Rich men want to meet a simple girl. Where and how to find a rich man: places with a good choice, dating tips

Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and most successful men. That is why the capital attracts girls from different parts of the country to search for an enviable groom.

Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in fulfilling a dream is the correct formulation of your goal. By sending your thoughts to the universe about wanting to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of making them a reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. In order to achieve the goal, you need to make your own efforts. If you want to marry not a poor simpleton, but a solid and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

11 "fish" places to find a rich groom in the capital

Starting the hunt for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that this will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not distributed for free. And to search for a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on your own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places in order to enter the social circle of the elite of society.

If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of enviable suitors, to visit those places where representatives of the capital's beau monde most often spend their free time.

To increase your chances of success, follow a series of rules:

  • try to settle in one of the elite districts of the capital, the Moscow region or the Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarch's ponds, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublevka, Barvikha) or take a walk in these places with your girlfriends more often;
  • visit expensive restaurants;
  • at lunchtime, look into cafes located next to the State Duma;
  • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
  • sign up for an elite fitness club;
  • try to get a job at the Moscow City business center;
  • stroll through expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
  • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
  • place a portfolio in the database of a VIP matchmaker;
  • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
  • participate in charitable activities.

5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

5 tips will help you move on to an active search for a worthy man and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

  1. Friends experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch the “goldfish”. Try to get information about where such men are more often and how you can meet them. Ask wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their circle of friends and do not forget to invite you to private parties.
  2. Study the gossip to understand the interests of today's wealthy and the places where they like to relax. It can be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, closed clubs. Dating at parties has not been canceled, but you are much more likely to successfully meet at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, board game clubs.
  3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can be your guide to private events, where eligible bachelors most often live. You can always ask for a private party, an interesting exhibition.
  4. Business centers. Remember that rich men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy grooms "settle" in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
  5. Trainings and courses of personal growth. There is a direct relationship between the financial condition and the development of the intellect of a man. Rich men are constantly improving themselves and gaining new knowledge. Business training is a great opportunity to understand how the rich think and be a little closer to them.
Many wealthy women love to choose men for themselves, whom they, as it were, take under their wing. There are many names for such phenomena, but the essence of this does not change. And if you are tired of a deplorable existence, and you want luxury in exchange for certain services on your part, you should definitely try to find such a lady for yourself. To date, specialized services that help to start dating rich women all over the country, enjoy really serious popularity, often even replacing the traditional methods of finding sexual partners with well-filled wallets.

One of the main advantages of a specially designed site is that you definitely do not have to go anywhere to meet a VIP who is ready for such a relationship. And since most often such people are used to relaxing and having fun in fairly expensive places and spending a lot of money on their leisure time, you would also have to fork out quite a lot. On the Internet, everything is a little different, you just visit the resource you need and start looking through the profiles of those who want to find a lover for themselves with additional options. You will not need to humiliate yourself and hint about your special offer, because the users of these thematic sites are aware of the main purpose of dating.

Everyone can choose for themselves a rich person who can fulfill their dreams and fantasies today. To do this, you will need a mobile device or desktop computer to access the respective site. You yourself determine the time frame for communication, so this option is suitable for absolutely everyone: for students, employed and unemployed. As soon as you have a free minute, be sure to try your luck and, perhaps, soon your life will change for the better.

In order to make the most effective acquaintance with the generous and rich, you need to present yourself correctly. Create your personal profile and make it so that you want to get to know. Choose a photo that shows you from the most advantageous angle, share information about yourself, your appearance, interests and preferences, and be sure that dating will be really active and exciting.

Everyone wants to be loved and happy. There is not a single woman in the world who would not dream of marrying a real prince. Not always personal life develops the way you want, but do not despair and give up on yourself. Any woman can meet the man of her dreams if she sets herself such a goal. The main thing is to know how and where you can get acquainted with the rich representatives of the strong half of humanity.

How to meet a rich man

If you, by all means, want to meet a rich man, then before you think about where you can meet him, take care of how you look. Successful representatives of the strong half of humanity are in demand like no other. For this reason, they are accustomed to closely evaluate not only future business partners, but also women who they want to see next to them.

