Dr in the style of lightning mcqueen. "Boyish" birthday script, or Dedicated to numerous fans of the cartoon "Cars"

The cartoon "Cars" has already conquered more than one thousand boys around the world with its plot, and today it is difficult to find a child who does not know who McQueen is. A similar theme chosen as the basis for organizing a birthday party is a win-win, because funny contests on the automotive theme, and even with the mention of their favorite characters, children cannot but like it.

Preparing a birthday in the style of Cars

Invitation cards need to be made based on 6-10 people, this is the number of participants that the scenario below suggests. The approximate age of children is 5-8 years. arrange game program can be in an apartment, in a cafe, on a playground in the yard or on the country lawn.

Decorate the place of celebration

Red, yellow and black balloons, black and white checkered flags, cardboard traffic lights, posters depicting cartoon characters are used for decoration. Any racing paraphernalia will do: helmets, horns, go-karts highways etc. The table can be decorated with flags on skewers.

Cooking treats

Enough is prepared for the table of real racers hearty menu: hot dogs, pizza, barbecue on skewers, french fries. Chocolate covered bagels can symbolize car wheels, apple slices, grapes and toothpicks will make small tasty cars. A themed cake is the main item on the menu, it is made in the shape of McQueen, or another cartoon character beloved by the child. And, of course, don't forget the drinks.

List of required props

For competitions you need to prepare:

  • a racing track on a large piece of cardboard for toy cars;
  • a large traffic light made of colored paper and cardboard, bags of cereals;
  • details for the application "Makvin";
  • tools such as a hammer, screwdriver, as well as a basket and items not related to car repair;
  • a basin with semolina, in which small souvenir toys are buried;
  • two toy trucks, cubes;
  • cards with car emblems;
  • tantamaresque in the form of McQueen (cut out the windshield).

Leading: Greetings, brave riders! Today we take to the track to prove that we are able to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of a dream. But our race today is special: it is dedicated to the birthday of the brave Name of the birthday man. And, therefore, the tasks will be festive, so that you can have plenty of fun. Ready! Then let's get started! The Piston Cup is waiting for you!

speed race

A racing track has been prepared for the participants. To do this, a large piece of cardboard is lined with tracks and placed so that an inclined plane is formed along which small toy cars can easily slide down. Children are divided into groups of three people, races are organized. In each race, the child whose car gets to the end of the track wins. Then the semi-final and the final are arranged.

Leading: Nice racers and all as one fast. But speed is far from the main thing on the road. You also need to know the traffic rules, follow them, for example, stop at traffic lights. Remind me what the colors of the traffic lights mean?

Children answer: "Green - you can go, yellow - get ready, red - stop."

Leading: That's right, and now I'll test your knowledge in action. I must be sure that the Sheriff will not fine you!

Traffic light

On the floor is a traffic light made of cardboard and paper. He should be enough big size so that children can get into the colored circles with bags of cereals. The rules of the game are such that the one who gets on the red circle is out, on the yellow one - gets another try, green - earns a point. The child with the most points wins.

Leading: And now we have to fix McQueen, who, as you know, burst tires in the midst of the Cup.

Application "Makvin"

On the table are the necessary parts to create Lightning McQueen. Children are given paper, glue. The task is not to miss the details and glue the portrait of your favorite hero.

Leading: Super! But after repair, there is always such a mess. Look, all the instruments are mixed up with something incomprehensible, there is even someone's sock lying around! I suggest we clean up Flo's workshop.

put things in order

In a large basket are various tools, which can be useful in the repair of cars mixed with all sorts of things (toys, household items, clothes, etc.). Children must “clear the rubble” in the allotted time, leaving in the basket only what they think should be useful in the repair shop.

Leading: Great, but now I see another problem! Blockage on the road! They probably won't be able to do it without us, we'll have to help. But I hope you don't mind? Real racers are not afraid of difficulties!

Clear blockage

Children are divided into two teams, each is given a truck. In some distance, heaps of cubes are poured. Participants take turns reaching the "blockage", put one cube in the back of the truck and return, passing the baton. So one "pebble" you need to bring everything. The team that can do it the fastest wins.

