Determination of character by signature. Is it possible to determine the character of a person by painting? What do the paintings of people say

The signature certifies the authenticity of the document and makes it valid. An incorrect signature can cause a challenge in court and cause many other troubles. Entrepreneurs should know the basic rules for the approval of documentation in order not to get into trouble. unpleasant situations when a document can be declared unenforceable.

  • Who has the right to put his signature on important documentation, and can this right be delegated to other persons?
  • How to place your signature in accordance with the rules of office work?
  • What if several people have to sign at once?

The need for a signature

The entire economic life of the organization is accompanied by written documentation. Charters, reports, declarations, contracts and other documents have legal force if they are made in writing, and the evidence of the written form is the presence on the documents of the signature of the parties or responsible persons with the necessary authority.

Who has signing authority?

Who has the right to sign a particular document should be clearly stated in the relevant regulations, which can be:

  • constituent documents of the organization;
  • job description;
  • local regulations;
  • order;
  • order;
  • power of attorney.

Absolute right to sign(without a power of attorney or other special justifications) is owned by the head, that is, the director or chairman of the board. His data must be contained in the state register (EGRLE or EGRIP).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! If the head, when registering an enterprise, gives the right to sign without a power of attorney along with himself to another person or persons, this information is also entered in the register.

IP one for all

An individual entrepreneur who has the right to perform the functions of a chief accountant can put his signature not only on documents requiring a director's visa, but also sign in the column " Chief Accountant”, for example, in the bill of lading.

Power of attorney signature

Power of attorney is a written document that delegates certain powers. In our case, this is the transfer of the right to put your signature. This can only be issued by the person who has this right unconditionally according to the constituent data, that is, most often, a representative of the management.

The format of the power of attorney and the format of the signed document must match. For example, if a transaction is signed by power of attorney that requires certification by a notary, then the power of attorney must also be notarized.

If you strictly follow the rules, then the document must necessarily contain an indication of the right of the signatory to act on behalf of the organization: a signature on the basis of constituent documents, an order or order of the management, a power of attorney.

NOTE! If the power of attorney is issued on behalf of a legal entity, then it must be issued by the director or another person specified in founding documents.

Who will sign the document if the director is absent?

If the person with the absolute right to sign is, for any reason, absent from his workplace at the time the signature is required, this option should be foreseen in advance. There are several ways to resolve this situation:

  1. Provide in the constituent documents the possibility of signing for the deputy director or other official.
  2. Issue a power of attorney for signature to an authorized person (you can do this immediately on long term e.g. for a year).
  3. Issue an order or instruction for the right to sign a specific document (one-time option).
  4. Use in cases where it does not contradict the law.

Signed by I.O.

If the document is signed by the acting director or his deputy, the right to sign is delegated to him on the basis of the above documents. At the same time, it is not necessary to put an indication of “acting” in the signature itself, according to the GOST rules, only the name of the position is required, which has remained the same for the employee who temporarily assumed the duties of management. It must be indicated when the document is approved. It is also unacceptable to use a slash and use the preposition "for" before the signature.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Documents signed by an acting person in violation of the design of this requisite (with the letters “acting”, a slash or the preposition “for”) cannot be notarized, they can be challenged in court.

In place of the director - the signature of the acting director

If the position of the director is on the form in the place intended for signature, and the acting person signs, then you need to cross out the printed phrase and enter the name of the real position of the signer. The same should be done if the surname and initials of the absent leader are printed. Corrections are made in handwritten form.

What can't be a facsimile?

An imprint-sample signature, which is so easy to transfer to any employee and therefore very convenient to use, can be left on far from all documents. Legal grounds prohibit putting such a signature, which does not require the "live" participation of an authorized person, on the following documents:

  • related to bank payments;
  • various statements;
  • personnel papers;
  • declarations;
  • invoices;
  • cash documents;
  • contracts to be registered;
  • powers of attorney.

Can be left facsimile signature when exchanging documents under one agreement, if:

  • the contract, signed in the usual way, provides for such a possibility;
  • there is an agreement between the partners on the use of cliché-facsimile.

Such papers can be commercial offers, letters, acts, specifications, etc.

How is the requisite "signature"

It would seem that it could be easier - to put your signature? Meanwhile, this is the same serious requisite as the name of the organization and its banking attributes. Therefore, the correctness of its design must coincide with the requirements for office work.

Signature elements

The signature as props consists of three parts.

  1. Job title must be specified in full form in accordance with the schedule. If the signature is not on official letterhead, then the name of the organization must be added to the title of the position. Spelled with capital letter. This element is located on the left edge of the document.
  2. Personal signature- what is commonly called painting. To her special requirements no: it can be both a flourish and a surname with one or more initials. According to the unspoken rules, at least one letter from the name and three from the surname should be clear from the stroke.
  3. Full name- initials and surname. It must completely match the passport data, up to the dots in the letter ё, if they are present in the identity card. Placed at the level of the last line of the signature.

Signature location

The signature is inseparable from the text of the document. If the text ends at the bottom of the page, then the signature cannot be transferred to a separate sheet if there is no other text on the sheet besides it. It is customary to transfer at least the last paragraph, while not forgetting about the correct page numbering.

If several signatures are provided, then they are located one under the other in descending order of the nomenclature significance of the posts.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If members of the commission sign, then it is necessary to indicate not their actual positions, but their role in the composition of the commission (“Chairman”, “Member of the commission”). But they need to be arranged in order of subordination.

