Holographic creation of a perfect body program. We create a hologram on a mobile phone. Common for men and women

Genre: Psychoactive audio-video program
Year of issue: 2012
Author of the program: Veretennikov S.
A country: Russia
Duration of audio program: 00:10:45
Duration of the video program: 00:10:00

Description: The program is based on three “golos”: naked va, naked with and naked grams. The program description does not provide a detailed description of the meaning of the word "holo". According to the official version, translated from Greek it means: “whole, complete, entire.” The head is the instrument that creates the "holo", i.e. ALL. For example, there are many sayings like “break your head”, “knock your head out”, “hang your head”, etc. Can they relate to the physical head? No. The head is the place where holograms are created, which can be “broken”, etc. The voice is the vibration that creates the "holo". Man has the unique ability to create holograms. But, having fallen under the influence of Forces alien to him, which were literally woven into his structures, he began to create negative holograms, he stopped creating holograms that he created in the distant past, when he was free from these negative Forces, when he was literally God. Freedom is what separates a person from his highest abilities. While a Man sleeps, negative Forces feel unpunished. Because when a Man wakes up, becomes free from their influence, feels his divine Power, then everything negative will quickly be swept away from the face of the Universe (and the Earth in particular) with just one thought.

Purpose of the program: The program is designed to create in the mind the correct algorithm for constructing holograms, to stop the creation of harmful holograms imposed on us by negative Forces that affect a Person. This inevitably leads to an improvement in our lives, where excellent health and eternal, ever-blooming youth are the norm, and freedom again becomes our essence. If you are new to the world of esotericism, then do not try to understand with your mind the phrase that I gave you in this program. Its action lies beyond ordinary words. Just listen and watch.

Effects of the program: First of all, the program will help you get out of the influence of negative Forces, under the influence of which you create negative holograms. The phrase that I gave you in the program essentially includes everything you could want. The main thing is freedom. A person can be given millions of money, tons of gold and jewelry, palaces, etc., but if he does not have freedom, all this is taken away from him. Moreover, the situation is such that a Man does not need to be given anything, he has EVERYTHING. All the Masters say that I cannot give you Enlightenment - you are already enlightened, you are already free, you already have everything. All you don't have is freedom. The program helps you find it. The program can serve as an external detonator that will disconnect you from negative Forces and allow you to feel your strength. That external, imposed by them, desire to create negative holograms will weaken, and you will begin to think about yourself positively, creating a hologram of yourself, healthy, young and free. Gradually you will become stronger in this and see everything as it is. It will be like a shell around you breaking - at first it will crack and you will experience glimpses of new awarenesses (visions), then it will collapse completely and you will say in surprise something like this: “I have always been free! How I could sleep for so long!”

Working with the program (audio): Turn on the program file in the player and listen. You can listen anywhere and anytime. For example, when you are traveling to or from work on a tram, subway, etc. After some time, you will be able to repeat the phrase used in the program yourself. And after some time, you will be able to create similar phrases yourself.

Working with the program (video): This is the case when the more you work with this program, the better. Those. You can immediately watch the video several times without interruption. Surprisingly, looking through the program and hearing this special verbal formula, you will feel that it is already familiar to you. From somewhere beneath your consciousness, it will seem as if some vague memory of something distant and familiar will emerge. This phrase will seem to you like it reminds you of something you already knew a long time ago. Even the phrase itself, no matter how strange it may seem at first, will in a few days be perceived as absolutely understandable and referring to some phenomenal and practically limitless possibilities that you possessed a long time ago. After using this program, try to think only positively. Understand that what you thought, what you presented, is reality, it has already begun to exist. And if you created a hologram under the influence of negative Forces, then they will get the result of the hologram, and now you create bright, useful holograms - and their result will be yours. And the further you move away from dependence, the more and more free the process of creating new holograms will be. And you will create new yourself and make the world around you perfect.

Download audio program(main option)

Download the program archive from the link below, open the file in any player on your computer, adjust the volume to a level you like and then follow the recommendations that you read above. There are two options (files) in the archive - female and male.

(size: 16 Mb)

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Download video program - Three holo(size: 184 Mb)

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  1. It is not recommended to use the program by persons under 18 years of age.
  2. It is not recommended to use the program for people who are unstable, suffer from mental illness or diseases of the central nervous system, or are prone to aggression and suicide.
  3. It is not recommended to use the program while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, during severe fatigue or headache attacks.
  4. It is not recommended to use the program if your religious or other views do not correspond to the methods proposed for use in this program.

Working with a holographic template of your own body

This direction is the most promising and, with skillful application of the method, allows you to achieve fantastic results: you can expand the chest, broaden the shoulders, change the shape of the muscles, body proportions, and facial features. Particularly fantastic results are obtained when, in addition to the purposeful work of consciousness to shape the body, physical activity, special nutrition and hormone therapy are used. If you purposefully do this from the age of 12–15, then by the age of 18–20 a person’s appearance becomes completely different.

So, the essence of the method of working with a holographic template is as follows: a person mentally creates the figure or face shapes, etc., that he wants to have. As a model, he can take the body of a famous athlete, the face of a movie star, the beautiful hands of a neighbor, etc. Having decided on the choice of shape, you need to vividly imagine a similar figure, face, hands in yourself and constantly mentally return to this.

