Poems for a beautiful girl. A short compliment to a girl about her beauty, or How not to fall face down in the dirt

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Without exaggeration, without a shred of doubt
Without a bit of intrigue, I say directly:
You are breathtaking
Premi, seductive,

Smart, charming
It's all true, I'm not lying.
The kindest, the most honest,
You taste mmm... delicious,

Sorry for the details
But I know it is.
You smile sweetly at me
Don't say "no" to "yes"

Open like a flower in spring -
I take it all as an honor.

Why do bees give birth to light honey,
Enchanting smell - warm and transparent?
It happens that joy comes
No excuse, and no other way.

And again we will see the sky,
When you are next to us.
And if warmth calls again -
We will remember you again without letters.

Recently I was able to find out only about
What does it mean to be the most beautiful of all!
And you are truly to blame
After all, it became unique for me ...

Your eyes shine like stars
Your words burn with love ...
I am captivated by your image and look
There are not enough people like you in the world ...

Keep, please, such beauty!
Do not lose it in everyday life ...
Give more warmth and beauty
And take captive my dreams and thoughts!

You, like the moon, are bright, calm,
Like the sun, hot at times,
Very slim at the same time.
And full like a river with water...

I admire you everywhere
I adore you alone
You, at least occasionally, but I repent,
I love you so much...

Oh, the sun's ray that entered the room,
Oh, good angel, angel in the flesh.
Are the sinners here worthy of your decision,
Do they just walk around somewhere?

Oh woman, wisest of the wise,
Oh girl, innocent soul
You conquer in all ages the insane
Men who love you without breathing.

How beautiful are your eyes
How sweet are your words
How I dream and
To see you always near.

Like a divine lyre
I won't stop listening.
You are my sea diva
I love you!

I like your eyes
And there are no more beautiful hands in the world!
I'm afraid of your beauty
There is no more dangerous beauty in the world!

I love streams of your hair,
I love playful sparkle in the sun!
And your beauty rays
Let them shine in different windows!

May this modest compliment
It will lift your spirits!
There are no such words in the world
To express all admiration!

These wonderful moments
Compliments, compliments.
Darling, I notice
That yesterday I spent the whole evening
Loved only you.
What are you doing with me!

You are the most beautiful to me
My dear and dear.
You are like a dream to me
like a bright star in the sky.
Shine as bright as the sun

Give me light in your window.
And never be discouraged.
Always be happy.
Let dreams come true
Flowers bloom in your soul.

A beautiful camp, beautiful features ...
You are the ideal of enchanting happiness ...
You, as the limit of an exquisite dream ...
You are an idol of beauty and voluptuousness! ..

My dear, I want to say a compliment, but I just want to warn you that it will not be a monotonous stream of words, and what I say, you will certainly be able to remember for a long time. So, my beloved, you managed to do the impossible, namely to change my life, for which I am eternally grateful to you. You are that long-awaited ray of sunshine that managed to break through the clouds that hung over me. With your smile, you gave me faith in happiness, returned joy and feelings. You are like a kind sorceress who so suddenly appeared out of nowhere and whose magic I will try to keep forever.

You are not dearer and dearer in the world,
When the first rays of dawn spread,
And illuminate you, lying so close,
A little sleepy, purring like a pussy.
This is beauty! Here is the intoxication!
Whether reality, or vision ...

How long timidly walked in circles,
Casting awkward glances
I didn't even know, but I already fell in love,
Dreaming that you will be there.

Delicate hair, smooth as silk,
Hands that can warm the soul
I'm like a gray tamed wolf
Following in the cold and cold.

Beloved girl, dream angel,
Believe me, I don't need another
And if you let me be by your side
That eternity is ready to be with me.

You are like spring among rains and thunderstorms,
The most delicate petal in a flowerbed of scarlet roses.
You are as bright as a clear sea day ...
I'm ready to be with you forever.

More beautiful than all the princesses in the world
My love. Not on any planet
No one can find such happiness
After all, I just love her to hoarseness.

Your gait, look and camp,
Your eyes and these hands.
You make me laugh, you make me laugh
Do not let boredom come to visit us.

Drive away any pain
In return, give me humility.
Beauty will illuminate the whole world -
You are my inspiration in life.

I want my love
Joy in the heart is not melting
Tell the whole world
What can you dream.

Why are you so bright
Mischievous and funny.
You are smart, kind, sweet
And took the figure.

And you are perfection

Sometimes you're sad in vain
Smile, because you are beautiful!

You are like a playful chinchilla
My Sweet and Tender Beast,
Bewitched me forever -
And do not disenchant now.

When falls from satin shoulders
Sheer silk robe,
Everything freezes in my chest
I do not need other awards.

Figure of a young Aphrodite
Under a thin curtain of silks.
Your lovely cheeks
Worthy of songs and poems!

So quietly the wind whispers fairy tales in your ear,
And the foliage of oak forests sweetly rustles.
I'm waiting for the evening to come again.
I am waiting for you at the fragrant herbs.

You are cute! You are so gentle, beautiful.
You are like a rose in a mountain valley.
And even on a stormy rainy day,
Your gentle kind gaze warms.

You are a rose made of fire
You play with wonderful rays,
You burn brighter than a sunny day -
Do not take it with your hand, just see with your eyes.

You can't hide in your bosom -
You will burn both heart and clothes.
You won't date me
And don't give me hope.

Oh rose of fire!
And you are alone, and you are fire,
And if you take
Burn your hand.

Like an early and bright dawn,
You sanctify my world in a dream,
Endless expanses and fields,
You feed on your love.

Beautiful outside and inside
And you value loyalty, truth, friendship,
Cheerful, and making a bet,
Prove a thought always, you don't need to

Be aware of the money in the account,
And demand cool tsatski,
How do you prepare food
I swallow my tongue, delicious, as if in a fairy tale.

And the thought that you are mine inspires faith
Now I'm not afraid of snow or ice,
And raise your hands to the sky
Ready to go forward with you.