IOF or full name?

The order of placement of initials - before or after the surname - is determined by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2003 N 65-st and the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation “Requirements for the execution of documents. GOST R 6.30-2003.

According to these regulations, initials after surname placed in the following cases:

  • when addressing a document to an individual(for example, Koroleva A.P.);
  • when declaring or imposing a resolution when specifying the performer (for example, “The order is assigned to Romanov I.I.”).

If the signature is a prop, then initials are placed before the surname. A dot is placed after the initials, they are not separated from the surname by a space.

Signature stamp

It is not mandatory for some forms of entrepreneurial activity, for example, for individual entrepreneurs. But for most documents, the presence of a seal will certify their authenticity. Its use is regulated mandatory requirements that must be followed.

  1. The seal cannot be placed before the signature, and even more so on a blank sheet.
  2. If the document is drawn up on a special form, then the seal is placed in the place provided for this, baked with the letters M.P. ("place of seal").
  3. In other cases, the seal is placed next to the signature, it is allowed (but not necessary) to cover part of the personal signature with the edge of the seal. The stroke cannot be completely blocked, since its authenticity must be verifiable.
  1. Check the authority of your counterparty to sign, especially if this is your first experience of written cooperation.
  2. Specify not only the identity of the signatory and the authenticity of the authorizing document, but also its validity period.
  3. If the document consists of several pages, then each sheet should be signed, and not just the end of the document. You can flash the document and sign each place of the firmware.
  4. The constituent documents should provide for the procedure for notifying partners about the transfer of authority to sign by management to other persons.

Description of the signature

Begin detailed description signatures.


I.11. The line runs along the entire signature, as if crossing it out.

In other words, this is the one who signs and crosses out his signature or part of it. Sometimes such a signal is a strikethrough of one of the letters.

At one time, we had to work in one of the drug treatment centers that tried to help drug addicts, alcoholics and drug addicts overcome their cravings and dependence on drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances, such as MOMENT glue, which children often inhale. We used such psychodiagnostic methods as SAN (well-being, activity, mood), the Eysenck test (temperament), the Luscher test (test color choices, both abbreviated and complete), sometimes the Lichko pathocharacterological questionnaire (character accentuation), the Leonhard-Smishek questionnaire (character accentuation), the Rosenzweig test (overcoming various life situations), LIBIN-preference test geometric shapes(TIGR - ideographic test). Before or during testing, we asked patients to sign several times. In one study, it turned out that over 6 months of the past year, 48 percent of those surveyed crossed out their signature in whole or in part. We have interpreted this as SELF-DENIAL or REDUCED SELF-PRESERVATION INSTINCT.

Watch those people who cross out their signature. They either get sick or have special various troubles that complicate their life, and consequently the life of their loved ones. Those lines of poets at the end of each newsletter about self-love are just proof of how such a category of people does not love themselves and brings grief to their loved ones when addicted to drugs, alcohol and volatile toxic substances. In other words, dislike for oneself can be expressed when the signature is crossed out, and, consequently, dislike for one's loved ones. How to measure LOVE FOR YOURSELF. It turns out to be LOVE AND ATTITUDE TO YOUR FAMILY AND CLOSE. This is what the poets are talking about.

Of course, if we intervene and tell such a person that it is better not to cross out the signature, nothing will change in his self-perception. However, practice shows that a long-term corrective work it often helps to avoid crossing out the signature, and therefore the behavior changes, since our behavior is expressed in handwriting and signature. Peculiarities nervous system reflected in behavior.

Why is this information confidential?

In medicine, there is such a thing as IATROGENIA (Greek iatros - doctor + genes - generated, arising). This is harm to the health of the patient as a result of certain erroneous actions. medical workers. More often, iatrogenic means undesirable changes in the patient's psyche. In the formation of mental (psychogenically conditioned) iatrogenic, in addition to careless, hurting the patient's statements by the doctor about his state of health, certain traits of the patient's character also play a role (uncertainty, tendency to anxious fears, increased attention to the slightest changes in well-being, emotional vulnerability, etc.), which predetermine an extremely nervous attitude to any medical information he receives.

Some experts believe that in similar cases we should talk about pseudoiatrogeny, since it does not arise through the fault of the doctor, but rather due to the characteristics of the patient's character, which contribute to the formation of obsessive fears (see "Phobia") for their health without serious grounds. The source of psychic iatrogenies can also be improperly conducted medical education, publications of controversial, not having scientific justification concepts and data that do not correspond to reality.

... information for a psychologist:

In this case, you need to be careful - this is a dangerous and self-destructive SIGN 18.

He, as it were, wants to cross out himself (the unconscious often “thinks” literally) to reduce his existence to zero.

This may also mean a certain tendency to think about SUICIDE 18a He foresees that he has no right to live, fears for his existence. Helping him is obviously difficult. Especially if he "resists" because he sort of crosses himself out of life.

I.12. The signature is lifted up with its right side

Such a signature is not parallel to the edges of the sheet, but somewhat obliquely and upwards. This is usually how managers of different levels sign. You just need to take a closer look. Common among leaders.

AMBITION: 19 developed the desire to achieve something significant - an honorable position, for example, fame, glory, power; subjugate everything that surrounds him to his will.

ENERGY, SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY 20 that lead to the satisfaction of ambition.

Tendency to make big plans.

AMBITION - heightened self-esteem, an overly exaggerated sense of one's Dignity (21), imperiousness, resentment.