It is believed that to achieve the best effect, you should not look at yourself in the mirror for 2-3 weeks. Then it is allowed periodically, once every 2–3 weeks. Once the desired shape begins to emerge more and more clearly, you can look at yourself regularly, as if consolidating it and giving fuel to achieve results faster. Depending on the goal set, the change takes from 2-3 months to 2-3 years. The greater the changes you want to bring about in yourself, the longer the time required for this and the greater the belief in success should be. Remember: physical form is inert and changes slowly, but it changes!

This is a simplified form of working with a holographic body template. It can be significantly enhanced if energy pumping and other methods are used. The simplest way to change the shape and volume of the body is to combine performance with physical exercise. Remember, I said that function builds an organ, a muscle, a part of the body. To do this, in addition to the idea of ​​​​increasing volume, you need to strain the corresponding muscles or give them physical activity, best with the help of weights. Exercises with weights allow you to specifically target the desired muscle group and purposefully “sculpt” your body.

This is exactly what Arnold Schwarzenegger did when he began his bodybuilding activities. I will quote some excerpts from his unofficial biography, written by Wendy Ley, and comment on the hidden mechanisms of this man’s success.

He began to form ideas about what his body should be like at the age of 13–14, watching feature films (“Hercules” and others) with the participation of the then bodybuilding stars – Reg Park and Steve Reeves. He watched Hercules repeatedly, studying Park, appreciating him, admiring him, and ultimately convincing himself that he, Arnold Schwarzenegger, still a thirteen-year-old boy, would eventually become like Reg Park and even surpass him.

This is how the necessary bodily form is created in the mind, “put on” and constantly supported by the power of imagination.

As for the initial external data for bodybuilding, there were practically none. The boy was very poorly built - with a slightly sunken chest, sloping shoulders and undeveloped legs.

External data is not a very important thing. The main thing is determination, the desire to work on oneself.

He usually studied with his eyes half-closed and his mouth half-open, as if he were in the clouds.

This is the state of a person who has imposed on himself the desired image and, through training, mentally feeds and draws it.

Having just started his first training session at the club, he told his neighbor: “Well, it will only take me five years to win the title of Mr. Universe.” An important phrase that speaks of a person’s very serious attitude and unshakable faith in himself. It is this quality that is important for working on your body.

The trainer advised Arnold: “When you exercise, think about the muscle that you are developing. Exercise with weights until the muscle hurts from lifting. Keep lifting, overcoming the pain, endure until you can’t hold back the scream.”

It is this type of training that allows you to train your muscles the most and stimulate them to grow.

Arnold's dedication was absolute and unwavering. Apart from training, nothing interested him - neither school, nor friends, nor girls, nor parents.

If you want to achieve your goal and it is really important to you, then you need to devote yourself wholeheartedly to it.

According to eyewitnesses, Arnold was already an outstanding phenomenon in the world of bodybuilding at the age of 18. And everyone knows who he is now.

So, here is a clear example of how you can turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. You don’t even have to use steroids for this, the main thing is to purposefully use your will, and you will get a beautiful body.

The technique with a mental representation of the desired figure, body proportions, and facial changes can be significantly enhanced by applying energy pumping; for this, use special breathing. If you need to enlarge some part of the body, then take a slow, smooth breath through your nose, and at the same time imagine that you are drawing energy into yourself (like into a funnel) through the solar plexus and accumulating it there. As soon as the inhalation is completed (and the necessary energy has been stored), you begin to exhale slowly and smoothly through the nose. As you exhale, you send energy from the solar plexus to the part of the body that you want to increase.

For example, if there is a desire to increase the size of the pelvis, then as you exhale you should “pump” energy into the pelvic area, imagining its new sizes and shapes. They do the same when intending to increase the size of the breasts - as they exhale, a mental message of energy from the solar plexus is sent to the mammary glands, imagining their new size and shape. Do the same with all parts of the body that you want to enlarge.

When they want to reduce some part of the body and give it a different shape, they do the opposite: while inhaling, they focus attention on that part of the body that needs to be reduced and give it a different shape, and when exhaling, the energy from the “large” part of the body is mentally transferred to the solar plexus and are thrown out of the body. When the exhalation is complete, for 2–5 seconds imagine the new size and shape of the part being reduced as clearly as possible. So, if you want to reduce your waist size, then take a smooth breath, followed by a slow, drawn-out exhalation, imagining that energy from the abdominal area is directed to the solar plexus and, leaving it, dissipates outside the body. Exhale completely, and then for another 2-5 seconds mentally imagine the desired waist, the prominently protruding “squares” of the abdominal muscles. This can be done with any part of the body.

It is advisable to practice twice a day for half an hour - in the morning after sleep and in the evening, an hour before going to bed. Naturally, you need to start classes with five minutes a day and gradually increase their duration. Success will depend on how focused you are on sending energy and mental image of the new shape of the body part and regularity of exercise. As a rule, the first noticeable results are visible after a month of training. Having achieved the desired effect, you should not stop exercising, but reduce it to 1-3 per week and try to mentally refer to your new look as often as possible.

Increasing and decreasing body parts and proportions using this method applied to any part of the body. Desire, perseverance and work bring fantastic results. Somewhat unknowingly, this technique was used by such great film actresses as Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe.