Leading: Now let's take a break and check how well you are erudite in automotive topics. Ready to show everything you know? I will show you cards with car emblems, and you have to say what they are called. Started!

name the brand

In the hands of the leader is a stack of cards. He takes turns showing pictures with emblems: "Audi", "Volkswagen", "Lexus", etc. If the task turns out to be too easy, you can gradually increase the pace, repeat the cards, thereby confusing and confusing the participants.

Leading: Well, here we are at the finish line. And I have for you small gifts Today is a holiday! But in order to get them, you have to be a bit ... excavators!

Dig up a surprise

Semolina is poured in a large basin, surprises are buried in it. Children, without looking, take out souvenirs by touch, putting their hand into the groats. As gifts, you can use any small toys.

Leading: It remains to be photographed with our Makvin! And then go to the festive table, where, I'm sure, a lot of goodies await you. Happy birthday!

At parting, you can give guests small toy cars so that they are pleased to remember such a fun, wonderful and informative theme day birth.

Happy holiday!

An example of a cake in the style of "Cars"

PREPARATION. To make the holiday a success, you need to prepare invitation cards, coloring books, souvenirs (toys, stationery sets, etc.), disposable tableware- all based on "Wheelbarrows". What exactly from this list you decide to adopt, I leave it to your discretion. Let me tell you what I did:

  • Invitation cards with a picture of McQueen and / or cartoon cars (printed on a computer) and the words: “ Attention! Attention! Hurry up for our holiday - the birthday of (name), which will take place on (date and time)! Among the invitees is himself the winner of the Cup of the Big Piston Lightning McQueen!”(distributed to invited friends a few days before the event)
  • Medals with images of "Wheelbarrows" (I pasted printed pictures on round paper blanks)
  • Coloring pages with cars (bought ready-made, or you can print)
  • Pens, pencil sets, notebooks, stickers - for prizes and surprises (also with "cars", sold in a great variety in stores)
  • Props:
  • for a "traffic light" number - several cardboard boxes(from shoes, for example), glue sticks, paper-cut mugs of red, yellow, green, purple, black, blue flowers- more. For simplicity, the contours of three circles can be pre-drawn on the boxes.
  • for the "bulldozer" competition - a large bowl (basin) with semolina poured to the top, at the bottom of which surprises are hidden for each child
  • for the "signal" competition - festive whistles-tongues, multi-colored air balloons
  • for "races" - several rolls toilet paper
  • For holiday table– cake in the form of a car (“model” yourself or order)

CARRYING OUT. When the invited children gather, look around, get comfortable, leading refers to them: “Welcome to (child’s name) birthday! Seems like everyone is here? Oh no! Where is the main guest - racer McQueen, nicknamed Lightning for his speed?! Maybe something happened to him…”

The telephone (assistant) rings.

Leading:"Hello! Yes, this is an apartment.<имя именинника>. Well, of course we are waiting for you, McQueen! What?"

Then the presenter, shaking his head, hangs up the phone: “ Unfortunately, McQueen was in such a hurry that he mistakenly turned onto some abandoned road. And now, to get to the place, he needs to overcome various difficulties. Guys, are you ready to help him?”

Guests(in chorus): Yes!


Leading:« Here is the first difficulty: it turns out that some kind of device blocked the way for the racer. Guess what it is?" And reads the riddle:

Moving ahead -
Stop and wait:
It is lowered - slow down,
And they will lift - drive!

The first child who guesses correctly is awarded a medal with "Cars" or any of the prepared prizes.

Leading continues: “We guessed the barrier! But this barrier is attached to a faulty traffic light! Can we help fix it?"

Having received an affirmative answer, the presenter distributes cardboard boxes, glue sticks, multi-colored paper mugs. Task: to stick the “correct” color of the mug on the box (traffic light blank). There are two options here: either distribute the boxes to each participant, or divide everyone into pairs and distribute the blanks to each pair so that one child holds the box and the second glues.

When all traffic lights have been “repaired”, evaluated and commented on, medals are given to everyone for Active participation, and the presenter takes out balloons of "traffic light" colors and offers dance game "Traffic light".

