How to name a brand of women's clothing. Handmade gifts. A few rules for naming a store

How to come up with a store name is a problem that almost all entrepreneurs face. How to choose a beautiful name for a store among dozens of different options? About this and much more in this article!

I think that no one will dispute the fact that advertising is one of the most important factors in the success of any business. Popularity depends on advertising, which means the number of visits, orders, applications, appeals. To create an advertising image requires more than one year of work of a whole team of marketers, huge financial investments, and an inexhaustible supply of patience. But it all starts small - with the name.

How to name a store, company, foundation, LLC, etc. is a problem that every entrepreneur faces. After all, the first intuitive impression of a person about your institution depends on the name. A significant role here is also played by the color background of the sign, the font and size of the letters, the creativity of the execution of the electronic ticker or light board. But we'll talk about this some other time. Today we will learn how to come up with beautiful store names., whether it be offline sales or online trading.

It would seem that a fairly simple task confuses those who strive to make their business ideal, starting from the name and ending with the color of the railing near their outlet. And, on the contrary, many do not set this process as a priority. That is why we have so many stores in our country named after their owners.

Usually these are female names - Olga, Natalie, Svetlana, etc., or male names and patronymics - Palych, Seryoga, Ashot's shawarma, there are other, no less colorful signs.

Walk around your city, you will definitely see the signs "Products", "Fresh Bread", "Phones", "Electronics", "Books" - short and succinct, but for some reason buyers are in no hurry to see them. But in some "Little Red Riding Hood" (a great name for a store selling pastries), the doors will simply not have time to close.

Although there are pleasant exceptions. So, for example, Steve Jobs told his entourage when they were trying to come up with a name for the future "electronic giant": "If you don't offer anything better by five o'clock, then I will name the company ... an apple." At the same time, he looked at this fruit, which he held in his hand, bit into it, and ... you already know the rest.

A few rules for naming a store

There is even a special technology for compiling sonorous names for brands - “ naming». It was here that several rules for composing names “ripe” that can be successfully used in such a matter as finding a beautiful, sonorous name for a store.

  1. Conciseness of the name- one, maximum two short words. Agree that such a sign as "Modern technologies for installing windows and doors" is too much.
  2. Coincidence of the name with the theme of the business. Fish shop "Edelweiss" or shop for hunters and fishermen "Parnassus" - what do you think? That's exactly the same for me! Of course, I'm exaggerating a little, but I'm sure you understand the meaning.
  3. Ease of memorization. The name for the store should be pronounced easily and naturally (don't forget that many people have various speech defects), to be remembered at first sight.
  4. The sound and spelling of the name in a foreign language. Who knows, maybe you will go international, or, more likely, you will have shipments of goods from abroad. For example, the name "kis-kis" for the inhabitants of the Arab countries will mean a call to sexual action, and if an Arab goes into such a store, then certainly not for cat food. And how will the store in the name of which there will be the word “sewing” sound in English. For those who speak the language, it should already be funny.
  5. Employment check. To do this, you can use paid legal expertise. For example, there are as many as 36 shops with the name "Mermaid" in Moscow! For such a large city, it may not be much, but 6 of them are in the same administrative district, and 3 are on the same street. Moreover, this is not a trading network.

It is also noted that the influx of buyers is provided by the name, which contains the categories of the target audience. For example, "Everything for newlyweds", "Student cafe", etc.

If you have chosen a name for your store, do not rush to register it. Wait a week or two, even a month - all of a sudden the name, which is called “does not get used”, or you don’t like it at all. After all, it will be difficult to replay everything back. Try to use these simple rules, and you will definitely succeed. Well, if not, and there is no one to help you, write your problem in the comments to the article, we will help "the whole world."

Using brainstorming

In the 40s of the last century, an interesting method was invented for solving complex problems together - “ brainstorm ”, which consists in the fact that several people for a certain period of time should come up with as many solutions to the problem as possible. Then the most interesting and practical answers are selected from the entire list.

This method can be successfully applied in the search for a name for the store. Ask your friends, relatives, acquaintances to take part in the process, set a time limit, for example, 15 minutes. And then choose the most appropriate name from all those offered. Although the same can be done on your own.

The essence of "brainstorming" is that after exhausting all the standard answers, the brain begins to generate creative ideas. They are, as a rule, and most often correct.

Beautiful store names - examples

I offer you for examples, in my opinion, beautiful names of stores.

