Maniacs scary stories from real life. Life Stories

This crime story happened when I was 19 years old. At this time, I had already been married for six months, but I often met my girlfriends. And on one of the frosty winter evenings, I went to visit a friend, and my husband went to drink beer to his friend, who lived not far from our house. My girlfriend lived eight stops away from me.
We drank with her, started talking and did not notice that the hand on the clock was already showing one in the morning. Reluctantly, we ran with her to the bus stop. Realizing that the buses no longer run, I still hoped to leave on the Gazelle. We stood at the bus stop for about ten minutes, but there was no minibus. A friend offered to stay overnight with her, but I was afraid that my husband would scold me. I didn’t have money for a taxi, and I also rejected my friend’s offer to borrow money for me. there was nothing to give them away.

Suddenly, a young guy of about 24 years old came up to us, spoke to us, introduced himself and offered a ride. Without thinking twice, I agreed, because. I was afraid to get it from my husband and I, by all means, had to get home.

There was a "seven" next to the stop and the guy invited us to it. What was his surprise when my friend said that she lives nearby and she does not go with us, but simply escorts me ...

Getting into the car, I saw that in addition to my new acquaintance, another young man was driving, but somehow I did not attach much importance to this. The guy got into the passenger seat next to the driver, I told him where to drop me off, and off we went. Approaching my stop, I realized with horror that the driver was not going to stop. In response to my requests to stop the car, the guy who offered to give me a ride said that they had to pay for the ride, but since I don’t have money, I’ll have to pay with my body.

I began to feverishly come up with plans for my salvation, tried to persuade him not to do anything with me, that I was married, that I loved my husband, to which he sarcastically replied that if I was married, then I had experience, and in general, what I thought when I got into the car with two men? To my surprise, despite the fact that I immediately sobered up from fear, I behaved extremely calmly.

I agreed to such a price for a taxi, and I myself continued to think over the plan of my salvation. They brought me to some private sector and invited me into the house. I refused to go there and offered to do it somewhere else. To which the guy agreed, moved to me in the back seat. The car started moving, the guy began to paw me, while he told me that he wanted to marry a good girl, but first he wanted to “try” everyone else in order to understand what kind of girl he needed. He seemed very strange to me. Then I came to the conclusion that he had real mental disorders. The driver was also strange - he drove the car without uttering a single word, and obeyed the other in everything, and I saw that he felt sorry for me.

I reminded my kidnapper about contraception, he perked up and told the driver to slow down at the night stall. They got out of the car, waiting for them to come to the kiosk, I rushed out of the car without closing the door, ran without turning around, across a wide road into some alley, ran so fast that I was surprised myself! I ran to some construction site, hid behind the wheel of a huge truck standing nearby.

I got home only in the morning.

And the next day, a friend told me a similar story:

Two girlfriends were returning from the club at night, they lived in another area, two guys volunteered to give them a ride in a Zhiguli. They took her to the house, one girl got out, and the second did not have time - they gassed and brought her to the forest, began to harass, and she broke free and ran away. I saw a large pipe from the heating main and hid in it. The rapists went looking for her. The girl sits in the pipe and hears the guys talking to each other. One says:

- Where did she go?

- And you look in the pipe, - another answers him.

- No, there is yesterday's!

The girl moved her hand and touched the cold body of the dead girl. Without screaming with difficulty, she waited for these scumbags to leave, after sitting there for another 20 minutes, she rushed away from this forest ...

