How to invite a girl to meet - in VK, phrases. How to invite a girl to meet - the best phrases and original ideas

In many countries, dating is seen as a form of romantic entertainment and an opportunity to have fun. Therefore, it takes a variety of forms, both formal and romantic. Whether it's a matter of officially declaring to a person of the opposite sex that you like him, and you see him as a future life partner. No one knows how to propose a girl to meet, better than you. However, there are some rules or tricks to help you do it the right way.

Let's meet

Recently, your friend told you that he proposed to a beautiful girl for a date and was refused. Now it's your turn and you feel a little insecure? Afraid to stun your girlfriend with a similar proposal. But before you figure out how to ask a girl out, check your feelings first.

Maybe you are just passionate about her, communicated with her in the company. Watched her from the side, and she seemed sweet and interesting to you. Are you ready to get married, because this is the goal set by those who meet. After thinking a little, you may come to the conclusion that in fact the girl has not touched your heart much yet. Or, maybe on the contrary, you are ready for additional responsibilities, take a sober look at the prospect of marriage, and now all that remains is to go to the object of your choice and make her an offer to meet. But how?

Beautiful approach to the proposal to meet

From the very beginning, the guy thinks not about the beauty of the proposal, but about how to overcome the fear that the girl will refuse. But, having overcome the excitement, you seriously thought about talking with her. How beautiful is it to propose a date to a girl, so that it conquers her, and she definitely does not refuse?

What is the purpose of a beautiful proposal? ABOUT! This can change the girl's opinion of you in a positive way. For example, she showed sympathy for you, but did not seriously consider you. Therefore, it is important to think through everything: words, gestures, place.

So, having previously prepared, create a romantic atmosphere. Arrange a meeting in your favorite cafe or in a beautiful place in the park. Have a picnic in the woods. And then you just have to say "Let's get to know each other better." Behind your careful preparation, the girl will see your serious intentions, and it will be difficult for her to refuse the offer to meet.

Properly made proposal to meet

Even if you are confident, prepare well for the conversation. How to invite a girl to meet so that she appreciates your efforts? We have already talked about the importance of words, gestures, the place where the conversation will take place. But what should they be?

As for words, speak from the heart, with warmth and sincerity, since feelings are an integral part of our life. Gestures - give color to words, they enhance feelings and your voice will be more confident and expressive. The place is as quiet as possible so that no one interferes. Do not make a confession in the midst of noise, the result may be sad. The girl will not hear or understand you, and there may not be a second chance.

And, take care of your appearance! Well-groomedness, style, cleanliness are the main requirements of girls for guys. And also present yourself beautifully: speak competently and on interesting topics for a girl, joke out of place, be gallant, respectful. These are some tips to help you make the right proposal to a girl.

What is the best way to propose a date?

Here opinions differ. Someone thinks that you can invite a girl to meet after a week of dating. Someone - for a long time watches how the girl she likes behaves in a circle of friends. But, what is the best way to propose a girl to meet? It turns out that there are criteria that will help to understand this.

If, when meeting a girl, you feel a lot of excitement, it’s hard for you to find words, this is not the best time to tell her about your proposal to meet. Time will pass, you will not get lost in her presence, and then you can start a conversation about it. In the meantime, talk on neutral topics, show your erudition so that the girl makes up a personal opinion about you. This will play a role in the future.

Modern methods of proposals to meet

Today, the ways of proposals for a meeting have expanded. Modern methods of communication have replaced face-to-face communication for some young people. And therefore, often guys think about how to invite a girl to meet with an SMS message?

Do not write banal phrases like "let's date" or "will you be my girlfriend?". Often this only repels! Come up with something original. If there is not enough imagination, find suitable options on the Internet. Be sure to address the girl by her first name. A faceless SMS is an unsuccessful copy of other people's feelings.

Be concise and to the point. If your proposal to meet, conveyed through the message, will be long, i.e. will divide it into several SMS-ok, the girl may not finish reading it. And often at the end is the main idea.

Some guys think it's not necessary to ask a girl out. They just ask her out on a date, look at her reaction. If a girl always willingly agrees, accepts courtship, then there is no need to meet in a proposal. But, remember, girls need to hear this offer in order to be sure of your intentions. Take courage and try!