  • Grocery: Shopping, Food Fair, Economical, Meat Feast, Homemade
  • Furniture: From the hallway to the bedroom, Furnishings, Royal mansions, Azalea
  • Floral: Scarlet Flower, Flower Island, Chamomile, Fleur
  • Household chemicals: Hostess, CleanHouse,, Atmosphere
  • Electronics: Eight bits, In touch, Electronics, e-market
  • Construction: Constructor, Toolkit, Samodelkin, DreamHouse
  • Women's clothing: Cleopatra, Goddess, Centipede (shoe), Fashionista
  • Children's clothing: Peanut, All for babies, From 5 to 15 (an example of the target audience in the title), Filippok
  • Men's clothing: Victor, Mister Chic, Elegant
  • Specialty coffee shop: Arabica, Coffee tree, Coffee aroma
  • Pet supplies: Pet, Burrow, Animal world, Fauna

How to choose a name for an online store

In addition to the general rules for naming, which I described above, it’s not bad if the name of the online store:

  • Matches the domain name. Example: the Navigator online store on the domain is a rather unfortunate combination. It would be more acceptable - or at least If a suitable domain name is taken, you can experiment with writing the word in Latin. Fortunately, the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation allow this. Or look at the availability of the domain in other domain zones: .rf, .com, .net, and others.
  • WITH in general, you can do various creative "tricks". For example: net,, or something like that.
  • Will be patented, in order to avoid the appearance of clone sites, which will greatly reduce your flow of visitors.

And if your store has its own slogan, then your brand will be even more recognizable. Just try to keep your titles, slogans, logos, etc. coincided with reality, because creating a name is much harder than losing it.

When creating your own outlet, at the planning stage, you should consider not only the location of the store, assortment and margin level, but also choose the right name. The original name of the store will not only increase the potential audience, but will also be remembered by most customers. Considering this issue from the outside, we can say that the right name will allow you to lure customers in a matter of days. Let's find out how to do it right.

Naming is the process of developing names for brands, stores and companies

The Importance of the Right Name

How to name the store so that it makes a profit is a topical issue that is given little importance. Not many entrepreneurs think that the name given to the outlet has a significant role in promoting the business. Aspiring entrepreneurs during the registration of their activities use various words that pop up in the subconscious. Below we propose to consider why a “beautiful” name is so necessary.

The name of the store should not only be beautiful and short, but also reflect the scope of your activity. The right development strategy can make such a name a kind of brand. It should also be noted that the name of the store is a powerful promotional tool. Considering all of the above, we can say that you should think over the name for the outlet at the earliest stages of drawing up a business plan.

Today, there are special naming agencies whose main task is to select a beautiful and unique name.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the name of the outlet creates the first impression for customers about the work of the store. That is why it is very important to try to maintain your image. The presence of low-quality goods can lead to a decrease in income and further ruin.

Beautiful store names, combined with high-quality goods and a wide range of products, create the necessary conditions for attracting regular customers. A beautiful sign and polite sellers can fix the effect. Discount cards and discount days will consolidate your success. The above methods, put together, will allow you to competently attract an audience and create a permanent customer base.

Current stereotypes

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the days of the USSR, Soviet thinking still makes itself felt. Many people, without going into the details of marketing, prefer to give outlets their own names. In every Russian city you can find such establishments as: "Angela", "Louise" and "Alexandra". There are also "male" institutions, with such names as: "At Arsen", "At Dmitry" and "At Evgeny". Often stores are named based on the assortment offered. The names of such outlets do not please with variety. In every city you can see shops such as "Products", "Bread" and "Alcoholic Drinks".

Naming is a whole marketing direction that helps entrepreneurs

Despite the specificity and simplicity of the names, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to remember such establishments. In this regard, the audience of such points is limited to the local population. If we compare the stores "Bakery" and "Golden Pie", then we can say that the majority of consumers will choose the second option. This can be explained by the fact that the creative name implies the presence of an interesting and rare product. With the proper quality of the assortment, a creative name allows you to increase the popularity of the store.

Further, it should be mentioned that the name of the outlet can be radically different from the type of product offered. An example is the legendary foreign company Apple. At the dawn of this company, the board of directors considered various options for the future of naming for a long time. At the end of the negotiations, Steve Jobs took an apple from the table and said that if they did not choose a name within five minutes, he would call the company an apple. As a result, the company received a brand and logo known throughout the world.

