What do male hugs mean? As a man embraces, so he loves. We determine the relationship of a man by his hugs

When angular teenage girls are just starting to look at their peers with the first scattering of pimples all over their faces, they together begin to unravel the secrets of boyish signs of attention. Ridiculous, funny, but it seems to them that they are solving the global problems of male psychology. Well, you probably remember how it was: the know-it-all girl dictates, the rest remember or write down: “The boy smiled - he likes you, the boy laughs in your face - he loves, the boy calls names - he is jealous!” And everything in this spirit. And now let's find out the answer to the question in an adult way: in what cases does a guy hug his beloved from behind?

He is kinesthetic

You probably know what a kinesthetic is. If not, here's an explanation for you. This is a representative perception of a person around the world. If the visual needs to consider everything, and the auditory needs to be heard, then the kinesthetic needs to be felt, smelled, tried, in general, touched. Like an electric wire, it needs to pass everything through itself in order to fully feel a person or some object.

So, pay attention to the object of your adoration at the very beginning of your relationship. How he behaves, for example, being at your house for the first time. How he views your room: he does not look at things and objects, how they are arranged, but grabs them, turns them around, opens bottles of perfume to smell their aroma. No, he is not insolent, it is easier for him to perceive what is around him this way.

Later, this man who will flirt with you will not only put his big hand on your arm, but will also feel it in every possible way - fingertips, the edge of the sleeve, fiddling with the ring. So if your man is a bright representative of the army of kinesthetics, then get ready - you won’t get out of the “hugs” from any side.

Why does he need it? Because in order to enjoy his woman, he does not have to look at her. He can hear her voice from behind, and even feel it with his chest, but he cannot do without touches. It is also important for this man to inhale the smell of his beloved's hair, to touch her neck with his lips. By the way, this is an easy way to seduce a kinesthetic: reciprocal movements and gestures - and he is yours. As an addition - read, and you will find answers to all questions.

He is a knight

Surrounding from different sides, a man protects a woman. Since ancient times, a man tried to protect a woman from the rear - if the prospect is visible to him from the front, then the enemy could attack from behind. And who, if not he, will protect his lady, who else will turn his shoulder? Therefore, in many men it is in the blood. And how else to explain the manner when the gentleman lets the lady go ahead of him?

Although if you dig deeper into history, then initially this manner was of the opposite nature. A very long time ago, when even the ancient “humans”-reasonable lived in caves, and the household left their dwelling for some time, the fire could go out in it. And this means that some terrible beast could climb into the cave. Therefore, the woman was let in front - as a bait.

But if you do not pay attention to the Neanderthals, then it would hardly have occurred to modern knights to use their woman in such usurping manners. Although there are exceptions in life. But, basically, strong hugs from behind mean one thing: surrounding you, I protect you.

He is a sweet owner

The bad manner of being aggressively jealous of the "lamppost" is the lot of weak squishy ones. But if a guy feels that his girlfriend is superior to him in everything, and he can have many rivals, how else can he express his despair? A fist on the wall - there is a risk of pushing and frightening your beloved. Surrounded by love is a completely different matter. Therefore, if in a new relationship a guy tries in every possible way to hug you from behind in public, then the meaning of this can also be this: look, rival, this is my woman, I will not give her to anyone.

And finally - let's say you are married to him or in a long-term relationship, and you are expecting a child. Both want caresses and tactile sensations, and because of the round belly, hugging your missus will be very difficult. Of course, such displays of tenderness here will definitely mean only one thing: I love you, dear!

We all sleep differently. Someone can spend the whole night calmly in one position, while someone, on the contrary, will toss and turn from side to side. But, one way or another, everyone has a “favorite” body position in which it is most convenient to fall asleep.

Psychologists are sure that all the movements and habits of our body can tell a lot about a person, his character and attachments. But it's one thing when a person sleeps alone. But if there are two of you in bed, then everyone unconsciously feels the presence of another person nearby and intuitively takes the position that expresses his attitude towards his partner. If a dream alone can be called a monologue, then a dream of two is already a dialogue.

