How to cheer up a guy? Original methods and advice from psychologists. How to improve a guy’s mood and cheer him up: effective ways

    • Don't interrupt the person. Unless the pause suggests some kind of response, say only "yes" or "I understand" otherwise you will seem impolite, and it will only make the speaker feel worse.
    • Try to show interest in the problem, even if you don't care or if you don't understand the problem. The more you are interested in the current situation, the more the person feels your interest to him, but isn't that the purpose of the conversation? People want others to take care of them and take an interest in them. Try to give the speaker what he needs.
    • Behave in such a way that the person does not feel like a burden. Often people are hesitant to tell others about their problems because they do not want the one who will listen to feel that he is obligated to help in some way. If such a need arises, tell the person that you are happy to listen to him and help with advice.
  1. Ask the speaker questions. Questions are The best way keep the conversation going, especially if they touch on the speaker's feelings. However, the questions must be relevant. If you start asking about something abstract, the person will be embarrassed and will not be able to open up.

    • Below are some examples of questions you can ask. It is possible that they will help a person to start talking about their feelings:
      • "What do you feel about this?"
      • "Has this happened to you before?"
      • "Do you have someone you could turn to for help?"
      • "What are you going to do when the time will come act?"
      • "Can I help you with something?" (You have to really be ready to do it!)
  2. Give an example of your experience, but do not draw all the attention to yourself. Don't take the conversation to yourself - just share a similar story from your life and the conclusions you have drawn for yourself. Any personal experience can come in handy even if your circumstances were very different.

    • Such an approach is not important for those What you say, and those How you do it. If someone tells you that his father was diagnosed with cancer, you should not say the following: "If it makes you feel better, I can tell you that my grandfather was also recently diagnosed with cancer." It's better to phrase it like this: "I know how hard it is for you right now. My grandfather was diagnosed with the same thing last spring, and it was insanely difficult for me to get over it. I can imagine how you feel now."
  3. After you listen to the person, give him advice if he asks for it. Once you figure out what the problem is, consider what would be the best way out of this situation. Tell the person what you see as ways to solve the problem. If you can't think of anything, just say so - it's not worth lying. Recommend speaking person who could help.

    • Remember that most often the only right decision can not be. Give the person one option and remind them that there are always other ways. You can accompany your speech with the words "possibly", "maybe", "probably". This way, the person won't feel guilty if they choose not to follow your advice.
    • Be honest with this person. The worst thing you can do to a person in a difficult situation is to lie to him. If we are talking about things with serious consequences, tell the truth, even if it is bitter. But if your friend is asking for advice about the guy who dumped her, don't be shy about expressing that guy, even if he's quite honest man. In this case, the calmness of a friend is much more important than the truth.
    • Do not give advice unless you are asked for it. A person may not want to listen to recommendations, and if he decides to follow your advice, but everything turns out to be a failure for him (through no fault of yours), he may begin to blame you for all the failures.
  4. Communicate personally. Technology makes our lives much better, but it can also make things more complicated. You may want to send nice message friend, but it is better not to do this. If you really care about this person, show him that. Too much time passes behind monitors, so a personal meeting is always appreciated.

    • Regular mail is already considered romantic, because such messages express concern. You can send a postcard to e-mail, but if you really want to please a person, send him a real postcard by regular mail - he definitely won't expect it!

    Show your feelings

    1. Give the person a gift. Do you remember when you last time made a gift for no reason? Remember that pleasant feeling of inner warmth. By giving a gift, you can make someone's day better, and the person will definitely understand that the gesture itself is much more important than what was given.

      • A gift should not be expensive or be something tangible to please a person. Show a person a secret place where you like to be alone with yourself, or teach him how to make paper cranes. Such small acts are in fact priceless and cannot be compared to what you can buy in a store.
      • Give the person some old thing which is dear to you. The thing that you inherited always causes strong emotions, because it belonged to you. for a long time and you treasured it. Old things also serve as symbols that life goes on, even if it seems to us that this is impossible.
    2. Try to put a smile on your friend's face. Remind him how much you love him and smile yourself. You can even tickle a person if you are sure that he will take it well.

