Compliments to a beautiful girl in verse. Beautiful and unusual compliments for girls

Your beautiful words,
Their lips gently speak.
Always get into my heart
They leave an indelible mark there.

You beckon and intoxicate yourself,
And you invite to the sweet world.
You are beautiful without flaw
I never tire of praising you!

You are beautiful like a princess
You are beautiful, good
You are smart, gentle, wonderful,
You drive me crazy!

You are like a scarlet flower
You are the Goddess, the whole world,
I dedicate these lines
Your number one fan!

You are a fairy, a dream girl,
The princess from the best dream
You win with kindness
And amaze with beauty.

Always, like an asterisk, burn,
Be full of happiness and love
Stay unique
Achieve the heights you desire!

You are amazing and so beautiful
And I say not in vain
After all, your charms and beauty
Made me crazy for a long time!

You make yourself so drunk
And you immediately understand
What got into your nets,
And you won't be able to get out!

You are so gentle and so smart
You are the only one, believe me.
I admire you so much
And I'm not trying to embellish!

Your eyes are bottomless and beautiful
Have driven me crazy for a long time
With you I became truly happy
And I want to be with you always!

You are like my dear, dear magnet,
You pull, you pull,
You are amazing, smart, beautiful,
And I really, really like you!

Your hair, your walk
Your lips, languid look -
Just like the picture, beautiful!
Everyone is going crazy!

You are so feminine, beautiful
So tender and young
You made me fall in love with you
Conquered forever!

You are so beautiful
You are slim, sweet, kind,
beaming smile,
Makes me very happy!

You look like from a picture
Like an angel from heaven
You are like a sweet raspberry
With you, life is full of miracles!

You entered my life like a song
Filling the world with music.
I see how wonderful the earth is
You are my flight, you are my idol.

I admire your walk
I catch the movements of your hands.
I can't find words, I'm lost in words
To describe to me the beauty of lips.

You're like from a fairy tale
Like a fairy, so kind
Intoxicate with beauty
You drive me crazy.

You are tender, you are so beautiful
I really like you
I want to wake up with you
In reality, not in a dream!

You always charm yourself
You can't breathe easily.
I admire your beauty
You beckon and call with yourself.

I can not stop,
You are leading me.
And I'm waiting, when, finally, all of a sudden
You will break this circle yourself.

All of you are beautiful and charming,
I feel good with you.
And I won't stop repeating
How lucky I am to have you!

You are so beautiful, so smart
Are you sure you say the words
It's comfortable and easy with you
You've been holding me for a long time.

I carefully catch your gaze,
I'm crazy about you
You are graceful and gentle
You are like a ray to me.

There are only three things women need most in life: food, water, and compliments. You will read 100 compliments to a girl. Many of them are original, even unusual, about her beauty, her eyes. Some are cool, funny and beautiful.

You can say these compliments to your beloved girl or woman in your own words, without memorizing them. Wanting to impress the lady of your heart, master the art of giving compliments. Which of them can be said and how to make them beautiful for a girl? You will learn from this article.

The trick is to really impress the lady of your heart. Therefore, it is worth focusing on less obvious areas for praise. Compliments like: "" are so formulaic that they are unlikely to impress a lady. You need to be a little creative.

So, after a thorough research of many sites, we have compiled examples of some compliments that are not found on any blog. You can say them on a date or when meeting, and some are perfect for sending via SMS.

  • I was lucky to find a treasure that I have dreamed about all my life. Understanding this came to me at the sight of you.
  • How do you always manage to impress others with how cool you look?
  • I have 100% confidence that my life would have no meaning without you.
  • You are the reason why I am still alive. After all, thanks to you, I have a reason to enjoy life.
  • Do you know why I'm considered happy man? Because I have an understanding wife, kind and devoted.
  • I speak of myself as the luckiest man, as I was lucky to meet such a charming and attractive woman. (We recommend reading the article).
  • You have an amazing ability to make me forget about my problems when we are together.
  • I never dreamed of such a wife. My dreams were nothing compared to reality.
  • The smile on your face looks so cute when you laugh.
  • You understand me so well, it's like you can read my mind.
  • Just spending time with a smart, intelligent girl already brings unforgettable moments of joy.
  • You are a great conversationalist. When I communicate with you, I don’t even notice how time flies.
  • I have never met a woman who was as caring as you.
  • I really want to make you laugh all the time. After all, when you laugh, my heart skips a beat with joy.