It is not easy to get acquainted with a wealthy man, but it is possible, but it is not at all easy to win. Usually people who have achieved success in life, with significant financial resources, are very picky, distrustful and harsh. Overcoming all the ups and downs on the way to their peaks, their soul disappears under a thick layer of armor, and they allow few people to look there and get closer. They are negatively inclined towards women who do not hide their own commercialism, and they are wary of any representative of the beautiful half of humanity, believing that they are not interested in themselves, but in their money. Your task is to prove that you are not like that.

Whatever goals you pursue, never ask a rich man for earnings, otherwise your acquaintance will end in an hour. They, like no one else, know what betrayal and constant attempts to use the other for their own benefit. A sincere desire to find love will allow you to avoid many mistakes when dealing with rich men who are very sensitive to neglect in relation to themselves. The best option, of course, will be the one in which you do not just want to meet a rich man in order to marry him, whether you like him or not, but the one in which you dream of meeting your loved one, reliable assistant and emphasis.

Do not forget about the competition from women who, like you, want to meet successful representatives of the strong half of humanity. In order not to be mistaken with how you should look, study the style that distinguishes the wives of oligarchs, celebrities, businessmen, politicians and, taking into account this information, select your own wardrobe, focusing not on price, but on style. Don't try to impress a man with a sexy outfit if you want a serious relationship. On the contrary, clothes should reflect your self-esteem, causing a desire to get to know you better.

So, before you go to meet the man of your dreams, take care not only of the appearance, which should remain on top, but also of the internal state. It is very important to look so that a rich man perceives you as a representative of his social circle, confident in himself. The wardrobe should be distinguished by an exquisite style, and the appearance should be well-groomed, fresh and elegant.

During communication, skillfully keep the conversation going, let him talk about what hurts. Men who own businesses are often in dire need of an attentive listener. They do not always have the opportunity to speak out, and yet they have to deal with so many things and bear responsibility for them.

Remember that a rich man has made a fortune with his intellectual abilities, so he really appreciates smart and well-read interlocutors who give him the opportunity to enjoy the conversation. But it is worthwhile to flaunt knowledge carefully, subtly feeling the line, crossing which you can annoy him because of an attempt to emphasize your own intellectual superiority. But you should not hide your intellect, because men who have managed to achieve what they want will gladly begin to prove their superiority, courting and trying to arouse in you a feeling of admiration for his achievements.

Photo: where and how to meet a rich man

  • Rich men, in accordance with their status, visit expensive restaurants, stay in the best hotels and relax in the most fashionable resorts. The list of places where they visit most often depends on the size of their wealth. Before you go somewhere in the hope of meeting a rich man, evaluate your options. It depends on them where you can go.
  • Many wealthy representatives of the strong half of humanity love to engage in winter sports, especially skiing. If you have the opportunity to visit such a winter resort, feel free to go there and take lessons. The same advice applies to expensive summer resorts.
  • A more affordable option would be to attend equestrian sports, tennis or golf, which are also popular among wealthy men. Here you just need to buy a ticket and dress appropriately. Visiting expensive fitness clubs and restaurants can also pay off, but do not rush to spend money if their amount is limited.
  • You can get acquainted with a wealthy man by working in a large company, especially oil and gas, international, insurance or financial. In this case, only your position plays a big role and a clear understanding that if the romance ends unsuccessfully, you may have to leave your job. Don't focus only on colleagues or department heads, pay attention to business partners or suppliers who visit the firm. Each of them can be a potential chosen one.
  • If you are ready to take risks, get a job where job responsibilities will allow you to communicate with a large number of men. Having taken the position of a shoe salesman in a men's clothing company store, you will easily meet a wealthy representative of the strong half of humanity. Sporting goods stores, work in the tourism or insurance industry will expand the circle of acquaintances, especially with wealthy men.
  • Many opportunities for meeting the rich representatives of the strong half of humanity are provided by work in car dealerships that sell elite car brands such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Toyota, Lexus, Bentley and others. But in order to get a job there as a sales assistant, as a rule, you need a good knowledge of English, an impeccable knowledge of information related to cars, and the ability to communicate with the most demanding customers. But for that, such a job, like no other, will increase your chances of meeting the one and only among the rich and successful.
  • Be prepared for the fact that a rich lover will require you to completely abandon your life and follow him at his first call. Successful men do not differ in particular sentimentality, so you should not expect romantic deeds from him. And with free time, such people, as a rule, are very bad. After a period of courtship, and maybe even during it, you will spend most of your time alone, as meetings, business meetings, business and a host of other things, with all his desire, will not allow you to pay enough attention to you. Yes, and to the claims that an ordinary man will condescendingly listen to, a rich man will be hostile, he will not tolerate claims and reproaches from a woman. Their work requires concentration, rigidity and exactingness in relation to others, and even in the family it is sometimes difficult for them to reorganize. If you are ready for this, feel free to start realizing your dream. You can meet a rich man in many places, even at the station or in the park, the main thing is to carefully look around.

