"theatrical activity as a means of developing speech in preschoolers". Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers

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On the topic: "The development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities"

Artist: Kozlov Ravil Grigorievich

Nizhny Novgorod, 2016


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects the development of speech of preschoolers in psychological and pedagogical science, the development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities

1.1 Issues of the development of speech of preschoolers in psychological and pedagogical science

Chapter 2. Development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities

2.1 The concept and types of theatrical games, their significance in the development of speech of preschoolers

2.2 The level of speech development of preschool children in MBDOU "Brook" (stating experiment)

2.3 The main directions of experimental work on the development of speech and the correction of speech development disorders through theatrical and game activities in MBDOU "Rucheyok" (formative experiment)

Chapter 3

3.1 Analysis of the effectiveness of experimental work on the development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities (control experiment)




The theme of my thesis work is "The development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities." The study of this topic is relevant for improving the effectiveness of the activities of psychologists, teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions. This topic is important when creating programs for the development of speech of preschool children, creating a special environment and conditions in the practical activities of specialists working with children.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Mastering literate speech is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic, moral education and the full development of the child's personality. Theatrical activity stimulates active speech, expands the zone of communication, brings up feelings and experiences, causes an emotional response to the phenomena of the surrounding world through the creation of artistic images by speech means. Preschool age is a unique period of human development, which has a peculiar logic and specificity; it is a special world with its own language, way of thinking, actions.

Recently, there has been a negative trend associated with the lack of communication of the child in the family, the replacement of "live communication" with virtual, reading for watching cartoons via the Internet. The result of this is a violation of speech development in preschoolers: the phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, the pace of its formation. One of the most effective means of developing and educating a child in preschool age is theatrical activity.

The role of theatrical activity in the speech development of the child is great (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). It stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary, improving the articulatory apparatus and expanding the zone of communication (with toys, peers, adults), is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences, emotional discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual wealth, is the most important means of development conditions necessary for the organization joint activities children, during which the speech development of preschoolers occurs.

One of the most effective means of developing and educating a child at preschool age is theater and theatrical games, the game is the leading activity of preschool children, and theater is one of the most accessible forms of art that allows solving many urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of the communicative qualities of the individual, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative, etc. “Theatrical activity of preschoolers”, as a concept, is legally enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide, participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, the questions posed make children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.

The relevance of research is that in modern world Unfortunately, more and more often live communication for children is replacing computers and television, and this trend is growing. A significant number of parents believe that educators and teachers of children's institutions should be engaged in the upbringing and education of children, and their task is to ensure material well-being and life. Year by year, the number of preschoolers with speech development defects (in the pronunciation of speech sounds, its qualities - tempo, speech communication, poorly developed coherent speech) is growing.

Properly organized theatrical activities can radically change the current situation with the development of speech in our country.

Purpose of the study: to reveal the significance of the means of theatrical activity in the development and correction of the speech of preschool children.

Research objectives:

1. To study the theoretical foundations of the features of the development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities.

2. To identify the level of speech development of preschoolers MBDOU kindergarten "Rucheyek" r. Varnavino village, Nizhny Novgorod region.

3. Conduct a study of the state of speech development of younger preschoolers MBDOU kindergarten "Rucheyek" r. the village of Varnavino.

Hypothesisresearch is based on the assumption that the development of the speech of preschoolers and the correction of violations in the development of speech through theatrical activities will be successful if:

Use special theatrical games-situations and exercises for the development of speech;

Create a developing environment conducive to speech development and correction of speech development disorders in preschool children;

Take into account the age and individual characteristics of the perception of the means of theatrical activity of preschoolers;

Ensure that all stakeholders (both inside and outside the preschool) are trained in the means of theatrical activities.

objectresearch is the process of developing the speech of preschool children by means of theatrical activities.

Itemresearch: content, methods and techniques of work on the development of speech of preschool children by means of theatrical activities.

Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis) of psychological and pedagogical literature, empirical (observation, testing, experiment, conversation).

The work consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, bibliography, 3 appendices.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the development of speech of preschoolersin psychological and pedagogical science, the development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities

1.1 Issues of the development of speech of preschoolers in psychological and pedagogical science

Speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, etc. Speech is a diverse activity, the improvement of speech is closely connected with theatrical activity, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ replicas, one’s own statements are imperceptibly the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of his speech, its intonation structure is improved.

Speech is a subtle psychological process that is formed in the first years of life. The process of speech formation is very individual and depends on many factors: the social environment, the gender of the child (it is generally accepted that boys begin to speak much later than girls), psychological contact with the mother, physiological development, brain functioning, etc. It is necessary to monitor the formation of speech, provoke the child to pronounce sounds and syllables, it is in the process of communicating with adults that the need for speech development is formed.

The speech of the child is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and to a large extent depends on sufficient speech practice, normal speech environment and on education and training, which begin from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development. Assimilation of the native language by a child takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends. It is necessary to clearly represent each stage of the child's speech development, each "qualitative leap" in order to notice certain deviations in this process in time. Knowledge of the patterns of speech development of children is also necessary for the correct diagnosis of speech disorders and its correction. Researchers distinguish a different number of stages in the development of children's speech, call them differently, indicate different age limits for each.

The development of theoretical and practical issues The development of the speech of preschool children was studied by such scientists as N.I. Zhinkin, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Zaporozhets, R.S. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, L.N. Leontiev, E.E. Tikheeva, A.N. Gvozdev, E.I. Perovsky, E.Ya. Golant, D.O. Lordkipanidze, K.D. Ushinsky, E.M. Vodovozova, E.I. Tikheeva, P.F. Lesgaft, foreign psychologist J. Piaget and others.

Ul'enkova L.V. First doctor psychological sciences Nizhny Novgorod developed special diagnostic criteria for the readiness for education of children with STDs.

HER. Tikheeva identified the main tasks (sections) of work on the development of children's speech in kindergarten: the development of the speech apparatus in children, its flexibility, clarity, the development of speech hearing; accumulation of speech content; work on the form of speech, its structure. In her writings, a coherent system of work on the word is presented.

A.N. Gvozdev - Soviet linguist, developed a linguistic periodization of the child's speech development.

K.D. Ushinsky - created an original theory of children's play, confirming it with scientific and psychological data (play is a free, independent activity; its content is influenced by the environment; the educator should not interfere; toys are of great importance; it is important to use folk games). He recognized the closest connection between the aesthetic and moral education of preschoolers.

A.R. Luria made important contributions to the field of defectology. He was the initiator of research devoted to the analysis of the neurodynamic foundations of disorders mental processes in abnormal children.

A.A. Leontiev, within the framework of the activity approach, considered speech as an activity.

Among foreign psychologists who dealt with the problem of speech development, J. Piaget should be noted. He noted that in children in the third year of life one has to observe a tendency to monologize. Children at this age sometimes speak out loud to no one.

They scientifically confirmed the fact that a child's speech is formed under the influence of adult speech and depends to a large extent on sufficient speech practice, normal speech environment and on education and training that begins from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his general development. But there was no consensus on the stages of periodization of speech development among preschoolers.

Periodizations of the speech development of preschoolers were formulated by outstanding psychologists: A.N. Leontiev and A.V. Zaporozhets. They identified 4 stages of speech development in children:

1st - preparatory - up to one year;

2nd - before preschool stage initial language acquisition - up to 3 years;

3rd - preschool - up to 7 years;

4th - school.

But our view, in relation to the topic of our graduation work, is most consistent with the periodization of speech development, based on hypersensitivity. This periodization of hypersensitivity development considers the 3 most important phases in the development of speech in preschoolers.

The period of accumulation of the first words is the first hypersensitive phase of speech development (conditionally, this is a period from 1 to 1.5 years).

The hypersensitivity of this phase boils down, on the one hand, to the fact that adequate verbal communication between an adult and a child allows the child to quickly accumulate words that are the basis for the further normal development of phrasal speech, on the other hand, insufficient verbal communication with an adult, somatic and mental stress easily lead to the destruction of emerging speech. This can manifest itself in the form of a general speech disorder (hereinafter referred to as OHP) and speech development delay (SRP).

This is manifested in a delay in the appearance of the first words, in "forgetting" those words that the child already knew, and even in stopping speech development. One of the characteristic features of the pre-preschool age (from 1 year to 3 years) is the formation of a new type of communication based on the intensive development of speech. The most intensively developing function in preschool age is speech.

By the end of this period, thanks to cooperation with an adult, the child is basically able to use household items and play with toys.

Objective activity during this period is leading because it is in it that the development of all aspects of the psyche and personality of the child takes place.

To enrich the child's ideas about the properties of objects, it is necessary that he gets acquainted with the various characteristics and signs of things in specific practical actions. A rich and varied sensory environment, with which the baby actively operates, is the most important prerequisite for the formation of an internal plan of action and mental development.

The need and need to speak involves two main conditions: the need to communicate with an adult and the need for an object to be named. But neither one nor the other, taken separately, does not yet lead to the word.

The period of three years (2.5 - 3.5 years) is the second hypersensitive phase in the development of speech. This is the period when the child actively masters extended phrasal speech. During this period, the speech of the child himself becomes a means of his intellectual and speech development.

By the age of 3, speech begins to take a central place in the mental development of the child. During this period, the child has a pronounced desire for independence; the child begins to talk about himself in the first person, he develops a sense of "I", i.e. the ability to separate oneself from the outside world.

In some cases, at this age stage, children may experience excessively intense and uneven development of speech. A three-year-old child has an increased need for speech activity. He speaks constantly, addresses the adult with questions, proactively involving the adult in communication with himself.

By the age of 3, the so-called regulatory function of speech begins to develop, i.e. the child increasingly begins to subordinate his actions to the verbal instructions of the adult. There is an intensive development of speech understanding. The rate of speech development in preschool age is very high. So, if by the end of the second year the child uses up to 300 words, then by the beginning of the third year their number increases sharply, reaching 1000-1500 words by the end of the third year.

At the same time, the articulation of sounds is still far from perfect: many sounds are omitted or replaced by those close in articulation or sound. When pronouncing words, the child, first of all, is guided by their intonational-rhythmic and melodic characteristics.

The intensive development of speech at this age stage restructures all the mental processes of the child. Speech becomes the leading means of communication and development of thinking

In children of the fourth and fifth years of life, play, mediated activity with objects, speech intensively develop, which contributes to the formation of abstract forms of thinking, the arbitrariness of mental processes, the possibility of forming an internal plan of action and evaluating one's own actions and behavior.

The child begins to think with the help of reasoning, i.e. he learns to connect different knowledge to solve a specific mental problem. By the age of five, the role-playing game becomes predominant and requires the participation of a group of preschoolers, therefore it is the first and main type of their joint activity. In the process of this game, children learn to interact, assimilate moral standards, which affects the development of their personality as a whole. The growing need for communication leads to the fact that preschoolers develop all forms and functions of speech. At the age of five, the word can already more adequately direct the child's activity and convey information to him, but verbal instruction, the transfer of experience in verbal form, still needs sensory support. The inclusion of the word not only accelerates, changes qualitatively, but also facilitates the process of assimilating new knowledge, and contributes to the mastery of new activities. The skills acquired with the help of verbal instructions are more easily transferred by the child to an unfamiliar situation, to a new object. The role of the preschooler's own speech is also changing, this is manifested in the regulation of his activity. From accompanying, it turns first into fixing, and then into planning. Speech is actively involved in the assimilation of knowledge, in the development of thinking, in sensory development, into the moral, aesthetic education child, in the formation of his activity and personality.

In children 5-6 years old, the third hypersensitive period is observed, when contextual speech is normally formed, i.e. independent generation of the text. During this period, the child intensively develops and significantly becomes more complicated the mechanism for the transition of an internal idea into external speech. As at the age of three, the central nervous system of children 5-6 years old experiences a special stress in the process of speech. At this time, one can observe "failures" of speech breathing at the time of pronouncing complex phrases, an increase in the number and duration of pauses associated with difficulties in the lexical and grammatical formulation of the statement. Child at this age:

on the one hand, it is extremely sensitive to the quality of speech samples of contextual speech of adults;

on the other hand, mental stress can lead to speech pathology (stuttering), and the restriction of speech communication, low level speech environment lead to insufficient formation of monologue speech.

