A man avoids a woman who likes signs. Why is a man afraid of the woman he loves. Dislike of text messages

“The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” - some actively apply this formula, including in relation to those who are truly interesting to them. This is one, but not the only reason for the strange behavior of the stronger sex.

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Not perfect enough?

So why does a man ignore the woman he likes? It can be caused by being honest with yourself. The man realizes that he is not ready for a serious romance, and increases the distance in order to freeze his feelings. It is clear that coping with this is not an easy task, so the young lady sometimes cannot understand what is happening: sympathy for her is obvious, but the plot does not develop. Another reason, flattering for girls, but not solving the problem, is doubts that he is not too good for you. This is a good reason why a man avoids a woman he likes. Fear of being uninteresting, the risk of not being able to compete, fears for your financial insolvency turn your potential boyfriend into a cautious and cold one.

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Not ready to be first

This also includes the fear of being rejected in their courtship, especially if the "cavalier" is very in love. So, wondering why a man still ignores his beloved woman, do not exclude that he is simply afraid of being rejected. Fear can also underlie passivity. Suddenly in front of you is a type who prefers to be led, someone who cannot take the initiative? In this scenario, the answer to the question of why a man avoids a woman he likes will be sad - because he wants her to play ahead of the curve.

And I want, and it pricks

Yes, and we forgot about the version called "Doubts". He likes you, but he's not sure if he needs to date someone right now. He weighs the pros and cons, tries to listen to himself. This can be annoying, because no one likes such slowness, but, you see, such thoroughness is a good sign. The only question is some kind of balance on both sides, how long he will deal with himself and his intentions towards you. Everything is good in moderation, right? And by the way, there is one important nuance. He may hesitate because he is not free and is already in a relationship. Will he find the strength to free himself and start a new page in his life? Here, as they say in social networks, "everything is complicated." And it's up to you to decide whether to force the situation or still leave it to him.

in itself. If you are not seen point-blank because you are not ripe for a full-fledged romance, do not cling to this relationship. Yes, the line between the efforts that should be made to get what you want, and senseless attempts to change the essence of things is thin. But if he is really interested in you, he will figure out how to show it. Let slowly, but some steps will begin to take. If the movement towards you does not happen, forget it. And the most important truth is that no man likes excessive attention to himself. Keep this in mind. Good luck.

A truly deeply and sincerely loving man wants to spend as much time as possible with his beloved woman. Therefore, avoidance is a serious reason to think, even if you are completely sure of his feelings.

What if a man loves and avoids?

Try to put yourself in his place, assess the problem through his eyes. When a man clearly avoids situations in which you can be alone, although everything else in his behavior clearly indicates that he loves, it is likely that you are the reason.

Men, although they are called the stronger sex, are very vulnerable and vulnerable. Perhaps your chosen one, being a witness to your harsh peremptory judgments and a sharp sense of humor, does not want to be ridiculed by you.

Also, men feel uncomfortable in the company of women who are too self-confident. They are psychologically unprepared to play a supporting role with a lady who has her own opinion about everything and does not want to listen to the arguments of the opposite side.

Therefore, before blaming a man, take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps in order for your chosen one to stop avoiding you, you just need to be able to sometimes remain silent or listen to someone else's opinion.

Possible reasons

Why does a man avoid communication? Remember what happened before.

  • Perhaps you had a big quarrel over a trifle and pride does not allow him to be the first to ask for a truce.
  • Another likely reason is that for some reason he suspected you of treason (or vice versa, he himself cheated and is tormented by guilt).
  • His life is not limited only to you. The troubles that have arisen at work, with friends, other close people can lead to the fact that he simply does not have the moral strength to communicate. In such situations, he just needs to be quiet.
  • He learned something compromising, impartial about you. Although he does not want it himself, his attitude towards you has changed. But love hasn't gone away either. Therefore, he needs time to put everything on the shelves.
  • He suffers from stress, depression, chronic fatigue, health problems. Men do not like to discuss such troubles with anyone, especially with loved ones.

There can be many reasons. But most often it is the peculiarities of male psychology. A man in love avoids a woman because he is afraid. At the same time, the more he loves, the more he values ​​​​the opinion of the chosen one, fearing to fall in her eyes.

How should a woman behave?

The one with whom you have been together for a long time does not communicate with you. Why does a man avoid making eye contact? What to do in such a situation?

The most constructive way out is a serious heart-to-heart talk. Prepare carefully for the conversation, think over the arguments. Don't start right away with accusations of neglect, cruelty, and heartlessness. Don't throw in your face: "You don't love me anymore." On the contrary, let him know that in any situation he can count on your understanding, help and unconditional support, that he can trust you.

To stock up on arguments, try talking to his friends, colleagues, and relatives. They can shed light on possible problems at work, at school, with loved ones, with health, with a car that he does not want to share so as not to worry you once again.