Compliments about the eyes of a girl

  • I need guidance because I got lost in your extraordinary eyes. I have never seen such beautiful eyes with so much light in them. I would watch and watch all night long.
  • Most people love to watch Olympic Games, because they pass only once every 4 years, but meeting a girl with such eyes happens only once in a lifetime.
  • Is there an airport nearby or is it just my heart soaring at the sight of such eyes?
  • Your Blue eyes like the ocean, and I'm like a man drowning in it.
  • I'm afraid that one day I'll just go blind, because I can't take my eyes off your brown eyes while you are with me.
  • Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful that I have no strength to take my eyes off them.
  • Many beautiful eyes/ lips / teeth / hair, but yours is dearer to me, sweeter, more beautiful.
  • You have such beautiful eyes that I'm afraid to drown in their beauty.
  • The look in your eyes makes me forget where I was going and what I wanted to do.

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

  • I was so captivated by your beauty that I hit the wall. So now you have to take out insurance. (You will love this one).
  • If thousands of artists worked for a thousand years, they would hardly be able to create a work of art that surpasses the full depth of your feminine beauty.

  • If being beautiful is considered a crime, then you will be declared guilty.
  • Believe me, there is no such word in the dictionary that can convey all the beauty inherent in you.
  • My eyes darkened from the bright light of your beauty.
  • Perfectionists need to look at your beauty to get inspired.
  • Do you know what your specialty is? Even as you get older, you don't lose your beauty. She becomes special, feminine. (Find out ).
  • Thanks to your unusual beauty I feel on top of the world.
  • No camera is able to convey all the beauty that belongs to you. A photograph will convey only external beauty, but, and your inner beauty beyond any admiration.
  • Looking at your beauty, it’s even hard for me to imagine what a perfect woman was once in paradise.

Beautiful compliments to a girl

  • I'm not drunk, I'm just drunk on your beauty.
  • My breath is synonymous with love for you, and love for you will fade away only when I stop breathing.
  • Your figure deserves the attention of the best artists.
  • Everyone knows about your kindness. She's like a big gulp fresh air in this polluted world.
  • I was just blown away when I saw you. Everything I once dreamed about is now right in front of me.
  • You look amazing! Right in my spinal cord, with the back of my head, I feel the envious glances of men.
  • I've never seen someone's eyebrows like yours set off their eyes so beautifully that it's impossible to even look at them.
  • Please don't stop smiling. After all, your smile makes even a frosty day warm for me.
  • I think your smile can even light up the bottom of the ocean.
  • I'm at a loss on how to compliment a girl when there is no language suitable words to describe your kindness.
  • You don't need make-up, rather make-up needs you.
  • Your graceful gait and movements contribute to the beauty of the universe.
  • How are you spring Flower: cheerful and well-groomed. (We recommend reading).
  • Your voice makes me fall in love with you all over again.
  • I like and it's nice that you understand my thoughts before I voiced them.
  • If I had only your last kiss left, I would save it so that someday I could touch your lips again.
  • Your voice is more pleasant to me than all my favorite songs put together.
  • When I see you my heart is ready to jump. And all because of you beautiful smile(beautiful face).

Cool compliments for a girl

  • You could be called a professional thief because you manage to steal all men's hearts.
  • I'm sorry, I feel like I dropped my jaw at the sight of you.

  • Your lips for me are a magnet to which I am strongly drawn.
  • Someone should call the police because you stole my heart.
  • Forgive me if I'm stuck. It's not a virus, I was just struck by your beautiful face.
  • Never been able to speak foreign language, but when I see you, my voice makes strange sounds incomprehensible to me, as if I were a foreigner.
  • Your teeth are so beautiful, white, that any dentist would show them to others as a model.
  • If the stars fell every time I remember your smile, the sky would soon be empty.
  • If you were tears in my eyes, I would avoid crying for fear of losing even a small part of you.
  • Your beautiful, alluring lips make my heart flip.
  • Even tulips in the garden or roses in the park will not be better than your lips and tender words.
  • Your love for me is like waves in the sea: sometimes calm, sometimes stormy, but, most importantly, it exists.

