The most beautiful shape and photos of different types of breasts. Check the tone of your chest. Is breast augmentation effective with drugs?

Fashion trendsetters dictate new rules. The necklines increase, the cutouts fall, the shoulders and arms are exposed to the limit ...

But if you do not take care of your chest, then in the heat you will languish in a blouse with a closed collar. This season, the focus is on the chest! It's just impossible not to take care of her!

Breast cosmetics are designed only for the skin. By increasing the elasticity of the skin and its hydration, we can achieve some increase in volume.

How to apply products for beautiful breasts?

  1. All products are best applied with light stroking and circular motions.- from the center to the sides. Capture the skin under the bust and décolleté, be mindful of the “environment” (first of all, the inside of the shoulders).
  2. Do not apply any of the following care products to your nipples: this is an area with a high degree of natural pigmentation, and if mishandled, unwanted changes can occur here. You can lubricate the nipples only with a photoprotector, but it is better to isolate them from the sun with clothing.

Cleansing for beautiful breasts

Soft and tidy. Everyday - cleansing milk, better for sensitive skin. Do not abuse shower gels with a high content of surfactants. Deep cleansing can be carried out, but not too often and with gentle means.

Moisturizing and strengthening beautiful breasts

Usually these functions go hand in hand.

Algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, urea derivatives bring and retain moisture.

Ginseng and gingko extracts tone.

Shiitake and soy extracts prevent damage to the fibers of the dermis. Kigelia Africana promotes cell regeneration.

Various herbal combinations improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin, helping to tighten the skin.

Test: your chances of beautiful breasts for years to come

For each positive answer, 1 point is awarded.

4-6 POINTS: It's time to rethink your breast care habits. Even if she is in good shape now, she will not last long in this mode without losses.

2-3 POINTS: it gets better, but you're on the right track. Correct the "failing" points - and everything will be fine.

0-1 POINT: you have every chance of having the most beautiful breasts for years to come if you don't change your tactics.

Is breast augmentation effective with drugs?

Numerous products for breast augmentation continue to excite the beauty industry and the imagination of customers.

Drinks, tablets, gums and creams promise stunning results. But these promises are not confirmed by anything. No one has seen clinical trials of these drugs with results published in medical journals. They are certified, but this is only a guarantee of harmlessness, but not effectiveness. Their mechanism of action is unclear. Perhaps there is swelling, due to which the volume increases.

Manufacturers often talk about an increase in volume due to the growth of glandular tissue. However, according to a dermatologist, the impact on the glandular tissue is fraught: “If, in principle, there is a tendency for the growth of the glandular tissue, then stimulation can lead to malignant processes. Any glandular tissue can grow, and no one can guarantee, for example, that a goiter will not grow instead of a beautiful breast.”

Therefore, you should always remember that any dietary supplements are registered as nutritional supplements that improve the general condition of the body, and require caution in use.

Absolute contraindications to breast augmentation products - age up to 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, benign tumors and breast implants. Relative - an allergy to some of the incoming components. It is always necessary to consult a mammologist before taking supplements. The composition of these funds often includes phytoestrogens, which are not indifferent to the body as a whole and to the breast in particular.

If there are drugs that stimulate the breakdown of fat, then there must be products that encourage its accumulation. For example, in the laboratories of Methode Jeanne Piaubert, they developed the Transbuster complex, which captures the fats contained in foodstuffs and “feeds” the fat cells of the bust with them. Based on this complex, Decollete 3D gel was created, which is recommended to be used three times a day between meals.

Salon and home treatments for beautiful breasts

Massage for beautiful breasts

Author's methods and modern developments in breast massage techniques allow you to establish blood and lymph flow, get rid of congestion, and significantly tighten the skin of the chest. In addition, décolleté massage is usually included in facial treatments. One of the most interesting developments is Nadia Payo's massage “42 movements” and various techniques of the SPA-specialists of the brand (comfort zone).

Wraps for beautiful breasts

Isothermal wraps (corresponding to body temperature) are also good for breasts, since heating is not suitable for everyone. The composition of wraps depends on individual preferences and features.

Wraps activate metabolism and improve breast skin. Masks are applied in a thick layer on the skin until completely dry. The recipe for one of these masks: mix cottage cheese with olive oil and an egg or sour cream with honey. Apply the resulting mass on the chest for 20 minutes, and then rinse.