Rhythmic music sounds, the guys carefully look at the leader. When he raises a green balloon, everyone dances merrily. If the leader raises a yellow ball, the children gradually slow down their movements, and if it is red, they must stop and not move, despite sounding music. You can deliberately confuse children by holding one ball for a long time, and then quickly change to others.

This cheerful dance is interrupted by another call from a lost guest, and the host talks about his next problem.


Presenter: “Guys, now the road to the wheelbarrow is blocked by a huge pit, which cannot be bypassed in any way! It urgently needs to be covered with sand or earth and leveled! Who knows what transport can help him? Hint in the riddle:

Where they build a new house
A warrior walks with a shield.
Where he passes, it will become smooth,
There will be a level playing field.

When the bulldozer is guessed, the host asks the children: “ And what kind of transport is intended for actions opposite to the bulldozer?

Hand-hands! What in the earth are you looking for?

- I'm not looking for anything, I'm digging the earth and dragging it!(excavator)

Distinguished participants are awarded medals, after which each participant is invited to play the role of an excavator - to rummage in the "sand". The host takes out a bowl of semolina. In turn, each child comes to the bowl, "digs" with one hand into the "sand" and ... finds his surprise there!

After a short pause, devoted to looking at the surprises found, the host again announces McQueen's call.


Leading:“Alas, the rider has a new trouble. With what? Mystery!

Two run away, two catch up, and rest together (four wheel machine)

As soon as the children guess, the host reports that McQueen has a flat tire and needs help pumping it up. Will the guys have enough strength for this? Let's see! Those who wish (consider the age of the children) are given balloons to inflate. All participants receive another medal.

Host: "Wow! McQueen is fine! He rushed forward and began to honk loudly with joy! Guys, let's honk him back!"

And he distributes whistles-tongues or pipes to everyone. Children begin to “honk” with pleasure and rapture, give them 5 minutes for this “noisy” business (be patient, because this is a children’s holiday). At the same time, you can “supervise”: ask the guys to blow as quietly as possible, or louder, or intermittently, or in some other special way.


When the children calm down a bit (or specifically for this), the leader announces: “Guys, our guest has almost arrived! But here's the problem! A whole "bouquet" of festive balloons, which he carried with him, was blown to the roof of a tall building by a gust of wind! What kind of transport can be used to get them?

The one-armed giant raised his hand to the clouds.
He is a very important worker, he is building a multi-storey house

After guessing, the host announces the game "Collect the balls". To do this, balloons (you can use those that were inflated in the last issue) are tied or attached to any tall object in the room. Ideal if you have swedish wall. You can also use helium balloons, which themselves will “fly up” to the ceiling. The boys are invited to act as cranes, get the balls (reach out, climb, jump) and tie them into a “bouquet”.

And finally, the long-awaited moment - the famous red racing car#95 Lightning McQueen appears in the room! More precisely, it appears in the hands of the presenter, and not in one copy. We had A4 cardboard boxes, on which McQueen's images were pasted, printed from a computer in the number of invited children. WITH reverse side A tongue-stop was glued on cardboard so that the machine could stand, and a greeting was written to each boy. You can buy big toy car and present it as an arriving guest, and then at the same time present it to the birthday man. More great option- to take out a birthday cake ordered in the form of a McQueen's car.

In honor of the famous guest racer, the last game-competition is held: "CAR RACE" (well, how could it be without it ?!).

The presenter with an assistant frees up enough space for “races”, unwinds two or three rolls of toilet paper along a curved path, and places obstacles on it in several places (chairs, balls, cubes). At the signal of the leader, the boys in the role of racers race through the “track”, and you need to drive strictly along the road (paper), bypassing obstacles and not colliding with each other. All participants receive medals, and the fastest is awarded an honorary title. "Lightning<имя ребенка>» ! (you can give him a special medal with the appropriate inscription).

Upon completion of our celebratory event all children were given a package with a coloring of "Wheelbarrows" inside. There, too, each satisfied guest put their prizes, medals, whistles, cardboard McQueen. This is how our birthday turned out - fun, interesting, memorable!