Creating a rejuvenating look

In order to create an image that rejuvenates the body, you will only need those life episodes when you experienced bright positive emotions and sublime joy. Remember your life and select the best from childhood, youth, adulthood. Now, against this sublime, joyful background, form your ideal image.

Imagine yourself at that time and place when and where you were especially joyful and pleasant: the shore of the sea or lake; warm, quiet sunny summer morning; there is a loved one nearby; the joy of life prospects, etc. Against this background, you need to mentally “see” your face as young, the way you would always like to have it: healthy, youthful skin, blush on your cheeks. Try to put a friendly smile on your face, your eyes should shine, look at the world with joy and love, as then. Evoke in yourself that old, special feeling of freedom, joy and love, faith in the best. Bring back in your memories that young, strong body that you had, feel it again, feel all the pleasure of being in it. Evoke these past sensations or similar ones as vividly as possible. After some time, you will feel that your body begins to respond to the evoked bright image of youth and acquire lost features - to become truly young, desirable, energetic.

Smoothly, without interruption, fill the rest of your body with sensations of youth, health and strength, starting with your face and head. This is how the neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs are worked out; try to cover the whole body with your mind's eye.

The main thing in this process is to find your image of youth, your state of bliss, joyful anticipation (as in early childhood on the eve of a holiday). Create, support and maintain the desire for healing and rejuvenation.

Try not to look at yourself in the mirror in the first two weeks of such classes, then take a look and evaluate the result of the work done. Notice to yourself how much younger you have become and how much you have changed for the better. Rejoice at these changes, stimulate them in yourself, work on yourself again - for one or two weeks without looking in the mirror and causing a change in your appearance for the better. In 2–3 months of such work, big changes will occur in you towards rejuvenation.

Facial rejuvenation

You can work on the face in more detail. However, before you rejuvenate it, you need to put yourself in the appropriate state. If you feel unwell, such as a headache, then you must first correct it: massage your face, wash with cold water.

First of all, sit back and relax. Mentally tune in to very pleasant, rejuvenating work on your body. “Pass” the following positive thoughts through your consciousness: “I can do anything. Everything is subject to my will. I am capable and will rejuvenate myself.”

Now close your eyes and look at your face from the outside. Walk through it with your mind's eye, straightening out your wrinkles, carefully and gently mentally smooth them out. Imagine this process as vividly and imaginatively as possible. Remember, during this mental work, your face is relaxed, you smile slightly. There is a blissful calm throughout the body, no tension. Only in such an internal state and mood should one continue to engage in facial rejuvenation.

Exercises for facial rejuvenation can be considered as non-contact self-massage. Its mechanism of action is similar to cosmetic massage, but has a colossal advantage in terms of effectiveness. Under the influence of self-massage, the work of nerve endings and pathways that strengthen the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with the muscles, vessels, and nerves of the face is actively improved, restored, and their feedback is established. Non-contact self-massage causes expansion of working capillaries and opening of reserve capillaries, thereby improving tissue nutrition, increasing the outflow of venous blood and lymph circulation; The secretory activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. This has a positive effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the condition of the entire body - mental irritation decreases, vascular tone is normalized, and as a result, blood pressure decreases and the pulse rate decreases. At the same time, the skin of the face turns red, its temperature and sensitivity increase. All these are external indications of a healing and rejuvenating process.

The exercises suggested below can be performed at any time convenient for you. M. Norbekov and L. Fotina recommend doing the first four exercises on the first day of facial rejuvenation training, and seven more the next day.

First day

1. Consistently induce sensations of warmth, tingling and cold (8-10 seconds for each sensation) in the following sequence: right cheek, left cheek, forehead, chin, nose. You can warm your face deeply. Repeat each sensation 3-5 times.

2. Mentally imagine a ball of warmth the size of a chicken egg (then tingling, cold). This ball must be moved across the face: right cheek, left cheek - up to the earlobes, forehead, chin, nose. For each sensation, 8-10 seconds, repeat 3-5 times.

3. Consistently induce a sensation of warmth, tingling, cold in the form of a ball the size of a chicken egg (10-12 seconds for each) and move it along the neck, starting from the middle of the front surface, then from the chin, going down a few centimeters below the collarbone. Repeat 3-5 times.

4. Do what is described in point 3 on the front surface of the neck from bottom to top and back also 3-5 times.

Second day

1. Cause sensations of warmth, tingling, cold in the following parts of the face and neck: a) forehead; b) right cheek; c) left cheek; d) chin to the thyroid gland; e) nose area; f) the front of the neck, while mentally dividing it into four parts and working sequentially with each. For each sensation, 8-10 seconds, repeat each sensation 3 times, and after 10-15 minutes a feeling of warmth and tingling should spontaneously appear throughout the face and the front of the neck.

2. Movement of sensations of warmth, tingling and cold, as on the first day (see points 2, 3, 4).

3. A sharp accelerated replacement of sensations with the opposite ones. First, we evoke sensations of warmth and tingling until the sensation becomes brighter, hold for several seconds, then abruptly change to cold and tingling. After this, we sharply change the sensations of cold and tingling to warmth and tingling, while trying to increase the brightness of the feeling of warmth by about two times.