Beauty is a terrible force. Strength and pride for every girl who has even a little bit of it. And when a caring person makes her touch her appearance and beauty in general, she is overwhelmed positive emotions and joy from what is happening. This is not surprising, because we all love to receive compliments from people who are not the last in our lives, and not a single girl here will be an exception. The main thing is to choose Right words and focus on exactly those things that are especially important for a girl.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty can be especially successful if presented with them. Rhyme has always been very popular with women, and it is not surprising that beauty poems will be especially popular. If you doubt this, you can try everything on own experience. After all, everything you need for this, you already have. There is definitely a desire, since you are on this page. Well, you can also find compliments to a girl about her beauty here.

Presented on Vlio big collection beautiful compliments that any girl will find pleasant. Take advantage of this chance and give the lady of your heart a drop of joy and positive.

The most-most - I understood immediately,
It pierced like an arrow
It became so healthy to the heart and eye,
You were given to me by a generous fate.

The best, what else do you need
You are the best in the world for me
You are my sun, my El Dorado
Lake of passion, sea of ​​fire!

Congratulations on mobile

I won't stop admiring
Your heavenly beauty...
And I will never stop
Protect earthly peace.

So that you are happy from now on
Living among other people...
So that, contrary to human pride,
She was always friendly!

So that, as now, only joy
Was always in your eyes...
So that you know the sweetness of life,
Living with me, as if in dreams!

Your lips are a pink dawn
Your eyes are the softest velvet of the night
There is no other like it in the world,
You sparkle like a diamond among others.

Your hair is a sparkling waterfall
I'm ready to kiss both day and night blue,
From under the winged eyelashes a gentle look...
What in this world could be more beautiful?

But perhaps, only the heart and soul,
What the gods put into angelic flesh...
Darling! Oh how good you are!
My goddess, the touchy fairy.

You are the best in the world!
Beautiful and charming!
How the sun shines in the sky
Your smile is attractive!

You deserve the best:
Admiration and admiration
You are the brightest star
Inspiring genius!

You are my clear, morning dawn,
Gentle and modest dawn,
For me, there is no cuter in the world!
I will not speak in vain!

If you smile at me
The sun drives away the darkness of the night
And here from heavenly heights
Pulls its warm rays!

Like moonlight is elusive
And how excitingly slender doe!
You beckon to yourself inexorably ...
For me, you are the only one!

I want my love
Joy in the heart is not melting
Tell the whole world
What can you dream.

Why are you so bright
Mischievous and funny.
You are smart, kind, sweet
And took the figure.

And you are perfection
Being with you is bliss.
Sometimes you're sad in vain
Smile, because you are beautiful!

Ice and snow melt under your feet.
You are perfection itself, you are kindness itself.
A cheerful look gives birth to peace of mind.
So easy and wonderful for me next to you.

Compliments are one of the most difficult sciences in the art of seduction. They are purely individual and depend on the type, level of education, self-esteem and morality of the girl. Willy-nilly, men have to learn the art of talking beautifully about the appearance of their chosen ones. That is what this article will be about.

How to compliment your appearance

The best compliment is strictly individual. However, there are some common points:

  • Honesty. You should not fill in an Asian woman about " big eyes, in which you can drown", a girl with crooked legs about the "exciting bend of her delicate legs", and a tanned beach lover about "the aristocratic pallor of the skin." They simply will not understand you, twisting a finger at your temple, and in the worst case, they will also laugh.
  • Emotions. Compliments are usually said under the pressure of feeling, in those moments when you are simply bewitched by the interlocutor (at least women think so). So don't try too hard on the wording...but the acting is definitely something to improve on.
  • Conciseness. Short compliments are preferable to long ones. Just consider that your girlfriend has attention like a puppy - accentuated for no more than 15 seconds - and plan to fit into this segment.
  • Individuality. Take into account the girl's education and morals. For example, if you are an ordinary yard kid, then you should remember that your “Test buffers!” or “Well, just a peach!” they won’t win back in any way on a cute girl from an intelligent family ... well, apart from a likely slap in the face.

    In the same way, it will not be easy for an intelligent student in the company of a yard girl who simply does not notice his attempts to woo.

  • Compliments in verse. Do not try to clothe a compliment in verse, especially if you do not know how. First, it's old fashioned. Secondly, it’s very amateurish, because even if you are worth something as a poet, not everyone loves poetry.

    Most the best option- speak in your own words, in prose.

Special case, but VERY common mistake. Do not use the words "unforgettable / th / th" if you are talking about appearance. Evening or night can be unforgettable, but in matters of appearance - all her features are unforgettable by definition!

What compliments can a girl be offended by?

Those that are directed below her level of education or morality. Even a banal compliment with mistakes can still be perceived as a manifestation of sincere feeling, but a vulgar compliment with obscenities - never.

Here are some more examples of absolute bottom:

  • "Hey, kitty! ..." - you can no longer write further. Any insulting (for most) treatment has just destroyed any chance of success, even if there was a compliment worthy of Shakespeare in there.
  • “You have ears like an elephant. Well ... in the sense, they are just as soft ... ”- congratulations, Sharik, you are a dunce. Learn to make comparisons before you start complimenting. Any incomprehensible or unpleasant comparisons will significantly reduce your chances, so beware even of "You're just the spitting image of Jennifer Lopez" - it's not a fact that a girl likes the appearance and creativity of this actress.
  • "Your voice is so melodic and gentle that angels descend from heaven to"
  • "You have such Blue eyes... "- especially if they are brown. Seriously, everyday color blindness is the scourge of the male part of the Earth's population. If there is poor lighting in the room or you have not considered some features of your new girlfriend You don't have to compliment them.

Otherwise, feel absolutely free. Just think before every compliment said - “And I would be pleased if they say that about me” and make allowances for her age, upbringing and experience.

Examples of good compliments

A good compliment is one that you yourself came up with and are ready to confirm. The pattern is felt, no matter how you hide it.