Tries to persistently climb the ladder of SUCCESS 22 and love.

This positive self-image maintains an element of success in his life, though often accidental and sometimes undeserved.


II.13. The absence of strokes in the signature.

This is such a signature when there are no strokes at all in it. For example, when a signature is simply a written surname, or just a part of it, but without strokes.

The desire to be based only on what is available for factual verification.
Craving for concrete manifestations of life.

II.14. Strokes preceding the signature.

The shape of the stroke before the signature can be any. Before the first letter of the signature, some sometimes put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. Occurs frequently.

The habit of acting on inner conviction when there is a firm CONFIDENCE 23 , one's own OPINION 24 , one's own views.

II.15. With exaggeratedly long straight strokes before the signature.

The shape of the stroke before the signature can be any. Before the first letter of the signature, some sometimes put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. But it is immediately evident that such a stroke is too long for such a signature.

stubbornness: 25 stubbornness, intractability, desire to do one's own way, insisting on one's own, contrary to necessity and common sense. He does not like to confess his mistakes and blunders, even to himself.

RESISTANCE: authoritative, does not like objections. Perseverance, perseverance, but can be understanding.

... information for a psychologist:

DESPOTICITY: autocracy, trampling on other people's desires and will, tyranny, the need for unlimited power. The ability to allow arbitrariness, regardless of the desire and opinion of others.

II.16. Long horizontal strokes, especially before or after the signature.

The shape of the stroke before the signature can be any. Before the first letter of the signature, some sometimes put a stroke, which usually merges with the first letter or its likeness. After the signature, a long horizontal stroke is also immediately evident, since such strokes are too long for such a signature.

CAUTION: 26 restrains his thoughts, extremely prudent in his actions and deeds. He will stop, think, and only then can he do it, taking the necessary precautions so as not to attract special attention, gently, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Just as cautiously, he makes various suggestions.

DISCLUSIVE: 27 suspicious attitude towards someone or something and hides one's understanding of the intentions of others. In this regard, people may be treated with hostility, with irritation, but often it is difficult to notice.

II.17. Highly set, elongated strokes.

Such strokes can be placed, for example, over the capital letters P, T, or simply over the entire signature. Occurs rarely.

SELF-LOVE: developed self-esteem, combined with a jealous attitude towards the opinion of others about themselves. Pride, which often allows you to stand up for yourself. Difficulty in reconciliation. Don't admit if you don't know something. Has a philosophical mind. Trying to expand the worldview, he does not know how to make fun of himself and can be offended by jokes more than others. By nature, he is inclined to show off, cares too much about his authority and often strives for a leadership position.

PERSISTENCE: Resolutely pursues his goal. . Perseverance, perseverance and exactingness are the guarantee that he will achieve his goal at all costs.

AUTHORITY: 28 wants to dispose, command, manage. But often he does not want to be content with what he has. Able to subjugate, conquer, including indisputable logic.

II.18. Curving down to the left stroke (against the direction of movement).

In the signature after the last letter, the stroke goes under the signature back, to the beginning, against the direction of movement. And even if this stroke does not go completely back under the signature, but only indicated that it can go, this corresponds to the interpretation.

CALCULATED CAUTION: containment of one's thoughts, extreme discretion in one's actions and deeds. Time is spent thinking, and only then actions begin with the adoption of the necessary caution, so as not to attract special attention, without rudeness, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Proposals of various kinds will also be made with caution. Such prudent caution can lead to false actions and statements, hypocrisy, which will not correspond to true feelings, beliefs, intentions. …

SELFISHNESS: behavior is built in such a way that it is entirely determined by the thought of one's own benefit, benefit, preference for one's own interests over the interests of other people.

SELF-LOVE: can carry himself proudly and impregnably, with cold politeness, in which one can feel the indulgent contempt of a service minion and the callousness of a selfish nature with concern only for oneself. Anger, as a rule, is absent, but willfulness, spoiledness is possible. There may be no understanding of the strain of forces someone has to work with. The danger of arrogance is not excluded, which will lead to self-importance, arrogance, neglect of the affairs of others. At the same time, politeness is combined with fearlessness, liveliness and understanding.

With other signs, it may indicate dishonesty and dishonesty of nature.

II.19. Curving up above the signature stroke (against the direction of movement).

Such a stroke is bent at the end of the signature up and to the left, above the signature, when writing the last letter, or its likeness, and without breaking away from it, at the end of the signature. Occurs rarely.

IMPRESSIBILITY: easily and vividly impressible, very receptive. The smallest trifle can disturb. In his mind, the environment leaves a deep imprint and experiences.

CURIOSITY: the desire to acquire new knowledge, inquisitiveness. As a rule, external meekness, curiosity, I want to see everything, sometimes touch it with my hands. CURIOSITY (29) is one of the most beautiful traits of character. It often saved the lives of many people when everything else was no longer good.

A tendency to improvise, fantasize, the ability to invent, imagine something, DREAM 30 . His imagination may be inexhaustible, and suggestions for improving something may seem, at first glance, fantastic. Fantasy is special case imagination, and imagination is mental process, consisting in the creation of new images based on the processing of past perceptions. No artist could create without relying on fantasy. It helps to imagine what does not lend itself direct perception. Feels the pleasure of inventing, composing something, improvising. Specific proposals bind him, and then it is difficult for him to “ignite” both those around him and himself to creativity. The fantasy he created at the beginning can maintain the courage of the desperate. Sometimes he is whimsical and whimsical (31), and then he finds himself in a difficult position because he wants to do it now, but it is proposed out of time, ahead of events.