The readiness of mental processes is manifested in the level of formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech, attention. In this case, the criterion of readiness is arbitrariness cognitive activity, the ability to generalize and developed speech.

Preschool age is a period of active development of speech, and the leading activity at this age is the game. Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways impact on children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

The improvement of speech is closely connected with theatrical activity, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters’ replicas, their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved. A new role, especially the dialogue of characters, puts the child in front of the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and understandably. His dialogic speech, its grammatical structure improves, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also replenished. Theatrical activity is aimed at developing among its participants not only sensations (sensors), feelings, emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills and abilities (communicative, organizational, motor, and so on), it also has a great influence on the speech development of the child. Stimulates active speech by expanding the vocabulary, improves the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of his native language. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the nature of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly and understandably for others.

The development of theoretical and practical issues of the development of speech of preschool children by means of theatrical activities was carried out by the following psychologists: L.S. Vygotsky, Furmina L.S., Vyroshnina L.V., Karpinskaya N.P., A.N. Leontiev, L.P. Bochkareva, V.N. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, L.V. Artyomova, O.A. Karabanova.

The famous Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky noted that the theater is the most accessible form of art for preschool children. Theatrical activity contributes to the development of many aspects of the personality of a preschooler. These are psychophysical abilities (facial expressions, pantomimes), mental processes (perception, imagination, thinking, attention, memory), speech (monologue, dialogue), creative abilities (the ability to transform, improvise, take on a role).

According to L.S. Furmina, theatrical games are performance games in which a literary work is played out in faces with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, that is, specific images are recreated. Thanks to special pedagogical research conducted by L.V. Vyroshnina, N.P. Karpinskaya found the following. Even children of senior preschool age do not play theatrical games on their own. They are most interested in dramatization games at the suggestion of the educator and under his guidance.

A.N. Leontiev believed that the game-dramatization in science is defined as "pre-aesthetic activity" is one of the forms of transition to productive, aesthetic activity with its characteristic motive for influencing other people.

The connection between theatrical and children's play can be traced in many studies, where the child's play is considered as "the mimic art of the actor", "dramatic or theatrical instinct", "artistic stylization", "the art of the child", "the genetic basis of the mechanism of acting creativity", "a form of primitive dramatic art "(L.P. Bochkareva, V.N. Vsevolodsky - Gerngross, L.S. Vygotsky).

Consider the approach in the works of L.V. Artyomova, the author of the book "Theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution" Theatrical games differ depending on the leading ways of emotional expressiveness, through which the theme, plot is played out. In this case, all theatrical games are divided into:

Director's (table, shadow theater, theater on flannelgraph) - in these games, a child or an adult acts for all the characters;

Dramatization games based on the actions of the performer of the role (adult or child), who at the same time can use bibabo puppets or finger theater put on his hand, as well as costume elements.

Dramatization games involve the arbitrary reproduction of a story in accordance with the scenario (O.A. Karabanova). They are based on the actions of the performer, who uses finger puppets and bibabo puppets, and correspond to the definition: “To dramatize means to act out any material work in the faces, preserving the sequence of the episodes told in it and conveying the characters' characters.” Since the child plays himself, he can use all means of expression: intonation, facial expressions, pantomime.

Thus, language and speech are traditionally considered in psychology and pedagogy as a knot in which various lines of mental development are intertwined - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Speech is the main channel for transmitting culture from generation to generation, as well as the most important means of education and upbringing. Therefore, pedagogical workers of preschool institutions need to know the stages of speech development of preschoolers, characteristics manifested speech, methods of speech development, allowing to correct violations of speech development in children.

If we talk about methods that contribute to the development of speech and its correction, if necessary, then this, of course, is a theatrical and gaming activity.

The theatrical game is an unusually emotionally rich activity, which makes it attractive to children. It brings great joy and surprise to the child. It contains the origins of creativity, children take the guidance of an adult, not noticing him. It most fully covers the personality of the child and corresponds to the specifics of the development of his mental processes: integrity and oneness of perception, ease of imagination and faith in transformation, emotional susceptibility, not only figurative, but also logical thinking, motor and speech activity, etc.

Chapter 2preschoolers by means of theatrical activities

2.1 The concept and types of theatrical games, their meaningIE in the development of speech of preschoolers

Theatrical activity has a special place in speech development. The whole life of a child is full of play, each pupil wants to play his role in it. In the game, he receives not only information about the world around him, but also learns to live in this world, build relationships. “What is theater? This is the best way to communicate with people, to understand their innermost feelings. This is a miracle that can develop creative inclinations in a child, stimulate mental processes, improve bodily plasticity, and form activity ”K.S. Stanislavsky.

A preschool educational institution is the first and most responsible link in common system public education. Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is particularly sensitive to the acquisition of speech. Therefore, the process of speech development is considered in modern preschool education as a general basis for the upbringing and education of children. Psychologists and methodologists note that a child learns his native language, primarily by imitating the colloquial speech of others (D. B. Elkonin, R. E. Levina, A. P. Usova, etc.). Reflecting on the issue of raising the level of speech of children, we came to the conclusion that theatrical activities can help. It is through theatricalization that children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds. And skillfully, the questions posed make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalize. The founder of the Moscow Puppet Theater S. V. Obraztsov once expressed the idea that every child has an inherent desire for acting. And we know that acquaintance with the theater takes place in an atmosphere of magic, festivity, high spirits, so it is not difficult to get children interested in theater.

Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways of influencing children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested: to teach while playing. Theatrical games are the most important factor stimulating the development of coherent speech in children. In a theatrical game, each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, and not only alone, but also publicly without being embarrassed by the presence of listeners. The experience of pedagogical work has shown that the theatrical game has a great influence on the speech development of the child. Stimulates active speech by expanding the vocabulary, improves the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of the native language, its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations corresponding to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

In the theatrical game, a dialogical, emotionally rich speech is formed.

Children better learn the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Theatrical games contribute to the assimilation of the elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Classes in children's theater enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, develop interest in fiction, activate the dictionary, colloquial speech, contribute to moral and aesthetic education, allow solving many urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of communicative qualities of the individual, the development of imagination, fantasy , initiative, emancipation, etc.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is closely related to the development of coherent speech of children, which is expressed in the use of a number of theatrical techniques. Namely: acquaintance with literary works, sketches, speech exercises for conveying various feelings (work on intonational expressiveness, using various theatrical puppets to illustrate works of art or playing around, staging works of art (poems, short stories, fairy tales). Preparation for theatrical activities children, as a rule, goes through several stages: introduction to the topic, creating an emotional mood; theatrical activity (in various forms, where the teacher and each child have the opportunity to realize their creative potential; emotional conclusion, ensuring the success of theatrical activity.

Theatrical games are always loved by children. Preschoolers are happy to beat familiar works, transforming into their favorite image. The child voluntarily accepts the character's traits, facial expressions and gestures. Children rejoice when good triumphs, sigh with relief when the heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending comes.

Fairy tales are especially loved by children, the language of fairy tales is very picturesque, they have a lot of well-aimed comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, monologues, rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember the fairy tale and enrich his vocabulary. Theatrical art is close and understandable to both children and adults, primarily because it is based on the game.

The theatrical game is one of the brightest emotional means that form the personality of the child, independent creativity, his emancipation. In the process of a theatrical game, the vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, tempo, and expressiveness of speech are activated and improved.

Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways of influencing children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

Theatrical and game activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences, emotional discoveries of the child, attaches him to spiritual wealth, is the most important means of developing empathy - a condition necessary for organizing joint activities of children. The main forms of organizing theatrical activities are: a theatrical lesson, a puppet museum, a theatrical game at holidays and entertainment, theatrical game performances, visiting theaters by children together with their parents, joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical games in everyday life, mini-games on musical classes, mini-games in other classes and independent theatrical and artistic activities.

A selection of games for children has been developed younger preschool age.

I. Theatrical games and exercises for children of primary preschool age:

1. Imitation:

* Game-imitation of individual actions of a person, animals and birds (children woke up, stretched, sparrows flap their wings) and imitation of basic human emotions (the sun came out - the children were delighted: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place).

* A game-imitation of a chain of successive actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero (merry nesting dolls clapped their hands and began to dance; the bunny saw a fox, got scared and jumped behind a tree).

* A game-imitation of well-known fairy-tale characters (a clumsy bear goes to the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).

2. Improvisation:

* Improvisation game to the music ("Merry rain", "Leaves fly in the wind and fall on the path", "Round dance around the Christmas tree").

* One dark wordless improvisation game with one character based on the texts of poems and jokes read by the teacher ("Katya, Katya is little ...", "Hare, dance ...", V. Berestov "Sick Doll", A. Barto "Snow, snow").

* Improvisation game based on texts short stories, stories and poems that the teacher tells (3. Alexandrova "Herringbone"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with the family", "Vaska"; N. Pavlova "In the car", "Strawberry"; E. Charushin "Duck with ducklings") .

3. Role dialogue of the heroes of fairy tales ("Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut", "Three bears").

4. Staging fragments of fairy tales about animals ("Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox").

5. One dark game-dramatization with several characters based on folk tales ("Gingerbread Man", "Turnip") and author's texts (V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom", K. Chukovsky "Chicken").

II. Speech development games are aimed at:

1. on the education of a sound culture of speech: the development of the articulatory apparatus, diction, the pronunciation of hissing sounds

2. on the education of intonation flair, speech tempo, diction, voice power.

3.to enrich and activate the dictionary.

4. on the development of coherent speech.

Selection of didactic material: games, exercises, artistic literature, plays, musical works.

Production of scenery, costumes, puppets for various types of theatrical activities.

Starting from middle age (4-5 years), it is necessary to consistently introduce the types of theaters, the basics of acting. For this, an etude simulator is used, which helps to develop attention and perception; to instill skills in displaying various emotions, moods, individual character traits.

In this, children who are unsure of themselves most often prefer the puppet theater, since its necessary attribute is a screen behind which the child seeks to hide from the viewer. Children who have overcome shyness usually participate in a dramatization (staging, performance) as actors in a drama theater. At the same time, by observing each other, they enrich their personal experience. By the beginning of the year, children in the middle group began to speak better, but their speech was not yet sufficiently formed. Educators stimulate the desire of children to be included in the performance. Introducing children to different types of theater: table theater, the bibabo theater, a flat theater on a flannelograph, included in the process of mastering by children mini productions based on the texts of folk and author's poems, fairy tales, stories (“This finger is a grandfather”, “Tili-bom”, K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with a family”, A Barto "Toys", V. Suteev "Chicken and Duckling", etc.).

The theatrical game contributes to the development of such personality traits as: observation, independence, endurance, development of fantasy, imagination, communication skills.

In group rooms for middle-aged children in MBDOU organized corners of theatrical activities (screen, finger theater, table, b-ba-bo, mask theater, music center and audio library with songs, fairy tales, sounds of nature.); corner of a book with Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, songs, folders with illustrations "Tell a story"; twisting corner.

senior preschool age- children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations. Theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters, difficult mise-en-scenes to develop. These games give children the opportunity to apply their knowledge, show creativity in various types of theatrical activities. At older preschool age, children are freed from complexes and actively participate in theatrical games. The puppetry skills acquired by children make it possible to combine several types of theatrical puppets of various systems in one theatrical game.

Theatrical games are distinguished by more multifaceted characteristics of the characters, mise-en-scenes that are difficult to stage, and the most difficult puppets to control. Children are very interested in making dolls, masks, decorations, posters and other attributes. When playing puppet theater, it is impossible to play silently, the child becomes an actor, director, and screenwriter of his performance. He comes up with a plot, pronounces it, voices the characters, pronounces their experiences. The child absorbs the richness of the Russian language, expressive means of speech, various intonations of the characters and tries to speak correctly and clearly so that the audience understands him.