A great option is to say something simple, like "You have a very beautiful eyes”, and if you say it correctly and with feeling, the effect will be much stronger than any of the exquisite compliments.

Here is a list of good compliments that will help in difficult times:

The eyes are a very important part of the appearance and in general the “mirror of the soul”. Therefore, be careful with this question. Improvisation is important here. But don't compare eye color to anything but beautiful flowers- it's too risky.

  • "You can drown in your eyes..." - Immortal classic. It is pronounced ... yes, whenever you want, if before that you looked into her eyes for a long time and with tenderness. It can even be used in a slightly playful way.
  • "You have the eyes of a child." - Well, only if the girl understands that you are talking about the purity of her eyes and the innocence of her soul. Again, not for everyone, but the chance of success is more than 50%.
  • “Your eyes just glow” - say when she tells you about her favorite business. Of course, it's also worth listening to, as she may be offended that you are only interested in her appearance ... but the game is usually worth the candle.

Compliments for a smile

Smiling is different. Mischievous, crazy (different things, by the way, the first is more decent), modest, gentle, bitchy ... but always, remember, always smile should be beautiful and cute.

  • “Sorry, but you smile so sweetly that I just can’t stop” is your saving straw after a bad joke or the phrase “Can you even talk seriously about something ?!” ... which is almost always the same thing.
  • “[woman’s name], why are you despondent? Smile, make this gloomy world a little brighter! - if your girlfriend is sad and you can't help her, try this option. Not the fact that it will help improve her mood, but at least a ghostly smile can be achieved.

In general, be sincere and inventive. For example, if you are telling a very funny story and you see that the girl is already laughing - freeze for a couple of seconds and “with a haze in your eyes” look at her face. To the question "What happened?" if he follows, reply "I'm sorry, but you're so cute when you smile."

Compliments about the figure

Very very difficult moment. You don't know how a girl sees herself and what she wants to be, so up to more familiarity you should shut your mouth and not talk about it at all.

  • "Well, you're just a gymnast! Tell me which gym do you go to? - especially if she tries to impress you with the wonders of flexibility.
  • “You know, if someone calls you complete - advise him a good optometrist” - well suited in those moments when the girl herself doubts herself.

Compliments about hair

Hair is a subject of special pride for any girl. Even a little gray mouse can seem pretty if she has chic thick and long hair especially bright colors.

So compliments about hair is a rather complicated topic, especially if the girl does not have a particularly beautiful mane.

  • "At your place interesting hairstyle. It seems to be strict, but at the same time very elegant. It suits you (with a smile) ”- suitable for girls with short haircut, as well as those who are passionate about work/study.
  • “I really like the smell of your hair” is already a more intimate compliment ... which will always be perceived correctly. The only fully universal one on this list.

Compliments about the voice

  • "You have a very gentle voice" is what any romantic girl wants to hear... unless she sounds like a locomotive whistle.
  • "Have you ever thought about becoming a singer?" - If your girlfriend constantly hums something or just purrs under her breath, she will surely like such an assessment of her talent.

Lip Compliments

Lips are also important. Here it is very easy to fall into vulgarity, and vulgarity turns on not everyone and not always, but if you manage to remain sensual and non-vulgar, you have great chance earn extra points in her head.

  • "You have a very beautiful lips especially when you're pushing them" - Another "you're beautiful when you're mad" variation that could save your evening from total ruin. Or maybe not save - it all depends on you and your chosen one.
  • “You have a very bright facial expression” - as a compliment to the face in general.
  • Here are some interesting compliments that might come in handy:

    • “You smell so good… (dreamy) violets, citrus, nuts… (with the appropriate joking intonation) I hate nuts!” - here your task is not to seduce her, but to make her smile. So if you can give something unexpected, but funny - do it.
    • “You are so thin ... How does your soul fit in you?” - Especially if the girl is obsessed with diets/sports.
    • “How did you get better, you became so slim!” - There too, especially for anorexics on the way to correction.
    • “Did you grow your legs or are they naturally like that?” - If you REALLY want to pin up. Although it’s better not to, especially if you are still not familiar with it.

    The science of making beautiful compliments correctly will have to figure it out on your own, stuffing bumps and getting slapped in the face. However, at the end of the path, SHE is waiting for you - the only one for which you got up on it ... well, or just a great night after a pretty good evening.

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You are beautiful like a goddess
And you can't compare
With any standards.
You will simply surpass everyone!

Heaven's best creation
I'm crazy about you like a demon!
I want to see features
Like a picture of wondrous beauty.

Refined profile and full face.
The depth of the lakes - bottomless eyes ...
Give me a chance to prove
What would you write masterpieces!

In your eyes - the lights of Paris ...
And it seems to be getting closer.
I can hardly breathe, I get drunk on you,
The sound of the voice makes me cringe.

Are you beautiful? No, it's incomparable!
In your features of the goddess to become.
Furtively even uncomfortable
I look after you to throw.

You pass by, freeze
Men of any age.
The clock is slowing down,
They don't fall in love with you!

I can't compare with you
No sun, no dawn, no garden.
Admire you carefully
My earthly beauty!!!

I really like you
Smile, your eyes are clear.
What a beauty you are
Well, everything about you is awesome!

Poems complimenting a girl about her beauty

Compare with the beauty of your wonderful
Dare, perhaps, the face of heaven,
involved eternal secrets universe.
magical ethereal creature,

You are all like incorporeal angels,
You are the muse of Raphael's paintings.
To whom your perfection was revealed,
Experience true bliss!

You are an unearthly beauty!
Frankly speaking,
I don't know others like that.
You doubt in vain!

No angels, no demons, no gods
Never seen such beauty
After all, only a few are given on earth
Such perfect features.

In the rays of her so want to warm up,
You are so uniquely good.
When I look at you my heart flutters
The soul is silent in admiration!

You are beautiful, you are beautiful
Charming, wonderful!
Your beauty is elite!
Even a little enviable...