II.20. Strokes and the end of the signature are directed to the right.

The end of the signature in the form of strokes directed to the right. Occurs at moderate frequency

EXTRAVERTIBLE (extra - outside, verto - turn, turn): turned outward, aimed at external world and activities in it, characterized by a predominant interest in external objects. More interested in what is happening around, and not what is happening to him.

EXCITABILITY: the ability to quickly become aroused.

FLASH 32: ability to flare up; easily gets irritated, angry.

IMPULSIVENESS: tendency to act under the influence of a sudden impulse, on the first impulse; weak-willed behavior for a moment.

Often experiences tension - a difficult, embarrassed state. In such cases, such a person spends more strength, attention and energy than required. Constant tension leaves its mark: seriousness, unnaturalness, concentration, even gloom appear. A tense, nervous life "helps" the disease to destroy the body. Being in a state of tension requires an exit: ready to burst into something, for example, an “explosion” of feelings. Therefore, tension - the scourge of the development of new activities, is always associated with uncertainty.

IMPATIENCE: It is especially difficult for such a person to wait. He can't stand verbosity. Therefore, such a property of character generates many errors. But the opposite feature - patience is one of the manifestations of the volitional qualities of a person.

II.21. The strokes and the end of the signature are directed to the right, but in an angular handwriting with pressure.

In position II.20, it was about the same, but now an angular handwriting with pressure is added. Occurs rarely.

VOLIED CHARACTER. The ability to achieve the goals set for oneself.

INITIATIVE: possesses a certain entrepreneurial spirit, the ability for independent active actions, undertakings, and the desire to command.

II.22. The strokes are long, powerful, directed upward from the right.

Such strokes are most often placed in the letters "b", "d" and others. Occurs rarely.

Constantly experiences CONTRADICTION, i.e. a position in which one thing excludes another that is incompatible with it.

Sometimes in the discussion shows tactlessness.

The tendency to SELF-AFFIRMATION - proves by hook or by crook its value, significance, therefore, often there is really no strength left for work.

II.23. Strokes that wrap in themselves, preceding the signature.

Usually, such strokes that wrap themselves in themselves are most often depicted in capital letters and at the beginning “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “K”, “L”, “M”, “P”, “T”, etc. This wrapping is similar, like in some dogs - “bagel tail” or “hook tail”. Occurs with medium frequency.

PERSISTENCE 33: resolutely, perseveringly, achieves his goal.

STABILITY: always insists on his own, intractable, does not want to bow and humiliate himself, wait, which causes certain difficulties in relationships. Strict and firm in business, but ready to help many. STRICT CHARACTER: AUTHORITY is inherent (SEE 28), does not like objections in anything; , stubbornly self-willed, likes to act in defiance of someone -, something - l. At the same time, despite his obstinate disposition, he can obey, especially his mother. Sometimes his rebelliousness, self-will and stubbornness take on the character of impudence.

II.24. The final stroke of the signature ends with a horizontal stroke.

The signature contains a stroke various lengths, which many often put at the end, usually in isolation from the signature. Occurs frequently.

Distrustfulness: a suspicious attitude towards someone, something. He has his own opinion, which he does not share with anyone.

CAUTION: containment of one's thoughts, extreme discretion in one's actions and deeds. Time is spent thinking, and only then actions begin with the adoption of the necessary caution so as not to attract special attention, without rudeness, carefully, without causing harm to anyone. Proposals of various kinds will also be made with caution. In this regard, people can be treated with caution, and sometimes with irritation, but often this can not be noticed.

18 . My sign differences crawled snail,
She managed to sniff you out too.
Lurking here is a fruitless attempt
They see right through everyone here.

The desire to always be right is a SIGN of vulgarity. Camus

Qui tacet - consentire videtur - silence is a SIGN of consent.

The first sign of a high mind is condescension. Chesterfield.

So, if we are condescending to the shortcomings and minor mistakes of others that do not harm anyone, then we show a fairly high intelligence.


Everyone has it healthy person mood can and should change. Sometimes we get sad, and that's okay. But if the state of depression does not go away for more than two weeks in a row, it can turn into a serious depression.

Depression is a fairly common illness. It can affect the physical health of a person, distort his perception of the world around him. In addition, people with depression are more likely to high risk suicide (suicide). Many of those who have experienced major depression are not immune from the next attack. But with appropriate treatment, 80 to 90 percent of people suffering from this condition feel better within the first month.

Those young people who have made suicide attempts in the past, or often talk about it, are at a higher risk of suicide. Approximately two-thirds of those who committed suicide before this spoke about suicide, and in a third of cases they declared it directly. Listen to the words: “I would be better off dead,” “I won’t bother anyone anymore,” or “All this is not important and meaningless.”

Young people immersed in suicidal thoughts tend to feel lonely, helpless, and rejected. They are especially prone to indulge in dreary thoughts when they are offended or humiliated in the presence of friends or loved ones, when they have lost self-respect after a failed exam, after a breakup with a loved one, if their parents abuse alcohol or drugs, if there is discord in the family, if their parents fight or divorce. However, a teenager may experience depression or even attempt suicide if this kind of trouble has not touched him.

If there have already been cases of suicide in the family, this increases the risk of repeated suicide. This connection can be explained by the fact that adolescents tend to identify themselves with those who are close to them and repeat their actions.