Many people who have some experience in this area have developed their own views on how to propose to meet and build relationships. However, remembering myself and my friends, I understand that it takes a lot of time for such an experience to come and form your views. But, as we know, not everyone has that time. Therefore, this article is just for those people who do not have enough time, and the minimum basics are needed immediately.

I always thought that a guy should start a relationship with a proposal to meet. Then both partners realize that they are already a couple and this makes life easier for them. For example: before, when I had a fan, and I didn’t feel anything more than just sympathy for him, I allowed myself to have fun with other guys. When my fan found out about this, I always said that he did not offer me to meet, which means that I am not his girlfriend and I can flirt with others. As you can see, everyone perceives a situation in which there is no clarity the way they want. Then, because of this misunderstanding, problems arise. Although in my life there were also relationships that started on their own, without any proposals and problems from misunderstanding.

How to propose a date?

Usually guys offer to meet those girls whom they already know and with whom they managed to spend some time (it's always been like this for me, maybe it was somehow different for others). In this case, it is easy to understand what the girl feels. You should remember or follow her behavior after the first 2-3 dates. If a girl likes a partner, then she will continue to communicate with him and walk. If during this time the sympathy of the girl did not appear, or, on the contrary, even the one that was lost, then she will move away and avoid meetings. As for me, there can be no other options - it is difficult to spend time with a person who does not even sympathize with you.

As my experience shows, after 5-7 successful dates, a girl expects an offer from a guy. Therefore, it does not matter for her what the proposal itself will be, the main thing is that it takes place. You can use this situation to your advantage and make one of these 2 suggestions:

1. Simple. Here, just tell the girl that you like her and want to date her. If possible, specify what you like about it. The effect, of course, from such a proposal would be weak. The girl will be glad that you finally decided to take this step, but these emotions will quickly be erased from her memory.

2. Considered. In this case, you are preparing to propose: buying flowers, booking a table in a restaurant, dressing up, etc. It is enough that it will be unexpected, but also very pleasant. With such a proposal, you will strengthen your future relationship: the girl will think that she means a lot to you, and every time she tells this story to her girlfriends, she will relive those emotions. Thus, they will remain in her memory for a long time.

In no case should you make an offer via the Internet, SMS or by phone. Thus, you show disrespect and frivolity of your intentions.

If we talk about building relationships themselves, then you first need to decide what is important to you and what exactly you are looking for. There was a case when my boyfriend and I had a strong mutual sympathy, but at the same time, our views on relationships differed. I believed that relationships should be built like a house: I wanted us to spend a lot of time together, study each other, in a word, develop our relationship. For him, at that time, training and education were more important. He said that he would be with me only after these classes - only on weekends. Of course, I respected his personal space and purposefulness, but I also thought that it was too little to see each other 1-2 times a week. I did not want to feel like a faithful wife of a complete stranger to me. As a result, we parted - our feelings were not so strong. And we did not look for a way out of this situation.

1. Want to build strong relationships. If you want to build a real relationship, then in the beginning (the first 3-4 months), you should spend at least 5 days a week with a girl. This time will be enough to get to know each other better, develop their feelings and gain trust.

2. You are a busy person but want to build a relationship. It is worth immediately telling the girl that you will not be able to pay much attention to her. Also say that you like her and, despite the lack of time, would like to build a relationship with her. If a girl feels something for you, then she, I am more than sure, will agree.

3. You have more important goals than relationships, but the girl liked you so much that you are ready to try. State your views early in the relationship. If the girl is against, then you will disperse, causing the least pain to each other. If, on the contrary, she is in favor, then tell her about your schedule, so she will know that you are busy and will not bother you with calls. If you do not find time for live meetings, use calls and SMS every day.

Of course, not all girls want to see each other every day. There are many girls who value their own freedom even more than guys. One should speak about one's views on such things first. Then it will be easier to understand each other and find a solution that suits both.

After meeting a girl, many guys are wondering how to propose to this girl to meet. Often this question arises among inexperienced or young guys who still do not quite understand how relationships are established in adults. To be honest, I asked myself this question when I was about 16 years old.

