "Valentine with wishes"

1. We take paints, a brush and a fountain pen.

2. We make a contour of the heart with a simple pencil.

3. We draw wishes, color them. At the end, we erase the trace from the pencil.

Postcard with confetti

1. We make a heart on a piece of cardboard.

2.Hole punch will help in creating confetti.

3. We place them in a bag and darn it.

4. We sit on the glue.

5.Gift completed.

Postcard "3D heart"

1. We take adhesive tape, an openwork napkin and scissors.

2. Prepare and cut.

3. We connect all the hearts.

4. Glue to the postcard.

5. If you have a hole puncher with different shapes, you can make a couple of figurines and glue them to the valentine.

Love inscription in 3D format

1.We prepare the components as we do.

2. We make the inscription "I love you."

3. Cut out with a clerical knife according to our example.

4. We glue a red strip in the middle for greater efficiency.

Rose heart

1. Cut out several circles.

2. We cut each one as in the photo and twist it.

3. We glue the flowers to the surface.

Love hearts

1. Draw 2 hearts.

2. Draw a contour and cut.

3. Glue the figurines on cardboard, close.

Gifts are very original and easy to create. Please your loved ones!

Fancy button valentines

In order to build a beautiful greeting card, you can take simple buttons. A button is used in many cases for various purposes. On this day, your soul mate will be happy if you give her hearts made of buttons. The gift will be creative and very romantic.

The color of the buttons, their shape, you should choose yourself. There are no specific rules, it all depends on your imagination. Do as you please. Know that no matter what colors and other parameters you choose, your soulmate will be happy with such a sincere gift anyway.

Try alternating the buttons by stroking the same color. For each row, choose a new color, start laying out a heart from the edges and move towards the center.

If you wish, you can draw another drawing. For example, you can make a tree from buttons, make a trunk from another material, decorate it. Your loved one will appreciate any gift.

If you want to surprise even more with your gift, you can make a bouquet of flowers. Take a button and cut out the petals from cardboard. Petals can be fixed with wire, which will also serve as a stem. Make some flowers and give a gift that you made with your own hands.

The most romantic day of the year is already on the way, so all lovers should start preparing for this joyful event. Gifts play an important role in most holidays. They allow you to express love and attention even more vividly, especially if they are selected with special trepidation. The main attribute of Valentine's Day are the well-known valentines. Shop windows provide a wide range of gifts for every taste, but why not please your soul mate with your own product. Making postcards for February 14 with your own hands is very easy, and this gesture will make your loved one very happy.

For this easy but beautiful card in the shape of a big heart, you will need the following materials:

  • Base cardboard;
  • Paper;
  • Heart stamp;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Scissors.


  1. First, fold a sheet of paper in half to make it easier to cut out an even heart. Make it medium sized, not too small.
  2. Then you will need not the heart itself, but a sheet with a hole. Attach it to the base of the postcard and secure with paper clips.
  3. Now let's use a stamp. In case of its absence, you can make a replacement by cutting out small hearts from the eraser.
  4. We dip our stamp in watercolors and make multi-colored prints, filling the area of ​​the hole.
  5. We unfasten a sheet of paper, and our cute craft is ready!

This fingerprint heart card is probably the simplest of homemade options, but it's no less cute for that. For her, prepare the base, paints and, of course, your fingers.

  1. Dip your thumb in red watercolor or gouache.
  2. Now attach it to the cover two times so that the prints form a heart.
  3. Write any romantic phrase you want under the heart, for example, "I love you."
  4. Our original exclusive souvenir is ready.

Surprise your soul mate with an original variation on the theme of valentines and make an original postcard. Take the following:

  • Cardboard base of any color;
  • Red and brown colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.


  1. Draw a small open box or envelope on brown paper, trace the outlines with a pen and cut out.
  2. Next, make a lot of small hearts out of red paper, and cut two of them so that they look out of the envelope.
  3. Then stick the envelope in the center of the card, and the hearts falling from above into it.
  4. At the bottom, write: "Love package" or "Sending you my love."

If you are head over heels in love, then this love balloon card is for you. Prepare the following materials:

  • cardboard base;
  • Colored cardboard in red and pink;
  • white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Black pen.