Adolescents who abuse alcohol or drugs are not only more likely to attempt suicide, but they are also more likely to follow through. It is known that about 80% of people who attempted suicide did so after drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant.

Teenagers contemplating suicide can do housecleaning: giving away or throwing away their favorite things while cleaning their room. In addition, after a long period of depression, they can suddenly become very cheerful, because they "found a way out" by deciding to commit suicide.

If several of the following statements apply to you or to any of your friends, then you should seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist), parents, or another adult you trust.
I wake up later than usual, I sleep badly, I am constantly overcome by drowsiness.

My appetite has changed, I am rapidly losing weight or gaining weight.
I feel constant anxiety.
I distance myself from friends and family.
I can not concentrate.
What I used to like very much, no longer interests and does not please me.
I have feelings of hopelessness or guilt.
My mood and behavior changed dramatically: I used to be very calm, but now I am extremely excited; I used to like to be in companies, but now I avoid all communication.
I don't think life is worth living.

For the most part, people who are depressed or contemplating suicide do not and do not want to talk about their feelings. They feel unwanted. They have lost hope and do not express their emotions, believing that their experiences will lay a heavy "burden" on the shoulders of others. Some are afraid of being ridiculed.

This is understandable, because those who talk about suicide are often not taken seriously, or they miss what was said on deaf ears. Such a reaction can lead to irreparable. So if your friend or relative brings up such a topic, take it seriously and take the time to have a deep and compassionate conversation.

Try to convince this person that he has someone to turn to. That relatives, friends, school psychologist, doctor or teachers, no doubt willing to listen to him. Often the opportunity to speak out makes it easier heartache, and although it is difficult to start such a conversation, it is still necessary.

One should not teach and point out all the reasons why a person is obliged to live. Instead, listen more and try to convince him that depression and suicidal tendencies are treatable. depressive states respond well to treatment with psychotherapy (generalizing the name of a variety of non-drug methods, the purpose of which is the correction of behavior) or appropriate drugs. Antidepressants (drugs for the treatment of depression) are used in combination with psychotherapy, and only as prescribed by a doctor. Almost 90% of all patients suffering from depression respond well to such treatment.

19. Nothing excites AMBITION so much as someone else's glory, which crushes envy and nourishes valor.

AMBITABLE often want to conquer the whole world, they are usually smart and endowed with a rich imagination, they strive for self-affirmation. Hence, sometimes there is a desire to show off, brag, exaggerate one's true achievements. But they, like no one else, are able to make fun of themselves.

When thinking about the end of the matter, take care to EXIT safely, and not to beautifully enter. The usual misfortune of minions is a loud beginning and a bitter end. The point is not to be greeted by the crowd at the entrance - everyone will be able to enter nicely - but to regret your departure.

20. Acting among the small ones, you become smaller,
And among the big ones you yourself grow ...
But he takes things seriously
And he looks at the root, at the essence of things, at the foundation.

21. ADVANTAGES become even more valuable, flaws will be less visible if they come into contact with art. In this way, beauty is helped, because without such help, beauty can appear ugly. Who has no culture virtues half. Evil intent is poison for the tall virtues.

A sign of perfection is an intolerant attitude towards one's shortcomings. Few people are free from spiritual or bodily flaws, but often few people pay attention to them, and sometimes they even cherish and boast about them when they are easy to get rid of. It annoys the sensible to see how an insignificant flaw sometimes spoils a magnificent combination virtues, - pretty and a cloud to outshine the sun. birthmarks on good fame, human malice will immediately notice - and stubbornly aims at them. Especially valuable is the art of hiding one's shortcoming, turning it into an advantage ( for every lack is a continuation of our virtues). So, Caesar hid his bald head with a laurel wreath.

It is especially important to know your main dignity, develop your best abilities, not forgetting the rest. Everyone could achieve great heights in something if they knew their advantages. Determine your main gift ( “everyone is capable of much, but not everyone knows what he is capable of”) and apply diligence ( “You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty”); in some minds predominate, in others valor. Most people do not know their own characteristics and therefore cannot achieve success. Easy success flatters passions, but time brings belated disappointment. However, for universal admiration and even more love, merit alone is not enough - not only words are needed, but even more deeds.

In order to earn and keep a good name, you need big dignity which are as rare as mediocre ones are frequent.

Do you want to show off - brag virtues rather than luck; even a king should be honored more for his personal merits than for his outward greatness.

At the same time rare dignity the ignoramus is inaccessible to another, and he consoles himself with the ordinary, but at the same time with his own.

Another, relying on his dignity, does not seek to win love, which through feeling penetrates into conviction. But devoted love does not always reward for the virtues that it more often imagines - valor, nobility, learning, even intelligence; he does not see shortcomings, because he does not want to see.

“Everyone is arranged in his own way, and there is no person who would be complete
villain. There is no one who combines all the advantages: beauty,
restraint, intelligence, taste and fidelity. Everyone is good in their own way, and it's hard to say
who is really better. Murasaki Shikib at

22. Some people are born sensible and with this gift they reach wisdom, which is half the way to SUCCESS.

Others are more concerned with not deviating from the once and for all taken direction, rather than thinking about achieving the goal; however, the censure failure always stifles praise for diligence. A happy ending will brighten up everything ( "winners are not judged"), although the means to achieve the goal are not always good ( "end justifies the means"). The "rule" of the reasonable is sometimes to go against all sorts of "rules", otherwise the work begun will not be completed.