      Make the person laugh. Jokes and funny stories help to lighten the mood if you've been talking about a problem for a long time. A joke may not be very funny, but if it is said at the right time, the benefit from it will be huge.

      • Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. You should not make fun of the person you are trying to console, but you can laugh at yourself. Tell me about a time when you embarrassed yourself, did something very stupid, or found yourself in an incredible situation. Your friend will appreciate the humor.
    3. Surprise a friend. gifts for New Year, birthday, cards for Valentine's Day and other holidays are always welcome, but expected. It is much more interesting to congratulate a friend on the 34th Thursday of the year. It is unlikely that he will expect something like that! If a person does not expect a gift, it will make a strong impression on him.

      • Think about what this person loves the most in the world and see if you can surprise them with something similar. If a person loves cooking, treat him to dinner or give him a certificate for classes in culinary school. Perhaps he likes films or musicals - then invite him to the cinema or give him tickets to a musical performance.
    4. Try to distract your friend from the problem. After listening to the person, giving him advice and lending a helping hand, try to do something that will make him distract from difficulties. You should not just say that everything will pass and that he will soon forget everything, because this will cancel out all your efforts. It is better to give the person time to take a breath, and then offer to tell him funny story and look at his reaction.

      • Learn to recognize when you can act. If a person is practically crying, there is no point in telling him about how your day went. But if he just had a fight with his parents and moved a little away from what happened, try to stir him up. It is important to choose the right moment.
    5. Change the environment. Very often we pay attention to the things around us and allow them to influence our mood. If you need to cheer someone up, you should drag them out of the house. A new environment will make a person think differently, and this is always good.

      • There is no need to go to a bar or a club, because socializing with others does not always help. Just try to go to a dog show and you will see that all these cute puppies will distract your friend from sad thoughts. Do whatever you can to help, because your friend needs it, even if he decides to spend the whole day in his pajamas.

    Do your best

    1. Give the person a big hug if they don't mind. Some people don't like to be touched when they're upset, and this behavior is completely normal. However, for others friendly hugsgreat way make a gloomy day a little better.

    2. Use your strengths. Not all of us can be considered geniuses, but almost all of us can do something well. Use it to cheer up a friend. Can you cook lasagna? Great! Prepare dinner. Thinking up jokes on the fly? Can you draw an amazing picture? Wonderful! These abilities will help you cheer up your friend.

      • Take advantage of your creativity and ingenuity. Sing a song to a friend, take it on a hike, put your kitten on it. What You do you know how? Enjoy the process.
    3. Be an optimist. Try to see the good in life. Remember that the glass is half full, not half empty. Optimism is a philosophy of life, and it is contagious if used correctly. Look for interesting, unexpected, and inspiring opportunities that your friend may have missed while they were sad.

      • In almost every situation you can find pluses, it's just that sometimes we don't want to look for them. Below are some ways to look at the problem from a different angle and replies:
        • My partner has decided to break up with me. "Don't worry about the person who didn't appreciate you. If he doesn't understand your worth, he doesn't deserve to be around you. There are many people in the world who can see you as a great person."
        • Someone close to you has died. “Death is a natural process. You can’t bring a person back, but you can think about how much he influenced your life and how important you were to him. Be grateful for the time that you were able to spend together.”
        • I lost my job. "Work is not the only thing you have. Think about the lessons that your previous job taught you and try to use them on future work. To find a job, you need to work harder than others. Try to show employers that your qualifications are higher than the qualifications of other people."
        • I don't believe in my strength. "You have many reasons to feel confident in yourself. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and this is exactly what makes each person unique and wonderful in their own way. I see no reason why you could underestimate yourself."
        • I don't know what happened, I just feel bad. "To be sad is completely normal for a person. Happy moments seem brighter precisely because there is and difficult situations. Don't try to force yourself to stop being sad. Think about how many people could envy you. It always helps me."
    4. Don't be sad yourself. If you yourself are upset, how can you help your friend? Find the sweet spot between worrying about a friend's problems (you want your friend to know you're upset that they're not doing well) and optimism (think positive and remind yourself of a half-full glass). This will require some effort from you, and in emotionally It may be hard for you, but what can't you do for a friend?

