The working program of the circle activity "Theater chest" in the senior group. The work program of the circle of theatrical activities "Theatre steps" in the senior group "Sun

Maria Gorbushina
Working programm circle of theatrical activities "Theater steps" in senior group"Sun"


Theater is a magical world in which the child enjoys games, and when playing, he learns surrounding. Synthetic character of all theatrical games - representations allows you to successfully solve many educational - educational tasks preschool, cultivate artistic taste, develop creative potential, form a steady interest in theatrical art, what in later life determine the needs of each child to apply to theater as a source of emotional empathy, creative participation. Theater V kindergarten will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, will give rise to the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life. IN theatrical games with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, gait, certain literary works are played out. Children get acquainted not only with their content, recreate specific images, but also learn to deeply empathize with the events, the relationship between the heroes of the works. Theatrical games contribute to the development of children's fantasy, imagination, all types of memory and types of children's creativity (artistic speech, music and games, dance, stage).

By participating in the process, the child learns collectively work over the concept of the future performance, create artistic images, exchange information, plan different kinds artistic and creative activities(selection of musical characteristics for characters, work on the role, etc.. and to coordinate their functions.

Target programs.

Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image.

Education for love theater and theater activities. Formation of communication skills in children through theatrical activities.

Tasks programs.

1. Generating interest in theatrical and gaming activities, creating the necessary conditions for its implementation.

2. The development of children's speech with the help of puppet theater: enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of the ability to build sentences, achieving the correct and clear pronunciation of words.

3. Education of the ability to follow the development of action in dramatizations and puppet shows.

4. Consolidation of ideas about surrounding objects; ability to name things theatrical gaming equipment. Developing children's interest and careful attitude to the toys theatrical puppets.

5. Formation of the ability to convey the main emotions through facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement.

6. Familiarization of children with the techniques of puppetry table puppets.

7. Formation of the ability to concentrate on the toy, theater puppet.

8. Encouraging the desire to participate in dance improvisations.

9. Maintaining the desire to play with musical instruments, improvising on noise musical instruments.

10. Development of initiative and independence of children in games with theatrical puppets.

11. Development of desire speak to parents, employees of the children's theater.

Program compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for sections:

Speech development.

Children get acquainted with literary works that will be used in staging performances, games, classes, holidays, and independent theatrical activities.

Children use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, while developing clear diction,

vocabulary is enriched

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Children get acquainted with illustrations similar in content, the plot of the play, draw different materials according to the plot of the play, or its characters. And so the children get acquainted with the music for the next performance, note the nature of the music, which gives the full character of the hero, and his image, musical and rhythmic compositions and dances, learn songs.

Socio-communicative development.

Children get acquainted not only with the content of the fairy tale, recreate specific images, but also learn to deeply empathize with the events, the relationship between the heroes of the works.

Children learn to coordinate their actions with partners, as well as evaluate the actions of other children and compare with their own.

Implementation program work:

The program is implemented through circle work(subgroup, individual) .

And work with parents where joint theatrical performances, holidays, puppet theaters, costumes for the performance, performance music director at the meeting, joint decoration music hall for performances and holidays, questionnaires, design of a photo booth for parents.

Organization program work:

Program designed for 9 months, 1 lesson per week, lasting 25 minutes in the afternoon. Number of children in mug– 10 people Age of children 5 – 6 years.

Principles of theatrical activities:

Visibility in teaching is carried out on the perception of visual material (illustrations, videos, musical fragments, theatrical performances by teachers of a children's institution);

Accessibility - theatrical activities children is compiled taking into account age features, built on the principle of didactics (from simple to complex) ;

Problematic - aimed at finding solutions to problem situations;

The developmental and educational nature of education is aimed at broadening one's horizons, at developing patriotic feelings and cognitive processes.

Structure programs:

Part 1. Introductory

The purpose of the introductory part is to establish contact with children, set up children for a joint work.

Main types work - reading fairy tales, stories, poems, watching performances in a preschool institution and talking about what they saw, viewing illustrations, video materials.

Part 2. Productive

It includes an artistic word, an explanation of the material, an examination of illustrations, a teacher's story, aimed at activating the creative abilities of children.

Elements theatrical activities: fairy tale therapy with elements of improvisation, acting out sketches, poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, short stories using facial expressions and pantomime.

As well as games for the development of imagination, attention, memory, perception, thinking, sketches for the expression of basic emotions.

Part 3. Final

Target theatrical activities- obtaining knowledge through the creation of joint performances, games, quizzes. As well as getting the child positive emotions.

Planned results:

1. The ability to evaluate and use the acquired knowledge and skills in the field theatrical art.

2. Using the necessary actors skills: freely interact with a partner, act in the proposed circumstances, improvise, focus attention, emotional memory, communicate with the viewer.

3. Possession of the necessary skills of plastic expressiveness and stage speech.

4. Use of practical skills in work over the external appearance of the hero - the selection of makeup, costumes, hairstyles.

5. Increasing interest in the study of material related to art theater, literature.

6. Active manifestation of their individual abilities in work on the play: discussion of costumes, scenery.

7. Creation of performances different orientation, the participation of studio participants in them in various capacities.


1. Sorokina N. F., Milanovich L. G. Program

« Theater - Creativity - children» (development of creative abilities)

2. Burenina A. I. « Theater of Everything» :

From game to performance SPb., 2002

3. Artemova L.V. « Theatrical games for preschoolers»

M.: Enlightenment, 1991

4. Petrova T. I., Sergeeva E. L., Petrova E. S. Preparation and implementation theatrical games in kindergarten. Development activities for all ages groups with methodological guidelines.

Moscow: School Press, 2003

5. Kasatkina E. I., Reutskaya N. A. et al.

« Theatrical games in kindergarten» Publishing house VIRO, 2000

6. Sorokina N. F., Milanovich L. G. "Puppet theater for the little ones» - M; 2009

7. A. V. Shchetkin « Theatrical activity in kindergarten» - MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010

8. I. M. Petrova « Theater on the table» - Childhood - press, 2006

The program of the theater circle in kindergarten

Work program for the section "Theatrical activities" (middle group)

Explanatory note

Modern pedagogy from didactic gradually becomes developing. What is meant by this? First of all, not only psychologists, but also practicing teachers are beginning to realize and see the results of their upbringing and educational activities in the development of the personality of each child, his creative potential, abilities, interests.

In this regard, it is impossible to overestimate the role of the native language, which helps children to consciously perceive the world around them and is a means of communication.

For the development of the expressive side of speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, and not only in normal conversation but also publicly.

The habit of expressive public speech can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. This is where theatrics can be of great help. They always delight children, enjoy their unchanging love.
Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for children always has moral orientation(friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.). Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. And not only cognizes, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil.

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theatrical classes help to comprehensively develop the child.

This program describes a training course in theatrical activities of preschool children - the middle group. It is developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for theatrical activities for preschool educational institutions, taking into account the updating of the content for various programs described in the literature at the end of this section.

Purpose of the program- development of children's abilities by means of theatrical art.


1. Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children involved in theatrical activities.
2. To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
3. To form in children the simplest figurative and expressive skills, to learn to imitate the characteristic movements of fabulous animals.
4. To teach children the elements of artistic and figurative expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, pantomimics).
5. Activate the vocabulary of children, improve the sound culture of speech, intonation system, dialogical speech.
6. To form the experience of social behavior skills, create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.
7. Introduce children to various types of theater (puppet, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.).
8. To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes.
Diagnostics is carried out 2 times a year - in September, May.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections.
1. " Musical education"- children learn to hear the emotional state in music and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions, note the diverse content of music, which makes it possible to more fully appreciate and understand the character of the hero, his image.
2. "Visual activity" - where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings that are similar in content to a fairy tale.
3. "Development of speech" - on which a clear, clear diction develops in children, work is underway on the development of the articulatory apparatus using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.
4. "Introduction to fiction" - where children get acquainted with literary works that will form the basis of the upcoming production of the play.
5. "Familiarization with the environment" - where children get acquainted with the phenomena public life, objects of the immediate environment, natural phenomena, which will serve as the material included in the content of theatrical games and exercises.
6. "Choreography" - where children learn to convey the image of a hero, his character, moods through dance movements.

1 - the basics of puppetry.
2 - the basics of the puppet theater.
3 - the basics of acting.
4 - the basic principles of dramatization.
5 - independent theatrical activity.
6 - theatrical alphabet.
7 - holding holidays.
8 - leisure and entertainment

Thematic plan

Topic of the lesson


Dow component


"I'll change myself friends, guess who I am"

"Understand me"

"Games with Grandma Zabavushka"

First visit to the club

Conversation with children. Dressing up in costumes. Imitation studies.

Solving riddles. Conversation. Game exercises.

Creation of game motivation. Games and exercises "Announcer", "Depict a hero".

Acquaintance with Russian folk costumes

Games and exercises to create game motivation.

"Kolobok is not the same, but the other"

"Kolobok is our bun, bun is a prickly side"

“To live very hard in the world without a girlfriend and without a friend”

“Slanting boasted, laughed, he almost got caught by a fox”

Guessing riddles, with the image of their heroes. Showing and telling a fairy tale by the teacher, then by the children.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man - a prickly side"

Conversation about friends. Storytelling "Best Friends"

Guessing riddles on the content of a fairy tale. Studies on the expressiveness of the transfer of the image.

Etudes on the expressiveness of the transfer of images (image with the help of facial expressions, gestures).

The game "Say a kind word about a friend."

“A fox would have eaten a hare if not for his friends”

Showing a fairy tale to the children of your group "Best Friends"

"That's how I can"

"In crowded but not mad "

Telling stories to children Best friends».

General dance.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Best Friends".

Game "What can I do" Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "That's how I can do it."

Guessing riddles.. Cheerful dance.

Mimic studies at the mirror (exercises for the expressiveness of movements).

Imitation game "Guess who I'm talking about."

"Give me time, let's build a teremok"

"Oh, a beautiful tower, it is very, very high"

Showing the fairy tale "Teremok" to the parents of their group

Solving fairy tale riddles. Imitation exercises to music. Cheerful dance.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Consider the national Ukrainian costume than the difference and similarity with the Russian.

Telling Ukrainian fairy tale "Mitten

"Gaming Lesson"

“He let the fox bunny into the house, many tears, then shed”

"Who would help the bunny?"

Showing the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" to kids.

Studies on the expressiveness of movements.

The story of the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut". pantomime sketches.

Telling the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut" by children with the help of a teacher.

Etudes for expressiveness of basic emotions.

Enrich vocabulary: ice, bast

Pantomime game "Guess who I'll show."

“The puppy was sleeping near the sofa, suddenly he heard a “meow” nearby”

“Only “meow” where to find?”

“Didn’t you say “meow-meow”?”

"The ill-bred mouse was left alone, without friends"

Telling a fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said“ meow ”?”.

Telling a fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said“ meow ”?” children with the help of a teacher. Pantomime game "Guess who said?".

Pantomime game "Guess who the puppy met?"

Reading a poem Good words". The game "Name a polite word." Telling a fairy tale "The Tale of an ill-mannered little mouse." Problematic situation.

Pantomimic sketches (a mischievous puppy, a proud cockerel, a shy little mouse, an angry dog)

An exercise in intonation of dialogues.

“The mouse turned out to be stupid, he refused his mother”

"The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse"

""The Tale of the Smart Mouse""

Showing fairy tales to moms

Essay on the content of the story. Work on expressiveness of performance (expressiveness of emotions of sadness and joy)

Drama preparation.

A game of intonation of polite words. Dramatization of fairy tales by children.

Playing on the intonation of polite words (hello, goodbye, thank you, sorry, joyfully, friendly, casually, sullenly, confidently, politely.)

"Stubborn Hedgehogs"

"That's the apple"

“The little animals quarreled, they don’t know what to do, how can this apple be divided among everyone”

“Mikhailo Ivanovich, judge us, little animals, reconcile”

Surprise moment. Telling a story about two hedgehogs. Conversation. Inventing the end of the story and showing it on the screen.

Telling the tale of V. Suteev "Apple". simulation exercises.

Musical riddle. Consideration of the distinctive features of the heroes of the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple". Acting out sketches and dialogues from a fairy tale.

Surprise moment. Telling and acting out V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple" with the help of a puppet theater ..

Khakassian folk tale"Fox Feast"

A game for the expressiveness of facial expressions.

Examination of illustrations, Khakass musical instruments, their characteristic features.

"Everyone wants to hide under a little mushroom"

“The rain is pouring, pouring, and the mushroom is growing”

“That’s the giant mushroom, there was enough space for everyone there”

Showing a fairy tale to parents and children "under the mushroom"

The surprise moment is a mystery. The story of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the mushroom".

Riddles. Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom", a conversation on them. Imitation game "Guess who asked for a fungus"

Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”. Dances of heroes.

Game-competition "Ask for a fungus"

Imitation game "Understand me".

Requirements for the level of training.

Should be able to: interested in engaging in theatrical and gaming activities; to play simple performances on familiar literary plots, using expressive means; (intonation, facial expressions, gesture); use in theatrical games figurative toys, independently made from different materials;
Depict clues to riddles using expressive means; perform in front of parents, children of their group, kids with dramatizations.

Must know:- some types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.); - some techniques and manipulations used in familiar types of theaters: rubber, plastic, soft toys (puppet), tabletop, tabletop-planar, cone toys, stand on flannelgraph and magnetic board.