What do you wish!

Azhar Mukhamedzhanova
Magazine "Club of Parents Detki.kz" No. 11 (65) November 2014

Birthday boy


Number of guests

steam room (it is desirable that there are both girls and boys).


5-8 years old

Holiday duration

2 hours


Holiday colors

Red, black, white, yellow.


Cakes "Slava Metra", apples in peanuts with chocolate icing "Gasoline Cocktail", cake "Friendship of Racers", caramel, muffins.


Balloons, posters depicting cartoon characters, black and white flags, old car tires.

Thematic entertainment

Games "Autotrack", "Racing", "Red Light, green light»; tasks "Attach wheels to McQueen", "Paint models of cars", "Pack a suitcase".

The main characters of the holiday "Makvina"

A little introductory information for parents uninitiated in the plot of the cartoon. Radiator Paradise is a village located far from the city. It is there that lives the most famous racing car of all time - Lightning McQueen. This car has many friends (including an old rusty, but such a good-natured and charismatic Meter tow truck), and also a beloved girl, Sally's pleasure car. But Lightning also has its rivals. And chief among them, the Italian - Ferrari Francesco Bernoulli. In the cartoon, McQueen gets into various funny (and not so) life stories, scrapes. And only thanks true friends he manages to get "dry out of the water."

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday "Cars of McQueen"

Try to recreate the plot of an animated film. Arrange a real, international race of champions! With obstacles, traps, deceit of rivals! And let real friends help each other! And then - invite them all to a quiet place, a paradise for cars - Radiator Paradise, and treat them to a "Petrol Cocktail" and sandwiches with "Machine" butter! And how to organize and cook all this - we will tell you!


1. Invitations to the holiday in the style of cars

We decided to make invitations for future racers in the form of tickets for the Formula 1 Grand Prix. We found a standard form for such a ticket on the Internet, using Photoshop, we added a photo of the birthday boy and basic information about the date and place of the holiday to the picture. It turned out just great!

Although, if you do not have the opportunity to “upgrade” Formula tickets, you can draw such a touching invitation. The basis is a photocopy of the Cars coloring page (there are now a million different printed variations on the theme of the cartoon on sale).

“Lightning McQueen (who turns _____) is challenging! Who is not afraid to fight him on the track for the Champion's Cup? We are waiting for all fearless racers _______, at __________. Registration of data of participants in the competition by number: ______ (phone number of the parents of the birthday boy who needs to be informed about whether your child will be at the holiday or not).

2. Playground decoration, scenery for real race.

For decorations, everything that concerns automotive topics. Old tires from your "adult" car, repair kits (the guys will probably come in handy at the pit stops of the race), black and white flags (for marking turns on the road), yellow, red, black balloons.

We designed the entrance to the house in a "racing" style. They laid a track - a "runway" for fireballs, put protective buoys. And a huge banner hung over the door, which very eloquently informed about the theme of our holiday party.

Although we decided to choose the backyard as the main place of action. It's cozy, quiet and space for check-in - more than enough. Not far from the “track” (which, by the way, we just drew with chalk on the grass) we also had a festive table.

We painted it in red (Lightning McQueen's favorite color) and installed it right in the middle of a cut of real tires. From these scraps, the favorite of the races, the main super car of the cartoon, looked out. We also covered the chairs with red cloth, and tied them at the back with a black and white ribbon. It turned out great and stylish!

3. Costumes and props for the holiday of McQueen and his friends

Certainly, main task was to create real racing cars for the holiday. At first, we had the idea to buy inflatable cars-circles (there are a lot of such watercrafts for children on sale!). But this option, unfortunately, had to be abandoned, since it absolutely did not fit into our budget. Having collected a little information on this issue, we decided to make the cars ourselves. Here's what we got!

Guess what you need to build such a miracle? Yes, almost nothing! A mountain of old cardboard boxes from electrical appliances, glue, sewing suit tape and gouache packaging! Oh yes, still. Here is the drawing.

And we also made a real autotrack for our riders (here they trained before the decisive world-class race).