I want to tell you my sad story that happened to me recently. Probably, almost everyone knows that dating on the Internet is quite dangerous, but who can resist this? So, I also could not resist, although in vain.
My dating history began normally, like everyone else. My friends all fall in love, meet, even some are already married, and I'm lonely. To be honest, I'm not deprived of the attention of men, I just haven't met "the one" yet. Of course, this is not a problem for a 19-year-old girl, but you still want to find a loved one who will protect and take care of you. So, let's move on to history. My friend found her betrothed with the help of a dating site and advised me to find my happiness there. I agreed, and on the same evening I created a page on this site. Wrote different, but most inadequate perverts. After a while, he wrote "he", the one that I really liked, I literally fell in love with him. We corresponded for a week, and then decided to meet. The first meeting went well, I will not focus on it. The second meeting seemed to me HELL, I will write you more about it.
The second meeting took place outside the city, in the private house of a friend of Egor (Egor is my "betrothed"). He invited me to his friend's birthday, I agreed, with only one condition, that I would take my girlfriend with me just in case. I just felt like it happened. In general, Yegor and 1 other guy picked up me and my girlfriend and we hit the road. Expensive was pleasant, we talked, laughed and joked. We arrived quickly. Arriving, my friend and I were a little scared, since the girls were not there. I started talking excuses to leave. I said that the apartment was flooded and my friend and I had to leave. He said that they would sort it out without you and that my friend and I would stay, since the party was just beginning. I took Egor aside to talk to him about why there are no other girls here and that it scares us and we want to go home. He immediately began to calm me down, in general, to broadcast noodles to my ears. I am a trusting person, so I calmed down and started to relax, but my friend Anya said that I was a fool and we needed to get out of here. Unfortunately, I started telling her that the other girls would be arriving soon and everything would be fine. Anya is studying to be an investigator, so she was always wary of danger, and for good reason.
We celebrated the DR, it was already 10 pm and my friend and I wanted to go home already. I started asking Yegor to take us, he said that he had drunk and would not go anywhere and said that we would stay here until the next day. I didn't want to and started calling a taxi. Then the guys ran up and started to grab us, Yegor took the phone and hit me in the face. I cried and tried to break free. To which he told me that I was a dynamo and would not leave here just like that. After that moment, I became very scared for myself and for my girlfriend. We were locked in a closet, and as I understand it, they went to the pharmacy for condoms. Then Anya took out an ancient phone from the inner karma of her jacket and tried to call the police, but nothing happened, because she did not catch the network. In general, when they came, they made us undress. Anya began to follow their order, and I fainted from fear. When I woke up, I was with this freak in the room, he pawed me, kissed me, wringing my hands so that I would not push him away. He tried to pull off my jeans, but I kicked so hard that he could hardly do it. I begged him not to do this. I even threatened that they would all be imprisoned, to which he replied that they would deprive him of it, but I would go in a circle and beg him to kill me. After these words, I began to sob so much that he was in shock. He started yelling at me and beating me to shut up otherwise he would kill me. I was in shock, so I could not say a word, he raped me and went into another room to his girlfriend. The same thing happened there, she took a vase and hit him on the head, after that I heard a knock and tried to open the door, I didn’t succeed. Then I heard that someone was opening it, I got scared and stepped aside, but I was lucky it was a friend. We had no choice how to get away from there, it was literally 1 minute to make decisions and escape. Without hesitation, we jumped out of the window (it was on the 2nd floor), fortunately there was a tree there and we were not injured. Then the continuation began, the fence was high and we began to climb it, when we climbed the fence, these freaks were already conscious and began to catch up with us. We quickly climbed over and ran, did not even turn around at them, as we were afraid that they would catch up with us. Anya and I ran to the first house we came across and told the whole story to these kind people, they called the police and arrested them, and sent us home. I am grateful to God that everything ended well and we are alive. You can’t imagine what a horror we experienced, it seems to me that nothing is scary after this. I wrote this story in order to speak out and warn of possible danger.

Sun, 02/02/2014 - 20:08

A huge number of different people live in our country, and not all of them are good. In the criminal history of Russia, there were many ruthless monsters who were noted as serial killers and bloodthirsty maniacs. Many of them you have never heard of, but, nevertheless, they committed truly terrible murders and each of them became a serial maniac. About maniacs, their murders and their fate, read on .. Not for the faint of heart! We tried to write about little-known maniacs and serial killers, so we specifically did not include Chikatilo and the Bitsa maniac in this list.

Valery Hasratyan

Valery Asratyan, also known as "The Director", was aspiring actresses' worst nightmare. From 1988 to 1990, the Moscow maniac posed as a powerful director (hence the nickname), luring unsuspecting girls to him with empty promises of wealth and fame.

Asratyan's primary target was sexual crimes, eventually becoming a serial killer in an attempt to cover his tracks. During his criminal activities, he raped dozens of victims, killing at least three of them. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, the perpetrator used different methods of murder each time, so the police did not suspect that the murders were the work of one person.

Asratyan was very smart and had a background in psychology. His favorite method of luring a victim to his home was to pose as a director (complete with forged documents), after the victim entered the lair, he would beat the victim unconscious, then drug him and keep him at home as a sex toy for many days. Units of surviving captives, after liberation, testified against the maniac.