      • Help a friend and do everything possible for him so that he understands that someone cares what happens to him. This will build trust. The person will understand that he can rely on you. Always help a friend with a smile.
      • Offer to distract your friend with an activity such as going to the movies, hiking, swimming, or computer games. If the person doesn't want it, don't pester him. It is impossible to forcefully help people who do not want to help themselves. Enjoy life, be true to your friend, and be ready to always be there until the friend solves the problem or decides to forget about it.
      • Adviсe
        • Hug the person (if he doesn't mind)! If you try to hug a person when they don't want to, you will only make the situation worse.
        • Tell funny story or watch something fun together.
        • A few gift ideas:
          • A scented candle for stress relief (if the person is not allergic to fragrances).
          • Chocolate! (Again, if there is no allergy - or the person is not on a diet.)
          • Humorous Certificate of Achievement. For example, if a person broke up with someone and is sad about it, give them a certificate that says "The saddest story of the year." (Only do this if your friend is in currently capable of appreciating a joke. If something really serious happened to him, humor would be inappropriate.)
        • Write a nice letter or sign a card telling your friend how much you appreciate his friendship and how much you love him.
Earlier we wrote about how, now I would like to reveal ways to cheer up a guy.

Sometimes the mood of our relatives and friends is not as cheerful as we would like. Of course, you don’t need to leave them in this state, because you don’t want your boyfriend to suffer from anything, right ?! Today in our article we will try to give the maximum useful tips, which will help cheer up the guy, both by correspondence and live. So let's get started!

10 ways to cheer up your boyfriend

  1. Tell him about your love. Moreover, this must be done so sincerely and sincerely that even his icy heart can melt. You need to talk about love in those moments when the reason for his sadness lies in a problematic relationship. And no matter what, it can be problems with parents, friends or relatives. Having said about your love, you kind of show your support, and no matter what option he chooses, you will always support him!

  2. Offer him a little naughty. Here, of course, you need to take into account your age, as well as the pranks that you will offer. If you are already an adult couple, then of course we are talking about intimate relationships(no one canceled female sexuality and its power), if not, then about romantic ones (kisses, hugs, touches, etc.). With such a seduction, you will force him not to think about the problems that surround him.

  3. Convince him that he is the best. If the reason bad mood lies in failure (a failed exam, an interview or an unsuccessful deal), then here you need to (again sincerely) show your admiration. Give examples of his merits, examples of other people's failures, make a correct comparison (in his favor), and also admit that she has never met a more successful guy. Make a reservation: “Yes, many were lucky! However, this is very different from success!” Convince him that in the near future he will definitely succeed!

  4. If you want to cheer up by correspondence. Here, of course, one cannot do without sparkling anecdotes, the main thing is to find a good one and “in the subject”. You can also send some vulgar humor. The guy will definitely appreciate it and cling to it. Suitable and cool pictures. However, sometimes you need a guy to talk, so try talking to him about a topic that worries him, because speaking out can make him feel much better. However, this must be done very carefully so as not to anger him. And of course, in your messages, try to support any step he has already taken, such support will become very pleasant for him.

  5. To cheer up a guy by phone or SMS, you can use different kind offers. So, for example, you can offer to take a walk or go to the cinema. After all, usually girls rarely make such offers, so the guy will be pleasantly surprised by such an SMS.

  6. Invite him to plan your general day off. Let him make a list of those activities that you will do together. Let it be a trip to billiards, kart racing or even a game of tennis. Even if you don’t like all of the above, try to control yourself and agree to it. Such pleasant thoughts and ideas will make you less obsessed with the problem.

  7. Throw a party for him. Invite his best friends to a cafe or have a party at home. In a noisy company, it is much easier to forget about problems than with yourself alone. Yes, it may not be a very decent party, but if you really want to cheer up your man, then take this step!

  8. Feed him well. Everyone knows a simple rule - The way to a man's heart is, of course, through his stomach.. So, if you know that he will come home from work in a bad mood, then your task is to cook something very tasty as soon as possible and something that he will definitely like. If you do not have a special culinary talent, then you can order food in a restaurant or cafe, as even an ordinary pizza can cause a storm of emotions in him.