Masks for beautiful breasts

Mud and algae masks regulate the water-salt balance, remove toxins, nourish the skin with essential substances. And plasticizing - provide a lifting effect.

Cold shower for beautiful breasts

The procedure is unpleasant, but irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, makes the breast skin elastic and elastic. Perform it in circular motions, starting from the left breast, for 1-2 minutes a day. If you are not able to subject yourself to such an execution, experiment with ice. Run a piece of ice across the chest, and then up to the neck. This is a good skin and body care, the lifting effect is guaranteed to you.

Diet for beautiful and healthy breasts

The most beautiful breast formula

Apparently, men have nothing to do, since it’s not enough for them to simply admire the beauty of the female breast, but they need to turn everything into mathematics, calculate and calculate from and to, in order to derive the formula for the ideal female breast.

1. The ratio of the upper and lower parts of the chest,
roughly speaking, the length from the beginning of the chest to the nipple, and from the nipple to the crease under the breast. Some "specialists" say that it should be 1/3 to 2/3, i.e. 33% to 67%. Others, such as Patrick Mallucci, a plastic surgeon, believe that the ideal proportion is 45% to 55% The owners of such parameters can be considered the American model Caprice Bourret and the Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva.

2. Rule of the triangle. Draw a triangle ABC, the base of which is the AC line connecting the nipples, the corners are the hollow between the collarbones and the two nipples. Having mentally drawn a figure, we divide the length AC in half, and what happened - by the distance AB (BC). For an ideal breast, the ratio is 0.4 - 0.6. If less than 0.4, the chest sags, if more than 0.6, it is too lifted up.

The most beautiful chest in the world

This is clearly not the largest, as many men and women believe. The most beautiful breasts can be exclusively natural. This is not a list of the most vulgar breasts or the most successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Tyra Banks

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Salma Hayek

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Scarlett Johansson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jessica Simpson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Halle Berry

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Madonna

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Carmen Electra

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Katherine Heigl

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Audrina Patridge

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jennifer Aniston

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Megan Fox

Miss most beautiful breasts - Caprice Bourret

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Laetitia Casta

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Beyoncé Knowles

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Marisa Miller

I would be grateful if you add to this list or make comments.

Read more about beautiful breasts

A beautiful bust does not necessarily impress those around you with its size. But in fact, of course, it is not the size that is valued, but the shape, elasticity and aesthetics of the breast. How to take care of your breasts so that they always remain beautiful?

The most beautiful breast size

What size breasts do you need to have to be considered attractive? It's no secret that quantity here does not always turn into quality, because no one has canceled the laws of gravity, and a heavy bust will certainly fall down. Therefore, girls with impressive busts have been forced to choose really comfortable bras for years, and some even decide on breast reduction.

There is a popular belief that the ideal breast is the one that can fit in a man's hand. If we translate this into modern sizes, then depending on the size of the hand, we will get the second or third size. The point, of course, is not in male hands in general; any breast is beautiful by definition; however, small breasts are simply more convenient for the woman herself.

According to researchers, that breast looks ideal if the ratio of the upper and lower lobes of which is 45% to 55% with the nipple pointing upwards. True, they do not specify what size it should be, so owners of large busts should not despair.

But even if your breasts are suddenly not so close to the generally accepted ideal, you should remember that you can get closer to it with the help of constant breast care. You need to take care of your health, take care of your posture, which greatly affects the appearance of the chest, take a contrast shower that restores skin elasticity and freshness, and also do not forget about physical exercises.

The biggest breasts in the world

But what about girls with a huge bust? After all, this is in every sense a very difficult test for the whole organism. However, some desperate women specifically increase their breasts, such as Chelsea Charms. Her breasts are considered the largest in the world and give a certain reason for pride.

Chelsea had her breasts enlarged with the help of surgeons who inserted polypropylene implants into her. Since the girl is engaged in striptease, and also acts in films for adults, such a change in appearance only played into her hands. Each of her breasts weighs more than 11 kilos, and the size is marked with the numbers 164XXX.