Scientists have found that by the position in which a man and a woman fall asleep, one can understand how they relate to each other and what they actually experience. What does our body want to tell us?

body language in sleep

Do you touch in your sleep or turn your back to each other? Do you both sleep on your side or do you like to feel the warmth of a sleeping loved one next to you? The answers to these questions will help you understand exactly what feelings you both are forced to go to the same bed.

The main poses of partners:

1. Back to back.Falling asleep, you turn away from each other, but is it still important for you to feel another person nearby? It turns out that those couples who sleep in this position hold on to their independence and freedom, but at the same time experience a strong sexual attraction to each other. In this case, a man and a woman prefer an open relationship, although in reality they cannot live without each other, writes passion.ru.

There is an opinion that this position indicates a possible lack of passion and tenderness in your marriage. Perhaps you have become too individual and no longer need each other's support?

Photo: Shutterstock.com

2. Pose of a spoon.This position suggests that one sleeper hugs the other from behind. This position indicates that one of the partners feels superior to the other, and this fact is most likely manifested in all areas of their life together.The spoon pose is also called the back hug pose. When a man hugs a woman, it means that the man is ready to protect his beloved. If a woman hugs a man, then this indicates that the man completely trusts his partner. In this case, the woman is the emotional support for her husband.

By the way, actress Cate Blanchett believes that the pose of a spoon during sleep is the key to establishing harmony in a couple's relationship. “Someone told me, and I think it’s the purest truth, that if your bodies touch in bed in the form of a spoon, everything will be fine in life.

If you like this sleeping position, you will be fine. You can vote in different ways, you may have different opinions about politics, but this is not so important,” the actress believes, writes Kino.ukr.ru.

Photo: Shutterstock.com

3. Strong hugs.The lovers lie facing each other, embracing. The legs of partners can be intertwined - this indicates a willingness to own each other. Also, this pose speaks of the strong feelings of two people in love. In this position, the partners' heads can be at different levels. The one whose head is higher is the “leader”, “head of the family” in a pair.

With this position of the bodies, lovers cannot let each other out of their embrace even in a dream. Scientists are sure that this pose is the most accurate sign of strong feelings and mutual love.

Note that this position is difficult to maintain all night, which is why people who have been living together for a long time, this position is less common.

4. Posture of detachment.People for all the time of sleep never touch each other and sleep almost separately. This position indicates that there has been a discord in the relationship between the two, that the lovers are experiencing difficulties in mutual understanding.

Photo: Shutterstock.com

5. Hugs on the back.Researchers at the Center for Sexual Health in the UK are talking about the interpretation of the back hug posture. This pose has 3 varieties:

A man lies on his back and hugs a woman clinging to him. This suggests that your partner is ready and happy to give you emotional support and protect you in every possible way.

One of the partners lies on his back, and the other is nearby, in the "fetal" position. Body language deciphers it like this: the one who is in the “fetal” position needs the support of a partner, but for some reason cannot say this directly. This pose is also called Under the Wing. ​ - One of the partners lies on his back, and the other is located nearby and lies on his stomach, while throwing an arm or leg on the sleeping person next to him. According to psychologists, one who involuntarily strives to touch a partner with his hand plays the role of a subordinate in a relationship.

Note that the poses of spouses who have been living together for a long time are more restrained than the poses of newlyweds. If ardent lovers cling to each other with their whole bodies, intertwine in a dream, then spouses with experience can touch each other with only one hand or foot, thus psychologically confirming the right to each other.

By the way, psychologists recommend that all couples go to bed in the same bed, even if they quarreled a lot. The fact is that if lovers go to different beds to take a break from each other, this negatively affects the relationship, only deepening the misunderstanding, writes Astrale.ru.

But if, despite the conflict, you sleep together, then, as practice shows, in a dream the quarrel will fade into the background, and out of habit you will unconsciously cling to each other. And this is the first step towards reconciliation! Scientists explain this recommendation by the fact that in a dream a person is more frank and natural than in a waking state, and is less susceptible to resentment and offended pride.

It just so happened that hugs are an integral part of our communication, manifestations of feelings, it's like talking, but without words. In childhood, we are hugged by our parents, we hug with brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, we hug with friends and friends. But you must admit, we enclose in our arms only people whom we trust. With age, we move away from hugs, enclosing only relatives and close people in them, and, moreover, we even do this quite rarely.