To give an idea... Sometimes it is necessary to remind, and sometimes to advise. People often do not take the necessary step because nothing comes to mind; in such cases, it is appropriate to give friendly advice. One of the most valuable properties of the mind is to realize in time what is important. Who is deprived of this good luck often misses. Let the quick-witted give help, and the slow-witted ask for it; one in this case will be more detailed, the other more attentive, as if they were giving him a hand. The art of presenting a thought is very valuable when it can be of benefit to the one who submits it. It is recommended to do this kindly, but if necessary, be persistent. "No" is always ready, "yes" has to be sought - and with the mind. That's why success often they don't get it because they don't get it.

Not coping with the case is less of a problem than indecision. Not running water deteriorates, but stagnant ( "a rolling stone gathers no moss").Others will not take a step until you push them; and the reason is sometimes not in the flexibility of the mind - the mind can be penetrating - but in its lethargy. A lot of intelligence is needed to anticipate difficulties, but even more - to find a way out. Smart and decisive people are not embarrassed by difficulties, they are born for big things. Their clarity of understanding breeds speed of action and success; they manage everything by themselves ... One of them, having managed his own affairs, still manages to take care of the affairs of the other.

Usually they begin to act when there is no doubt. Doubt about the success of the one who acts becomes confidence in the failure of the opponent. It is dangerous to act when you doubt success and it is better to refrain then. Is it possible to expect success when the act is barely conceived, and is already condemned by fear?

But the other extreme is complacency. It is always useful, even wise, to live with prudent apprehension - in order to increase diligence in achieving success and for consolation in case of failure. The cruelty of fate will not so strike the one who fears in advance.

Goal-orientation often helps to achieve success and power.

Skillful calculation - pledge success in business.

“I have always noticed that success in the world you have to have a silly look and be smart. C. Montesquieu

The only condition on which success, have patience. (L.N. Tolstoy)

“I bequeath: do not be zealous in anything, choose the middle in everything. You will see the same success that and toiling hard." Theognis

23. The highest perfection in business is achieved with complete CONFIDENCE.

Confidence comes from knowledge, from ignorance and from physical strength. (Boris Lesnyak).

There is something that gives a special charm to the human thought: it is UNCERTAINTY in oneself. A SELF-CONFIDENT mind is annoying and boring. ( A. France)

24. How many people - so many opinions. Any item by opinion some are good, and others are bad, what one follows, the other pursues. An obnoxious fool is one who tries to remake everything in his own way.

25. But he is a terrible misanthrope, (a person who avoids the company of people is unsociable).

Grouchy, stubborn and stubborn.

The one who STRONGLY is often grouchy and it is very difficult to convince him.

The difference between perseverance and stubbornness is that the former has its source desire, and the second, on the contrary, is a strong reluctance. (G. Beecher)

I don't care at all if someone is STRONG; but if he is impudent, then it has already for me great importance. The first defends his views, and this is his property. The second attacks the opinions of others, and this is already common property. (Montesquieu)

stubbornness. If they give you lined paper, write across. (Juan Ramon Jimenez)

Truly soft can only be people with a strong character. The great vice of youth - stubbornness - sometimes leads to mature years to a great advantage - perseverance. (Abu-l-Faraj)

26. When the path is not clear, stick to the wise and CAREFUL people - sooner or later they find a good way out.

We arrived, I hope, in a good hour.
CAUTION always saved us

At the same time, excessive CAUTION is a frequent companion of various fears and phobias.

"True courage is CAUTION." Euripides

27. Everyone knows how much deception is around, so be on the lookout, but do not show your DISCONFIDENCE, so as not to cause distrust in yourself, because. it is dangerous - generating enmity, can induce to revenge.

We know how often friendship perishes from mistrust.

28. POWER corrupts.
She has no reason to confess
She, like small children, is innocent,
And I have no control over her.

Everything in the world is created for their personas.
For them, nothing is sacred in life.
When the judge does not dare to punish,
He is with the criminals.

I described the matter gloomily,
But the collapse is even darker.
Mistake of many! Lord
Must be satisfied with POWER.

Let him own
The whole secret of human happiness.
He just needs to give an order
And in surprise the world comes.
And enjoy, vegetate

It brings you down to a lower level.
And this one really lived to its fullest!
And at the beginning of the collapse
Insolvent POWER

The country has changed into chaos.
All began to divide the enmity.
Brothers ganged up on brothers
And cities upon cities.
Artisans fought with the nobility
And gentlemen with the men.

Priests went to the laity,
And each counter - transverse
Killed another from the crowd
With inhuman cruelty.
The merchant was leaving on business -
And found the end along the way.
Has reached its peak
Rooted evil.

Everyone has lost their sense of fear
The one who fought lived, and so it went.

It went, fell, weaved, dragged,
Until it completely fell apart.

Nobody was to blame.
Everyone wanted to mean something.
Guessed the second category,
And the first one was just patient.
However, this mess

Not to my liking became the best people.
They thought: "We'll get
Order. our emperor
We are not a stronghold in the harsh struggle.

Let's choose another
Which with an AUTHENTIC hand
We will be familiar with updates,
To combine a happy marriage
And justice and peace.

So skillful overbearing The leader knows how to restore justice and order.

"If you want to know a person, give him POWER."