While playing the puppet theater, speech develops even more intensively, the experience of communication in various situations is enriched, the vocabulary is enriched quantitatively and qualitatively. Playing with dolls has an indirect and imperceptible comprehensive curative and educational effect and helps to gain a sense of success in the very area in which the child feels most vulnerable. Playing with a doll gives children the opportunity to fully reveal their individual characteristics. In the game - the words of the child should revive the dolls and give them a mood, character. Playing with dolls, the child reveals his hidden feelings not only verbally, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

With the expansion of the horizons of children, stage performances become more complicated: the number of actors increases, the plots of performances become more complex.

There are different types of theater for preschoolers: Finger theater, picture theater, theater on a stick, knitted theater, cone theater. We pay great attention to the finger theater in our work with children.

Finger theater - this is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children. Finger theater is a theatrical, didactic, role-playing game. A unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero. Finger theater is the development of fine motor skills: during games, children develop dexterity, the ability to control their movements, focus on one type of activity, which is a natural means of self-expression for a child, promotes the development of speech, attention, memory, forms spatial representations, develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements, increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex. The meaning of this theater is to encourage the child to put figurines on his fingers and try to tell tales (different, but always according to original text). Stimulation of the fingertips leads to the development of speech. Imitation of hand movements, games with fingers stimulate, accelerate the process of speech and mental development of the child. This is evidenced not only by the experience and knowledge of many generations, but also by the studies of physiologists, who have proven that the motor impulses of the fingers affect the formation of "speech" zones and have a positive effect on the entire cerebral cortex of the child.

Picture theater - this type of theater contributes to the diversity of play in kindergarten groups. Such games develop creative abilities and contribute to their aesthetic education.

Theater on a Stick dexterity of hands is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity, to correlate movements with speech.

knitted theater develops motor-motor, visual, auditory coordination. Forms creativity, artistry. Enriches passive and active vocabulary.

cone theater helps to learn to coordinate the movements of the hands and eyes, to accompany the movements of the fingers with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

We have classified the main theatrical games and their importance for speech development (Table 1).

speech preschooler theatrical game

Table 1. Classifications of theatrical games

The value of games for the development of speech

Types of games

ON THE. Reutskaya

1. Contribute to the development of mental processes and various personality traits (independence, initiative).

2. Develop speech, memory, imagination.

3. Form attention, i.e. the game contributes to the mental development of children .

4. Development of imagination, thinking and speech in children.

5. Exercise in pronouncing difficult sounds.

6. Improve coherent dialogic speech.

7. Influence creative knowledge and transformative activity.

Games - dramatizations, Games with a table theater (flat and three-dimensional figures of characters), flannelograph, Shadow theater, Bibabo.

L.V. Artemyeva

1. Contribute to the assimilation of gaming skills by children.

2. Contribute to the formation of the ability to transfer knowledge about the world around to the game.

3. Develop the spiritual and physical strength of the child; attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity.

4. All aspects of the child's personality are formed.

5. Enriching children's play experience.

6. A generalized idea is formed about many phenomena, objects.

Directing games (table, shadow theatre, flannelograph theater) Dramatization games (with attributes, with fingers, with bibabo puppets).

S.L. Novoselov

1. Development of children's speech activity.

2. They tell about the culture of the Russian people in a figurative, accessible form for children.

3. They influence the education of the will, moral feelings, the development of intelligence, speed.

4. Contribute to the development of children's speech.

5. Cause active work of thought, contribute to the expansion of horizons.

6. Develops concentration.

7. Promotes verbal-logical thinking.

Games that arise on the initiative of the children themselves, on the initiative of an adult, Folk games coming from historical traditions.

Theatrical games provide an opportunity to move from wordless etudes to etudes with words, dialogue, monologue, improvise with elements of disguise on a given topic, which excites imagination, develops imagination, children learn to express themselves in movement, to hold on freely without hesitation.

For preschool children, all the components of the theater are important - music, costumes, scenery, and the main word. Frequent rehearsals give children the opportunity to communicate, understand the feeling of partnership, mutual assistance, relieve stiffness, and speed up the process of mastering public speaking skills.

Thus, based on the importance of theatrical and gaming activities for the development of the speech of preschoolers, we conducted a study on the influence of theatrical activities not only for the development of the speech of preschoolers, but also for the correction of speech development disorders in preschool children.

To this end, we conducted an ascertaining experiment to identify the level of speech development and speech disorders among preschoolers of the MBDOU "Rucheyek" district of Varnavino.

2.2 The level of speech development of preschool children in MBDOU "Brook"(stating experiment)

We conducted a study of the development of speech of preschoolers in our preschool institution according to the method of E. A. Strebeleva, proposed in the manual "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early preschool age" (the manual is based on a modern approach to diagnosing the mental development of children of early preschool age).

We examined children aged 4-5 years, belonging to the 2nd and 3rd sensitive periods of speech development. These periods are important to us due to the fact that we can make the most of the methods of theatrical and gaming activities for the development and correction of the speech of preschoolers.

In children of the 4th and 5th years of life, speech contributes to the formation of abstract forms of thinking, the arbitrariness of mental processes, the possibility of forming an internal plan of action and evaluating one's own actions and behavior.

The role-playing game - during these periods becomes predominant and is the first and main type of activity, the growing needs for communication lead to the development of all forms and functions of communication in preschoolers.

For children aged 5 to 6 summer age Normally, contextual speech is formed, that is, an independent generation of the text. During this period, mental stress can lead to the emergence of speech pathology - in the form of stuttering, and the restriction of speech communication and the low level of the speech environment to insufficient formation of monologue speech.

At the ascertaining stage of the study, the purpose of our study was to identify the level of speech development of preschool children aged 4-5 years.

Experimental work to identify the level of speech development and speech disorders included the use of techniques aimed at identifying the level of cognitive and speech development. When approaching the selection of methods for psychological and pedagogical examination, the factor was taken into account that for a preschool child, the leading way of assimilation of social experience is the game. This is possible when the child is ready to cooperate, i.e. he has a desire to perform tasks offered by adults.

Research work to identify the level of speech development by means of theatrical activities of preschoolers was carried out using the following methods: storytelling, reading, conversations, trainings, improvisation, reincarnation, exercises.

The following methods were used:

Methodology "Subject pictures" (the task is aimed at identifying the understanding of the plot image, the level of development of coherent speech);

Method "Play" (the task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the game, the child's ability to act with toys, perform a number of logically related actions, combining them into a common plot);

Method "Find a pair" (comparison of pictures). (The task is aimed at identifying the ability to analyze and compare images, find similarities and differences);

Method "Tell" (plot picture). (The task is aimed at identifying the level of understanding, perception of the plot image, the development of coherent speech.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, 2 groups of children with speech development disorders were identified: children with phonetic speech impairment (hereinafter FND) and children with speech development delay (hereinafter SRR).

Phonetic speech disorder (FNR) - this is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal physical and phonemic hearing and the normal structure of the speech apparatus. There may be a disorder of a single sound or several sounds at the same time. As a rule, such violations of sound pronunciation are associated with a violation of articulatory motility or its insufficient formation. The child cannot correctly perform the movements of the organs of articulation, especially the tongue, as a result of which the sound is distorted. (Motor speech disorder).

Such disorders can manifest themselves:

In the absence (missing) of sound - "aket" instead of "rocket"

In distortions - throat pronunciation of the sound p, buccal - sh, etc.

Most often violated:

Whistling sounds - S, Z (and their soft pairs), C

Hissing sounds - W, W, H, W

Sonorants (lingual) - L, R (and their soft pairs)

Incorrect pronunciation can be observed in relation to any consonant sound, but those sounds that are simple in the way of articulation and do not require additional movements of the tongue (m, n, p, t) are less often violated.

In our work, we study two groups of children of early preschool age - RRR and FNR.

Delayed speech development (ZRR) in a child, this is a lag behind the age norm of speech development at the age of up to 4 years. Children with delayed speech development master speech skills in the same way as other children, but the age range is significantly shifted. The delay in the development of speech is reflected in the formation of the entire psyche of the child. It makes it difficult for a child to communicate with others, prevents the correct formation of cognitive processes, and affects the emotional-volitional sphere.

The term speech development delay (SRR) is widely used in speech therapy practice. This diagnosis is appropriate in relation to young children. Until about five years of age, there is hope for the development of the neural structures responsible for speech.

T.B. Epifantseva, a teacher-defecologist, identifies the causes of delayed speech development:

- Lack of demand for speech , if no one talks to the child, or vice versa, guesses all his desire, and speaks to him, without forming the child's need to express his demands and emotions in words;

Slow rate of maturation of nerve cells responsible for speech (more often due to genetics);

Diseases and lesions of the brain (hypoxia, trauma and infectious diseases transferred in utero, during childbirth and in the first year of life);

- Hearing disorders speech is formed on the basis of what is heard, if a child has hearing problems, then there are problems with the reproduction of words, that is, with speech;

- Various diseases first years of life;

- hereditary factors, in these cases, speech disorders may constitute only a part of the general disturbance of the nervous system and be combined with intellectual and motor insufficiency;

- Unfavorable social and living conditions , leading to pedagogical neglect, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere and a deficit in the development of speech.


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From work experience

"Theatrical activity as a means of developing coherent speech of preschoolers"

Chekunova Elena Alexandrovna,

educator MBDOU No. 61,

Apatity, Murmansk region

“... Not only the intellectual development of the child,

but also the formation of his character,

emotions in the individual as a whole

is directly related to speech.

(Lev Semenovich Vygotsky)

A person throughout his life perfects personal speech, mastering the riches of the language, and any age limit introduces something new into his speech development. Thanks to the native language, the baby enters our world, gets ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms attitudes and beliefs, and also renders a great service in understanding the world in which we live.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. connected speech - highest form speeches mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child. Adequate perception and reproduction of textual educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, to express one's own opinions independently - all these and other educational activities require a sufficient level of development of a coherent (monologic and dialogic) speech. This is explained by the fact that, in fact, speech is considered a method of forming and formulating ideas, a means of communication and influencing others.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, speech development is one of the end-to-end mechanisms for the development of a child. Full mastery of speech in the middle preschool age is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. The sooner language training is started, the freer the child will communicate in the future.

The studies of psychologists, teachers (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin) created the prerequisites for integrated approach to solving problems of speech development of preschoolers. The development of speech is carried out in various types of children's activities: familiarization with fiction, phenomena of the surrounding reality, as well as in play (play-dramatization) and artistic activities, in everyday life.

After analyzing the literature and the requirements of programs on this topic, I concluded that an effective means for the development of coherent speech of children is creative theatrical activity. My observations show that theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle learning: learning while playing. Theatrical games are always loved by children. Books, fairy tales, performances are an inexhaustible source for the development of feelings and imagination for the child, and in turn, the development of feelings and imagination introduces him to the spiritual wealth accumulated by mankind. Theatrical activity develops the speech sphere of preschoolers, helps the development of communication skills, the assimilation of new requirements and rules for correcting the features of children.

Work on the topic Theatrical activity as a means of developing coherent speech»I carry out in accordance with the main educational program of preschool education MBDOU No. 61 of Apatity, which was developed on the basis of the content of the general educational program preschool education "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

This topic was chosen by me not by chance, since recently the number of children with impaired coherent speech and a lack of vocabulary has increased. Among the parents of the pupils of the group, a survey was conducted, as a result of which socio-pedagogical problems of education and development were noted. Also in the group of children, a survey was conducted in the field of "Social and communicative development" and "Speech development", as a result of which problems were identified in resolving conflicts with the help of beliefs and explanations; children do not always take responsibility and independence in carrying out assignments; rarely know how to agree on the topic of the game and conduct a role-playing dialogue. Observations of children showed that children experienced difficulties in performing various tasks:

  • in the ability to aesthetic perception of the art of the artistic word;
  • the ability to listen to the text;
  • catch intonation;
  • features of speech turns;
  • clearly, consistently express an idea;
  • retell the text yourself;
  • in the performance of the role, the child did not master a variety of visual means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, expressive speech in terms of vocabulary and intonation).

The tasks of work on theatrical activities are:

to form the ability of children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently;

- to form the grammatical, lexical structure of speech;

- to develop the skills of active, colloquial, figurative speech;

- continue to develop dialogic, monologue speech;

- continue to improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children in various types of theatrical activities;

- continue to develop the expressive, intonational side of speech.