The first thing I will say is that there is always seduction before a relationship. Therefore, if we are talking about a full-fledged romantic relationship with trust and intimacy, then there is always seduction first, and then the relationship begins. Second, there is no need to offer to meet. And this is known to both girls and guys with a certain life experience. In other words, don't say the words "Be my girlfriend" or "Let's date." And below I will explain why.

When the seduction happened, both the girl and the guy want to spend more and more time together with each other, it turns out that they are already starting a kind of relationship, that is, they are already starting to meet. So what's the point of talking if it's already happening here and now. And in 95% of cases, both understand this: both the guy and the girl. Sometimes there are difficult situations when someone alone cannot decide, but, as a rule, this happens very, very rarely, and it makes no sense to consider this in this article.

Therefore, most often the question “How to invite a girl to meet?” in other cases. This happens when a guy does not know how to seduce a girl, and the only way out of the situation that he sees is to invite the girl to meet. He thinks that if he officially fixes the status of a guy and a girl, then everything will go like clockwork further. And this is the usual self-deception, since the offer to meet and what the guy really wants has nothing to do. Perhaps you recognized yourself in these lines, and you felt a little sad from this realization, but don't be upset - it's not forever if you work with it.

There is nothing wrong with the proposal itself, it is even a little romantic, but if it is made because you think that this is how you will seduce the girl, naturally it is made before the seduction itself. It turns out that you set yourself up very much, since most likely the girl is not ready not only to meet with you, but in general to move on to any kind of rapprochement. And you are more likely to get rejected.

All this will lead you to spoil the seduction, and before the relationship with this girl, you will be like the moon. And if you had any chances for relationships and seduction, then after this moment they will all evaporate. And you will be sad to look for another girl.

Let's summarize:

  1. If you seduced a girl and she wants to spend time with you, then it is already clear to her that this is some kind of relationship, and just by continuing to get closer to her in this rhythm, you will start a romantic relationship.
  2. Don't fool yourself: asking a girl out on a date won't pave the way for you to seduce her, it will only ruin the whole situation. First seduction, then relationship. Everything is in order.

Someone will think that I did not answer the question of the article, but I answered it at the very beginning of it. If you seduce a girl, go on dates with her regularly, have sex with her, you both want to spend time together, and so on. Then you are already actually dating and expressing it verbally - there is no point.

How to propose to a girl? There is no universal way, of course. All girls are different. Everyone has their own idea of ​​​​the ideal guy, relationships and showing sympathy. However, if you follow certain rules, your chances will increase significantly. If you just walk up and for no reason say that you want to be with her, the likelihood of consent is not so high.

How to propose to a girl: give her time

Let the girl get to know you as a person. Find an excuse to spend more time with her. If you have common interests, it will be easier. For example, if she attends classes, plays sports, or belongs to some kind of interest society, you can also start to participate in this. If you are interested in her affairs, prove yourself as an interesting conversationalist, witty and original person, later you can count on more. Just don't play someone else's role. After all, otherwise you will either have to play it to the end, or reveal the cards and disappoint the chosen one. It's best to be yourself from the start. Then she will be able to love and appreciate you. Before you propose to a girl, it is important that you become an integral part of her life. Then she won't refuse.

How to start a relationship with a girl: show care

Try to help her whenever possible. Take care, be interested in important things that happen to her. This is how you earn her favor. It is important for a girl to be valued, respected and that someone takes care of her. If she realizes that you care, it is likely that you will be together soon.

How to propose to a girl: prepare in advance

When you feel that there is some kind of emotional contact between you, it is worth moving to action. But if you go up to her and just mumble something incomprehensible under your breath, the girl is unlikely to appreciate it. If you are very worried, come up with a text that you will say in advance. You can even rehearse in front of a mirror. This will give you confidence. Also think about where you are going to make the confession. It is desirable that it be a cozy, calm place. For example, a not crowded cafe in which quiet pleasant music plays. You can come up with something original. A rare girl will be left indifferent by the romantic atmosphere. You can organize this date anywhere - even in nature. The main thing is that she understands that you did this exclusively for her.