If everything is in order with him, ask if he has any claims against you. Annoying little things that he does not dare to point out to you, for fear of offending, can accumulate and lead to alienation.

If you couldn’t hear anything intelligible, and the conversation didn’t help, offer to go away for a while (at least a couple of weeks) and live separately, without meeting with each other and without communicating. Sometimes, to begin to appreciate, it is enough to lose.

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And avoid at the same time. After all, it is clear that the attitude towards you, let's say, is not indifferent, there are both views and compliments, but the chosen one is afraid of being alone with you. What's the matter? You need to try to look at the situation from the side, since it is quite possible that you are the cause of this problem.

The presence of a sense of humor in a woman is always welcome, the question is how developed it is. If a man loves and avoids intersecting with you in a conversation, limiting himself to only ordinary phrases, most likely he is afraid of being ridiculed by you. You can joke, hurting his pride, and it is no less vulnerable than yours. And if a man has repeatedly witnessed your witticisms towards colleagues, then he will not dare to come closer than a cannon shot.

In the event that you are used to commanding, surrounded by zeal to defend positions and listen only to your opinion, get ready for a similar result. No matter how quivering the feelings of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, they cannot play secondary roles, as nature has in their genes. If a man loves and avoids discussing any issues in your company, most likely he is simply afraid of being disappointed in the object of his admiration, since you absolutely do not care about the opinions of others.

These examples relate to those situations when a woman must certainly understand her character, learn to remain silent and think about her jokes well, perhaps for someone they are quite offensive. But what if a man loves and avoids the slightest hint of talking about family, about marriage? Do not put pressure on him, try to understand the reason for this behavior. If it's about his observations of unsuccessful family life experiences with friends or relatives, show him that you have a completely different situation, he must be sure that everything will work out. But in the event that he is a strong self-sufficient male who needs a woman nearby only for status, and talk about marriage is carried out exclusively with a touch of irony, run away, because this person cannot become an ideal husband.

In modern life, it sometimes becomes quite difficult to understand whether a man loves a woman or just feels comfortable being around her. There are some representatives of the stronger sex who are subconsciously looking for someone to play the role of patroness, the so-called mother. Such a woman will always help, prompt, protect, caress and comfort, but it is rather difficult to call these relationships love, they resemble family ones only from the perspective of mother and child.

To understand why a man avoids communication, you need to be able to put yourself in his place. Perhaps you were too persistent, in this case, stop imposing on him. Do not forget that a man is attracted to the lady who needs to be achieved with effort, and not the one who willingly agrees to everything. Become the kind of woman that they want to conquer, and then the object of your adoration will definitely not avoid you.

Men, unconditionally called the strong half of humanity, are sometimes capable of showing such examples of weakness that by their behavior they confuse not only the opposite sex, but also themselves.

Finding themselves in an unusual state for themselves (for example,), some young people, hitherto strong and self-sufficient, for some reason become weak-willed and helpless "creatures".

In contact with

Can a man love and ignore?

A young man who is not accustomed to stop before difficulties can give in to an ordinary girl from a neighboring entrance, when he suddenly realizes his indifference to her. Why?

Most often, such a discovery makes him at least temporarily fence himself off from the object of his unexpected excitement, so as not to betray himself before he himself understands himself and his attitude towards the girl. This may partly explain why a man ignores a woman he likes. Although there are other explanations for such strange behavior.

The behavior of a guy who is in love (it is still unknown whether it is love or not), but who prefers to stay away from her for some time, is quite understandable. One might even say it's okay.

Why does a man ignore a woman in the initial period of his attraction to her? Obviously to take a closer look. It doesn’t matter here at all how long they had known each other “before”, whether the feeling arose as a result of prolonged communication or friendship - or blinded like thunder in broad daylight.

It is important for the representative of the stronger sex to understand why he became dependent on his new feeling, why the appearance of a girl confuses him, why he makes him straighten his back and involuntarily change in his face and voice.

Watching the girl as if from the side, he tries to find an explanation for his feeling and at the same time understand whether it is worth it. And yet, can a man love and ignore his beloved? Again, for the initial stage of falling in love, this is quite normal.

Why does he ignore the woman he likes?

It is worse when a guy is clearly aware of his feeling, but stubbornly continues to shun the woman he likes. Why does he do this? Psychologists believe that pathological behavioral factors are clearly visible here:

  1. An enthusiastic person overly idealizes the image of his beloved, the more he thinks about her, the more positive qualities he ascribes to her (sometimes he simply invents), and he himself falls in love with these qualities. Against the background of such a “dazzlingly ideal object of sympathy”, he sees himself as a complete nonentity, unworthy of even breathing in her direction, and therefore ignores the woman who is attractive to him;
  2. The young man has no experience of sexual intercourse with women, and everything he knows about gender relations is gleaned from books or the Internet. When falling in love gives him the opportunity to bring his knowledge to life, the effect of the “exam” is triggered - and the man is “shadowed”, fearing a failed “debut”;
  3. A man suffers from a sense of inferiority (or resentment, or irritation) from a previous bad experience with a woman. Rejected, and even worse, ridiculed by a woman at least once, a man will not soon decide to “step on the same rake” with another representative of the weaker sex;
  4. Another aspect is the ordinary social or psychological immaturity of a young person, expressed in his communicative incompetence. He simply does not know “what to talk about with them”, how to present himself, what to offer. Inferiority complex, multiplied by the inability to communicate.