1. Mikhailova M.A. Holidays in kindergarten. Scenarios, games, attractions. Yaroslavl, 2002.
2. Naumenko G.M. folklore holiday in kindergarten and school. M., 2000.
3. Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.A., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in the children's garden. M., 2000.
4. Pole L. Theater of fairy tales. SPb., 2001.
5. Makhaneva M.D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. Creative center "Sphere" Moscow, 2007.

Introducing children to theatrical activities
Introducing children to theatrical activities contributes to the development of the world of human feelings, communication skills, and the development of the ability to empathize. Kids get acquainted with the first theatrical performances very early in the process of various fun games, round dances. When listening to expressive reading of poems and fairy tales by adults. Different possibilities should be used in order to beat any object or event, awakening the child's imagination. For example, I say on a walk when I see a crow: “Look, what a beautiful and curious crow flew in. She sits on a branch and croaks, she greets you. Let's smile at her and say hello too. And now we will fly and croak like a crow " .
Children can get acquainted with theatrical performances when watching performances, circus performances, puppet theater performances both staged by professional artists and teachers, parents, older children. In everyday life, I use a variety of puppet theaters (bibabo, shadow, finger, table), as well as ordinary toys for staging poems and fairy tales familiar to children ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", etc.). I invite children to participate in dramatizations, discuss what they see with them. children early age it is difficult to pronounce the text of the role in full, so they pronounce some phrases, gesturing the actions of the characters. For example, when staging the fairy tale "Turnip", the kids "pull" the turnip, when playing the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", they depict the crying of the grandfather and the woman, show how the mouse waved its tail and squeak for it. Kids can not only play some roles themselves, but also act as puppet characters. In the process of such dramatization games, acting together with an adult and imitating him, kids learn to understand and use the language of facial expressions and gestures, improve their speech, in which emotional coloring and intonation are important components. The very desire of the child to participate in the dramatization game, his emotional state is very important. The desire of children to show what the character is experiencing helps them master the ABC of relationships. Empathy for the heroes of dramatizations develops the child's feelings, ideas about good and bad human qualities.
Theatrical activities with children develop not only the mental functions of the child’s personality, artistic abilities, creativity, but also the universal human ability for interpersonal interaction, creativity in any field, help to adapt in society, to feel successful. An adult is called upon to help a child discover the features of beauty in the world around him, to introduce him to accessible types of artistic and aesthetic activities.

Characteristics of theatrical games
The game is the most accessible and interesting way for the child to process, express emotions, impressions. Childhood takes place in the world of role-playing games that help the child learn the rules and laws of adults. Games can be considered as impromptu theatrical performances in which the puppet or the child himself has his own props, toys, furniture, clothes, etc. The child is given the opportunity to play the role of an actor, director, decorator, props, musician, poet and thereby express himself. Each child plays his role in his own way, but everyone copies adults in their games. Therefore, in kindergarten, theatrical activities are given special importance, all types of children's theater, which will help form the correct model of behavior in the modern world, improve the culture of the child, introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, traditions. Theatrical game is one of the effective means of socialization of a preschooler in the process of comprehending the moral implication of a literary work, participating in a game that creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership. In the course of improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech, speech development occurs most effectively. A theatrical game is an action in a reality given by a work of art or predetermined by the plot, that is, it can be of a reproductive nature. Theatrical play is close to story game. Role-playing and theatrical games have a common structure: concept, plot, content, game situation, role, role-playing action, rules. Creativity is manifested in the fact that the child conveys his feelings in the depicted action, artistically conveys the idea, varies his behavior in the role, uses objects and substitutes in the game in his own way. The difference between a role-playing game and a theatrical game is that in a role-playing game, children reflect life phenomena, while in a theatrical game they take plots from literary works. In a role-playing game, there is no end product, the result of the game, but in a theatrical game there can be such a product - a staged performance, staging. A feature of a theatrical game is the literary or folklore basis of the content and the presence of spectators. In theatrical games, a game action, object, costume or puppet is of great importance, as it facilitates the child's acceptance of a role that determines the choice of game actions. The image of the hero, his main features of action, experiences are determined by the content of the work. The creativity of the child is manifested in the truthful image of the character. To do this, you need to understand the character, his actions, imagine his state, feelings, be able to analyze and evaluate actions. This largely depends on the experience of the child: the more diverse his impressions of the life around him, the richer his imagination, feelings, and ability to think. When playing a performance, the activities of children and real artists have much in common. Children also care about impressions, the reaction of the audience, the result (as depicted).

Classification of theatrical games
There are several points of view on the classification of games that make up theatrical and gaming activities. According to L.S. Furmina are subject (actors are objects: toys, dolls) and non-objective (children in the form of a character play their role). Theatrical game researcher L.V. Artyomova divides into two groups: dramatization and directing.
In dramatization games, the child independently creates an image using a set of means of expression (intonation, facial expressions, pantomime), performs his own role-playing actions, performs any plot with a pre-existing scenario that is not a rigid canon, but serves as a canvas within which improvisation develops (playing out the plot without prior preparation). Children worry about their hero, act on his behalf, bringing their own personality to the character. That is why the hero played by one child will be completely different from the hero played by another. Dramatization games can be performed without spectators or have the character of a concert performance. If they are played in the usual theatrical form (stage, curtain, scenery, costumes, etc.) or in the form of a mass plot spectacle, they are called theatricalizations.
Dramatization types:
- games-imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters;
- role-playing dialogues based on the text;
- dramatization of works;
- staging performances based on one or more works;
- games-improvisations with playing the plot without prior preparation.
Directing games can be group games: everyone leads toys in a common plot or acts as a director of an impromptu concert or performance. At the same time, the experience of communication, coordination of ideas and plot actions is accumulated. In the director's game, the child is not a stage character, acts as a toy hero, acts as a screenwriter and director, controls toys or their deputies.
Director's games are classified according to the variety of theaters (table, flat, bibabo, finger, puppet, shadow, flannelgraph, etc.). According to other researchers, games can be divided into two main groups: role-playing (creative) and games with rules.
Role-playing - these are games on everyday topics, with industrial themes, construction games, games with natural material, theatrical games, fun games, entertainment.
Games with rules include didactic games (games with objects and toys, verbal didactic, desktop-printed, musical and didactic games) and outdoor games (plot, plotless, with elements of sports). In games with rules, attention should be paid to the combination of an exciting task and vigorous activity based on mental effort; it mobilizes the intellectual potential of the child.
An important role in the emergence of a theatrical game in children is a role-playing game. The peculiarity of the theatrical game is that over time, children are no longer satisfied in their games only with the image of the activities of adults, they begin to be carried away by games inspired by literary works (on heroic, labor, historical themes). Children are more fascinated by the plot itself, its truthful image, than by the expressiveness of the roles played. Thus, it is the role-playing game that is a kind of springboard on which the theatrical game receives its further development.
In a number of studies, theatrical games are divided according to the means of depiction, depending on the leading ways of emotional expressiveness of the plot.

Forms of organization of theatrical activities
When choosing material for staging, you need to build on the age capabilities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, and expand their creative potential:
1. Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, a puppet museum, a theater lesson, a theatrical game at holidays and entertainment.
2. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical play in everyday life.
3. Mini-games in other classes, theatrical play-performances, children visiting theaters together with their parents, mini-scenes with puppets in the course of studying the regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.
Junior group
At the age of 2-3 years, kids are keenly interested in playing with the doll, they are impressed by the small stories shown by the teacher, they are happy to express their emotions in motor images-improvisations to the music. It is on the basis of the first impressions of the artistic game that the creative abilities of children will subsequently develop. At first, these will be short dramatizations, for example, a portrait sketch and a dialogue between the teacher and the character with the children.
The theatrical game is closely related to the role-playing game, so most games reflect the circle of everyday interests of children: games with dolls, with cars, at a construction site, in a hospital, etc. Familiar poems and songs are good game material. Showing mini-plays in a table theater, on a flannelograph, in the bibabo technique, with the help of separate toys and dolls, the educator conveys a palette of experiences through intonation, and, if possible, through the external actions of the hero. All words and movements of characters should be clearly defined, differ in their character and mood, should be followed at a slow pace and the action should be short. In order to liberate and eliminate the inner constraint of the kids, special etudes and exercises for the development of emotions are carried out. For example, simple etudes "The sun is rising", "The sun is setting", in which the emotional state is transmitted to children with the help of verbal (the sun rises and the sun sets) and musical (the melody moves up and down) prompts to perform appropriate movements. Using the tendency of children to imitate, it is possible to achieve an expressive imitation by the voice of various sounds of living and inanimate nature. For example, children, depicting the wind, puff out their cheeks, doing it diligently and carelessly. The exercise becomes more difficult when they are faced with the task of blowing in such a way as to frighten off the evil wolf, the faces of the children become intimidating, a gamut of the most diverse feelings is conveyed in the eyes. The theatrical game allows the child to enter into special relationships with the outside world, which he cannot enter on his own due to his limited abilities, contributes to the development of positive emotions, imagination, in the future to correlate various impressions with his own personal experience in independent play activities.
middle group
The child is gradually moving:
- from a game "for oneself" to a game focused on the viewer;
- games in which the main thing is the process itself, to a game where both the process and the result are significant;
- games in small group peers performing similar roles to playing in a group of five to seven peers whose role positions are different (equality, subordination, control);
- creation of a simple image in the game-dramatization to the embodiment of a holistic image, which combines the emotions, moods of the hero, their change.
Interest in theatrical games deepens. Children learn to combine movement and text, movement and word, to develop a sense of partnership, to use the pantomime of two to four characters. The theatrical and gaming experience of children is expanding through the development of dramatization games. Working with children we use:
- multi-character games - dramatizations based on the texts of two - three - private fairy tales about animals and fairy tales ("Geese-swans");
- games - dramatizations based on stories based on stories on the theme "Adult Labor";
- staging a performance based on the work.
The content is based on game etudes of a reproductive and improvisational nature (“Guess what I'm doing”).
Theatrical and game sketches and exercises on "Guess what I'm doing" have a positive effect on the development of children's mental qualities: perception, associative - figurative thinking, imagination, memory, attention. In the course of such a reincarnation, the emotional sphere is improved; children instantly, within the framework of a given image, react to a change in musical characteristics, imitate new heroes. Improvisation becomes the basis of work at the stage of discussing ways to embody the images of heroes, and at the stage of analyzing the results of a theatrical game, children are led to the idea that the same hero, situation, plot can be shown in different ways. The director's game is developing. It is necessary to encourage the desire to come up with their own ways of implementing the plan, to act depending on their understanding of the content of the text.
Senior group
Children continue to improve their performing skills, a sense of partnership develops. There are walks, observations of the environment (behavior of animals, people, their intonations, movements.) For the development of the imagination, tasks such as: “Imagine the sea, a sandy shore. We lie on the warm sand, sunbathe. We have good mood. They shook their feet, lowered them, raked the warm sand with their hands, etc. Creating an atmosphere of freedom and looseness, it is necessary to encourage children to fantasize, modify, combine, compose, improvise based on existing experience. So, they can change the beginning and ending of familiar plots, come up with new circumstances in which the hero finds himself, introduce new characters into action. Mimic and pantomic etudes and etudes for memorizing physical actions are used. Children are connected to inventing the design of fairy tales, reflecting them in visual activity. In dramatization, children manifest themselves very emotionally and directly; the process of dramatization itself captures the child much more than the result. The artistic abilities of children develop from performance to performance. Joint discussion of the performance, teamwork according to its implementation, the performance itself - all this brings the participants in the creative process together, makes them allies, colleagues in a common cause, partners. Work on the development of theatrical activities and the formation of children's creative abilities brings tangible results. The art of the theater, being one of the most important factors of aesthetic inclinations, interests, practical skills. In the process of theatrical activity, a special, aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world develops, general mental processes develop: perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, attention, memory, etc.
preparatory group
Children of the preparatory school group are keenly interested in theater as an art form. They are fascinated by stories about the history of theater and theatrical art, about the interior arrangement of the theater premises for spectators (foyer with photographs of artists and scenes from performances, wardrobe, auditorium, buffet) and for theater workers (stage, auditorium, rehearsal rooms, dressing room, dressing room , art workshop). Children are also interested in theatrical professions (director, actor, make-up artist, artist, etc.). Preschoolers already know the basic rules of behavior in the theater and try not to break them when they come to the performance. Special games - conversations, quizzes - will help prepare them for visiting the theater. For example: "How the Little Fox went to the theater", "Rules of conduct in the auditorium", etc. Acquaintance with various types of theater contributes to the accumulation of live theatrical impressions, mastering the skill of their comprehension and aesthetic perception.
Game - dramatization often becomes a performance in which children play for the audience, and not for themselves, directorial games are available to them, where the characters are puppets obedient to the child. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, movements, and think about his words. Children continue to act out small plots using different types of theater: tabletop, bibabo, poster, finger; invent and act out dialogues, expressing intonation the features of the character and mood of the hero.
In the preparatory group, an important place is occupied not only by the preparation and conduct of the performance, but also by the subsequent work. The degree of assimilation of the content of the perceived and played performance is clarified in a special conversation with children, during which opinions are expressed about the content of the play, characteristics are given to the acting characters, means of expression are analyzed. To identify the degree of assimilation of material by children, the method of associations can be used. For example, in a separate lesson, children recall the entire plot of the play, accompanied by musical works that sounded during it, and using the same attributes that were on stage. Repeated appeal to the production contributes to a better memorization and understanding of its content, focuses the attention of children on the features of expressive means, and makes it possible to relive the experienced feelings. At this age, children are no longer satisfied with ready-made stories - they want to invent their own, and for this the necessary conditions must be provided:
- aim children at creating their own crafts for the director's board theatrical game;
- to acquaint them with interesting stories and fairy tales that contribute to the creation of their own idea;
- give children the opportunity to reflect ideas in movement, singing, drawing;
- Show initiative and creativity as an example to follow.
The improvement of individual elements of movements, intonations is helped by special exercises and gymnastics, which preschoolers can do themselves. They come up with and ask their peers any image, accompanying it with a word, gesture, intonation, posture, facial expressions. The work is built according to the structure: reading, conversation, performance of an excerpt, analysis of the expressiveness of reproduction. It is important to provide children with more freedom in actions, fantasies when imitating movements.

