Beautiful compliments about beauty. Cool compliments to the woman you love. Compliments with humor

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Happiness is not just in you, you yourself are this long-awaited, intoxicating happiness. You are so beautiful that I can look at you for hours without looking away for a minute. You are extraordinary, magical, and most importantly mine. With you I feel warm, light and joyful. You are the reason for my smile, my stimulus, my soul, my peace and harmony. You are all the best that could happen to me, and I am grateful to you for being with me under any circumstances. You are my tenderness, my love, my certainty.

Beloved, you can be compared to a real holiday, because you always give so much positive and vivid emotions that it’s even difficult to describe in ordinary words what I feel when I’m next to you. Know that we can always find worthwhile options for spending time together, to enjoy each other and the brightest, most beautiful feelings. We cannot be bored, bad with each other. We will definitely catch the buzz from life, enjoy every day. Of course, if necessary, we will also go through life's trials, holding hands, because such support for each other always turns out to be worthwhile. I dream of enjoying the journey of life with the best companion who can inspire and care, make you believe only in the best. Remember: I was created for you, I want and can only be with you. I love and adore, appreciate and cherish you!

My beloved girl, I greatly value what fate gives us. How I want to thank you for showing up so unexpectedly in my life when I was really trying to find an opportunity to recover from past failures. You allowed me to believe that we can be together and have the right to true happiness. I want to feel and enjoy bright, innermost emotions, breathe freely and create. Fate has prepared you for me, dear companion of my glorious life. I believe that each subsequent year of our relations will help strengthen what we have. Dear, let me always be only with you, and you with me? Let us give each other the opportunity of happiness and the fulfillment of the most secret wishes, the confidence that life will certainly develop with bright facets. I love you very much!

Baby, it's so hard for me to find the words that would add up to the beautiful, original confession in love. Do not think that these problems are caused by a lack of feelings for the girl that the Lord sent. There is only one reason: I have never even experienced similar feelings before, I don’t know how to express what God has given me, which fate itself contributes to, because nothing helps to move away from you, to forget our wonderful relationship. I wish you to see every day and know that we will be truly happy, understand that we will be able to maintain the relationship that began with such ease. I dream about you, fall asleep and wake up with thoughts only about the only girl worthy of attention and sincere love. I want to give you happiness and faith that everything will turn out as we wish it together. I need you, my dear, my love.

Honey, you remind me of a star that turned out to be a gift from the universe. You combine the most beautiful traits of character, beautiful appearance and truly amazing potential. With you, you can experience wonderful moments of life and achieve happiness, make dreams and wishes come true, understand how close we are. Each of our meetings is a gift for us, right? We can understand that we do have a chance for happiness, the opportunity to give each other great love and the chance to fulfill our deepest dreams. You inspire me for further promotion and creative manifestations, you allow me to fully enjoy our relationship, amazing intimacy. Dear, you are the best girl with whom fate has brought me. I am extremely lucky that it was you who could become everything for me!

Honey, you remind me of a star and all the most beautiful corners of our planet. You have so many amazing facets and real beauty embodied in you that it is difficult to describe in words, because you need to see and feel, understand and realize it. With every second of communication, I am convinced that our relationship is truly a great opportunity to be together, no matter what. Beloved, I know how important it is to further develop relationships, to try to understand to what extent we can go, what we can give to each other. I really want to be alone with you, to know and understand that we will certainly find happiness in each other, we will be able to realize how wonderful life can be. Beloved, I dream of you and believe that we will keep what we have, find an opportunity to make dreams come true, take a step towards each other. Love very much!

My beloved girl, you know, I lived for a long, long time, trying to do something, but it looks so funny now, because I understand that then I was nothing, because only with you I took a step towards my happiness, managed to discover the positive facets of the world and believe that the universe is able to truly please, to give what a person dreams of. Honey, I want to be with you always, appreciate the gifts of fate, enjoy life to the fullest. Let our relationship continue as long as possible, because we can still do so much for each other, give so many bright and special emotions that it is even difficult to describe. I love you very much. You know, even all the warmest and most affectionate words are not enough to describe the feelings that turned out to be presented by fate. Honey, I know that we will be together in the future, and I will try to make you the happiest.

