International Accounting Day (Accountant's Day). International Accounting Day (Accountant's Day) When is the chief accountant's day in the year

The work of an accountant is very responsible and complex. It requires a painstaking professional approach, because any serious mistake can cost the company a lot of money. Often these people find themselves in dangerous situations when they are given responsibility for decisions made. Increasingly, modern accountants work remotely, outsourced. But this does not apply to very large enterprises, where the staff is staffed by a whole team of such specialists. Absolutely all professionals in this field celebrate their holiday on the twenty-first of November.

history of the holiday

It is not officially established at the state level. Representatives of the profession have repeatedly approached the head of state with this question, but have not yet received a positive answer. This is not surprising: each such request is considered very carefully. The calendar already has many dates that are of great importance to the population of the country. But the lack of official status does not prevent accountants from organizing a large-scale celebration for themselves every year.

The date for it was chosen deliberately: in 1996, namely on November 21, the law “On Accounting” was issued. It is the basis on which specialists work. This holiday should not be confused with Chief Accountant's Day - it is celebrated on April 21 and has a narrower focus.

For many years, Moscow Accountant Day has been celebrated on November 16th. In addition, in some sources you can find information about the celebration of Accountant’s Day on November 25 or 28 - the day of publication of the Federal Law “On Accounting” of 1996. In a word, confusion, completely uncharacteristic for this profession that loves precision.

The history of the Accountant's Day holiday is quite simple. Unlike other public holidays, the history of Accountant's Day does not go back deep into history. In 1996, on November 21, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin signed the law “On Accounting”. From that moment on, Russia began to celebrate this day as a holiday for all accountants. Like any other holiday Accountant's Day have their own traditions. Every year, the country's officials give their congratulations on Accountant's Day to people in this complex profession. In their honor, large festive concerts are held, which are broadcast on central channels. The only surprise is that there are about four million accountants in Russia, their holiday is known to everyone and is celebrated on a grand scale, but there is no such thing as a state Accountant’s Day, there is only a law from November 21 1996 signed by B.N. Yeltsin. We all love money. It is accountants who help us display this love on the festive Accountant's Day. But the state is somehow calm about the fact that people in this profession do not have a legal public holiday. So they celebrate it at random. Moscow accountants celebrate their holiday on November 16th. Accountant's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on July 16th. The only thing that can please Russian accountants is the presence of International Accounting Day. On November 10th every year, all accounting professionals celebrate this day.

International Accounting Day

The history of this international accountant's day goes back to the distant 15th century, or more precisely to November 10, 1494. On this day and year, Luca Pacioli’s book “All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion” was published in Venice. In this book, the author tried to summarize all the knowledge about mathematics known at that time. Pacioli's work was the starting point that gave birth to International Accountant's Day. In addition, this work is interesting because he was the first to write about the use of order journals and accounting registers. In addition, he stated that the accountant would not be able to have a restful sleep until the debit and credit were reconciled. Pacioli gave many terms, gave examples of work, and other special knowledge for full-fledged accounting. Although Pacioli was neither the developer nor the inventor of the accounting system itself, he is called the father of accounting. Venetian merchants during the Renaissance used his work in their work. His work became the basis for subsequent developments in the field of accounting. It is worth noting that Pacioli's book was published fifty years before the beginning of printing in Europe.

About the profession

The accountant maintains reporting documentation in accordance with the requirements established by law. His responsibilities include recording all transactions and transactions with counterparties. The nature of the activity depends on the sector of the economy in which the enterprise operates.

A career begins after graduating from a higher or secondary specialized educational institution and completing courses. The specialist must have basic knowledge of auditing and understand the intricacies of the regulatory framework.

The profession of an accountant is associated with high responsibility. The success and future fate of the enterprise depends on the correct completion of documents. Mistakes can lead to fines, criminal prosecution, and closure of the organization.

Accounting professionals have several professional days a year: Accountant Day (November 21),

Some regions of Russia have their own holiday dates. In Moscow it is celebrated on November 16, in St. Petersburg - on November 15, in the Volgograd region - on November 1, in the Krasnodar region - on the first Sunday of December, in the Krasnoyarsk region - on November 12, in Tatarstan - on the last Friday of November, in the Yaroslavl region - on the first Sunday in April.

Congratulations on Accountant's Day

How did you notice the history of the accounting department? big. However, this had no impact on making Accountant’s Day a professional public holiday. We will not exaggerate at all if we say that the work of an accountant is important not only in the context of one enterprise, but throughout the entire country. We all understand perfectly well that if the country’s economy collapses, chaos and devastation will begin. Accountants not only give us salaries and calculate them, but are specialists in the global economy. Their work helps to manage the country in a balanced manner from an economic point of view. We can talk a lot about the importance and significance of accountants in our lives. Many of us don't like them, but some do. Despite all of the above, we all understand perfectly well that if it were not for accountants, our life would still be at the level of a primitive society. On November 21, congratulate all accountants on the holiday and wish them long life and success in their difficult work. On you will find everything you need for your Happy accountant's day greetings make it original and memorable.