Organization of a theatrical activity corner
Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in kindergarten groups. They allocate space for director's games with finger, table, poster theater, theater of balls and cubes, costumes, on mittens. In the corner are:
- various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, puppet, flannelograph theater, etc.;
- props for playing scenes and performances: a set of puppets, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, costume elements, masks;
- attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, makeup, scenery, director's chair, scripts, books, samples of musical works, seats for spectators, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.
Theatrical activities should provide children with the opportunity not only to study and learn the world through the comprehension of fairy tales, but to live in harmony with it, to receive satisfaction from classes, a variety of activities, and the successful completion of a task.
Skills and skills of the teacher in the organization of theatrical activities
For the comprehensive development of the child by means of theatrical and gaming activities, first of all, a pedagogical theater is organized in accordance with the goals of preschool education. The work of the teachers themselves requires from them the necessary artistic qualities, the desire to professionally engage in the development of stage plasticity and speech, musical ability. With the help of theatrical practice, the teacher accumulates the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for him in educational work. He becomes stress-resistant, artistic, acquires directorial qualities, the ability to interest children in an expressive embodiment in a role, his speech is figurative, “speaking” gestures, facial expressions, movement, intonation are used. The teacher must be able to expressively read, tell, look and see, listen and hear, be ready for any transformation, i.e. possess the basics of acting and directing skills.
The main conditions are the emotional attitude of an adult to everything that happens, sincerity and genuineness of feelings. The intonation of the teacher's voice is a role model. Pedagogical guide gaming activity in kindergarten includes:
- educating the child the basics of a common culture.
- introducing children to the art of theater.
- development of creative activity and game skills of children.
The role of the teacher in educating the foundations of a general culture is to educate the child in the needs of a spiritual nature, which are the main motivating force behind the behavior of the individual, the source of its activity, the basis of the entire complexity of the motivation system that constitutes the core of the personality. This is facilitated by the instillation of moral norms, the moral and value orientation of children to highly artistic examples (in music, fine arts, choreography, theatrical art, architecture, literature), the instillation of communication skills and interaction with a partner in various activities. Theatrical games are based on acting out fairy tales. The Russian folk tale pleases children with its optimism, kindness, love for all living things, wise clarity in understanding life, sympathy for the weak, cunning and humor, while the experience of social behavior skills is formed, and favorite characters become role models.

Main areas of work with children
Theatrical play
Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. To develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in theatrical art.
Tasks: To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them.
Culture and technique of speech
Tasks: To develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary.
Fundamentals of theatrical culture
Tasks: To acquaint children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, to educate a culture of behavior in the theater.
Work on the play
Tasks: To teach to compose etudes based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

Theatrical activities in conjunction with other activities
Theatrical activities in kindergarten can be included in all classes, joint activities of children and adults in their free time, independent activities, in the work of studios and circles, holidays, entertainment. For example, an integrated lesson in theatrical, gaming and visual activities for children of the first junior group "Mitten":
showing a puppet show based on the fairy tale "Mitten".
Storyteller: Grandfather rode in a sleigh and lost his mitten on the way. A mitten lies, a mouse runs past.
Mouse: This is how the hut is small,
Sheepskin mitt
It lies on the road.
I will live in a mitten.
The mouse hides in a mitten. A hare appears.
Hare: Gray Runaway Bunny
I ran through the fir tree
I was trembling from the rustle
I'm on my way to my mink
Lost with a fright.
Oh mitt!
Who, who lives in a mitten?
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Hare: I am a runaway bunny. Let me go too.
Mouse: Come live with me.
The hare hides in a mitten. The fox appears.
Fox: Through the bushes, through the forests
The red fox is walking.
Looking for a mink - somewhere,
Take shelter and sleep.
What is this? Mitten!
Who, who lives in a mitten?
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Hare: I am a runaway bunny. And who are you?
Fox: Chanterelle - sister put in a mitten.
Mouse: Come live with us.
The fox hides in a mitten. A bear appears.
Bear: Bushes crack under the paw,
Under the furry paw.
I'm going, wandering through the spruce forest,
On a crispy felt.
Oh mitt! Who, who lives in a mitten?
Mouse: I am a mouse - norushka
Hare: I am a runaway bunny.
Fox: I am a fox sister! And who are you?
Bear: I am a clubfoot bear. Let me live too.
Mouse: Where are we going to let you in, we are already cramped here
Bear: What should I do?
The storyteller shows the bear a white mitten.
Bear (lowers his head) No, I don't like her. The animals have a bright, beautiful mitten. And it's not pretty at all. I don't want this mitten.
Storyteller: Guys, the bear is completely upset. And we can help him. How can we help the bear? We can decorate the mitten with beautiful patterns.
Children paint each their own mitten.
After looking finished works the storyteller thanks the children and invites them to present decorated mittens to the bear.
Emotional responsiveness to the puppet show develops, they learn to carefully follow the plot of the tale and listen to it to the end. Creative image in motion (rhythmoplasty) of the habits of animals - heroes of a fairy tale. We must strive to create such an atmosphere, an environment for children, so that they always play with great desire and comprehend the amazing, magical world. A world whose name is theater!

Puppet show "Masha and the Bear"

GRANDMA (sings): I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning,
I will clean everything in the house, I will clean it.
I wash all the dishes
Quickly wipe the dust everywhere
I'll clean everything in the house, I'll clean it.
I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning,
I will clean everything in the house, I will clean it.
I don't like to be lazy
I love to work all day
I'll clean everything in the house, I'll clean it.
(hereinafter referred to as recitative)
Oh, everything is business and business: I have already cleaned the house,
She milked the cow, applied water, it's time to wake up Masha.
Yesterday Mashenka helped me all day, and in the evening she got tired.
So I let her sleep a little longer tonight. Mashenka, get up, meet a new day!

MASHA (gets up): Good morning, grandmother! Here I will wash and help you!

GRANDMA: Yes, I did everything, granddaughter, thank you. Relax today, play and take a walk. But first, eat the pancakes I baked this morning! Drink milk. (gives everything)

MASHA: Oh, and delicious, grandma! Thank you!

A song is heard - GIRLS sing:
We woke up early
It was only light outside the window.
To the treasured meadow
We are going for berries!
Braid your hair quickly
Leave the house soon.
We are a basket of strawberries
Let's get some jam!

MASHA: These are my girlfriends singing!

GIRLS: Masha! Come with us to the forest for berries!

MASHA: Grandma, can I?

GRANDMA: Oh, don't get lost!

MASHA: Okay, okay! I promise!
Goodbye, grandma!

GRANDMA: Good way, good way to you! (waving after Mashenka)

There is music, a change of scenery. The screen depicts a forest, in the farthest corner of the house, overgrown with greenery. A song is heard (you can sing to any Russian music):

We woke up early
It was only light outside the window.
To the treasured meadow
We are going for berries!
Ay, ay, girlfriends,
Aww, doves!
You, girlfriends, do not get lost,
Give me a song back!
Ay! ay!

MASHA (gathering berries): Oh, what a berry - one is redder than the other! One is riper than the other! One in the mouth, the other in the basket (raises his head, shouts) Ay!

GIRLFRIENDS (stepping aside a little): Aw!

MASHA: Oh! Ay! Something like a wild strawberry pie will be delicious, just like grandma loves. Oh, what a meadow! And the birds are pouring - you will hear! (a bird appears on the tree, starts to sing, Masha listens, and meanwhile the girlfriends disappear) What a beautiful song you have, bird! And what a heavy basket I have! Wow, I didn’t notice it myself, I picked up a whole basket of berries. There is nowhere to even put it. It's time to get home and go. Ay! Ay! Girlfriends! Ay! Ay! (listens, calls, walks across the screen from side to side) No one responds! (looks around anxiously) And unfamiliar places! Ay! Ay! Am I really lost?! Where to go now? And there is no one to ask... Oh, what am I to do, miserable? (sobbing) Who will protect me? A thicket, a thicket all around ... (reaches the very edge of the screen, there is a house among the trees) Oh, a hut! This is where I'll ask the way home! (knocks on door) Is anyone home? And the door is not locked ... Who is the boss, respond! .. (enters the house, music, curtain)

MASHA: Is there anyone here? They do not respond ... there is probably no one.

MOUSE: Wee-wee-wee...

MASHA: Oh, who's here? ..

MOUSE: Wee-wee! I am a mouse, and who are you?

MASHA: I am Masha.

MOUSE: And how did you get into our house?

MASHA: I got lost. Don't you know the way home?

MOUSE: Home?! I'm at home.

MASHA: And how to get to the village?!

MOUSE: I don't know, I'm sorry. I've never been to the village, and I'm fine here.

MASHA: What should I do? (crying) My grandmother told me to keep up with my girlfriends, but I didn’t listen, so I got lost (cries, at this time music starts to sound distantly)

MOUSE: Hush, hush! what are you making noise? Our host does not tolerate noise.

MASHA: Master? Who is he? And where is he?

MOUSE: The owner of this house is a bear, Mikhail Ivanovich. He is also the owner of the forest. A bear wanders through the forest from morning to night, watches over the forest, but eats up. During the summer he must work up his thick sides so that he can sleep in the hut all winter. Oh, do you hear?

BEAR (sings-sentences): Bear clumsy
Walking through the forest
Very fond of the bear
Berry and honey.
Pies with cabbage,
Apples, mushrooms.
To be tasty
A whole cartload of food.

BEAR: Here is my hut. It doesn't smell like forest... Phew. (sniffs) Well, it doesn't smell like a man... Exactly, a girl... Who's hiding here? I'll find now!

MASHA: Oh-oh-oh!

BEAR: Oh, don't scream, don't!

MASHA: Mikhail Ivanyyyyych! Have pity on me! (almost crying)

BEAR (to Masha): Well, don't cry, I won't offend! There is not a single path in my bearish corner! How did you get here?

MASHA (plaintively): I got lost! Berry by berry, step by step. And she got lost! .. (crying again)

BEAR: Enough, enough! We'll come up with something. Don't you have anything delicious?

MASHA: Tasty? Yes, here is a basket of berries!

BEAR: Why were you silent! Come on, I need to get fat. I eat berries, mushrooms and honey in the summer so that I can sleep sweetly all winter. Yum yum yum, delicious! (eats greedily)

MASHA: Mikhail Ivanovich, won't you give Mouse a little?

BEAR: Wow, how kind you are! Okay, call her! I'll share something.

MASHA: Mouse!

MOUSE: I'm here.

MASHA: Treat yourself too.

MOUSE: Thank you! You are the first one who took care of me. Someday I'll do you a favor. (pulls a couple of berries into the mink)

BEAR: Masha, can you cook porridge?

MASHA (animatedly): I can!

MOUSE: And bake pies?

MASHA: And I know how to make pies...

BEAR: Then live with me, I need a mistress in the house.

MASHA: No, I'll run away home!

BEAR: Where will you run alone, not knowing the road, not knowing? You will disappear into the wilderness of the forest! Live here, cook food for me and do housework. And I won't offend you then. (terribly) But if you try to run away, I'll catch you and bite you! Go ahead and cook something delicious for me, and I'll rest for now.

MASHA: What to do? Run away? So I don't know the way. Indeed, I will disappear into the forest. Okay, I'll live here with the bear, and then I'll think of something.

Music sounds. Masha starts to fuss, cook food.

MASHA (singing): From wheat flour
I'll bake pies.
Pies with cabbage,
To be delicious.
Potato pies,
Cloudberry pies.
But I can't find cloudberries
I'll take another berry ...

MOUSE. Wee-wee, Mashenka, it smells delicious. Will you give me, a little mouse, a crust of bread? The crust is worse and drier that the bear will no longer eat. Pee-pee!

MASHA: Yes, what's the point in a dry crust. Wait, Mouse, I'll bake pies and treat you!

MOUSE: Thank you, Masha. Thank you.
MASHA help me escape to the village. That's where my grandmother is. Waiting, worried, where did I disappear to.

MOUSE: How can I help you if I don’t know the way to the village?

MASHA: Oh, trouble, trouble. Well, okay, let's bake pies, otherwise Mikhail Ivanovich will come soon!

BEAR: Wow, how delicious it smells! Pies! .. That's right, now we are hiring, I still need to get fat ...

MOUSE: Masha did her best!

BEAR: Well done, Masha, what a fine fellow you are!

MASHA: Mikhail Ivanovich! I respected you, do not refuse me your request!
Mikhail Ivanovich, I ask you something else: let me go to the village for a day, I'll take the gifts to my grandmother! Pirozhkov!

BEAR. And do not ask, I will not let go! I know, if you leave, you won't come back! I don't want you to leave me.

MASHA: While I'm going to live with you, my grandmother is worried. She doesn’t know what happened to me, she worries, she thinks that I disappeared in the swamp or the wolves ate me.

MOUSE Mikhail Ivanovich, and you yourself go to the village! Take the pies yourself, and take them yourself.

BEAR: It's decided: I'll go to the village myself and take Mashenka's gifts to Grandma. Come on pies, Masha!