Only then take POWER into your hands when you learn to obey. Solon

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - to command oneself - THE GREATEST POWER.

29. He is MORE CURIOUS than a fish.
What would this helicopter
Neither incarnated, he is before us
Appear, barely see the flame.

The common people are more inquisitive,
It doesn't stay away
And, observing strange arrays,
Attributes the miracle to Satan.

When a person is attracted to something unusual, he will definitely come or come up to ask.

Ordinary people, as a rule, are more inquisitive and notice the slightest inaccuracies. But if these inaccuracies do not find an explanation, then they are attributed to non-existent reasons.

30. DREAM secular vanity will dispel,
Vanity will trample on its fifth.

DREAMS, dreams where your sweetness is a famous expression.

S.E. Lenz:
DREAMED to know people from the inside. He was offered to do it from the back door.
The dream of slaves is a market where one could buy their own masters.
Where reigns cruel law, people DREAM about lawlessness.

31. FAD is hated as a temptation to prudence.

Yes, you yourself are the enemy of fads that are not characteristic of the season,
And you love a simple, healthy, uncomplicated table.

32. The irascible is often aggressive and in most cases is not capable of hitting from behind, as he is used to seeing his opponent face to face. The one who quickly flares up, he just as quickly departs. Hot-tempered all in sight, he will almost never "keep a stone in his bosom", so he is less dangerous than secretive. It is easier for a quick-tempered person to look into the future, since we know that an outbreak will be followed by a quick calm. You can be quick-tempered in the family, or you can be in the environment. Although hot-tempered man happens both in the family and in the environment. As everyone knows, a person in the family is an “angel”, and at work a “beast” and vice versa. And this is not compensation, but an innate feature and it is almost impossible to correct it, and there is no need. It is enough to always “forgive” such a person and teach him to ask for forgiveness from others for his lack of restraint. If he restrains himself, he will harm his health. So let's be rude? At first, yes. Then at the forefront you need to put love and respect for your loved ones or employees.

33. PERSISTENCE softens fate. ( Flaubert)

Perseverance and perseverance are the guarantee that he will achieve his goal, no matter what. PERSISTENCE is one of the manifestations of the volitional qualities of a person.

© V.V. Libin, 2004
© Published with the kind permission of the author.

29.05.2014 29.05.2014 by Mnogoto4ka

Each person has a certain signature, it can be said that it is difficult to find two people with the same autographs, since they will also have something different: a clear, clear signature or “light” slightly noticeable letters. Each person comes up with his own painting and here you can give free rein to your imagination, but it is precisely by our “squiggle” that you can determine the main character traits, while knowing certain patterns.

Signature slope

When analyzing handwriting, pay attention to the direction of the end of the signature:

  • Up. Such a painting suggests that its owner is a purposeful, cheerful, energetic person. All the falls, failures, disappointments that are encountered on the path of life, he easily bypasses them, while being reborn with new ideas, strengths and goals. Such a signature is very often possessed by people with a creative nature, such as artists, writers, artists. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, very often they stand out from the rest, both in appearance and in the inner world.
  • Directly. Such a painting is possessed by a person whose character contains features of optimism and pessimism, and one of them can manifest itself to a greater extent under the influence of external circumstances. Communication with such personalities is good when both character traits are balanced.
  • Down. This person is a pessimist. This trait has a strong effect on him. creative personality, he cannot fully open up in some area, because of which he suffers from time to time. This nature does not have faith, or it is, but very weak. And this can manifest itself in any area, whether it be religion or one's own strengths. Such a person has practically no willpower, and he also treats alcohol with some sympathy.

Signature length.

  • Long. A person with such a signature is thorough, unhurried, assiduous and purposeful. He gets to the heart of the matter and sees it through to the end. In relations with people, he is somewhat boring and stubborn. But doing business with him, you can be calm, because he will bring his work to the end.
  • Short. The person who has short painting, has a good reaction, but capturing the essence of what is happening, studies it very superficially. This person lacks perseverance and patience, so he does not like any business that requires monotony and some attention. We can conclude that his actions are quick, sometimes not fully thought out. From this follows his attitude towards others: he cannot stand slow, tedious comrades, colleagues.

Letter size.

  • Is the capital letter much larger than the lowercase letter? Such a person is capricious, demanding great attention from those around you. You can even say that there is a little egoist in him.
  • If capital letter almost does not differ from the lower case, then the owner of such a signature is a modest person, satisfied with his life, knowing that his life is completely dependent on himself.
  • All letters in the painting are small. The person is economical, concrete, thinking that everything should revolve around them. It often happens that these people are selfish.
  • All letters in the painting are large. A dreamy, naive, impractical, but very kind person. IN business relations may set you up for something. But as a friend, he's just great. It happens that large letters they talk about his desire for independence, freedom, rebellion for justice.

Tilt letters.

  • The letters in the signature are upright. By nature, such people are realists. They are distinguished by restraint, a specific sequence in actions, but stubbornness in some cases takes its toll.
  • Tilt to the right. This direction speaks of the balance of character traits of a person who understands and is always ready to compromise.
  • Leaning to the left. The owner of such a painting is stubborn, wayward, distrustful, secretive and insincere.
  • In the signature, the letters “dance”. Such a person is capricious, impetuous and purposefulness is almost absent.

Each of us invents a signature for himself, thereby revealing his true essence to others. It would seem that what can be hidden behind the usual stroke? It turns out that the signature can be learned a lot useful information about the character of a person, his preferences and lifestyle. We don’t really think about it when we leave our “autograph” on paper. But this is a confirmation of our personality in every sense. Let's try to uncover the secrets of graphology and find out how the signature defines our character.