To solve the tasks set, a developing subject was created in the group.spatial environment, providing joint theatrical activities of children and the teacher, as well as independent creativity of each child. To do this, the group operates centers that contribute to the self-realization and self-expression of the child. Their equipment is periodically replenished.

The occupancy of the environment (centers) within the framework of this topic:

"Game Center"

In this center are: plot toys; toys transport of various types; toys depicting objects of labor and everyday life; role-playing attributes for imitation games and role-playing games that reflect simple life situations and actions (“Doll Corner”, “Kitchen”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Workshop”, “Garage”, “Post Office”, “Travel”, “Atelier”); animal toys; dolls; sets different types dishes; demarcated areas (doll corner, beauty salon, shop, hospital, post office, etc.).

"Center of the Theater"

The group has a theatrical corner with different types of theater (table, b-ba-bo, planar, shadow, disk, finger); masks, caps, wigs, costume elements, props (nose, glasses, mustaches, etc.); theatrical makeup; pictures and illustrations for fairy tales; flannelograph, screen; attributes for the fair (shawls, ribbons, hats, wreaths, etc.); visual and didactic games and manuals (“Heroes of fairy tales”, “What kind of fairy tale is this?” Etc.). A long-term plan of work on the topic has been developed, a card index of theatrical and plot-role-playing games has been created.

"Center for Speech Development"

This center has: didactic visual materials; subject and subject pictures, etc.; books on topics, developing magazines on the development of speech skills; "Wonderful bag" various items; visual and didactic aids and games: “Stories from pictures”, “What happened first and what then”, “Add a word”, “Sequences”, “Tell me why?”; card indexes of communicative and speech games.

To accomplish the tasks set, I used main areas of work:

  1. Working with children, which included:

— diagnostics of emotional and personal development (2 times a year);

— practice-oriented orientation in the implementation of tasks.

Carried out this work through the following forms of work:

  • watching puppet shows and talking about them;
  • dramatization games (preparation and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations);
  • speech games and exercises (for the development of monologue and dialogic speech);
  • exercise "Interview from a fairy tale" (development of the ability to answer questions);
  • inventing fairy tales and stories based on children's drawings;
  • compiling stories according to pictures from fairy tales and according to schemes;
  • tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;
  • transformation games, figurative exercises;
  • exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime;
  • theatrical sketches;
  • individual ethics exercises during dramatizations;
  • acquaintance not only with the text of a fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery, mise-en-scene, etc.;
  • showing theatrical performances, performances.

Children's artistic creativity is phased

At the first stage- perception is enriched due to the life experience of children and acquaintance with literary works.

I acquaint children with works of different genres (fairy tales, stories, poems), with their content, artistic form, with the expressive, wise language of folk tales.

I carry out acquaintance with the outside world in accordance with the content of a literary work. Children develop attention, observation, independence and activity.

Second phase- actual process children's creativity, which is directly related to the emergence of an idea, the search for artistic means, mastering the intonation of the word, facial expressions, gait. Speech develops from all sides: the dictionary is enriched with figurative vocabulary, the sound side of speech is improved (intonational expressiveness, diction, voice power), children learn the skills of dialogical speech (the ability to ask, answer, give a cue, listen).

I work with pupils on the development of stage skills to recreate the images of fairy-tale characters by means of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movements; plastic sketches.

Third stage- is characterized by the emergence of new products.

With children, I play dramatization games and performances based on the literary works I have read.

Thus, an important condition for the success of dramatization is a deep understanding of a literary work at the level emotional experiences and feelings. It is in the process of perceiving works of different genres that children develop their creative abilities, their behavior changes.

They learn from fairy tales the peculiarities of the behavior of certain characters, represent their actions, and they have a need to show certain movements themselves. At first, not all children have the ability to combine word and movement. For such an understanding, it is necessary to use exercises and plastic studies more widely.

When children begin to perform plastic studies, I accompany their actions with words characterizing the habits of animals. Then I make it harder. Already from middle age, preschoolers are able to carry out etudes without speech accompaniment.

In children 5-6 years old, it is characterized by the formation of contextual (coherent) speech. The child is attracted to narration-improvisation, he shows interest in creative storytelling, composing different types of phrases.

At the same time, I try to use word-building games. I set a goal for the children - to formulate my thoughts in the form of a story, then I provide them with the necessary assistance, suggest plot moves, logical connections, and sometimes the beginning of a sentence.

I use storytelling in my work. "Blurred letter". This is a grammar exercise. When compiling stories, coherent speech, understanding of the semantic side of the word and especially the syntactic structure of sentences are improved.

I organize theatrical games through activities such as theatrical game in the organization educational activities, in the joint activities of the educator with children and in the independent activities of children.

  1. Organization of theatrical play.

1) In the course of continuous educational activities. I try to include theatricalization as a game technique (characters are introduced that help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities).

For example: the Chanterelle comes to visit, which confuses the colors, and the children tell her about them.

2) Joint activities of the educator with the children. In my work I use game situations on a walk, organize dramatization games, reading fiction with subsequent play-out of plot episodes during the day, drawing games on

free topic. All this is an impetus for creative thought, an idea that needs to be implemented.

3) Theatrical game in the independent activity of children. In the evening, I watch how, after reading fairy tales, theatrical games reflect the characters and plots that excited the children, how they let the character of the characters through themselves. And I see the result of my work. How complexes gradually “dissolve” and children overcome fears.

I also include games and speech exercises. Exercises not only increase mental activity, but also improve speech skills, contribute to the development of mental processes, and increase emotional activity. Children learn about the world around them, become participants in events from the life of people, animals, plants. I correctly formulate questions to help children isolate the main thing - the action of the main characters, their relationships and actions. The right question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work. We borrow figurative expressions, well-aimed words, turns of speech, proverbs and sayings from fairy tales, children enrich their speech, making it interesting and expressive.

After answering the questions, I suggest that the children “show” the fairy tale in a dramatization game. The game-dramatization is especially important for children of middle preschool age, i.e. fifth year of life. When retelling a fairy tale, I use a table theater. Then the children listen to the audio recording of the fairy tale, watch the presentation. Each new reading of a fairy tale evokes new feelings in children, they have a desire to listen again and see a well-known fairy tale in new forms.

Observation of children has shown that with this approach, even the most timid children can more easily cope with the excitement of participating in a dramatization game.

  1. Working with parents

The formation of a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities among preschoolers is impossible without close contact with the families of the pupils. Parents are the main helpers. In order to involve parents in solving this problem, I use various forms of interaction:

— Parent meetings (traditional and non-traditional forms).

- Questioning: "Your attitude to theatrical activities."

- Making a folder - moving: "How to play theater with children at home?", "What toys should a child buy?".

- "Labor landing" - the manufacture and selection of attributes for the holidays.

– Consultations: “Puppet theater at home”, “The importance of theatrical activity in the development of speech of a preschooler”, “Development of coherent speech of children in theatrical activity”.

- "Parents' meetings".

- Development of memos "Home theater", "We develop the speech of children through theatrical games."

- Days open doors"We are always glad to see you!"

– Participation in the psychological and pedagogical project on fairy tale therapy with children and parents “Together is better” (together with a teacher-psychologist).

  1. Working with teachers

Achieving the planned results involves the joint interaction of the educator with other teachers of the preschool educational institution.

In the process of work were carried out:

- showing OD: "Intellectual cafe" Wild animals "for children of the older group (OO" Speech development ").

- showing theatrical games, fairy tales: "Turnip on new way”, “English songs”, “Carousel of fairy tales”.

- showing role-playing game"Train" for children of the middle group.

— Consultations for educators: “Puppet theater”, “Holiday for everyone”.

She summarized and disseminated her pedagogical experience at different levels:

– Participation in the city festival of environmental theaters in Apatity “Sunshine” with ecological fairy tale"Forest Special Forces".

- Speech with experience on the topic of self-education at the teachers' council of MBDOU No. 61.

- International competition "Teacher by vocation". Nomination: "Creative works and methodological developments educators." Work: abstract of the OD "Crystal Winter" for children of the older group (OO "Speech development", "Social and communicative development").

- International competition "You are a genius". Nomination: "Best open lesson". Title of the work: abstract of the OD “In search of Burenka” (OO “Speech development”).

— Speech at the regional workshop: “Creating conditions for the development of the child’s social capabilities within the framework of pedagogical activity"on the basis of GBUZ Apatity with a message from work experience on the topic: "Organization of communicative games in the social and personal development of pupils."

- Showing the OOD for the NGO "Speech Development" on the topic: "Lost Letters" with children of the older group (level of preschool education).

- Speech with experience on the topic "Theatrical activity as a means of developing coherent speech" at the teachers' council No. 3 MBDOU No. 61.

When carrying out this work, I observed a positive dynamics in the development of speech skills in the development of the educational program for the educational area "Speech Development" by children of the middle group. High level in this region have 10 children (47.7%); the average level is 11 children (52.3%). Low level is not detected. The overall dynamics compared to the beginning of the year amounted to an increase in indicators by 20%.

At the beginning of 2016-2017 school year analysis of the diagnostics of the NGO "Speech Development" in the senior group showed an average level of formation of skills and abilities of pupils. 10 children (50%) have a high level in this area; the average level is 10 children (50%). Low level is not detected. The prognosis is positive.

According to the results of the academic year, the observations showed that the children's interest in theatrical and play activities increased, the vocabulary was enriched and activated, and the intonational expressiveness of speech improved.

Visible results: children are able to conduct etudes with speech accompaniment, their performance skills in creating artistic images have increased, they can show a little familiar fairy tale, they know how to evaluate the actions of heroes

Thus, mastery of all aspects of speech, the development of language abilities, through the theater, is considered as the core of the full-fledged formation of the personality of a preschool child, which presents great opportunities for solving many problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children.

Theatrical game as a means of developing coherent speech of preschoolers

Modern children live in a powerful flow of information, live communication replaces the computer and television, and this trend is constantly growing, so the development of speech is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in our society.

How do our children communicate? Chopped phrases, everyday dictionary. What can we say about children, if often young people cannot vividly retell the plot of a film or a story heard from someone. The quality of the retelling wants to be better. It is one thing to retell the text dryly - i.e. to state the chain of events, and another thing is the gift of the narrator, which includes the artistic and figurative design of speech.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Coherent speech is the highest form of speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child. The acquisition of coherent oral speech is essential condition successful preparation of children for schooling.

Speech is considered coherent if it is characterized by:

Accuracy (true image of the surrounding reality, selection of words and phrases that are most suitable for this content);

Logic (consistent presentation of thoughts);

Clarity (understandability for others);

Correctness, purity, wealth (variety).

Connected speech is a complex form speech activity. It has the character of a consistent systematic detailed presentation. The main function of connected speech is communicative. It is carried out in two main forms - dialogue and monologue.

At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. That is why the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child are play, communication with adults and peers, experimentation, theatrical and other activities.

Theatrical and gaming activities enrich children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develop interest in literature, activate vocabulary, coherent speech, thinking, and contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

The theatrical production provides a pretext and material for the most diverse types of children's creativity. Children themselves compose, improvise roles, stage some ready-made literary material. This is the verbal creativity of children, necessary and understandable to the children themselves.

The figurative, vivid image of social reality, natural phenomena, characteristic of a theatrical game, introduces children to the world around them in all its diversity. The questions posed to children in preparation for the game encourage them to think, analyze rather difficult situations draw conclusions and generalizations. This contributes to the improvement of mental development and the improvement of speech, which is closely related to it. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound side of speech is being improved. The new role, especially the sound dialogue of the characters, puts the child in front of the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and understandably. His dialogical speech, its grammatical structure improves, he begins to actively use the dictionary, which, in turn, is also replenished. In creating a game image, the role of the word is especially great. It helps the child to express their emotions, thoughts, feelings, to understand the experiences of partners, to coordinate their actions with them.

The theatrical game is a universal tool that is reflected in each educational area, however, in the context of the problem under consideration, it is necessary to pay special attention to the integration of the theatrical game into such educational areas as "Communication" and "Reading Fiction".

