Circle "workshop of miracles". The working program of the circle on the application "paper symphony"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22" Blue bird"combined view"

Circle planning " magic paper" V middle group No. 1 "Butterflies" for 2014-2015 academic year.

Educators: Zinchenko. T.N

Solovyov. A.G

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process preschool and is its priority. For aesthetic development The personality of the child is of great importance for a variety of artistic activities - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. important task aesthetic education is the formation in children of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creativity. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is paper plastic and origami. In this regard, MDOU introduced circle classes in this direction, which is carried out by the teacher of the middle group.

Application- one of the most popular types of needlework, which is of interest modern children and even adults. And devotion to this type of needlework continues to grow, because it is not only fashionable, but also practical, to own and use a thing made by oneself!

It would seem that a sheet of paper, newspaper, glue, cardboard - simple materials, plus your imagination - that's what makes a child spend his free time for this occupation. The appliqué is evolving from manual labor to a way of life. The child, by means of paper or any other material, expresses his attitude to the world around him. This type manual labor helps the child to realize his impressions of the world outlook.

The component of the new GEF determines a personality-oriented model of interaction, the development of the child's personality, his creativity. In this regard, the educators developed a program of circle work aimed at shaping the creative potential of children.

Purpose of the program- the development of the creative abilities of children, by means of paper plastics and origami, the development of imagination, thinking; formation of creative outlook; education of aesthetic qualities of students; instilling interest in manual labor.


1. Teach techniques and how to create various crafts from paper.

2. To form sensory abilities, purposeful analytical and synthetic perception of the created object, a generalized idea of ​​homogeneous objects and similar methods of their creation.

3. Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in club activities, as well as the gradual development of various types of paper plastics and origami by children.

4. To form the ability to evaluate created objects, to develop emotional responsiveness.

5. Raise children's interest in paper plastic and origami.

6. Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

7. To cultivate a culture of activity, to form the skills of cooperation.

8. Develop skills decorative arts.

9. Promote the development of small muscles of the hands, imagination and fantasy.

The program involves one lesson per week in the first or second half of the day. Lesson duration: 20 minutes - average group.

In the classroom, verbal, practical methods, visibility is used.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual.

Requirements for UUD when working in the circle "Magic Paper".


    TB rules;

    the name and purpose of the tools needed when working on the application;

    communication rules;

    names and properties of materials that students use in their work;

Be able to:

    observe, compare, make simple generalizations;

    distinguish materials according to their purpose;

    qualitatively perform the studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products;

    safe use and storage of cutting and piercing tools.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections:

1. Theatrical activity. Making gifts for fairytale heroes, characters, masks and costumes for dramatization.

2. « Physical Culture». The use of crafts in the design for the holidays, entertainment.

3.« Musical education». Use of crafts in decoration for the holidays, musical arrangement to create a mood and a better understanding of the image, expressing one's own feelings.

4. "The Development of Speech". The use of art in the classroom, the creation of crafts for fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems.

5. "Getting to Know the Surroundings" Expanding horizons in the process of various observations, excursions, classes to get acquainted with the environment (people, nature, the world), as well as acquaintance with the structure of objects, objects.

6. "Visual activity", where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations related to the topic of the lesson, learn to draw different materials, combine colors in tone and shades.

Block 1 - "Magic Stripes"

Block 2 - "Games with paper"

Block 3 - " Torn paper»

Block 4 - "Crumpled Paper"

Block 5 - "Volumetric application"

Block 6 - "Consolidation of the material covered"

Thematic plan for children of the middle group.

Month block.


Dow component


Related forms of work

"Magic Stripes"

Flowers from two crosses.

Teach children to glue a flower from two crosses.

Paper plastic. Develop a sense of rhythm and color.

Snowflake flowers.

Introduce children to a new way of making flowers.

The development of creativity, imagination.

strips of paper different color

Learning the round dance "Flowers" (music by Bakhudova)

flower garland .

To consolidate the ability of children to glue a flower from two crosses, to make a garland of flowers.

Paper plastic. Developing a sense of rhythm and color in a garland.

Strips of paper of different colors, flowers from two crosses, Aster flowers.

Development of decorative design skills.

November. "Games with paper"

Such different paper. Twist…

Teach children to turn paper into a spyglass, a cylinder.

Introduce children to the different properties and types of paper.

Sheets of paper, colored pencils, boat.

A lesson in getting to know the environment.

Roll up...

Teach how to twist paper bags, make a nose, horns, a flower.

Introduce a new way of handling paper: folding

Colored sheets of paper, objects from the corner of the carving.

theatrical activity. Russian folk tale Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Roll up…

Show how to play with paper - rolling. Make a tower out of pipes.

Help develop design skills.

Colored sheets of paper, pyramid, cubes.

The development of speech. Memorization of A. Akhundova's poem "Steps".


Learn how to fold paper. Make an accordion, a butterfly.

Develop finger motor skills, introduce a new way of manipulating paper.

Colored sheets of paper, glue, thread, musical instruments: harmonica, drum, glockenspiel.

Musical education. Learning the song "I play the harmonica ..."


Making an octopus.

Learn how to fold paper.

colored paper, drawing of an octopus.

Physical Culture. Finger game "Octopussy".

"Torn paper"

A gift for mom in the form of a heart in the palm of a child.

Introduction to corrugated paper and the new crumpled paper technique

To consolidate the ability to roll and twist paper, to develop the small muscles of the hands.

Red corrugated paper, blank of a child's palm.

Preparing gifts for mom, as well as learning songs and poems for the holiday "Mom's Day"

Create from torn colored pieces of a giraffe.

Teach children to create a composition from pieces of paper. Develop finger motor skills.

Pieces of colored paper, torn from the sheets and matched to the shape, soft toy- giraffe

The development of speech. Learning a rhyme about a giraffe.

Make an applique penguin from pieces of torn paper.

To promote the development of design skills, imagination.

Colored paper of various colors, landscape sheet, glue, brushes, pencils, napkins

Acquaintance with the outside world

Talk about what birds are.

Gift for parents for the New Year.

Make a snowman applique from cotton pads.

Development of creativity, imagination

Cotton pads, colored paper, postcards.

Learning verses for New Year theme. Learning roles for the New Year holiday.

"Repetition of the material covered"


Gluing snowflakes from strips.

Raise interest in paper plastic. Stick snowflakes on the windows for the holiday.

Colored strips of thick paper of different colors, dressing items for the New Year holiday.

theatrical activity. Viewing and drawing snowflakes.

Carnival glasses.

Making and decorating carnival glasses.

Raise interest in paper plastic.

blanks carnival masks, colored paper, cotton.

theatrical activity.



Making a snowman using the Crumpled Paper method, getting to know corrugated paper.

Creation festive mood and decoration of the group.

Colored paper, corrugated paper, snowman toy, glue, snow.