There is a whole algorithm, according to which a personal psychological portrait of a person is compiled according to the signature. We will not delve too deeply into graphology and will only touch on the most important aspects writing signatures, which determine personality traits.

Signature size one can judge the mind of a person. If the signature is sweeping, this is a sign of a flexible mind. The owner of such a signature always thinks big, considers the situation from different angles and always tries to come to an objective conclusion. If the signature is compact enough, this means that its owner thinks concretely and often does not try to delve into the essence of events.

Long signature testifies to the depth of thinking, patience and even tediousness. Such a person likes to delve into the details. A short signature is a sign of quick thinking and ingenuity. Such people absorb only the information they need and do not like to delve into the very essence.

Type of writing letters can also tell a lot of interesting things about the essence of man. If the letters in the signature are round, this is a sign of an open nature, sociability, kindness and peace of mind. Angular letters are a sign of an irritable character, stubbornness and lack of tact.

Letter spacing can tell information about the relationship to money. Long distance indicates extravagance. If all the letters are tightly pressed against each other, then this can mean greed, thrift, frugality.

Signature slope- This is one of the most important criteria for characterizing a person. The tilt to the left betrays in a person waywardness, a desire for independence. A tilt to the right is a sign of balance and an adequate perception of oneself and the world around. If all the letters in the signature are written straight, that is, they do not have a slope, then this is a sign of self-control, high intelligence and straightness. If all the letters in the signature have a different slope, then this is a sign of insincerity and deceit. If the letters have a very strong slope, no matter which way, then its owner has serious psychological problems.

Some signatures are also characterized by elements decorating it. If there are loops in it, then this is a sign of caution. Circle - anxiety and obsession with problems. Curls and other non-standard elements in the signature testify to the creative nature.

Finishing touch in the signature indicates the worldview and mood of its owner. If the stroke is directed upwards, this is a sign of optimism. Down is a sign of a pessimistic nature. If the stroke goes straight, then the owner of the signature is a balanced person who can both be sad and have fun.

By the nature of the underline Signatures can determine the relationship of a person to himself. If the signature is underlined from above, this is a sign of ambition and vanity. Below - increased pride, egocentrism and dependence on someone else's point of view. If the signature is crossed out in the middle, then this indicates low self-esteem.

The last thing to pay attention to is the complexity of the signature and its legibility. The clearer the signature, the more he is open to communication. If the signature is too simple, then this betrays excessive carelessness in a person. If it consists of many complex elements and it is difficult to decipher, then its owner is a restless, tense and suspicious person. original signature indicates a creative person.

A person's signature, like his handwriting, is the key to his essence. Not without reason, many American personnel services have introduced into the interviewing system new test, which reveals the nature and personal qualities person based on his signature and handwriting. This great way Learn more about yourself and the people around you. If this information was useful to you, click on and

24.08.2013 13:00

It's no secret that the Sign of the Zodiac leaves its mark on a person. People related...

All that can be learned from a person's signature. Fundamentals of graphology and calligraphy for beginners.
Below are the basic characteristics of a person that can be calculated based on his handwriting and signature.
1. Size of the signature (What can be found by the size of the signature):

  • a) sweeping - global systems thinking;
  • b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. The length of the signature (as indicated by the length of the signature):

  • a) long - the ability to delve deeply into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and tediousness;
  • b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to monotonous work.

3. Type of signature (How to determine the type of character by handwriting):

  • a) rounded - softness, kindness, balance;
  • b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. The distance between the letters (Characteristics that can be determined based on the signature):

  • a) significant - generosity, squandering;
  • b) "dense" signature - frugality, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

5. The presence of various elements in the signature (Here's how to determine the character of a person by his handwriting):

  • a) circle - obsession with problems and ideas;
  • b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

  • c) drawings - creative thinking;
  • d) combining elements - the desire to optimize their activities.

6. Signature slope (Which means slope):

  • a) to the left - waywardness, pronounced individualism;
  • b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;

  • c) direct slope - restraint, straightforwardness, mind;
  • d) heterogeneous inclination - secrecy, insincerity;
  • e) "lying" letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. The direction of the final stroke (What else can you learn from the letter):

  • a) up - optimism;
  • b) down - a tendency to pessimism;

  • c) directly - balanced character;
  • 8. The length of the "tail" of the signature.
The longer the tail, the more intolerant a person is of other people's opinions. It is also a sign of discretion and caution. The shorter the tail, the more careless the person.

9. Signature underline (What does it mean if the signature is underlined):

  • a) from below - pride, resentment, dependence on the opinions of others;
  • b) from above - pride, vanity;

  • c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry (how to interpret a person's signature):

  • a) symmetrical - reliability;
  • b) asymmetric - unstable character, mood swings.

  • c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity (As seen from the person's signature):

  • a) simple - a person lives according to the principle "no problems";
  • b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make an elephant out of a fly”;

  • c) original - great creative potential.

12. Legibility (If the signature is readable and not readable)

  • The more clear the signature, the more open the person.

13. Pressure (Which means the degree of pressure on the pen when writing):

  • a) excessive - aggressiveness;
  • b) weak - secrecy;

  • c) strong - confidence
Knowing these simple features, you can easily make a psychological portrait of a person only based on his signature on the contract.