Compliments to your girlfriend

  • I love your freckles so much. They look so cute on you.
  • Only with you I, it turns out, be myself, real, without pretense.
  • I have learned so much from you. For example, patience, calmness, modesty.
  • You have such alluring beautiful hair. They want to be constantly stroked, sorted out in their hands.
  • Your cooking skills remind me of my mother. In the preparation of many dishes, you even managed to surpass her.
  • I'm fascinated by your romantic makeup.

  • How do you manage to have such beautiful hair to look so wonderful?
  • I am blessed by your presence. It's the best I've ever had.
  • I get pleasant goosebumps running down my spine when I think of your smile.
  • After seeing you, I feel an inexplicable desire to impress you in order to keep you forever. (Find out ).
  • Your fingers are so tender when you touch me that they take away any pain.
  • The only difference between exceptional and amazing is the kindness that comes from you.
  • I had a problem coming up with my own words to compliment a girl about her beauty so that they are worthy enough of you.
  • Thanks to your character, I can become the best person than it can be.
  • I am completely disarmed by your wit.
  • Honestly, in this dress (skirt, style, outfit) you look much more feminine, more attractive than any movie star.
  • I love falling asleep in your arms and waking up next to you. It makes my day better.
  • At your place amazing feeling humor.
  • I like that you will not be called a “dummy” (stupid) girl, but on the contrary, you know your own worth.
  • Most of all, what I like about you is your kindness in dealing with other people.
  • Most of all I appreciate your willingness to obey me as the head of the family, even if you do not always like the decisions I make.
  • How do you manage to be so caring, loving, selfless and energetic at the same time.
  • Time becomes non-existent for me when we communicate with you. (Read,).
  • The best decision I ever made was to marry you.
  • Your lips are so full and juicy and look so seductive.
  • Your smile gives me the confidence to make things impossible for me possible.
  • This dress accentuates your figure so amazingly.
  • Talking to you is a pleasure. You always manage to support the topic of any conversation. (Girls will be interested to know)
  • I can hardly take my eyes off your figure. Trust me, it's perfect for me.
  • I know that this work (task) was very difficult for you, but I was impressed by the way you coped with it.
  • How did you manage to cook this dish so perfectly (tasty, amazing)? Keep up the good work.
  • This color of the dress matches the color of your eyes amazingly.
  • This style of clothing so clearly (excellent, good) emphasizes your figure.
  • I love listening to you say "darling, dear" to me.
  • I would rather not live than live without your love.
  • If I have become aware of love, beauty, it is thanks to you.
  • Do you know what I like most about you? Your intellect, also the ability to maintain and carry on a pleasant conversation.

What compliments can you say to a girl

About how beautiful she looks. How can you not appreciate her efforts, which she applied to look good. Women like it when they appreciate the way they look, even if they are well over 40 years old. Such compliments let you know that their efforts were not in vain and were appreciated.

Written. Love stories or the poems were written by people who want to tell about their love for their beloved. A lady will like it if you try to express her admiration in poetic form. You can send SMS compliments to a girl that are consonant with the feelings of a guy. By reading them, she will know what the guy thinks of her.

For her skills. Women are so accustomed to being mostly complimented for their appearance that sometimes it becomes unusual for them or admiration for their skills. So next time, think about how to express your admiration or gratitude for women's work. Show that you appreciate the lady of your heart for her skills.

Her femininity. Pay attention to her kindness, the ability to present yourself, pick up with taste matching outfit. Highlight in a special column gait, grace, caring for others, maternal feelings, feminine qualities, and right attitude to male dominance.

One of best opportunities are compliments to a girl in their own words. When they just talk about the eyes, hair, lips, face, skin, smile of a girl. When a man pays attention to a woman's voice, the aroma of her perfume, also, not forgetting about the figure. It is difficult for any woman to forget words that include these aspects.

Avoid making compliments of a sexual nature or with hidden connotations, especially when meeting. For example, "you look so sexy or your breasts fascinated me." Such compliments are suitable for married couples, those who are very close to each other. But it is not a fact that the girl you recently met will like them.