It was determined by family therapist Virginia Satir that a person needs twelve hugs a day to develop, so we got a kind of scheme:

  • Four hugs are necessary for a person a day to survive.
  • Eight hugs a day are necessary for a person to feel good.
  • Twelve hugs a day are necessary for a person to develop.
Naturally, everything lies not only in the numbers and doses of hugs, and so it is clear to everyone that such a bodily expression of love is very important for both growing and mature organisms.

Friendly hugs are, in turn, quite a lot of support and a source of happiness. Scientists have found that:

  • thanks to hugs, the level decreases. During hugs, the body releases more endorphins, that is, substances that directly relieve pain and cause a feeling of euphoria. Including hugs stimulate work.
  • children whose parents caressed and hugged a lot have much better mental and physical health.
  • hugs make a person feel loved, protected, needed, and also reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • Hugging increases happiness levels.

As for, in this case, hugs say a lot. At a time when a man is caring for his beloved, he touches her much more often than he will when the moment of their life together comes. This happens directly because he shows a desire to possess her, but, not getting permission for sexual touching, he expresses this as touching where it is allowed.

Hugs are also one of the most common types of touch. You can hug anywhere and anytime. Both women and men love the warmth and immediate sense of security that they get directly from hugs. But for a woman, the ultimate meaning of hugs is that they make you feel loved. As for men, they put the feeling - to feel loved - in the assessment of hugs in the first place.

There are big differences between men and women in how they feel when hugging. Women, in turn, are much more sensitive to the emotional connection that occurs during hugs, but as for men, they like the feeling of touching a woman's breasts.

Male perspective on hugs:

During hugs, he gently runs his hands along your back.

If a man accompanies his hugs with gentle strokes, then in this case, he has quite deep feelings for you. Your beloved man considers you really a close person. And do not be surprised if he moves from hugs to something much more pretty soon.

Sexologists testify that stroking a vulnerable part of the body by another person has a powerful sexual connotation.

Such hugs may also indicate that your partner is upset and needs your support, but he is not used to talking about it. Stroking you on the back, he wants to receive tenderness and affection in return.

In this case, it is best to answer him, and ask if everything is in order with him.

If a man comes up behind and embraces a woman, while weaving his hands on her chest, then:

This directly indicates that he is simply crazy about you, even if the main words are not said. In his thoughts, he told you everything a long time ago, and everything has already happened. And in the event that you are tired of waiting for him for a long time, then here you should take the initiative into your own hands.

According to experts, a man, hugging a woman from behind, shows her the seriousness of his relationship. Thus, he occupies a dominant position, shows to some extent that he is ready to protect his chosen one from all adversity. But it is also worth noting that there are exceptions. For example, if a partner hugs you from behind, then this, in turn, may mean that, despite the manifestations of warm feelings, he still considers you inaccessible. He would like something much more, but he thinks that you are still indifferent to him. To sum it up, he's just afraid to look you in the eye, so he comes up from behind. If you let him know that this is not so, then soon your hugs will become more diverse.

Hugging, he presses you to him
It is obvious that you are drawn to each other. In this case, you don't even have to be an expert to understand that he wants you. Therefore, he presses you tightly and gives free rein to his hands. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if he, hugging you, touches your head with his forehead, then this, in turn, means that your relationship means much more to him than just passionate sex. Even if you just met recently. In the event that your relationship has been going on for some time, then this position, in turn, indicates that your loved one is already ready to move on to the next stage of the relationship.

If a man in his own way pats you on the back when he hugs, then:
In this case, it is more likely that he perceives you as a friend. When you are together in some place, then in this way he shows that he is still free. It is more likely that such a relationship will be quite difficult to develop into a romantic one.

But still, you should not assume that everything is completely and irrevocably lost, since in the event that spanking was seen several times and there were special reasons for that. For example, such a reason may be the following situation, when you had a responsible event, and he patted you on the back, saying that you could handle it. In the case when he was busy and just absently patted you on the shoulder. Do not immediately take such situations personally. It is best to wait a bit, perhaps he will hug you as tightly as you want.

Who would have thought that ordinary hugs have such a strong effect on our lives, our psychological and physiological state. What can be read on them about the attitude of people close to us towards us. It turns out that we simply do not notice many little things that directly say sometimes much more than words.