Experienced - experimental activity"Snow melting"

Making a Christmas tree and its decorations using the Crumpled Paper method

Creating a festive mood and decorating the reception area.

Colored paper, corrugated paper, glue, Christmas tree toy.

Ecological education: “What will happen if each of us cuts down one Christmas tree?” Learning the poem by I. Tokmakova “Live, Christmas tree”


Making a turtle.

Fix the studied method of application: crumpled paper. Develop imagination.

Sheets and pieces of corrugated paper, glue, brush.

The development of speech. Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Golden Key".

Traffic light

Making a traffic light using the “Crumpled Paper” method, fixing this method.

Traffic Laws.

Traffic light toy, cars, colored corrugated paper.

SDA "Pedestrian crossing". Education of emotional responsiveness

March. "Volumetric application"


Learn to glue a caterpillar from several balls of the same size.

Paper plastic. Development of imagination through education of observation

Several strips of the same size for the manufacture of three-dimensional figures.

Education of respect for wildlife.

Strengthening the skills of gluing from strips.

Watching aquarium fish. Paper plastic.

Colored paper, strips of colored paper of different colors and sizes, glue, scissors.

The development of speech. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish" by A.S. Pushkin.


Teach how to glue a chicken from two balls of the same size.

strips of colored yellow paper different sizes, glue.

Raising respect for animals. Drawing "Chickens walk in the grass."

To teach children how to make a three-dimensional application - a bus, to consolidate the ability to use scissors, the ability to bend cardboard.

Paper plastic. The development of imagination through the education of observation.

Develop finger motor skills.

Cardboard, 4 squares, to get the wheels of the bus.

Reading the fairy tale by Oleg Itsekson "About the bus Bystrik".

April. "Consolidation of the material covered"

Making a butterfly out of crumpled paper.

To promote the assimilation of skills in working with crumpled paper, to develop aesthetic perception, small muscles of the hands.

Colored paper, glue, brush, sheet of paper, pictures of summer, butterflies, net.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Drawing butterflies in your free time.

Multicolored rug.

To consolidate the ability of children to “correctly” tear paper. Create a colorful rug.

Introduce children to such an appliqué technique as torn paper.

Multicolored colored paper.

Artistic education. “We will have a rainbow”, reading poems about a rainbow and colors.

Toy "Bunny"

Strengthen the ability to properly use scissors and glue

Develop aesthetic perception, small muscles of the hands.

Multi-colored colored paper, bunny base blanks.

theatrical activity. Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Joint discount of children on the topic: “Summer is coming soon ...”

Show the children how to make a framed picture together. Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Teach children to create a composition from pieces of paper. Develop finger motor skills

Sheet of A3 paper, pieces of colored paper, PVA glue, brush, postcards, picture in a frame.

Artistic education. To develop artistic and aesthetic taste when considering the works of great Russian artists.



To consolidate the ability to correctly bend colored paper, cutting off two corners at once, carefully use scissors and glue

To teach children to design their work beautifully, to develop an aesthetic taste and fantasy.

Multi-colored colored paper, blanks of work elements.

Development of decorative design skills, careful attitude to one's work.

Analysis of the results of diagnosing the level of development of fine motor skills in children preschool age mug: "Magic paper"

The purpose of the diagnosis: to identify the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands, through productive activities.

Diagnosis period: from 05/10/15 to 05/18/15.

The diagnosis involved: 26 children.

To obtain diagnostic results, the following methods and techniques were used:

Conversations, games, art word;

Specially organized classes(circle) by manual skill - application,

Independent productive activity of children;

Exhibitions, making gifts.

Diagnostic criteria are developed on the basis of the tasks of circle work and the manual skill of children, the accumulated practical experience of the child, and their individual characteristics. The criteria are listed in the table. The criteria were divided into areas: the development of fine motor skills of the movements of the hand, fingers and the quality of the development of productive labor by the child. Diagnostic data processed and received following results on the development of fine motor skills in children and the development of quality productive activity.

The following levels of development of children have been identified:

2- low level of development.

3-satisfactory level of development.

4-medium level of development.

5-high level of development.

Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands through the productive activities of preschool children, at the end of the 2014-15 academic year, the circle "Magic Paper"

F.I baby

Knows how to work

Table of results for the 2014-2015 academic year

Criteria for the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements

Criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

The hands have good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of hand movements has disappeared.

Proficient in working with scissors and glue.

Shows interest in practical activities improves technical skills and work skills (motor development)

Knows how to work

Independently determines the sequence of work.

Uses his constructive solutions in the process of work.

Shows the level of imagination and fantasy. Does the job as intended
























































































Summary table of results for the 2014-2015 academic year

Criteria for the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements

Criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

Considering the diagnostics according to the criteria of the direction, we have the following results:

On the development of fine motor skills of movements of the hand, fingers:

Low level- 5% (Children experience difficulties in all criteria for the development of fine motor skills of the hands).

Satisfactory level of development - 38%(In children, coordination of both hands, coordination of actions of the hand and eye, visual control is difficult);

Intermediate - 22% (Children, relatively good use of work methods, cope with tasks with the help of an adult)

High level - 29%, ( Possess skills and abilities to work with tools , show interest in practical activities.

According to the criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

low level- No.

Satisfactory level of development-40% Children experience difficulties in terms of all quality criteria for mastering productive activities (in children due to age: skills are not formed, they are 4 years old; due to absences from preschool due to illness, for no reason.)

Average level - 32% .

High level - 32%, Children have an idea about the material from which the craft is made. , With independently determine the sequence of work.

There is a well-known pedagogical rule: if you want a child to learn something, ensure his first success. If the child feels success, he will try even harder, as the proverb says, "A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress." Therefore, in our circle work, the principle from the simplest to the complex was observed. Thanks to this, the children were in a situation of success, self-confidence. With a desire and desire to start new work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the development of fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children will occur faster and more efficiently if you use different types activities. Purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children through productive work has given positive result: children are more and more confident working in familiar techniques; make movements with fingers more accurately, children have become more concentrated, attentive, independent. Their work has acquired a conscious, meaningful and purposeful character.

To improve the work on this problem, we have outlined the following prospects:

Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills in next year;

Continue introducing children to various techniques productive activity;

Follow new developments, manuals, literature in the field of development of fine motor skills in children;

Communicate with family;

Continue the work of the "Magic Paper" circle.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 22 "Blue Bird" combined type"

Planning the "Magic Paper" circle in the middle group No. 1 "Butterflies" for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Educators: Zinchenko. T.N

Solovyov. A.G

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of a child's personality, various artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. An important task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities in children. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is paper plastic and origami. In this regard, circle classes in this direction have been introduced at the MDOU, which are conducted by the teacher of the middle group.

Application- one of the most popular types of needlework, which is of interest to modern children and even adults. And devotion to this type of needlework continues to grow, because it is not only fashionable, but also practical, to own and use a thing made by oneself!