Any girl is unimaginably pleased to hear about how beautiful and desirable she is for her beloved man. Compliments to a girl about her beauty are not just words, but a statement that she is loved. It is equally important to compliment your girlfriend and for a man, because the appearance of your beloved matters.

Compliments to a girl in verse to delight her

Do you want to be original? Dedicate a poem to your beloved, where you will sing of her beauty and your love for her. In a word, give compliments to the girl in verse. Not all men can write poetry with their own hands. You can use the already written poems of classics and modern authors, this will not diminish the pleasant sensations of your beloved.

Your eyes give me light

One that doesn't exist in the world anymore.

And there is nothing more wonderful than your eyes:

They can tell you a lot

Though a fairy tale, even a dawn ballad ...

Yes, but I don’t need those stories:

I just love looking at this wonder

From under the eyelashes that looks so beautiful.

And the color... What a warm color, brothers!

Sunsets and sunrises in your eyes

Spring itself lives in your eyes:

April tenderness is given to these eyes,

And May gave purity to those eyes,

And brightness, and flowers, and beauty!

Smile, smile!

After all, you are not more beautiful!

Don't search no matter how hard you try

There is another secret on earth:

In this world everything is so shaky

Steady and strange.

Just your smile

Gives joy all the time!

Sweetness from your smile

(Already goosebumps!)

A Gioconda Leonardo

Nervously smokes aside:

After all, the great mystery

Not hers - yours now!

Smile - it's necessary

To the whole world, believe me!

The first ray imperceptibly

Slipped through your window

And again your curl is gentle

Glows golden in the sun!

My God! You nature

Gave me a full cup:

Hair like waterfalls

Like a rushing stream of water.

The same waves, only softer

The same tenderness, only closer ...

Let the envious gossip

About your red-haired wealth.

I know without prejudice

And girlish gossip:

Your hair is in bobby pins

This is a true miracle!

It's hard for me to find the words

To describe your wondrous camp.

Maybe search first.

Is there a flaw in your appearance?

So I and so which year

I admire you frankly

I was looking for a vice, but only now,

The Lord did not give it, probably.

You are beautiful, like spring

(Already my head is spinning again!)

You were created for the joy of everyone,

To love and pray.

Or maybe the angel is you?

Admit it, I'm not the talkative type.

Be the epitome of beauty

Is it consonant with the feeling of being happy?

Even roses are with you

Just pathetic flowers

That suddenly withered from the frost,

Deprived of the former beauty.

And you are the charm

That you just can't take your eyes off!

Such a title suits you

Be a beauty queen.

Compliments to a girl in one word, but impressive

When you have very little time to express feelings, words come to the rescue, from which any girl's head will spin. beautiful compliments the girl can even be said in one word. Yes, adjectives can be very eloquent, even alone, and express a whole range of feelings. Here is a short list of such words:

  • Unique;
  • beautiful;
  • Dizzy;
  • divine;
  • Sexy;
  • Irresistible;
  • Amazing;
  • chic;
  • seductive;
  • fabulous;
  • stunning;
  • Flawless;
  • graceful;
  • perfect;
  • Exciting;
  • Feminine;
  • Mysterious;
  • Ideal;
  • Mind-blowing;
  • Charming.

Compliments to your girlfriend that will win her heart

Feel free to put into words your admiration for the girl, emphasizing the appearance of your beloved. Compliments to your beloved girl should express pride in the fact that she is next to you. lucky original phrases will make your chosen one love you even more. Here are some examples of such phrases, some short, others funny, but they are all cute and tender in them:

  • There are many beautiful eyes (lips, smiles) in the world, but yours are the most dear and beautiful.
  • Your lips are like a flower, and I greedily drink its nectar.
  • I dropped my jaw at the sight of such a stunning beauty like you!
  • Can there be anything deeper than your eyes!?
  • I like to watch the rays of the sun play in your hair.
  • Most best gift for me it is your gentle smile.
  • You're so charming when you frown!
  • This dress perfectly emphasizes your figure.
  • Honey, you dressed like that on purpose to make me speechless!?
  • In your eyes, love and tenderness, and all this is only mine!
  • You always look like a fairy princess.
  • Today I thought that it's time to start being jealous of you.
  • Do you know what got me hooked? With his unearthly smile and radiant eyes.
  • You are not like the others, that's why I love you.
  • Your eyes are shining brighter than the stars on the sky.
  • Being so beautiful is a terrible crime!
  • I don't have to take the star out of the sky, it walks next to me.
  • You are so beautiful that the stars fade nearby.
  • Young woman! Shame on you? To be so beautiful...
  • Your voice is like the singing of a nightingale in the garden.
  • The embrace of your arms makes my heart beat faster.
  • Your lovely legs are just asking to be held in your arms.
  • You are my beautiful flower, your skin is tender like rose petals.
  • You little witch, you bewitched me with your beauty.
  • Your eyelashes are like butterfly wings, every stroke and I fly away ...
  • When you pass by, time stops...
  • Young woman! Tell your mother that she has a beautiful daughter.
  • Your gaze is the source of my existence.
  • I can't live without your smile, it illuminates my life path.
  • Beauty salons will be out of work today - you are incomparable.
  • Your lips riper than cherries and the taste can't compare to nectar
  • All girls are like girls, but I have a GODDESS!
  • Your hair flows like a waterfall, shines in the sun like drops of water.
  • Not a single gold gems cannot be compared with the radiance of your divine beauty.
  • Nature has endowed you with beauty, take care of it and always be like that.
  • You are an angel in the flesh, a simple person cannot be so beautiful.
  • I am ready to kiss your hands endlessly.
  • So much light comes from you that you don't even need electricity.
  • Your skin is like velvet, your voice intoxicates my mind, and your gaze beckons.
  • I saw your image in a dream, since then I do not want to wake up.
  • You are fresh and beautiful like summer, you are warm and good in any weather.
  • Mind and beauty are incompatible - but you are an exception to the rule.
  • Your movements are graceful as in a waltz, ready to dance with you all your life.
  • Heaven cries and suffers because it has lost an angel like you.
  • Your gait makes even confident men stumble.
  • Nature has not rested on you, nature has rewarded you!
  • You are special, unique, beautiful and simply loved.
  • Your beauty cannot be compared with anything, I am terminally ill with you.
  • You are like a princess from a fairy tale, I want to become your prince.
  • You are beautiful in everything, but most of all I like the eyes - they magically control my mind.
  • You are even more beautiful without makeup.

