The husband writes compliments to the head of the woman. Compliments in business relationships

Words are the most powerful drug humanity uses!

We are surrounded interesting world. We move in a constant stream of communication: work, relatives, friends, leisure… Is it possible to manage what is happening around? How to learn how to influence people and promote correct, easy communication, in which the right opinion about you will be formed.

During productive communication, we can awaken certain feelings and interests in a person, change his attitudes, intentions, ideas and assessments.

With the help of the proposed techniques, you can form positive qualities in people, positive habits, change their lifestyle, and help achieve results. You, too, will not remain in the loser - you will get what you want.

We all know how to give compliments. I will tell you how to strengthen them and make them most effective. And how to use them.

So, compliment. It is easy to implement, capacious, pinpoint, helps to install a good relationship with people. IN ancient times the Roman poet, Publius Cyrus, rightly noted this: "We are interested in other people when they are interested in us."

Before moving on to methods that increase the effectiveness of a compliment, it is necessary to note the factors that reduce it:

1) Use of words ( probably, maybe and etc.) convey doubts about the truth of what was said, or impose restrictions ( today or enough and so on.).

Example: " You are smart enough." "You look good today." “Behind such a leader, probably,All employees will go.

2) The use of standard phrases or a compliment to the quality that everyone says to this

3) You yourself do not believe in what you say!

Methods that enhance the effectiveness of a compliment:

Before you give a compliment, you need to understand HOW you will do it, with what intonation, facial expressions. Sincerity - necessary condition. From HOW it is pronounced, 70% of success will depend and 30% will bring the correct speech construction.

1) Such a method as detailing will help build a non-standard compliment.

  • Use of original epithets. Example: As opposed to the usual: “What are your beautiful hair"You can offer to replace the hair with "strands" or "curls", that is, to detail. And if you add meaningful epithets, such as " silky", "fiery", "flowing", "playfully flowing", you can achieve sophistication, lightness and non-standard. Example: " I admire your curls, playfully falling on your beautiful shoulders!

Reliability and truthfulness are the most important criteria for any compliment. Most people are inclined new information question, so praise must have evidence.

  • Facts are the best evidence.

- "Summing up the results of the last period showed your ability to concentrate on work best of all."

  • Use of numerals:

“After yesterday’s meeting, all 26 directors spoke very positively about you.”

2) Help improve efficiency comparison with an authoritative image, representing in our society a certain standard that needs to be leveled.

— « How are you professional in the field of trade, be sure to evaluate our product ”(and the interlocutor, if he considers himself an expert in this field, will have no choice but to pay due attention to the proposed product).

- Or " You are an intelligent person consider my thoughts progressive.

— « You are like a real athlete showed a high class in the game.

Everyone is happy to meet the standard.

3) Very good waypay attention to the strengths of the interlocutor, which not everyone tells him about, and to his achievements. For example:

Judging by your optimism, you are up to this difficult task.

Your positive energy energizes the whole team.

your kindness disposes to trust.

Have you called 30 clients? Amazing performance for a beginner, tomorrow this number will definitely increase!

- Honey, I'm always happy as a girl your ability to make gifts!

IMPORTANT: In the above methods, the design itself also plays an important role: - " How are you…", "Judging by your way ...". Further in the text, ways of constructing compliments using such “magic” appeals will be given.

4 ) Emphasis on qualities that you would like to see in a person. What to do if the desired positive quality is absent or weakly manifested? It is necessary to track when a person accomplishes a small “feat” and highlight it. Once having experienced pride in himself, he will want to continue to receive such positive emotions. This is a great opportunity to correct human behavior.

Example: It is important for a vulnerable person, in a rare moment of demonstration of confidence, to hear:

“There was so much personal strength in your actions that people with a strong inner core have.”