MOUSE: Mikhail Ivanovich, you first go out on the porch, see if it's raining, and Masha will lay the pies for now!

BEAR: Okay! (go out and come in, take the box)

BEAR (singing):
Bear clumsy Walks through the forest,
The bear loves it very much
Berry and honey.
Pies with cabbage,
Apples, mushrooms.
To be tasty
A whole load of food...
Oh, and hard! And the road is not close. I go, I go, but there is no end in sight. A clearing, a grove, and three streams, a ravine and a slope. Tired of walking. And here is the stump! Sit down to rest, right? Why not rest. Eat a pie?! Oh, it would be nice ... No, I’ll move away, otherwise Masha will see that I’m eating her pies, it won’t turn out well. I gave my word as a bear that I will not eat pies. (a little more passes) No, I can’t anymore, my stomach is cramping from hunger ... I’ll sit on a stump, eat a pie. (sits down)
Don't eat the pie!
I'm sitting high!
I look far!
Don't eat the pie!
Don't eat the pie!

BEAR (jumps up): Oh, oh, oh! Masha sees everything, she can be seen sitting high, looking far away (grandmother comes out)

GRANDMA: Where is my granddaughter now? Where is my Masha? (wipes her eyes with a corner of her handkerchief) I let her go for berries, her friends returned, but my granddaughter is gone.

A BEAR appears with a box on its back, behind it is heard a dog growl, the cries of people.

BEAR Are you Mashenka's grandmother?!

GRANDMA: I'm Mashenka's grandmother, me! Have you met my Mashenka? So come into the house soon, be a dear guest!

BEAR. How did you not see it? Talked to her today! Here, he brought gifts from her.

GRANDMA: Come on, let me see!

Grandmother helps to remove the box. The lid leans back, the grandmother takes Masha out of there.

MASHA: Hello, grandma!

GRANDMA: Hello, Masha! How I missed you!

BEAR: Well, outwitted! Here is Masha! (sad)

MASHA: Mikhail Ivanovich, excuse me, but I didn't want to live with you. Not with you, but here is my home. My grandmother is here, and I can't live without her.

GRANDMA: And don't rush, Mikhail Ivanovich, I'll treat you for bringing my granddaughter home safe and sound. Here are some pies for you. I baked it this morning! Goodbye, Mikhail Ivanovich, come visit us, we will treat you again!

Introductory lesson on "puppetry" for children 4-5 years old

Topic: "Who-who lives in the little house?".

Goal: improve puppetry skills - learn to convey the expressive gait of the doll.

Learning tasks: to learn to convey the features of the gait of different animals.

Materials and equipment: finger puppets "forest animals", a bear soft toy, a dollhouse-teremok, an audio cassette with a recording of a cheerful Russian melody.


Part one - organizational (3 min.)

Children stand around the teacher, who invites each child to “catch a candy”, clapping his hands at the same time. Children “eat” an imaginary candy and tell what it tastes like (delicious, sweet, raspberry). It is important to draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to clap your hands at the same time as the teacher.
Then the teacher and the children “listen” to their palms: the palms are straightened, the arms are bent at the elbows, the children put their left and right ears alternately to one or the other palm. The exercise is repeated two or three times.

Children with a teacher:

And the palms say:
“Fingers want to go into the forest!”

The second part - the main (14 min.)

Children sit at tables. The teacher pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements of their fingers on the surface of the table. Children should feel how finger movements can be combined with intonationally expressive speech.


Fingers go for a walk in the forest and walk along the path: “top, top, top!”.
They jump over the bumps: “jump-jump!”.
They ran quickly to hide from the rain: “top, top, top!”.
They saw Teremok, knocked: “knock-knock!”.
Nobody answers fingers.

There is a lock on the door
Who could open it?
Turned, turned
They knocked and opened.

(Fingers and palms are connected in a lock, the "lock is spinning" in different directions.)

Animals in the chamber
Different live.
Animals in the teremochek
We are invited to visit.

The teacher takes out finger puppets from the tower, which the children put on their index fingers. Children are freely placed around the room.
Exercises with finger puppets.
Exercise "The animals say hello": the index finger of the hand bends and unbends.
Exercise "Animals walk": you need to move your hand, depicting the movements of a fox, a hare, a bear, a mouse, a hedgehog. It is important to monitor the uniform turn of the brush to the right and left.
The teacher praises the "children-animals - real artists" and reports that the Sleepy Bear is sleeping in the tower, which needs to be woken up.

Teacher with children:

Sleepy bear, get up!
Catch up with us, animals!

Before waking Mishka, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the look of their doll should be directed to the one to whom the speech is addressed - in this case to Mishka. The doll should move slightly in time with the speech.
The bear wakes up, runs out of the tower, tries to catch the animals and growls. Children hide dolls behind their backs. The game is repeated two or three times to a cheerful folk melody.
At the end of the game, the bear and the puppets on the children's fingers "dance".

Children with a teacher:

Ah, bear bear,
What are you thinking of roaring?
Better, Mishka, dance.
Make all the kids laugh!

Part three - final (3 min.)

Teacher: It's time for our animals to return to the teremok.

Children say goodbye to dolls. The teacher and children thank each other for a good lesson with loud applause.

Introductory lesson on "puppetry" for children aged 5-6 years
Topic: "The Fairy of the Puppet Theater is our guest."
Purpose: to introduce children to the theater glove puppet and the initial skills of glove puppetry.

Teaching task: to teach children in different ways to convey the features of the gait of the doll and the interaction of the dolls with each other.
In the lesson, in addition to the exercises performed by each child individually, work in pairs is planned.

Materials and equipment: a screen for the puppet theater, a Fairy Puppet Theater costume for a teacher, a scarf, gloves, "heads" - balls, a "magic" wand, a music box with "magic" rings, attributes of puppet clothes, a puppet doll, an umbrella carousel .


Part one - organizational (2 min.) Children sit on chairs. The teacher invites them to give each other a smile; tells that the puppet theater is wonderful world, where dolls and things "come to life" from the touch of the hands of puppeteers. The teacher "revives" the scarf, turning it into a bunny, and invites the children to go in search of the Fairy of the Puppet Theater, which will help them get into the mysterious world of the puppet theater.
It is important to create such an emotional mood in children so that they believe in stage fiction.

Part two - musical and plastic improvisation (2 min.)

Children, holding hands, go to look for the Fairy of the Puppet Theater. Overcoming "obstacles" on their way, pass:

On the narrow path
- on dry spiky grass,
- through the puddles
- on dry autumn leaves,
- on ice
- on snowdrifts,
- Warm up by the fire.

There are magical sounds.
During the exercise, it is important to teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

Teacher: Do you hear? It seems that the place where we ended up is unusual: the Fairy of the Puppet Theater lives somewhere nearby.

Part three. Exercises for the development of hand flexibility (3 min.) The teacher "finds" the Fairy's costume and "turns" into her. The fairy says that she knows how long the guys have been looking for her, how much they love the puppet theater and how much they want her to help them become puppet artists who have “magic” hands. The fairy asks the children to convey a cheerful and sad mood with hand movements. Children, together with the Fairy, perform a dance of hands to the music - a dance of sad mood and a dance of cheerful mood.

Exercises included in dances:

For the development of fingers ("tickle", "glue", "hide and seek");
- for the development of the hands ("wave", "Pinocchio");
- for hands ("scissors", "cloth hands").

Exercises for tensing the arms should alternate with exercises for relaxing the fingers and hands.
The warm-up is performed alternately with both hands.

Part four. Introduction to puppetry techniques (10 min.)
The fairy praises the children for their excellent performance of the dance and offers to turn the children's hands into puppet artists. Each child receives two gloves and one doll head from the Fairy - he puts on gloves and puts the doll head on his index finger right hand. Children "revive" the dolls, say kind words to them. Dolls "hello" to each other and wish everyone good health. The fairy invites dolls to morning exercises.

First exercise: the doll leans forward - straight - back. Second exercise: the doll spreads its arms (thumb and middle fingers) to the sides and forward.
The third exercise: the doll tilts the torso forward - straight. The hand works.
Fourth exercise: the doll crouches. The arm, bent at the elbow, slightly springs up and down.
Fifth exercise: the doll turns with the whole body. The hand turns left and right.
Puppet exercises are performed first with the right and then with the left hand.
The fairy invites the children to teach dolls to walk. The dolls are walking. Then the children master the transfer of doll movements at a slow and fast pace, in a joyful and sad mood. After the “walk”, the Fairy invites each child to take a colored ring from the “magic” box. Each doll with its help finds a mate: the partner has a ring of the same color.
The fairy shows the children her couple of friends (puppet ball heads on both hands of the teacher). These dolls have been friends for a very long time, they can understand each other's mood by walking and even repeat this walk.
Children work in pairs: they try to guess the mood of the partner's puppet in a puppet walk. The task of each puppeteer is also to repeat the movements of the partner's puppet.

Part five. Creating an image of a doll according to a sample (2 min.)
The Fairy of the Puppet Theater praises the puppeteers for their acting skills, notes that their hands have become “magical”, and suggests turning the puppets into fairy-tale characters. Each child is given a tray with doll clothes and is invited to dress and decorate the doll as they wish.
In this part of the lesson, it is important to give children the opportunity to independently select doll accessories to create a new image of the doll.

Part six. Puppet musical and dance improvisation (2 min.) The clock strikes ... It's time for a puppet ball. The fairy warns the dolls: Baba Yaga is hiding somewhere nearby, who does not like the ball and dancing at all. And you can escape from it only by “freezing in place”, and be sure to beautiful pose. The puppets improvise dance moves to the music and freeze when Baba Yaga (puppet puppet) appears. The game is repeated twice.
During the game, children should feel the joy of musical improvisation with the doll.

Part seven. Surprise (2 min.) The fairy says goodbye to children and dolls, and in parting offers to “ride” on a fun carousel. The carousel is depicted with the help of a colored umbrella, to which ribbons are tied. Children, without taking off their gloves and puppet heads, take up the ribbons and run in a circle to the music: the puppets “roll”!

Part eight is the final one. Summing up (2 min.) The sorceress disappears - she takes off her outfit of the Fairy of the Puppet Theater. The teacher says that the dolls that were left in the hands of the children are a gift from the Fairy. The fairy asked me to tell the children that dolls should be loved and protected. The teacher and children thank each other for having such an interesting time together in the puppet theater. As a token of gratitude, “puppet” applause is heard.
In this part of the lesson, it is important for the teacher to create in children an attitude towards a careful and caring attitude towards the doll.

The hand turns
Both kitten and puppy.
So that the hand becomes an artist,
You need very, very little:
special gloves,
Mind, talent - and
Everything is fine.

This fairy tale teaches kids to drink tasty and healthy milk!
delicious milk puppet theater scene

Scenery: forest, mushrooms under the trees.

Leading. Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Grandmother. They went one day to the forest. Grandma took a basket - to collect mushrooms, and Grandfather took a fishing rod - to catch fish.

Grandmother. Grandfather, and Grandfather, look how many mushrooms are in the forest, let's collect.

Grandfather. Where do you, Grandma, find mushrooms? I don't see any! Here, I found one! (Approaches the fly agaric.)

Grandmother. Yes, Grandfather, it’s clear that you’ve become quite old, since you don’t see anything! Is it possible to collect such mushrooms? Guys, tell Grandfather what this mushroom is called? Tell me, can you cut it? (Children answer.)

Grandmother. Go, Grandfather, it’s better to go to the river, catch fish, and I’ll pick mushrooms myself.

Grandfather (sits on the screen, hangs his legs, throws the fishing rod behind the screen). Catch, catch, fish, big and small! (Pulls out the doll's shoe.) Guys, what did I catch? Tell me, I don't see! (Children answer.) No, I don’t need a shoe! I need a fish! I will still catch: catch, fish, big and small! (Pulls out a fish.) Guys, did you catch the shoe again? (Children answer.) That's good! Caught a fish. I'll show my grandmother! (Grandma appears.)

Grandmother. Ay! Grandfather! Ay! Look how many mushrooms I have collected!

Grandfather. And I caught a fish!

Grandmother. Oh! Tired, sit down, rest! Oh oh oh! Tired! We have no one with you, Grandfather! No granddaughter, no grandson, no dog, no cat!

Grandfather. Oh oh oh! We are bored old!

There is a hum.

Grandmother. Oh, who's coming here? Maybe a kitty?

Grandfather. No! What are you, grandmother, this is not a cat.

The hum is heard again.

Grandfather. Maybe it's a dog?

Grandmother. No, it's not a dog. Guys, tell me who is coming to us?

Children prompt, a cow enters, mooing.

Grandmother. The cow has arrived! What are you, little cow, mooing, you probably want to eat? Will you live with us? We will feed you! Come to me, I'll treat you with mushrooms! Eat! (The cow shakes its head negatively.) Doesn't want mushrooms.

Grandfather. Come, come to me! I'll give you a fish! Eat fish! (The cow refuses.) Doesn't want to! What should we feed the cow with?

Grandmother. Guys! Do you know what a cow loves?

Children. Hay, grass.

Grandfather. We have grass, I'll bring it now! (Leaves, brings grass.) Eat, dear, eat! (The cow is eating.) Do you like weed? (The cow nods. Starts mooing again). What are you, cow, mooing again? Do you want more herbs? (The cow shakes her head.)

Grandmother. I know why our cow is mooing. (Goes up to the cow, strokes her.) She needs to be milked! I'll go get the bucket! (Leaves, returns with a bucket.) Come to me, cow, I'll milk you! My dear! (She milks a cow.)