“Reading fiction”: interest in fiction develops, listening skill develops, an emotional attitude to the actions of heroes is formed, the ability to express it, the ability to describe the character of the heroes; the ability to expressively read poetry is formed and consolidated. Children's attention is drawn to the composition of the work: how it begins, what the story or fairy tale is about, how it ends, its language features. To consolidate the read work, you can use the finger theater, in which the actions and content are produced by the children themselves. In case of difficulty, the teacher provides the necessary assistance.

"Communication": the formation and development of speech as a means of communication. Development of the ability to maintain a conversation, improve dialogical forms of speech, the ability to express one's point of view. Developing the ability to write a story about events from personal experience. Inventing your own endings of fairy tales, writing fairy tales on a topic proposed by the teacher, as well as on a free topic, learning dialogues.

The development of coherent speech is formed in children gradually, as they develop thinking, growing up, as well as individual characteristics. In accordance with the age of the children, theatrical games, types of theaters that are accessible to children and contribute to the development of coherent speech are selected.

Children of the younger group are happy to transform into dogs, cats and other familiar animals, but they still cannot develop and beat the plot. They only imitate animals, copying them outwardly, without revealing the peculiarities of behavior, therefore it is important for children of the younger group to be taught some ways of playing actions according to the model. For this purpose, it is recommended to hold the games “The mother hen and the chickens”, “The she-bear and the cubs”, “The hare and the hare”, and in the classroom to play small scenes from children's life, to organize games based on literary works: “Toys” by A. Barto, “Cat and goat" by V. Zhukovsky.

Forming interest in dramatization games, it is necessary to read and tell children fairy tales and other literary works as much as possible.

In children of middle preschool age, the formation of an impressive and expressive vocabulary continues. Work continues on the accumulation of passive vocabulary and the activation of nouns, adjectives, verbs in speech. Coherent speech and verbal communication develops. Children learn to listen to the addressed speech, to understand its content. A reaction to intonation and facial expressions develops. Work is underway to maintain the unity and adequacy of speech, facial expressions, pantomime, and gestures. The ability to maintain a conversation, ask questions and answer them, listen to each other to the end develops. The ability to repeat after an adult a descriptive story from 2-3 is formed. simple sentences and then write a short descriptive story with the help of an adult. The skill of retelling familiar fairy tales or small texts with the help of an adult and with visual support is being formed. In the middle group, you can already teach children to combine movement and word in roles, to use the pantomime of two or four characters. It is possible to use training exercises, for example, "Imagine yourself a little bunny and tell about yourself." With a group of the most active children, it is advisable to dramatize the simplest fairy tales using a table theater (the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"). By involving inactive children in games, you can dramatize works in which there is no a large number of actions (the nursery rhyme "Kisonka-murysenka").

In children of older preschool age, vocabulary expands and becomes more active in speech. The ability to answer questions briefly and completely, ask questions, conduct dialogues, listen to each other to the end is being improved. The ability to compose stories-descriptions, riddles-descriptions according to a model, according to a plan, expressively read poetry is being formed. In the older group, children continue to improve their performing skills. The teacher teaches them to independently find ways of figurative expression. Dramatic conflict, the formation of characters, the acuteness of situations, emotional richness, short, expressive dialogues, simplicity and figurativeness of the language - all this creates favorable conditions for dramatization games based on fairy tales.

In children of preparatory age for school, the vocabulary is expanded and activated on the basis of systematization and generalization of the knowledge gained. Expressive speech is enriched difficult words, immutable words, antonyms, synonyms. The ability to discuss what he saw, talk about experiences, impressions develops. The skill of cognitive communication is formed. The skill of retelling short stories is being formed with a change in the time of action or the face of the narrator. The ability to express judgments, evaluate the read work, the actions of the characters is formed. A sense of language develops, sensitivity to the poetic word, figurative means, love for the native language is instilled. For preschoolers of 6-7 years old, a dramatization game often becomes a performance in which they play for the audience, and not for themselves, as in a regular game. At the same age, directorial games become available, where the characters are dolls and other toys, and the child makes them act and speak. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, to think about his words, to restrain his movements.

As practical observations show, a special role in increasing mental activity, improving speech skills, developing mental processes, and increasing emotional activity belongs to theatrical games.

It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to express themselves in their creativity (in composing, acting out and designing their own plots).

You can learn creativity only with the support of adults, including parents.

Recommended forms of work with parents: leisure activities, theme nights"Favorite fairy tales", "Theatrical meetings", conversations, consultations, home composition of fairy tales and various stories and their acting out, joint production of attributes, costumes.

The socio-psychological characteristics of preschool children include the desire to participate in joint activities with peers and adults, as well as the occasional need for solitude. Therefore, in each age group a theater zone or a corner of a fairy tale should be equipped, as well as a “quiet corner” in which the child can be alone and “rehearse” any role in front of a mirror or look at the illustrations again, etc.

Thus, a theatrical game is one of the most effective ways to develop coherent speech in preschoolers. Children adequately use verbal and non-verbal means of communication, speak dialogically and constructively interact with children and adults.

Theatrical activities not only introduce children to the world of beauty, but also awaken in them the ability to compassion, empathy, activate thinking and imagination.


1. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers: Book. For the teacher of children garden M., KNORUS", 2003.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Play and its role in the mental development of the child. // Psychology of development. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

3. "Kindergarten: theory and practice" No. 3/2012 "Development of coherent monologue speech of preschool children."

4. Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten: A guide for employees of preschool institutions. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001


Relevance. In the course of studying the methodological literature and work experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve the main problem, which is that it is necessary to overcome the general underdevelopment of the speech of children and develop the speech of preschoolers. This problem is a key problem in the course of my pedagogical activity.

Preschool educational institutions and groups for children with speech disorders are the first stage of lifelong education and are included in the system of public preschool education. Kindergartens for children with speech disorders play a leading role in their upbringing and development, in the correction and compensation of speech disorders, in preparing these children for school.

Correctional work on the upbringing and education of preschool children with speech impairments includes daily frontal and individual lessons, the implementation of continuity in the work of a speech therapist, educator and music director.

Among the most important tasks of speech therapy work with preschoolers with OHP is the formation of coherent monologue speech in them. This is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of systemic speech underdevelopment, and for preparing children for the upcoming schooling.

The success of teaching children to school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. Adequate perception and reproduction of textual educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, to express one's own judgments independently - all these and other educational activities require a sufficient level of development of coherent (monologue and dialogic) speech.

The purposeful formation of coherent speech is of paramount importance in the overall system of speech therapy work with children with ONR. The formation of coherent speech of children with OHP in a correctional kindergarten is carried out both in the process of various practical activities during games, regime moments, observations of others, etc., and on special remedial classes. The methodology of work on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with OHP is covered in a number of scientific and scientific-methodological works on speech therapy. As we know, the main activity of the child is the game. The methodological literature reflects various types of games for the formation of coherent speech of children with OHP, but the section as a theatrical game in the development of speech of children with OHP is not sufficiently disclosed.

Speech disorders, arising as a result of the impact of any potential factor, do not disappear by themselves, and in the absence of a specially organized corrective work may adversely affect the development of the child.

Unfortunately, in Russian speech therapy today the most priority and especially fully developed is the correctional direction, which focuses on overcoming emerging or existing speech disorders. This is most understandable due to the objectively greater suffering of the child and the anxiety of his relatives and friends.

The purposeful formation of coherent speech is of paramount importance in the overall system of speech therapy work with children with ONR. In the course of the study, I studied the methodological literature on this topic and came to the conclusion that the system of work on the development of the speech of children with OHP in theatrical activities is not sufficiently developed.

Unfortunately, in the specialized literature one can find only a few mentions of theatrical activity in the development of the speech of children with ONR.

Purpose of work: To develop ways to activate speech activity

preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech by means of theatrical activity

The object of the study is preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The subject of the research is theatrical activity as a means of forming a coherent speech of a preschooler.

Hypothesis - the speech development of children in preschool educational institutions using theatrical activities will meet the requirement and will contribute to a more effective psychological readiness child to school.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the research objectives were formulated:

1. To study the special literature on the problems of coherent speech in children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP);

2. To reveal the types of theatrical activities in preschool institutions in terms of the ability to overcome the speech underdevelopment of a preschooler;

3. To identify and analyze the features of coherent speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech;

4. To develop modified techniques for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech by means of theatrical activities;

5. Check the feasibility and success of applying certain

A promising plan for older children is the preparatory group. "Theatrical activity as a means of forming a coherent speech of a preschooler"


September 1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox"

2. "A story about the diversity of theaters"

3. Finger theater, bi, ba, bo, desktop.

4. Dramatization based on r. n. fairy tales. "Teremok"

5. Design of an exhibition of books. (Fairy tales, Russian folk, epics, stories, fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky in verse, funny stories Nosov, Suteev and other works,)

October 1. amazing world fairy tales

2. Theatrical performance "Puppets on stage"

3. Theatrical staging of the fairy tale "Bull, tar barrel"

4. Game improvisations

5. "Book baby" DIY

November 1. Dramatization of the Ukrainian fairy tale "Mitten" (goal: to educate children's interest in oral folk art)

2. Dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Who said Meow? »

3. Tabletop fairy tale staging "Zayushkina's hut"

4. “This is an unusual picture theater! »

December 1. Dramatization of the work of K. Chukovsky "Confusion"

2. "Dolls know how to speak"

3. Staging of the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky. "Cockroach"

4. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

5. “Characters of fairy tales. (We are funny entertainers)"

January 1. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" (based on a Russian fairy tale)

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

3. “Dolls Twitchers” (My doll is dancing)

4. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

5. A story about finger artists. "Fingers will play"

February 1. Acquaintance with the fairy tale "Thumbelina" (Depict the character you like, imitate him with voice, gesture, emotion, intonation, expressiveness, rate of speech).

2. Conversation: Where did Thumbelina come from

3. Show the children illustrations that will help them better understand the text. (see Appendix 1)

4. Drawing the flora of the elves.

5. Re-listening to the fairy tale "Thumbelina"

6. Working with diagrams according to the theme of the fairy tale “Thumbelina. (see Appendix 1) .

7. Presentation of the fairy tale "Thumbelina"

8. Drawing up problematic tasks according to the schemes for the fairy tale "Thumbelina"

March 1. Dramatization of a fairy tale as a gift to mother "Thumbelina"

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Thumbelina" For other groups and kindergartens.

3. "Come to us theater"

4. "Dolls on a tablet" with a screen - a tablet.

5. Project "I was born in the Kuban"

April 1. “Pupae on a screen” Exercises in pairs and individually

2. Dramatization based on the stories of Nosov "Mishkina porridge"

3. Dramatization based on the poem by K. Chukovsky “The Tsokatukha Fly. »

4. Dramatization of river. n. fairy tales "Snow Maiden"

May 1. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

2. "Three kittens and the Cat-artist" (based on the fairy tales of Suteev) 3. "The ugly duckling" (R. N. S.)

4. Dramatization based on Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom"

(see appendix 3)

June 1. "Playing a fairy tale" Exercise in methods of action.

2. “Come to the theater to us! »

3. “Who are jumpers? »

4. "Let's teach the doll to walk"

July 1. "Our performance"

2. “This unusual theater of pictures! »

3. "Dolls know how to speak"

4. "We play table theater"

Attached files:

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MBDOU kindergarten No. 102, Taganrog

Musical director Kapranova L.N.

Seminar - workshop for parents of the middle group "Chamomile"

Topic: "Theatrical activity as a means of speech development"

Timely mastery of correct, pure speech contributes to the formation of self-confidence in children, the development of their thinking, communicative qualities. Speech is not an innate ability, it develops gradually.

In music lessons, the fundamental principle is the relationship of speech, music and movement. Music is used to streamline the pace and nature of the child's movement, develop the melodic and intonation characteristics of the voice and the ability to coordinate singing, speech and movement. Songs accompanied by hand movements develop fluency and expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and memory, coordination training. Musical games also contribute to the development of speech, attention, and the ability to navigate in space. I now invite you to participate in a musical lesson that we will conduct with you.