How to propose to a girl: the secret to your confidence

If confession is very important to you, but you are hesitant to give it, conduct an experiment. Ask the girls you know if they've ever been asked to date. Most likely, you will receive negative answers. Because usually it happens somehow by itself. Many do not ask the question: "How to start dating a girl?". If you make an offer, your chosen one will appreciate it. Just keep in mind that she can be extremely surprised, so she doesn’t necessarily immediately agree. Give her time, wait. The fact that you did something unusual is a big plus.

Before you propose to a girl to meet, you need to understand exactly that the relationship between you is at the appropriate level of trust, the sympathy is mutual, you are both ready for a serious relationship.

At the present stage, the proposal to meet officially is irrelevant, relations are built in accordance with the perception of the two parties.

Although there are situations when certainty is needed, so a serious conversation cannot be avoided. If both parties are ready and all the factors are in place, then you can make an offer to meet.

There is one more nuance - it needs to be done like this for her to agree. To do this, it is worth creating the appropriate environment - everything should be as romantic as possible.

In addition to the situation, you should consider the text of the proposal, since a banal phrase will not make the right impression. In this case, it is worth skillfully combining feelings, a compliment and a specific offer.

Example phrases to use:

  1. The most common phrase: “You have become so dear to me that I can’t imagine my future life without you. You agree to be my girlfriend."
  2. A more original proposal to meet may sound like this: “You made my heart beat faster.

    Thanks to you, I became exciting, romantic and tender. I like it very much. I want you to continue to inspire me as my girlfriend."

  3. Creatively the offer should be combined with a surprise. A banal phrase might sound like this.

    “I am overwhelmed with feelings and emotions, so my surprise will speak for itself.” The offer can be laid out, for example, with rose petals.

In any case, any phrase should be fixed with some kind of surprise.: a romantic dinner, a gift, flowers, a beautiful deed. So it will be easier for the girl to perceive the information and give a positive answer.

We invite you to meet in VKontakte and other social networks

Not every guy can offer to meet a girl live. Most often they use modern technologies - by phone or in social networks.

It turns out that even without live communication, this can be done beautifully. But at the same time it is worth making an offer also correctly.

Since there is no personal contact, it should be optimally understandable for the girl - without hints, veiled phrases and ambiguous sentences.

note! It is best to make an offer in personal correspondence, so that everything is personal, even intimate. This is easy to do on vkontakte, classmates, facebook.

It can be a message on the wall or in personal correspondence. In addition to the standard inscription, you can make a collage of joint photos, choose an interesting animation or a picture, come up with an interesting quest using links.

Usually teenagers use this method, therefore, at a more mature age, using this method of recognition is irrelevant and even strange.

How not to be afraid of rejection and what to do in case of it?

Many guys are afraid of rejection, so they don't even try to create a couple. In fact, rejection is not an indicator of a girl's relationship with a guy.

Because there are many other nuances that affect the decision. Even if a failure occurs, you need to competently respond to it.

If you are afraid of rejection, what to look for:

  • First, you need to understand the reason for the refusal. The reason for a negative answer may be a situation where relationships are assumed at a distance.

    Some character traits are unpleasant for the girl. There are bad rumors about the guy. When everything falls into place, then a reasoned refusal will not put too much pressure on the guy's psyche.

  • Sometimes guys are in too much of a rush to propose a date.. Then, naturally, the girl will react negatively and refuse.

    Don't overreact to rejection. The answer may change to positive when the girl thinks a little.

  • If a guy overreacts to rejection, it is better to take advantage of social networking or phone recognition. Personal refusal is much more painful than absentee.
  • In the event of a categorical refusal, it is worth maintaining composure. It is better if, in such a situation, friendly relations, or at least friendly relations, remain between you.

    So it will be easier for both parties and there will be no conflict at the meeting.

If the girl said “she will think”, then you should not immediately despair, you should understand the situation for yourself, wait for an answer.

To avoid such an awkward situation, you can veiledly ask a question, find out how the girl perceives such a relationship.

Important! If you have taken rejection too close or are afraid of it, then you should think about whether you yourself are ready for a serious relationship.

Indeed, in a pair between a girl and a guy, various contradictions and critical situations often arise.

In order not to refuse the girl, it is worth considering all the nuances, sensibly assess the attitude of the second half towards herself. When all this work is done, then you can begin to take action.

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