Before you start looking for a rich man, consider whether you really only need someone who can surprise you with a lot of money. A marriage of convenience can be strong, but it rarely brings happiness. Of course, every woman knows herself better and understands what she wants to get from life. But do not rush to give up love if your chosen one is not rich. Together you can achieve a lot if you support the aspirations of your loved one and sometimes imperceptibly guide him in the right direction.

With rich partners - the goal of many men- and financially secure, and those who want to get a good job and live sweetly at the expense of another. And this becomes a way out for those young people who do not see prospects for a decent existence in the future, except for this one. Increasingly, young people indicate their external data in questionnaires and mark that they would like to meet a wealthy woman, they are even ready to move in with her if she lives alone.

"Gigolo", which we remember from the time of the work of Dumas, has undergone changes for a long time, and few people are now interested in whether an attractive young man who does not have wealthy parents and a well-paid job lives with a rich woman on the payroll? Many young "stars" from among the precocious ones do just that - having found themselves a rich older woman. It is expected that she will pay for their expensive clothes and the standard of living they aspire to. Time passes, priorities change, and for slender athletic men with beautiful faces, it is no longer shameful to look for a lady who will pay for all their whims for their sexual services, and they consciously take this step.

Moscow will be able to provide you with acquaintance with rich women, because whoever seeks will always find. In small towns it is difficult to find a rich woman who wants to have fun, or take a young man for permanent maintenance. Therefore, the probability of search increases in cities such as Moscow. Rich Muscovites for the most part will not be against such a novel.

Of course, some may also want a man who helps them around the house and with children, but now you can more often meet a man who wants a fairy tale brought to life in exchange for sexual services. This man does not hide his intentions, he speaks directly about them, because he is confident in his demand and is consciously focused on the fact that all his expensive toys will be paid for by a rich mistress. He's not shy about being contained. Having sex for him is also a job that he must do well, and this job should feed him ... if he considers himself a professional in it. After all, time is fleeting, and the quality of sexual services provided by a man may not be the same as a woman needs. While a man is young, he tries not to miss his chance.

Dating rich womenMoscow will provide you with us - and then act! Ultimately, this is an honest exchange, even if there are no feelings involved. And if it's love ... even more so! We wish that each of you get what you expect.

Are you still haunted by the story of Cinderella and the heroine of the film "Pretty Woman", who in an instant turned from a poor girl into a rich and happy lady? Do you want to repeat their success, find a wealthy man who will generously shower you with luxurious gifts, invite you to an elite holiday in the best places in the world, introduce you to interesting and successful people? Today you will learn how to do it.

The opinion is erroneous that in order to attract a guy, a girl needs only a bright image, expensive clothes, a beautiful face. Successful young people who have independently won their place in the sun, and not "daddy's sons", look much deeper. They like women who :

  • Interested in business and career, attend thematic forums, trainings, courses, master classes.
  • Constantly improve themselves, watch scientific documentaries, follow politics, understand the economy, read the news.
  • Are fond of art, because otherwise there will not even be anything to talk about with the chosen one. This is a very important point, since it is customary to talk about “high” when receiving high-ranking officials and just business people.
  • Do everything sincerely. They can be trusted with any task and problem without fear of betrayal.
  • Always optimistic. Why does a businessman need a pessimist who has everything bad in her life, who does not appreciate what she has, constantly cries, sees only the bad? Such men, in order for them to increase their capital, need a reliable rear and support.
  • Familiar with the concept of "femininity". This is not only a good hairstyle, high heels and a tight dress, but also the right behavior. A girl should not swear, raise her voice, especially to the opposite sex, smoke and drink.
  • Do not shy away from housework. A real hostess simply cannot but be able to cook a delicious dinner, iron a shirt, tie a tie.
  • Self-confident. In the world of business, you need to be able to stand up for yourself, show your teeth. A shy girl from the village, who arrived in the capital in "rose-colored glasses", is unlikely to interest the oligarch. At the same time, in society, a girl, even if she can stop a galloping horse, should always be in the background, and her man will be the background. Here are simple and proven ways,. You will need some cosmetics, a trip to the spa and something else. Read more about this in another article on the site.