4. Mentally tightening and stretching the skin of the face in the following order: forehead, cheeks, chin, nose area, orbital area (2–2.5 cm below the lower eyelid and up to the eyebrows), neck (sequentially in each quarter). Repeat 4-5 times.

5. Tightening and stretching of the facial skin in motion. In this case, the contraction should be felt lightly, the stretching should be felt more roughly, stronger, preferably with a slight tingling sensation. The sequence of working with the face and neck is the same as in the previous exercise. Repeat in each part 10 times, when skills appear - 5 times is enough.

6. Mentally smoothing, stretching and tightening the facial skin, while directing the sensations perpendicular to the direction of the wrinkles.

7. Creating a rejuvenating image. After the rejuvenation of the facial skin begins, the rejuvenating process begins throughout the body. The skin is tightened, its color and structure are improved, which ultimately gives a wonderful external effect. Therefore, after the first six exercises, it is necessary to evoke a rejuvenating image of the body as a whole, as described earlier (see “Creating a rejuvenating image”). This will consolidate and strengthen the effect of previously performed exercises on facial rejuvenation.

Figurative-volitional attitudes towards rejuvenation

Working with figurative-volitional attitudes is a type of technique for working with a hologram of one’s own body. A person reads the mood and at the same time imagines the desired picture or form of change. The combination of verbal suggestion with an image creates powerful preconditions for changing the size and shape of the desired part of the body.

The mechanism of action of figurative-volitional attitudes is based on the competent use of human will, emotions, images and words. With the help of will, we force ourselves to work in the chosen direction, supplying the body with energy to realize our plans. Positive – sthenic – emotions give strength to the entire body, trigger the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, and force the endocrine glands to function intensively. This is a kind of strong healing impulse. Vivid images are capable of restoring the hologram of an organ, field life form, “blurred” by disease, and, consequently, the functions and physical tissue of the body. With the help of words, you can have a targeted impact on the psyche and, through it, on the processes occurring in the field form of life, restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs, and mobilize self-regulation. The human body also has such a feature - each of its organs (functions) has its own consciousness, which can be stimulated with the help of words. By encouraging a sick or weakened organ (function), we encourage it to heal, to work better, and to increase or decrease.

How to correctly use figurative-volitional attitudes? First of all, you create a clear image in your mind of what you want, for example the size and shape of any part of the body. With the help of emotions, you saturate it with “colors-energies” or, conversely, remove the excess. Imagine the size and shape of any part of the body (nose, cheeks, forehead, eyes, chest, waist, hips, legs, hands, feet, arms, etc.) very clearly, live. You should admire the imaginary picture, rejoice at it, thereby triggering the mechanisms involved in restructuring the size and shape of your body. Let me emphasize once again that by creating positive, joyful emotions, you thereby engage your own hormonal apparatus, which will quickly develop the parts of the body that are lagging behind in development and normalize proportions.

Use beautiful, bright, exciting words to address the desired part of the body, activate its changes in the desired direction and rejoice at what is happening in your body; Such verbal-figurative work in one’s own mind and body must be maintained for 10–30 minutes or more. You must understand that the process of changing the size and shape of the body is not easy and takes time. This means you need to be patient and... unconditionally believe in success. You must believe in your strength, believe that you will achieve what you want, and passionately, very passionately desire it.

Below I will give several figurative-volitional attitudes that I compiled as an example of working with the size and shape of the physical body and its parts. Remember that first you must turn to the Creator, enlist His support and ask for blessings to change the size and shape of the body or part of it with the help of His power - this is an introduction to the figurative-volitional attitude. Next, you work verbally, figuratively and emotionally with the desired part of the body, speaking, imagining and rejoicing at what changes should happen, mentally “seeing” them and rejoicing in the process of changing and acquiring the desired shape. You must select appropriate “key” words for each body part that would exactly match and stimulate the process of change in that part of the body. This part needs to be the most ongoing, otherwise you won't create lasting change. Finally, you again thank God for providing you with the strength and opportunity to change.

Figurative-volitional attitudes towards the overall beauty of the body

Common for men and women

1. Great and Loving One, the beginning of all good things, I turn to You. Give me the Strength, Power, Knowledge to change my body for Your Glory.

My Soul is filled with the Great Power of Mother Life. The life-giving flow of Mother Life fills my aura, my body, every cell of the body with the Eternally Triumphant Glory of Life. My field life form, like an Easter egg made of the purest rock crystal, emits rays of Strength, Youth, and Newbornness. The rainbow radiance of the Life-giving Light, pulsating from the inside out, cleanses me, strengthens me, strengthens and changes me. I am healthy, I am young, I am strong, I am forever young and beautiful.

My body, permeated with rays of Divine healing rainbow light, sparkles with strength and beauty. Every cell of my body sings a hymn to Beauty, Strength, Happiness and Newborn Health. Magnificence, Delight and Divine Love overwhelm my entire body. The Miracle of Life is happening - my cells are dividing, I live and transform. Peace, Happiness, Love, Splendor to all the Powers of Cosmic Consciousness, manifested by the Will of the All-Attractive Lord in me.

2. Great and Loving One, I thank You for the Eternal Life You have given me, I thank You for the opportunity to live in a perfect physical body, I thank You for the health and life itself with which You manifest Yourself in me. I thank You for Love, Happiness, Knowledge, Life, Perfection and Beauty.