This is what concerns the main (and very laborious) props for the holiday. In addition, you will also need wooden models of cartoon cars (they can be ordered via the Internet), paints, brushes, 2 suitcases (children will collect them for international competitions), huge poster with the image of Lightning McQueen (by the way, it is better to glue it to a fiberboard sheet). Oh yes, I almost forgot. Souvenirs! Gifts for rally winners! You can buy all the participants of your holiday these buckets (let them be a kind of basis for souvenirs), and put felt-tip pens, stickers and other symbolic trifles inside.


1. We meet guests

Guests are traditionally met at the door. But to create an atmosphere of a rally world scale, you can arrange a small flash interview for each newly arrived car. For example, yes.

Attention attention! To participate in the final race arrived (we ask the guest to introduce himself, say where he is from, and choose the number with which he will compete in the races). So, we assign number 3 to the participant from Finland (draw the number 3 on the hand with a marker)! Tell me, will you get excited before the upcoming competition? You do not doubt svoyN victory? And so on. Questions.

If the children are lost, and it is difficult for them to answer, prompt them, cheer them up. Our guests, too, at the beginning of the game, were stiff and quiet. And then they broke up so much that it was difficult to stop them, to calm them down!

2. Games and entertainment for real racers

So, all the participants of the race are already assembled! The competition itself will take place in the evening, and now you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the track and practice a little!

Game 1. Autotrack

The essence of the game: the guys let the cars along the tracks of the track.

To be honest, this activity disappointed me a little. First of all, because the children quickly got bored (and we spent so much time and effort on the construction of the track!). Especially - girls. But we quickly found entertainment for our beautiful guests! Offered them to taste cakes with strawberries! Not a single lady could resist! Mom: Attention, attention! All cars are invited to the track for a training run!

Game 2. Red light, green light

Rules: All children line up at the starting line. On a signal (the presenter shows a green sheet of colored paper) - they run towards the finish line. If the host raises a red sheet, you need to stop. Those who did not have time to “slow down” in time return to the beginning of the race. All others continue on the green signal. The winner gets a prize!

And now, we, all together, need to prepare our cars for the final race. What do you think victory depends on? (children answer what they think).

Right. The main thing in victory is the coordinated actions of the whole team. And doctors, and technical staff, and the navigator, and the driver of the car. We have already checked the attentiveness of the drivers. Now it's the turn of the technical service.

Exercise 1. Spin McQueen's wheels (for speed)

For this task, as you already know, we bought a huge poster of Lightning McQueen, and glued it onto a piece of chipboard. Then dad made separate wheels (also with chipboard) and drilled holes in the poster where the wheel nuts should be. The essence of the task was precisely to fasten the wheels to the poster with plastic (or real, as you wish) bolts, hitting the previously prepared holes.

Task 2. Pack your suitcase (for speed)

This is a task for our navigators (on our races they were girls). You must pack your suitcase. In it you should put everything that can come in handy on the road.

The essence of the game- The girls are divided into 2 teams. Each has a suitcase and a bunch of different things. For example, we suggested putting a road map, binoculars, sandwiches, water, a mirror, cosmetics, a helmet, a notebook, money, headphones, soft toy etc. True, the ingenuity of our "navigators" must be given their due! They not only put everything together correctly, but also very quickly!.

Game 3

Now I am sure that you are well prepared for the final race. Please, on the track! We announce the FINAL!

Rules: children have to run along the drawn track from start to finish, dressed in cardboard "racing cars".

On your marks! Attention! March!

I cheered up the children all the time and commented on the “check-in”. It almost turned out for real! And here is our Lightning - the birthday boy has reached the finish line!

» Templates for decorating a birthday in the style of "Cars"

Templates for decorating a birthday in the style of "Cars"

The popular cartoon "Cars" is watched with pleasure not only by children but also by adults.

And if your kid watched this cartoon and even reaches for toy cars, then the Style of "Cars" good choice for birthday decoration.

Templates for decorating a birthday are suitable for both kids from 2 to 4 years old, and for children older than 5-7 years old!