Some of the victims were able to indicate the place where Asratyan kept them. During the investigation, the police managed to find and arrest the maniac, thereby ending his terror. He was shot dead in 1992, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Bychkov

Alexander Bychkov did not like alcoholics and homeless people. In fact, he hated them so much that he dreamed of exterminating them all. Bychkov began to call himself "Rambo", as the hero of the famous character Sylvester Stallone, armed with a large knife and hammer, he began to roam the streets in search of victims.

Between 2009 and 2012, "Rambo" lured at least nine unfortunate victims into desert areas, where he attacked by killing them before dismembering the bodies and hiding them. Each of these attacks were meticulously recorded in a journal, which he called "the bloody hunt of a predator born in the year of the dragon." He also claimed to have eaten at least two of his victims' hearts, although no evidence of this has been found.

Bychkov was only 24 years old when he was caught. His only explanation for his actions was to impress his girlfriend, for which he tried to act like a lone wolf.

Anatoly Slivko

Anatoly Slivko is a Soviet serial killer, sadist and pedophile. For many years, this monster kept the city of Nevinnomyssk at bay. Little boys began to disappear from the city, whom no one ever saw later. The police did their best to investigate the kidnappings, but no serious evidence was found.

In 1985, the criminal was finally caught. Anatoly Slivko was the leader of the local tourist club "Chergid", he successfully used his position to win the trust of young tourists. In his youth, Slivko witnessed a terrible accident, during which a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers and one of them died in the inferno of burning gasoline. He experienced sexual arousal, and this picture haunted him all his adult life. After he became the head of "Chergid", he tried to recreate this terrible scenario. He forced the boys to play roles and take poses, he saw once a terrible incident. But soon it was not enough for him just to look at these scenes. Ultimately, Slivko began to kill children, dismember and burn the remains.

To persuade the boys to participate in terrible scenes, he used a frightening method. He told the boys that they could become the main characters in a film about how the Nazis abused children, at that time it was a popular topic. The maniac dressed the boys in pioneer uniforms, stretched them on ropes, hung them on a tree, observed torment and convulsions, after which he carried out resuscitation. The surviving victims either did not remember what happened to them, or were afraid to talk about the "secret experiment". Nobody believed the children, who nevertheless told about everything.

Even after he was captured and sentenced to death, Slivko's demeanor remained strangely benevolent. He was very helpful and courteous to the authorities to the very end. When the police were hunting for another serial killer, he even gave an interview to investigators, in the style of Hannibal Lecter, a few hours before the execution.

Sergei Golovkin

Sergei Golovkin was a quiet outsider who barely interacted with other people. Although he was rather reserved and shy, he could make people nervous with just his gaze. No one could have imagined that the guy would become a serial killer. He was a serial killer known as "Boa" or "Fischer".

During his school years he suffered from enuresis. He was afraid that those around him could smell his urine. While masturbating, he often fantasized about torturing and killing classmates. At the age of thirteen, sadistic tendencies first appeared. Golovkin caught a cat on the street and brought it home, where he hung it and cut off its head, which caused a relaxation, the tension in which he constantly stayed subsided. I also fried aquarium fish on the stove.

Between 1986 and 1992, Golovkin killed and raped 11 people. He was notorious for first strangling his victims and then dismembering the bodies in a horrific, horror-movie fashion. He cut his victims, cut off the genitals, head, cut open the abdominal cavity, removed the internal organs. He took "souvenirs" from the remains of his victims. He even experimented with cannibalism, but it turned out that he did not like the taste of human flesh.

One of the 4 boys that Golovkin offered to take part in the robbery refused to participate in the proposed case and later identified him. The other three boys were never seen again.

Golovkin was put under surveillance. October 19, 1992 he was detained. For Golovkin, this was a surprise, but during interrogation he behaved calmly and denied guilt. At night in the isolation ward, Golovkin tried to open the veins. On October 21, 1992, his garage was searched and, going down to the cellar, they found evidence: a baby bath with burnt layers of skin and blood, clothes, belongings of the dead, and so on.

Golovkin confessed in 11 episodes and showed the investigators in detail the places of murders and burials. During the investigation, he behaved calmly, monotonously talked about the murders, and sometimes joked. He was executed in 1996.