For men

My body, I turn to you with my mind, energy and will. I address the body with the boundless power of Love and Creation. Cosmic streams of the life-giving power of development, transformation and formation, sparkling with diamond splashes, flow in the form of a fountain from my heart and fill my body, giving it divine forms. My body becomes a miracle and a measure of universal beauty. Height, body volume and proportions acquire their original norms. I see myself as the primordial Adam, created in the image and likeness of God. Everything about me is beautiful and okay. Everything is expedient and wonderful.

My height and body weight are perfect for each other. The body proportions are ideal and in mutual harmony. My body is perfect, just as Heavenly Father, its Creator, is perfect. The head, neck, torso, arms and legs are beautiful, strong and proportionate.

My head has an excellent shape, my facial features are correct and proportional. The hair on the head is beautiful and youthfully strong. The forehead is wide and clean. Eyebrows of the correct shape. The eyes are expressive and attractive. My look is clean and friendly. Cheekbones convey masculinity and strength of character. The nose is in its place and decorates the face. Lips are of normal fullness and beautiful shape. The chin is beautiful with masculine beauty.

My neck is of normal length, strong, and serves as a beautiful support for my head. My shoulder girdle amazes with masculine beauty and dignity. Developed shoulders turn into strong arms and end in beautiful hands. My breasts are developed and indicate great vitality of the body. The back muscles are strong and convex, provide excellent support for the spine and create the proud posture of a winner and conqueror. The waist and belly have wonderful masculine shapes. The layer of fat on the abdomen is normal, the muscles are developed and stand out in beautiful squares. The abdomen is slightly retracted and perfectly supports the internal organs, ensuring their healthy condition.

My pelvis has a male structure and is perfectly developed. The buttocks are round and dense, the thighs, like two powerful columns, support the torso. The genitals are normally developed and frame the lower abdomen as decoration. The reproductive organ, which has a unique structure, is the desire of female passion. Beautiful knees, legs and feet complement the overall picture of a complete, beautiful and healthy male body.

The skin is clean and has a pleasant color. Hair grows only in the right parts and is of normal length.

I rejoice in the perfect body that the Creator gave me. My body is an ideal instrument for life and improvement on Earth, for fulfilling the Will of the Creator. The energies of life flow through it and maintain it in a beautiful, youthful state.

My body is beautiful from all sides, I mentally see and clearly feel its magnificence, power and vitality. It was, is and will remain youthful, beautiful and viable for many years. This is the body of the creator and protector of the Earth. With its help, I create a Space of Love, Beauty and Life for myself, my beloved, children and descendants, to the glory of the Creator of the Universe.

For women

My body, I turn to you with my mind, energy and will. I address the body with the boundless power of Love and Creation. Cosmic streams of the life-giving power of development, transformation and formation, sparkling with diamond splashes in the form of a fountain, flow from my heart and fill my body, giving it divine forms of beauty and proportions. My body becomes a miracle and a measure of universal beauty. Height, body volume and proportions acquire their original norms. I see myself as Eve, giving life to all people on planet Earth. My body was created to give and receive love and life. I give life even to the gods and the Lord of the Universe. My body is built according to the laws of life and beauty. Everything in it is expedient and amazingly beautiful.

My height and body weight are ideal for love and life. My body proportions are complete and divinely perfect. It contains the secret of life and harmony of the Universe. No one can resist the beauty and perfection of my body. With my body I make men happy and prosperous.

My body resembles a jug, striking in its harmony, proportions and beauty. Everything comes out of it: life, love, earthly happiness and prosperity.

The head, neck, torso, arms, legs are beautiful and built according to feminine canons of proportionality.

My head is perfectly shaped and my facial features are perfect and proportional. The hair on your head is stunningly beautiful and gorgeous. Eyebrows captivate with their beauty. The eyes glow with love and enchant men. My gaze is filled with love for the world and is kind to all beings.

My neck is attractive and slender. The skin on my neck has a matte glow and therefore attracts the eyes of others, I am flattered by this.

My chest and back have a female structure and, despite the apparent fragility and diminutiveness, are endowed with great vitality, much greater than that of men.

God gave me amazing, perfectly shaped breasts. All humanity was nourished by it. She was caressed by both babies and grown men. These cups with the drink of life are amazing creations of nature. They are waiting in the wings for love and for giving through milk.

My waist is slim and flexible, and my hips are wide and beautiful. I have excellent posture, by which they recognize the queen, who with dignity bears the title of Woman, Woman-lover, Woman-mother, Woman-priestess, Woman-guardian of the family hearth!

My belly gives birth to life. His beauty is perfect at any time. The secret of the origin of life is hidden there. All my places are beautiful, attractive, perfect, for I give birth to life. And life can only arise in an exceptionally harmonious and beautiful creation, whose name is Woman! I'm proud of my perfect body. Nature itself gave it to me to prolong the human race. With its help, I create a Space of Love, Beauty and Life for myself, my loved one, children and their descendants, to the glory of the Creator of the Universe.

A figurative and strong-willed attitude towards female beauty

I see myself as a young, lovely seventeen-year-old girl. My youth is limitless, like Love and Space. My indomitable feminine spirit has no age. My young body is intoxicatingly beautiful.