  1. Let's do the applique: cut out two pieces of white clouds and hearts of the same size in different colors.
  2. Now we glue the clouds first, and then symmetrically in the middle of the postcard, two hearts of different colors next to each other.
  3. Then we bend the remaining hearts in half and, along this bend, glue each one in the center of a heart of its own color.
  4. It remains only to finish the "balloons" baskets below, and be sure to add a garland connecting them.

Does your partner have an extraordinary sense of humor? Then don't be afraid to stand out and make a creative postcard in the form of a minion in love. You will need:

  • Yellow cardboard;
  • Black, gray and white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Black marker.


  1. The base will be yellow. Yes, yes, you heard right, such an unusual Valentine.
  2. Cut a strip of black paper 2 cm wide and stick it at a distance of 1/3 from the top of the card.
  3. Next, we cut out a heart twice as wide as this strip from white, and from gray - a rim for it, and glue them on a black strip in the middle, these will be the glasses of our one-eyed minion.
  4. Add a black circle in the center of the white heart, now it's an eye.
  5. Finishing touches: Glue small gray hearts around the edges of the black glasses frame and draw a smirk on our funny character.

Previous cards were with an emphasis on the cover, now we will decorate our valentine inside. Take for the product:

  • A small blue cardboard base;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Pink cardboard;
  • Beautiful twine or ribbon;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Marker.


  1. First, make two holes opposite each other on both sides of the card.
  2. Then measure the length of the ribbon so that you can pass it through the holes outward from the middle and, closing the card, tie a bow.
  3. Now cut out two small hearts of the same size from pink cardboard and bend them in half a little.
  4. Glue the hearts together, securing the ribbon between them strictly in the center of the valentine so that the curve of the heart matches the curve of the card.
  5. It remains only to sign: outside - "look inside", and inside, on the sides of the heart - "I love you."

Another example of an interesting inside postcard-clamshell, quite simple to manufacture. You will need the following materials:

  • Pink base cardboard;
  • Colored cardboard in pink, red and with beautiful prints for variety;
  • Twine;
  • Small thin colorless clothespins;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.


  1. We take dark pink cardboard and cut off two strips 1 cm wide and as high as our postcard, they will come in handy later.
  2. Now we cut out 5-6 hearts of different shapes and colors, but such that they are unlikely to fit into the ajar valentine.
  3. We fix the twine along the edges inside the card with glue and close these places with the previously prepared strips of pink cardboard.
  4. And at the end we hang our hearts on a rope.

Romantic decor is what you need for homemade valentine cards. Prepare for the product such devices:

  • White base cardboard;
  • Dark pink and pink cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Black marker.


  1. The main thing to do for this postcard is to cut out a lot of butterflies from colored cardboard. Make them in different sizes and fold them in half.
  2. Then you need to outline a big heart on our base and glue all our butterflies inside it along the bends so that their wings are free, you get such a 3D effect.
  3. It remains only to sign a valentine, for example, "I still have butterflies in my stomach from you." Original and very soulful.

To some, this beautiful card with falling hearts may seem complicated, but after reading our instructions, you will understand that you were mistaken. Take the following:

  • White cardboard base;
  • Red cardboard;
  • White threads;
  • Needle;
  • Red marker;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Red ribbon.


  1. Draw on the basis of thin lines from the top to about the middle, but make them all of different lengths.
  2. Now we make holes along these lines with a needle somewhere in half a centimeter, do not forget to erase the trace of the pencil later.
  3. Next, we need to “flash” our Valentine on them.
  4. Cut out a few small hearts from red cardboard and glue them at the ends of the lines, and you can just draw hearts on some of them, it will turn out even more interesting.
  5. It's time to add the final touch: tie a bow on the ribbon and glue this part to the bottom of the card, and also add the signature "I love you".

Postcards for Valentine's Day can be not only pink, but also bright. We will do one of these now, and for this we will need:

  • White cardboard for the base and one more white sheet in addition;
  • Paper of nine different colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Black marker.