But not only silicone breasts can be the largest in the world. The chest of the Chinese woman Ting Hiafen is in no way inferior to the forms of Chelsea. And she is completely natural. True, the surgeons showed their skills here too, but not in the direction of increasing, but just the opposite.

Ting's breasts began to grow at a very young age, and soon became the butt of peer ridicule. The reason for this rapid growth, according to doctors, was hormonal failure. Ting could not even move without assistance, because the weight of her bust exceeded 20 kg, which, of course, was an unbearable burden for a 12-year-old fragile girl. After a successful operation, the breasts have become smaller, but they are still among the largest busts in the world.

The most beautiful natural breasts

Undoubtedly, true connoisseurs of a beautiful bust prefer natural beauty, which was not created by the surgeon's hand. And there are a lot of girls with such wealth both among celebrities and among ordinary people.

In the history of cinema, one of the most beautiful breasts was considered Marilyn Monroe. Until now, however, it is not clear whether her breasts were enlarged or not; Perhaps this is just the speculation of envious people. The parameters of Marilyn's figure are considered almost ideal in our time, and many women try to achieve the same feminine and expressive figure.

And among our contemporaries, Scarlett Johansson has the most beautiful natural breasts. Moreover, the actress enlarged her breasts at the dawn of her career, but after a short time she abandoned implants in favor of naturalness. By the way, surgeons note that such visits to their clinics are becoming more frequent, which means that the fashion for silicone breasts is gradually disappearing.

The most beautiful and sexy breasts in the world

Glossy magazines regularly rank the most beautiful busts. According to the magazine "In Touch", which was one of them, pop singer Jessica Simpson takes the first place in it.

Jessica pushed the famous Pamela Anderson out of leadership positions, although Jessica's bust is much more modest in size. So now the title "The most luxurious breasts in Hollywood" belongs to her. Many felt that her bust can really be called perfect.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that Jessica Simpson's breasts did not become so by nature at all. The professional hands of surgeons and some silicone helped her to get a great shape. But this does not bother the many fans of the singer, because the result is magnificent, and is it really important how Jessica achieved it? Emily Ratajkowski has breasts of rare beauty

The editors of the site recall that beauty is different, and there is no single standard of attractiveness. We invite you to read about Russian stars who are considered overweight and at the same time feel quite comfortable.
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Few people suspect, but each woman has such an individual shape of her breasts that it can even be used to interpret the character of the owner of such a bust. Not without reason, women's breasts have been discussed from ancient times to the present day with such interest by representatives of the opposite sex.

The question of which form of the female mammary glands is considered the most attractive and ideal worries everyone without exception, in order to find answers, you need to take a closer look at all types of female breasts. According to experts, any type of bust can be perfectly emphasized if you know the rules for choosing underwear and clothes.

The first thing every woman should understand is that there are no clear standards for the ideal type of breasts. If there are any standards, they are only inspired by the fashion industry, without any basis. Men have a completely different, own opinion on the female breast.

Considering all kinds of sources of information about the classification of the female breast, it can be noted that some types of breasts belong to the journalistic style of description and interpretation, but there are also types that belong to the category of scientific data.

Here is an example of a folk classification of female breast types in the photo:

Forms of the female breast: folk classification

In fact, the scientific interpretation of breast types, which will be given in this article, deserves more confidence from women. So what are the forms of the female breast?

Small breast forms

  1. Chloe. The mammary glands of this type have well-defined contours. At the same time, the breast areola itself is small in size, the same can be said about the nipples. Owners of the "Chloe" breast type will never suffer from sagging mammary glands, often this type of breast is found in young women of the fair sex.
  2. snow mound. In women with this type of breast, the mammary glands are characterized by a pointed nipple and rounded mammary glands of an average level of elasticity. Such breasts do not sag after a while and do not lose tone. At the same time, a pale shade of the dermis is observed in the décolleté area in women, the same situation with the areolas - they also have a pale color, despite their rather large sizes.