Maxim Petrov

Dr. Maxim Petrov is not the only person known as "Doctor Death", but certainly one of the most feared. A ruthless killer who specialized in stalking his elderly patients. He came to pensioners' homes, without warning, usually in the morning, when their relatives left for work. Petrov measured blood pressure and informed the patient that an injection was needed. After the injection, the victims lost consciousness, and Petrov left, taking valuables with him. He even removed rings and earrings from patients. The first victims did not die. Petrov committed his first murder in 1999. The patient was already unconscious after the injection when his daughter unexpectedly returned home and saw the doctor commit the theft. He hit the woman with a screwdriver and strangled the patient. After this episode, the principle of Petrov's work changed. He injected victims with a variety of lethal drugs so that the police would not think that the perpetrator was a doctor. Petrov set fire to the houses of his victims to cover up the traces of the crime. The stolen items were later found in his apartment, some he had already managed to sell on the market.

More than 50 people died at the hands of Petrov. One survivor recalls waking up in their house on fire, while others wake up in a gas-filled apartment. Witnesses Petrov ruthlessly killed.

In the end, he put on a constant stream of murders with lethal injections and destruction of apartments with the help of fires, but he was too greedy. Investigators soon noticed a natural connection between the illnesses of those killed and the crimes committed and compiled a list of 72 potential future victims. They soon arrested Petrov while he was "visiting" one of his patients in 2002. He is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

Sergey Martynov

For some people, prison is a correctional facility. According to others, this is just a place where they while away the time between crimes. These people often return to their criminal activities after being released. Sergei Martynov was from the second group of people.

He had already served 14 years in prison for murder and rape after being released in 2005. The same thirst for blood seethed in him. Shortly after his release, he began to travel around the country in search of victims.

Over the next six years, Martynov began a series of murders. He traveled to ten different regions, leaving a trail of murder and rape in his wake. His victims were mostly women and girls, whom he used gruesome methods to kill.

Martynov's bloody journey came to an end when he was finally caught in 2010. He was charged with at least eight murders and multiple rapes in 2012. Serving a life sentence.

"Molotochniki from Irkutsk" - Akademovsky maniacs

Morally unstable killers are one of the most dangerous types of criminals. They are so unpredictable, how cruel, and it is very difficult to immediately recognize serial killers in them.

Nikita Lytkin and Artem Anufriev were two young men who decided to try their hand at neo-Nazism, or rather they were skinheads. Dressed in all black, they were active members of various communities devoted to fascism. They were known online by names such as "Peoplehater" and moderated social groups such as "We are gods, we alone decide who lives and who dies."

Lytkin and Anufriev became infamous as "Akademovsky maniacs". Between December 2010 and April 2011, they killed between six and eight people. Luckily, the two of them were pretty bad at hiding their tracks, so their killing spree didn't last long.

On October 16, 2012, right in court, Anufriev inflicted cutting wounds on the side of his neck and scratched his stomach with a razor, which he carried in a sock when he was taken from the pre-trial detention center to court. He couldn't explain why he did it. His lawyer Svetlana Kukareva considered this the result of a strong emotional outburst, which was caused by the fact that his mother appeared in court for the first time that day. "AiF in Eastern Siberia" mentioned the case when Anufriev, before one of the meetings, cut his neck with a screw unscrewed from the sink in the escort room.

On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Anufriev to life imprisonment in a special regime colony, Lytkin to 24 years in prison, of which five years (three years, since the two-year term that he served before sentencing was taken into account) he will spend in prison, and the rest - in a strict regime colony.

Vladimir Mukhankin - a murderer from Rostov-on-Don

In 1995, Mukhankin begins to kill and committed 8 murders in 2 months. He dismembered corpses and performs manipulations with dead and agonizing bodies. He had an unhealthy passion for internal organs, repeatedly went to bed with them. There was an episode where, after the murder in the cemetery, Mukhankin left a sheet with a poem he had composed. On his last day at large, he commits 2 murders and 1 attempted murder. In addition to 8 murders, he also committed 14 more crimes: theft and robbery.

Mukhankin was caught by accident after attacking a woman with her daughter. The woman was killed, but the girl survived and later identified her assailant.

During interrogations, the maniac behaved defiantly, did not repent of his deed, called himself a student of Chikatilo, although he also said that "in comparison with him, Chikatilo is a chicken." Mukhankin described his crimes in detail, at the same time trying to persuade others to think about his insanity. However, he did not succeed - the examination recognized him as sane and fully accountable for his actions.

At the trial, Mukhankin, realizing that he was facing capital punishment, refused all the testimony he had given. The court found him guilty of 22 crimes, including 8 murders, of which three were minors. Vladimir Mukhankin was sentenced to death with confiscation of property. Subsequently, the execution was replaced by life imprisonment. Currently kept in the famous Black Dolphin colony.