All over the world, it is customary to celebrate International Accounting Day every year. Since Accountant's Day exists in almost every country and the dates of its celebration do not coincide, the world community did not ignore the accounting business as a whole and marked the beginning of the celebration of Accounting Day. The team congratulates all accounting workers on their professional holiday. We wish you to be faithful to such a complex but interesting craft, continue to love your work, develop and master new professional horizons. Without your profession, the economy of any country would collapse in an instant, and it is your work that allows you to manage various economic processes in a balanced manner. I wish you success in your career and easy problem solving in your difficult task!

Happy Accounting Day, dear accountants!

The history of the International Accounting Day holiday

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance; on this day the book “All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion” was published in Venice, Italy, the author of which was the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli. In it, he summarized all the knowledge about mathematics accumulated over a long period of time. Why did a publication about mathematics suddenly serve as the beginning of the celebration of International Accounting Day? The answer is simple: one of the chapters of the book was called “On Accounts and Other Records” (Particularis de computis et scripturis), which contained a fairly detailed account of the accounting affairs of Venice. By the way, this book was the first published work on the double-entry bookkeeping method. Pacioli's works became the basis for the creation of some fairly widespread works on commercial accounting. The accounting chapter of the book describes most of the accounting cycle as it is known today. Also in the book, for the first time, a description of order journals and accounting registers was given. But the most important and true thing is that the author stated that not a single professional accountant will be able to sleep peacefully until his debits and credits are reconciled.

In Russia, this date is not officially marked on the calendar, but domestic accountants are happy to support the tradition of celebrating this holiday in honor of solidarity with colleagues from all over the world. Although Accountant's Day in the country is officially celebrated on November 21.

The holiday is celebrated by representatives of the accounting profession all over the world, and since the majority of accountants are representatives of the fair sex, they receive flowers, sweets and even themed souvenirs as gifts and congratulations. At some factories, enterprises and firms, management initiates small corporate parties and buffets in which the entire team, not just accountants, participates. This holiday is not celebrated on a grand scale, but they know about it and do not forget to celebrate it, even in their small team.

Accounting labor market: salaries, problems

In Russia, the profession of an accountant, like an engineer, has always been in demand and fairly well paid.

But it is not so easy to become an accounting specialist, not to mention obtaining the status of a professional accountant. Firstly, because specialized education is required, and secondly, invaluable experience that can only be obtained after 5-7 years of hard work in the field.

The field of accounting, as it has been since the times of the Union, is mostly given to women. Approximately 80-85% of all accountants in the country are representatives of the fair sex. This is because such work requires scrupulousness, perseverance and is considered quite monotonous, and the same type of work is simply not suitable for most men.

The employer puts forward quite strict and specific requirements for a candidate for the position of accountant (except for the chief accountant).

So, 3 years of experience is required for more than 65% of vacancies, trainees and specialists for easy current tasks are also preferred with work experience of at least 6 months. Where can yesterday's accounting graduate gain experience? Usually, at universities, students undergo pre-graduation internship at a specific enterprise, where they undoubtedly gain basic experience. Also an equally important requirement is the availability of specialized education. It is specialized education that lays the foundations for the knowledge and skills of a future accountant, so even a specialist with an economic education will most likely not be hired by an employer. In addition to experience and a diploma, one of the important competitive advantages today is knowledge and ability to work with accounting software, and at the level of an advanced user. Well, and finally, impeccable orientation in the regulatory framework, an analytical mind and perseverance will be invaluable for achieving success in the position.

According to the portal russia.trud for the last year the largest number of vacancies for the position of accountant were posted in Moscow and the region - more than 25%, immediately followed by the Leningrad region - 9.1%, third place is occupied by the Krasnodar region. The highest paid position of an accountant is in Moscow, here the average salary of an ordinary specialist is 40 thousand rubles, while the chief accountant in Moscow receives from 80 thousand rubles, depending on the status and level of the company in which he works. Accountant with knowledge of English can count on a salary level of 60-90 thousand rubles on average, and the holder of international certificates in specialization is practically an invaluable employee, especially for large international companies. There, the monthly salary can be equal to 300 thousand rubles.

In 2016, the fantasy film Warcraft was released on the silver screen, based on the popular series of games (with the original title Warcraft). Many people liked the picture, which raised the question: when will the sequel come out - the movie Warcraft 2.

In fact The big question is whether Warcraft 2 will ever be made.

And the point here is not at all a lack of audience interest in the story or a lack of source material. Many fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the film's sequel. One young man even posted a tweet in which he claimed that he had seen the science fiction film 4 times in IMAX, and was now biting his nails in anticipation of the sequel. To which I even received a response from Duncan Jones, the director of the first Warcraft, who replied that he himself was looking forward to this happening, but it all depends on the decision of the production media company Legendary Entertainment.

It is also unlikely that the large number of negative reviews that the first film received will hinder the release of Warcraft 2. There are many examples when, after serious criticism of the first parts, studios released sequels that had some success.