Avoid young millionaires (sons of oligarchs), they very often make bad managers who can lose their fortune in 2-3 years.

And now more about appearance ... The main rule, in order to attract rich Pinocchio, is grooming. Manicure, face and body skin - everything must be perfect. We also advise you to find out. All details (length, color, hairstyle) can be found in our other article.

Make-up - minimal, but high-quality; clothing must be expensive. Wealthy young people pay special attention to perfumes. In this article, we have prepared a rating for you.

If you want to become a wife, not a kept woman, be seductive, but not vulgar!

Want to get step-by-step instructions on how to get to know successful men the right way? We advise you to check out the new free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, push him to get acquainted, interest and captivate.

To watch, click here on this link, leave your e-mail and an email with a link to the video will be sent to the mail.

Where to find a rich admirer

Here are the TOP 9 places where you can meet a respectable groom:

  1. Business trainings, seminars, forums. Those who want to improve their project management skills, increase capital, and develop their business come here.
  2. Eco-shops. Healthy eating, like the whole lifestyle, is a very expensive pleasure, so only wealthy people can afford it.
  3. Premium fitness clubs. It is unlikely that you will be able to meet an oligarch here, they really value their time, therefore they prefer to train at home, but they will be able to get acquainted with a well-to-do young man.
  4. fashionable restaurants. Establishments should be really elite, preferably with a dress code.
  5. Expensive resorts. If possible, go on a “hunt” to Monaco, the south of France (Cannes, Nice), the Maldives (Rania), Miami - this is where millionaires spend their money! Of the ski resorts, the Swiss Zermatt should be distinguished.
  6. Marriage agencies. If you don't mind moving abroad, use their services. Take a closer look at the candidates from Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, England, Norway, USA. This is where the largest number of millionaires live.
  7. Dating websites. Here are some suitable resources - , , . But keep in mind that on these sites you can directly offer content or even one-time sex for money and gifts.
  8. Sport sections. Attend tennis courts, equestrian competitions, races such as Formula 1, a golf club and a yacht club.
  9. Job. The easiest way for those who work in a car dealership is to look at buying expensive cars - Bentley, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari. Employees of travel agencies, branded stores for men's clothing and shoes can also be lucky. There are also many chances for girls working in oil and gas companies and banks.

The formula for success is quite simple - a good education + ambitions + an influential environment and a decent job or business. Learn and develop! As an addition, here is another list of places where you can. Here are collected options from cafes to resorts.

What a girl needs to be ready for, who wants to charm a rich man, the journalists of TV channel 24 figured out, here is a video:

How to recognize if a man is rich

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • Appearance. A person with a huge fortune is always well-groomed, from toenails to hair on his head. He always smells pleasant, and does not carry tobacco or alcohol a mile away.
  • Cloth. Serious young people dress the same way - they can be seen wearing expensive trouser suits, tailored to order. Wardrobe items are mostly plain, no stripes, flowers, squares. Jeans and other informal attire are allowed, but only in everyday life.
  • Behavior. A serious rich man will never overspend, especially at the first meeting (if we are talking about a future wife, and not a kept woman). But, having got to know his companion better, he can give her elite gifts (jewelry, spa certificates, etc.)
  • Interests. At the secured MCH everything is scheduled by the minute. At the same time, he always finds time to play golf, tennis, travel on a yacht and other elite entertainment.
  • Rest. Anyone who has money certainly travels to other countries at least 3-4 times a year. It boasts an impressive list of visited cities and countries, whether it's a business or personal visit.
  • Environment and property. If your "victim" has a personal security guard or even two, own driver, expensive car, well-known and wealthy friends - you've come to the right place!

These are the main criteria for finding a rich groom.

How to attract attention and communicate

First of all, you need to behave naturally, there should be no affectation. If you are interested not only in his money, but also in his position in society, prospects for himself, then forget about them altogether!

If he invites you on a date to an elite restaurant, offer to go to some inexpensive but cozy coffee shop. Calling for a weekend in Paris - ask your grandmother in the village to keep you company. And so in everything. Believe me, sooner or later it will pay off, and you will still go to your Paris, only, perhaps, already as a wife.