It would seem that a sheet of paper, newspaper, glue, cardboard are simple materials, plus your imagination is what makes a child spend his free time on this activity. The appliqué is evolving from manual labor to a way of life. The child, by means of paper or any other material, expresses his attitude to the world around him. This type of manual labor helps the child to realize his impressions of the worldview.

The component of the new GEF determines the personality-oriented model of interaction, the development of the personality of the child, his creative potential. In this regard, the educators developed a program of circle work aimed at shaping the creative potential of children.

Purpose of the program- the development of the creative abilities of children, by means of paper plastics and origami, the development of imagination, thinking; formation of creative outlook; education of aesthetic qualities of students; instilling an interest in manual labor.


1. Teach techniques and methods for creating various paper crafts.

2. To form sensory abilities, purposeful analytical and synthetic perception of the created object, a generalized idea of ​​homogeneous objects and similar methods of their creation.

3. To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in circle activities, as well as the gradual development of various types of paper plastics and origami by children.

4. To form the ability to evaluate created objects, to develop emotional responsiveness.

5. Raise children's interest in paper plastic and origami.

6. Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

7. To cultivate a culture of activity, to form the skills of cooperation.

8. Develop decorative art skills.

9. Promote the development of small muscles of the hands, imagination and fantasy.

The program involves one lesson per week in the first or second half of the day. Lesson duration: 20 minutes - average group.

In the classroom, verbal, practical methods, visibility is used.

Forms of work: collective, group, individual.

Requirements for UUD when working in the circle "Magic Paper".


    TB rules;

    the name and purpose of the tools needed when working on the application;

    communication rules;

    names and properties of materials that students use in their work;

Be able to:

    observe, compare, make simple generalizations;

    distinguish materials according to their purpose;

    qualitatively perform the studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products;

    safe use and storage of cutting and piercing tools.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections:

1. Theatrical activity. Creating gifts for fairy-tale heroes, characters, masks and costumes for dramatization.

2. "Physical Culture". The use of crafts in the design for the holidays, entertainment.

3."Musical education". The use of crafts in decoration for the holidays, musical accompaniment to create a mood and a better understanding of the image, expressing one's own feelings.

4. "The Development of Speech". The use of art in the classroom, the creation of crafts for fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems.

5. "Getting to Know the Surroundings" Expanding horizons in the process of various observations, excursions, classes to get acquainted with the environment (people, nature, the world), as well as acquaintance with the structure of objects, objects.

6. "Visual activity", where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations related to the topic of the lesson, learn to draw with different materials, combine colors in tone and shades.

Block 1 - "Magic Stripes"

Block 2 - "Games with paper"

Block 3 - "Ripped Paper"

Block 4 - "Crumpled Paper"

Block 5 - "Volumetric application"

Block 6 - "Consolidation of the material covered"

Thematic plan for children of the middle group.

Month block.


Dow component


Related forms of work

"Magic Stripes"

Flowers from two crosses.

Teach children to glue a flower from two crosses.

Paper plastic. Develop a sense of rhythm and color.

Snowflake flowers.

Introduce children to a new way of making flowers.

The development of creativity, imagination.

Strips of paper in different colors

Learning the round dance "Flowers" (music by Bakhudova)

flower garland .

To consolidate the ability of children to glue a flower from two crosses, to make a garland of flowers.

Paper plastic. Developing a sense of rhythm and color in a garland.

Strips of paper of different colors, flowers from two crosses, Aster flowers.

Development of decorative design skills.

November. "Games with paper"

Such a different paper. Twist…

Teach children to turn paper into a spyglass, a cylinder.

Introduce children to the different properties and types of paper.

Sheets of paper, colored pencils, boat.

A lesson in getting to know the environment.

Roll up...

Teach how to twist paper bags, make a nose, horns, a flower.

Introduce a new way of handling paper: folding

Colored sheets of paper, objects from the corner of the carving.

theatrical activity. Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Roll up…

Show how to play with paper - rolling. Make a tower out of pipes.

Help develop design skills.

Colored sheets of paper, pyramid, cubes.

The development of speech. Memorization of A. Akhundova's poem "Steps".


Learn how to fold paper. Make an accordion, a butterfly.

Develop finger motor skills, introduce a new way of manipulating paper.

Colored sheets of paper, glue, thread, musical instruments: accordion, drum, metallophone.

Musical education. Learning the song "I play the harmonica ..."


Making an octopus.

Learn how to fold paper.

Colored paper, drawing of an octopus.

Physical Culture. Finger game "Octopussy".

"Torn paper"

A gift for mom in the form of a heart in the palm of a child.

Introduction to corrugated paper and the new crumpled paper technique

To consolidate the ability to roll and twist paper, to develop the small muscles of the hands.

Red corrugated paper, blank of a child's palm.

Preparing gifts for mom, as well as learning songs and poems for the holiday "Mom's Day"

Create from torn colored pieces of a giraffe.

Teach children to create a composition from pieces of paper. Develop finger motor skills.

Pieces of colored paper torn from sheets and matched to shape, soft toy - giraffe

The development of speech. Learning a rhyme about a giraffe.

Make an applique penguin from pieces of torn paper.

To promote the development of design skills, imagination.

Colored paper of various colors, landscape sheet, glue, brushes, pencils, napkins

Acquaintance with the outside world

Talk about what birds are.

Gift for parents for the New Year.

Make a snowman applique from cotton pads.

Development of creativity, imagination

Cotton pads, colored paper, postcards.

Learning poems on the New Year theme. Learning roles for the New Year holiday.

"Repetition of the material covered"


Gluing snowflakes from strips.

Raise interest in paper plastic. Stick snowflakes on the windows for the holiday.

Colored strips of thick paper of different colors, dressing items for the New Year holiday.

theatrical activity. Viewing and drawing snowflakes.

Carnival glasses.

Making and decorating carnival glasses.

Raise interest in paper plastic.

Blanks for carnival masks, colored paper, cotton wool.

theatrical activity.



Making a snowman using the Crumpled Paper method, getting to know corrugated paper.

Creating a festive mood and decorating the group.

Colored paper, corrugated paper, snowman toy, glue, snow.

Experimental - experimental activity "Snow melting"

Making a Christmas tree and its decorations using the Crumpled Paper method

Creating a festive mood and decorating the reception area.

Colored paper, corrugated paper, glue, Christmas tree toy.

Ecological education: “What will happen if each of us cuts down one Christmas tree?” Learning the poem by I. Tokmakova “Live, Christmas tree”


Making a turtle.

Fix the studied method of application: crumpled paper. Develop imagination.

Sheets and pieces of corrugated paper, glue, brush.

The development of speech. Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale "The Golden Key".

Traffic light

Making a traffic light using the “Crumpled Paper” method, fixing this method.

Traffic Laws.

Traffic light toy, cars, colored corrugated paper.

SDA "Pedestrian crossing". Education of emotional responsiveness

March. "Volumetric application"


Learn to glue a caterpillar from several balls of the same size.