1. Now we will play the game "Tongue Journey" to warm up the speech apparatus.

Purpose: development of the speech motor apparatus with the help of articulatory gymnastics.

“The tongue lived in the mouth. I woke up in the morning, turned from side to side. The tongue wanted to go for a walk. First, the tongue decided to see what the weather was like outside. He knocked on one cheek - there is no window there. He knocked on another - there is also no window. And then the lips opened up, smiled, and the tongue looked out the window. He looked first one way, then the other. Good weather, you can go for a walk. The tongue jumped up the ladder (the tongue "steps" over the teeth and hides back into the mouth, counted all the boards (the tongue strokes the upper, then the lower teeth first) got on the train and went to the forest (choo-choo) "

2. One of the characteristics of speech is the tempo, the ability to speak at different tempos with different lengths, heights and volumes, now I offer you the game "Hello, palms"

Purpose: development of the tempo of speech.

3. Another characteristic of speech is onomatopoeia, that is, the ability to recreate it in memory and reproduce it with a certain length, loudness and tempo. Game "I have friends"

Purpose: to teach children onomatopoeia, based on recall

The rooster greeted me:

Ku-ka-re-ku! he sang aloud.

Ko-ko, I heard from the chickens

Purring cat purred:

And the dog Barbos recognized me,

Barked politely:

And stretched out the calf


Like, hello, bored alone.

And a sparrow on a branch in an instant


I'm alive, chik-chirik.

"How nice," I thought.

That I have friends around."

V. Medvedeva

4. The age of children from 4 to 5 years is the most sensitive for the development of creative abilities, the ability to express their understanding of the plot of the game and the nature of the character, the emotionality and expressiveness of the performance (in movement, in speech, plasticity, facial expressions, etc.). I propose to play the fairy tale "Teremok" from the perspective of children.

This is an onomatopoeia of the characters of a fairy tale (mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear)

Selection of musical instruments according to the timbre of a suitable chosen character: try to extract a sound in accordance with the character of the character (hare - quickly, abruptly, etc.)

Parents stage a fairy tale, choosing elements of a costume, a mask, and the necessary musical instrument.

At the end of our meeting, I suggest that you play dramatization games, poems, songs, fairy tales at home, in the family circle. You will get joy, pleasure from joint creative activity with children, which is aimed at developing sensations (sensors, feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, as well as speech, communication, motor and other skills and abilities. Children get a positive attitude, they lose a sense of fear and insecurity in itself.


Consultation for parents "Theatrical game as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers"


Dear parents!

In them, they describe the displayed images of the fairy tale using verbs (run away, grieve, scold, adjectives (small, big, capricious, cheerful, sad, adverbs (loud, heavy, easy, fun, noisy, quiet). Such games activate a variety of vocabulary, focus the attention of preschoolers on the meaning of the word, the development of self-control.

Therefore, it is the theatrical game that allows you to solve many problems related to the formed expressive speech of the child.


1. O. A. Shorygina "Playing a fairy tale" shopping center "Sphere", Moscow, 2006.

2. A. E. Antipova "Theatrical activity in kindergarten" shopping center "Sphere" Moscow 2006.


Theatrical activity of preschool children as a means of correcting speech disorders

Theatrical activity of preschool children as a means of correcting speech disorders at the stage of automation of sounds

Theatrical activities children is a huge stimulus for the development and improvement of speech. The theater actor must be able to clearly pronounce the text, expressively convey the thoughts of the author (intonation, logical stress, voice power, speech rate). In theatrical games, the skill of correct expressive speech and confident communication in a team is polished.

Therefore, in speech therapy classes at the stage of automation of sounds, we began to use theatrical activities. The main goal for us is to create conditions for the correction of children's speech disorders and the development of their motivation to eliminate their speech defects.

Theatrical games involve the arbitrary reproduction of a story in accordance with the scenario. We use these games when retelling stories, fairy tales and dialogues. Here children are artists.

Having distributed the roles and got acquainted with the script, they show small performance. Children learn to control their voice, intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and most importantly - clear articulation. The participation of children in theatrical games contributes to the development of memory and interaction with each other.

Participation in dramatizations of fairy tales with several characters, during which attention switches from one partner to another, sets new tasks for the child. At the same time, children need to carefully monitor the course of the whole action and be able to play their role in time.

The participants in the game - staging repeatedly enter into verbal contact with each other. Work continues on the purity and correctness of speech and movements. simple form speech, unhurried development of the plot, frequent repetitions and rhyming in the text cause natural slowing down of speech and semantic pauses.

Fairy tales are selected according to the number of participants, taking into account the structure of the defect. Very often we introduce new characters into familiar fairy tales, ensuring the involvement of more children. Sometimes, based on well-known fairy tales, we “compose” our own.

The skillful use of theatrical games at the stage of automation of sounds allows not only to form different skills and abilities in children, but also to solve very important tasks of correctional and educational work. They help the development of coherent speech, significantly replenish vocabulary, make speech more literate, expressive, clean and correct.

Below I present summaries of "my" fairy tales based on the fairy tale "Teremok".

Summary of the lesson with elements of dramatization based on the fairy tale "Teremok"

Lesson objectives:

Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds, automation and differentiation of their poetic and coherent speech. - Continued work on the sound analysis of words. - Compilation of complex sentences. - Formation of words with diminutive suffixes. - Agreement of numerals with nouns. - Work on intonational expressiveness of speech.


Animal hats: (mouse, frog, owl, fox, hare, hedgehog, bear). - Layout of the tower.

Fairy (tutor) enters the hall.

Fairy: I came to you from a magical land. What kind of magical country is this, where miracles happen everywhere, Where every animal and even a bird can talk and have fun? Yes, I was talking about the land of fairy tales.

Here's my magic ball. He will help you get into the land of fairy tales.

The fairy leaves.

Speech therapist: Would you like to get into the land of fairy tales? Let's roll our ball and see where it takes us.

The curtains are parted, behind them is a teremok.

We all know, we all believe: There is a wonderful tower in the world. Here it is a miracle - a teremok, It is not low, not high.

Guys, you also turned into fairytale heroes(Put on animal hats). The fairy tale "Teremok" begins.

Speech therapist: Tower, tower, tower, it is not low, not high. A mouse ran past.

I am a little mouse, I walk through the forest. I'm looking for a house, I'm looking, I can't find it.

Speech therapist: I saw a mouse tower, knocked and asked ...

Mouse: Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

Speech therapist: No one answers her. The mouse went around the little house and sees: a lock is hanging on the door, and there is a note in it: “The lock will open if you count how many syllables there are in the words house and mouse” (the child counts the syllables).

Speech therapist: The lock has opened. The mouse entered Teremok and began to live in it - to live.

Hear, children, someone jumps to the tower?

River, midges and grass. Warm rain, qua-qua. We are frogs, we are frogs of rain and dampness, girlfriends.

Speech therapist: We saw Teremok frogs, and let's knock on the door.

Frogs: Knock, knock, open the doors!

Mouse: Who's there?

Frogs: It's us, frogs. And who are you?

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Speech therapist: We will let you frogs into Teremok if you collect and count the cones and mushrooms that grow around Teremochka.

The game "Who is faster" is being played. Then the children take turns counting the collected cones and mushrooms, matching the numerals with the nouns.

Mouse: Come in, frogs in Teremok, we will live together.

An owl flew through the forest. I saw the tower and asks ...

Owl: Who lives in Teremochka, who lives in a low one?

Mouse: I, the mouse - norushka.

Frogs: We are frogs. And who are you?

And I'm an owl-owl, owl eyes, I'm sitting on a bitch, looking in all directions. Let me go to Teremok.

Speech therapist: Terem-Teremok is our home. We will let you in, Owl, if you correctly lay out the word HOUSE with colored cubes (the owl completes the task; it is allowed into the house).

They began to live together. They live for themselves, live, chew cheesecakes. Suddenly they hear someone running towards Teremka.

The fox ran out of the forest.

I am a gossip-fox, I am the beauty of the whole forest. Knock, knock, who lives in Teremochka?

Mouse: I am a mouse.

Owl: I am an owl - an owl. And who are you?

Fox: And I'm a fox-fox. Let me go to Teremok.

Speech therapist: We will let you in, little fox, if you tell us why you want to live in Teremka?

The child makes a complex sentence like: "I want to live in Teremka, because ...". They let him into the house.

Speech therapist: They began to live together. They live, they live, they sing songs. Suddenly they hear someone running towards Teremka and grunting loudly.

This is a pig - a sharp bristle. She ran up to Teremka and knocked.

Pig: Knock, knock, knock, who lives in Teremochka, who lives in a low one?

The animals respond.

And I'm a pig - a sharp bristle, A crochet tail, a snout nose.

Speech therapist: Let's go, pig, if you call all the inhabitants of Teremka affectionately.

The child makes up words with diminutive suffixes.

Enters Teremok.

Speech therapist: They began to live together. They live for themselves, do not grieve, they are strong friends.

Someone jumps to the teremochka. Bunnies jumped into our clearing.

Bunnies: Knock, knock, who lives in the little house? Who lives low?

The animals respond.

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Kindergarten of combined type No. 87, Omsk

Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers


The article discusses the possibilities of developing the speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities and acquaintance with theatrical art. Examples of games used in theatrical activities in kindergarten are given.

In the article possibilities of development of speech of preschool children of the theatricalized activity and acquaintance are examined with a dramatic art. Examples of games are made used in theatrical activity in kindergarten.

Key words: theatrical art, theatrical game, performance, image, performance.

Keywords: dramatic art, theatricalized game, presentation, character, theatrical.

At present, in connection with the new requirements put forward by modern society to the education system, the problem of communication and speech development of preschool children is of particular relevance.

In solving problems related to communication and speech development of preschoolers, an important role is given to theater and theatrical activities.

An analysis of domestic and foreign literature showed that the acquaintance of children with various types of theater, as well as their participation in theatrical performances and theatrical games, plays an important role in their development, introduces children to theatrical art. Theatrical games not only bring joy to children, but also bring up artistic taste, develop speech, teach the child to better understand the world around him.

Preschoolers are happy to join the game: they answer the questions of the dolls, fulfill their requests, transform into one or another image. Participation in theatrical games helps children get acquainted with the world around them, has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect on all areas of the child, increases speech activity, and provides correction of violations of the communicative sphere. Children show individual characteristics, which contributes to the formation of their inner world.

To develop the ability to meaningfully and expressively retell literary texts, to dramatize them using various types of theaters, introducing them to theatrical art.

1. To consolidate the ability to convey the image through means of expression (posture, gesture, facial expressions, intonation, movement).

2. Develop creative independence, aesthetic taste.

3. To develop the independence of preschoolers in organizing theatrical games, making the necessary attributes and decorations.

4. To cultivate a culture of verbal communication.

The great influence of theatrical games on the personality of the child allows them to be used in various activities, including the game. It is known that the game is a serious matter, but also a fun one.

But how many will we find? pedagogical works who recommend developing a sense of humor? Paradoxically, in preschool pedagogy, humor occupies an insignificant place, and only thanks to our masters of the artistic word has it not completely disappeared. If it were not for, say, K. Chukovsky, S. Ya Marshak, N. Nosov, G. Oster, humor, a mischievous joke would be with those children who were lucky to have a cheerful teacher and parents.

The improvement of speech is also closely connected with theatrical activity, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters’ replicas, their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation system are improved. The concept of "expressive speech" includes verbal and non-verbal means of expression.

For the development of expressive speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which the child could convey his emotions, feelings, desires, views. The habit of expressive public speech can be brought up only by involving the child in speeches in front of an audience. Great help this can be influenced by classes in theatrical activities, impact and educational opportunities which are huge, its subject matter is not limited. Reading and dramatization of works of art and fairy tales have a great influence not only on the development of speech, but also on the moral education of children.