  9. Surprise him. Here the editors of the magazine site advise you to do what he definitely does not expect from you - buy a bottle alcoholic drink him if he loves him so much. Give two tickets for football (an interesting match), so that he goes with a friend, etc.

  10. Don't leave him alone. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, you don’t need to leave the guy alone with his problem. He, of course, will cope with it, but it will still be more comfortable and pleasant with you!

Everyone has experienced a sense of apathy, moral dissatisfaction and a breakdown. When the mood is bad, and there is no energy at all to complete important tasks, a person begins to look for ways to improve his psychological condition. Psychologists generously pour recommendations, advice, demonstrate various techniques and practices that affect a person positively.

Does not exist universal prescription, which provides a good mood, but there are a lot of useful tips on how to diversify your leisure time, get carried away with something new, forgetting about problems and worries.

  1. Never put things off until tomorrow. The mass of unrealized ideas, plans and the necessary routine work provokes a depressed state. How more work accumulates, the stronger the panic or apathy. If there is no strength for unpleasant or hard work, it is better to choose the occupation that is most pleasant for the performer at the moment;
  2. Creativity is a universal cure for blues. Any creative work not only distract from bad thoughts but also helps to realize their deepest potential;
  3. If possible, call friends or close relatives. You can speak out, laugh heartily, sympathize with the problems of others. With a stream of words, painful thoughts and sadness will leave the soul;
  4. The festive event will cheer everyone up. And communication and delicious treats will become another pleasant event in life.

How to cheer up a guy at a distance, via the Internet, via SMS

Subscribers, virtual friends, casual interlocutors do not carry that important emotional message that allows a person to feel important and needed. The essence of kinship is lost, the importance of real relationships.

Especially the feeling of loneliness and bad mood is aggravated when native person is at a considerable distance. It is in such cases that communication through Internet sites or telephone can play a positive role.

To cheer up a guy, a girl should be well versed in the tastes, hobbies, hobbies of her young man. After all, even funny joke, sent to your phone or to an account on a social network, will be able to make you laugh and cheer you up.

Here are some universal ideas on how to cheer up a guy:

  1. Submit joint photo or short video. Such a file can not only cheer up a young person, but also awaken pleasant feelings of nostalgia in him. In addition, the guy will be pleased that the girl keeps photos and videos with him;
  2. Send your photo (individual, with friends, etc.). In this case, it is advisable not to expose the picture in in social networks to maintain a sense of exclusivity;
  3. You can transfer to your phone or via a social network love message. This is not necessarily an odious verse, enough sincere words from the heart. They carry much more energy, meaning, positive;
  4. Offer to listen to "your" favorite song. Music has an amazing property to evoke special memories and feelings;
  5. Simple call. Sometimes it is very important to hear a native voice, to make sure by intonation that a person thinks, misses, loves even at a great distance. The trembling of a native voice, a minute of intimate communication, the fact that a person pays attention, shows initiative - all this is necessary for each of us.

Raising a good mood to a girl, a pen pal

Women are especially capricious. A refined soul is not so easy to unravel, but how to cheer up or calm an angry girl is a secret for many men.

Eat universal advice for each. Whatever the girl, attention and sincerity are important for everyone. Any woman will be delighted with a love message written sincerely, specifically for her.

From a poem copied on the Web or banal phrases flashing on social networks, it breathes cold and primitivism. But if the words come from the heart, it will cause a storm of emotions.

If a girl appreciates humor, you can safely send funny messages with jokes, funny pictures or videos. It is desirable that the content be as individualized as possible to the tastes and preferences of the girl.

By the way, remove interesting videos or take a photo, you can do it yourself. What will be captured there (playing with your beloved kitten, sunset outside the window, a smile, a declaration of love made on the street) does not play a special role. The girl will appreciate the creativity.

When everything is bad, how can a person tune in to positive

Anticipating a problem is worse than the problem itself. This is a truth that no one needs to prove. If everything in life is really very bad, the negative eats up the energy and strength of a person, there is only one way out. It is necessary to act.