Irina Gaidamachuk

When your criminal nickname is "Satan in a Skirt", chances are you are not the nicest person in the world. Irina Gaydamachuk fully deserved this nickname. For seven years, she visited senior citizens of the Sverdlovsk region as a welfare worker. After she got into the victim's apartment, she killed elderly citizens by crushing their heads with a hammer or an ax. After that, she stole money and valuables and fled the scene as if nothing had happened.

The worst thing about Gaidamachuk is that she has never been an anti-social loner, she has been married, and is the mother of two children. She liked to drink too much and didn't like to work. She decided to kill people as an alternative method of making money. However, it was not a very profitable business, none of her robberies exceeded 17,500 rubles. And she kept doing it again, and again, and again.

She killed 17 pensioners in 8 years of criminal activity. As she told the police: "I just wanted to be a normal mother, but I was addicted to alcohol. My husband Yuri would not give me money for vodka."

Gaidamachuk was detained only at the end of 2010. Gaydamachuk was charged with 17 murders and 18 robbery attacks (one of the victims after Irina's attack survived). She was declared sane.

She was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Such a lenient sentence is due to the fact that, in accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, life imprisonment is not assigned to women (and also to men under 18 or over 65). 20 years was the maximum punishment for her.

Vasily Komarov

Vasily Ivanovich Komarov - the first reliable Soviet serial killer maniac, operated in Moscow in the period 1921-1923. His victims were 33 men.

Vasily Komarov came up with an entrepreneurial scenario for his murders. He got acquainted with a client who wanted to buy this or that product, often they were horses, brought him to his house, gave him vodka to drink, then killed him with hammer blows, sometimes strangled him, and then packed the bodies in a bag and carefully hid them. In 1921, he committed at least 17 murders, in the next two years - at least 12 more murders, although he later confessed to 33 murders. The bodies were found in the Moscow River, in ruined houses buried underground. According to Komarov, the whole procedure took no more than half an hour.

Between 1921 and 1923, Moscow trembled with a ruthless killer who choked and clubbed people to death and dumped their bodies in sacks through the city's slums. It was, of course, Komarov. He was not particularly smart in his actions, however. After the authorities realized that the murders were related to sales at the horse market, they quickly listed him as a suspect. even tried to kill his eight-year-old son.

Komarov tried to escape from the hands of the law, he was soon arrested. Most of the bodies of the victims of Vasily Komarov were discovered only after his capture. Komarov spoke about the murders with particular cynicism and pleasure. He assured that the motive for his atrocities was self-interest, that he only killed speculators, but all his murders brought him about $ 30 at the then exchange rate. During the indication of burial places, angry crowds of people were hardly pushed back from Komarov.

The maniac did not repent of the crimes committed, moreover, he said that he was ready to commit at least sixty more murders. The forensic psychiatric examination recognized Komarov as sane, although they recognized him as an alcoholic degenerate and a psychopath.

The court sentenced Vasily Komarov and his wife Sofya to capital punishment - execution. In the same 1923, the sentence was carried out

Vasily Kulik

Vasily Kulik, better known as the "Irkutsk Monster" is a famous Soviet serial killer. Killed in order to hide the rape. Subsequently, he also admitted that he received stronger sexual satisfaction when strangling the victim.

Since childhood, Vasily Kulik felt the connection between violence and sexual arousal. As a teenager, he had many girlfriends who developed an unhealthy appetite for sex in him. His mental health has always been very precarious, but when the girl he loved moved to another city, his mental health took a turn for the worse.

Between 1984 and 1986, Kulik raped and killed 13 people. His victims were elderly women or small children. Kulik committed murders in various ways: he used firearms, strangulation, inflicted stab wounds and other methods of killing his victims. His oldest victim was 73 years old, the youngest victim was a two-month-old baby.

During another attack, on January 17, 1986, he was beaten and taken to the police station by passers-by. Kulik soon confessed everything, but at the trial he refused all evidence, saying that he was forced to confess everything by a gang of a certain Chibis, who committed all the murders. The case was sent for further investigation.

However, his guilt was nevertheless proven and Kulik was arrested on the day of his 30th birthday. On August 11, 1988, the court sentenced Vasily Kulik to capital punishment - execution.

Shortly before the execution, Kulik was interviewed. Here is an excerpt from it:

"Kulik: ... The verdict is already there, the trial has passed, so ... remain only a person, there are no more thoughts ...
Interviewer: Are you afraid of death?
Kulik: I didn't think about that..."