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It is not easy for every man to express certain feelings in words, and then body language comes to the rescue.

Want to know what hugs can reveal about your relationship? We are in website already all found out - rather read.

1. Hug from the back

A strong hug from the back indicates that a person is ready to protect you from all adversity, and is not afraid to take on responsibility and obligations. He is a real knight - next to him you will definitely feel safe.

2. Hug around the waist

Even if a man has not yet confessed his feelings to you, this hug speaks for itself: he literally lost his head from love. He is unarmed in front of you and wants to spend as much time together as possible. But be careful: such men are often too amorous and changeable.

3. Hug with a pat on the back

This hug is more associated with friendship than love. If you are just friends, then a romantic continuation is unlikely to happen: he will support, listen, but do not expect mutual feelings. If this is the only hug that your young man prefers, then it’s worth considering: it seems that he is not dating you because of great love and is not going to reciprocate.

4. Hug and eye to eye

If he hugs you incredibly gently and delicately, and then looks directly into your eyes, then be sure: this is a symbol of a real, deep connection between people. He values ​​you very much, and everything that happens to the relationship at the moment is really important and valuable for him. Such relationships have a future and, perhaps, a very happy one.

5. Embrace "London Bridge"

There is a “pioneer distance” between you, and the hug itself turns out to be somehow crumpled and as if only out of politeness? You don't seem to digest each other, but you're trying to save face. Why masks? If a person is unpleasant to you, a dry nod will be enough. Although, there are exceptions: if you came to a family dinner and met a mischievous uncle, this type of hug can be very useful to you.

6. Long hug

This hug is probably familiar to everyone: we need it so much when we need the support of a loved one. Without further ado, it goes on and on, and the soul becomes a little easier: believe me, this man is ready to be with you both in sorrow and in joy, and this is very, very important.

7. One arm hug

If your young man loves to hug you by the shoulder, then in this way he takes you under his wing and seeks to protect you from any adversity. If you are only friends, then in this way a man offers his help and support. But if a girl hugs a guy like that (and especially at parting), then you know - most likely, she perceives you only as a good friend and the relationship will not work out here.

People say that hugs relieve stress. Someone does not really like to indulge in this activity, and someone can hug for hours. But when it comes to relationships, body language speaks for itself. This is especially true for men. Today we will tell you about six types of hugs that will help you reveal how your lover really feels for you.


If a guy hugs you tightly at a meeting, stroking your back, it means that he values ​​​​you very much. Such men, as a rule, are sentimental, always ready to help and very sincere, but rarely become good earners. In a woman, they look for comfort, consolation and family warmth, which makes them very reliable husbands.


If a guy often hugs your waist, pulling you towards him, he is unarmed in front of you. And if a man pulled a girl to him so that she looks down on him, this means that he is completely in her power. It is difficult to talk about true love here, rather, he just lost his head, but this can develop into something more. Such a guy is a very gentle lover, romantic, but changeable, like the wind in May. So take advantage of your position while you can.


But if a man at a meeting immediately pulls his hands to your fifth point, this indicates his sexual mood, but not about his feelings for you. Such guys approach the girl with an important look and hug, as if demonstrating to other males that this is their prey. He thinks only about himself, but whether he will think about you is a big question.


If a guy likes to come up and snuggle up to you from behind, this is a sign that he is ready to protect you and be the real head of the family. If in the previous case the guy only showed off in front of others, here the man also demonstrates his importance, but in order to protect you from danger. Such a man will be a caring husband. This gesture also speaks of his self-confidence and fearlessness.


If a guy does not just hug you, but touches your forehead with his forehead, this indicates his high spiritual development and desire to get closer to you. Perhaps something is bothering him and he is trying to get into your head, as it were. Such a relationship can be the beginning of something special in your life.

Hugged and patted on the back

If you are just friends and he hugs you that way, then, alas, nothing will shine for you with him. He is either completely indifferent to you, or too insecure to show his sympathy. But if you are already dating - beware! Perhaps you fell in love with a rare scoundrel. He does not feel sorry for your feelings at all and does not consider it necessary for you to admit something while he is comfortable with you. To test this, just hug him and tell him that you are fine with him. If he nervously pats you on the back, then it's time to reel in the fishing rods!