Another example:

- You are annoyed by the carelessness of your husband, scattered things. How can the situation be corrected? It should be noted in which area of ​​life this quality is most strongly developed. Perhaps in the field of planning and systematization of affairs, in cutting vegetables or a perfect shave. The task is to focus attention on it in its positive manifestation, backed up with praise. The more often a person hears about his neatness, the greater the likelihood that he will transfer this property to other areas.

5) It's important to notice the qualities by which the achievement is made.

- This company was able to create just such ideological and charismatic leader like you.

6) A compliment can be based on removal of negative emotional states . If you know the complex of a person, you can eliminate it by skillfully using the following techniques.

loving man delighted with the whole appearance of his chosen one, sincerely praising every part of her desired body, thereby removing the former complexes of a woman. Example: "Honey, I admire the slender line of your legs."

- Children often feel fear before any action, being unsure that they will cope with it. An encouraging compliment is a faithful assistant in the fight against this phenomenon. Example: "Your previous drawings were very well liked by everyone, we are looking forward to new ones."

- If a person strives for recognition, for example, an employee at work, the manager can always motivate her performance with phrases: you are needed - you are needed - where am I without you

7) Negative qualities always have a reverse positive side . If you want to reverse the polarity of a quality, you need to emphasize it with admiration or praise. But to do this in a situation where it acts not as a minus, but as a plus.

- You can say to a miserly spouse: "Darling, your savings have reduced the costs of your company." (Bypassing accusations of personal stinginess, we have emphasized the area in which a negative quality is transformed into a positive one).

- It is better for a selfish person to say: “Thanks to your dedication, perseverance, you were able to achieve a promotion in your career.”

8) It is very effective to direct a compliment to a person - « Only you…". This emphasizes the uniqueness of the interlocutor.

- in our company only you own such the latest technologies personnel management.

Hypnotic phrases in Compliment

  • "I know…" increase the effectiveness of their undeniable. And it is taken as a fact.

I know you are a magician!

- I I know, You are our sage!

  • "You immediately feel…" After it, you need to insert the quality on which you would like to focus.

For example:

Immediately felt, what do you possess, special patience!

Immediately felt, what do you understand economic terminology!

10) Using your feelings is a very powerful technique. Phrases such as:

I'm pleased deal with a person who has such a sense of humor!

  • « Very interesting…" (substitute) - hear your authoritative opinion!
  • “It gives me great joy…” (substitute) - “communication with such a glorious child like you!”

“It gives me special joy to communicate with such a glorious child like you!”

11) Add-on from below. Phrases seem to say that you are not fully versed in this issue, and your interlocutor is clearly in the lead: "I envy ...", "I'm learning from you ..." . Yielding primacy, you achieve location and at the same time influence on the interlocutor.

I envy how well you treat your employees.

I envy your taste.

I am always learning from you, your system.

Man to woman:

I watch and envy your style! Options: - the ability to cook well, - skillfully build phrases.

Woman to man:

I envy your ability to speak briefly and to the point.

12) Not less than strong impact will take on the interlocutor phrase with the use of an adverb - "first …»

my first time I felt such positive energy.

my first time I meet such an interesting and inquisitive person.

13) “A compliment is like a kiss through a veil!” (Victor Marie Hugo) The following method is good because acts not directly, but through a veil of hobbies, hobbies, objects of love and reverence.

  • For example, a woman is praised through children:

“I envy your child that he has such a mother!”

- Only such a caring woman can have such developed children!

  • If a man is proud of his chosen one:

- Such a man is entitled to such a diamond;

You have great taste in women.

  • Wife of a friend:

- Judging by the appearance and success of your husband, it is immediately clear that a wise woman is next to him!

  • Looking at the photo:

— Your confident posture in the photo characterizes you as a person with clear leadership abilities.

  • Through sports:

- yes, only real athletes choose brands of balls of this class.

  • Through food, clothes, etc.

- You have good taste.

You are a true gourmet.

Winning methods for using compliments in everyday situations.