But it should be understood that naming is a whole art.. It is unacceptable for creativity to border on vulgarity.

How to choose the right name for the outlet

Naming is an independent section of marketing that considers the art of creating sonorous names. There are a number of specific rules on the basis of which a name is developed for a future outlet. The basic rule of naming is the shorter the better. The name of the outlet should not exceed two short words. "Fresh milk products" is a bad marketing name. A name such as Burenka is more suitable for such a store. A stylized advertisement can complement this image.

Also, the name of the store should “speak” about the type of your activity. If your activity is related to goods for animals, then you can name your store "Favorites". Another great option for the name is “Dog House”. One of the naming requirements is that the name of an outlet or brand should not only be easy to pronounce, but also memorable. Therefore, it is impossible to call the enterprise complex Eastern or European names. Such names are practically not remembered, which can negatively affect the number of customers.

Entire teams of specialists always work on the development of the names of large stores or brands

When giving a name to a store, you should think about what associations it evokes. An example is the word "sewing", which will be perceived by English-speaking citizens as a slang expression. "Kis-kiss" - for some audiences, it can turn from a pet supply store into a sex shop. That is why the name of the company must be unique and different from what the average person sees in different parts of the city. There are dozens of such stores as "Mermaid", "Hephaestus" and "Aist" in each city. Based on this, we can say that such names will not be useful in terms of marketing development.

The names of grocery stores and other outlets can carry a message aimed at the target audience. "Newlyweds", "Overalls" and "Inexpensive canteen" will definitely find their audience. Thinking over the name for the outlet, you need to give the name "settled". Pick a few suitable options, then wait two weeks. Discuss your idea with those closest to you and ask them about associations with your chosen name.

Based on these tips, you can come up with a unique name that will attract potential customers. Below we propose to consider funny store names that may be of interest to a potential audience:

  1. Clothing store - "Quest" (Slogan: find your size).
  2. Wood products - "Wood".
  3. Bar - "Beer filling station".
  4. Point for the sale of fresh fish - "Fish Shop".


Brainstorming is one of the practices used in naming. In this case, the problem is solved by a group of five or more people. Such a group is given a certain period of time to find a solution. Creatives write down all their ideas on a special board, after which they choose several options that they will work on in the future.

A similar “brainstorming” can be done on your own by gathering people close to you to discuss. After you explain the current task to them, hand out a few sheets of paper and set a time limit of twenty minutes. Despite the fact that most of the proposed options will be very banal, many interesting positions can be distinguished among the entries. During the brainstorming, each participant should have the opportunity to speak. Such an approach will allow you to quickly find an interesting, and most importantly, balanced solution.

For ease of choice, make a list of the most suitable names

Best Store Names

Below is a list of store names by industry.

Internet shops

In this direction, the same rules apply as in classic stores. When opening your own Internet site, you should remember that the name should be easy to remember. Often people use the domain zone as one of the elements of the name. Such names include “” or “”. Thinking about how to name an online store, you need to rely on the scope of your activity. If your business is built on the sale of lighting fixtures, the best name would be "" or ""

One of the important rules when choosing a name for a domain is a unique name. For example, we can cite sites with the name "Navigator", of which there are several dozen on the Internet. Finding the right site through a search engine is quite difficult, since the search engine will give out a lot of similar names. One of the best options for a name for an online store is an abbreviation.

A serious approach to Internet commerce should include the purchase of several domain zones with the chosen name. Setting up a redirect to the main site will allow you to eliminate possible competitors in the early stages of development. Also, the acquisition of various domains allows you to increase the influx of potential customers.

Clothing stores

When considering how to name a clothing store, you should consider the potential audience and the quality of your products. Names such as "Dress Code" and "Publicity" are aimed specifically at people with a high level of income. In this area, it is the name of the store that determines the target audience of customers. Indication in the name of materials (Gloria Jeans) or specific products (World of Shirts) reduces public interest.

Trade in goods of medium and low quality also has a number of features. In this case, you should approach the choice of a name with great responsibility. You should focus on your prices. Names similar to "People's Store" allow potential buyers to understand the affordability of prices.

When choosing a beautiful name for your store, follow certain search rules

flower shops

Coming up with a name for a flower shop is quite difficult due to the small number of suitable options. However, in this case, with the right approach to the problem, you can find a unique and interesting solution. Marketers who analyze this issue recommend focusing on simple and capacious names. It is very important that the word "Flower" itself is mentioned in the name of the store.