Forms of female breasts of medium size

  1. buds. The chest of this type is distinguished by the fact that it is, as it were, stretched slightly forward. The areola looks inconspicuous, having a small size. At the same time, the nipples in this case are pointed and also look forward. The dermis in the décolleté area has a pale pink tint. Sometimes in women with “Buds” type breasts, thin red streaks are visible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.
  2. Sappho. The owners of Sappho type breasts have a clear difference in velvety, and even silky skin in the décolleté area. But there is one “but” - this type of breast cannot boast of sufficient elasticity, experts even note some lethargy. At the same time, the chest is distinguished by the large size of the nipples and the areola of a rather dark shade.
  3. Circe. This breast form has been a leader in the ideality of its structure and external data for many centuries. The mammary glands themselves have clear rounded shapes, while the areolas are striking in their large size and perfect symmetry. The skin in the décolleté area is famous for its silkiness and extraordinary tone. With the active movement of a woman, the chest of "Circe" varies in a wave-like way, attracting maximum attention to itself.
  4. african savannah. The name of this type of breast can be explained by the fact that the mammary glands are often compared with a world atlas map. The chest has slightly flattened borders in width, but in general it is quite rounded and attractive. The chest does not fall over time, as it is famous for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. At the same time, the areolas of the mammary glands of small size have clear delineated lines. The nipples are also small.

Large female breast forms

  1. Dulka. If we compare the width of the mammary glands in the area of ​​the nipple with its immediate base, then at its beginning the chest narrows slightly. The breast areola itself is large in size with an unsightly small nipple. The name "Dulka" originates from the comparative characteristics of the shape of this variety of tomatoes.
  2. Peach. Breasts of this type are famous for their overall dimensions. They even give the impression of their own heaviness of weight. They are called so because they have rounded shapes, like the fruit itself. The dermis in the décolleté area is famous for its somewhat fluffy and slightly pink color. At the same time, the color of the areola favorably focuses on it all the attention.
  3. Pear. Comparison of a breast of this form with this fruit appeared for a reason. The thing is that the mammary glands themselves do not have elasticity and are lowered down, repeating the lines of a pear. The skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands has a brownish tone, while it is famous for its elasticity and smoothness. The mammary glands are soft to the touch with a clearly defined nipple of tension and small areolas.
  4. Chestnut. Despite the large size of the chest, it has a slightly flattened outline in terms of the width. The skin in this area of ​​the body is characterized by extraordinary velvety and elasticity.
  5. Lady fingers. Breasts are named in this way for a reason, they visually resemble grapes of the "Lady's fingers" variety. The skin is quite light, the areola and nipples, on the contrary, have a dark color. To the touch, the breasts are soft, one might even say juicy, with discreet nipples.
  6. Water surface. Breasts of this type have weak areolas and cannot boast of elasticity and tone. But at the same time, the skin in the décolleté area is smooth, of a light shade.
  7. Alma mater. The owners of this type of bust are striking with their large dimensions. The skin in the region of the mammary glands has a pale color, while the nipples near the chest look tense and clearly visible.
  8. Turkish eyes. The owners of this breast shape have mammary glands stretched forward, as it were, while the nipples look in different directions, do not have a clear symmetry.
  9. globe. In a woman with this type of breast, the mammary glands have ideal rounded shapes, resembling the globe of the Earth. At the same time, the chest has dark areolas and large erect nipples.
  10. Renaissance. The name of this breast shape is due to the excessively pale dermis, which doctors sometimes call transparent. Massive breasts feel soft enough to the touch. The chest is bordered by large, pronounced nipples, but with small dark-colored areolas. Women with the Renaissance breast type often have many small moles.

With such a detailed list of breast shapes and types, any woman can compare the data and determine exactly which classification her mammary glands belong to.

Factors that determine the shape of the breast

In order to understand why nature has awarded a woman with one or another type and shape of breasts, you need to understand what factors affect the future breasts of a young lady.

With such knowledge, a woman can even slightly adjust and transform her breasts.

  • Endocrine system that determines and controls the production of sex hormones.
  • Heredity, thanks to which it is possible to assume the future size of one's own breasts from the female line of ancestors.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands, as a rule, here we are talking about neoplasms and tumors.
  • The number of fat cells in the mammary glands, you can control the amount of fat on your own.
  • Muscle activity, since the pectoral muscles do not allow the chest to sag and fall, losing elasticity and tone.
  • Strong ligaments that act as a framework for the mammary glands, controlling the strength and shape of the breast.

Painstaking and regular, taking into account the above factors, will help transform the chest and restore its former youth, elasticity and beauty. , normal hormonal levels and drinking regimen will take care of the shape and health of the mammary glands.