Grandfather. Wow, so much milk! I'll go get a mug. I love milk! (Returns with a mug.) Pour, grandma, more milk for me! (Grandma drinks milk in a mug.)

Grandfather (sits down on the screen, drinks milk, smacks his lips). Oh, and tasty milk! Grandma, give me some more milk. Thank you, cow, for delicious milk!

Grandmother. Guys, do you want milk? There's still a lot left in the bucket! Now I will pour you into cups! I will feed everyone! And you, cow, go see how the children will drink your milk.

The cow watches the children drink milk. Children stroke her, say "thank you".

Grandmother. Guys! Now I will milk a cow every day and bring you milk in a bucket! Drink to your health!

Agreed by the senior educator Approved by the head of the MDOU

Bubnova E. A. .__________ Borisenkova O. N. ___________

circle work

Educational program

junior group children's garden. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008-2010, Gu6anova N.F. Development of the game activities. The system of work in middle group children's garden ...

  • Explanatory note This work program has been developed on the basis of an exemplary core general education program for preschool education “from birth to school” (1)

    Explanatory note
  • Dramatization of the fairy tale "Best Friends".

    Game "What can I do" Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "That's how I can do it."

    Guessing riddles.. Cheerful dance.

    Requirements for the level of training.

    Should be able to: interested in engaging in theatrical and gaming activities; to play simple performances on familiar literary plots, using expressive means; (intonation, facial expressions, gesture); use in theatrical games figurative toys, independently made from different materials;
    Depict clues to riddles using expressive means; perform in front of parents, children of their group, kids with dramatizations.

    Must know:- some types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.); - some techniques and manipulations used in familiar types of theaters: rubber, plastic, soft toys (puppet), table, table-plane, cone toys, stand on flannelgraph and magnetic board.


    1. Mikhailova M.A. Holidays in kindergarten. , games, attractions. Yaroslavl, 2002.
    2. Naumenko G.M. Folklore holiday in kindergarten and school. M., 2000.
    3. Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.A., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in the children's garden. M., 2000.
    4. Pole L. Theater of fairy tales. SPb., 2001.
    5. Makhaneva M.D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. Creative center "Sphere" Moscow, 2007.

    In modern pedagogy, the didactic orientation of classes is gradually being replaced by a developmental one. By this we mean, first of all, what not only psychologists themselves, but also practicing teachers are beginning to understand and see real results their educational and educational activities in the formation of the child's personality, the development of his interests, creativity and abilities.

    Relevance of the issue

    In the field of personality development of children, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of native speech. Language helps to consciously perceive the world surrounding each child. Native speech acts as a key means of communication. For the development of the expressiveness of the language, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child will be given the opportunity to express their own emotions, desires, feelings, views. This should be ensured not only at the level of ordinary communication, but also within the framework of public speaking.

    Working (according to GEF)

    The habit of expressive public speech can be developed in a person by introducing him to public speaking from an early age. Theatrical classes are of great help in the implementation of this task. Children are always delighted with them, love to visit them. The work program of the theater circle at school or preschool educational institution is focused on the formation and improvement of social behavior skills. This is achieved due to the fact that each work has a certain moral orientation. So, in fairy tales, stories, plays, the problem of good and evil, courage and cowardice, honesty and lies is solved. Thanks to such works, the child not only perceives the world around him with his mind, but also passes events through his heart. At the same time, he not only learns, but also expresses his attitude towards problems. The work program of the theater circle at the school is designed to continue the work that was started at the preschool educational institution. The main goal of the latter is the development of the abilities of each child using the means of staged art.


    What problems does the theater group solve in kindergarten? The program sets tasks for:

    1. Formation of conditions for the development of the creative potential of each participant in the production activity.
    2. Improving artistic skills in terms of experiencing and embodying images, performing skills of children.
    3. Formation of the simplest figurative and expressive skills, learning to imitate fabulous animals.
    4. Activations vocabulary, improvement, intonation system, skills to conduct dialogues.
    5. Teaching elements of expressive means of an artistic-figurative type (facial expressions, intonation, pantomime).
    6. Formation of experience of social behavioral skills.
    7. Familiarizing children with different types theater (musical, puppet, etc.).
    8. Development of interest in staging and playing activities.

    These are the main tasks that the theater group in kindergarten should solve. The program sets the duration of classes to 20 minutes.


    The program of the theater circle according to the Federal State Educational Standards is compiled taking into account interdisciplinary connections. It includes the following sections:

    1. Musical education. In the classroom, children learn to recognize the emotional state in music and convey it through facial expressions, movements, and gestures. They celebrate different character the content of the works, which allows you to better understand and evaluate the behavior of the hero and his image.
    2. Art. In such classes, acquaintance with reproductions of paintings that are close to the content of the production takes place.
    3. The development of speech. The program of the circle (theatrical) pays special attention to the formation of a clear, clear diction. In the classroom, work is carried out with the articulatory apparatus. For this, participants are offered nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters.
    4. Introduction to works of art. The program of the circle (theatrical) includes a review of literature, which acts as the basis of the production. In the classroom, the features of the behavior, character, and image of the characters are analyzed.
    5. Getting to know the environment. As part of the circle, children learn the phenomena of social life. They get acquainted with the objects of their immediate environment, nature.
    6. Choreography. Through dance movements, participants in future productions learn to convey the character, the image of the hero.

    The program of the children's theater circle includes:

    Training requirements

    The program of the theater circle (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) assumes that, following the results of the classes, the child will be able to:

    1. Interested in staging and playing activities.
    2. Play simple performances based on literary works and plots known to him using expressive figurative means (gestures, facial expressions, intonation).
    3. Use toys made independently from different materials in staged games.
    4. Perform in front of children and parents with dramatizations.
    5. Depict answers to riddles using expressive means.

    Acquired knowledge

    The program of the theater circle (according to GEF) should contribute to the education of the child in game form. He must know:

    1. Some manipulations and tricks that can be used on stage. In particular, in puppet performances it is a plastic, soft, rubber toy and so on.
    2. Some types of theatres.

    Involvement in staging

    The work program for the theater circle includes classes that contribute to the development of the human sensory world, communication skills. Performances develop the ability to empathize. The first introduction to theatrical activity occurs in early years. In the younger groups, kids participate in round dances, games, fun, listen to the expressive reading of fairy tales and poems by adults. In this case, it is necessary to use various opportunities to beat this or that event. This awakens the child's imagination. So, for example, a teacher on a walk can draw the attention of children to a crow sitting on a branch. He says that a bird has arrived and greets the guys. The teacher invites the children to answer the crow, to crow like it, to depict its flight.

    View productions

    The theater program includes somewhat complicated classes. In the course of them, the guys learn to speak in front of the public. These performances show the kids, which, in turn, is also one of the forms of introducing the latter to art. IN ordinary life you can use various puppet theaters (finger, shadow, table and others). It is advisable to include simple toys in the productions of famous fairy tales. The program of the theater club at school includes performances in which actors can attract the audience. It is difficult for kids to pronounce entire roles. But they can successfully say some individual phrases, supplementing them with gestures. For example, when staging the fairy tale "Turnip", the children can depict how they pull it, and in the staging of "Ryaba's Hen", how grandfather and grandmother cry over a broken egg, how a mouse ran and waved its tail.

    The program of the theater circle at school may include the staging of such performances in which the kids not only play such short roles themselves, but also perform with puppet characters. Acting together with older children, they learn to understand and then use sign language, facial expressions, improve their speech, where intonation and emotional coloring are key elements. Of no small importance is the very desire of the child to take part in the production. In the process of staging, incarnating in one way or another, kids learn the ABC of relationships. The activities that the program of the circle (theatrical) includes, contribute to the sensory development of the child, form his ideas about good and negative human qualities.

    Characteristics of games

    This form of education acts as the most accessible and entertaining way of understanding, expressing impressions and emotions for a child. Role-playing games contribute to the development of the rules and laws by which adults live. Theater program in primary school involves the use of improvised productions. In them, the child himself or the doll has his own props, clothes, furniture, toys, etc. The participants in the production can play different roles - as a decorator, actor, musician, poet, director, and so on. It is noted that all children play roles in their own way. However, in all cases, their actions copy the behavior of adults. In this regard, in preschool program circle (theatrical) should be focused on special types of staging activities. They should contribute to the formation correct model behavior in modern conditions life, improving the culture of the child, familiarizing him with literary, musical, artistic works, traditions, rules of etiquette.

    Distinctive features of performances

    There are role-playing and theatrical games. There is an important difference between these forms of performance. Role-playing games involve staging life phenomena, and theatrical games - events taken from literature. The peculiarity of the latter lies in the artistic or folklore basis of the content and the presence of spectators. For a theatrical production, the puppet, the object, the action itself, the costume are very important. All these elements make it easier for the child to perceive the role. The image of the hero, the main features of his behavior, feelings, experiences are determined by the content of a literary work. Children's creativity manifests itself in a truthful interpretation of the character's character. To do this, you need to understand the hero, analyze his actions, feelings, assess his condition. Much of this will depend on the experience of the child. The more diverse his impressions of his surroundings, the richer his imagination will be, better ability feel and think.

    Forms of organization

    How will the theater club work at school? The GEF program focuses on the fact that when organizing activities, choosing material for performances, one should start primarily from the age capabilities, skills, and knowledge of the child. It is necessary to contribute to the enrichment of his experience, to arouse interest in knowledge, to expand his creative potential. The program for a theater circle at a school or preschool educational institution provides for the following forms of organization:

    Junior group

    The working program of the theater circle for children 2-3 years old focuses on playing with puppets, staging small plots. During the classes, the work should be aimed at developing the ability to express emotions in motor images to the music. Here, the educator acts as an actor, basically. He shows mini-plays in a tabletop theatre, using individual toys, conveying the palette of the characters' experiences with his intonation. At the same time, the movements of the characters should differ in mood and character. Dramatizations should not take place at a fast pace, but the action should be short. To eliminate stiffness, it is advisable to conduct small studies with the kids. For example, "The sun is setting", "The sun is rising". In such sketches, emotions are conveyed by words and music (the movement of the melody is carried out up and down). These settings encourage babies to perform appropriate movements.

    middle group

    The program of the theater circle at the next age stage gradually introduces new areas of play. So, the child moves from staging "for himself" to performances in front of the audience. If earlier he participated in games where the process itself mattered, now the result is also important. The theater circle program introduces games in a group of 5-7 peers who play different roles. In productions, from a simple image, children move on to the embodiment of a more holistic view of the hero, his emotions, mood, and their changes. As a result, interest in games is expanding and deepening. Children begin to combine text and movement, develop a sense of partnership, use pantomime of 2-4 characters. Expansion of gaming experience is carried out by mastering the basics of dramatization.

    Basic methods of cognition

    The educator uses:

    1. Games with multiple characters. Texts of fairy tales about animals and magic are staged ("Geese-swans", for example).
    2. Games based on the stories "The work of adults".
    3. Performances based on literary works.

    As a substantive basis, play etudes of an improvisational and reproductive type ("Guess what I'm doing") act. Such exercises have a positive effect on the formation of the mental qualities of the child. In the course of reincarnation, it improves emotional sphere. Children begin to quickly respond to changes in musical characteristics within a given image, imitating new characters. The educator needs to encourage the desire to come up with their own methods of implementing the plan, to act according to their own understanding of the essence of the work.

    Senior group

    At this age stage, the improvement of the performing skills of children continues, the sense of partnership improves. The teacher conducts walks, observes the surrounding phenomena, animals, passers-by together with the children. Various tasks allow you to develop your imagination. For example, children are invited to imagine the sea, the coast, the sun, how everyone is lying on the sand and sunbathing. In the process of creating a free and relaxed environment, it is necessary to promote the awakening of fantasy, improvisation, and writing. For example, children can finish a fairy tale in their own way, come up with new events, introduce other characters. In the process of classes, pantomic and mimic etudes, skits are used, aimed at developing memory. Children participate in inventing design for fairy tales.

    preparatory group

    At this stage, children begin to be very actively interested in theatrical activities as an art form. They begin to be interested in stories about the history of the production, the interior arrangement of rooms for the audience, the features of the work of actors, make-up artists, and the specifics of rehearsals. Preschoolers are explained. The guys learn them and try not to violate them when attending performances. Special quizzes and conversation games will help prepare for going to the theater. All this contributes to the accumulation of live impressions, mastering the skills of their comprehension, as well as aesthetic perception.

    Check of knowledge

    Of no small importance in the preparatory group is not only the preparation and direct staging of plots, but also subsequent work. The teacher finds out how well the children have mastered the content of the acted out and perceived performance. This is carried out within the framework of special conversations, where an opinion is expressed about the play, the actions of the characters are characterized, their emotions are evaluated, and expressive means are analyzed. To determine the degree of assimilation, it is effective to use the associative method. For example, in separate classes, children remember the plot of the production accompanied by musical works that sounded during it, use the same attributes that were on stage. When re-addressing the staging, the memorization and understanding of the content improves, attention is focused on the features of the means of expression, the children again experience the feelings they had previously experienced.


    At preschool age, there are few ready-made stories for children. They tend to come up with something new. To do this, you need to create the appropriate conditions. In particular, the teacher should:

    • Orient children to create their own crafts for a tabletop directorial theatrical game.
    • Introduce children to interesting stories which will contribute to the formation of their own plan.
    • Give children the opportunity to realize their ideas in drawing, singing, movement.
    • Show your Creative skills and initiative as a role model.