Names such as "Your Bouquet" and "Colorberry" perfectly reveal the scope of the outlet. In contrast, "The Power of Color" can speak of both a flower shop and a construction company. The best solution would be to indicate in the name of certain types of plants "Cactus", "101 Rose", "Snowdrop".

Shops for animals

Probably, many have noticed that the names of pet stores are based on certain breeds or animal names. Signs such as "Bulldog", "Marquise" and "Leopold" allow you to immediately understand the direction of trading activities. The main rule of such names is to be recognizable and easy to pronounce. When choosing a name for a store, you should not indicate little-known breeds of animals.

Among the creative names, we should highlight "Greedy Chipmunk", "Happy Fat Cat", "KotoDog". These solutions are not only easily perceived by the ear, but also contribute to marketing promotion. In the case of a pet store, the main emphasis is not only on the name, but also on a stylized sign. It is very important that the name is strongly associated with the animal world. The sign of such an institution should attract mass attention. That is why stores such as Chip and Dale, LeMurr and Meugazin will always be a success.

Based on all the above rules, you can easily choose a name for a store that will make a profit. In order to have several options in stock, you need to involve your loved ones in the brainstorming session. After the desired option is selected, you should let it "settle down". And only after that, you can use the selected option when registering an outlet.

In contact with

For the successful implementation of an entrepreneurial idea, the project manager must think through each stage of its formation. A responsible approach to organizational issues will help to avoid failure and reduce the risks inherent in a functioning business. Particular attention should be paid to the name of the project, since its characteristics affect the formation of reputation, as well as the process of attracting customers.

How to come up with a name for a women's clothing store

How to come up with a name for a women's clothing store so that it becomes its active advertising tool? To give a spectacular name to the project, it is necessary not only to connect imagination, but also to take into account a number of rules, the implementation of which will help to give the store elements of originality and attractiveness.

How to name a women's clothing store: options for successful trading

The name of a women's clothing store should be distinguished by a simple pronunciation that attracts the attention of those who hear it.

  • age;
  • gender;
  • social status;
  • solvency level;
  • personal preferences.

Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose the name of the project on their own. Therefore, before getting down to business, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main aspects of selection, which are the science of naming. If the project manager is not able to master the theoretical norms, then he is not entitled to seek help from professionals who, in accordance with the requests, requirements and desires of the entrepreneur, will promptly select an excellent name. Having studied the proposed list of names for a women's clothing store, an entrepreneur will surely choose the right one for his project.

Women's clothing store name: original and simple

It's nice to visit clothing stores with exclusive and memorable names. It seems that there is nothing easier than to come up with a big name for the project so that everyone who hears about it can be interested in it. However, in practice it turns out to be more difficult. To give elements of originality to the name of the store, one should not forget that even professionals rely on a certain order in their work, the use of which greatly simplifies the procedure.

Knowing several naming techniques will allow the entrepreneur to quickly cope with the task.

Word combination

The name of the project will sound spectacular if you combine it from several words. Initially, the name of the store may seem incomprehensible, and even strange, but it will certainly be unique, unusual and memorable. For a word combination, words from any spoken language can be used. It is desirable that a potential buyer can understand what he can buy by visiting a store with a creative name.

An alternative option for creating a subject name obtained in a similar way is to combine two different words into a single word. The result is obvious, since the selection of the constituent elements of the name must be carried out in accordance with the principle of understandability. Customers, after reading the sign, become closer to the seller, because they understand what he can offer them.

Decided to open your own store? You need to consider not only the assortment, location and markup level, but also give the outlet a suitable name. Let's figure out how to name the store correctly and why it is so important.


What name would you like for your store? Many novice entrepreneurs do not think about it, registering the first word that comes across with the relevant authorities. Then the understanding comes to them that they made a mistake, but it is already very difficult to correct it.

The art of naming companies and stores is called naming

The name of the store should be simple, memorable and beautiful. And it can also become additional free advertising and even a brand in the future. Therefore, never neglect the name for your new outlet - it is necessary to think over it before you go to register a new enterprise.

Note: the name of the store will be the first impression of the buyers about it. But if the store sells low-quality products, the impression will be spoiled and the store will go bankrupt.

That is why you should act as harmoniously as possible: the name creates the first impression, it is fixed by a beautiful sign and a wide range, and high-quality service makes the buyer come back to you again and again. Offer your customers a discount and they will never leave you for your competitors, even if they offer better conditions.