I always feel like a young, healthy seventeen-year-old beauty. The forces of youth, health, freshness and joy flow into me like a sparkling stream of life. My eyes sparkle with the sunny youthful joy of love and grace. Every moment makes me more and more young, beautiful, blooming.

A waterfall of luminous, life-giving, youthful energy is seething within me. The organs of my young, beautiful, slender, well-proportioned body work energetically and easily. My body is weightless, my gait is flawless and light. My consciousness is bright, indestructible, courageous and self-confident. I am a young, beautiful, confident woman. My youth and freshness are higher and stronger than everyday adversities. My youthful strength is limitless, I can easily overcome old age and infirmity. I feel very good about the feeling of life, youth, freshness and beauty. I am filled with happiness, bliss, the joy of life in a young body, in an eternally young body.

I see and feel only like a young seventeen-year-old girl. Today, tomorrow and always I will be a fragrant young, fresh beauty. My youth is limitless, like Love and Space. My indomitable feminine spirit has no age. My young body is diamond-indestructible.

I see and feel like a young seventeen-year-old girl. Today, tomorrow and always I will be a fragrantly young, fresh, seventeen-year-old beauty. My youth is limitless, like Love and Space. My indomitable feminine spirit has no age. My young body is diamond-indestructible.

I always see myself as a young, healthy, indestructibly strong seventeen-year-old beauty. The forces of youth, health, freshness and joy flow into me like a powerful waterfall. My eyes sparkle with the sunny youthful joy of love and grace. Every moment makes me more and more young, beautiful, blooming.

A waterfall of luminous, life-giving, youthful energy bubbles within me. The organs of my young, beautiful, slender, well-proportioned body work energetically and easily. My body is weightless, my gait is flawless and light. I constantly feel the eternal spring of my body.

My consciousness is bright, indestructible, courageous and self-confident. I am a young, beautiful, confident woman. My youth is higher and stronger than life's adversities. My youthful strength is limitless, I can easily overcome everything.

My luminous youth and beauty are a magnet for men. I am loved and I love. My love and tenderness have no boundaries. I feel very good about life, from the feeling of youth and beauty, desirability and desire. I am filled with happiness, bliss, the joy of life in a young body, in an eternally young body.

I see myself as a young seventeen year old girl. Today, tomorrow and always I will be a fragrantly young, fresh, seventeen-year-old beauty. My youth is limitless, like Love and Space. My indomitable feminine spirit has no age. My young body is diamond-indestructible.

A figurative and strong-willed attitude towards longevity and health

I am a youthful, healthy, energetic person, I continue to be filled with the strength of youth, indestructible health, diamond strength. My luminous body does not know old age, it shines with the power of youth, diamond strength. My age of youth and prime is imprinted on every cell of my body, on every tissue and organ of my body.

Blood vessels from the crown to the tips of the fingers and toes throughout the body are evenly and constantly open. My youthful circulation is absolutely free. My youthfully strong blood flows strong and fast through the blood vessels, washing the bone marrow in all the bones of the body. The bone marrow is increasingly imbued with youthful, indestructible strength and energy.

The bone marrow in all the bones of my body is youthful and produces ever younger, ever stronger blood.

Young healthy blood flows freely in an eternal fast stream through all the blood vessels of my immortal body and continuously rejuvenates the blood vessels and the heart itself.

The structures of the brain, spinal cord and abdominal cord become younger very quickly. Brain structures quickly accumulate the energy of youth and strength. Brain structures have a powerful rejuvenating effect on all organs, on all tissues, on my entire body.

I am continuously rejuvenated by powerful forces: the luminous hologram of a young body, eternally young blood, eternally young brain structures. These powerful forces constantly, continuously bring my body to a youthful state today, tomorrow and always.

My young body is from God. This constant, continuous transfusion of luminous-youth forces will continue constantly, continuously, day and night, for many, many decades.

My body is constantly, continuously rejuvenated by the most powerful forces of the Universe. These powerful rejuvenating influences are immeasurably stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment, all diseases and ailments.

The young young body is snow-white, with a bright healthy blush, the lips are bright red, the cheeks are full, round, with a bright healthy blush, young strong-willed eyes, the whites of the eyes are bright light, shiny, the eyes are shiny, radiant, beautiful young eyes. The hair on the head is thick, dense, strong, strong, the hair on the head is a beautiful natural color. The whole body is strong, elastic, like rubber. It will always be like this - today, and tomorrow, and many years later.

You can create your own figurative and volitional sentiments, taking mine or G. Sytin’s as a basis. Choose your own words that are close to you in spirit and meaning. As you pronounce them, get used to the image more and more. Let the image you create be forever imprinted on the structures of your body. Only in this case will you be guaranteed dizzying success and you will be able to sculpt your body as you wish.

If necessary, repeat the text so that the total time is 10–15 minutes. You can further increase this to 20-30 minutes.

Read the texts of the moods into the tape recorder with expression, affirmative intonation and listen to them regularly or simply repeat after yourself with a good figurative representation. To enhance the power of the impact of moods and appeals, you can, simultaneously with listening, draw with colored pencils the organ that you are addressing and which you want to change.

Imagery-volitional attitudes can be used for both cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For example, with their help, one woman got rid of tumors.

« After reading the example in the 4th volume of “Healing Powers”, I decided to apply it to myself. I am 35 years old. After another examination, the doctor discovered two tumors - in the left breast and on the left ovary.