  1. First, this is how all problems are solved.
  2. Secondly, if a person is in constant motion, then there will be no time for sadness.

Taking the first step is always difficult. This is not only about eliminating negativity or solving problems. Each of us can “swing” for a long time, tuning in to work.

Psychologists advise arming yourself with the support of friends. It is enough to tell them your new philosophy of life and approximate plans for the future. From friends, active assistance and stimulation is required at the right time.

Psychologists about raising the mood, if it is not there, and you don’t want anything

There are many reasons in life bad mood. It can be an interrupted relationship - the guy left the girl or the girl left the guy and there is depression and even want to cry. Or sad from the fact that there is absolutely no money. Autumn is also an argument for state of mind a person and read autumn poems warm up sadness. When you are sick and spend time looking at familiar pictures and photos, videos with friends and girlfriends, these are also memories that do not always bring only joy.

When vitality there is nothing left, I don’t want anything, but the mood is terrible, it’s time to treat yourself. Lots of options.

Every person must find his ideal scenario»: listen to music, watch a series, go for a run, read a book.

The main thing is to start favorite hobby will begin to give strength almost immediately. The only rule: the more active the method of getting rid of stress and blues, the better. Sometimes everything negative attitude to life only from the fact that people stay at home. Start with a simple walk, discovering the world in a new way. The heart will tell you the right decision further.

Continuation. . .

This will help! -

Zero mood? Look -

How to cheer up a girl? It has long been noted that female sympathies go to someone who can make them smile, not to handsome or rich people. There are many ways to cheer up a girl, depending on your situation. But there are also standard ones that operate both in real communication and online; at already good mood or when she's really sad. Compliments do not leave any girl indifferent, but try to comply with the measure and not overwhelm her only with sweet phrases, otherwise it can become cloyingly disgusting. Compliments should be original and reflect some individual feature specific girl (standard and general phrases do not catch and are not even remembered), add humor and surprise to your eulogies.

Law emotional attachments is such that the more emotions a person evokes, the more significant he becomes, and humor includes several different types at once, plus it gives the effect of surprise, which cheers you up and impresses your image into the picture of the girl’s world.

To make it easier to cheer up a girl, you should first work on your own emotional state and cheer yourself up. Stretch jokes through a stone face betray pretense, but a person in a good mood commenting on plain gray asphalt can cause a smile, because. is in the right emotional state. Mirror neurons are involved in the perception of emotions, so when you smile at someone, there is a genuinely high chance that the person will smile back at you. Train in the ability to increase your own mood and the ability to find fun moments in everyday life, because it's hard to cheer someone up if you can't cheer yourself up.

Do not be afraid to seem strange or lose your image and authority, a person who gives pleasant emotions rises in the eyes of a girl in any case, but an excessive one can fetter you, take away improvisation, without which fun is not possible and turn into a dull one. Even if the joke fails, and the prepared prank caused offense, do not hesitate and continue, beat the failed joke with your absurdity, try to make the situation easier with the help of other jokes. You will be forgiven a lot if you show perseverance and gallantry, and the ability to laugh at yourself has warm feelings and security from the fact that not only those around you are an occasion for jokes.

How to cheer up a girl in VK?

What is relevant for a date and how to cheer up a girl in correspondence differ in methods in their essence and design. In a personal meeting, you can convey the context with intonation, facial expressions, the situation and the speed of reaction, in correspondence your voice will not be heard, the girl may not be surrounded by a joyful landscape, and she can read your comment in a couple of hours, from which the context will disappear. Many great jokes were ruined and the relationship suffered a crisis due to a misreading of the message. But it is pointless to refuse to communicate in VK, as well as to try to cheer up someone by correspondence, because almost everyone has an account on the network, moreover, it is easier for people to communicate there. More and more people are not responding to phone calls but leading online correspondence, and this is due to convenience from many sides (and the ability to answer in convenient time, and the preservation of the written information, as well as no need to go out to get rid of extra ears in the conversation).