As a rule, the male types accepted in psychology in this case do not matter. Sometimes falling in love can even turn an uninhibited extrovert into a shy fifth grader who adores a teacher. Obviously, each specific case has its own explanations for why a man ignores a woman he likes. The psychology of a lover is unpredictable.

Features of the male psychology of ignoring

Perhaps at least the stars know a little more about love than the best psychologists of the whole world? For those who seriously trust astrology, it will be interesting to read the male ignorance depending on the signs of the zodiac.


Aries is not characterized by any kind of cowardice, therefore, in relations between the sexes, he behaves purely like a man. He is not afraid to approach the object of his interest, to enter into "negotiations", to show his superiority.

He's used to feeling like he's in charge. A woman should be grateful to him for the attention given to her. The partner must “know her place” and in every way show that she is proud of him.

Why does an Aries man ignore the woman he likes? Apparently, his feelings are not so strong.


Taurus is considered to be monogamous. Although, you see, several billion people all over the world cannot correspond to this characteristic at the same time. However, Taurus love is considered a great success, because it is usually serious and for a long time.

Why does he ignore the woman he likes? He's just biding his time. As soon as he feels that the woman is ready to reciprocate, he will stop shunning and show himself at his best.


"Charming" and naughty, not always the darling of fate, but almost always the favorite of women, Gemini does not like difficulties in relationships too much. He likes everything light and positively affecting his mood, so he seeks a woman openly and noisily. Why does he ignore the woman he likes? There seems to be reason to think that she is already taken.


A man born under the sign of Cancer is the exact opposite of the previous type. Windiness is not at all his characteristic feature, casual relationships are rare with him. He chooses a partner for a long relationship for a long time and meticulously.

If he is not sure that she meets his ideas about the ideal of a woman, he will watch her for months. That's why he ignores the woman he likes.

a lion

Kingship shines through in all the actions of Leo. Whatever he did, he decided so, and no one dares to condemn him. His desires should be guessed from a half-word, therefore, the woman must herself guess that he is not indifferent to her. But then he will show her how real gentlemen look after! And if she doesn't know, let her think about why she's ignoring the woman she loves.


Men belonging to this sign appreciate calmness and comfort in everything, including relationships. And the beloved should strive to live up to this expectation.

Not bad if she herself takes a step forward to destroy all his doubts. And until this is done, he will long and painstakingly collect information about her, without revealing his affection in any way.

That's why he ignores the woman he likes.


To understand why a woman is ignored, it is useful to recall one important characteristic of this sign: the tendency to weigh all the pros and cons for a long time. He will postpone recognition until the last moment, so as not to rush. Until the decision is made, the woman will feel completely ignored by him.


Men who do not tolerate the leadership of women, namely the Scorpios, will even more closely look at their potential partner - does she have commanding inclinations, a desire for power. Only this can explain why he ignores the woman he likes - he tests her endurance and willingness to obey.


Why does he ignore a woman, even if he likes her? Sagittarius have so many requirements for the female ideal that as they get closer, they not only do not decrease, but, on the contrary, increase in number.

But, given the ease with which Sagittarians start fleeting romances, one can draw a completely positive conclusion from why the Sagittarius man ignores the woman he likes. Apparently, the emerging romance will not be fleeting.


Be sure to look at the object of sympathy and Capricorn. He doesn't like everyone either. She will have to endure his leadership, stubbornness, unconditional rightness, she will have to be ready to follow him to the ends of the world, in general, she owes a lot of things. So it is not difficult to answer the question of why he ignores the woman he likes. He tests her. Educates. In general, train.


That's really who does not want to ignore a woman if he likes her. Why, because love is so beautiful and amazing, and time floats away like water. he does not see anything shameful either in the feeling of falling in love or in crazy passion, he will demonstrate this in every possible way and write declarations of love on the pavement.


Smart and inventive in matters of love, the Pisces man considers his love a precious gift. And this gift will be given only to the one whom he chooses through a careful and captious selection.

Even if he already likes the girl, he can scan her appearance, demeanor and voice for a long time, figure out how all this will be embodied in the image of a girlfriend and lover, whether it will interfere with his concepts of pleasure.