Complimenting a girl for a photo to start a conversation

Compliments are not always given to those they know. Sometimes there is a desire to express your admiration for a girl, seeing only her photographs in social network. It will be better to write compliments to the girl in your own words. Words should not carry flattery or falsehood with them, but convey those sincere feelings that appear when viewing a photo. Here's how it could be:

  • In this photo, the features of your sweet face are incredibly expressive.
  • You are like from the cover of gloss!
  • I will remember these two blue oceans of your eyes for a long time.
  • Not a girl, but a real magnet!
  • Your face is beautiful on its own, but scarlet lipstick really suits you.
  • Children, animals and you can be organic in any situation.
  • Real lady! This emphasizes both your posture and the look from under lowered eyelashes.
  • Unapproachable and sexy - it will be noticeable even under modest clothes.
  • How can a man exchange this angelic smile for another!?
  • In this picture you look like you know all my secrets.
  • The most important thing in the wrapping of clothes is you, sweet candy!
  • One look at you and all men will lose their heads!
  • This photo is the cutest thing imaginable.
  • Who said only Hollywood stars can look amazing!
  • You are an incredible combination - a mysterious smile, depth in your eyes, grace in movement.
  • Your smile is like the most desired prize for the winner.
  • Now I am sure that nymphs exist.
  • The one who will be with you will certainly become a terrible jealous!
  • Brilliant and captivating - it's all you!
  • You are the most beautiful creation in the universe.
  • Your eyes are like a drug - I want to look into them all my life.
  • If I were Leonardo da Vinci, then instead of Gioconda I would portray you.

Short compliments to a girl about her beauty

About the beauty of a girl, it is very often necessary to say briefly, but beautifully. In this case, short compliments to the girl will come in handy, which, if you can’t think of it yourself, you can take from our selection.

  • I'm intoxicated by your beauty!
  • I'm stuck at the sight of you, baby!
  • You are the perfect creation of heaven.
  • The most precious thing I have is you!
  • Your smile heals the soul.
  • One look from you and I lose consciousness.
  • Your figure does not leave my head.
  • Hollywood has long dreamed of your smile.
  • I don't deserve this beauty!
  • When you walk by, everyone bites their elbows.
  • I can't live without the smell of your hair.
  • You are like from the cover of gloss!
  • One such smile and I'm at your feet!
  • Your smile is a ray of sunshine!
  • Adorable, you can't take your eyes off her!
  • You look like a star!
  • You're lovely!
  • Great, keep it up!
  • You are beautiful like a goddess!

Sincerity is the key to success!

Most pleasant words Those are the ones that are sincere. It is worth mentioning a few simple rules in the art of dedicating compliments to your significant other:

  1. Most importantly, do not suck up in any case. Thin female soul will feel false notes in the voice of the gentleman, and this will not work in his favor.
  2. Don't use formulaic phrases. Your compliments must come from pure heart and express only true emotions.
  3. Remember, here the phrase "there is never too much good" is not considered a rule. Even if you really like a girl, you don't need to bombard her with compliments. It will be beautiful, but still flattery.

Beautiful, and most importantly, appropriate compliments can and should be said to all girls who cause awe in the soul. This is true of course, when there is no girlfriend. Any lovely lady will appreciate your sincerity and ability to choose the right phrase.

Do not forget to give your loved ones wonderful moments by reminding you of your feelings with the help of SMS. You can write how you miss her smile or accidentally remembered that you forgot to say in the morning what a great figure. Such a message will make your beloved smile warmly and make sure of your feelings even more.

Speak only Nice words to your loved ones. After all, the female soul is waiting for this. But you should not start saying those very necessary phrases spontaneously and in in large numbers, because it will only alert your chosen one. It is better to start with confessions in prose, the main thing is to do it at the right moments. The main thing is to be patient and attentive, and everything else is a matter of technique.

Be sure to watch the video!

My sweet and gentle
Kind and always white.
Beloved, stay beautiful
Always clean and clear.
Your eyes are like two oceans
From which I am always drunk.
And your body is like silk,
Be beautiful, be magical.

Flowers from me, please accept
I give them as a confession
And my confession is not in love,
I admit that you are a charm!

All doors are open for you
And you can't help but admire
After all, in your unthinkable beauty
Tenderness can be combined with strength.

You are a princess, it's not a secret
Appearance will turn anyone's head,
Reason is your main covenant,
Modesty is your necklace...

You are beautiful, like a flowering garden,
In moments of bright spring,
And your voice, singing in a stream,
Filled with wondrous beauty.

You are beautiful in face and article,
Features rich in tenderness
And unspeakable grace
You fill this world.

The sea shimmers in your eyes
Caresses the look with its wave.
In ultramarine space
Pupils blackening surf.

Your smile is brighter than the sun
With a gentle chuckle it will dazzle.
I love the flow of your emotions
He boils with hot passion

And take me to the bays
Will cover the joy of avalanches.
With you I feel happy
I melt myself with love!

In your arms I want to forget
And listen to the whisper of the heart every time.
I want to fall in love with you all the time
And plunge into the sea of ​​blue eyes.

Your hair is linen
I can, goddess, stroke endlessly.
Your beauty is pure and flawless
She intoxicates me like wine!

There is no greater beauty in the world
Than your beautiful features.
You are fresh, refined, tender,
You are gorgeous like spring!