The main thing that determines whether Warcraft 2 will be released or not is the question of money. After all, it's just business. As you know, the first film failed at the US box office, but it did well in some other countries. For example, $156 million was collected in China, and overall box office receipts amounted to more than $430 million. That is, the financial success of the Warcraft 2 film is unlikely to be ensured in the United States, but in foreign markets, for example, in Russia and China, it will be possible to collect something. And producers, before starting filming, must decide for themselves whether they are willing to take the risk of the film failing at the box office or not. We expect that sooner or later a positive decision will be made on the production of the second part of the Warcraft film.

When will Warcraft 2 be released in Russia?

Despite the fact that there is no decision yet on the start of filming and the release date of the film Warcraft 2, an approximate release date can be given. Preliminary date is May 2020. In Russia, this may well be Thursday, May 14, 2020.

Although, of course, not all parenting days fall on Saturday. So, the first parents' day after Easter in 2019, called Radonitsa, is held on Tuesday a week after Easter Sunday.

Orthodox believers celebrated Easter in 2019 on April 28, respectively Radonitsa falls on May 7, 2019.

That is, what date will Radonitsa be (parent’s day after Easter 2019):
* on Tuesday May 7, 2019

In some Russian regions, May 7, 2019 has been declared a holiday. Taking into account the May holidays, at the beginning of May 2019, residents of these regions will have 10 days off.

Eid al-Fitr in 2019 - day off or working day:

In some regions of the country, the first day of Eid al-Fitr (in 2019 - June 4) is an official non-working day, an additional day off.

The following regions of the Russian Federation are celebrating the holiday:
* Republic of Adygea.
* Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria).
* The Republic of Dagestan.
* Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Kabardino-Balkaria).
* Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia).
* Republic of Crimea.
* Republic of Tatarstan.
* Chechen Republic.

In the listed regions, Tuesday June 4, 2019 is a day off, and the Monday before (June 3, 2019) is a short working day.

What is the date for the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival in St. Petersburg:

The Scarlet Sails festive festival is held annually in St. Petersburg and is traditionally considered a holiday for all graduates of St. Petersburg schools.

Residents of the northern capital are looking forward to Scarlet Sails 2019, because the festival has now gained immense popularity among them. Why, St. Petersburg residents, a large number of guests from all over Russia and countries near and far abroad are planning to make a summer trip to St. Petersburg in order to see an exciting water show, colorful fireworks and numerous music concerts.

In the waters of the Neva, as part of the festival, a grandiose water performance is held, which includes: races on motor boats and kayaks, sea pirate battles, and also, at its apotheosis, the passage of a sailboat with scarlet sails.

The date of the Scarlet Sails festival is dedicated to the longest white night. Events are held on the Saturday closest to it, during from June 18 to June 25, with minor exceptions. The most interesting part of the events takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

The traditional date for Scarlet Sails 2019 is Saturday, June 22, 2019. However, June 22 in Russia is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, the obvious decision was moving the holiday to Sunday June 23, 2019. The option of moving the festival to Friday June 21, 2019 was not suitable for the reason that since the events last 2 days, they would end at dawn on June 22, just at the time of the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR in 1941.

That is, the date of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival:
* on the night from Sunday June 23, 2019 to Monday June 24, 2019

The venue for the Scarlet Sails 2019 celebrations will traditionally be Palace Square in St. Petersburg and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival:

According to established tradition, the most interesting moments of the festive evening will be shown live Channel 5. The live broadcast is scheduled to begin at 22:00 .

What time are the fireworks:

The festive fireworks, also known as fireworks or pyrotechnic show, will begin at the end of the concert program, after 00:30.

And in a week, the summer national holiday of the Turkic peoples will take place in St. Petersburg -

There is no such thing as a former accountant. This axiom is remembered on November 21, when Accountant Day is celebrated in Russia. Today it is customary to congratulate all the people who are associated with this complex, but still very creative profession. Despite the fact that the date is not officially fixed in the calendar, traditionally no manager forgets to congratulate his specialist on his professional holiday on November 21.

Accountant's Day in Russia in 2016: Traditions of the holiday
The holiday is associated with an important date - exactly 20 years ago the Law of the Russian Federation “On Accounting” was adopted. In addition to accountants, it is customary to congratulate other specialists who have devoted themselves to accounting, university teachers, and students who have decided to connect their future with this famous profession.

The work of an accountant is very painstaking, difficult, and involves self-development, studying the regulatory framework and additional literature. Organizations, in accordance with the law, are required to draw up and submit reports to many regulatory authorities, assess and pay taxes and fees, pay salaries to employees, and pay for product deliveries. All this imposes enormous responsibility on the accountant, which is especially emphasized in the importance of compliance with approved professional standards.

On Accountant's Day, ceremonial events are usually organized, during which accounting workers receive recognition from employees of enterprises - they are awarded certificates and prizes, and their merits are assessed. And, of course, we can’t do without corporate feasts.
History of the holiday - Accountant's Day
However, accountants have no time to relax, as many seminars and advanced training courses are being held these days. Therefore, it is necessary to have time not only to accept congratulations, but also to gain new knowledge in their field of activity, and, of course, to complete their tasks. After all, work does not stop even these days.