Sometimes he gets more pleasure from his own thoughts than from real communication. This is why the Pisces man ignores the woman he likes for a while. He gets used to it, then to dissolve in it without a trace.

What does he say if he defiantly ignores?

Demonstrative ignorance indicates between a man and a woman. That is, if before they communicated quite friendly, now a certain “ice age” has come in their relationship.

If a man defiantly ignores a woman with whom he used to freely communicate, there is nothing to think about - she was “guilty” of something. Worst of all, if her guilt is not voiced in any way, which destroys the possibility of restoring relations in the "format". In this case, she can try to ask him himself why the man specifically ignores the woman, although there is a big risk of running into a shocking answer.

Psychology sees several reasons for the ostentatious ignoring of women:

  • he hinted to her in every possible way about his feelings, but she turned out to be slow-witted and continues to keep her distance: keeping a distance, the man shows his disappointment with her callousness;
  • the opposite situation - he treated her like a friend, and she took this as a sign of love and; subordination is what a man fences off from obsessive attention to himself;
  • finally, if the relationship has already been, and both know about their indifference to each other, the sudden ignoring of the man is a sure sign that the woman is “guilty” of something (perhaps he just heard rumors about her “infidelity”). Or, she didn't like him.

The lower option is the case when you need to immediately clarify the situation and ask the man a direct question. If he specifically ignores an unfamiliar girl, then he simply tries to kindle her interest in his person.

Useful video

Why does a man still ignore the woman he loves? Resolving this dilemma is not very easy, but possible. There may be several reasons, let's try to figure it out:


  1. A man can love and ignore a woman if he has not yet reflected his feelings, i.e. did not understand them deeply.
  2. If a guy has been ignoring her for a long time, but continues to ignore her, there may be serious psychological and even mental problems. There is nothing reprehensible if such a man turns to a specialist.
  3. When wondering why a man ignores her, a woman should not immediately mistake these odd behaviors for weakness or indecision. It is worth being patient and following his behavior yourself, perhaps everything will clear up soon.

Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes we don't even realize it. So you met exactly him, that very, one and only and, it would seem, nothing can prevent you from being happy with him until the end of your days. After all, at first everything was so good, beautiful and fabulous, but as if a black cat ran across the road - everything went wrong.

He began to avoid you, then to avoid, and then completely disappeared. In fact, what you consider acceptable is absolutely not suitable for another person. Here are the common mistakes that women make in dealing with their gentlemen. Men, in turn, can not stand all these ladies' "tricks".

You are chasing him instead of letting him stalk you.

There is a big difference between harassment and self-interest. These methods work at first. When you do not give a man a pass, he pays attention to you. Only the reversal of roles gives your boyfriend a strange feeling: as if he was deprived of his favorite pastime. After all, he himself must seek the ladies. He will appreciate the relationship in which he has invested some effort.

Waiting too long for courtship? You are probably too unapproachable in his eyes. In this case, the female trick will help: just let the man know that he is interested in you, and then give him room to respond.

This will give him confidence that the choice is made by him. Well, when he feels like the master of the situation, he will involuntarily reach out to you. After all, it is you who provide him with the pleasure of winning and achieving.

He feels like he's being manipulated

It is tempting when you are given the opportunity to bind a person to you forever. Even if it's fraudulent. It is tempting to keep control over him, pressing on weak points in time. But will you yourself be happy in this case?

What are you counting on: servile obedience or sincere reciprocal feelings? In addition, most manipulations do not work in the long run. A smart man will learn your scheme and want to end the relationship with you.

Be careful if you play cat and mouse with him and use intrigue to evoke reciprocal feelings. This game is effective as long as you throw wood on the fire. Once your tricks run out, the man will lose interest in you.

photo: phoenix-nn.com

Why these games, which are appropriate only in adolescence? Isn't it easier to create real chemistry between you and the person you like? Authenticity and naturalness is what you need in order to seal the bond. Well, the destiny of manipulations and games is only a small fraction of attention.

You tend to over-analyze

There is nothing that can destroy a fragile bond faster than a tendency to overanalyze situations. For each action of your gentleman, you make a calculation, considering his act from all sides: “What did he mean? Why did he call me that? Does he really not like me at all?

I knew I shouldn't have worn that dress!" Imagine what will happen to the brain of a man if you decide to voice all your assumptions. Most likely, the analyst sitting somewhere in the government offices has died in you.

But in relationships, the tendency to overanalyze is inappropriate. Remember that men and women are different, their logic and habits are the same. You cannot predict the thoughts and feelings of your gentleman, as you look at the situation with your own eyes.

Your method is far from perfect, which means it will cause errors. And the more stupid these mistakes are, the less desire to communicate you will observe in a man. He will leave you quietly, in English.

Therefore, do not think about the motives of his actions, just enjoy the moment spent with each other. You will get much more pleasure from communication and will not cause damage to the nervous system of your lover.