What did I start doing? Firstly, I decided not to panic, although they tried to persuade me to have an operation, and planned to seriously work on myself for three months. If nothing works, then let them cut it. Secondly, I decided to thoroughly cleanse my body. And thirdly, try out the imaginative-volitional technique and cleansing breathing in the fight against your tumors.

First of all, I decided to find the reasons that led to the tumors: I began to remember my life, or rather, the most significant emotional events for me. The first happened at the age of 12, I fell off my bike and hit the left side of my chest on a rock. When I fell over the steering wheel, I felt a feeling of fear, and when I hit it, it was very painful. The bruise from the fall went away pretty quickly. The second event is associated with a long-term experience: the husband got into a bad situation and was threatened with imprisonment. I was very worried, but, fortunately, everything worked out - he got away with a year of correctional labor at his place of residence. I was 32 years old then. After that, I had problems with my periods - my cycle was disrupted.

I started my treatment like this: I cleaned the large intestine according to your method using regular and evaporated urine. There wasn’t much dirt, as others write. I cleaned my liver twice and began to feel much lighter. However, the tumors remained unchanged. After that, I reviewed my diet and changed a few things. I started drinking juices and foods that help get rid of tumors. All this took me about a month. What can I say – I became healthier, and the tumors seemed to have shrunk a little.

I read your books again and decided to do cleansing breathing and figurative-volitional attitudes. Because of disgust, I didn’t want to use urine therapy: it’s one thing to give enemas, and quite another to drink. And I’m not yet ready for fasting - I left it as a last resort.

At this time, my vacation arrived - two weeks - and I decided to devote it entirely to myself. Everyone left: my husband went to work, the children went to school, and I remained at home alone.

From your book, I understood that treatment must begin at the intracellular and cellular level, supplying blood and oxygen to the tumor, increasing the temperature to activate enzymes and enhance the activity of lymphocytes. But first it was necessary to destroy the mental clamps - the “shells” in the field form of life, which were the root causes of the tumors.

In the morning, at noon and in the evening before going to bed, I began to breathe, gradually increasing the duration. When I approached the 10-minute mark of breathing, I discovered a “stake” in my left chest. It took me another 2 days to increase my breathing to 25 minutes and remove the “stake”.

The breathing session went like this: the body began to buzz from breathing, severe pain appeared in the area of ​​the tumor in the chest, which intensified and expanded. I began to breathe more often, faster, focusing on inhalation and trying to relax. The rhythm and sound of breathing put me into some special state. Suddenly I “saw” myself as a 12-year-old girl on a bicycle, falling over the handlebars. I felt how I was flying towards the ground and what I was experiencing. A scream involuntarily escaped me, and... the release began. I felt a slight trembling, my body arched, then I relaxed. The trembling continued to shake the body for some time, but gradually subsided. I lay relaxed, peaceful and very light. As I understand it, one thing has been done - the root cause has been removed. Now it was necessary to help the tumor resolve as quickly as possible. And for this I took advantage of the figurative-volitional mood.

I began to practice the figurative-volitional attitude like this. I composed a text on the resorption of tumors and strengthening the body’s defenses and recorded it on a tape recorder. I turned on the recording - it lasted 20 minutes - closed my eyes and imagined as vividly as possible everything that my voice was saying.

I imagined the tumor as a dense jelly. This jelly must be heated, liquefied, and soaked in blood. Turn gray into radiant. This is how I worked – I concentrated my attention on the tumor and imagined how the sun’s heat flows penetrated the gray jelly. She “entered” with her consciousness inside this gray jelly and permeated it with a bright golden color and blood in the form of warm scarlet streams - it flows into this gray jelly, melts it, thins it out... Constantly with her consciousness she crushed the clot into small parts, tried to “see” how they dissipate . Then she “dig” even deeper: she began to imagine tumor cells as small gray balls and crushed them. I also tried to imagine the healing of this place - how healthy tissue (red warriors) displaces pathogenic tissue (gray warriors), I imagined myself healthy, strong, young.

In a similar way, I worked with figurative-volitional attitudes for 1–1.5 hours every day for a week and began to feel how the tumor in my left breast became softer and more plastic.

At this time I had a dream - I saw a large cobra that was barely moving. I took a stick and began frantically hitting her on the head. The snake began to quickly decrease in size until it completely disappeared. Then I took a broom and carefully swept the place where she lay. As far as I understand, the field cause of the pathology was deduced in a dream.

The next week I began to work differently: I took a sheet of paper and, listening to the figurative-volitional mood, moved a colored pencil along it, imagining that I was destroying and splitting the tumor. When in a figurative-volitional mood they spoke about the destruction of tumor cells, I mentally imagined them and painted them over. When they talked about the growth of healthy tissue, I drew a cell (I looked at how it looked in a biology textbook) and clearly, many times, drew it, mentally strengthening it. I did this twice a day, each time for about an hour.

So two weeks passed, the tumor was no longer felt, but made itself felt. I went to work, but continued to practice cleansing breathing and imaginative-volitional attitude. After two weeks I felt that my breasts were healthy!