    To improve individual elements of intonation, movements, you can use special gymnastics. Children can do exercises on their own. For example, someone invents and sets an image, which is accompanied by a pose, gesture, facial expressions, a word. The work in this case is built according to the model: reading-talk-performance-analysis of expressiveness. The main thing here is to give children more freedom in fantasy and in action while imitating movements.

    Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 15"


    theater studio

    "Golden Key"



    theater studio "Golden Key"

    Explanatory note

    Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of the child's personality, a variety of artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. important task aesthetic education is the formation in children of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is theatrical activity. In this regard, additional classes on theatrical activities have been introduced in the preschool educational institution,which are conducted by the teacher (educator) of the senior and preparatory group for school.

    Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of the child; contribute common development; the manifestation of curiosity, the desire for new knowledge, the assimilation of new information and new ways of action, the development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, the manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. In addition, theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, hard work, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, the ability to improvise. Theatrical activity and frequent performances on stage in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative powers and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem.

    Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the speech apparatus of the child. Performing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

    The use of the work program allows you to stimulate the ability of children to imaginative and free perception of the world around them (people, cultural values, nature), which, developing in parallel with the traditional rational perception, expands and enriches it. The child begins to feel that logic is not the only way to know the world, that something that is not always clear and usually beautiful can be beautiful. Realizing that there is no one truth for all, the child learns to respect other people's opinions, to be tolerant of different points of view, learns to transform the world, using fantasy, imagination, communication with other people.

    Real The work program describes a training course in theatricalactivities of preschool children 4-7 years old (senior and preparatory groups). It is developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for theatrical activities for preschool educational institutions, taking into account the updating of the content for various work programs described in the literature.

    Purpose of the work program- development of children's creative abilities by means of theatrical art.


    • Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities, as well as the gradual development of children various kinds creativity by age group.
    • Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees of preschool educational institutions, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones, etc.).
    • To acquaint children of all age groups with various types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.).
    • Teach children manipulation techniques in puppet theaters of various types.
    • To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
    • To introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience: children's knowledge of the theater, its history, structure, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology, the theater of the city of Zlatoust.
    • To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

    Principles of theatrical activities:

    Principle of adaptabilityproviding a humane approach to the developing personality of the child.

    Development principlewhich involves the holistic development of the child's personality and ensuring the readiness of the personality for further development.

    The principle of psychological comfort. It involves the psychological security of the child, providing emotional comfort, creating conditions for self-realization.

    The principle of the integrity of the content of education. The preschooler's idea of ​​the objective and social world should be unified and holistic.

    The principle of semantic attitude to the world. The child realizes that the world around him is the world of which he is a part and which in one way or another he experiences and comprehends for himself.

    The principle of systematic. Assumes the existence of common lines of development and education.

    The principle of the indicative function of knowledge. The form of representation of knowledge should be understandable to children and accepted by them.

    The principle of mastering culture. Provides the child's ability to navigate the world and act in accordance with the results of such orientation and with the interests and expectations of other people.

    Activity learning principle. The main thing is not to transfer ready-made knowledge to children, but to organize such children's activities, during which they themselves make “discoveries”, learn something new by solving available problematic tasks

    The principle of relying on previous (spontaneous) development. It assumes reliance on the previous spontaneous, independent, "everyday" development of the child.

    creative principle. In accordance with what was said earlier, it is necessary to "grow" in preschoolers the ability to transfer previously formed skills in situations independent activity,

    The main directions of the program:

    1. Theatrical and gaming activities.Aimed at the development of children's play behavior, the formation of the ability to communicate with peers and adults in various life situations.

    Contains: games and exercises that develop the ability to reincarnate; theatrical games for the development of imagination fantasy; dramatization of poems, stories, fairy tales.

    2. Musical and creative.It includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of the natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers, their acquisition of a sense of harmony of their body with the outside world, the development of freedom and expressiveness of body movements.

    Contains: exercises for the development of motor abilities, dexterity and mobility; games for the development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness and musicality; musical and plastic improvisations.

    3. Artistic and speech activity. It combines games and exercises aimed at improving speech breathing, the formation of correct articulation, intonational expressiveness and logic of speech, and the preservation of the Russian language.

    4. Fundamentals of theatrical culture.It is intended to provide conditions for mastering elementary knowledge of theatrical art by preschoolers:

    • What is theater, theatrical art;
    • What performances are in the theater;
    • Who are the actors;
    • What transformations take place on the stage;
    • How to behave in the theater.

    5. Work on the performance. Based on scripts and includes "Introduction to the Play" topics ( joint reading) and “From etudes to a performance” (choosing a play or staging and discussing it with children; working on individual episodes in the form of etudes with improvised text; searching for a musical and plastic solution for individual episodes, staging dances; creating sketches and scenery; rehearsing individual paintings and the whole play; the premiere of the performance; discussing it with the children). Parents are widely involved in the work on the performance (assistance in learning the text, preparing scenery, costumes).

    Forms of work with children:

    A game


    Stage plays and dramatization


    Children's story

    educator reading


    Watching Movies

    Learning the works of oral folk art



    Word, board and outdoor games.

    Pantomimic etudes and exercises.

    • drawing up a verbal portrait of the hero;
    • fantasizing about his home, relationships with parents, friends, inventing his favorite dishes, activities, games;
    • work on stage expressiveness: determination of appropriate actions, movements, gestures of the character, place on the stage, facial expressions, intonation;
    • preparation of theatrical costume;

    Dramatization rules:

    Rule of individuality. Dramatization is not just a retelling of a fairy tale, it does not have strictly defined roles with a pre-learned text.

    Children worry about their hero, act on his behalf, bringing their own personality to the character. That is why the hero played by one child will be completely different from the hero played by another child. And the same child, playing for the second time, can be completely different.

    Playing psycho-gymnastic exercises to depict emotions, character traits, discussion and answers to my questions are necessary training to dramatization, to "living" for another, but in one's own way.

    Participation Rule. All children participate in dramatization.

    If there are not enough roles to depict people, animals, then trees, bushes, wind, a hut, etc., can become active participants in the performance, which can help the heroes of a fairy tale, can interfere, or can convey and enhance the mood of the main characters

    Helping Questions Rule. To facilitate the playing of a particular role, after getting acquainted with the fairy tale and before playing it, we discuss with the children, “pronounce” each role. Questions to children help with this: what do you want to do? What's stopping you from doing this? What will help to do this? How does your character feel? What is he? What is he dreaming about? What does he want to say?

    Feedback rule. After playing the fairy tale, its discussion takes place: What feelings did you experience during the performance? Whose behavior, whose actions did you like? Why? Who helped you the most in the game? Who do you want to play now? Why?

    The work program involves holding one lesson per week in the afternoon. Duration of the lesson: 25 minutes - senior group, 30 minutes - preparatory group. The total number of training sessions per year is 31.

    Pedagogical analysis of knowledge and skills of children (diagnostics) is carried out 2 times a year: introductory - in September, final - in May.

    The work program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections.

    1. "Musical education", where children learn to hear different emotional states in music and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions; listen to music for the next performance, noting its diverse content, which makes it possible to more fully appreciate and understand the character of the hero, his image.

    2. " Visual activity”, where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations similar in content to the plot of the play, learn to draw with different materials on the plot of the play or its individual characters.

    3. "Development of speech", in which children develop a clear, clear diction, work is underway on the development of the articulatory apparatus using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

    4. "Introduction to fiction”, where children get acquainted with literary works that will form the basis of the upcoming performance and other forms of organizing theatrical activities (classes in theatrical activities, theatrical games in other classes, holidays and entertainment, in everyday life, independent theatrical activities of children).

    5. "Introduction to the environment", where children get acquainted with the phenomena of social life, objects of the immediate environment.

    Estimated skills and abilities

    Senior group

    Willingness to act in concert, including simultaneously or sequentially.

    To be able to relieve tension from individual muscle groups.

    Memorize the given poses.

    remember and describe appearance any child.

    Know 5-8 articulation exercises.

    To be able to make a long exhalation with an imperceptible short inhalation, not to interrupt the breath in the middle of a phrase.

    Be able to pronounce tongue twisters different paces, whispering and silently.

    Be able to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.

    Be able to make sentences with the given words.

    Be able to build a simple dialogue.

    Be able to compose etudes based on fairy tales.

    preparatory group

    To be able to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups.

    Orientate in space, evenly placed on the site.

    To be able to move in a given rhythm, at the signal of the teacher, connecting in pairs, triples, fours.

    Be able to collectively and individually transmit a given rhythm in a circle or chain.

    To be able to create plastic improvisations to music of a different nature.

    To be able to memorize the mise-en-scène set by the director.

    Find an excuse for a given pose.

    Perform the simplest physical actions freely and naturally on stage. Be able to compose an individual or group study on a given topic.

    Own a complex of articulatory gymnastics.

    To be able to change the pitch and strength of the sound of the voice on the instructions of the teacher.

    To be able to pronounce tongue twisters and poetic text in motion and different poses. To be able to pronounce a long phrase or a poetic quatrain in one breath.

    Know and clearly pronounce 8-10 tongue twisters at different paces.

    Be able to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations. To be able to read the poetic text by heart, pronouncing the words correctly and placing logical stresses.

    Be able to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic.

    Be able to make a sentence of 3-4 given words.

    Be able to choose a rhyme for a given word.

    Be able to write a story on behalf of the hero.

    Be able to compose a dialogue between fairy-tale characters.

    Know by heart 7-10 poems by Russian and foreign authors.

    Children's theater group equipment

    Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in kindergarten groups. They allocate space for director's games with finger, table, poster theater, theater of balls and cubes, costumes, on mittens. In the corner are:

    Various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, puppet, flannelograph theater, etc.;

    Props for playing scenes and performances: a set of puppets, puppet theater screens, costumes, costume elements, masks;

    Attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, makeup, scenery, director's chair, scripts, books, samples of musical works, seats for spectators, posters, box office, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

    Theatrical activities should provide children with the opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around them through the comprehension of fairy tales, but to live in harmony with it, to receive satisfaction from classes, a variety of activities, and the successful completion of a task.

    Skills and skills of the teacher in the organization of theatrical activities. For the comprehensive development of the child by means of theatrical and gaming activities, first of all, a pedagogical theater is organized in accordance with the goals preschool education. The work of the teachers themselves requires the necessary artistic qualities from them, the desire to professionally engage in the development of stage plasticity and speech, and musical abilities. With the help of theatrical practice, the teacher accumulates the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for him in educational work. He becomes stress-resistant, artistic, acquires directorial qualities, the ability to interest children in an expressive embodiment in a role, his speech is figurative, “speaking” gestures, facial expressions, movement, intonation are used. The teacher must be able to expressively read, tell, look and see, listen and hear, be ready for any transformation, i.e. possess the basics of acting and directing skills.

    Main conditions - emotional attitude an adult to everything that happens sincerity and genuineness of feelings. The intonation of the teacher's voice is a role model. Pedagogical guidance of gaming activities in kindergarten includes:

    Education in the child the basics of a common culture.

    Introducing children to the art of theater.

    Development of creative activity and game skills of children.

    When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities for children, the following should be taken into account:

    Individual and socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

    Features of his emotional and personal development;

    Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;

    curiosity, researchatelier interest and creativity;

    Age features.

    "Center of the Theater"

    1. Desktop toy theater.

    2. Desktop theater of pictures.

    3. Stand-book.

    4. Flannelgraph.

    5. Shadow theater.

    6. Finger theater.

    7. Theater B-ba-bo.

    8. Petrushka Theatre.

    9. Children's costumes for performances.

    10. Adult costumes for performances.

    11. Elements of costumes for children and adults.

    12. Attributes for classes and performances.

    13. Screen for puppet theater.

    14. Music center, video equipment

    15. Media library (audio and CD discs).

    17. Methodical literature

    Relationships with parents.

    The implementation of this work program is carried out in cooperation with the families of pupils and the improvement of the pedagogical skills of teachers.

    The most important connoisseurs of theatrical productions, enthusiastic admirers of the talents of little actors are their parents.

    Only with close cooperation between the family and the kindergarten, theatrical activities will be successful. Preschool should be an open system - parents should be able to come to class to watch their child. And teachers should be ready for positive interaction, providing them with the necessary advisory assistance.

    In the process of creative interaction with the child, the teacher is primarily concerned with the process of upbringing, and not learning, and the upbringing of children includes the upbringing of their parents, which requires special tact, knowledge and patience from the teacher.

    The main forms of work with parents:

    • Conversation - consultation (on ways to develop abilities and overcome the problems of a particular child)
    • Exhibitions (photo exhibition, exhibition of children's works, exhibition of drawings)
    • Joint creative evenings(parents are involved in staging performances, to participate in reading contests “Let's tell a poem together”)
    • Creative workshops (this is where parents and teachers share their experience, jointly prepare material for children's leisure activities)
    • Questionnaire
    • Joint performances
    • Joint theater holidays (at the initiative of parents)
    • days open doors
    • Joint literary evenings

    Forms of theatrical activity:

    • Performances with the participation of parents.
    • Theatrical holidays for children of different ages and different abilities ( joint organization teachers of different structural divisions of the kindergarten).
    • Family competitions, quizzes.
    • Open day for parents.
    • Master classes and workshops "Theater Workshop".
    • Advice for parents

    Parent Interaction Plan



    Conduct form

    1 quarter

    "The role of theatrical activities in the development of children's creative abilities"

    poster information

    2 quarter

    "My Favorite Heroes"

    Exhibition of drawings

    3 quarter

    "Things of our land"

    Joint excursion to the school museum

    4 quarter

    "Do you know your child?"