What are the shapes and types of breasts? Every woman is an individual. The proportions of her body, the shape of her eyes and the color of her skin are unique in their own way and, in general, make up a certain image. The same can be said about the shape of the chest. From the very beginning of the history of mankind, the female breast has been sung by artists and poets, it is a significant part of the amazing phenomenon called "women's charms".

Our time is characterized by the fact that there is a fashion for the female breast. The representatives of the weaker sex are increasingly going under the knife of plastic surgeons, increasing the size and changing the shape of the mammary glands. The canons of beauty deny individuality, naturalness and natural proportions. The ideal is considered to be a rounded beautiful breast shape with nipples pointing forward. Indeed, it is easiest to pick up underwear and a swimsuit for her. However, women should understand that there is no single standard for a beautiful bust, there is only an opinion imposed by the fashion industry.

The individual shape of the breast can become the highlight that will give its owner a unique charm and arouse interest among the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

There is a morphological classification according to which such parameters of the mammary glands are evaluated as:

  • breast shape in women
  • distance between mammary glands
  • symmetry
  • direction and size of nipples

In accordance with this classification, the types of female breasts are divided into 7 forms. Depending on this, experts give the following recommendations for the selection of underwear:

  1. Round correct breast shape. Owners of such a mammary gland can afford any kind of bra and can even do without it.
  2. In different directions. At the base, such mammary glands are close to each other, and diverge downwards. Women are advised to choose underwear that will slightly reduce the mammary glands to each other.
  3. Widely spaced chest. If between the mammary glands there is a distance wider than two fingers, then they are considered spaced (about 5 cm). In rare cases, they are not only widely spaced, but also diverge in different directions under the base. For shape correction, a triangle-shaped bra with a fastener in front is best suited.
  4. Teardrop-shaped conical chest. The base of the mammary gland is slightly narrower than the nipple zone, while the breast is not full. Owners of this form also do not have to worry about choosing a bra - they will be decorated with any one that fits in size.
  5. A type of narrow chest. With this form, the mammary gland has a narrow base and a fairly full area below. Experts recommend choosing a corrective bra with a wide base, which will slightly lift the mammary gland.
  6. Asymmetrical (wrong) breast type. Ideal symmetry in nature, as a rule, does not exist. Visually, this can be corrected by removing the lining from one cup of the bra. We are talking about asymmetry within one size, if different forms of the female breast are 2 or more sizes, then surgical correction is recommended.
  7. Spherical shape and size of the female breast. The base of the mammary gland and its bottom have the same shape. It is fuller than round and always appears symmetrical. Most models are sewn on this form.

As for the direction of the nipples, the ideal cases are when they are directed in one direction and surrounded by a small areola. Over the years, muscles lose their tone, and tissues lose their elasticity, as a result, in women after 40 years, the nipples go down.

Selection of underwear

Any form of female breast is beautiful and has the right to exist.
Only very rare cases of asymmetry are subject to correction, as well as a heavy spherical mammary gland of large size, which changes the position of the bones of the spine and causes painful conditions.

As for the combination of breast shape and size, there are certain recommendations for choosing a bra:

  1. If a woman has a full 4 - 5 size, while the mammary glands are tightly reduced to each other, then they are uncomfortable with bras with a jumper not tightly adjacent to the bones. Bras are best suited for such a woman, in which the bones reach only the middle, and do not completely cover the gland. Also ideal linen with stitching in the cups and the type of "plunge".
  2. With a slightly flattened mammary gland of size 3-4, when the lower part is lowered, it is recommended to select bodices with cups sewn from several parts with a central seam in the lower part. This will provide the necessary lift.
  3. With a large and soft mammary gland of 4-5 sizes with vessels protruding from under the skin and heavy downwards, it is quite difficult to find the right bra. Such women should opt for cups, tailored from several parts and the presence of side inserts in the product. They will provide the mammary gland with a rounded shape and elevation.