You can be, like autumn, refined,
Like a summer day, you are languid.
Dazzling at times, like winter!
How cute are you anyway!

You are the best, cool, cool!
You are gentle, sweet, just beautiful!
unsurpassed and incomparable,
You are the brightest and most awesome!
Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
You are the most beloved heart!

Dreams hide in your smile
Flowers envy your beauty -
The pearl of a smile, the sparkle of the eyes!
There are no such worthy phrases in this world,
To describe you in detail!
And so I repeat again:
You are more beautiful than the dawn over the rose garden!
You are higher than the farthest stars in the sky!

Beautiful compliments to a girl about her beauty

I'll tell you, driving out doubts,
Which is very pretty
When you believe: our strength
That we met with you.
And it's good that there is an opportunity
Send a simple verse to you.
I will say that there is both spirit and pride.
In your immodest beauty.

I'm drowning in your bottomless eyes,
And in the veil of tender eyes,
And in sincere and modest gestures
And in a quiet song of wise phrases...

admiring your beauty,
I thank the Creator again
That he made you like this
Which I absolutely love!!!

Gentle as butterflies, aspiration
Get to the calling flower
You inspire admiration
And multiply the beauty.

You are the ideal of a love night
Your smile has no equal
You inspire these lines
Love bringing a gentle light into them.

Like acacia honey
A strand of your hair.
I will admire
I am up to the stars with them.

Until the gentle dawn
tea rose juice
From your boundless lips
I will drink at my feet.

And crystal eyes
They look at me
Like crystal dew
Clean, innocent look.

You are the sakura goddess
Pink bud.
I am your posture
Thin admired!

How cute you are in a snow-covered dress!
Snow Maiden appeared before me
With a riddle in the cool blue eyes...
Truly, your image is unearthly!

I hope that when the winter passes
The cold of your eyes will go with her.
Your face, attractive and pure,
It shook me to the core!

I can't look at you,
I look admiringly, I can’t take my eyes off.
Tell me where did you get such a tool,
To become more beautiful than a star in the night.

You must have been given a fairy
A gentle blush, taking from fresh roses,
And the night gave its color
Eyelashes, eyebrows, curls of hair.

You stand shining with your beauty,
And my head is spinning.
Then suddenly you light up the earth with a smile,
Then suddenly you throw back the curls slightly.

You are as beautiful as a star
What is created only for the sky!
Your gaze captivates everyone
Any outfit suits you.

You can admire
And don't take your eyes off your feet
Make you obey
Bring flowers to your feet!

Gentle and sweet, the most beautiful,
Kind and honest, very interesting,
Smart and bright, like a cherry, sweet,
Sincere, thin, like a bird, sonorous.

There are no relatives you and better.
And let the clouds in the sky
Shine the sun for me
You are my beloved!

And roses envy scarlet lips,

Compliments to the most beloved girl

Darling, you are my flower
Sweet love and joy sprout.
How I miss you
My body suffers to the point of pain in my heart.
Not a second of rest, not a step back,
I see that without you my life is nothing.
Your beauty is like honey, like an elixir,
Which will heal wounds and fill the world.

Like a sunny bunny, playful ...
Like the gentle wind, gentle...
Like an earthly ideal, beautiful
And I need you like air!
I'm ready for a feat for you
You are the most important to me!
For your beautiful, pure appearance
I won't regret anything!
Just give me attention
Bless with your warmth...
Give me hope, understanding
And only part of your love!

In you alone is the mystery of the world
Enclosed through the eyes
Truly beautiful
You are alone in the entire universe.

Soul and become united in you,
You, all life admired!
From such, the painters of the picture
Create at any time.

There is so much light in your eyes!
I marvel at their depth!
They warm like summer
In a distant fantasy land!
Hair fluffy curls -
Like the sun bright areolas.
A scattering of mischievous freckles -
Left a gold grind.

You are flawless and harmonious
Hospitable, kind, cheerful,
Diplomatic in communication
You are up to any business.

You are a wonderful mother
A wonderful wife and daughter.
Where necessary, there is firm, stubborn,
Always ready to help everyone.

You are gentle and patient
Caring and faithful.
You are very feminine and beautiful
Your soul is full of warmth.

Smiling, sweetheart,
sheer charm,
Like a kitty, playful
Just charm.

Delicate like a lotus flower
Beautiful, amazing
Like shiny silk, hair.
You are very seductive...

Your eyes are like a gentle poison.
They beckon me even more
When you look so playful
And you talk slow...

Your figure is just "ah"
You look good in front of your eyes!
Lovely waist bend
Will drive you crazy! Oh, I'm dead!

You certainly admire
I'm telling you seriously.
Your kiss is hot
Lovely chic Dutch roses.

You are more beautiful than angels, by God!
It's hard to compare them with you!
And the tenderness of a strict smile
You can conquer anyone!
Your hair cascade is lovely -
Like the silk of a pure river.
Blush of cheeks, and wonderful shine
In the eyes, like a gleam of light.

Nice compliment for a girl you like

My love, you are my ray
I hold on to you, I see the sky without clouds.
Blood boils with love for you
Love for you constantly burdens.
Bloom every day like a flower
Affectionate, gentle orgasm petal.
I'll be a bee to collect nectar from you,
Create the fire of love.

You are amazing, desirable
You are a role model
You are feminine, always beautiful,
It's dangerous to joke with you.
You captivate forever
In which everyone drowns, like in the sea,
You are the embodiment of the goddess Venus,
And if you haven't seen it, it's hard to believe.
A inner world yours is even more wonderful
You are worthy of poetry and songs.
You are unspeakably kind and hospitable,
Happy and carefree.
You will find a true friend in you,
With you, neither heat nor blizzard is terrible!

You are the poet's inspiration
Your beauty is filled with light,
The universe is warmed by you
There are no people like you in nature.

You are brighter than the sky
And more romantic than the moon
You are the original nature
You are the splendor of spring.