“The theater is a source of development of feelings, experiences, emotional discoveries of a child. In order to have fun with someone else's fun and sympathize with someone else's grief, you need to be able to transfer yourself to the position of another person with the help of your imagination, mentally stand in his place ”(B. M. Teplov)

The theater combines all types of art, which makes it possible to talk with children not only about its history, but also about painting, architecture, costume history and arts and crafts. In our work on theatrical activities, we go from wordless etudes to etudes with words. We play fairy tales, where the main characters- animals. It is easier for children to always imagine themselves as a bunny, a dog, a monkey, etc. The theater is still a whole world of new words, concepts that we do not use in everyday life (porter, curtain, stage, backstage, applause).

For successful work in the field of puppetry and theatrical art, we create conditions for the development of children's creative activity, encourage performance, develop the ability to be relaxed, free, introduce children to theatrical culture, introduce them to the theatre, theatrical genres, types of theaters, and provide interconnection with other activities.

In kindergarten, we use the following types of theater: finger, table, turntable, b-b-bo puppets, cane, parquet, theater of spoons, puppets, stomp, shawl, mitten theater, shadow theater.

To arouse interest in the theater, we have developed a set of activities that include: watching puppet shows and talking about their content; dramatization games; preparation and acting out of fairy tales, dramatizations with preliminary production of dolls; finger gymnastics; ethics exercises, studies on the development of emotions, bodily plasticity; puppetry.

A theater corner was equipped in the group, various types of puppet theater, scenery, masks and other attributes were placed, which we periodically update and make new ones together with children and parents.

To acquire the skills and abilities of theatrical art for children, we use the following exercises - “Friendship”, “Let's make peace”, “Hello”, “Good girl”, “Murochka”, “Friendly stomp” for the development of fine motor skills.

Breathing exercises: Annoying Mosquito, Fast Train.

For the expressiveness of speech and diction, we use articulatory gymnastics, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, rhymes.

In order to develop imagination and thinking, exercises for the development of acting skills, over onomatopoeia, sketches for the development of fantasy. We use the exercises “What happens .... fluffy?”, “What can jump?” training a quick reaction to a word and an association call.

In order to develop thinking, memory, we offer children exercises that form listening and speaking: “Olya is reading an interesting book to her grandmother…………. Olya is reading.

To develop freedom and looseness of movements, attention, we work on the coordination of speech and movements, introducing round dances, exercises for the development of general motor skills.

For the development of plastic expressiveness, we offer children pantomime exercises.

We try to organize the theatrical activities of children in such a way that every child has the opportunity to participate in the theatrical performance. To do this, we use the following methods:

Children's choice of a role at will

Assignment to the roles of less active, shy children.

We encourage the participation of parents, conduct consultations for them, organize costumed performances "Fire-Rocking", "Turnip in a new way", "Bunny's hut", open classes with elements of dramatization. In the future, we propose, through theatrical activities, to continue work on the expressiveness and enrichment of speech, expand the vocabulary of children, and most importantly, we will teach them kindness and mercy.

Revealing the inner potential of the child, we reveal in him a creative talent that he can apply in his later life.


1. Antonova L. G. Development of speech. Rhetoric lessons. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development". Holding 1997

2. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. M. Enlightenment 1991

3. Dzhezheley O. "Help". M. Enlightenment 1994

4. Makhaneva M. Theatrical activity of a preschooler. M. TC Sphere, 2009 ... 1999

5. Makhaneva M. Theatrical classes in kindergarten. M. TC-Sphere 2003

6. Nishcheva N.V. Abstracts of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with ONRSPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2007.

7. Novotvortseva N. V. Teaching literacy in kindergarten. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development" 1998

8. Streltsova L. Word workshop. Pre-school education No. 10. 1996

9. Tsarenko L. From nursery rhymes to Pushkin's ball. M. Linka-Press 1999

10. Tsvyntary VV We play with fingers and develop speech. Novgorod. Phlox 1995

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Advice for parents

"Theatrical game as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers"

The game is the leading activity, because it allows the child to interact with those aspects of life with which real life the child cannot enter.

Theatrical games are games in which a literary work is played out in faces with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gestures, posture and gait, that is, specific images are recreated.

Speaking of theatrical games, we understand that this very name contains the meaning of theater as the art of play.

A real interest in the theatrical game appears only among older preschoolers, but this does not mean that children can be introduced to this type of game only at older preschool age.

Children of primary preschool age are interested in playing with dolls, small dramatizations. Young children like to express their emotions in figurative-motor improvisations to music.

In the soul of every child there is a desire for a free theatrical game in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and figurative perception, develops imagination and fantasy, improves speech.

The expressiveness of speech develops throughout the entire preschool age: from involuntary emotional in children to intonational speech in middle-aged children and to linguistic expressiveness of speech in children of older preschool age.

The use by children of various means of expressiveness of speech is the most important condition for timely intellectual, speech, literary and artistic development.

For the development of expressive speech, it is simply necessary to create conditions in which each child could convey his emotions, feelings, desires and views as in normal conversation, and publicly, without being embarrassed by the audience. The theatrical game is of great help in this. And every child can live and rejoice in it.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech is improved.

The role played, especially the dialogue with another character, puts the little actor in front of the need to speak clearly, clearly, and understandably.

For example: when reading fairy tales about animals “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Fox and Hare”, “Fox Sister and Gray Wolf”, etc., talk with them about what they read, about the heroes of the fairy tale. Ask the child leading questions, this will help him imagine the emotional state of the hero, choose the right intonation for the problem situation, the strength of the voice. This will lead the child to the ability to expressively intonate the voices of fairy tale characters with different voice strengths.

Play games with children to guess the emotional states of the heroes of a fairy tale, in such games, children learn to select words expressively describing facial expressions, postures, and movements of a character in a problem situation by expressive execution of movements.

In them, they describe the displayed images of the fairy tale using verbs (ran away, grieve, scold, adjectives (small, big, capricious, cheerful, sad, adverbs (loud, heavy, easy, fun, noisy, quiet). Such games activate a variety of vocabulary, focus the attention of preschoolers on the meaning of the word, the development of self-control.

Therefore, it is the theatrical game that allows solving many problems related to the formation of a child's expressive speech.

On this topic:

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All theatrical classes were built according to a single scheme:

  • introduction to the topic, creating an emotional mood;
  • theatrical activity (in various forms);
  • an emotional conclusion that ensures the success of theatrical activity.

I ran into a problem: the lack of types of theaters and equipment. Therefore, work began on the organization of theatrical activities of children in a group with the organization of a subject-developing environment. The material, technical and methodological base was replenished during the year.

The production of different types of theater also contributes to the enrichment of theatrical activity.

I have created (the theater on spatulas, the theater on clothespins, the theater on cups, the cone theater, the “theater in faces” - masks of heroes, hats, finger theater, theater on skewers, origami theater, flat theater for individual work, or games in small groups, screens are decorated.) In addition, she introduced children to ready-made theatrical puppets.

In circle work on theatrical activities included:

Watching puppet shows and talking about them, dramatization games;

Diction exercises;

Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

Transformation games (“we teach to control our body”), figurative exercises;

Exercises for the development of children's plasticity;

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime;

Theatrical sketches;

Separate ethics exercises during dramatizations;

Rehearsals and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations.

As part of circle work I have used the following techniques and methods:

Theatrical games "Funny Monkeys", "Cooks" Develop attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

Theatrical games The game "Guess what I'm doing? ”, “Amateur fisherman”, “The same thing in different ways” Develop imagination, fantasy, memory, ear for music.

The game “What we do, we won’t say, but we’ll show” Contributes to the development of a sense of truth and faith in fiction.

She introduced the children to the musical repertoire: the musical "We Save the Bun", "Turnip" in a musical performance.

Songs - "Song of the Kolobok", "Forest Song", "Song of the Cowardly Hare", etc. etc. They encourage the aspirations of children to repeat the songs of heroes, to come up with dance moves for them.

When studying the basics of acting, they acted out sketches: "Joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear", which teach to act in conditions of fiction, communicate and respond to each other's behavior.

Games "Competition of lazy people", "Hypnotist" To develop the ability of children to be evenly placed around the hall, to move without colliding with each other, at different paces.

Games for the development of motor abilities, rhythmoplasty "Snowman", "Baba Yaga", which teach you to voluntarily respond to a musical signal. In free improvisations, convey the character and mood of the music.

Conversation - dialogue "We are going to the theater" Children's creative manifestations were activated. They developed a sense of beauty, skills of cultural behavior, the need to learn new things.

Quiz "We love fairy tales." Strengthened children's ability to use various means expressiveness in the transfer of images of characters.

Games "Pantomime" and role-playing gymnastics at the mirror. Develop expressive facial expressions, creative independence in the transfer of the image.

I applied creative games with the word "Funny poems", "Compose a sentence", " delicious words”, “Question-answer”, “Patterns” in different options, which replenish vocabulary, activate antisocial thinking, develop speed of reaction, train clear pronunciation of sounds.

Before performances in sketches, I organized rehearsals, where I held conversations about heroes, music, work on the stage embodiment of a fairy tale.

The educators of the senior group provided me with great help, who consolidated the acquired skills with the children, according to the card file of theatrical games I developed.

Children in the group are all different: someone is sociable, cheerful; someone shy, someone aggressive, disinhibited. For children with different characteristics, I selected different roles, plots. So I offered disinhibited children roles that required perseverance, the ability to behave correctly (the role of "Turnip" or "Mouse" in the Russian folk tale "Turnip"). I tried to avoid giving these children the roles of evil, unkind characters.

The shy child did not want to take on any role for a long time. Then I found a way out: the child began to imitate the text of the roles of the main characters from the place. Later, he also began to participate in performances.

We staged a play-show: "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf", a puppet show "Masha and the Bear", as well as a play "Gingerbread Man" with a teacher's dialogue for the International Theater Day "Journey to Theaterland".

So, imperceptibly for themselves, the children joined in theatrical games. The meeting with the theatrical puppet helped the children to relax, relieve stress, and create a joyful atmosphere.

Working with children, together with educators, we sought to evoke positive emotions for theatrical and play activities, encourage children to communicate with the doll, and carefully consider it. They did not interfere with the desire of children to play with the dolls participating in the performance. The kids learned to imitate the gestures of people, the movements of animals, there was a desire to sing along, to move to the beat of the music.

Children got acquainted with various types of puppet theaters: finger, shadow, puppet theater, flat figures, flannelograph. Children learned to stage familiar fairy tales, folk songs, nursery rhymes, small entertaining scenes, and the simplest methods of puppeteering table puppets.

For a deeper acquaintance with the theater, theatrical professions, I held an educational event “What is theater?” for the senior and preparatory group of children.

For children with deep fine motor problems, I used flat or tabletop theater. This gave them the opportunity not to be distracted by their motor awkwardness, but to play at full strength. For children with sufficiently developed fine manual motor skills, she offered a glove or finger theater.

Such a variety of puppet theaters made it possible to carry out an even more differentiated approach to children.

Together with the children, I designed an album of drawings "Everything about the theater", which is constantly updated, and also created an album of photographs "Theater through the eyes of our children", which captured our performances and work in the circle.

The purpose of my use of theatrical activities in speech therapy classes was to create optimal conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children of the preparatory group and to increase motivation to eliminate their own speech defects.

Here are just some of the tasks that I successfully solved in speech therapy classes while working on theatricalization:

  1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (due to words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs)
  2. Practicing diction, automation of all delivered sounds
  3. Consolidation of the skill of using direct and indirect speech
  4. Improvement of monologue and dialogic forms of speech
  5. Education of a culture of verbal communication, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team.

She used theatrical games in classes for the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical structure, and even in teaching children to read and write.

For example: "To the land of fairy tales" (ZRSR), "Who lives in the forest?" (LGZ), "Revived Letters" (ZOG), etc. Thus, the methods and techniques of theatrical activities are successfully integrated with any activity.

In speech therapy classes, I also used various types of theater. For example, the “Turnip” knitted finger theater was used in classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, the development of coherent speech (the topic “Vegetables”). In order for a well-known fairy tale to interest the children in the preparatory group, I used the inversion technique.

The sequence of appearance of the characters was random (the child took out the finger puppets from the “magic bag”) or “back to front”, that is, the story was told from the end. Introduced a new object into the plot of the fairy tale (instead of a turnip, another vegetable), this also modified the plot of the fairy tale, which means it attracted the attention of children.