Toddler boys are already half a year old, they like toys cars, cars, and of course cartoons with different cars.

It was not by chance that we chose this style of "Cars" based on the cartoon of the same name for decoration, because there are a lot of good heroes of cars who help each other in Hard time and have fun together at the holiday in the family circle.

For example, Racing car number 8 Dale Earnhardt Jr., Mr. King (Matt Kenseth), participating in NASCAR, McQueen and others.

And of course, the boys are simply delighted with the kind McQueen, the main character.

For any boy who likes these characters,

The birthday of "Cars" is one of the best topics.

Judging by the reviews of the cartoon, the topic deserves attention:

"This cartoon is very good. It has the main thing that boys like, cars, racing, fun adventures."

"Cars are the whole world living machines that can speak, move, experience. The story tells about the narcissistic racer Lightning McQueen, having got into a difficult situation, he learns the main thing, learn to be friends! And become a real hero.

Our designer has prepared templates for decorating a birthday, which can be used to decorate a room, festive dishes, as well as to create a wall newspaper and your other fantasies.

in high resolution - good quality by clicking on the button below.

The template includes:

1. Banner "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in the style of "CARS" with different cartoon characters

13 sheets of A4 format, each with 1 letter with different characters.

image size and specifications JPG | 2480×3425 | 4.97mb | RGB

3. Flags for canapes in the style of "Cars".

image size and specifications JPG | 2480×3425 | 4.70mb | RGB

4. Flags for tubes for juice (cupcakes) in the style of "Cars".

image size and specifications JPG | 2480×3508 | 4.87mb | RGB

5. Bonbonnieres in the style of "Cars" - small boxes for pleasant surprises.

Two types with a background and a template without a background for printing on colored paper.

image size and specifications JPG | 2126×2689 | 1.12mb | RGB

6. Template for making caps in the style of "Cars"

image size and specifications JPG | 3445×1979 | 3.54mb | RGB

7. 9 photo frames in the style of "Cars" you can add photos of the baby in the graphics program.

And use them for wall newspapers or just to decorate the room.

image size and specifications JPG | 1200×933 | 649kb | RGB

Usage example:

8. Element for decoration "License plate for a car - Russia"

image size and specifications JPG | 3690×800 | 34.4mb | RGB

Get templates for decorating a birthday in the style of "Cars",

in high resolution - good quality, in .png format

You can click on the button below.

Happy birthday to your baby! And great mood!

You can also just buy a kit for decorating the birthday of "Cars"
Kit price 599rub.


« A set of attributes for decorating a birthday in the style of "Cars",
You can choose Yandex.Money or a bank card.

You can order the production of wall newspapers, birthday invitations, invitations to other celebrations, flags for juice tubes, bonbonnieres, flags for canapés various kinds- flowers, leaves, hearts, flags, mustaches, Christmas trees, apples, suns, circles ... different colors and patterns to order according to your desire.

Order: Send an application to e-mail: [email protected] website

Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief and say that the day before yesterday (Saturday, October 13) we celebrated Artyom's 3rd birthday. My husband and I were preparing, I searched the Internet in search of contests for children of our age, my husband took over the design of the room ... it was not easy, because we decided to make the birthday thematic (of course, CARS are our everything!), dedicated to everything related to cars. Only children were invited, no mothers. Mothers were allowed to stay for the first 10 minutes to adapt the child to the situation. There were 3 Sofia, Nastya, Masha and Tyoma at the celebration. Our guy was surrounded by beautiful girls and felt great! Dad made sure that all the invitees found their way to our 3rd anniversary celebration. There was a poster at the entrance, and small printed cars were pasted on the stairs, indicating the direction to go.
It was decided not to make any hearty dishes, because children who are passionate about games and competitions do not want to sit over their plates for a long time. On the table we had:
- fruit canape (bananas, oranges, grapes, pineapple)

- boats with cheese sails

- ladybugs on a leaf

stuffed wafer rolls

oh and CAKE

There was also grapes, but the children did not notice them. With the cake, I myself decided to get confused, although the process was fascinating for me, but long to be honest. The main thing is that Tyoma was delighted! By the way, the taste was also excellent. The idea was taken from here