Spontaneous. Are one of best compliments. Think about what feelings you have at the sight of your favorite or most beloved woman? What impressed you? Say it simply, in your own words. Think not about how to say, but what to say. Remember, as long as these words are not related to sexual overtones, they will look truthful, sincere and beautiful.

look video what compliments should be avoided when talking with a girl.

What is important to remember when giving compliments

  1. We must remember to be sincere. If a girl truly sees the sincerity in your eyes, she will appreciate the compliment. Because insincerity is annoying, making you feel uncomfortable. It feels like the guy is just trying to get her. Therefore, only compliment when you feel like giving it. This will help you be sincere.
  2. Compliments are best given to a girl when she least expects them. At the same time, be honest and speak with feeling, a sincere smile on your face. It is also important not to overuse compliments, so as not to give the impression of insincerity, flattery. Therefore, the measure must be observed in everything.
  3. If suddenly a compliment offends a woman in any way, you should immediately apologize, saying that you didn’t mean to offend or upset her.
  4. Try to be careful with your words. Otherwise, the compliment will turn into a comment. It is important to weigh your words according to compliments and speak them with the most appropriate intonation. Be careful as you are dealing with a tender heart!
  5. Different women like to hear different things from a man. Some like it when a man talks about her beauty. While others want to hear admiration for their femininity, virtues, or the fact that she is. Therefore, avoid saying the same compliment over and over, as this causes distrust of the words spoken.
  6. Of course, there's nothing wrong with saying short compliments girl, typical that all men use. For example, that she is beautiful, slim, gorgeous, but this does not separate you from the rest of the mass of guys. Therefore, try to surprise your partner at least sometimes by telling her something unusual. Able to affect female heart and raise you to a height in her eyes.


The said compliment is not only good way get someone's attention. it's the same simplest way make someone feel good. Plus, it doesn't cost a dime, and it doesn't take too much effort to say it.

Try to tell the girl “not hackneyed” compliments, but come up with something unusual, original. What distinguishes her from the rest of the fairer sex. It is good to evaluate her physical merits, but it is even better to evaluate her intellect, qualities, character. After all, women love such compliments much more than men.

How did you like these 100 compliments for a girl? Believe me, upon hearing them, the lady will be flattered and fascinated by you, since it is unlikely that anyone has said such words to her. (you also who they like)

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Any female person is pleased to hear compliments addressed to her. Compliments can cause a storm of emotions and genuine delight. But not everything is so simple. Ladies do not succumb to the flow of flattering phrases and do not fall at their feet from this.

The compliment must be appropriate, and also done correctly, so that it is more like the truth than another attempt at flattery in order to achieve the location of the young lady.

Your smile shines like a star in the night sky!

You have a very good sense of humor!

You are joyful and positive! Such a mischievous, laughing, cheerful smiley!

Benevolent positive compliments to a girl

I am delighted with your unusual spring look!

You are my sun during the day, the moon at night, and the rest of the time - the whole universe!

Your every movement is very expressive and filled with some inexplicable feeling!

You are like a slender doe with burning eyes!

You are so mysterious sometimes! How do you manage to create an atmosphere of pleasant intrigue?!

I can't breathe without you!

Your sonorous laughter infects everyone around with positive!

I would like to be a handkerchief touching your delicate skin!

Looking at you, I understand that Adam's rib was well spent!

You are desperately beautiful!

The versatility of the soul makes you precious diamond in my life!

You are more precious to me than anything in the world! Even more expensive than the World Wide Web and Vkontakte!

You have crystal integrity!

Your eyes are two bottomless lakes reflecting the blue sky!

yours tanned skin makes you look like a delicious chocolate bar!

Mental positive compliments to a girl

You are like air to me!

What wonderful shoes you have. They emphasize your originality!

You have an amazing, inimitable gait!

I look into your eyes and can not see enough - they are all you!

You are my most hospitable and hospitable hostess!

Looking at you, you understand that sport is power!

And the stars, and the sun, and the moon fade next to you!

You have a subtle sense of humor!

You have an open, kind heart!

Many people believe that miracles do not happen in the world. This is wrong. You are the real miracle!

It is much more interesting to communicate with you than with my peers!

You know how to be open, simple and sincere. That's why people are drawn to you!

You are well versed in the art of being in right time in the right place!

You are the one and only for me! You are my life, my ray of light in this world!

You are the most beautiful student!