The shape of the mammary glands and sexual character

What does form depend on? Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that there is a direct relationship between the shape and size of the breasts and a woman's sexuality. In this classification, the types of female breasts are compared with fragrant and tasty fruits. She probably has a right to exist too:

  1. The mammary glands are melons. The owners have a rather large, slightly spaced and heavy breasts of 4 sizes. It is believed that they especially appreciate sexual caresses and know how to give pleasure to a partner.
  2. Mammary glands - lemons. Beautiful cone-shaped chest 2 - 3 sizes, as a rule, high with nipples pointing in different directions. A girl with such dimensions subordinates everything to order and schedule. However, with a loving man, she is able to forget about it and completely liberate herself.
  3. Mammary glands - pineapples. Equally wide at the base and at the bottom, 5 sizes, which, however, do not sag. Since it is quite rare, it is considered exotic. Men in fantasies represent such women as sexually liberated, not afraid of bold experiments. In fact, they are romantic and easily hurt natures.
  4. The mammary glands are cherries. So called small, elastic girlish breasts. The nipples of the mammary gland look up. This hints at a calm and reasonable character and the same moderate sexual activity.
  5. Mammary glands - oranges. Spherical small 2 - 3 sizes. They are full and have a beautiful shape. Their owners are talkers who know how to organize a different way of life in any conditions. For them, the main thing is that a loved one has a delicious lunch and clean shirts. However, a skilled and loving partner can liberate her in bed.
  6. Pear type. In shape, they have a narrow base and a solid lower part. Such a cone-shaped chest most often has a volume of 3-4 sizes. Women with such mammary glands are passionate, but not windy. They are ready to reveal their potential only with mutual love.

Type of breast and features of nature

What is a woman's breast? Another classification is based on the dependence of a woman's nature on the shape of the mammary gland, nipple and color of the areola. Can this be trusted? Every woman has the right to decide for herself.

  1. A small cone-shaped 0 - 1 size with a wide areola and protruding nipples belongs to idealists who are prone to daydreaming and have a rich inner world.
  2. A small and very elastic mammary gland with a moderate areola and the same elastic nipples is characteristic of naive and gullible persons in whom childhood plays until the end of life. They are often deceived and are very worried about it. Vulnerability is combined in them with frivolity and self-doubt.
  3. Elastic, wide-spaced small breasts of dark color with a wide and well-defined areola and protruding nipples belong to hot beauties, passionate natures with very feminine features. They are not only seductive and desirable, but also good housewives, loving and attentive mothers.
  4. A small protruding mammary gland with raised nipples with a dark areola hints that her mistress knows how to quickly get close and find a common language with people. She is valued for her intelligence and sense of humor.
  5. A beautiful rounded mammary gland in size 3, elastic and taut with a moderate areola and a small nipple - the gold standard of beauty canons. Their owners are careerists in the good sense of the word, who are just as successful in the family.
  6. The mammary glands are large, soft to the touch, having a beautiful shape, a small well-defined areola and nipple belong to women who know how to teach their beauty, sweet and charming, who value permanent relationships and family.
  7. A large swarthy mammary gland with nipples sticking out in different directions and a small areola characterizes the owner as a cunning and prudent person who knows how to lie and seduce. Although, maybe these are just signs of a mysterious life that a woman does not want to reveal to the world.
  8. A large mammary gland, which is slightly swollen and out of shape, but has a beautiful outline with wide and not protruding nipples, most often occurs in good mothers and wives who wholeheartedly devote themselves to the family.

The world is beautiful in its diversity. It is necessary to appreciate and correctly present what is given at birth.

The most beautiful breast shape in the photo was recently published by the American publishing house InTouch. According to the magazine, actress and singer Jessica Simpson received the palm.

This is the result of the fashionable American rating. Is there a more objective photo with the ideal shape of the female breast? What is the “correct” and what is the wrong shape of the breast? Are there any objective criteria other than those created by the fashion industry (and, by the way, also differ from edition to edition)?

Controversial question. But we'll try to figure it out.

What breast shape do men like?

No one can appreciate the charm of female forms as much as a man. Naturally, who should appreciate beauty, if not those for whom it is intended to seduce.

It is believed that guys like big breasts. But this is a delusion. Men are attracted when everything is in moderation: the third size is the most popular. In second place - the second and fourth. The rest are less popular, but also have fans. And as for what the correct and ugly shape of the breast is, most likely, it will not be possible to achieve a definite answer.

Moreover: if a man is strongly indifferent to a woman, then even the unusual shape of the chest in the photo or in real life is not able to embarrass him.