Paper plastic. Development of imagination through education of observation

Several strips of the same size for the manufacture of three-dimensional figures.

Education of respect for wildlife.

Strengthening the skills of gluing from strips.

Observation of aquarium fish. Paper plastic.

Colored paper, strips of colored paper of different colors and sizes, glue, scissors.

The development of speech. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish" by A.S. Pushkin.


Teach how to glue a chicken from two balls of the same size.

Strips of colored yellow paper of different sizes, glue.

Raising respect for animals. Drawing "Chickens walk in the grass."

To teach children how to make a three-dimensional application - a bus, to consolidate the ability to use scissors, the ability to bend cardboard.

Paper plastic. The development of imagination through the education of observation.

Develop finger motor skills.

Cardboard, 4 squares, to get the wheels of the bus.

Reading the fairy tale by Oleg Itsekson "About the bus Bystrik".

April. "Consolidation of the material covered"

Making a butterfly out of crumpled paper.

To promote the assimilation of skills in working with crumpled paper, to develop aesthetic perception, small muscles of the hands.

Colored paper, glue, brush, sheet of paper, pictures of summer, butterflies, net.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Drawing butterflies in your free time.

Multicolored rug.

To consolidate the ability of children to “correctly” tear paper. Create a colorful rug.

Introduce children to such an appliqué technique as torn paper.

Multicolored colored paper.

Artistic education. “We will have a rainbow”, reading poems about a rainbow and colors.

Toy "Bunny"

Strengthen the ability to properly use scissors and glue

Develop aesthetic perception, small muscles of the hands.

Multi-colored colored paper, bunny base blanks.

theatrical activity. Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut"

Joint discount of children on the topic: “Summer is coming soon ...”

Show the children how to make a framed picture together. Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Teach children to create a composition from pieces of paper. Develop finger motor skills

Sheet of A3 paper, pieces of colored paper, PVA glue, brush, postcards, picture in a frame.

Artistic education. To develop artistic and aesthetic taste when considering the works of great Russian artists.



To consolidate the ability to correctly bend colored paper, cutting off two corners at once, carefully use scissors and glue

To teach children to design their work beautifully, to develop an aesthetic taste and fantasy.

Multi-colored colored paper, blanks of work elements.

Development of decorative design skills, careful attitude to one's work.

Analysis of the results of diagnosing the level of development of fine motor skills in preschool children of the circle: "Magic Paper"

The purpose of the diagnosis: to identify the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands, through productive activities.

Diagnosis period: from 05/10/15 to 05/18/15.

The diagnosis involved: 26 children.

To obtain diagnostic results, the following methods and techniques were used:

Conversations, games, art word;

Specially organized classes (circle) in manual skill - application,

Independent productive activity of children;

Exhibitions, making gifts.

Diagnostic criteria are developed on the basis of the tasks of circle work and the manual skill of children, the accumulated practical experience of the child, and their individual characteristics. The criteria are listed in the table. The criteria were divided into areas: the development of fine motor skills of the movements of the hand, fingers and the quality of the development of productive labor by the child. The diagnostic data were processed and the following results were obtained on the development of fine motor skills of hands in children and the development of the quality of productive activity.

The following levels of development of children have been identified:

2- low level of development.

3-satisfactory level of development.

4-medium level of development.

5-high level of development.

Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands through the productive activities of preschool children, at the end of the 2014-15 academic year, the circle "Magic Paper"

F.I baby

Knows how to work

Table of results for the 2014-2015 academic year

Criteria for the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements

Criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

The hands have good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of hand movements has disappeared.

Proficient in working with scissors and glue.

Shows interest in practical activities, improves technical skills and work skills (motor development)

Knows how to work

Independently determines the sequence of work.

Uses his constructive solutions in the process of work.

Shows the level of imagination and fantasy. Does the job as intended
























































































Summary table of results for the 2014-2015 academic year

Criteria for the development of fine motor skills of hand and finger movements

Criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

Considering the diagnostics according to the criteria of the direction, we have the following results:

On the development of fine motor skills of movements of the hand, fingers:

Low level- 5% (Children experience difficulties in all criteria for the development of fine motor skills of the hands).

Satisfactory level of development - 38%(In children, coordination of both hands, coordination of actions of the hand and eye, visual control is difficult);

Intermediate - 22% (Children, relatively good use of work methods, cope with tasks with the help of an adult)

High level - 29%, ( Possess skills and abilities to work with tools , show interest in practical activities.

According to the criteria for the quality of the development of productive activities by the child

low level- No.

Satisfactory level of development-40% Children experience difficulties in terms of all quality criteria for mastering productive activities (in children due to age: skills are not formed, they are 4 years old; due to absences from preschool due to illness, for no reason.)

Average level - 32% .

High level - 32%, Children have an idea about the material from which the craft is made. , With independently determine the sequence of work.

There is a well-known pedagogical rule: if you want a child to learn something, ensure his first success. If the child feels success, he will try even harder, as the proverb says, "A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress." Therefore, in our circle work, the principle from the simplest to the complex was observed. Thanks to this, the children were in a situation of success, self-confidence. With a desire and desire to start new work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the development of fine motor skills of fingers in preschool children will occur faster and more efficiently if different types of activities are used. Purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children through productive work has yielded a positive result: children are more and more confident working in familiar techniques; make movements with fingers more accurately, children have become more concentrated, attentive, independent. Their work has acquired a conscious, meaningful and purposeful character.

To improve the work on this problem, we have outlined the following prospects:

Continue to work on the development of fine motor skills next year;

Continue to acquaint children with various techniques of productive activity;

Follow new developments, manuals, literature in the field of development of fine motor skills in children;

Communicate with family;

Continue the work of the "Magic Paper" circle.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 308 of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children »



in the middle group "Malvina"


MBDOU No. 308

Rudakova A.Yu.


At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering with joy and surprise the world. The child aspires to vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, and vice versa: to promote its further development. The fuller and more diverse the children's activity, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities and the first creative manifestations are realized.. One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child isvisual activity, in particular, application. Application in kindergarten - effective remedy knowledge of reality. It helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial representations, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, purposefulness, accuracy, diligence are formed. Application is important for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, coordination of movements.

Application translated from Latin means "attaching". This is one of the types of fine art. It is based on cutting out various details and applying them to the background in certain order. Details are fixed on the basis with the help of various adhesives, threads. Currently, the application can use a variety of elements: different kinds paper, fabrics, threads, straws, fur, shells, sand, birch bark, dried plants, leaves, seeds and other natural materials.

Application types:

    subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);

    plot, displaying certain events;

    decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Application is one of the simplest, most exciting and effective types artistic activity. Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. Particularly attractive to children unconventional techniques work with paper, with non-traditional material: torn, crumpled paper, paper napkins, cotton pads, cereals, fabrics, etc. An unusual combination of materials and tools, accessibility, simplicity of execution technique satisfies the research need for them, awakens a sense of joy, success, develops labor skills and abilities. By creating beautiful applications with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions.