    In addition to all of the above, parents are involved in the manufacture of costumes, scenery, attributes, posters, and help in choosing plays for staging.

    Planned qualities of mastering the work program

    Curious, active - shows interest infamiliar and new to him works. With curiosityconsiders illustrations for texts, names the heroes of fairy tales depicted on them.

    Emotional, responsive- imitates the emotions of adults and children, feel and understand the emotional state of the characters, engage in role-playing interaction with other characters.

    Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers- understands the figurative structure of the performance: evaluates the acting of the actors, the means of expression and the design of the production, in a conversation about the performance he has watched, the work he has read, he can express his point of view.

    Able to manage their behavior and plan their actions based on primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules -feels and understands the emotional state of the characters, enters into role-playing interaction with other characters.

    Having primary ideas -about the peculiarities of theatrical culture, knows how to adapt in the social environment.

    Able to solve intellectual and personal problems(Problems ), age appropriate for the natural world- improves the ability to act out scenes based on familiar fairy tales, poems, songs using puppets of familiar types of theater, costume elements, familiar types of theaters, costume elements, scenery.

    Having mastered the universal prerequisites learning activities – owns the skills of theatrical culture: knows theatrical professions, rules of conduct in the theater.

    Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities -has an ideaabout the theater, theatrical culture; theater devices; theatrical professions (actor, make-up artist, costume designer, sound engineer, decorator, etc.).

    Block 1. Theatrical game.

    Block 2. Culture of speech technology.

    Block 3. Rhythmoplasty.

    Block 4. Basics of theatrical alphabet.

    Block 5. Basics of puppetry.

    It should be noted that

    blocks 1, 2, 3 implemented in every lesson.

    block 4 - on thematic session 2 times a year (three classes in October and March);

    block 5 - one - two lessons per month.

    Thus, in the process of creating a theatrical performance, children learn to express feelings and thoughts in an artistic form and, thereby, liberate their personality. Using the richest arsenal theatrical means At the same time, they also receive purely gaming pleasure, which allows them to deeply consolidate their skills.

    The synthetic nature of theatrical activity makes it possible to successfully solve many educational tasks of a preschool institution: to cultivate artistic taste, develop creative potential, form a steady interest in theatrical art, which in the future will determine the need for each child to turn to the theater as a source of emotional empathy, creative participation.

    Theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people; will give rise to a desire in him, to bring beautiful and good things into life.

    The results of the work on organizing theatrical activities of children in preschool educational institutions include the following: thanks to this, children become more emotional, more mobile; learn to understand art and express their impressions, openly and honestly. A child who knows how to create an image on stage, transform and express his emotions becomes an emotional, open, cultural and creative person.

    It is precisely on the development of the emotional world and artistic abilities of a preschool child by introducing him to theatrical art and participation in theatrical activities that the Work Program "Golden Key" is aimed.

    Senior group work program(5 – 6 years old)



    Preschool activities

    Introduction to theater

    Listening, visiting the excursion





    Watching the play in the kindergarten "First of September"

    What is theater?

    Types of theatres.

    Where does theater begin?

    Conversation, viewing pictures and video clips.

    multimedia screen

    The story of the theater teacher from DDT about theatrical performances in the institution

    Acquaintance with the concept of theater, types of theaters, education of an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater. Vocabulary replenishment

    Who works in the theatre. "Backstage".

    Acquaintance with the theatrical professions and their importance. Acquaintance with the device of the theater from the inside.

    Conversation, watching a video clip.

    multimedia screen

    Visiting DDT with parents

    Raising an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater and the people who work there. Replenishment of vocabulary.

    How to behave in the theatre. Role-playing game "Theatre"

    Reading poetry, talking, watching a video clip.

    multimedia screen

    Playing skits with peers with the active participation of the group teacher.

    Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in the theater. Expand children's interest in active participation in theatrical games.

    Excursion to the theater "Omnibus"

    Acquaintance with the actors, visiting the big stage, reading poems from the stage.

    Stage attributes, microphone.

    Theater administration, actors. Accompanying children parent committee and educators.

    To evoke an emotional response, to teach how to move on stage, not to be afraid of your voice and the audience in the hall.



    Preschool activities

    Mitten and finger theatres. Watching a play in kindergarten.

    Game activities, exercises on facial expressions, voice power. Watching a performance.





    Acquaintance with the mitten theater

    Independent play activity

    Mittens Theater

    Games with peers and teacher

    Mastering the skills of mastering this type of theatrical activity

    6. Mimicry

    Tongue Twisters;

    game "Calm down the doll";

    game "Teremok";

    guess riddles

    Dolls, costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", tongue twisters, riddles

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tale "Teremok"

    Group tutor

    The development of facial expressions;

    liberation through play activities

    Articulation gymnastics; the game "Running";

    Tongue Twisters;

    finger games;

    Game "Merry Tambourine", Game "Echo"

    Tongue twisters, tambourine

    Group tutor

    work on the activation of the muscles of the lips.

    Acquaintance with the finger theater

    Game "Caravan", quiz, riddles, game "Encyclopedia", game "Animated mechanisms", game "Find and fix the mistake".

    Watching a play in kindergarten

    Games, riddles, attributes of the finger theater

    Musical director, children of the preparatory group for school

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity. An entertaining activity for children.



    Preschool activities

    Planar and cone theatres.

    Fairy tale dramatization. Articulation gymnastics.





    Acquaintance with the flat walking theater

    Dramatization of fairy tales "Mitten", "Zayushkin's hut".

    Flat theater, attributes of the fairy tales "Mitten" and "Zayushkina hut"

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tales "Mitten" and "Zayushkina hut" by parents.

    Involvement of educators of other groups in the display of fairy tales

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity.


    Articulation gymnastics; the game "Blizzard";

    Exercises for the development of sensorimotor skills;

    study "Old Mushroom"; finger games

    finger games;

    sketch "Flower"

    Games, mushroom cap, paper flower petals

    Group tutor

    We develop the ability to concentrate on the subject and copy it through movements;

    we develop stage liberation.

    Articulation gymnastics; the game "Beep";

    Tongue Twisters; sketch "Amazing"; finger games.

    Games, tongue twisters.

    Group tutor

    Introduction to cone table theater

    Dramatization of the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs" and "Puss in Boots"

    Attributes of the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs" and "Puss in Boots"

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs" and "Puss in Boots" by parents

    Group tutor

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity, developing the ability to work in a team.

    Facial expressions and gestures

    Articulation gymnastics;

    game "Beautiful flower";

    game "The wind is blowing";

    finger games;

    game "Bear and Christmas tree";

    game "Sunny Bunny";

    etude "It's me! It is mine!"

    game "Wolf and seven kids";

    game "Dandelion";

    sketch "Giants and gnomes";

    memory training exercises;

    game "Rainbow";

    sketch "Bear in the forest"

    Games, attributes of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" by the teacher of the group

    We develop imagination;

    we learn to convey mood, emotional state with the help of facial expressions.



    Preschool activities

    Shadow theater and bi-ba-bo puppets.

    Fairy tale dramatization. Finger games.





    14. Acquaintance with the shadow theater

    Dramatization of fairy tales "Zayushkin's hut", "Geese-Swans".

    Attributes of fairy tales, screen

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tale "Geese-swans" by the teacher of the group

    Involvement in the display of fairy tales of children of the older group.

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity. We develop fine motor skills hands combined with speech

    Draw a theater (drawing competition "In the theater")

    Joint activities of children and parents.

    Diplomas and prizes

    Parents, kindergarten administration, as the jury of the competition.

    Organization of the exhibition and awarding certificates and prizes to the winners of the competition;

    16. Introduction to dolls


    We develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech.

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox"

    Bi-ba-bo dolls for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox"

    Hearing and sense of rhythm.

    Articulation gymnastics;

    game "Fox and Wolf";

    game "Catch mosquitoes";

    a game " magic chair»; finger games;

    solve riddles;

    sketch "Bells";
    games - dialogues;

    game "Wonderful transformations"

    Games, chair cover

    Group tutor

    Development of hearing and sense of rhythm in children



    Preschool activities

    Stock theater

    Improvisation games





    Theatrical games

    Articulation gymnastics;

    "What changed?"

    "Catch the Cotton"

    "I put it in a bag.."


    "Attentive Beasts"

    "Funny Monkeys"

    "Guess what I'm doing"

    Attributes for games

    Group tutor

    We develop game behavior, readiness for creativity; we develop communication skills, creativity, self-confidence.

    Acquaintance with puppets-talkers

    Quiz game with puppets "Do you know traffic rules?"

    Dolls, traffic rules attributes

    Group tutor

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity. Repeat basic traffic rules with children

    Acquaintance with stock theater

    We write our own story.

    Stock theater

    Group tutor

    Stage plastic

    Articulation gymnastics;

    game "Do not make a mistake";

    game "If the guests knocked";

    finger games "Squirrels";

    etude "The Ugly Duckling"


    Preliminary reading of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" by the teacher of the group

    We develop the ability to convey the character of animals through body movements



    Preschool activities

    Theater wooden toys. Magnetic Theatre. Theatre-origami.

    Production of puppets for the theatre. Emotion management.





    Muscle relaxation

    Articulation gymnastics;

    etude for muscle relaxation "Barbell";

    game "Wolf and sheep";

    Tongue Twisters; finger games

    Tongue twisters, attributes for games

    Group tutor

    We develop the ability to control our own body; control your own muscles.

    Acquaintance with the theater of wooden figures, rubber toys (cartoon characters). Magnetic Theatre.

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip", "Three Little Pigs", independent activity.

    Wooden figurines, rubber toys, magnetic theatre, fairy tale attributes

    Group tutor

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity.

    Origami Puppet Theatre.

    Production of origami dolls for the theater. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Cat and the Dog".

    Diplomas, prizes

    Competition "Toy for the theater corner with your own hands"

    (family video or photo of how it was done) Joint activities of children and parents

    Organization of the exhibition and awarding certificates and prizes to the winners of the competition.

    Feel like a "creators" of dolls

    Feelings, emotions

    Articulation gymnastics;

    Memory training exercises;

    Game "Dawn";

    etude "Let's brush off our hands";

    finger games

    study "favorite toy";

    game "Old catfish";

    exercises for the development of sensory motor skills;

    game "Cat and starlings";

    game "Mail";

    etude "Crooked mirror"

    Attributes for games

    Group tutor

    Acquaintance with the world of feelings and emotions;

    we develop the ability to convey feelings and emotions, learn to master them



    Preschool activities


    Inventing scenes and fairy tales on your own





    Introduction to the theater of masks

    Dramatization of fairy tales "The Man and the Bear",
    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    "Ryaba Hen"

    Preliminary reading of fairy tales "The Man and the Bear",
    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

    "Ryaba Hen" by parents

    Mastering the skills of mastering these types of theatrical activities

    Demonstration of the theater on the flannel.

    We write our own story.

    flannelgraph, animal figurines

    Group tutor

    Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity. Encourage children to improvise and invent a plot for the theater themselves.

    Staged little jokes

    Articulation gymnastics;

    Game "Birdcatcher";

    finger games


    Group tutor

    Work on the development of speech, intonation, logical stress

    Culture and technique of speech

    Articulation gymnastics

    "Count to Five"

    "Sick Tooth"

    "Swinging the doll"

    "Playing with a Candle"


    "Ball of Emotions"

    Headband, doll, candle, ball

    Group tutor

    We form the correct clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction); develop imagination; expanding vocabulary



    Preschool activities

    Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

    Scenario learning






    Preparation for staging the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood in a new way"

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Costumes for staging a fairy tale, scenery, fairy tale script

    Preliminary reading of the fairy tale by the teacher of the group

    The development of emotional, coherent - speech sphere in children



    Preschool activities

    Showing a fairy tale

    Theatrical performance.





    theatrical performance

    Showing the play to parents.

    Costumes for staging a fairy tale, scenery

    Music director, parents.

    Final lesson. Show what the children have learned in a year.


    The work program of the preparatory group for school (6 - 7 years)



    Preschool activities

    Puppet show

    Games, dressing up, watching a puppet theater





    Puppet show

    Watching a performance performed by artists. A conversation after the presentation with the children about what they saw, what they liked most.

    Brought attributes of the puppet theater

    Invited guest puppet theater

    See with your own eyes what theater is, how it works, how artists work.

    Take a look behind the scenes if possible.

    "I'll change myself friends, guess who I am"

    Conversation with children. Dressing up in costumes. Imitation studies.

    Costumes for children


    Acquaintance with Russian folk costumes

    "Understand me"

    Solving riddles. Conversation. Game exercises.

    Riddles, games


    Games and exercises to create game motivation.

    "Games with Grandma Zabavushka"

    Creation of game motivation. Games and exercises "Announcer", "Depict a hero".



    Develop proper speech breathing; improve motor abilities, plastic expressiveness.



    Preschool activities

    Tale of V. Suteev "Apple".





    That's the apple!

    Conversation on content, mimic studies; simulation exercises.

    A book with illustrations for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple".

    Reading by the educator of the work

    Improvisation of the fairy tale "Apple".

    Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.

    Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Apple"

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    production of costumes and scenery.

    Scenery, costumes, roles


    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Apple"

    Scenery, costumes

    To develop attention, memory, figurative thinking of children.



    Preschool activities

    Fairy tale "pipe and jug".

    Games, sketches, dramatization of a fairy tale





    Let's go to the forest for berries, we'll pick up mugs with the top!

    Content Conversation

    A book with illustrations for the fairy tale "The Pipe and the Jug"

    Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "The pipe and the jug"

    Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.