I held all the competitions, so it was not possible to take pictures ... oh, but there are a lot of videos. My beloved husband helped me in everything and tried to avoid long hitches between competitions. When the guests began to approach (we were lucky that there were 7-10 minutes between the arrival of the guests), I began to make face painting for the invited guests.
I used leeho Body Art felt-tip pens, bought in children's world for 245r. I liked the felt-tip pens-pencils themselves, but I would like them to be thinner, because thin lines look much more neat and it is more convenient to apply a drawing. But the main drawback of this set is the lack of a black felt-tip pen. Each child chose a drawing himself (I printed it out on 2 sheets in advance interesting ideas for watercolor). By the beginning of the holiday, everyone was painted.

And there must be a mirror in the room, otherwise the kids will not be able to look at their loved ones. All the action was accompanied by cheerful, children's music.
So, we were able to hold such COMPETITIONS, maybe our contests will be useful to someone, because inviting an animator is not cheap and stranger may be met with disbelief. The video is a bit dark, especially in the corridor, but there is no other way.
1. Traffic light.
We check whether everyone knows well the rule of crossing the road with a traffic light. We ask questions: What light can pedestrians cross the road? And which one can't? What does the yellow eye of a traffic light mean? Do you remember what order the colors go in? Let each of you make a traffic light for yourself.
6 leaflets were prepared in advance with drawn circles for gluing circles: red, yellow and Green colour. For clarity, they put a toy traffic light on the table. Everyone was given brushes and glue.
2. Competition with a car on.
Get into the car (we built a car in the form of a McQueen and a master out of boxes, glued them with paper, painted them), take the side handles and run to the chair, run around the chair and back.
My husband (he was our traffic police inspector) even once stopped the oldest girl for speeding. All the children looked with surprised eyes. They also used a pulverizer and sprayed rain on passing cars.
3. Collect a picture from 4 cubes. We had 2 sets of cubes, so we collected a little competing in 2 participants. I immediately put the cube on the right side for the kids, only it was necessary to dock them correctly, and the oldest girl (5 years old) did not help at all, she mastered everything herself and quickly enough.
Cubes again with cars from the cartoon.
Someone completed this task slowly, someone rather quickly, but everyone coped.
4. Who is the most dexterous.
Give out buckets to 2-3 participants and scatter the wheels (we had lids). We tell you that an earthquake occurred in the store and all the wheels sold in this store rolled into the corners. We need help picking them up. You can scatter them under chairs, under tables, so that it is not so easy to get them .. Whoever collects more wheels in his bucket is the most dexterous one. We took them out and counted, whoever could count helped me.

Of course, after 4-5 contests, everyone should be rewarded for diligence and demonstrated abilities. Everyone cuts a present for himself with scissors. It is noteworthy that everyone who cut off a gift for themselves did not take gifts from the middle, only from the edge where they cut off the previous one. We bought small cars, puzzles, hematogen, bubble. All gifts were wrapped in the form of sweets and tied to a stretched rope. Everyone had the same gifts, i.e. if the children were awarded for the first time, then only with cars, in the second - only with hematogen, in the third - only with soap bubbles .... etc. So that no one is offended. I want to note that children at this age of 3-5 years are better not to compete with each other, so as not to discourage participation. I didn’t single out the “most-most”, I praised and supported everyone, even if something didn’t work out too well.

5. Draw a car and give it a name. The topic was drawn in 5 seconds, and then I finished drawing the flasher, the driver. And one girl admitted that she couldn't draw cars. My beloved husband helped her with pleasure.

After a while, we decided that we needed to have a bite to eat. The snack took 10 minutes, no more. The children took a sandwich, ate it, washed it down with compote and continued to play. The most interesting thing is that everyone grabbed a ladybug sandwich, and then one of the girls said that they didn’t eat butter and immediately everyone started saying that they didn’t eat .......... oh those repeaters ..