1) The following method pleases in that it is effective at the moment of its miss. It is good for removing feelings of self-guilt. It is necessary to get rid of this unproductive quality. How? By switching attention from your misdeed to positive properties in an offended person.

Example: A man showed imprudence, looking at another woman in the presence of his wife and, in a look full of claims, immediately noticed:

Honey, your figure is much better.

- What a spectacular you are, I compare and am proud that I am going with you.

- I know that you are very wise and you know that I will not get away from you anywhere.

2) Fast switching the attention of the interlocutor from one topic to another.

Example: A woman, in a state of strong emotional intensity, does not control herself, splashing out various curses. At this moment, there is an opportunity to interrupt her with a compliment, knocking her out of her thoughts and forcing her to react to new information.

Father, how your eyes shine when you are angry.

A similar method can be applied in a dispute with a man, correctly directing a compliment.

A man may be skeptical about a compliment about appearance, and if you make an attempt to stop the dispute by pointing out his intellectual features, reconciliation will happen faster.

You, even in a state of anger, can clearly systematize your thoughts, I envy such abilities.

Methods of using compliments in business situations.

Negotiation. All participants have a well-thought-out scenario, from which the interlocutor does not intend to deviate. With the help of a compliment, you can switch the interlocutor to another wave, triggering positive emotions.

For example: - The opponent confidently states his concept and quite unexpectedly, “off topic”, you should say: “ OOO, you have a phone model that I also plan to purchase"(car, watch, etc.). The interlocutor is forced to engage in a new dialogue with you, while losing the thread of the previous conversation. After exchanging several sentences on a given topic, you also suddenly return to the previous one with the words: “Well, have we agreed on a price?”


How often in business life do we need to establish contact with the interlocutor? Remember: you came to a meeting with a stranger, you have limited time, and you should not just tell a potential client about the possibilities of insurance, you need to have time to make friends with him. Otherwise, he will not tell you anything about himself or his family, and your meeting will turn out to be just a waste of time. Or another situation. You have come to a business exhibition. And your goal is to get as many contacts as possible potential clients or new consultants. That is for a short time, 3-5 minutes, you need to have time to win over the interlocutor. At the same time, your task is not just to get acquainted, but to make a business acquaintance.

The easiest way to establish contact with a stranger is to compliment him.

Almost every day we make compliments to relatives, friends, colleagues. A compliment is the easiest way to please someone. And with a stranger, thanks to a compliment, you can easily establish contact, make an acquaintance or make friends. In this article, we will talk not just about a compliment, but about a compliment that we can use in business communication. This " business compliment". Remember the very first stage of the meeting. Relaxation. Sometimes we don't know what to say to a stranger especially in the first minute. The simplest phrases that we often use: what is your beautiful office how easy it is to get to you. Everyone has their own preparation for such a case. Often the manager instructs the counselor not to continue talking about insurance programs until contact has been made. But has it ever happened to you that contact is established in the middle or at the very end of the meeting, because only at the end of the conversation did you finally find general theme for discussion? In order to shorten the process of establishing contact as much as possible, you can use a business compliment. The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that absolutely every person can sincerely say something pleasant. With what nicer to people will communicate with you, the more they will trust you and the higher the chance of a successful deal. Of course, any sincere compliment is good in itself. But some compliments are better than others.

Exist simple rules business compliment:

  • Avoid trivial compliments. Give specific compliments.
  • Don't just focus on the obvious. Pay attention to subtle details.
  • If you're praising a person, it's not enough to just compliment them. Tell me why you say that.

And now in more detail.

1. Avoid trite compliments. Give specific compliments. Banal, ordinary compliments our interlocutor hears every day (how good you look, you beautiful smile What a beautiful office you have. And it is important for us that when meeting, the interlocutor remembers us and expresses a desire to talk about himself. When giving a compliment, we often start using ordinary words: Fine! Awesome! Great!

Even a simple replacement of such general expressions with more expressive ones can significantly color your compliment.

Let's practice.

Instead of great - great!

