Compliments to a girl in Russian in your own words. the best compliments to your girlfriend in your own words. Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

The expression "women love with their ears" has developed through centuries of formation interpersonal relationships between men and women. Today, love is usually expressed in words and actions. To a grown man or youth on the rise tender feelings to a girl, you want to tell her how special she is to him.

There is no clear algorithm for recognition or uttering compliments. Saying nice words to a girl is not so difficult. The need for such words arises spontaneously, under the influence of the moment. However, you should follow simple rules:

  • Determine the right moment. Girls are pleased to receive compliments and hear that they treat her with sympathy and tenderness. But it is worth paying attention to the environment and taking into account the appropriateness of expressing tender feelings. If, after the words of a man, a girl becomes uncomfortable, then male eloquence is in vain. Women react differently to affectionate nicknames from the lips of a beloved man. Some melt away from cute appeals: “hare”, “kisonka”, “baby”, while others do not like it.

    A man must understand where and to whom he is addressing, so that the compliment does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

    For example, if a couple comes to a social event, the girl will be embarrassed if the companion begins to shower favors in the presence of unfamiliar people. Another thing is when the couple is alone or in the company of close friends and family members. In such a situation, a gentle appeal to a loved one would be appropriate.

  • Choice of words and tone of voice. Even beautiful words they will not please the chosen one if they are said casually or with a greater share of humor than is permissible. On the other hand, even a voice that is pleasant to the ear will cut the girl’s ears if the gentleman’s speech is sprinkled with slang words or uncultured expressions. This doesn't mean it's time to write a speech and rehearse every night before bed. It is enough to show respect for the woman you love and not to humiliate her dignity with a familiar attitude, which is more appropriate with friends.
  • Sincerity. Every woman understands when she is told a lie. Therefore, it is better to express warm feelings in simple, but sincere words than to invent ornate turns.
  • way of expression. Whether you write a letter or say what you feel, you can do it in verse or prose. Each girl will be delighted to receive poetic compliments or recognition. In such a case, a suitable passage is borrowed from the classics or poems are invented on their own. But even in prose there are many opportunities to find words that are pleasant to her ears. Russian classic prose writers or their own sense of the word will come to the rescue.

Treatment methods

  • Eyes to eyes. This the best option for a warm compliment.
  • By phone. If the couple has just started a relationship or they are at a distance from each other, phones and other gadgets come to the rescue. Wish good morning girl, give her positive mood for the whole working day, and gentle and pleasant words for the night will make you smile happily before going to bed. During the day, pleasant SMS messages in your own words will help to maintain: a wish to smile or an invitation to coffee at lunchtime.
  • Letter. Paper letters fade into oblivion, making way for e-mail and messengers. But there is still some romance in receiving a letter from a loved one.


  • You always look great, but today you are simply dazzling.
  • I was lucky in life, because I met the most beautiful girl in the world.
  • You understand me so well, as if we knew each other from a past life.
  • The sun hides behind the clouds, embarrassed that you are more beautiful than him.
  • With you, I forget about everything, every day with you is like the sweetest dream.
  • For the sake of such women, wars were fought in ancient times.
  • I will always be by your side, keep and protect you.
  • We will carry our feelings through time like a candle through rain.
  • You give very good advice I really appreciate it, my love.
  • Life without you is empty, like the sky without the sun.
  • I love you not for who you are, but for who you make me.
  • Since I met you, I've been flying like on wings.
  • I want to be with you for as many days as there are stars at night in the sky.
  • Seeing your eyes, I understood why I need a heart.
  • It's an amazing feeling to know that you've met your soul mate.
  • My friends envy me and regret that you don't have a dozen sisters.
  • Your smile makes my day successful. Wish me luck
  • This morning I woke up in an embrace with a pillow, but at night I dreamed about you.
  • I can't concentrate on work - my head refuses to think about anything but you.
  • It is a pity that we did not meet earlier - I could admire you longer.
  • There are almost 8 billion people on Earth, half of them are men, but out of these 4 billion, you chose me. I am grateful to you for this.
  • Nietzsche said that without music life would be a mistake. You are my music.
  • Your eyes are tightening like a whirlpool, and I don't even want to resist.
  • yours soft skin And silky hair drive me crazy.
  • Your love and devotion make me stronger.
  • Your laugh is like a drug. Seems like I'm hooked.
  • You are my vitality. I am always in shape and ready to become better for you.
  • You - best girl on the ground.
  • I wonder if other people will not be offended by nature for giving all the best to you?
  • I want us to have children, because then you will become not only best wife but also the best mom.
  • I love you. Strongly, strongly and very, very much.
  • As soon as I close my eyes, going to bed, I see you. In the morning, as soon as I wake up, I think of you. Are you following me?
  • I am happy that when I wake up in the morning, I can see how you sleep next to me.
  • Your figure would serve as a source of inspiration for artists and poets.
  • Your beauty leaves me speechless.
  • I cannot express in words all the feelings that I have for you: our human language too poor for that.
  • Loving you is like a roller coaster: sometimes I am at the peak of bliss when you are near, then I fall into the abyss of despair when you are not.
  • They say that love and friendship are incompatible. Lie.
  • As soon as I see you, everything starts to tremble inside, and my hands reach out to touch you.
  • In you I found the embodiment of my ideals and dreams of happiness.