The second tumor was much easier. Previous work to strengthen the body affected her as well. I formed a new figurative-volitional mood and drew for myself a large, beautiful drawing of the uterus and appendages. Listening to the mood, I looked at this drawing, then closed my eyes and mentally combined it with my own uterus and appendages. If there was pain in the appendage, then I took a pencil and drew a more precise line drawing of the appendage, imagining that I was strengthening and cleaning it. My monthly cycle returned to normal and I felt healthier. I didn’t go to the hospital - you won’t get anything from the doctors other than a diagnosis (and that’s not always the case). In general, I don’t like this kind of examination; it somehow belittles a woman.

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In terms of developing fine motor skills of the hands, and at the same time skills in working with various materials, I conducted a small home master class on creating simple holograms using a mobile phone or tablet and transparent polycarbonate. I found two options for creating holograms online, but they both use the same principles to create a 3D optical illusion. It is possible that if you dig deeper, you can find more options. Therefore, if suddenly you managed to google other ways to create a simple hologram using a smartphone screen, then feel free to post in the comments with the appropriate links.

So, both options use the features of optics, namely the refraction of light rays during the transition between media with different optical densities, may opticians beat me with sticks for amateurish terms, but I will continue. The bottom line is that when a beam of light passes from the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, monitor display or even a TV through the border of air and transparent polycarbonate, partial reflection of light occurs. It is thanks to this reflection that the effect of a holographic, i.e. completely three-dimensional, image is created. Based on this, you can understand that to create a hologram you need transparent polycarbonate. Where can I get it?

In the modern world, ordinary CD boxes, which can be permanently borrowed from a home audio library or simply bought at a computer or stock store, can serve as an excellent source of polycarbonate. These stores typically sell recordable CDs or DVDs in spindle-mounted packaging. And at the same time, in order to earn a little more money, stores sell boxes for them separately. It is best to use transparent, unpainted boxes so as not to lose precious screen brightness, while the image will be the best possible.

Option 1. Holho - pyramidal hologram

For the pyramidal hologram, they even came up with a special name Holho. The essence of this technique is to broadcast four images at once onto a slightly truncated pyramid, placed “on the butt,” i.e., with the top down, on the smartphone screen. When a specially prepared video is played on the phone screen, the image is reflected from the edges of the pyramid and a complete illusion of an object floating in the air is created. The essence of a pyramidal hologram is that each of the images is projected onto its own face, and when viewed, the observer sees all four images at once, combined into a single three-dimensional picture by the faces of the pyramid.

The pyramid is easy to assemble; you don’t need to graduate from Felix Kirsanov’s public speaking course or the Higher School of Economics in order to cut out the required blanks from the lid of the disc box. You only need four of them, and they are cut out according to a template kindly prepared by me.

The cutting template itself is available at this link. When printing, you must select the exact paper size and enable printing at the actual size.

Cutting polycarbonate will not be difficult if you place the printed template under the lid, and then make deep slits on it along the lines using a sharp wallpaper knife. A cut made in this way then easily allows you to break off the unnecessary section of the lid. Only the cut must be made across the entire width of the lid, otherwise a break will not occur. The cut pieces can be glued together using superglue or simply secured with Scotch tape.

One of the demo videos.

To get the hologram effect, you need to move into a room with dim light, install a pyramid on the smartphone screen, point down, and center it according to the marks on the video. And that’s all, you can enjoy watching wonderful examples of “home magic.”

And another demo video.

A fair amount has been uploaded to YouTube demo videos under Holho, so you can safely choose even something completely unusual. Moreover, industrially manufactured and nice-looking Holho pyramid technology converters have already appeared. And remember that not only the screen of a phone or tablet, but also any other source can act as a video source for a hologram; it is important to compare the size of the pyramid and the screen.

Option 2. Front linear hologram

An alternative to Holho is a linear hologram, which is created by projecting an image onto successive reflectors. If a pyramidal hologram looks like a hologram from any side, then a linear one allows you to enjoy the unreal effect from only one side, the front. The essence of the device for reproducing a linear hologram is almost the same as that of a pyramidal one, but here the image is broadcast onto several, usually three, mini-screens made of transparent polycarbonate. The screens are installed at an angle of 45 degrees and one after another. The screens themselves vary in height, which adds even more realism to the resulting image.

The same CD boxes are ideal for making the device, only here they are fully used, for which special thanks to the author of the device. You can cut the box using the technique used to build the pyramidal device, but you will have to measure the dimensions of the screens yourself. Yes, and to fix parts of the device, thermo-glue is used, not adhesive tape. But if you have at least minimally straight hands, everything works out the first time. When assembling, hold the screens slightly until the glue is completely cured.

To play a hologram, you need to place the linear hologram device on the screen of a tablet or larger device. By the way, both linear and pyramidal holograms can be used both in the original video and in an inverted state. This does not change the effect, although the video may appear upside down.

If we compare both devices, I like the Holho version more, because it allows you to create a hologram without any restrictions on the number of scene plans. In the linear version, only a few volume levels are available to the user, equal to the number of installed polycarbonate screens. With three screens, there are correspondingly three levels of scene depth.

In other words, while the Holho version creates a truly three-dimensional image floating in the air, the version with a frontal linear hologram is more reminiscent of the effect of 3D television on a flat screen. Although, of course, both options look good and are worth assembling both of them, fortunately, nothing extraordinary is required to create such a toy, and it is unlikely that it will take more than an hour to assemble two devices at once.