Good - impressive!

Interesting - exciting!

Kind - caring!

When a person hears compliments, he seeks to hear something definite about himself.

Specific compliments sound truer and more realistic.

Because it is the specificity of the compliment that allows the interlocutor to feel his sincerity and truthfulness.

We are used to giving people general and banal compliments.

You can just say to the manager you came to meet: "You have a very good secretary".

And you say: “You have a professional secretary. She warned me in advance that you would be late.”.

When people tell us Nice words We are pleased that our interlocutor noticed in us what we are proud of.


Your new business suit just wonderful.

Your new suit very elegant.You look professional in it. Would like to do business with you.

If you find it difficult to make a compliment specific, just add the word "because" to the compliment. So let's try:

Your speech was great because you had great contact with the audience and the stories from your experience made a strong impression on us.

You are very caring, because you always find time for little things that bring joy.

You are very attentive, because you always notice in people what they are especially proud of.

You have changed the style. This new suit really suits you because it reflects your personality and organization.

My partner is the best because...

Your story is very instructive because...

Complimenting with specific language is easy. You just need to be sincere and make it a habit for yourself. And it is impossible to do business compliments in a different way. Otherwise, they will appear stretched.

2. Avoid paying attention only to the obvious. Pay attention to subtle details.

When we comment on perfectly obvious positive qualities, it makes less impression than when we notice hidden traits.


You prepared and delivered your presentation very well.

You made a good presentation, because everyone was sitting without breathing - listening to you. And the joke at the end is especially good.

You made a good presentation. You good memory, and you just hit the audience with concrete facts.

The more hidden details people notice, the more sincere their words seem. Don't focus too much on external qualities. They are visible to everyone. Focus on the inside.

“You have a new portfolio! At your place stylish haircut- how easy it is to make compliments regarding external qualities, because it is the appearance of a person that we see in the first place. The point is also that, by complimenting only appearance, we ourselves, without realizing it, let people know that external data is more important for us. And this is most likely false. After all, our real virtues are our character, our abilities and achievements, they express our essence. It's not about stopping complimenting the other person's appearance. But if you pay attention to personal traits of a person, you will see that it is much more pleasant for people to hear something about themselves that is not conspicuous.

Practice. The next time you start praising someone's outer qualities, shift your focus to their inner qualities. Instead of " You have a great smile!" Tell: " Your smile is contagious! People around you are always in a good mood».

3. If you're praising a person, it's not enough to just compliment them. Tell me why you say that.

For example, if you praise someone's work - tell us why this work is so unusual! If you run an agency, you will certainly be pleased to hear from managers and consultants that you are an excellent leader. But at the same time, you understand that your job is precisely to be a good leader. You want to know what exactly makes you so in the eyes of your colleagues.

You are an excellent leader because you can stop any conflict situation. There is always a positive working atmosphere in our agency.

As a leader, you are an example for us. You can intelligently combine work and personal life. You all succeed.

« I have a great financial advisor. Talk to him, because he, like a real doctor, does not just talk about insurance options, he works with the needs and feelings of clients. And he will select options that will solve exactly your life issues.».

More examples:

You have time to work and study at the same time. This speaks of your willpower and a serious ability to self-organize.

Are you able to perform at large audience. You do it very naturally and convincingly.

Knowing how to properly make business compliments is a kind of art. And the more often you do it, the better you get.

How to Accept Compliments Another way to create a welcoming environment is to learn how to accept compliments the right way. Yes Yes. You also need to be able to accept compliments. And it turns out that many people find it difficult to accept praise in their address.

How do we respond to compliments? Remember!

Irina, you have an amazing hairstyle today. Well, I haven't dyed my hair in a long time.

Mikhail, your speech was interesting and emotional. - Don't worry, I was so worried.

Alexander, there is a magnificent painting hanging on this wall. - Well, what are you, she just closes the spot on the wallpaper.

Maria, you have elegant suit. Thanks, he's really old.