To say that I liked you is nothing, to say that I love is too usual, I will say one thing - you fascinated me! I have never met you more beautiful, and probably never will! 29

Every minute with you is like a reward. I am without you, like the sun without warmth, like a nightingale without a song. You are my life. I'm the happiest person in the whole world with you, dear! 28

You are charming! It's like she stepped off the pages beautiful fairy tale! You are my ideal, beautiful as a goddess!
Like a work of art! It's always good and easy with you! 34

You are interesting, charming, original - just a highlight! You need to appreciate and protect! 56

Before your beauty, everything fades! You are like a fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in good mood! You are an example perfect woman, in which beauty and kindness are combined - the rarest cocktail. 34

Your look, smile, movements... You look just amazing. You are the most beautiful in the world! 13 - compliments to your beloved in your own words

You are fresh, positive and beautiful! Nothing compares to your beauty! When you look at me, I forget about everything in the world! 18

You are my sun, you are always with me, you light up my life and warm me with your warmth! 18

Of all the girls, you are the best! That's what my soul thinks! Your beauty is worthy of a golden crown! 21

My sympathy is growing for you every day, always remain so - beautiful and mysterious! 20

Fate gave me the most beautiful girl - you, my beloved! Only with you I feel the happiest and in love! You are light, joy, positive for me, I always want to be with you! 21

I want to look into your eyes all my life! You are one of many, one that can charm and inspire! 16 - compliments in your own words

There are many girls in the world, but you are absolutely special! You're the best! You are beautiful! 26

You are the charm! Your eyes, smile, sweet kisses make my heart beat faster. You are like a fairy fairy, you are worthy of admiration! 14

I want to give you the whole world! Just because I can't live without you! 11

You are a sweet, unique, most beloved girl in the world! Be always happy! 22

Your hands give warmth, your eyes warm with kindness, and your voice pleases and sounds more melodic than the classics. And the greatest happiness is to be with you! 26

There are no more beautiful moments than the minutes spent with you! 12

Only one I need you in this world, and I would like to make you the happiest! 17

I have been fabulously lucky in my life, because you are the most beautiful for me! You are worthy of admiration and the most beautiful compliments! 10

You are my heaven, you are my sky, you are my sun! 37

I'm really lucky, because I was lucky to meet you! You are the most attractive and sweetest in the world! 17

When you are around, I forget about all my problems! You seem to give strength and inspiration! About such a beauty as you, I did not even dream! 12

You are delightful and charming, like a bud blooming from the sun, which every minute becomes more beautiful, brighter and more wonderful! 18

You look stunning! When I look at you, I just lose my reality! 19

You found the key to my heart, you gave me happiness. I want to be with you all my life, just love you, my joy! 9

Women love with their ears - this has long been known. What girl would be unpleasant to hear about herself a few nice words. Be sure to tell the girls compliments, it cheers them up and improves relationships.

This will make her understand complimenting she appreciates and loves and she is not indifferent to him. Good words you need to speak daily, and do it from the heart and sincerely. It is best to speak on your own, but if you can't, you can use the phrases below.

In contact with


Compliments to a girl

So, what will a girl like:

  • I love you very much, you are my happiness.
  • If you suddenly feel sad, always remember that I am there and I will always support you.
  • Good morning my love, how are you? I missed you. You dreamed me.
  • Good night, my happiness. There is no better girl on earth than you.
  • You are my guiding star, you are everything I need.
  • I need you like air. I can't live a day without you.
  • I miss you very much, I want to be with you every minute.
  • I love you any, sad, funny, serious, capricious. You are my happiness.
  • You are the dearest and most beloved person. I love you with all my heart and can't imagine life without you. I am ready to follow you even to the ends of the world, just to look into your beautiful eyes and see your charming smile every day.
  • My baby, you are the best thing in my life.
  • You are the most beautiful girl of everyone I know, you illuminate the whole world with light.
  • Next to you, I forget about everything. You occupy all my thoughts.
  • T s my love. I will love you ever.
  • I will do everything to make you happy, my love. Not a single tear of yours will shed while you are by my side.
  • You inspire me to do good deeds. You make me and the world a better place.
  • I so want to wake up next to you now and tell you how much I love you.
  • You understand me better than anyone in the world. I can talk to you about anything. You are the kindest girl in the world. I love you, my bunny.
  • I would like to give you all the flowers of this planet. Only such a bouquet is worthy of a queen like you.
  • You give me confidence in myself and always support me. You are my hope and love.
  • You are more beautiful than all the stars in the sky. You are the brightest star.
  • You are the most real gift fate. I am very happy that I can be near you. I live by you and I don't need anyone else. You are my only one and always will be.
  • I'm crazy about you blue eyes. I drown in them like in a lake. You are my life.
  • You are very beautiful, sweet, affectionate. I feel very good with you.
  • You are very smart and beautiful. These two qualities rarely go together, but you are just that.
  • There is no person more beautiful than you. You make this world more beautiful.
  • You have very beautiful smile and I want to see her every day. Smile more often, and I will try to do everything for this.
  • I get goosebumps from you.
  • Thanks to your parents for giving the world this perfect creation, How are you.
  • You are a real angel because women cannot be as beautiful as you.
  • You can paint pictures of how beautiful you are.
  • I can't hide my delight when I look at you.
  • There is no one else like you and even like you. You are the best and my favorite girl.
  • You attract me like a magnet. I can not live without you.
  • Even without make-up, you look just gorgeous.
  • You stole all my thoughts and my heart.
  • You are my real treasure. I love you very much, my love.
  • I want to write poems about you and dedicate songs. You inspire me.
  • I need you like air, I'm very afraid of losing you.
  • I like absolutely everything about you. Your face, your Perfect eyes, your voice, your kind heart, your sensitivity and tenderness, your inner and outer beauty. I found the one I've been looking for.
  • You are just lovely, I have never seen such beauty in my life.
  • You are my goddess, I can't breathe you. Stay with me always and I will make you happy.
  • There is no word in the world that can describe my love for you.
  • You are a treasure, my treasure, I will do everything to make you happy.
  • I will throw the whole world at your feet, if only you were with me.
  • Your beautiful soft hands keep me warm when my heart is cold.
  • I love you forever and ever.
  • I want to wake up with you and fall asleep with you every day. I want to look at you 24 hours a day. You are everything I need and I am very happy that I have you.

The ability to give pleasant compliments to young ladies is a very effective “weapon” in the hands of a gallant gentleman. However, not every man uses this tool correctly. It's very hard not to go fine line between light, natural courtesy and coarse flattery and fawning.

Good compliments must be simple, original and, of course, intended for a particular girl. At the same time, not only words are important, but also additional “indicators”: voice, tone, smile. In addition, there are such courtesies that are generally better not to pronounce.

How to compliment a girl about her beauty? To produce pleasant impression to a pretty young lady, stand out from the crowd numerous fans, it is necessary to observe following rules and recommendations.

Rule #1. Sincerity

The basic principle of proper praise beautiful woman- honesty and sincerity of your words. Refrain from gross flattery, outright deceit, or wishful thinking. Say only what you really like about the appearance or character of the girl, otherwise she will feel false, and the result from courtesy will be the opposite.

Rule #2: Be specific

To make your compliments like a young lady, try to notice small details. For example, instead of standard phrase like, “You look great,” say something like, “You have great taste. This blouse really suits your blue eyes!”

Rule number 3. Originality

This principle complements the previous point. You can, of course, give out a banality about beauty and attractiveness, but your words do not stand out from hundreds of other compliments. Tell the beauty the following courtesy: "I associate your image today with spring and freshness."

Rule #4

Faceless phrases about beautiful hairstyle or a blouse, perhaps, are pleasant for a girl, but the most gallant gentlemen prefer not to praise a thing, but a woman's taste and her ability to combine clothes. In practice, this principle looks like this: “You have great taste, you look just charming in this blouse!” In other words, compliments should be given not to things, but to a specific woman.

Rule #5

Compliments to a girl about her beauty must be associated with yourself, this will add some points in your favor. Beautiful women are already so confident in their own irresistibility, so one more phrase about this is taken for granted. Of course, you can just tell her about the attractiveness, but it is more correct to note the following fact: “I like you very much!” Such personalized phrases associate a compliment and pleasant girlish emotions with you.

Rule #6

You should not overdo it with the number of pleasantries, since a compliment is a point "weapon". Try to work on its quality, reducing the number of praises to 2-3 per date, and when meeting, one, but stunning compliment is enough.

In addition, it is important to accept rejection with dignity. For example, unfamiliar girls may ignore your words or respond to them somewhat rudely. You should not impose, refuse a compliment, just say that he came from pure heart and you spoke without any intention.

Not all compliments are equally “useful” and pleasant for a beautiful woman. A man caring for a nice lady can be compared to a man walking along minefield. Some words quite innocent on male look, can upset or offend a girl.