    Improvisation of the fairy tale "Pipe and jug"

    Conversation about friendship and kindness; etudes for the expressiveness of movements; sketches for the expression of basic emotions.

    Multimedia screen, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale.

    With the help of a teacher, the choice of roles according to a fairy tale

    develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.

    Rehearsal of the fairy tale "pipe and jug".

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    production of costumes and scenery.

    Scenery, costumes, roles


    Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Pipe and the Jug".

    Showing the performance to children of younger groups

    Scenery, costumes

    Educators and children of younger groups



    Preschool activities

    Games, sketches, dramatization of a fairy tale





    « Magic Staff Santa Claus"

    Content Conversation

    A book with illustrations for the fairy tale "Magic Staff of Santa Claus"

    Reading the play "The Magic Staff of Santa Claus"

    develop the speech of children; introduce the poetic text of the fairy tale "Magic staff of Santa Claus."


    Rehearsal of the New Year's fairy tale "Magic staff of Santa Claus."

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    production of costumes and scenery.

    Multimedia screen, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale. Scenery, costumes, roles

    With the help of a teacher, the choice of roles according to a fairy tale

    to form a clear, competent speech, to improve the ability to create images using facial expressions and gestures.

    Playing a New Year's play

    Showing the play to parents

    Scenery, costumes

    Educator and parents

    develop attention, memory, breathing; cultivate kindness and contact in relationships with peers



    Preschool activities

    Facial expressions, gestures, tongue twisters, poetry

    Games, sketches, poems





    Game lesson.

    Articulation gymnastics; exercise guess intonation;

    tongue twisters game "Make no mistake";

    game "If the guests knocked";

    finger games "Squirrels";

    Attributes for games


    develop expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, voice; replenishment of children's vocabulary, learning new tongue twisters and finger gymnastics.

    One, two, three, four, five - we will compose poems

    Articulation gymnastics

    "Count to Five"

    "Sick Tooth"

    "Swinging the doll"

    "Playing with a Candle"


    "Ball of Emotions"

    Cards with rhymes for poems


    development of diction; learning new tongue twisters; introduction of the concept of "rhyme", exercise in inventing rhymes for words.



    Preschool activities

    The play "Snow Maiden".

    Games, sketches, dramatization of a fairy tale





    "Snow Maiden".

    Content Conversation

    Book with illustrations for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

    Reading a play

    "Snow Maiden"

    Develop children's speech; introduce the poetic text of the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" based on the play by N. Ostrovsky.

    Spring is coming! Spring sings!

    Conversation about friendship and kindness; etudes for the expressiveness of movements; sketches for the expression of basic emotions.

    Multimedia screen, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale.

    With the help of a teacher, the choice of roles according to a fairy tale

    Train diction, expand the range of voice and volume level, improve the elements of acting skills.

    Rehearsal of the spring fairy tale "The Snow Maiden".

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Learning roles with children;

    production of costumes and scenery.


    To form a clear, competent speech, improve the ability to create images using facial expressions and gestures.


    We play the play "Snow Maiden"

    Showing the performance to children of younger groups

    Educators and children of younger groups

    Develop attention, memory, breathing; cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

    A book with illustrations for a fairy tale

    Reading the fairy tale by G. - H. Andersen "Flint";

    develop the speech of children; familiarize yourself with the story


    Reading the play "Flint".

    Conversation about friendship and kindness; etudes for the expressiveness of movements; sketches for the expression of basic emotions.

    Multimedia screen, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale.

    With the help of a teacher, the choice of roles according to a fairy tale

    Develop children's speech; introduce the poetic text of the fairy tale "Flint" based on the fairy tale by G. - H. Andersen.


    Listen, you soldier, if you want to be rich!

    Episode rehearsals



    I'm sitting here on a chest.

    Etudes for the expressiveness of movements; sketches for the expression of basic emotions;

    Episode rehearsals


    Develop clear, fluent speech.


    Preschool activities

    Fairy tale G. - H. Andersen "Flint";

    Games, sketches, dramatization of a fairy tale







    "To what, we, unfortunate princesses."

    Etudes for the expressiveness of movements; sketches for the expression of basic emotions;

    Episode rehearsals


    Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.


    Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Flint"

    Learning roles with children;

    production of costumes and scenery.


    Develop independence and the ability to act in concert; expressively convey characteristics fairytale heroes; to form a clear, competent speech, to improve the ability to create images using facial expressions and gestures.


    We play the play "Flint".

    Showing the play to parents

    Educator and parents

    Develop attention, memory, breathing; cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.


    Preschool activities







    Game program "You can do it!"

    Show children the most favorite episodes and previously played roles

    Costumes, scenery

    Educator, teachers from other groups, young children

    Consolidation of the material covered; give children the opportunity to show initiative and independence in choosing and showing excerpts from previously staged performances


    Diagnostics of the levels of skills and abilities of older preschoolers in theatrical activities is carried out on the basis of creative tasks.

    Creative task number 1

    Playing out the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"

    Purpose: to act out a fairy tale using a table theater, a theater on a flannelograph, a puppet theater to choose from.

    Tasks: understand the main idea of ​​the fairy tale, empathize with the characters.

    be able to convey various emotional states and the characters of the characters, using figurative expressions and intonational-figurative speech. To be able to compose plot compositions on a table, flannelgraph, screen and play mise-en-scenes based on a fairy tale. Select musical characteristics to create character images. Be able to coordinate their actions with partners.

    Material: sets of puppet theater puppet, table and flannel.


    1. The teacher brings in a “magic chest”, on the lid of which

    depicts an illustration for the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf". Children will recognize the heroes of the fairy tale. The teacher takes out the heroes in turn and asks to tell about each of them: on behalf of the storyteller; on behalf of the hero himself; on behalf of his partner.

    2. The teacher shows the children that the heroes of this fairy tale from various types of theater hid in the “magic chest”, shows in turn the heroes of the puppet, table, shadow, theater on a flannelograph.

    How are these heroes different? (Children name different types of theater and explain how these puppets work.)

    3. The teacher invites the children to play a fairy tale. There is a draw by subgroups. Each subgroup acts out a fairy tale using a flannelograph theater, puppet and table theater.

    4. Independent activity children in acting out the plot of a fairy tale and preparing a performance.

    5. Showing a fairy tale to the audience.

    Creative task number 2

    Creation of a performance based on the fairy tale "Hare's hut"

    Purpose: to make characters, scenery, pick up the musical characteristics of the main characters, play out a fairy tale.

    Tasks: to understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale and to single out the units of the plot (the plot, the climax, the denouement), to be able to characterize them.

    Describe the main and secondary characters.

    Be able to draw sketches of characters, scenery, create them from paper and waste material. Selecting musical accompaniment for the performance.

    To be able to convey the emotional states and characters of the characters, using figurative expressions and intonational-figurative speech.

    Be active in activities.

    Material: illustrations for the fairy tale "Hare hut", colored paper, glue, colored woolen threads, plastic bottles, colored shreds.


    1. Sad Petrushka comes to the children and asks the children to help him.

    He works in a puppet theater. Kids will come to the theater to them; and all the puppet artists are on tour. We need to help the kids act out the fairy tale. The teacher offers to help Petrushka, make a table theater by himself and show the fairy tale to the kids.

    2. The teacher helps to remember the content of the fairy tale from the illustrations. An illustration showing the climax is shown, and questions are offered: “Tell me, what happened before this?”, “What will happen next?” This question must be answered on behalf of a bunny, a fox, a cat, a goat and a rooster.

    3. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the fairy tale will be interesting to kids if it is musical, and advises you to choose musical accompaniment to it (phonograms, children's musical instruments).

    4. The teacher organizes activities for the manufacture of characters, scenery, the selection of musical accompaniment, the distribution of roles and the preparation of the performance.

    5. Showing a performance to kids.

    Creative task number 3

    Script writing and storytelling

    Purpose: to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, select musical accompaniment, make or select scenery, costumes, play out a fairy tale.

    Tasks: to encourage improvisation on the themes of familiar fairy tales, creatively interpreting a familiar plot, retelling it from different persons fairy tale heroes. To be able to create characteristic images of heroes using facial expressions, gesture, movement and intonational-figurative speech, song, dance.

    Be able to use various attributes, costumes, scenery, masks when playing a fairy tale.

    Show coordination of your actions with partners.

    Material: illustrations for several fairy tales, children's musical and noise instruments, phonograms with Russian folk melodies, masks, costumes, attributes, scenery.


    1. The head announces to the children that guests will come to the kindergarten today. They heard that our kindergarten has its own theater and really wanted to see the play. There is little time left before their arrival, let's figure out what kind of fairy tale we will show the guests.

    2. The leader suggests considering illustrations of the fairy tales "Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear" and others (at the choice of the teacher).

    All these tales are familiar to children and guests. The teacher offers to collect all the heroes of these fairy tales and place them in a new one, which the children will compose themselves. To compose a tale, you need to come up with a new plot.

    What are the parts of the story called? (Introduction, climax, denouement).

    What happens at the beginning, climax, and denouement?

    The teacher offers to choose the main characters and come up with a story that happened to them. The most interesting collective version

    is taken as a basis.

    3. Children's activities are organized to work on the performance.

    4. Show performance to guests.

    Mechanism for evaluating the results

    The emphasis in the organization of theatrical activities with preschoolers is not on the result, in the form of an external demonstration of theatrical action, but on the organization of a collective creative activity during the production process.

    1. Fundamentals of theatrical culture.

    High level- 3 points: shows a steady interest in theatrical activities; knows the rules of conduct in the theater; names different types of theater, knows their differences, can characterize theatrical professions.

    Average level- 2 points: interested in theatrical activities; uses his knowledge in theatrical activities.

    Low level- 1 point: does not show interest in theatrical activities; finds it difficult to name the different types of theater.

    2. Speech culture.

    High level- 3 points: understands the main idea of ​​a literary work, explains his statement; gives detailed verbal characteristics of his characters; creatively interprets plot units based on a literary work.

    Average level- 2 points: understands the main idea of ​​a literary work, gives verbal characteristics of the main and secondary characters; identifies and can characterize the units of a literary work.

    Low level- 1 point: understands the work, distinguishes between the main and secondary characters, finds it difficult to single out the literary units of the plot; retelling with the help of a teacher.

    3. Emotionally-imaginative development.

    High level- 3 points: creatively applies knowledge about various emotional states and characters of characters in performances and dramatizations; uses various means of expression.

    Average level– 2 points: has knowledge of various emotional states and can demonstrate them; uses facial expressions, gesture, posture, movement.

    Low level- 1 point: distinguishes emotional states, but uses different means of expression with the help of a teacher.

    4. Puppetry skills.

    High level– 3 points: improvises with puppets of different systems while working on the performance.

    Intermediate level - 2 points: uses puppetry skills in work on the performance.

    Low level- 1 point: possesses elementary puppetry skills.

    5. Fundamentals of collective creative activity.

    High level- 3 points: shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners, creative activity at all stages of work on the performance.

    Average level- 2 points: shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners in collective activities.

    Low level- 1 point: does not show initiative, is passive at all stages of work on the performance.

    Since the Work Program is developing, the progress achieved is demonstrated by the pupils during creative events: concerts, creative shows, evenings within the group to show to other groups, parents.

    Expected Result:

    1. The ability to evaluate and use the acquired knowledge and skills in the field of theatrical art.

    2. Using the necessary acting skills: freely interact with a partner, act in the proposed circumstances, improvise, focus attention, emotional memory, communicate with the audience.

    3. Possession of the necessary skills of plastic expressiveness and stage speech.

    4. The use of practical skills when working on the appearance of the hero - the selection of makeup, costumes, hairstyles.

    5. Increasing interest in the study of material related to the art of theater, literature.

    6. Active manifestation of their individual abilities in the work on the performance: discussion of costumes, scenery.

    7. Creation of performances of various orientations, participation in them of circle members in the most varied capacities.

    Characteristics of the levels of knowledge and skills of theatrical activities

    High level (18-21 points).

    Shows a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Understands the main idea of ​​a literary work (play). Creatively interprets its content.

    Able to empathize with the characters and convey their emotional states, independently finds expressive means of reincarnation. Owns the intonational-figurative and linguistic expressiveness of artistic speech and uses it in various types of artistic and creative activities.

    Improvise with puppets various systems. Freely selects musical characteristics for characters or uses DMI, freely sings, dances. Active organizer and leader of collective creative activity. Shows creativity and activity at all stages of work.

    Average level (11-17 points).

    Shows an emotional interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Has knowledge of various types of theater and theatrical professions. understands the content of the work.

    Gives verbal characteristics to the characters of the play, using epithets, comparisons and figurative expressions.

    He has knowledge about the emotional states of the characters, can demonstrate them in the work on the play with the help of a teacher.

    Creates an image of a character according to a sketch or verbal description-instruction of the educator. Possesses the skills of puppetry, can apply them in free creative activity.

    With the help of the leader, he selects musical characteristics for the characters and plot units.

    Shows activity and coordination of actions with partners. Actively participates in various types of creative activity.

    Low level (7-10 points).

    Less emotional, shows interest in theatrical art only as a spectator. Difficulty in identifying different types of theater.

    Knows the rules of behavior in the theater.

    Understands the content of the work, but cannot single out plot units.

    Retells the work only with the help of the leader.

    He distinguishes the elementary emotional states of the characters, but cannot demonstrate them with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

    He possesses elementary puppetry skills, but does not show initiative to demonstrate them in the process of working on the performance.

    Does not show activity in collective creative activity.

    Not independent, performs all operations only with the help of a supervisor.


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