My dear, please don't ever worry about anything. There is no need to think that something is missing in life, as I will try to make every effort so that you can experience real happiness, take a step towards embodied dreams. Beloved, I so want to protect you from many people and from the oddities of the world, to give you a piece of happiness that you already deserve. Honey, we can be together, and I want to know, to understand that this chance will certainly be used. Beloved, please tell me what is in your heart, what worries you, what you want and what you are afraid of, and I will certainly try to help, do everything possible so that life opens up only positive facets, gives hope, and doubts failed to come true. I love you infinitely, I want to believe that we will certainly be together. You are the best girl for me, the most tender, dear and beloved.

From the very beginning of our amazing relationship, I have experienced amazing feelings which are not easy to describe. You know, in order to understand what wonderful emotions were presented by fate, you need to experience them, you need to enjoy the company of your chosen one every day. Dear, do you feel that our relationship turned out to be amazing? Do you feel the same wonderful feelings that fate gave me? I know that you will answer positively, because I always feel tenderness in your voice and look, I feel support and care in actions. Romance and tenderness, brightness and passion are also successfully embodied in our relationship. I dream that every day we become closer to each other, to be able to find the numerous facets of our relationship, to understand how wonderful they are. I love you very much!

You so gently entered my heart, took possession of my soul. And you know, you will stay with me forever, because I am no longer able to imagine another girl next to me. Every day, any meeting with you contributes to the strengthening of relationships that have the opportunity to develop further, become stronger and happier. Honey, I know that we can be together at any time of the day and in any weather, give each other many opportunities to have a charming time and understand how wonderful the world can be when we are together. You know, at first I appreciated your visual beauty, but later I realized how wonderful your character is, how capable you are of being my companion, the most attractive girl. Now my feelings are getting stronger, and you know, my dear, I don’t want to fight it. I love!

How long did I gather the courage to admit to myself that I love one very much beautiful girl. I am in love with you and want to be with you all my life, the best and dearest for me. What a beautiful and wonderful image you possess, how you can charm with your charm, amazing tenderness and wisdom. It might seem to me that I'm just in love with the goddess, but I understand that I want to live with you all my life, to know that the Lord will allow you to fully enjoy each other, give numerous days so that we take steps towards, strengthen the established relationships. I love the most beautiful girl in the whole world and I want to know that she will definitely be with me. How I want to make her the happiest, to prove that the world is able to please with various facets. I cherish you, my chosen one, my soulmate.

Honey, what would I have to do if I hadn't met you? What would I do without you, my only one? How would I have to live? I do not know the answers to these questions, but I hope that fate gave me the most best girl forever, so that in the future I can enjoy happiness to the fullest, managed to gain amazing faith that wishes and dreams will always come true. Honey, we meet every day, and you know how difficult it is to wait for our meeting when you want to get closer and closer. I want to go with you to Europe and enjoy walking along the old streets, taking a camera, go to a cafe and plunge into an easy conversation with a touch of flirting. How much we want to happen in our life, but it will certainly happen. For now, read my SMS and understand that fate brought us together not just like that, but so that happiness could always be celebrated.

Honey, I want to admit that during the time that we spend together along the path of life, I did not regret that I decided to be with you. About such miraculous love they sing songs and compose poems. You know, I could not believe before that such bright and special feelings exist, but fate proves otherwise. I believe that we will definitely be together, despite the many obstacles of fate, because we have already overcome so much and our feelings continue to become brighter, stronger and sincere. You know I don't want to live without them wonderful feelings I want to understand that we will definitely maintain our relationship. Beloved, you can be my wife and life partner, the dearest girl ever. I dream that these words turn out to be not just chatter, but a kind of prophecy. I believe that fate will allow us to keep what she herself gave. I love!