This program is aimed at developing a child's love for beauty, enriching his spiritual world, development of imagination, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, familiarization with art as an integral part of spiritual and material culture, aesthetic means formation and development of the child's personality.

The circle provides ample opportunities for creative self-expression, contributes to the child's conscious choice of activities for creation, the creation of a new one, and not for destruction, the desire to break.

The purpose of the circle : the formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, the satisfaction of the needs of children in self-expression. Disclosure of intellectual and creative abilities through the development of memory, thinking, attention, volitional processes, the ability to plan one's activities, to foresee the result; formation of the personality of the child in his creative development.

Main goals :

    the formation of the ability to transmit the simplest image objects, phenomena of the surrounding world through volumetric applications;

    to teach the basic techniques in the application technique "paper plastic" (breaking, crushing, rolling into a ball);

    learn to work with non-traditional material when creating an application;

    the ability to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;

    learn to work in a given space (accumulation of elementary experience in composing a composition);

    enrichment of sensory impressions (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of paper);

    development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, eye;

    development of speech skills;

    development of creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception;

    educating the skills of accurate work with paper;

    nurturing the desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.

Form of work with children:

The program involves two classes per week, in the afternoon. The duration of the lessons is 20-25 minutes.

The program is designed for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old). The duration of productive activities with children may vary depending on the situation and the desire of the children. A flexible form of organizing child labor in leisure activities makes it possible to take into account individual characteristics children, desires, state of health, level of mastery of skills, being at a certain stage in the implementation of the plan, and others possible factors. Classes are held in the form of a game, to beat a certain plot are used poetic forms, fairy tales, moving and finger games, characters (toys and dolls from various theaters, images of one or another character that is played out).

Program implementation period 9 months.

Expected results of work: Solving the problems of this program will help children:

    be able to decorate your work with various materials;

    be able to plan work to implement the plan;

    anticipate the result and achieve it;

    make toys, souvenirs, create three-dimensional paintings, compositions.

    to develop the activity and independence of children in artistic and aesthetic activities;

    be able to find new ways for artistic representation;

    convey your feelings in your work with the help of various means expressiveness.

    use various techniques and techniques when performing the application.

Summarizing: is carried out in the form of drawing up clamshell books with photographs of works, holding exhibitions.


    colored cardboard for the background,

    corrugated paper,

    colored paper,





    glue stick,

    simple pencils,

    various natural materials

    different brush numbers




    colored double-sided paper, tinted paper

    cotton pads.

Educational and thematic plan:






Introductory lesson

Mosaic applique


overhead application


Breakaway application


Volumetric application from waste material


Cotton applique


Application of cereals, threads, eggs, pasta


fakes made from natural material


Applications from colored and corrugated paper


Fabric applications

long term plan

September (mosaic application)

The purpose of the classes : teach how to glue small squares of colored paper, keeping the distance between them, until the entire drawing is filled; learn to select squares according to the model; learn how to glue small plot drawing.

1. Introductory lesson.

2. Conversation: "What is an application and why is it needed."

3. "Apple".

4. "Leaf".

5. "Butterfly".

6. "Fungus".

October (delivery application)

The purpose of the classes : teach how to apply and stick parts in layers so that each next part is smaller than the previous one in size; teach to conceive an image and consistently create it; to consolidate the ability to carefully glue the details of the application.

1. Conversation: "History of scissors."

2. "Sun" (from the palms).

3. "Flowers".

4. "Butterfly" (from geometric shapes).

5. "Cockerel" (from the palms).

6. "Owl".

7. "Lion" (from circles).

8. "Cheerful octopus" (from the palms).

November (breaking application)

The purpose of the classes : teach how to design an image from scraps of paper; learn to cut off the edges of paper, rounded; learn to roll large and small lumps of paper; learn to invent and make compositions on their own.

1. Conversation: "Types of application."

2. Trees.

3 .Apple Orchard.

4. “There are a lot of berries and flowers in the garden” (teamwork).

5. "Curly Cloud".

6. "The first snowfall."

7. "Sea".

8. "Animals" (independently).

December ( voluminous applications waste material)

The purpose of the classes : teach to carefully fold a sheet of paper in half along the long side and cut out the figures; cultivate patience; continue to develop creativity.

1. Conversation: "What different paper."

2. "Winter, winter."

3. "Winter, winter" (part 2).
4. "AtChristmas tree decoration (snowflake).

5. "Christmas tree decoration" (part 2).

6. "Postcard Cheerful round dance."

7. "Postcard Cheerful round dance" (part 2).

8. "Herringbone".

January (cotton applications)

The purpose of the classes : teach how to apply and stick cotton wool on the depicted silhouette; consolidate knowledge about new types of manual labor; generalize knowledge about winter.

1. Conversation: "Application from ... ..".

2. "Bunny".

3. "Lamb".

4. "Cheerful snowman."

5. "Picture winter forest".

6. Application designed by children.

February (application from cereals, pasta)

The purpose of the classes : teach how to apply and stick grits on a finished silhouette; learn how to draw pasta; to fix modeling techniques, as related applications; develop imagination, creativity.

1. Conversation: "Is there an edible application?".

2. "Decorative patterns on the circle" (craft made from pumpkin seeds, watermelon and seeds).

3. “Decorative patterns on a circle” (craft made from pumpkin seeds, watermelon and seeds) (part 2).

4. "Chicken" (application from cereals).

5. "Chicken" (application from cereals) (part 2).

6. "Exotic fish" (application from pumpkin seeds)

7. "Postcard for the Defender of the Fatherland Day" (application from pasta).

8. "Postcard for the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland" (application from pasta) (part 2).

March (application from natural material)

The purpose of the classes : to teach how to make an application from natural material; to consolidate the methods of working with plasticine; develop imagination, creativity.

1. Conversation: "What is floristry."

2. "Animals" (from cones).

3. "Animals" (part 2).

4. "Ships" (from leaves).

5. "Ships" (part 2).

6. "Flowers" (basket for mom).

7. "Flowers" (part 2).

8. Application by design.


(application made of colored and corrugated paper)

The purpose of the classes : teach yourself to cut out the details for the application; continue to learn how to create images from colored and other paper; to teach how to prepare details for the application; nurture the desire to work in a team.

1. Conversation: "Rules for handling scissors."

2. "First flowers" (preparation of details).

3. "First flowers."

4. "Rockets and comets" (preparation of details).

5. "Rockets and comets".

6. "Smart wings" (preparation of details).

7. "Elegant wings."

8. "Basket of flowers" (teamwork).

May (application made of fabric and thread)

The purpose of the classes : introduce the technique of pulling cotton from a lump; teach the technique of making applications from threads; continue to learn to evenly smear areas of the image with glue; Learn how to make appliqué fabric.