Remember that for the rich, everything revolves around the wallet, so your task is to distract your candidate from this! Show that you can enjoy life without a solid bank account. Invite a man to ride bicycles, roller skates, for a walk in the park, for a picnic in the woods.

A very important point is the absence of questions about the income of your "prince". You also need to pay yourself in restaurants and shops, at least offer it at first. Do not ask to buy you a mink coat, and even more so an apartment in a new building.

If you only need his money, have the courage to immediately admit this to yourself and the man. No need to build a touchy, nobody likes it. Think about what you can offer in return, besides the body. Perhaps you have some developments, plans, commercial proposals that require large investments. Offer to help him raise capital, even if you can't afford it, your "prince" will obviously be interested.

Be sure to pay attention to gestures when speaking. In order for you to correctly understand the "body language", we have revealed everything. You will find out why the interlocutor touches his lips, twirls something in his hands, etc.

How to chat online

Let's hasten to upset, to find a millionaire who makes acquaintances on the Internet is the same as finding a needle in a haystack. But there are enough wealthy people there. If you initiate communication, then start with something positive, for example, "The image of a business person suits you." If your interlocutor is exactly like that, then he will correct you and say that this is not an image at all, but his essence.

After making sure that you got to the right place, start a conversation about the fact that now it is very difficult to find an adequate person who is interested not only in the thickness of the wallet. Follow up with his answers. Ask how he likes to rest and relax, why he is still alone, etc.

Millionaire hunter mistakes

Here's what you should never do:

  • Act like you don't care about his money. On the contrary, say that you are pleased to see a successful person next to you and that you want to match him.
  • Constantly talking about shopping, fashion, finding out the relationship between the stars. It does not give intelligence to the girl.
  • Pump lips, buttocks, breasts with silicone if your goal is a serious relationship, not flirting and content.
  • To give up your life, devoting all your time only to a man. You must have your own interests and your own business. So you can still protect yourself if your chosen one decides to leave you.
  • Too fast sex - if on a 2-3 date you ended up in bed with him, the likelihood of building a serious relationship is almost zero. Get ready to become another doll that is used, broken and then thrown out as useless.
  • Most girls think, now I’ll lure him into a net, sit down and hang my legs. It's a failed plan, you won't get far with it. Be independent!

Avoid these mistakes, learn how to behave with men so that they fall in love! This article will help you with this, which contains. You will learn how to relate to a gentleman, what you need to change in yourself, what you need to say, etc.

Inspirational Movies to Watch

If you do not want to become furniture for a rich man, which they will simply wipe their feet on, watch a few life films:

  • "Gorgeous"- the story of a prostitute who has become popular.
  • "I'm over it"- the picture tells about the life of an ordinary waitress who has an affair with a wealthy young man.
  • "How to Marry a Millionaire"- events unfold in New York, and again about unequal love.
  • "Mind and Feelings"- a film about the children of a once widowed rich woman who fell in love with people not from her circle.
  • "Passion"- Indian melodrama about how the sons of influential people went crazy for poor girls.

If you want to avoid mistakes, watch the program "Affects everyone." Here stories of real hunters for millions are told, a lot of informative. Girls, don't forget about intelligence if you don't want to look as stupid as the heroines of this video:

How to attract a wealthy boyfriend

Form in your head the image of your "prince" - hair color, height, physique. Imagine how and where you meet him, what you say, how he looks. Think about what he should be doing - show business, the financial sector, politics, etc. Start each day with thoughts about him. When meeting with a potential candidate, be natural, repeat to yourself: I am the best, I am a charming person, everyone likes me. Be sure to smile! Before going on a quest, if you believe in otherworldly forces, you can perform the following ritual:

Exactly at midnight, retire to your room, turn off the light, light 13 church candles. Mentally draw to yourself how you see your chosen one. Then read the plot 3 times: “I invite suitors, generous and rich. Nochenka, help me, bring my betrothed. I don’t have the strength to live in poverty, I don’t want to know the need in the future, I’m waiting for the man of my dreams. Fire, do everything I ask, I’m doing it for happiness today! Then repeat out loud 3 times, Amen, put out the candles and throw the cinders behind the house.

Before you go looking for a rich man, think about whether it's worth it. Well, you will find, conquer, and he will suddenly take it and go bankrupt? Maybe you will be much happier, achieving goals together with a partner of your social status ...