True, you can go for a little trick: get into your lover’s computer and look at the beautiful breast shapes in the photo, which, for example, are on the “wallpaper” on the desktop. Unless, of course, the woman conducting the “test” is not touchy and jealous.

So. The statistics of men's opinions did not give a clear answer about whether there is a better breast shape for women in pictures or in life.

Well, it's time to ask the doctors this question.

What determines the shape of the breast

What do professional mammologists and cosmetologists say? Medicine knows exactly what the shape of the breast depends on:

1. Different forms of the female breast in the photo are mainly due to hereditary factors. This is transmitted genetically in the same way as, for example, the shape of the ears.

2. Endocrine factors. By the age of 12 - 14, the girl begins to secrete sex hormones, which regulate breast growth. By the age of 25, breast augmentation ends.

3. The shape and size of the female breast is largely determined by the presence of adipose tissue in it. Each mammary gland contains the same amount of glandular tissue. But the fat layer affects both the size and the shape.

4. Connective tissue (ligaments) is the frame of the breast. Therefore, the types of breast forms are determined by the strength and structure of connective tissue fibers.

5. The mammary gland as a whole is supported by muscle tissue. Therefore, breasts of various shapes from the photo differ depending on the strength and development of the muscles.

6. If there is any pathology of the mammary gland, then this also violates its shape and size.

Medicine describes in general terms what forms of female breasts are, but also does not give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal. There should be two glands, they should have a normal internal structure, there should be normally formed nipples.

Among doctors there is the concept of "norm", but there is no concept of "ideal".

The most beautiful breast shape: the ingenious discovery of scientists from Palermo!

And yet, the purely anatomical shape of the breast was adjusted to modern ideals of beauty! And this was done not so long ago by Italian scientists from Palermo. They came up with a universal formula that allows you to evaluate different breast shapes. Look at the image below:

The calculation of the shape of the female breast in the picture is presented. It is not difficult to find out if a correction of the shape of the breast is required. Just calculate three sizes as shown in the picture.

Then divide ac in half, and divide the resulting value by bc or ba.

If in the end it turned out 0.4 - 0.6, then you have an almost ideal type of breast shape.

Less than 0.4 - the mammary glands sagged, correction of the shape of the breast is required.

More than 0.6 - the glands are too high, in this case, changing and improving the shape of the breast is more difficult.

Let's evaluate some more indicators. Here it is, the "gold standard":

  • the gap between the nipples is 20 - 21 centimeters;
  • distance from the navel to the nipple - 24 - 25 centimeters;
  • the distance from the jugular notch to the nipple (in the picture ba and bc) is 17 - 18 centimeters.

If you do not fall under the standards, then you should not immediately think about how to change the shape of your breasts. A small difference doesn't matter. In addition, there are men who like women's breasts of an unusual and non-standard shape.

Below we will talk about what happens and how to determine the shape of the breast from the photo. But first, let's talk about a simple test that you can use without going into details.

Just place a simple pencil under your chest. Does it fall to the floor right away? Preliminary diagnosis: your mammary glands are perfect. Does the chest “pinch” and “do not let go” of the pencil? It's time to think about how to bring the chest into shape.

Classification and types of shapes and sizes of the female breast with visual photos

Let's see what breast shapes are. Of course, the bust of each woman is unique and unrepeatable. But it is difficult for men to navigate the world of the mammary glands, which is why they come up with all sorts of classifications.

Below are generalized photos with types of breast forms. Each form of female breasts and breasts of girls has a name, sometimes funny, but accurately reflects the essence.

The classification appeared in Spain and initially performed ... a fortune-telling function! It turns out that the fate of a woman was determined by the shape of her breasts! Today, the ancient division of breasts has been adopted by psychologists and sexologists.

The fox nose breast shape is a name that speaks for itself. Very characteristic. It is believed that such women are faithful in marriage and inventive in bed. As a variety - a bust in the form of a teapot.

The shape of the chest in the form of an apple is a classic rounded one. Such women are not always faithful and often change partners.

Goat chest shape. In fact, this is a triangular-shaped chest, which for some reason received such a peculiar name. Another name for it is tubular breast shape, conical breast shape (a more general term). For these women, there are no complexes and rules in the intimate sphere.