You have such nice shapes! Figure - swing!

It seems to me that your heart is a source of passionate love!

Your embrace is hot, hot as the southern night!

Darling, your look enchants, you are able to hypnotize anyone!

You are like a light in the night for a moth - it is impossible to resist your attraction!

You are a flammable thing! You can not only get burned, but also burn with love!

You are getting leaner and leaner!

You are my coolness at the equator and warmth at the north pole!

You are the most charming person with whom I had the honor to communicate!

Sometimes it seems to me that you are not a person at all, but an angel who came down from heaven to protect me!

Funny positive compliments to a girl

You look great in this dress! It emphasizes your figure better than pantsuits!

My soul is buried in your deep beautiful eyes!

In this dress delicate color You are like a blossoming orchid flower!

By your blooming appearance, it is clear that everything is fine with you!

Only you fill my life with such unique emotions!

How do you manage to create a feeling of luxury around you, doing the simplest and most necessary things?!

Looking at you, I understand who men compose and sing serenades to!

You truly enjoy every moment of your life! How do you do it?!

Sometimes it seems to me that your gaze is able to ignite a candle - it is so hot and bright!

Communication with you warms my heart and soul!

For me, you are a special person, the one and only!

You are my ripe, delicious berry!

No one has ever in my life done for me all that you can and do now. Thank you for this!

When you are embarrassed, your cheeks are very beautifully reddening scarlet!

In your eyes I want to swim all day, and then drown without asking for help!

You look irresistible with any hairstyle, but today you are just super!

Selected positive compliments to a girl

Your appearance always fills the room with a deafening invigorating aroma!

you have a huge creative potential! You are capable of creating masterpieces in any area of ​​life!

That slit in your dress drives all men crazy!

You look good in front of your eyes! What a magical transformation!

You know, your crazy ones aren't so crazy at second glance.

How do you manage to find a way out of hopeless situations?!

Your beauty disturbs my peace!

And you are very interesting!

Did no one tell you that you have the most charming smile?!

There is nothing softer in the world than your silky hair!

You, like no one else, notice the beauty of the surrounding objects and things!

You are smart and beautiful, and many will envy your wisdom!

In this white dress, you are like a snow maiden, descended from the pages of a fairy tale!

Well done! Girl without complexes! You will also give the guys a head start!


Compliment the girl so that she blossoms and becomes even more beautiful.

Thanks for adding to:

Stars shine in your eyes, and you can bathe in a smile, like in the rays of the sun. You are extraordinary!

Many flowers have incredible beauty and fragrance. But next to you, they turn into a pale shadow.

You're extraordinarily good, but you know it without my reminding you. Just when you see you do not keep silent about it.

So the heart beats near you, as if I were running and my breath was lost.

* * *

Such Strange feeling- look at you and understand that you want to hold your hand, not letting go.

Such a girl suits the crown and life in the palace.

Your smile can even defeat terrorism...

Your eyes are not just beautiful and deep. They are wise, kind and shine like stars in the night.

Only diamonds and your eyes sparkle with such a precious brilliance.

Warm at the sight of you. Imagine what's going on...

For so long I have not seen such perfect forms and a beautiful face.

Your smile brightens up my day. Don't change your outlook on life, princess.

The uniqueness of your appearance is that it is not flawless, but unforgettably attractive.

Everything perfect is simple and vulgar. You are mysterious and unapproachable.

I want to touch you, like a rare jewel hidden behind glass and accessible only to the eye.

The stars of your eyes I see in the sky every night.

Beautiful compliments to a girl

Only you can invent a whole planet, decorate the sky with bright colors on it, add twinkling lights and kind little inhabitants. Your fantasy is limitless!

The most beautiful, beloved, beautiful and irreplaceable - it's about you.

You are an unearthly creature, so timid and magical that you do not want to let go even for a second.

You are my main motivator, forcing me to go forward and achieve the best.

You are as mysterious as the moon. And as welcoming as the sun.

You are incredibly positive. You are a real energy boost!

How many secrets your beautiful, bottomless eyes keep.

The best compliments for a girl

You are as wonderful and unique as a snowflake.

Your kisses burn my heart, leaving a mark on it forever.

You charming girl deserving only the best.