1. Conversation: "Where did the threads come from."

2. "Carrot" (from yarn).

3. "Verba" (from cotton wool and threads).

4. " Nice dress" (from fabric).


    Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. “What can be made from natural material”, a book for a kindergarten teacher, 2nd edition M, “Enlightenment”, 2010

    Koshelev V.M., Afonkin S.Yu. "Cut and Fold", St. Petersburg, ed. "Crystal", 2006

    Kutsakova L.V. “Mom, I know how to make”, M., ed. "My world", 2007

    Lykova I.A. "The program" Colored palms "", M., ed. "Color World", 2014

    Makarova N.R. "Secrets paper sheet”, M., “Mosaic - Synthesis”, 2007

    Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2008

    Roenko I.P. "Crafts, amulets, paintings, postcards, decorations, gifts from natural materials”, Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2012

    Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Smart hands", publishing house "Fedorov", 2000

State budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 87

Central region St. Petersburg

Working programm


"Colorful Planet"

for children of middle preschool age

Developed by N.A. Spirova


  1. Explanatory note……………………………………………..3
  2. Goals and objectives………………………………………………………..4
  3. Basic forms and methods of work………………………………..5
  4. Logistics…………………………...5
  5. Curriculum plan…………………………………………6
  6. Perspective plan of the circle………………………………………….7
  7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………11
  8. Literature…………………………………………………………12

1. Explanatory note

The work program has been developed taking into account the basic principles, requirements for the organization and content of learning activities in preschool, age features children.

The curriculum is implemented by means of the main general education program "From Birth to School", ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva and supplemented by the program, ed. A.N. Malysheva and N.V. Ermolaeva teaching preschoolers to work with paper in the middle group in kindergarten. The program was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard of school education requirements.

Preschool childhood is very important period in the lives of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world around him. The more diverse children's activities, the more successful the versatile development of the child is, its potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of work in kindergarten is artistic manual labor, which creates conditions for involving the child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful, unusual is created.

This is what I want to teach my kids. Artistic manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making applications, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. Manual labor has a great influence on mental development child, to the development of his thinking.

The direct contact of the child with paper, natural material, or paints, elementary experiments with them allow you to know their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, enrich vivid images the surrounding world. During creative work a preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, analyze and draw conclusions. As the experience of practical work shows, productive activity not only optimizes the corrective impact on the development of the motor sphere, but also helps to eliminate the shortcomings of speech and non-speech mental functions in preschoolers.

Relevance and noveltymug is that used different forms work approaches.

Favorable emotional mood children during manual labor classes, the pleasure experienced in the process of work is very important for general development. Gradually, children develop such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Watching children in class applied arts, I noticed that the children of my group do not use scissors well, they do not know the safety rules when working. How to safely use glue while working with the application.

2. Goals and objectives

Creating the program of the circle "Colorful Planet" set goals and objectives for herself.


1. Develop thinking, imagination

2. Fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate independence, confidence, initiative.

Tasks :

1. To form in children an interest in the types of labor.

2. Get acquainted with the properties of materials.

3.Develop the ability to safely use tools when working.

4. Contribute to the development of skills in working with various materials.

5. Learn to stick ready-made forms, to make images of finished objects from them, improving orientation on the plane.

6. Contribute to the development of constructive activities.

7. Develop hand strength, technical skills.

8. Promote the development of attention. Memory, imagination. Creative fantasy.

Age of children: 4-5 years.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Summarizing:carried out in the form of folding books with photographs of works, holding exhibitions.

The program of the circle "Colorful Planet" includes a number of sections:

  • Working with paper and cardboard;
  • Working with fabric and thread;
  • Working with natural material;
  • Waste material handling;

At the beginning of the school year, introductory classes are held for children in order to form interest in artistic work. At the end of the academic year, a photo exhibition of children's works is held in order to sum up the results of the program.

3.Basic forms and methods of work.

To achieve the set goals, the selection of the main forms and methods of activity is envisaged. A special place in the program is occupied by the following forms and methods of teaching:

  • reproductive (reproducing);
  • explanatory - illustrative (the explanation is accompanied by a demonstration of visual material);
  • method of problem presentation (the teacher poses a problem and, together with the children, looks for ways to solve it);
  • partially search;
  • practical.

In conducting classes, both individual and group and collective forms of work are used.

4. Logistics:

1. Visual materials:
Illustrations for themes.
2. Pictures, coloring books.
3. Applique accessories: album sheets A-4, paper blanks
Colored paper and colored cardboard, Glue, brushes, paint, soft napkins.
Self-adhesive and corrugated paper, sets for children's creativity.
Pencils and colored pencils
4. Methodological support.
Malysheva A.N., Ermolaeva N.V. - Application in kindergarten. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.-144 p., ill.
Bogateeva Z. A. Application classes in kindergarten; Book. For the teacher of children garden.-M.: Enlightenment, 1988.-224 p.: ill.
Yanushko E. A. "Application with children early age», Toolkit for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic -2006.
Lykova I. A. Program artistic education, learning and development of children 2-7 years old. "Colored palms": M .: "Karapuz".

5. Educational and thematic plan

Classes are held once a week, in the afternoon.





Introductory lesson

Mosaic applique


Breakaway application


Volumetric application from waste material


Cotton applique


Application of cereals, threads, eggs, pasta


fakes made from natural material


Applications from colored and corrugated paper


Fabric applications

6.Perspective plan of the circle


Topic of the lesson

Goals, tasks


(mosaic application)

1. Introductory lesson

2. Conversation "How scissors appeared."

3. "Apple".

4. "Leaf".

3. Learn to glue small squares of colored paper in a circle, keeping the distance between them.

4. We continue to teach how to glue a small area of ​​​​the picture with glue and glue the squares, observing the distance, and so on until the entire drawing of the leaf is filled with squares.


(break application)

1. "Trees".

2 .Apple Orchard.

3. "There are many berries and flowers in the garden."

4. "Animals".

1. Learn to construct an image of the crown of a deciduous tree from scraps of green paper; cut off the edges of rounded paper, depicting leaves.

2. Continue to introduce the properties of soft paper; learn to roll large and small lumps (apples) out of it; develop imagination.

3. To learn how to design a landscape composition, to supplement the work begun with new elements; learn to crumple soft paper into small lumps of berries, flowers. (Collective work).

4. Teach children to do the work on their own, invite them to come up with and make little animals themselves.


(voluminous applications from waste material)

1. "Winter, winter."

2. Christmas tree decoration (snowflake).

3. Postcard "Merry round dance".

4. "Herringbone"

1. To cultivate patience in children, to improve artistic and creative abilities.

2. To educate children in patience, independence and accuracy.

3. Teach children to carefully fold a sheet of paper in half along the long side, fold it like an accordion, cut out a snowman figure and carefully paste it inside the postcard blank.