We use role-playing dialogues in our work on automation and differentiation of sounds. At the lesson, cards were used, on one side of which the text of the dialogue was printed, containing words with the necessary sounds, on the other, the corresponding picture-illustration was glued.

The children looked at the pictures and chose a card. I read the dialogue printed on it, drew the attention of the children to the sound of words, conducted a conversation on the content, clarified what expressive movements and facial expressions could help convey the mood of the characters.

The children repeated the text, gradually memorized it, automating the sounds. Then they beat him on their own. To make the recitation more lively and interesting, the children used finger puppets that corresponded to the content of the dialogue.

At the beginning of the school year, the children showed instability of attention, difficulty in orienting themselves in space, poor vocabulary, and a violation of the grammatical structure of speech. Therefore, the system of corrective work with children included game exercises aimed at developing facial expressions, gestures and pantomime, tension, muscle relaxation, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, articulatory gymnastics, palm massage. These game techniques I used in conjunction with group educators.

I used theatrical games and exercises in accordance with the thematic planning. So, when studying the topic “New Year”, I used the following techniques: the game “Show the mood in the picture”, the rhythmic game “Snowman. Snow Maiden”, game-reincarnation “I am a Snow Maiden.

I am a Snowman”, the game “Snowman”. When studying the topic, transport was used: finger gymnastics “Rockets fly”, a game for the development of speech breathing “Start the plane”, a game based on the materials of the fairy tale “Safe Road”. The game situation "Flying on an airplane", the game "Lord of Transport".

Speech therapy area of ​​work:

  • articulatory gymnastics (directly related to diction and most easily embodied in theatrical forms: “show how a wolf bares its fangs”, “how a dog breathes, sticking out its wide tongue”)
  • tasks for the development of speech intonational expressiveness (the game "Rhythmic echo", playing out the situation "I don't want semolina!", role-playing poems)
  • logarithmic exercises without musical accompaniment (this is our "speech with movement")
  • Correctional and educational games for:

Memory development with vocabulary expansion - “what kind of goat is ...” (pick up and remember definitions in a circle); guessed riddles - remembered guesses, spent "4th extra" on guesses;

Auditory perception - “learn from the description of the hero of a fairy tale”, “draw from the description”, “something is wrong here” - fiction;

Logical thinking "what first, what then" (goat or kid);

Associative thinking (selection of association words with their further reproduction in random order; compilation of semantic series “goat-goat, rooster - ...”;

Grammar (all age-appropriate types of game exercises for inflection and word formation);

Sound-syllabic structure (“walk, which of the heroes will get to the forest faster”);

Imagination (at an older age, phraseological units and proverbs; “continue beautifully ....”, “dew drops sparkle in the sun, like ....”;

Development of fine motor skills (finger games + shadow theater)

Vocabulary (due to related topics, the vocabulary is enriched and activated)

Exercises for emotional development children - for the development of facial expressions, gestures, with elements of pantomime (i.e. psycho-gymnastics on the material of any lexical topic: “you are a goat lost in the forest”, “show as if you were taking a hot pot of milk from the fire and burned yourself”, “they broke their favorite cup” ... or “moose, importantly walks through the forest; a squirrel gnaws nuts, a bear climbed into a hollow and was bitten by bees ...”.

  • theatrical sketches (similar to psycho-gymnastics, but require the transmission of several actions, united by a plot - “we won’t say where we were, but we’ll show what we did”)
  • games - dramatizations (the main thing in them is free spontaneous speech, self-confidence, a sense of one's value in the team)

Throughout the school year, the children of the preparatory group took an active part in staging performances, while showing activity and interest in theatrical activities.

We staged the following performances: "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf", "Teremok in a New Way" with the participation of the school group; puppet shows“Snow bun in a new way”, “Mitten”, participated in the theatrical performance “We are going, going, going…”

Children took an active part in the celebration dedicated to the International Day of the Theater “Dedication to Actors”, where they parodied pop stars with pleasure, played the role of dressers and make-up artists, and of course actors.

After my work on theatrical activities, I carried out diagnostics in the senior group according to the following criteria:

1. The degree of activity of children in theatrical activities;

2. The level of formation of speech development;

3. Emotional-figurative and musical development of children.

Characterization of the levels of knowledge and skills of theatrical activities showed that 3 children have a high level.

They show a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Understand the main idea of ​​a literary work.

Able to empathize with the characters and convey their emotional states, independently finds expressive means of reincarnation. Possess intonation-figurative and linguistic expressiveness of artistic speech. Improvise with puppets.

Freely select musical characteristics for the characters, sing, dance. Show activity at all stages of work. 10 children have an average level.

These children show an emotional interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities, but to a lesser extent. They have knowledge about various types of theater and theatrical professions. understands the content of the work. Give verbal descriptions of the characters.

They have knowledge about the emotional states of the characters, they can demonstrate them in their work with the help of an adult.

2 pupils have a low level. This is due to the late arrival of children. Such children are not very emotional, they show interest in theatrical art only as a spectator.

Difficulty in identifying different types of theater. Know the rules of conduct in the theater. Retell the work only with the help of an adult. They distinguish elementary emotional states of the characters, but they cannot demonstrate them with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Possesses elementary puppetry skills, but does not show initiative to demonstrate them in the process of working on the performance. They do not show activity in collective creative activity. They are not independent, they perform all operations only with the help of a teacher.

Children who studied throughout the year have significantly activated their vocabulary, they more often use nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech. Children began to use direct and indirect speech, dialogic and monologue forms of speech, memory, thinking, and imagination are developing.

I followed the analysis of the results of the speech of children in the preparatory group according to the final examination on speech cards.

Conducted a comparative analysis of speech with the previous release of children.

As a result of a comparative analysis of the oral speech of children, it was revealed that the level of articulatory motor skills increased by 27%;

sound pronunciation - 42.5%;

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According to the new requirements of the state standard of education in the Russian Federation, the mastery of preschool children by means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers is defined as the most important target. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. To become educated, easily adaptable in society, sociable, a preschooler needs to master communication skills.



MDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 "Cherry", Volsk, Saratov Region"


Appendix 3.8

Consultation for teachers

"The development of speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities"

Prepared and conducted

teacher Sibiryakova Yulia Alekseevna

Relevance . Speech is a wonderful gift of nature. Mastering the native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for raising and educating children.

In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech disorders.

That is why I began to look for such methods and techniques that would arouse interest in children and contribute to the development of speech. K.D. Ushinsky, emphasized that the most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of children is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication. I came to the conclusion that the most productive activity for communicative development is theater. This is an activity where the game, education and training are inextricably linked. Theater allows you to build interaction and communication of its participants, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Theatrical classes perform both cognitive, educational and developmental functions. Their content, forms and methods of implementation contribute to the simultaneous achievement of these goals. That is why I had the idea of ​​creating a system of pedagogical activities for the development of the speech of preschool children through theatrical activities. At the same time, to solve a complex of interrelated tasks in all educational areas in accordance with GEF DO:

  • socio-communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development;
  • speech development.

These are the tasks speech development as:

  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
  • Develop the grammatical structure of speech, provide the opportunity for active experimentation with words.
  • Improve dialogical and monologue speech.
  • Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.
  • To promote the manifestation of independence, activity in the game with characters, toys.
  • Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards peers, self-confidence.
  • To develop a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

When organizing theatrical activities, I use common methods leadership of a theatrical game: direct methods of action (the teacher himself shows the methods of action) and indirect methods (the teacher encourages the child to act independently).

In the organization of theatrical games, I widely use practical methods teaching: game, method of game improvisation, exercises, method of effective analysis (etude technique, staging and dramatization).

Of the verbal methods I use: storytelling, reading, stories and retelling of children, conversations, learning the works of oral folk art.

I pay special attention to creative methods:

  • sign learning system (schemes, algorithms);
  • modeling;
  • the situation of "residence";
  • contradictions and evidence;
  • associations;
  • watching videos;
  • listening to an audio recording;
  • word drawing;
  • projects;
  • collage of fairy tales
  • music therapy

I noticed that with this approach, the process of education turns out to be natural. The interest of the children increases when strangers (teachers, parents and children of other groups) take part in the skits.

Experience shows that theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations directly on behalf of a character. This helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness, and also allows each child to show their own activity, fully reveal hidden emotional possibilities, and liberate movements. They can apply the experience gained at the same time in any other type of activity, whether it is a home performance or any other event.

In my teaching activities, I use various types of theater for the development of children's speech.

Finger Theatre:

  • promotes the development of speech, attention, memory;
  • forms spatial representations;
  • develops dexterity, accuracy, expressiveness, coordination of movements;
  • increases efficiency, tone of the cerebral cortex.
  • stimulation of the fingertips, movement of the hands, playing with the fingers accelerate the process of speech and mental development.

Table theater:

  • helps to teach children to coordinate hand and eye movements;
  • accompany finger movements with speech;
  • encourages you to express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Picture theater and flannelgraph:

  • develop creative abilities;
  • contribute to aesthetic education;
  • develop dexterity, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.

Knitted theater:

  • develops motor-motor, visual, auditory coordination;
  • forms creative abilities, artistry;
  • enriches passive and active vocabulary.

Theater on the glove:

  • has an amazing therapeutic effect: it helps to fight speech disorders, neuroses;
  • helps to cope with feelings, fears;
  • glove puppet conveys the whole range of emotions that children experience.

Dramatization game.The most "conversational" type of theatrical activity. No other type of theatrical activity contributes to the development of artistry, expressiveness of movements and speech as much as dramatization. It provides:

  • a holistic impact on the personality of the child: his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes;
  • promotes self-knowledge and self-expression of the individual;
  • creates conditions for socialization, strengthening adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, success.

In the process of organizing theatrical activities, I clearly observe the requirements for organizing theatrical games:

  • Content and variety of subjects.
  • Appropriate content for the age and experience of the children.
  • Consistency and complication of the content of topics and plots chosen for games
  • Constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process.
  • The maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and conduct of games.
  • Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game.

Experience shows that theatrical activity contributes to the development of the habit of expressive public speech, which can be cultivated in a person only by involving him from childhood in speaking to an audience. Shows of excerpts from fairy tales, where favorite fairy tale characters are present, as well as performances in front of a large audience, play an important role here. To develop the expressiveness of children's speech in my work, I use articulation gymnastics, breathing exercises, onomatopoeia of the voices of birds and animals. This serves as a good training for the development of the speech apparatus, facial muscles, and most importantly, children love these exercises, which contributes to a positive emotional mood to classes. It is also important to include folklore: tongue twisters, riddles, nursery rhymes, teasers, incantations, which also contributes to the development of the emotional sphere, speech development in general. To develop the range of voice, emotionality and rhythm, you can use the game exercises of V. V. Emelyanov. For the development of memory, imagination, fantasizing, you can use the sketches of M. Chistyakova, finger games, finger theater, playing out poetry. For the development of stage speech when working on productions, you can use speech studies by N. F. Sorokina.

I work on the development of the speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities in close cooperation with parents. Using various forms works:

  • Testing and surveys
  • Consultations, photo reports
  • Creation of a subject-developing environment (costumes, decorations, attributes)

I widely use visual information for parents, spend parent meetings with the participation of a speech pathologist to convince them of the need to develop children's communication skills from an early age.

Working on the topic “Development of the speech of preschoolers by means of theatrical activity”, I see that theatrical activity contributes to the development of a creative, harmonious personality, perception, emotional sphere of the child and, importantly, speech development. After all, a theatrical game:

  • Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary;
  • The child learns the richness of his native language, its expressive means (dynamics, tempo, intonation, etc.);
  • The articulatory apparatus is being improved;
  • Dialogic, emotionally rich, expressive speech is formed.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that theatricalization is not just entertainment, but also an excellent tool for developing the unique, inimitable personality of the child, his speech and creativity.

Our society needs a person of such a quality who would boldly, could enter the modern situation, could master the problem creatively, without prior preparation, had the courage to try and make mistakes until the right solution was found.