As a variety, one can note the chest in the form of an oar - it is also cone-shaped, but the nipples are widely spaced, “look” in different directions.

Pear-shaped breasts - these women are quite capricious and scandalous. The pear-shaped variety of female breast forms promises adventure for both its owner and her partner.

Peach breast shape. Such women are sensual, tender. They are just made for sex.

Lemon breast shape. Daring. Self-ironic. But these women do not like changes in the usual environment and surprises.

The melon breast shape is large and rounded. Such ladies can be good mothers or very capricious narcissistic young ladies.

Eggplant is not the most beautiful breast shape, but such women are very strong-willed, they are excellent bosses.

The teardrop shape of the breast is most often given with the help of silicone implants.

Oranges - the shape of such a breast can also be represented by association. These women are ticking time bombs. With age, when other women think about how to shape their breasts, the appetites of the owners of "oranges" only grow.

Saucers. Not the most perfect bust. But its owners rarely think about how to improve the shape of their breasts. They patiently endure the hardships of life and know how to bring what they started to the end.

"Bee stings" - the smallest breast size. Such representatives of the fair sex are stubborn and rarely change something in life. Some of them are complex and think about how to make a beautiful breast shape.

Pancakes and "spaniel ears" are flat shapes that may be an individual feature or the result of breasts losing shape after pregnancy and childbirth.

Cranberries are small spherical. A smaller version of apples, like potatoes.

There are other classifications and types of shapes and sizes of the female breast with a photo. We have given the most common and universal. In principle, the classification can be complicated ad infinitum.

It can be seen above that the shape of the female breast and the character of its owner are closely related.

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Women often ask questions about how to get their breast shape back after childbirth. In order to answer correctly, we first look at how the shape of the breast changes during pregnancy.

The shape of the breast during pregnancy becomes more magnificent. The female body is attacked by a mass of hormones that lead to the growth of glandular tissue. Both the skin and the connective tissue, which is the skeleton of the organ, are stretched.

Breast shape undergoes even stronger changes after breastfeeding. When the glands begin to secrete a lot of milk, they swell and stretch even more.

After lactation and breastfeeding, the shape of the breast is always disturbed. The level of hormones decreases, the volume of glandular tissue decreases. Overstretched soft tissues and muscles cause flabbiness of the breast. Gradually, the restoration of the shape of the breast after childbirth occurs independently. But not always to the original form. How to stay charming? How to restore the shape of the breast after childbirth? Read about this below, under the heading "How to return the breast to its previous shape."

And here we will talk about effective prevention. So, during pregnancy and breastfeeding you need:

1. You will not be faced with the question of how to restore the shape of the breast after feeding, if you perform her massage and gymnastics (how - a gynecologist will be able to tell you about this).

2. Careful and proper personal hygiene is also of great importance.

And now let's see how the breast shape is restored after feeding and after age-related changes.

How to correct the shape of the breast?

Pregnancy and age can greatly disrupt the shape of the mammary glands. Until the age of 25, the problem is most often not relevant for a woman. And then problems can arise.

  • Protect the mammary glands from injury, excessive sunburn and other harmful effects.
  • Proper diet is another answer to the question of how to give a beautiful breast shape. A diet with an abundance of milk, vegetables and fruits, vitamins A, E, C will definitely benefit. At the same time, prolonged hunger strikes are a great test for the body, and primarily for the mammary glands.
  • Massage with the help of a shower and cold douches are a kind of exercise to improve and maintain the shape of the breast.
  • You can not slouch - so you "spoil" the bust.
  • Physical exercises to restore a beautiful breast shape is another important point.

And how to correct the shape of the breast, if violations have already occurred or it is not very beautiful initially?

A full restoration of the shape of the breast is possible only after getting acquainted with the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. When anatomical changes take place, alas, other methods are ineffective.

Is it possible to change the shape of the breast in other ways? There is an alternative - this is corrective underwear:

  • the shape of the breast and the bra are closely interconnected: with the purchase of high-quality underwear and its correct selection, real miracles can be performed;
  • you can use a corset to improve the shape of the breast, as well as a lot of other means: bustier, grace, etc .;
  • stickers and silicone forms are also used to maintain the breasts.