4. P Continue to introduce children to a new type of manual labor for them.


(cotton application)

1. "Bunny"

2. "Lamb"

3. "Cheerful snowman."

4. "Picture winter forest."

1. Learn to draw on velvet paper the silhouette of a cotton bunny, complementing the landscape with colored paper details.

2. We continue to learn how to make an application from cotton wool, roll up mugs and stick to colored cardboard.

3. Clarify and summarize children's knowledge about winter;

4. Strengthen the ability to invent a plot


(application of cereals, eggs, pasta)

2. "Chicken". (Application from cereals).

3. "Exotic fish". (Applique from pumpkin seeds).

4. "Postcard for the Defender of the Fatherland Day."

(Application of pasta).

1. Learn to think about the content of the drawing on the circle and bring it to the end. Fix sculpting techniques. Develop imagination, creativity

2. Continue to teach children how to stick grits on the finished silhouette. We sprinkle millet on the chicken, we make the worm from buckwheat, weed from peas.

3. Learn to carefully stick pumpkin seeds on the appliqué elements, placing them in a certain order.

4. To teach children how to decorate a postcard with pasta, creating an airplane, a rocket, a boat at the request of the children. Glue carefully onto cardboard.


(application from natural material)

1. "Animals".

2. "Hedgehog".

3. "Twigs with leaves"

4. “Conversation about floristry. Leaves painting»

1. To teach children to make animals from natural material: the body is a bump, the head is a chestnut. Use plasticine to connect parts.

2. To teach children how to make a chestnut hedgehog, show imagination, sculpt small parts from plasticine.


(application made of colored and corrugated paper)

1. "The first flowers."

2. "Rockets and comets".

3. "Elegant wings" (Crafts from candy wrappers, corrugated paper).

4. "Applique flower basket".

1. Teach children to independently cut out petals from a rectangle of colored paper, make a flower out of them.

2. Teach children how to create and cut rockets in a rational way: divide the square into 3 triangles (a large triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings).

3. Prepare different cylinders the size of a finger. And we will make different insects, the body of which resembles a tube. They have such beautiful wings. We will cut them out of wrappers and corrugated paper.


(application made of fabric and thread)

1. “A conversation where the threads came from. Application Willow"

2. "Carrot".

(Applique from threads).

3. "Valentines".

(Applique cut threads).

4. "Beautiful dress."

(Fabric application).

1. Introduce children to the technique of pulling cotton from a lump, making branches from a thread and tying knots to thicken.

2. Teach children to glue the finished form on their own on a sheet of cardboard with the addition of yarn.

3. Continue to introduce the technique of making applications from threads. Learn to evenly smear areas of the image and sprinkle them with threads finely chopped by the teacher.

4. Learn how to make an applique from fabric, correctly position the elements of decoration. Develop creative imagination.

As a result of studying in a circle, children should gain knowledge:

  • About materials, tools;
  • On the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene in the processing of various materials;
  • About the place and role of arts and crafts in human life;
  • On the types of decorative and applied art;
  • On the features of stucco toys;
  • About the methods of application in folk art (fabric, paper, fabric, etc.)
  • About project activity.


Recall that abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the activity of the child, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities. K.D. Ushinsky wrote: "The basic law of children's nature can be expressed as follows: the child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not of activity, but of its monotony or one-sidedness."

Thus, in activities aimed at achieving a specific goal, not only this activity itself is improved, but also visual perception child objects of the world. Productive activities contribute to the improvement of children's speech, the formation moral qualities personality, as independence, initiative, organization and responsibility in the performance of the task. The effectiveness of the correctional process in the course of productive activities directly depends on the methods and techniques that are used in the work. According to scientists, it is advisable to carry out special work with the help of natural material.

8. Literature

  1. Agnieszka Bayrakowska-Pzhenieslo "Wonderful pasta crafts", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2013
  2. Green D. "Everything will come in handy", publishing house "Makhaon", 1998
  3. Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. "What can be made from natural material", a book for a kindergarten teacher, 2nd edition M, "Enlightenment", 1991
  4. Koshelev V.M., Afonkin S.Yu. "Cut and Fold", St. Petersburg, ed. "Crystal", 1999
  5. Kutsakova L.V. “Mom, I know how to make”, M., ed. "My world", 2007
  6. Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2007
  7. Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2008
  8. Machinistov V.G. " Didactic material By labor training", M., "Enlightenment", 1989.
  9. Roenko I.P. "Crafts, amulets, paintings, postcards, jewelry, gifts from natural materials", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2012
  10. Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Smart hands", publishing house "Fedorov", 2000

"Funny crafts" / compiled by V.I. Fedorova, M.: "My world", 2008.


Chairman of the trade union organization

MBDOU for children Garden No. 24 "Rosinka"

S.V. Pashayeva

"___" ___________ 2015

Enacted by Order

head of MBDOU

kindergarten No. 24 "Dewdrop"


Head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 24 "Rosinka"

Z.Z. Safiullina

"___" ___________ 2015

Considered at the teachers' council

Protocol No. 1 dated 28.08.15

Working programm

mug "Paper symphony"

preparatory speech therapy group № 2

municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution

kindergarten №24 "Rosinka"

combined type EMP

for 2015-2016 academic year

Compilers and leaders:

Balobanova L.P.

Yelabuga 2015

1. Passport of the mug program “Paper Symphony”………………………..3

2.List of children .................................................. ................................................. .......6

3. Schedule of work ............................................... ................................................. ......7

4. Explanatory note ........................................................ ..........................................8

5. Forward-looking - thematic planning .............................................. .........9

6. List of literature used .............................................. .......................16


"Paper Symphony"

Implementation of the variable part of the general education program preschool education


Artistic and aesthetic


By functional purpose- applied

By implementation time- annual

According to the form of organization- circle

Based on age- for children of preschool age

Program compiler

Zaripova E.V.

Balobanova L.P.

Institution name

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 24 "Rosinka" of the combined type of EMR

Institution address

423600, Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, Mira Avenue

Target group

Occupancy: – 16 people; Age - children 5 -6 years old

Rationale for program design


Charter of preschool educational institution No. 24 "Rosinka"

Purpose of the program

Teaching children the basics of visual literacy and their active creative development, taking into account the individuality of each child through fine arts, familiarization with the achievements of world artistic culture.

Formation in children preschool aesthetic agerelationships and artistic and creative abilities in pictorial activities.

Program objectives

Educational(associated with children's mastery of the basics visual activity):

Acquaintance with various artistic materials and techniques of visual activity;

mastering the basics of perspective construction of figures depending on the point of view;

Acquisition of the ability to competently integrate the types of visual activity into different options their combinations with each other.