A piece of heaven in your eyes
Moon particle in hair
Anyone with you would not be unhappy,
But you alone stand in tears.
You say that life is unfair
Dreaming of starting from scratch...
We could be together with you
But you know you're not for me.
Maybe let the case decide?
Let's change the story
I will send you smiles,
I see the sparkle of sad eyes.
You smile back
You blush a little,
I hear a quiet "hello"
And I'll invite you for tea.

Impossible not to compliment
Such a fabulous lovely lady,
For the sake of you, they are able to create everything,
And words are born all by themselves!

You are beautiful, there is no doubt about it!
And sparks of happiness sparkle in the eyes,
That everyone is given a gentle, kind light,
What saves from bad weather!

And let your charge not run out,
To make everyone happy!

You are amazing and so beautiful
And I say not in vain
After all, your charms and beauty
Made me crazy for a long time!

You make yourself so drunk
And you immediately understand
What got into your nets,
And you won't be able to get out!

You are so gentle and so smart
You are the only one, believe me.
I admire you so much
And I'm not trying to embellish!

You are like a beautiful flower on top,
Like a sweet peach, juicy apricot,
How grape juice and raspberry flavor
Like the smell of apples from rosy cheeks.

Like the freshness of the sea and the radiance of the sun,
Like a petal, like a tender moth.
You are like warm in the spring from the window,
Like a stream of cool waters on a hot day.

And your hair is like waterfalls
And lips like roses and a tulip.
The eyes are like beautiful topazes.
My love for you is like an ocean.

Beautiful, slender and very ingenious
With whom it is necessary to be courteous, with whom it is necessary - impudent.
Order with taste, tip-top with a sense of proportion,
At your feet is a whole regiment of cavaliers
And the old women look after you with envy.
Sweetheart, keep up the good work!

What a beautiful girl - a compliment

My love, you are beautiful.
So melancholic and passionate
Dual, windy and sexy
Graceful and sentimental.
Your beauty is always missing
From your eyes my heart melts.
From meeting you overwhelms with orgasm,
Let me love you and fill you with affection.

You are the sea breeze
golden ray of sunshine
You are a fortress for men
Flower, my pure spring.
You are incomparable beauty
Good, mind endowed.
You are flawless, perfect
And surprisingly modest.
You are just one charm:
Full of charisma and fire.
You are the best creation of heaven,
My irresistible!

You are amazingly beautiful
Yours is not brighter than beauty,
And all the poets are not in vain
You are filled with dreams.

There is no falsehood and affectation in you,
You are seductively pure
And space rings with you all,
And you are full of tenderness.

Transparent skin is softer than jasmine,
And roses envy scarlet lips,
Looking from under the roof of your long eyelashes
Eyes majestically, like a Greek temple!
The curve of your waist excites the heart
Anyone who appreciates more beauty.
And a beautiful voice magically enchants!
And next to you - daisies bloom!

I love you every day
Compared to you, the sun is a shadow!
You are always more tender than any flower,
The moons are always more mysterious, sweeter!

You will conquer the whole world with beauty,
You will always understand everything and forgive everything,
You with your tenderness and kindness
Cover the world from gray, dull everyday life!

As a connoisseur of beauty
I will say you are beautiful!
And smile and soul
And the walk is good

Thin mind, sharp as a razor,
It's not easy to beat you!
Everything is fine, everything is fine,
I make sure every day

Everything I like about you
I send thanks to fate
For the success of our meeting,
What I was and is seen
What is in the captivity of beauty,
What are you next to me!

You are beautiful like a princess
You are beautiful, good
You are smart, gentle, wonderful,
You drive me crazy!

You are like a scarlet flower
You are the Goddess, the whole world,
I dedicate these lines
Your number one fan!

Your eyes are like a clear day
They look like the sky is blue.
Eyelashes, like a shadow of the night,
They beckon with their blackness.

You are as mysterious as the night.
So many secrets are hidden in you.
And smile - a clear day
Shines on your cheeks.

Coral pearl smile
And a pretty face oval -
Perhaps an angel from heaven by mistake
I once kissed you on the forehead!
Since then, the eyes have been filled with radiance,
And the hairs of the eyelashes fluffed out,
Struck by your wonderful charm,
Before you and Zeus would have fallen prostrate!

Nice compliments for a girl

You are beautiful, like a fairy - no doubt,
And sparks of happiness flash in your pupils,
They give my heart the necessary light,
They protect my soul from bad weather.
You are magic, nirvana, a dream that is awake,
And from you the melody of love flows around the world,
You can't imagine winter and spring without you
There is no autumn for me, no summer without you.

She is beautiful and gentle
Spring lives in her eyes
The mystery of years was hidden in it,
She is not more beautiful in the world.

Born small and weak
Was once a little alive
But unexpectedly over the years -
Spilled with wondrous beauty.

Men after her freeze,
The poor don't sleep at night
Ready to give everything in the world,
For an inviting glance.

Eyelashes long as arrows
Pierce the heart on the fly
Her captivating tenderness
Ruined more than one fate.

Look with brown eyes
A gentle smile will sparkle,
Any heart is sure
It will fall into her palms.

She is so envied in the neighborhood,
Her mysterious beauty
After all, the woman will be forty,
And youth burns in the soul.

They give her twenty years without laughing,
Years are not powerful in front of her -
She is a princess, a queen
Came down from mysterious heavens.

Fall in love with her younger
Not knowing how old the lady is
She forgets to be careful
There is no such thing in the world anymore.

You were made to be perfect
Do great good
And make people happy
Giving them joy and warmth.

You, like a flower, are tender to shiver,
The fragrance of flowers in you,
What exudes the smoothness of the skin
Like, the smell of sincerity, the garden.

You know, I want to be strict -
It doesn't work, gods!
You smile - I'm smitten:
Smile brilliance amazed!

Through a smile sweet childhood.
I see a bit of coquetry in her:
Shining teeth, lips bend -
Save! I'm already dead!

And your fervent young laughter -
A harbinger of future joys!