For example:

  1. Ambiguous phrases - “Your new dress suits you so well. You are very slim in it! The young lady may consider that in common days she is quite plump.
  2. Emphasis on flaws in appearance - "I like curvy ones like you." A girl can take such words as a direct insult.
  3. Teaching - “You have slender and thin legs. Why are you wearing so long skirts? Such a phrase can only be said close girlfriend, not a man, and a woman herself must decide what she will wear.
  4. Vulgarity - "Cool breasts, just fit under my palms." Such phrases are too intimate, so the result may be embarrassment of the girl or a slap in the face to the author of such a compliment.

Thus, in order to make the perfect compliment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of intimacy, the characteristics of the character and sense of humor of the young lady, and her own capabilities. The main condition for adequate courtesy remains sincerity and naturalness.

Beautiful words in SMS

You can do it not only in person, but also via SMS. Messages can be very different - in prose or in poetic form. It all depends on your imagination. Here are some examples of SMS:

  • "The smell of your hair drives me crazy";
  • “Your eyes are so deep that it is easy to drown in them”;
  • “Only the sharpness of your sense of humor can be compared with the charm of your smile”;
  • “I admired you all evening, forgetting about all the problems. Thank you for this opportunity…”

Such SMS can and should be sent not only at the stage of courtship, but also at the moment when the chosen one becomes legal wife. The most beautiful and unusual phrases in SMS will return freshness to your relationship and remind you of the candy-bouquet period.

Another category of pleasant and ambiguous phrases - funny compliments. However, they are not suitable for all girls, because for their correct perception, your chosen one must have a sense of humor and an easy attitude to life.

You can use the following compliments as such phrases:

  • “You may not have the easiest character, but your eyes and figure are just perfect!”;
  • "Just awful! Wherever you appear, work freezes everywhere. Everyone rushes to admire you. Are not you ashamed?";
  • “You are like a flu virus! I am constantly infected with optimism and cheerfulness next to you!

Similar unusual compliments smooth out the conflict, help to forget the offense. It is unlikely that your chosen one will become angry with you after hearing such a phrase addressed to her.

Summing up

  • The best compliments are phrases spoken from the heart;
  • Cool phrases spoken as a joke will help build relationships, reduce the degree of heat and;
  • Rough flattery can only repel a woman;
  • The quality is important, not the quantity of compliments. Work on the content and semantic content of phrases;
  • Do not say vulgar compliments to strangers or modest girls(Such phrases are acceptable only when communicating with close acquaintances);
  • Reinforce courtesy with a smile, a confidential tone and an admiring look.

Beautiful women are simply created for admiration and admiration. Flattering words can be said in person or sent via SMS.

In addition, girls will like compliments in prose or poetry, it all depends on your imagination and the character of the chosen one. The main thing is to be sincere, and the young lady will definitely appreciate it!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

It seems that kindness is concentrated in your sweet hands: from your touch it becomes warm and cozy. Your amazing features attract me like a magnet and give me hope for a wonderful continuation of our story. Your sincere kindness captivates and disarms, forcing me to open up to meet you. Your unusually saturated inner world captivates and captivates. An amazing, perfect combination of beauty, and it's all you ... Before the beauty of your face, even the features of the beautiful Cleopatra fade. You are like a fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in the best mood. You have no flaws, you are an example of an ideal woman, in which beauty and kindness miraculously combined - the rarest cocktail. It is not often that you meet an interesting person with whom it is pleasant to talk on any topic and who can find mutual language with anyone. But you pleasantly surprised me, it is impossible not to listen when you speak. Interesting people is a rarity and a highlight modern society Therefore, they should be valued and protected. There are very few in the world good people able to unselfishly come to the rescue, support and comfort. And it's great to know that you're that kind of person! Your hands give warmth, your eyes warm with kindness, and your voice consoles and sounds more melodious than classics. And the greatest happiness is to know you! You smile and it starts pouring rain from positive emotions and vivid impressions! You smile and this world covers patchwork quilt goodness and genuine happiness! It's getting warmer, the stars are lit up in the sky, a sweet haze is floating in the air... Smile more often, my love! I like a lot about you, but from your eyes, so piercing, bold and at the same time charming, I can’t take my eyes off. The depth of your two dark blue pools cannot be described in words, but believe me, I am absolutely sure that they are the most stunningly beautiful eyes in the world. I look at you today and notice that you have changed pleasantly. Nice dress, new hairstyle, Nice smile. You are beaming with happiness. What can I say, you used to be like that, but especially today. I hope that your cheerful mood will be with you all the time. Compliments are words that give people positive and good mood. Both men and women love them equally. Today I want to give my compliment to you, because I like to do something nice good man. Well, you are already smiling, which means that the compliment worked. I can give you one more, and more, you are just a wonderful person and deserve a lot! It seems to me that you are a pretty young angel who, while walking through the stars, slipped and fell on my head.