6. Cars on strings.
For the competition, you need two machines, a thread and some object similar to a spool of thread (you can use a marker), but larger in diameter (to make it easier for children to twist). We tie the cars to ropes of the same length, and tie the other end to the coil (you can take thick markers). We put the cars at the start and, having untwisted the thread, we retreat to the "finish" line. For one, two, three, each participant twists the marker in his hands, thereby winding the thread around it and the machine approaches the finish line.
My husband said that this competition is too difficult for children, but they did it! Children from 3 (Artem is the smallest) to 5 years old.

7. DPS nickname and offenders..
From the foam rubber, make a DPS nickname stick and put three rings of black cardboard on it (the rings should be smaller in diameter so that they do not jump off and hold on) to get a striped stick. We give everyone a soft rod to touch, and for demonstration, you can hit someone on the top of the head.
One player becomes a DPS nickname, and all the rest are intruders who must be stopped by touching them with a wand. Then someone else becomes the DPS nickname.

8. Whose car is the fastest.
We put all the available cars on the chair. We ask everyone to come closer to the chair and in turn let us choose a typewriter with eyes closed, having previously twisted the baby around its axis, in order to knock down his landmark. Everyone now has a car of their choice. We place all the children in one line and ask them to squat down, holding the typewriter in front of them. At the expense of 1-2-3-with force, they all launch their super-bolides forward at once, whose car has gone further, that one is the fastest. It was fun! Launched with such force that there were accidents and collisions. We all this loudly and cheerfully voiced.

And then Tyoma offered to drive cars in the corridor and all the girls supported! Everyone took a typewriter and went to roll them into the corridor with sounds, and in the meantime I took a breath and got ready for the next competition. Thank you, Temic! So my husband and I weren't the only ones who came up with entertainment for the guests..

10. Cars and their garages (selection by color)
I have had this game for a long time, Tyoma was probably 1.6g somewhere when we played it, and now we all played it together with pleasure. On the floor, I laid out the garages ajar, and all the cars were on the chair, everyone came up and chose a car and looked for a garage of the same color. There was a slight difficulty, there were two shades of blue, green and red. The guys made one mistake, just with a red tint there was a mix-up.

When the second gifts were presented, one of the girls guessed that they were soap bubbles and we decided to make a soap commotion. We took out soap bubbles from a candy wrapper and everyone blew as best they could, and then my husband and I blew, and we all caught.

11. Tunnel.
I had an idea to sew it from fabric, but then we remembered that our friends have a purchased children's tunnel with a house. They asked him to bring him.
Every car that drives around the city at least once drove into a dark place, what do you think? And here is our tunnel! No one beat to ride through the tunnel? Then forward, the most daring!
The children, together with the cars, crawled into the tunnel. And sometimes someone tickled and bit them while they crawled through the tunnel.

12. Truck and construction site.
For the competition, we needed a truck with a folding body, a rope to carry it for it and counting sticks (we had it, but you could take any sticks).
The truck is carrying building materials to the construction site, but its task is not to lose anything, otherwise the house will not be completed. Everyone tries their hand and carefully drives a loaded truck by a rope to the construction site (there we have a small cube - the foundation of the house).

13. Building a long road.
Having finished the previous competition, everyone must announce that the road (or bridge) on which the car drove has broken. It is necessary to help the machine - to build a road. We take the same sticks (fortunately there were a lot of them) and build a long road with all 12 hands!
After the construction, Artyom drove the car along with me along the new road!

14. Launch of inflatable rockets.
We inflated sausage balls and began to launch them as high as possible! Then the children began to fight with them, kept them on the nose, on the head!

I still had a couple of competitions in stock, but we decided that almost 3 hours of entertainment was hilarious enough for them and got the long-awaited cake.
The whole holiday was, in my opinion, fun and fervently, Temik accepted gifts at the end of the holiday (we decided that it was better not to distract him and those invited from the very beginning). For the holiday, a balloon with gas was bought for inflating balloons (in Auchan), because we know that if you inflate the balloons long before the holiday, they will go down without waiting for the start.
We gave Tyomka a children's spyglass, an interactive poster about space and a Living Mathematics poster, and of course a car. It turned out to be too long to describe the whole process, but I hope you were interested in reading and watching.
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