Today you smiled beautifully
Spring in my soul immediately woke up!
You are so good - just amazing to everyone,
Pure, charming, beautiful,

That at once I'm ready for your feet
The whole world, without any hesitation, put,
Give warmth, love and happiness,
Without wasting extra big words!

I made a compliment
And I will send it to you
I'll say you're incomparable
I speak frankly!

You are kind, smart, beautiful,
You are insanely good
And your smile
Drives me insane!

Beauty, tell me where
Did you come to earth?
You are just an angel, just a miracle
Haven't seen a cuter girl!
Smiles glorious charm,
Hair heavy delicate silk!
You are sweet charm
Capable of defeating even a regiment!

Your lips are a pink dawn
Your eyes are the softest velvet of the night
There is no other like it in the world,
You sparkle like a diamond among others.

Your hair is a sparkling waterfall
I'm ready to kiss both day and night blue,
From under the winged eyelashes a gentle look...
What in this world could be more beautiful?

But perhaps, only the heart and soul,
What the gods put into angelic flesh...
Darling! Oh how good you are!
My goddess, the touchy fairy.

Girls love with their ears. Every man knows about it. But not everyone manages to easily attract the attention of the lady they like. Yes, to attract so that she, too, responded with sympathy. A short one is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is appreciated. But how to do it right so as not to look intrusive, rude or ill-mannered?

What you need to know before making a short compliment to a girl about her beauty?

Individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal points, without which a verbal message can cause a completely opposite reaction:

  • sincerity (the figure of a woman will not be entirely honest if she came on a date in a down jacket that hides all the charms);
  • the emotionality of the message (when a man shows his feelings when speaking, this is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise to the impeccable taste of a girl (so with one statement you can kill all birds with one stone - evaluate the ability to dress, make up, behave);
  • conciseness (a short compliment to a girl about her beauty will be much better perceived than a long tedious story in detail);
  • avoidance of ambiguity;
  • not everyone likes compliments in verse (unless, of course, a man wants to show off his poetic talent);
  • without exaggeration (otherwise it can be perceived as a mockery).

Complimenting a girl about her beauty

Short statements can relate to appearance in general, individual features, as well as the sensations of a man that his companion evokes in him. In the arsenal of your general compliments, you can write down:

  • "I am amazed at how mind and beauty are combined in you!".
  • "I admire you/your looks."
  • "I am proud that the dream of all men went to me."
  • "Only your/our daughter can be more beautiful than you."
  • "You are perfect."
  • "You are amazing / amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are a delight to my eyes."
  • "You are incomparable because you are the only one."
  • "I used to think beautiful girls like you were soulless. Thank you for breaking my stereotype."
  • "How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the most cloudy day?".

Compliments to the details of the girl's appearance

A short one about her beauty can touch on individual moments - eyes, smile, hair, figure and other things. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they cause in a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Only a beautiful person can have such beautiful eyes."
  • "You have an angelic look."
  • "Your perky eyes always cheer me up."
  • "The beauty and smell of your hair just bewitched me!".
  • "You have a very bright facial expression."
  • "I love the way you bite your lips. It's very exciting/sexy."
  • "There is nothing softer than your skin."
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • "Your shoulders are so fragile... I want to protect you."

Compliments with humor

  • "Have you seen my head? I seem to have lost it from your beauty."
  • "Can you keep secrets? I'll tell you one. When you're around, all men envy me with black envy."
  • "Fire your photographer! You are a hundred times better in life!".
  • "You are so slim! Where does the soul fit?".
  • "When you recovered, became very slim."
  • "You don't think that you are the prettiest of all? After all, in fact, everything is worse than you."
  • "If I was born a girl, then only as beautiful as you."
  • "Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase for getting to know you."

It is difficult to answer which compliment a particular girl will like more. It all depends on her preferences and the level of relationship with her. Indeed, on a first date it is not entirely appropriate to hint about the sexuality of a lady (if there is a desire to meet again, of course). Even worse - phrases that are on everyone's lips, like "I got a call from paradise ...". Continuation of such "your mother does not need a son-in-law?" - one disappointment companion.

Everything should be from the heart, especially compliments to a girl in prose about beauty. Short or long, clumsy or graceful - they, above all, must be individual and sincere.

I'll probably marry a computer. He is alone like a real man won't let me sleep!

I WILL NOT LOSE! I decided to take even more space in my husband's life.

A stunning figure is when there is something to shake, not to rattle

A husband comes home from work and shouts:

- “Where is my sweet bunny?”, I answer: - “I'm here”, and he grumbles under his breath:

- "You are an evil rabbit, I actually called my daughter"

I ran to the minibus, famously drove the last five meters on my ass, gracefully got up, went into the salon. Pleased the man:

- Let me dust off your sled?

- Honey, the girls and I decided to drink champagne ... And don't yell like that, just take me away from Ryazan ...

The French love the most beautiful, the Germans love the most, the rabbits love the fastest, but the goats love the most.

- Honey, these flowers are for you.

But they are artificial.

- What boobs, such flowers!

I slept for 11 hours and didn't get enough sleep. I'm so insatiable in bed!

I discovered the woman in me. Now tell me how to close it back. I don't have that kind of money and the closet is too small.

If you are strong, brave, dexterous and very sexy… You better go home! You're just drunk...

How many stupidities, mistakes, disappointments I have avoided thanks to you, my wise, faithful, never leaving me ... laziness!

- Girl, are you waiting for a prince on a white horse?

- Yes. - Well, here I come.

- Cool. Where is the prince?

Tricky YOU ... Ivanushka ... Like shura-mura with me - so is the Tsarevich, but how to get married - so immediately a FOOL ...

Girls! Be prudent, choose guys at the disco who dance badly!

- What do you like most about my appearance?

- I don’t know ... I like everything ...

- Well, when you look at me, what stands out?

- Saliva…

Men! Every woman is a diamond, and if she does not shine with all her facets with you, then you are a worthless jeweler!