Did you recognize yourself? Did you smile? Now seriously.

Many of us automatically reject compliments. When we react to compliments in this way, we humiliate the words of the interlocutor. We kind of doubt his words. And we nullify all his sincerity and desire to please us. Whatever the reason for our resistance, we must learn to accept a compliment with gratitude. Otherwise, we injure the interlocutor who complimented us. But sometimes you need to muster up the courage to dare to say something to people, all the more pleasant.

It's better to answer like this:

How nice of you to notice.

Thank you for your attention.

It's so kind of you.

And lastly the most main secret a business compliment that will help you easily "open" the interlocutor.

It is best if the person does not just hear and accept your compliment, but really perceives it. And it's very easy to do it!

After giving a compliment, ask the person a question.

You are a very rich person. It must not have been easy to earn such a fortune. It speaks of your determination and courage. Tell us where did you start?

You have so many diplomas hanging on your wall. You are probably a very popular person in your professional circles. Why did you receive them?

Answering your question, the interlocutor, firstly, will automatically agree with what you said, that is, he will accept your compliment. And secondly, when answering a question, he will tell a lot of interesting things about himself, which will then help you easily transfer the conversation to his family and loved ones.

And in this way you will be able to quickly establish contact, win over the interlocutor, acquire business partner and another friend. After all, a business compliment will help you maintain a business relationship.

compliment to director

20 years as school principal. Is it a deadline or not? This is a whole life. Our dear Faina Vasilievna, in your wonderful anniversary I want to tell you a million warm words, give a sea of ​​​​beautiful flowers, such as in the school front garden, and a thousand kind smiles of your students. Our compliments go to you, the best director!!!

I have only once in my life, just one day, been in your place - as the director of the school. What a hell of a job! Contractors, methodologists, parents, students, a sea of ​​documents... And you do everything brilliantly! You are a brilliant director!

Vasilyeva Elena Leonidovna

Faina Vasilievna, you are charming and kind!

Lapeeva Natalya Mikhailovna

Faina Vasilievna, you are a smart, thoughtful leader, a person big soul. You lead our entire team. It is interesting to work with you. I wish you creative longevity, new victories!

Belokurova Galina Albertovna

We love you!

Tatyana Nikolaevna and the entire school choir

Faina Vasilievna! For me personally, you are an example of amazing, inexhaustible optimism. In any business and in any situation, you know how to maintain good spirits, confidence in victory and hope for the best. May this light in your soul never go out!

Zyryanova Olga Valentinovna

Always responsive, attentive and charming woman!

Boychenko Sofia Ivanovna

Not everyone can take responsibility. And so 20 years of children's leadership educational institution seems like a feat to me. The feat of daily, hourly, every minute service to the upbringing of children's souls. But we forget that in addition to work, a woman has a family: a husband, children, household chores. And how Faina Vasilievna combines all this in herself is simply an unthinkable miracle for me. I wish Faina Vasilyevna more joy in life, and the people around her - an attentive attitude towards her.

Radosteva Marina Viktorovna

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

You managed to find the way to the children,

Much success to you on this path!

Team of Primary School Teachers

Our director, you have chosen a difficult path.

Continuous excitement, thoughts, anxiety.

But the joy of communicating with children brings you

And gives new strength to work.

We wish you joy and prosperity!

Stay young for many, many more years!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,

We wish you many future victories!

The team of MBOU "OSOSH"

Pleasant words addressed to you want to hear not only girls and women, but also men.

Here many questions and contradictions arise: how to compliment a man in order to emphasize his dignity, and not affect his masculinity?

If you practice a little, then over time, any girl will be able to pick up good compliment words for any man.

It is not difficult to compliment a man, given several nuances: age, occupation, social status, personal relationships with a representative of the stronger sex.

Good examples are standard phrases from life.

In correspondence, it is worth using exclusively understandable, not veiled explanations and phrases, since a man or a guy does not hear intonations and facial expressions.