But there are several ways out when you can get around such difficulties of communication in VK. First of all, compliments, but do not give them immediately in an open form, first write about something abstract (it will do “I felt joyful”, “I saw a toy similar to you”), your task is to arouse the girl’s interest and question about what was written, here the next step should be a compliment (“you wrote”, “so cute”). Use a sense of humor not only in relation to the comments of others, but also in relation to the girl. While the rest of the guys will write sweet texts about the fact that she is beautiful and wish her good morning you will pursue her good mood, poking fun at her. If the girl is not impressionable and has a sense of humor, then jokes about her (but do not go too far with vulgarity) will arouse interest in the conversation, taking your duel of humor further and further. When she catches on and starts joking back, know that you managed to cheer her up.

In addition to text messages, VK social network expands the possibilities to almost limitless. Add emoticons and stickers to your text, some manage to post whole messages from them, reminiscent of rock art. Do not spare such stickers, girls are emotional creatures, namely emojis will help you convey the message in the right emotional coloring, while a simple dot at the end of a sentence gives seriousness and importance to the dialogue.

Seek out merry song or video - send it to the selected girl, but when choosing, be guided by the context of the situation and her tastes, a video related to your yesterday's gatherings with friends in which she did not participate is unlikely to make you laugh, rather, leave you perplexed. If you have minimal directorial inclinations, you can shoot a video especially for her, and it is not necessary to come up with a complex plot and heavy scenery, sometimes your face in the frame, made faces and wishes not to be bored will be enough to cheer you up.

Another option on how to cheer up a girl in VK correspondence is to change the photo by adding something to it (there is such a function in the options). If you know she's not in the mood for specific person, That great option will make fun of his photograph and send it to her - black humor and gloating perfectly cheer up.

And a separate fun can be joint trolling in some crazy, from your general point of view, group (it is highly recommended to double-check the girl’s attitude to the chosen topic a thousand times, so as not to run into a scandal).

How to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad?

One recipe for how you can cheer up a girl who sadly does not exist, because the mood of young ladies jumps at a high speed and is unpredictable in its dependence on various factors. And if these are problems at work, then you can ridicule the situation, and if you have a protracted illness, you will need support. It is not always possible to be nearby, but it is quite possible to cheer up and with the help of various instant messengers, the main desire is to make life important person better. You should not refuse this option, even if you are sitting in neighboring rooms - receiving a message in such a situation will be at least unexpected, at the maximum it will cause a feeling of joy, and in a couple of seconds the girl will be next to you and sparkle with a smile.

You should immediately exclude the situation when you yourself are the cause of the negative and start with an apology, if there is anything for it, and only then proceed to improve your mood, otherwise all efforts are meaningless. Share the news, tell us what happened to you (funny comments from people on the bus to work or funny events from last night will do) or about a planned or recent opening interesting place, the release of an impressive film - talk about events outside world, new opportunities that appear in it, distracts from current problems, and also creates a future perspective, which automatically inspires optimism. And now the girl is no longer sitting with a disgruntled face in front of the screen, but laughs at your nonsense or happily plans a trip to the proposed event.

Send her Funny Pics, taken along the way, perfectly cheer up selfies, with funny faces. Or make a fusion from your usual photo and yourself in some funny costume, with the task of finding ten differences. There are stickers and postcards that can be sent in almost every communication service, you can take them in quantity (fifty pieces are equally likely to make a girl laugh or piss her off, which will end in sending you to a ban). Funny video and gifs work great for raising the mood, and let them have a bias towards the touching (well, it’s not funny for girls from videos about how they park crookedly).

In a correspondence situation, you have an undeniable trump card in front of a face-to-face conversation - in a printed text, looking at the screen, a person can open up more and not be embarrassed by your direct look, there is an opportunity to think about the answer, and not blurt out in a painful and unacceptable wording. When a girl talks about her sadness in a passive way (there is no desire to act, communicate), then you can start your support by allowing her these desires. Suggest ideas with a cozy movie, share a recipe delicious tea and let her know that in the evening of her absence the world will not collapse. Often such legalization of desires gives a lot of joy from the possibility of their implementation. And when a girl is sad about the need for change, offer her options for change. You can arrange a rearrangement together - she will send a photo, and you will share your opinion on how it can be changed. By the same principle, together you can change your appearance, wardrobe, occupation, with such support, the girl will have the courage to achieve what she wants, and sadness will be replaced by excitement and activity, which is then quite easy to turn into joy with the help of funny comments and jokes.