My dear girl, we are getting closer to you, we have wonderful chances to maintain a bright relationship, use numerous opportunities for rapprochement and discovering the bright facets of fate together, together. I am happy when I am next to you, when I can fully enjoy what fate gives us. Every day, month and year my feelings become stronger. Honey, I'm so happy that you managed to become my chosen one and gave our relationship a chance to develop. You make me truly happy. I want to give you a great future, in which positive emotions, romance and tenderness, passion will reign. Darling, I so want to have a wonderful date, which is able to emphasize the fact that we actually have bright, real feelings for each other. I love!

There are various feelings in our world, but they all turn out to be beautiful. The most important thing is, of course, love. But how difficult it is to meet a loved one, a truly close person. Dear, thanks to the fact that you appeared in my life, I was able to find a beloved soul mate who can give real happiness. I want to say that you deserve only the warmest and brightest, sincere and tender words. It's so hard for me to live without you. I don’t know what to do, what to do and how to move forward so that everything turns out to be embodied the way I originally dreamed about it. I want to know that we will always be together, despite the many "buts" that could even arise unexpectedly. Honey, I want to always be only next to you, to give bright emotions and show that you are my chosen one, real gift fate, the whole universe.

Confessions of a beloved girl on the phone

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Try to mentally return to those distant times when beautiful poems or prose about love were an indispensable attribute of courtship for almost all young people. Without them, melting the heart of a loved one was extremely difficult. Young men tormented by love suffering to express their feelings to a girl. And what are the romantic serenades sung, accompanied by hired musicians under the balconies of beautiful chosen ones! Words filled with tenderness and passion could not leave anyone indifferent! Yes, times are changing, but current guys do not want to lag behind their ancestors. I really want to impress the lady of my heart with something original. Your declaration of love to a girl, or a lyrical song in this case will be most welcome. However, not all representatives of the strong half of humanity were rewarded by fate with the ability to compose poetry. This means that the beloved, quite possibly, will be taken away by another, more eloquent gentleman. To do this, you should fight with your complexes and be able, if necessary, to overcome excessive shyness.

In this situation, the authors of our site decided to come to the aid of young men tormented by romantic feelings. They will help you choose the right recognition with all responsibility. In our specially created section, you can find the most beautiful phrases, clothed not only in poetic form but also in prose. Surprise the imagination with your favorite rhyme and just warm word! Hearing such congratulations, it is simply impossible not to respond!

Sweet face, clear eyes,
The smile shines like a star
Know that you are a princess, as if from a fairy tale,
You can conquer everyone without difficulty!

How beautiful is your camp and gait,
Good heart, soul so pure!
In a word, you are just a beauty,
Your beauty beckons me so!

Can I while you read
With a smile these lines
I will say that all the flowers in the world
In one grow only a point?

And that point is your soul.
You may not believe me
She blooms there slowly
On any day of the week.

You are back in my heart. So May!
And in fiery excitement
Love is calling: "Wake up, get up,
I'm just looking forward to it!"

You captivate with your tenderness,
As soon as you can.
And if you just keep quiet
The warmth in your eyes will warm you.

Any guy would say this:
You give a ray of light.
But I'm not just lucky
After all, you are my planet.

I can't find one for sure.
similar? No need!
Though sometimes I'm delirious
Raging like a tornado.

With an abundance of feelings, I'm torn to you,
And I'm not indifferent.
I am the flame, I am the fire in the darkness!
Thank you for not slacking off.

You are feminine, soft as silk
And facets of sapphire
You are shining. God I found
The only one in the world!

And the smell is subtle not perfume
In my imagination -
Sweet dreams spring wind
You smell like lilacs.

Also, you know, I'll say...
Well, honestly, don't laugh.
When not around, I wander
At home, at least kill yourself.

I miss you already, can you imagine
I'm five minutes away.
And if ten is all, leave it,
I've lost my mind.

I really don't know why
Do you have such strength?
I will follow her into the abyss,
You bit me.

Your gait, profile, camp
Crazy, of course.
I'm glad, I'm proud, I'm like a kid
In love forever.