  1. The most important and neat action that we need to perform is to cut 9 medium hearts symmetrically on a white sheet of cardboard, leaving it even.
  2. Then we glue 9 small pieces of colored paper to the base at the level of our holes.
  3. It remains only to attach a white sheet of paper on top of the base so that the colored paper is visible only from the hearts, but does not peek out from behind the edges.
  4. Write the phrase "You decorate my world" at the bottom.

This is a very beautiful postcard. It is made using the quilling technique. The production is quite simple. Therefore, even if you have no idea at all about such a method, it will not be difficult to make a very cool postcard.

For this we need:

  • red paper
  • White paper
  • pencil
  • cardboard or similar thick paper
  • scissors

Manufacturing process:

Red paper must be cut into thin strips. The width should be no more than 0.5 cm. Each ribbon must be tightly wound onto a pencil. Get a spiral. The cardboard needs to be folded in half, it will be a cool and inexpensive postcard. On one side, draw the outline of the heart with a pencil. It must be filled with red spirals. To do this, we glue each blank within the framework of the picture in random order. Next, we cut the white paper into strips of the same size as the red one, make the edging of the heart. That is, we glue the pieces around the perimeter of the pasted spirals. Next, cut out small hearts from red paper and glue them over the entire area in random order. They can be additionally decorated with sparkles and ribbons.

Postcard "Coffee Heart"

For this craft you will need:

  • cardboard
  • coffee beans
  • decorative glitter ribbon
  • beads
  • hairspray (preferably with glitter)
  • scissors
  • pencil

Manufacturing method:

Fold the cardboard in half. On one side, draw the outline of the heart. Cover it carefully with coffee beans. Cut the desired size from the decorative tape and glue it down the length. Next, a small bow or heart is made from the ribbon, glued in the upper corner of the workpiece. Ribbons can be decorated with beads. Apply hairspray to the finished postcard and leave to dry completely.

Volumetric postcard "Valentine"

Now you will learn how to make a postcard for February 14 with your own hands, not only rectangular or heart-shaped, but also round.

For this you will need:

  • red and white cardboard
  • red glitter
  • red decorative ribbon
  • scissors

Manufacturing process:

From red cardboard you need to cut round blanks. The more of them, the more voluminous the postcard will turn out. Along the length of the circle you need to make small hemispheres. Red blanks should resemble a flower with petals. A smaller circle is cut out of white cardboard. Red blanks need to be glued all together. A white circle is glued on top. It must be fixed in such a way that the red petals are longer than its circumference. After that, on white cardboard, you need to draw the outline of a heart with a pencil. It must be well smeared with glue. Pour red sparkles on top, let dry, and blow off. From a decorative ribbon you need to make a bow and glue it at the base of a shiny heart. The best postcard for February 14 is ready!

Postcard "Original"

For the product you will need:

  • plain glossy thick paper
  • confetti
  • soft plastic box
  • double-sided adhesive transparent film
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors

Preparation method:

  1. For such a postcard, it is better to take confetti in a shiny or bright color. If you do not have such gizmos, you can make them yourself. Next, we make a rectangular blank from thick paper and bend it in half. After that, you need to cut a heart out of any paper. The template for the future postcard must be bent with the front side inward. Put a heart on top and circle with a pencil.
  2. We cut along the drawn contour, cutting through both halves of the cardboard at once. If the cardboard is unfolded, there are two heart-shaped holes on both halves. Next, we make a rectangle from a plastic box. Fold it in half and cut out a double heart. The size of this blank should be slightly larger than the size of the cut out hearts.
  3. Draw a heart on the adhesive film with a pencil and cut it out. We remove the film on one side and glue it to the plastic heart. Next, you need to remove the second layer and put confetti in the middle. Close up the plastic heart.
  4. After that, the template must be smeared with glue and fixed with a plastic heart. We glue everything together. Decorate with bows and beads. Ready!

Postcard "Only love"

For this job you will need:

  • red cardboard
  • White paper
  • film
  • needle
  • thread
  • clothespins
  • double sided tape
  • scissors
  • glitter marker

Preparation method:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from cardboard. This is a blank for a future postcard, so it can be made curly. Next, cut out a heart from white paper. With the help of clothespins, we attach a film to it and sew it, but not completely. Leave a pocket with a small hole. It is desirable that the thread is red. If there is none, white will do. We make a seam, stepping back from the edge of the white blank half a centimeter.
  2. Next, cut out very small hearts from red paper. About the size of Christmas tree confetti, we fill the film pocket with these hearts and sew it up to the end. Cut off the excess film. Using double-sided tape, glue the resulting heart to the red blank. We write a declaration of love with a marker in the lower corner.