You can provoke her if you know how to do it right, tease her and argue that she won't do anything. With girls certain type the “you’re weak” strategy works very well, then they get up and begin to successfully improve their mood on their own in order to win this argument from you.

Your attention and presence in a good mood and key will already have a positive impact, and determine a narrower direction of efforts based on the desires of the girl and the situation that has arisen. You can even directly ask what you can do to cheer her up, maybe they will even answer or give you a hint.

If you want your chosen one to cheer up from communicating with you, but you do not have the opportunity to call him or meet, then you can send SMS. Also, a text message would be appropriate if there is no special reason for the call, but you want to remind yourself.

To cheer up a man - write him a pleasant SMS

You can send short SMS to your loved one, but with meaning

Here are some examples of text messages that have a certain meaning. Surely, your chosen one will be pleased to receive one of these messages.
    "I always want to be main reason your happiness!" "Every time my phone rings, I hope it's you." Lovers are two happy person in a world of loneliness. ”And even though, sometimes, love takes away pride, but it gives wings.” "If you lose heart, then in the appropriate embrace." "The heart does not choose anyone, it feels dear." “Sometimes it happens: the body is in one city, and the heart is in another” - It is appropriate to write when you and your boyfriend are in different cities. "Nothing warms you up on cold nights like the thought of you." “I don’t know what the end of our story will be, but I definitely like the plot.” "There's only room in my heart for one man and he's reading this text right now."
Please note that not all guys are used to sending SMS. If you sent a poetic message to your beloved, then do not expect that he will also answer you with similar lines - for some young people this is simply unusual. Remember that your goal is just to cheer up the chosen one, give him pleasant emotions, and not enter into a lengthy correspondence. That is why, if a guy answers dryly or completely leaves SMS unanswered, but at the same time is friendly with you when real meetings, do not be offended by him - it is simply easier for him to express his emotions "live". And, of course, this does not mean that your efforts are wasted - good and tender words a pleasure to read to anyone, and if you just want to brighten up your sweetheart's day tender confessions, then do so without expecting a similar step in response. Rest assured that your attention will be noticed.

Funny sms to cheer you up

Before writing funny sms, it is important to make sure that you have a similar sense of humor with the young man. At the first stages of communication, try to avoid vulgarity - you may not be so understood. Also, do not scribble such messages one after another - the guy may decide that you stumbled upon a newspaper with jokes, and now you are sending him SMS indiscriminately. It is better to send such messages periodically, not at the height of the working day, but when the man is most likely free.
    "Do not search perfect girl. I'm home". "A hundred cute pandas can't compare to you in charm!" “Cockroaches in the head, of course, everyone has, but yours are the cutest!” “Darling, if you don’t answer me in 5 seconds, then you will owe me 100 kisses when you meet. Well, I didn’t have time! ”I dedicate to you, my cat, these beautiful lines:“ Mur-muurr-meow, Mur-meow, Muuur! "Hello! I'm an SMS beggar! Write something cute to your beloved, she misses you!” “Dear subscriber! Your debt is 1000 kisses, please return. “Do you know why I love you so much? Because it doesn't work any other way." “A small, gentle hippo is looking for affection and something to eat ... Will you help me?” "Looks like you're facing jail time - someone stole my heart and you're the only suspect."