What should be the title

Since Soviet times, store names have not been creative. The tradition continued in the Russian Federation. In almost every city you can see establishments named after the owners: “Natalie”, “Lana”, “Elena”. There are also “male” names: “At Seryoga”, “At Petrovich”, “At Givi”, etc. Also, stores with the names “Bread”, “Juice-Water”, “Mobile Phones” or “Products” have not gone away. These are, of course, simple and specific names, but remembering them is quite difficult. And in such stores there are usually few visitors - basically, they are visited only by locals.

Let's compare the name "Bakery" and "Little Red Riding Hood". Where would you go for fresh baked goods? Most people will choose the second option precisely because of the name. And if the pastries there are of really high quality, then the store will become a popular place in the city.

It should be understood that the original names of the stores may have nothing to do with its activities. As an example, the experience of the legendary Apple is interesting. The board of directors could not come up with a name for the future company for a long time. Jobs, taking an apple from a vase on the table, said that if they did not stop at any one name, then he would call it by the name of this fruit, after which he took a bite of it. As we all know, the company got the name Apple and the logo with an apple bitten off on one side.

Creativity should not border on vulgarity

Key rules for a good name

The science of how to make a beautiful and memorable name for a company or outlet is called “naming”.

Read also: How to name a children's clothing store: options

Several rules for composing names for a store There is even a special technology for composing sonorous names for brands - “naming”. Below we list a few key rules of this art:

  1. The shorter the better. Your company name should be one or two short words. No need to call the outlet "Sale of delicious and fresh dairy products." But “Burenka” is quite suitable for this.
  2. The name of the store must match the item being sold. If you sell beautiful forged products, then you can call your company “Hephaestus”. But this beautiful Greek name is completely inappropriate for a clothing or grocery store.
  3. The name should be easy to remember and easy to pronounce. No need to come up with something complicated, like Ilkulgan or a word with a lot of hissing (for example, Sersheif). People with speech defects simply will not pronounce it, and many simply will not remember such unusual names.
  4. The spelling and name in a foreign language should not cause various associations. For example, the Sewing store will be quite critically perceived by English-speaking citizens, and the innocent "Kis-Kis" for eastern residents will become an analogue of a sex shop, not goods for cats.
  5. The company name must be unique. Of course, it is tempting to call the point for the sale of food for fish and aquariums "Mermaid", but only in Moscow there are about 40 of them. This means that there will be confusion, and you can almost forget about promotion on the Internet. Especially if competing stores are located near you.
  6. You can describe your target audience in the naming. Such names as “Inexpensive overalls”, “Everything for the newlyweds”, “Militarist”, “Working canteen” have proven themselves well.
  7. Let the name settle. Think of an interesting idea? Wait a couple of weeks and look at it again. Perhaps it has become not so attractive? Discuss it with friends, colleagues and children, ask them to name the associations that came to their mind.

Here we have listed seven key tips on how to come up with a store name that will attract customers. Now let's look at how successful brands come up with.

As with any other business, choosing a name for a clothing store is one of the main points. The name of the business can not only tell potential buyers about what kind of outfits you sell or sew, but also become a separate brand.

How to come up with an original name for a clothing store? Think about what type of clothing you are going to offer and what kind of customers you want to target (teenagers, childrenswear, menswear or familywear, outerwear, denim, knitwear, plus sizes, simple casual or fancy evening dresses, lingerie or swimwear)? Depending on this, you can easily choose several interesting options. Most importantly, the naming should be memorable, simple, original, associated with the type of activity. You can add a slogan to clarify your boutique's specialization, for example, add "men's/women's clothing store" to the name. Some companies are named after their owners (Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Yves Saint Laurent, Tom Tailor, etc.). Try using your first name as an option.

Still can't choose the right store name? Check with competitors. It is important that the name does not sound similar or consonant with boutiques, brands or firms in your niche.

Examples of names and logos for clothing stores

Keywords in this industry:

fashion, style, catwalk, design, brand, mall, designer, dress, size, creative, stylish, interesting, knitwear, sweater, pants, underwear, unique, classic, simple, trend, exclusive, glamour, etc.

How to create a logo for a clothing store?

Name ready? It's time to think about the logo as an important branding component. Luckily, you can create a logo right now! The Logaster service will offer you dozens of options in just a few minutes, just enter the name, type of activity and select the logo you like.