IN telephone conversation you should also be careful - by voice without visual contact, the perception of information can be distorted.

How to choose the right compliments for a man:

  1. A young guy will do with explanations about his appearance. The formation of an epithet should not be approached with humor, as young people are very impressionable and may take it as a mockery.
  2. An adult man should be reminded of his positive qualities character and actions. This best options for an established person.
  3. A sports representative of the stronger sex is suitable for “laudatory epithets” in which the body, strength and appearance will be praised.
  4. Military and business man suitable option when highlighting professional qualities.

If you take into account all the nuances, it will become easy and simple to select cool and unobtrusive explanations for any man.

List of adjectives for beloved

It seems that the easiest way to find words of admiration for your beloved guy is a deceptive idea.

Having limited themselves to standard words and phrases, girls usually cannot say anything further.

If imagination is not enough, you can turn to special Internet resources for help.

It is easy to find more than 100 various options applicable to one man. Only the letter "a" has about 30 diverse options.

Note! In the presence of intimate relationships, sexual compliments may be used, but with some caution.

With the help of such tips, you can easily fill out postcards for February 14 for a jar with 100 wishes.

Caution with the expression of love in phrases, it is worth expressing after intimacy. To please a loved one with a word, it is enough to use adjectives.

List of adjectives for boyfriend:

friendly compliments

In the friendship of a guy and a girl, it is important to choose the right words, especially words of praise.

Commonly used funny compliments, which can be placed in SMS without context. IN this case words are often expressed in pictures.

Compliments to a friend from a girl:

  • If necessary, support a friend after an unsuccessful joke, act: outstanding, witty, educated, intelligent.
  • Funny situations should be emphasized with the words: creative, funny, cheerful, restless, smiling.
  • Universal options: good looking, smart, kind, polite, energetic, courageous, courteous.

original and unusual compliments for a friend, you can pick up in English. Such options will become something special and personal in friendship.

Attention! Guys do not know how to respond to compliments, so you should follow the reaction.

All the guys like pleasant words, said in their address, if they are correctly chosen. Options can be used to attract friends among the stronger sex, even at work.

Compliments to boss and colleague

At work, compliments are not welcome, especially between different sexes. Each company has a clear charter, which spells out the rules regarding behavior and communication in the work area.

It is worth avoiding ambiguous phrases so as not to violate corporate ethics.

Joking remarks are definitely excluded. It is advisable to use dry formulaic words that relate to the quality of the work. Corporate ethics about compliments to the boss.

How to properly compliment a colleague:

  1. Explain in the presence of witnesses.
  2. Clear and understandable, not choking.
  3. Touching and smiling should be absent.
  4. Words emphasize visible virtues.

If all the rules are followed, then the colleague will respond adequately to what was said, linking the words with his business qualities and achievements.

What can't be said?

A compliment can easily be turned into a mockery, especially a male compliment. In order not to cross the line, it is worth following a few rules.

What and how not to say to a man:

  1. Praise in verse will hit masculinity - enough explanation in prose.
  2. Do not choose intricate and cute words.
  3. Oriental men and the leader to make vulgar compliments.
  4. Religious relationships need to be taken into account.

It is advisable to form a compliment in your own words without book and magazine templates.

The slightest pretense can cause distrust and disgust towards the female representative in the future.

Attention! Beautiful explanations should be understandable for a man in accordance with the type of activity, way of life.

The best option would be short, clear and understandable words. No need to blur in praises, which can be perceived as flattery and flirting. There are special manuals that teach this art.