That's why you are dear
You don't know how priceless.
And let there, outside the window, a blizzard,
With you, I'm awesome!

Mysterious, gentle
Like an ocean, boundless
And bright, alluring -
You are a real fairy!

Desirable and passionate
airy, beautiful
And strict, playful -
My unique!

You are the best, cool, cool!
You are gentle, sweet, just beautiful!
unsurpassed and incomparable,
You are the brightest and most awesome!
Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
You are the most beloved heart!

You are as beautiful as a star
What is created only for the sky!
Your gaze captivates everyone
Any outfit suits you.

You are worth admiring
It's impossible to look away.
Make you obey
Bring flowers to your feet!


You are the most beautiful,
And just stunning
And you will be happy
After all, you are charming!

You are as beautiful as a picture
Like a rose, tender
Mila, beautiful, like a goddess,
And, of course, smart!

Your smile is a ray of sunshine
Shines bright and beautiful
You picked up the key to the heart,
My smiling diva!

The most beautiful girl
Fate gave me
Your beautiful smile
Every night I see in a dream.

You are not only beautiful on the outside,
You are still beautiful in spirit.
You combine: tenderness,
Beauty and mind with kindness.

Your eyes are like a gentle poison.
They beckon me even more
When you look so playful
And you talk slow...

Your figure is just "ah"
You look good in front of your eyes!
Lovely waist bend
Will drive you crazy! Oh, I'm dead!

You certainly admire
I'm telling you seriously.
Your kiss is hot
Lovely chic Dutch roses.

You are beautiful like no one else in the world.
And your eyes always shine
You just look like a lady.
You have a talent for being visible.

Smile with your sweet smile,
I'm telling you the honest truth.
You pull towards yourself with great force,
I look at you with pride.

The first step to starting a relationship is communication. If you like a girl and you want to win her over, compliment her. You shouldn’t shower with compliments too often, because it feels affected. Find a middle ground and do not forget to please the girl nice words. If you are not too eloquent, you can memorize compliments in poetry and prose. But it's better to learn how to say them from pure heart for a particular lady.

The main thing in the article

How nice to compliment a girl?

  1. according to external data. Ideal people does not exist. But something in the appearance of a certain girl hooked you, so highlight the part of the body you like and make a compliment. Example: “Your eyes are so bright! It’s so beautiful, and when you look at me, it’s like something lights up inside”, “How can you not notice such cute dimples on your cheeks when you smile.”

    Not all girls like it when breasts or buttocks are chosen as the object for a compliment. The guy in this case looks like a vulgar person who cannot consider the true essence of the girl.

  2. Comparative compliments. Something a girl should do better than others: cook, have a wonderful physical training getting along with animals. Compare her to someone who does worse, like yourself. Example: “You know how to put the house in order so quickly, I would like to learn from you”, “What delicious dinner you have prepared. No chef can compare."
  3. From the heart. Summarize the qualities for which you appreciate your lady. Example: “You are my support, I appreciate you for your support, for not letting me give up and forcing me to move on”, “Your sincerity helps me understand you better. Thank you for not arguing with me, but you can settle everything with a simple heart-to-heart talk.
  4. Personal space. This includes compliments about the hobbies, hobbies and work of the girl. Example: “You manage to work and play sports, and also knit! You have done well with me, you know how to properly manage time”, “I kept thinking where did you get such a great lexicon and the ability to communicate clearly. No wonder you've read so many books."
  5. Support change with compliments. It's simple here - new hairstyle, cloth. Example: " new color hair? It suits you, he emphasized your expressive eyes And soft color skin”, “This dress is beautiful. It's just right for your slim figure."