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. The holiday has taken root with us, and valentines are made at any age, even in kindergarten. After all, it has long been known that "all ages are submissive to love, its impulses are beneficial." Moreover, they are “beneficial” both from an emotional point of view and in the literal sense of the word: any manual labor develops fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, accuracy and other useful and necessary things in everyday life.

About times, about customs: traditions of celebrating February 14 in different countries

Americans, for example, back in the last century, they “got into the habit” of sending marzipans to their loved ones. And they were expensive in those days.

Japanese played on chocolate. At the suggestion of one large chocolate company, sweet gifts are still the most common to this day.

Belgians present to loved ones chocolates in the form of a heart.

IN Germany for breakfast they buy heart-shaped buns.

French people on this day they are not greedy - they give jewelry.

IN Denmark send dried white flowers to loved ones.

IN Britain On February 14, unmarried girls get up before sunrise to tell fortunes about their betrothed. According to legend, the first man they see through the window is the future lover. It remains only to catch up and get acquainted.

Distinguished Saudi Arabia. This is the only country in the world where this holiday is officially banned. Violators face a hefty fine!

What to give on February 14: do-it-yourself postcards

A handmade postcard is a very touching gift for any occasion. Not everyone dares to express their feelings in words ... It is enough to give a postcard - and the addressee will understand everything. Let's give each other valentines as a sign of love, devoted friendship and just good wishes! Our ideas will tell you how to make a postcard by February 14 with your own hands.

A few heart-shaped stencils - and voila! Spraying with a stiff brush or an old toothbrush is a matter of a few minutes.

It's fun to draw fingerprints! The postcard will literally “keep your hands warm” for a long time. This is so touching…

A white bird with a scarlet heart is stylish and romantic. A simple silhouette should be cut out with nail scissors or a sharp craft knife. Choose thicker paper for postcards.

For those who do not have a very high opinion of their artistic abilities, the option “Point, dot, comma - the face came out crooked. Arms, legs, cucumber - it turned out to be a little man! will surely fit. Buttons and beautiful paper will give the postcard a "marketable" look.

Even ordinary kraft wrapping paper is useful for making DIY postcards.

A simple application will be possible even for kids. Beautiful paper hearts can be sewn directly to the base of the card.

The declaration of love in the form of a puzzle looks original. In this case, children will also practice logical thinking.

Lovers have their heads in the clouds - that's a fact. A postcard on this theme will be a great souvenir for the holiday.

For those who are not averse to "get confused", voluminous options are suitable. You open it, and there ... WOW!

A simple version of a three-dimensional heart made of colored paper. A separate accordion is folded for each half of the heart, glued together and the desired symmetrical shape is cut out.

Volumetric elements make the postcard interesting and unusual. You can draw something with a marker so that the plot matches the theme.

A postcard in the form of open palms looks touching. You will need cutting skills with a breadboard knife and a little patience.

Not exactly a postcard in the eyes of the layman, but, you see, original!

You can “revive” the postcard with the help of moving eyes for toys hanging on strings of elements.

Try to put all the warmest and most tender feelings in a jar and hand it to your soulmate. You will need thick colored paper and double-sided tape.

Little ladies will love pony postcards. Colored paper and bright knitting threads will come in handy.

On Valentine's Day, your own hands can also play the role of a greeting card!

If you need to congratulate a lot of people on the holiday at once, sweet candy valentines will do. Paper heart-cards can be fixed on skewers.

A traditional postcard-book can be replaced with a boat. Both congratulations and sweet surprises will fit on board.

There are a lot of options for sweet valentines, and it’s not at all necessary to buy candies in kilograms. Two are enough to make an original postcard for Valentine's Day.

Dear readers! Tell us, do your children give you Valentines? Perhaps you yourself made postcards for people dear to you. Share the secrets of making souvenirs with your own hands. Is your hobby ready to take it to the next level?