Educational (associated with the improvement of general abilities) The goal is revealed in the trinity of the following tasks :

    educational – the formation of an emotional and value attitude to the world around us through artistic creativity, perception spiritual experience humanity - as the basis for acquiring personal experience and self-creation;

    artistic and creative development of creativity, fantasy and imagination, figurative thinking using the play of color and texture, non-standard techniques and solutions in the implementation of creative ideas;

    technical – development practices and fine arts skills (drawing, painting and composition).

and the acquisition by children of general educational skills that ensure the development of the content of the program):

development of sensory-emotional manifestations in children: attention, memory, fantasy, imagination;

development of coloristic vision;

development of artistic taste, the ability to see and understand the beautiful;

Improving motor skills, plasticity, flexibility of the hands and the accuracy of the eye;

Formation of the ability to plan their activities; identify its problems and their causes; keep in order workplace;

development of communication skills and skills that provide joint activities in a group, cooperation, communication (adequately assess their achievements and the achievements of others, help others, resolve conflict situations).

Educational:(associated with the development of personal qualities that contribute to the development of the content of the program; expressed through the child's attitude to society, other people, himself):

Formation in children of a sustainable interest in art and activities artistic creativity;

formation respectful attitude to art different countries and peoples;

education of patience, will, perseverance, diligence;

education of accuracy.

Implementation timeline

1 year

Class mode

Once a week no more than 25 minutes

Expected results

    work in various genres;

highlight the main thing in the composition;

understand the possibility of color and line, their expressive possibilities, learn to use them;

consciously choose art materials to express your idea;

build ornaments in various geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle);

evaluate as own work, and the work of their comrades;

general educational skills and personal qualities:

ability to accept constructive criticism;

ability to adequate self-assessment;

the ability to rejoice in their successes and the successes of their comrades;

diligence, perseverance in achieving the goal;

empathy, mutual assistance.

List of children attending the circle:

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1. Volkova Sofia

Slepkova Daria

2.Kameneva Sofia

Talapina Svetlana

3. Lozhkin Matvey

Filatov Maxim

4.Egor Maslennikov

Khloptsev Stanislav

5. Nabiullina Amina

Khusanov Nikita

6.Potrebich Nikita

Cheremiskin Yaroslav

7. Saburov Karim

Chopchits Sofia

8. Saratov Alexander

Menshokin Alexander

Circle work schedule:

1 subgroup

Tuesday 15.30 - 15.55

2 subgroup

Thursday 15.30 - 15.55

Explanatory note

Relevance The program is to introduce children to creativity, to develop their abilities. The application in the development of motor skills allows the child to learn how to perform subtle and precise movements of the fingers, and the work of mental and speech centers brain.

To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate the imagination, the desire to be included in creative activity. At the lessons on drawing, modeling, appliqué, children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, improve the skills of fine and constructive creativity.

Weak development of motor skills of the hands can adversely affect the child's education at school. Hand movements are great value to master writing. If the speed of the movement of the fingers is slowed down, then the accuracy of the movements is also impaired. It will be difficult for the child to learn to write, he will be slower than others. May form negative attitude both to writing and to learning activities in general.

The most interesting, entertaining and favorite way to develop fine motor skills of hands, we believe various work with paper. To solve these problems, a circle was organized.

Perspective and thematic planning for the 2015-2016 academic year


Topic of the lesson



2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"Fruits in a Vase"

"Salting vegetables for the winter"

Cutaway appliqué with elements decorative drawing"Golden Birches"

Strengthen the ability to round corners on shapes

Learn to glue finished forms onto the base. Strengthen the ability to cut objects and their parts oval shape

Learn to combine different visual techniques to convey the characteristic features of a golden crown and a slender trunk with thin branches


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"Gifts of the Autumn Forest"

"Wild animals"

"A Cat Named Mewla"


Learn to navigate the sheet

Learn how to cut, twist, decorate with details

To form the ability to perform work in a certain sequence

Learn to arrange the Tatar ornament: squeezing, twisting


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

Breaking along the contour "What kind of animal"

"Migratory birds"

"Autumn motives"

"Decorate the kalfak"

Learn to cut paper along the contour and complement the silhouette with graphic images. develop imagination

Select harmonious color shades, alternate colors

Activate the concepts of "vertically", "horizontally". Continue learning to cut squares from a rectangle and cut them into triangles

Learn to alternate the elements of the pattern. Develop a sense of rhythm and color.


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

“Fluffy snow is falling” (application from napkins)

"Bullfinches on a branch" (appliqué from cut out parts)

"The tree is dressed up"

Modeling of New Year's toys from cotton wool and paper "New Year's toys"

Strengthen the ability to compress paper. Develop artistic taste

Learn to work in a team, cut out individual parts from blanks and make images of birds. Practice cutting an oval

Practice cutting a circle. Cut the oval into 2 equal parts

Show the possibilities of modeling from cotton wool. Learn on your own, choose and correctly combine different techniques. Learn to make paper christmas toys


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

Breaking along the contour "Snowman"

Silhouette application with drawing elements "Colored palms" "Hairstyle for a girl"

"Visiting the Snow Maiden"

Learn to tear off paper repeating the shape of a circle, to compose a conceived image. Continue to teach yourself to select and cut elements to bring the subject to desired image. To consolidate the ability to create plot compositions using the paper-plastic technique: creasing, twisting

Teaches you how to sequentially paste parts of the intended image. To form the ability to cut an image along a complex contour.

Learn how to cut snowflakes from tissue paper.

Develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, perseverance


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"Jar of Jam for Carlson"


"Defenders of the Fatherland"

"We are carpenters" (Instruments)

Learn to compose. Show how to cut twice in half

To consolidate the ability to create objects from paper; combine techniques of silhouette and embossed appliqué

To consolidate the ability to create compositions using the technique of mosaic, cutting. Learn to finish what you start

Develop the ability to make paper twists. Strengthen the skill of smoothing.


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"The fluffy sun shines in our window"

"Houses on our street"

"Truck, Bus"

Tower "Devil's Settlement"

Learn how to make loops out of paper. Develop artistic taste .. Carefully work with glue

Learn to convey the image of the house. Exercise in the techniques of cutting along the oblique and straight

To consolidate the ability to cut squares from stripes., Triangles from a square, compose an image of a car according to a diagram. Compose a subject composition. Learn to transmit salient feature transport. Strengthen the ability to cut the strip into squares.

Train in the ability to make a basic form. To consolidate the ability to perform the application of mosaic forms


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week

"Fairy Fish"

"Fairy Bird"

"Prickly Cactus"

"Spring drops"

Learn to create semi-volumetric figures on a plane. Strengthen the ability to cut corners at a rectangle. Make up a subject application from figures, options for fish.

Learn to convey the image fabulous bird, decorate parts and details.

Learn to perform the application in a certain sequence

To consolidate the ability to work with scissors, to select harmonious color shades. Cut the strips diagonally.


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week


"Grandma box"


To consolidate the ability to roll a napkin into a ball. Bring the job you started to the end.

Exercise in cutting geometric shapes and composing compositions.

Develop figurative representations, imagination and creativity. Practice creating an image various items from geometric shapes. Bring the job started to the end.


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