Useful video

For the first time I decided on this desperate act during New Year's corporate party. Exactly twenty years ago. My boss was a lady of about forty, strict but pretty. And I bet on the second. He approached her with a glass, smiling a little cheekily (it was about the sixth glass), and said: “I would like to drink for you, Vera! You are not just a good boss, you are also a lovely woman. And that's why I doubly enjoy working with you." He uttered not insinuatingly, but even without the Moscow Art Theater recitation, those who stood nearby heard it. Vera did not even pretend to be embarrassed, as if she was waiting for this honest toast from a handsome boy. Smiled, thanked, clinked glasses. No, there was no continuation, we did not kiss later on back seat Taxi. And I didn't get a raise. In general, Vera was married, and, as I heard, quite happily married. And I didn’t have a goal to get at least some benefit through a toast, this is not my genre. I really wanted to compliment you. I would also add something about her breasts, quite a seductive size, but I didn’t drink so much for this. And you know - I'm sure: Vera would not be embarrassed.

Then I got excited and boldly told the new bosses what I thought about their figure, eyes and hair. “What graceful shoulders you have, why do you hide them under your jackets?” Well, and so on. One blushed a little, the other smiled tenderly, the third reservedly thanked. But not one of them has ever stopped me: “You are forgetting yourself, lieutenant!”

Bosses need to be complimented. Spit on all the rules, commandments and office etiquette. This is the "decline of Europe" and the stupidity of feminists. Let them in Europe die of sexless boredom in their offices - Russian gentlemen love women openly, honestly, visibly.

Bosses need to be complimented. Spit on all the rules, commandments and office etiquette.

Several chiefs - ethical problem. One cannot be admired in the presence of the other, one cannot be given more attention than the other. Women track even the size of the bouquet, insidious. Be careful, it's slippery here.

A compliment should be like a good whiskey - heady, but seasoned. Empty talk should be avoided: speak charmingly, to the point, a little flowery. If you are deprived of such a gift, keep silent. It's better not to speak at all than sadly, according to a gold-embossed postcard.

How to mumble "You are beautiful, like Monica Bellucci" - immediately write a letter of resignation. A woman, as the hero of Dzhigarkhanyan said, she sees with her heart. And the female boss has two hearts and feelings, like the most high-precision scanner. Office falseness will feel and be wary: what does this guy want? Careers?

One of my friends, by the way, made a career like that. More precisely fell into the higher spheres. His boss was a lonely girl with a child. beautiful girl, what is not less important. And my friend liked it. But even more he liked the fact that she had a wealthy and influential dad. In short, he liked everything about this girl. Agreed. He was eloquent and charming, like a young Mastroianni. A couple of compliments, a bouquet - and the girl is in his hands. And I can’t accuse him of prudence - if he had him, then all the same with a flair of romance. Everything mixed up in his feelings, as in a niche fragrance, to the point of intoxication. A year later, he had already opened his own company and moved with his former boss to new apartment, which was presented to the young by a caring dad.

But this path, sung by Maupassant in "Dear Friend", does not deserve our attention here.

Just interesting reverse examples. I knew a dunce who appointed himself almost Lancelot. And he began to compliment the boss - long, cumbersome, stupid compliments. Even sent an email. Once he said that he would have ordered her portrait to the artist Shilov and hung it in the living room. The boss knew that this dunce lives in a one-room apartment, but Shilov's work? In short, she tasted good. And so the dunce was fed up with his boss with his speeches that at the first sign of the economic crisis he was fired: go, Lancelot, rumble in the street. It seems that he tried - but all in vain. There was no main thing - lightness. They catch the overtones of your phrases and may doubt even the intonation. The finest instruments, I say! So if you are not sure of the persuasiveness of the speech, rehearse with close friend she will direct. Or at least with a voice recorder. And strive for emotional conciseness. “I would like to play Rachmaninov with your hands”, “Your eyes rhyme with the sky today”, something like that - sublime, impressionistic. When you work out the sphere of fine arts and open parts of the body, you can move on to light Rabelaisism. Chest, hips, legs.

The bosses are waiting, really waiting for harassment. Thoughtful sincere harassment. But only tete-a-tete, and no emails! The letter is the main evidence and a sign too serious intentions. Although why not fall in love with the boss? They are damn sexy in their business suits.