Kulik also wrote poems about love for women and children. On June 26, 1989, in the pre-trial detention center of Irkutsk, the sentence was carried out.

This happened 4 years ago. Many of you have probably heard about a maniac in the Lipetsk region who has been killing women and girls under 28 for seven years. Now, he's been sentenced to life in prison...

I was 13 then. I lived just an hour from Lipetsk. The inhabitants of my town were afraid to let the children out, and even quite adult girls on the street, as soon as it began to get dark. But me and my friend Tyomka loved to walk at night. Of course, my parents would not let me go, and I had to climb out through the balcony and down the tree. Tyoma's father worked in Moscow and came only for the weekend, and the pregnant mother was so tired because of housework that she fell asleep without her hind legs and did not hear her son leave.

Tyomka, as always, was waiting for me under the balcony, and we went towards the old cemetery, I was always fascinated by such gloomy places, but most often we sat in the park, talking for hours on end, or looked at the night sky. But this time, something was wrong. Everyone probably has a feeling that someone is watching you. And this time I had exactly that feeling. I involuntarily began to ask for home, referring to poor health. Getting up from the bench, we went along a narrow path, until at the very end, at the gates of the park, we saw a silhouette. A hunched man stood and looked at us, in his hand he had something that looked like a knife, although maybe it was just a stick or something else, our park is not lit by lanterns, and it was difficult to make out. Holding our breath, we looked at him in fear. The figure stood silently, continuing to squeeze an incomprehensible object in his hand. Tyoma and I stepped back, and then a man, as if on a signal, rushed towards us. We ran with all our might, but not along the path, but beckoning between the trees. And so to the building itself. An abandoned two-story house that was about to be demolished. They hid in it. Tyoma propped up the door with a beam he found on the floor. We pressed against the wall like shadows. The rustle of grass was heard somewhere nearby. And then we screamed. The man hammered at the door with massive hands, the beam began to tremble. Tom grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. There we hid in one room, behind some cabinet. Time dragged on for a long time, it is not clear how long we sat there, trembling with fear, but then we decided to go out. Walking down the corridor to the stairs, so quietly that it would not make too much noise, but then our eyes widened again with fear. Turned back, near the stairs, he stood ... Tyoma covered my mouth with his hand so that I would not scream, and dragged me back. We got out through the attic and went down the emergency stairs. Almost to the house, I ran. We didn't go outside so late anymore...

- Oh, it's coming.
- He does not go, but he writes.
Again for my soul. An unpleasant chill ran down his back.
- Beauty-ah. Listen, you nerd!
There were three of them. Three young rich bums who followed me for the second day. Yesterday they waved their hands at me and invited me into the car. They talked dirty. They offered to have a good time. Like, they enjoy it, and I will earn. Today, one of them stood in the middle of the road and blocked my path.
“Back off,” I said rather abruptly, but he grabbed my arm.

A park. Evening. Moon. Solid romance. The trees sway so beautifully in the wind. And I'm sitting. I'm getting cold. I'm waiting...

Seriously, where is this fossil?! It's already eleven o'clock and he's still gone. I hope insanity has not completely finished him off ...

“Young man, do you know that it is dangerous to walk in deserted places at night?”

Again, for his stupid jokes.

It is dangerous to make appointments in such places and be late for them.

Well, sorry old man. The legs are not the same, the eyes are not the same ...

It was an unremarkable, ordinary summer evening ... The coolness was pleasantly invigorating, and, despite the fact that it was late, I didn’t feel like sleeping at all ... She walked along a deserted street on the outskirts of the city ... Long blond hair developed randomly on the shoulders, a short sarafan strove to succumb to persistent gusts of wind and expose tanned thighs. The girl was of average height, and, seeing her among many other people, no one would have noticed anything special in her ... But still, a certain light was hidden in her ... her blue-gray eyes seemed to glow from the inside, you ask why. ..? The answer is simple... love... The girl had just seen off her young man to the airport, who flew to St. Petersburg for two days. “Two whole days without a second half,” she thought sadly ... but that fateful evening forever changed her life, and the lives of many other people.

In the deep hole that the men had just dug, the first pieces of rotten wood appeared. Now you have to work with small shovels, so as not to damage anything.

Katya, of course, knew that the coffin could not remain intact after the grave was buried. She clearly understood that under the weight of the earth over the coffin, it simply deforms and the whole earth falls to the body, but so much so.