100 Best Short Compliments to a Beautiful Girl You Like

  1. Well, it's a crime to be so luxurious.
  2. You cook even better than my mom.
  3. I love your sense of humor.
  4. You are stunning and charming!
  5. I lose touch with reality when I look at you.
  6. You deserve a thousand compliments.
  7. Irresistible as always!
  8. You are my love and my pride.
  9. You have so much tenderness, happiness and sensitivity!
  10. Adorable, I can't take my eyes off her!
  11. You, while walking towards me, did not bring a crowd of admirers behind you?
  12. You look brilliant!
  13. With such Hollywood smile only to act in films.
  14. Today you outshine everyone.
  15. Your main trump card is independence.
  16. What a luxurious you are, you can immediately see - a real woman!
  17. You are my most precious gift in life!
  18. Charming, like a queen from a fairy tale.
  19. That sincere smile drives me crazy.
  20. Alluring, bewitching ... Not a sorceress, by any chance?
  21. Stylish and attractive lady, keep it up!
  22. Light as a cloud!
  23. Well-groomed and attractive!
  24. Sweet like a peach!
  25. Eyes are like magnets.
  26. Approaching you, I feel magnetism.
  27. You have great taste and sense of style!
  28. Polite and cultured.
  29. Stately, as if from the royal family.
  30. Angelic
  31. Radiant.
  32. Fascinating.
  33. Stunning.
  34. Extraordinary.
  35. Creative.
  36. Versatile.
  37. Unpredictable.
  38. Ardent.
  39. Mind-blowing.
  40. Harmonious.
  41. Perfect.
  42. Otpadnaya.
  43. Selfless.
  44. Touching.
  45. Marvelous.
  46. Bright.
  47. Amazing.
  48. Incendiary.
  49. Faithful.
  50. I love that you are a lady.
  51. You have such diverse interests!
  52. Your jokes are so original!
  53. I can do 1000 crazy things for you.
  54. You are so open, honest and simple.
  55. You can see the extraordinary in simple things.
  56. Intoxicating.
  57. Divine.
  58. Flirtatious.
  59. Desired.
  60. Unique.
  61. Flawless.
  62. Sparkling.
  63. Dreamy.
  64. Shy.
  65. Exciting.
  66. Incendiary.
  67. Playful.
  68. Beloved.
  69. Delightful.
  70. Fabulous.
  71. Diligent.
  72. Neat.
  73. Purposeful.
  74. Prominent.
  75. Unique.
  76. As from the picture.
  77. You know how to surprise.
  78. Immaculate.
  79. Knowledgeable and well-read.
  80. Comely.
  81. Soulful.
  82. Direct and open.
  83. You know how to stand out from the gray mass.
  84. I love your subtle manners and royal breeding.
  85. Unconstrained.
  86. Frank.
  87. A girl with a twist.
  88. You have an outstanding, bright appearance.
  89. Irresistible figure.
  90. You are positive and sparkling.
  91. You know how to listen and give good advice.
  92. Once seen, you cannot be forgotten.
  93. Sensual.
  94. Extreme.
  95. Generous.
  96. You are the one that I think about every minute.
  97. You are the most special and irreplaceable for me.
  98. Were you the first and only one in line for beauty?
  99. I love this playful live light in your eyes!
  100. Once you see you, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

The best compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

  1. I envy myself that I grabbed such a beauty.
  2. You took the best from mom and dad and turned out incomparable!
  3. Everything that I dreamed about is in front of me!
  4. Your appearance is so beautiful that I would paint pictures of you if I were an artist.
  5. Your gaze beautiful eyes made me forget what I wanted to say and do.
  6. Perfectionists would get real satisfaction if they contemplated your beauty.
  7. Unlike many girls, you look great without makeup. I love your natural beauty.
  8. When I look at such a beauty, my heart flips.
  9. Everything is fine with speech. It's just that when I see a cute girl, my tongue starts making strange sounds.
  10. I can't take my eyes off your figure. She's perfect!
  11. The more I wonder what should be perfect girl the more I remember you.
  12. You are like a goddess descended from heaven to earth.
  13. Have you tried beauty pageants? I'm sure it would take the top spot.
  14. You are so luxurious that in my head ordinary lines add up to poems in your honor.
  15. Only your daughter can surpass you in beauty.

Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

  1. In the photo you are beautiful, but it conveys only external beauty. You are even more beautiful on the inside.
  2. It is already unforgettable for me that I spend time with a sweet and intelligent girl.
  3. I'm sorry I'm stuck, I hear everything you say. I just can't stop loving you.
  4. I have learned a lot from you. Endurance, patience and perseverance.
  5. When we chat, it's like time doesn't exist.
  6. Your fingers are very delicate. When you touch me, all the pain goes away.
  7. Do not change anything in yourself, because for me you are perfect.
  8. You understand me like no one else, as if you read my mind. It drives me crazy!
  9. I like that you know what you want to achieve in life. You purposeful girl planning and getting things done.
  10. I love your ability to understand a man and keep the conversation going.
  11. I like everything about you inside and out. From easy gait to the ability to dress, from the ability to speak and express thoughts, to tactful and bold ideas.

The most beautiful compliments to a girl in verse

Sweet, unique
alluring, playful,
You are a fairy, I know for sure
I hope you will be mine.

Fire in the eyes, goodness in the soul,
Warm in your arms
charming, charming,
It's very interesting with you.

Your eyes and languid look
I am always attracted to you.

I'm not good at compliments
But I want to tell you
You are divinely beautiful
It seems like I'm in a dream.

You are not more beautiful in the world
It hasn't been a secret for a long time.
I think we are on our way
You won't find another one for sure.

Very gentle and beautiful compliments to your beloved girl to tears

  1. I never dreamed of such a girl. After all, compared with reality, dreams turned out to be insignificant.
  2. Do you know why I am the most happy man? I have you!
  3. Only with you can I be who I really am. Don't lie and don't pretend.
  4. I thought that there are only smart or only beautiful. You proved by your example that one person can combine both.
  5. We must thank your parents for the fact that they created a real miracle - you.
  6. When men turn around and follow you with their eyes, I'm not jealous. I'm proud to have you with me!
  7. When I saw you, I realized that natural beauty can be amazing and wonderful.
  8. Next to you, I managed to feel like a real man.
  9. Your gentle and slightly sly look made my heart rage and my hands tremble.
  10. I treat you too reverently, because you have awakened in me the desire to protect and protect.
  11. Although you are a fragile girl, you will quickly knock out with your eyes.
  12. There are few wise women who correctly set life priorities. But I found one.
  13. Fell in love at first sight. I feared that appearances were deceiving. You proved that I was afraid for nothing.
  14. I feel completely in your power. Well, let it be a pleasant slavery.

Unusual compliments to a girl for a photo

  1. When I look at your photo, goosebumps run through my body. How can you be so beautiful?
  2. You know, your photos are on all my gadgets. Because I can't stop admiring you.
  3. I can’t stop looking at your photo, but it’s much more interesting to communicate live and see you next to me.
  4. The range of emotions that you radiate in the photo energizes me for the day.
  5. Are you the beloved of God? He gave you unearthly beauty.
  6. Honey, you look a lot like your beautiful mother.
  7. Have you ever seen an angel look? I see in the photo.
  8. Let's do it next time joint photo? I boast that I have a photo with a supermodel.
  9. I look at your photo and I have a dance of butterflies in my stomach, a rainbow in my head, happiness in my eyes. What are you doing to me?
  10. Great photo. You combine tenderness and passion, determination and inner balance.

When choosing a compliment, you should not openly flatter a person, this is inappropriate. It is also not necessary to lie for the sake of a compliment, because the girl knows her strengths and weaknesses very well, therefore she will consider you hypocritical. The most effective compliment is from a pure heart in your own words. This will show your sincerity, and you will be remembered by the girl for a long time.

What feats men do not go to conquer their girlfriend. Women love with their ears, so try to win over your companion with just one sentence.

Read and choose beautiful compliments girl about her beauty in your own words.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

ABOUT female beauty there are legends about it, novels are written about it, people fight and die for it. Modern knights fight for attention beautiful woman not in the field, but in the Internet space. You can express your feelings with a compliment.