You are extraordinary, like the rustle of leaves. Beautiful, like a colorful dawn. Unforgettable like fireworks.

Short compliments to a girl

You can be praised endlessly: smart, beautiful, talented and just wonderful.

From your charming smile, our world becomes brighter, kinder and more magical.

You know how to look so meekly and kindly that you immediately want to present all the gifts in the world to you alone.

When you are happy you shine brighter than the sun. And you infect everyone around you with your sincere joy.

Compliments to the girl list

You are a very talented girl. This can be seen not only in your actions, but outstanding and such a memorable appearance.

Nothing makes me feel better than the presence of a wonderful girl like you.

Our universe is full of amazing and beautiful things. But you are the most beautiful thing she could ever create.

Many men and guys have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Especially when it comes to beautiful girls, such representatives of the stronger half are especially afraid to approach and even more so talk to them.

As they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. In this article, we are going to give a couple of tips on how to please a girl or woman, what beautiful words you can say to her, how to compliment and, in the end, how to confess your love.

There are many songs about love...

Of course, in each individual case, everything is individual and there is no universal approach to girls. But there are certain moments and actions that most of them like. For example, very good tone, and sometimes the best remedy, capable of winning the heart of the most impregnable lady is a subtle compliment.

First of all, you need to improvise, notice some features and character traits this or that girl and talk about it, there is nothing complicated about it. The beauty and depth of meaning of such compliments is limited only by your vocabulary.

A simple compliment to a loved one is an art that can be learned.

Of course, we will offer you a list of original, unusual and nice compliments for every girl. But you also need to practice on your own. To do this, speak pleasant words girls and women as often as possible and watch their reactions. As they say, they will be pleased and you will practice.

Also, if you want to become a master of compliments, read more novels, better than classic ones, love poems, love parables and other works in one way or another related to love. This will help you learn some of the subtleties of the emotional component of this difficult task. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men.

Simple compliments - best gift girl and also perfect way make amends or ask for forgiveness!

Based on the foregoing, the main features of the ideal compliment can be distinguished:

  • It's better to compliment internal qualities of a person, appearance must be played very subtly, for example: “You are so beautiful in this dress.”
  • Try to be as sincere and honest as possible, believe it is noticeable.
  • Compliments about the girl's taste and preferences, for example: "You always dress so elegantly," will also be a win-win option.
  • If she is proud of something, praise her, for example, if she reads a lot, say: “You are so erudite,” after which you can discuss some book that you read together.
  • The main enemy of a compliment is ambiguity, you should avoid phrases like: “Your girlfriend is so beautiful doggy looks like you."
  • If you borrowed a phrase for a compliment from a book, try to concretize it as much as possible and apply it to this particular case, use the names, the situation, the environment, bring in your vision.
  • Do not overpraise and do not go too far, otherwise you can ruin everything, and it will look like flattery.
  • Speak simply and clearly.
  • Well, you need to crush advice and teachings, state the facts.

And now we bring to your attention a list of compliments for any occasion:

“When I saw you, I forgot where I was going…”
"How are you bright Star on a clear night sky. I am attracted to you…"
“You are like a bouquet of spring flowers, your smell drives me crazy…”
“Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever…”
“When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thanks for being you…”
"You know, looking at your legs, I'm starting to doubt that someone has a slimmer one."
"Your skin is so soft, I just calm down when I touch it."
“It’s hard to believe, but you cook even better than my grandmother!”
"Your earrings are as sparkling as your smile."
"I'm sorry, what modeling agency are you from?"
"In that elegant suit you look like a business lady!”
"I'm trying to understand why I can't take my eyes off you and can't even imagine"
“For a wife like you, I would fly from work like Superman in 5 minutes.”
"This suit perfectly emphasizes your athletic figure."
“If mother nature creates ideal forms- then it's yours!
“You are not like everyone else, I like that you have your own opinion!”
"If I compared you to cars, you would be a Ferrari."
"You have a very beautiful voice, I can not hear enough, say something else."
“It seems to me that we have seen each other somewhere before, maybe in a dream?”
“If I were a girl, then as beautiful and smart as you!”
"What kind of dragon do you need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?"
“It seems to me that every day, I love you more and more.”
"I'm sure you'll be a good wife!"

Compliment more often, good luck! 🙂