SMS to a man in your own words

We offer different variants sms - some of them are quite appropriate to send to early stages novel, while others are suitable in the case when the couple already has a very close and long-term relationship.
    Honey, could you at least for a couple of hours get out of my thoughts? I have to work, but I just can't concentrate! I don't have enough words to describe how wonderful you are! There is only one thing left - to wait for you, and show it with your kisses! Come quickly! I may not be a princess, but you turn my life into a real fairy tale! Thank you! Only recently I realized that I don’t care what the weather is like outside - thanks to you it’s always sunny in my life! You are like Bounty for me - my personal piece of paradise. I hope that today will bring you a lot pleasant emotions! I love you! As a child, I was told that there is nothing sweeter than honey, but then I did not know about your kisses. When I met you, I realized that after all I was born under a lucky star. Darling! You intoxicate stronger than any alcohol! Smile! I send you a thousand kisses with this SMS, I really look forward to our meeting.
Of course, only you can know which SMS in your own words will be most relevant. Whatever it is, try to be sincere and don't be afraid to come across as ridiculous or funny. If a guy is in love with you, then any of your messages will be pleasant to him, and especially if it turns out to be full of tenderness and various “favors”. It is appropriate to write such messages after good luck- to reinforce the effect. Note that if you had only one or a few meetings, then most likely the guy is not yet sure what impression he makes on you, and whether you are generally interested. In this case text messages can be very helpful - they will cheer up the young person and give him an impetus to follow-up actions. Surely, he will be pleased to receive an SMS after the meeting in which you write that you really liked the walk (dinner, going to the cinema), and you are still under a pleasant impression.

How to cheer up a guy who likes by correspondence on the Internet

Make someone laugh with funny pictures and videos

Sometimes, when communicating with a guy on the Web, a girl may come to the conclusion that the topics for communication have been exhausted, and in order to continue full-fledged communication, you often have to take a break for several days. Otherwise, the dialogue may simply become sluggish, which, of course, will not benefit the nascent relationship at all.

However, it is important to remember that when texting with a guy, it is not at all necessary to stick to only serious and ordinary everyday topics. The Internet does not bring people closer, but it gives undeniable advantages in communication in the form of such bonuses as funny pictures and various videos. IN various groups on social networks, no doubt, interesting memes come across your eyes every day, which simply cannot help but bring a smile. Save the most interesting of them and send them sometimes to the interlocutor - most likely, if you have a similar sense of humor, such messages will be able to cheer him up. It is important to note that if your relationship is not yet too close, then avoid vulgar videos and pictures - you may not be so understood. In particular, such material is inappropriate if, in real life you are a very modest and calm girl. Also, do not send memes related to a topic that is unfamiliar to your interlocutor (about your favorite TV series, for example). Usually win-win turn out funny pictures with animals, or those that illustrate typical scenes between a guy and a girl.

Cheer with emoticons and easy dialogue in VK

Sometimes, to cheer up a person, it’s enough just to chat with someone. If you suspect that your interlocutor is upset about something, then start an unobtrusive and easy distracting dialogue with him. You can talk about events that may be of interest to him - for example, an upcoming concert or the release of a certain film. You can tell that you visited some event, and you think that he would also be interested in being there - briefly tell about where you were. React to his jokes vividly, send surprised or laughing emoticons in response. True, with the latter it is better not to overdo it. Sometimes emoticons become the end of any conversation, since not every interlocutor can navigate the answer. That is why emoticons should be used mainly in combination with some phrase. You can also cheer up a young man with a fresh anecdote found on the Internet.

Submit your favorite song and learn about his musical preferences

When interlocutors start looking for “common points”, they often try to find out more information about each other’s tastes, to determine in which areas they have the most in common. Of course, musical preferences are important aspect lives of many people, and for many it is indicative. Send the guy one of your favorite songs, accompanied by a question: “Do you like to listen to this or is it not to your taste?”. If it turns out that young man If you like this composition, then you can send something else in the same spirit. Also take an interest in what kind of music he prefers to listen to, show interest in his musical preferences! However, do not forget about politeness and a sense of tact - if a guy calls you groups or compositions that you absolutely do not like, then you do not need to answer something like: “Oh, I can’t imagine how you can listen to this” or “No, no , such horror is not for me! Be tolerant and respectful of other people's tastes, and in this situation you can answer like this: “Interesting music! I usually listen in a different style, but there's definitely something to these songs." Believe me, guys don't react very well when they start making fun of their tastes or anything related to them, however, neither do girls. If you really like the music that the young man is passionate about, feel free to write to him openly about it. Ask if there are any other similar compositions in his "arsenal". Later, you can mention that you listened to the songs that he sent you on the road and now often put them on “repeat” - such a confession will undoubtedly please any guy.