Present love confession in any form:

  1. SMS message. The text is appropriate on the phone, in in social networks or in public access on the young lady's page.
  2. oral confession. Look a lady straight in the eyes and admire her beauty.
  3. Paper compliment. A valentine, a postcard or an old-fashioned letter - what could be more romantic than a secret admirer.
  4. Present. Give sweets or flowers, compare the girl with chocolate sweetness and with the fragrance of a rose.

Advice! The form of the compliment depends on the character of the girl herself.

Try to describe your admiration for a woman in your own words. Tell us about the traits that pop up in your memory first when you think about what you want.

Use ready-made templates:

Our meeting was not accidental. You turned my life upside down, you are light, you are warmth, you are love.
I didn't know there were so many colors in the world. You showed me how beautiful the autumn foliage is, how charmingly the snow falls in winter, how beautifully the birds sing in the spring, and how hot I am next to you.
I want to give you the whole world. But I don't want to share you with anyone. I would hide your beauty at home and enjoy only for myself. No one would have known that the true beauty of the world is stored in my apartment. Your smile will eclipse the sun, your lips are softer than rose petals, and your eyes bewitch like hypnotic lights. You are my life, my universe, my meaning.
I can't stop thinking about you even at work. You are stunning and amazing. Your image is stuck in my head forever.
I know why flowers don't want to grow in the garden. They are ashamed to be next to you - the most beautiful scarlet flower.

Advice! Don't go overboard with poetry. Words spoken with the wrong intonation can be perceived as sarcasm. Practice at home in front of a mirror beforehand.

Funny SMS compliments to your girlfriend

For a girl with a sense of humor, you can send a cool SMS message. Bringing a smile to the face of your beloved is easy, but try to fit in short text humor and admiration in equal parts, so that the young lady does not consider SMS to be a mockery.

Follow some rules described in the table:

Try to compose cool message on one's own. Remember a personal joke that your beloved laughed at yesterday.

If fantasy does not present great ideas, use the blanks:

Call an ambulance! The pressure is 180 to 100, the pulse goes off scale, I have nothing to breathe, apathy, suffocation .. And all because an hour has passed since you did not kiss me. Save!
Attention. Violated Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Love. The court decided to imprison you in my hard male hugs for life. You can appeal the verdict tonight in my bed.
A thousand shaggy hamsters can't compare to the fluffiness of your hair.
I wanted to send some of my love by mail, but the courier said that he does not transport goods.
Hello, I'm texting from a loved one. You are so beautiful that I forgot what I wanted to write and fainted.
They called from heaven. Did you run away again?
I can't look at you - my eyes will go blind. I can't kiss you - my lips are on fire. I can't hug you - I'm on fire. I can't... And that's it, it's burned down already.

How to compliment a girl in verse

Poetry confession - classic version worthy of brave knights and true romantics.

Read a poem under the window of your beloved, sing a romance about high feelings to the guitar, write a sincere poem in which you sing of your love.

Use prepared verses if you do not have poetic talent:

I want every day, every hour
Enjoy the beauty of your eyes.
I can fall in love at least three times
In one you, quickly forget.
You are flawless like an angel
My love for you will last forever.
Drunk me with your eyes like wine
I'm yours forever...

A graceful gesture, a twist of hair, everything is sweet and charming in you,
You are like a wife, like a friend, like a boss - everything is in you together.
No matter how different it is, any whim suits you,
You are so natural, dear, that surprise will be pleasant.

Important! A poem of any classic, memorized and read personally to a girl - best compliment from a man.

Original compliments to the photo of the girl

Try to stand out among the mass of fans so that the girl pays attention to you:

Excuse me, can I take a photo with you? I want a photo with a star too!
There are not enough adjectives in Russian to describe your beauty. You are a goddess.
So. Save, print... it remains to buy a frame.
Is this a photograph or a painting on canvas? Bravo.
Art is you. I feel like I'm ready to embrace the culture. Or to profess a religion where you are the symbol and meaning of life.
Either a girl, or a vision.

Main- a sincere desire to compliment the girl. All girls are beautiful and worthy of the attention of true gentlemen.

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