Weaving braids with woolen threads. Everything about African braids: types, weaving technique, pros and cons. African braids for medium hair

A girl with braids, of course, attracts the eyes of others. But in order to achieve maximum attention, it is enough to braid braids - this is how African braids are called differently. If your lifestyle is characterized by increased activity, then this hairstyle is for you. Requiring minimal care and styling, stylish and catchy, allowing you to always be in the spotlight. Such braids are weaved by masters of almost all salons. Those who do not want to spend time and money on the services of a hairdresser can learn how to weave them themselves, at home. If you still can’t decide on such a hairstyle, stunning photos of afro braids will help you make the right choice!

Advantages and disadvantages of braids

We suggest evaluating the results by looking at the photos before and after braiding in the African style.


1) Girls with straight hair can make their dream of having fun curls come true thanks to afro braids.

2) Pigtails with additional threads help to change the color of the hair without resorting to dyeing.

3) Growing long hair is a big problem and takes quite a long time. Afro-style braids for short hair will radically change the situation. You will get long curls thanks to this type of weaving.

4) There are many variations of weaving. You will choose the color and hair style.

5) If you get bored - you can unweave at any time.

6) The hair does not need frequent washing.

7) Afro braids are the safest hair extensions.


1) There are many specialized shampoos for braids. Despite this, washing the hair becomes a little nuisance, as the hair remains partially dirty.

2) Hair with such braids lacks nutrition catastrophically. They may fade and become more brittle.

3) Drying hair takes a long time.

4) Hairstyle with afrokosy dramatically increases the load on the hair follicles. Some girls lost their hair for a while after getting rid of braids.

Varieties of such hairstyles

1) With a straight tip.

2) Pony tail - pigtails with a curl at the ends.

3) Curly braids.

4) Senegalese plaits are strands twisted together.

5) French openwork braids.

6) Thai braids.

7) Pigtails with large curls.

8) Finished braids for weaving in African style, or zizi.

How to shoot?

Let's first, in order to avoid additional thought, find out how to remove the pigtails after the expiration of the intended period? It is quite easy to do, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Cut off the overhead strands with scissors to the ends of your own hair. The braid should be untwisted carefully, use a thin needle. Now you need to pull the pigtail at the roots, it will easily slide off the hair. We unravel the tangle with our fingers and proceed to washing the hair. Be sure to use a conditioner, and after washing, apply a mask that nourishes the hair for a while.

What hairstyles can be done with such braids?

Since African-style braids are worn for about three months, get ready to get bored of your look quickly. To prevent such incidents from happening, make different hairstyles from braids.

1) You can braid several large braids from a shock or one voluminous one. Looks unusual and original.

2) A ponytail is a good alternative, not to mention that made of braids, such a ponytail looks much more spectacular than the standard one.

3) Put the pigtails in a bun or twist into a shell.

4) You can also experiment with painting.

5) Wear braids with bangs. Untouched bangs from native hair with pigtails harmonize perfectly.

The cutest do-it-yourself afro braids

Those who want to acquire Afro-braids often ask themselves the question: how to weave such beauty at home? The weaving technique is not simple, but the result is worth it!

Initially, get the necessary attributes for weaving, such as glue, a comb with rare teeth, a special thread for weaving. The synthetic material kanekolon is best suited for the role of the thread - in terms of structure, this is the closest option to natural hair.

Comb the curls and divide them into partings.

We separate the strand of the required thickness in the back of the head. The base of the strand should be diamond-shaped. We comb the strand and fix a tangle of kanekolon thread at its base.

We divide the selected part of the hair into three strands and weave a tight pigtail. To achieve the same volume along the entire length, you can do this: weave the kanekolon when you reach the level of your hair.

The tip of the pigtail is glued with special glue.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. The main thing is to be patient. Weaving afro braids is not a matter of two minutes, but the result is worth your efforts.

The price of such pleasure is about 3,500 thousand rubles, not counting the cost of the material. Depending on the advancement and promotion of the salon, the cost varies from the lowest to fabulously high. But, you see, it's worth it.

Watch the video. So you will better understand the patterns of weaving and easily complete the desired hairstyle at home.

A practical and stylish hairstyle option is African braids. There are a number of different techniques and variations for performing afrokos. You can braid them both in a specialized salon, and on your own at home.

Who suits African braids

This hairstyle is extravagant, which is why many people hesitate to do it. In fact, African braids are suitable for almost any lifestyle, with the exception of professions in which it is necessary to contact people most of the time (especially if there are many older people among opponents).

So, for example, Afro-braids for banking workers will not be the best solution: people may perceive such an image as frivolous. It is not recommended to braid such pigtails for people who are forced to comply with a strict dress code.

In other cases, such a hairstyle will be a great addition to any look, given that it fits any style of clothing: from glamorous to rocker. Thanks to various interpretations of execution, pigtails fit any face shape.

So, for example, people with a high forehead can leave bangs in their natural form, which will cover it. However, this hairstyle is not suitable for people with oily hair type: with frequent washing of the head, the Afro-braids will constantly unwind, which is why the appearance becomes sloppy.

When choosing an Afro-braid as a hairstyle, age should also be taken into account, since this hairstyle is most suitable for people under 35 years old.

How long can you weave

African braids (how to braid them can be seen below) can be of completely different lengths. There are two types of afrokos: "safe" and natural. The latter are braids that are braided directly from the hair on the head.

When weaving this type of braids, the hair will look shorter by 3-5 cm, and in cases where the strands are not very thick by nature, the pigtails will turn out to be rare. In this case, the required length of hair depends on how long the pigtails should be.

"Safe" braids are braided using artificial materials, such as kanekalon. Due to this material, pigtails can not only be made longer than real hair, but also thicker, more voluminous. The minimum length of hair on which “safe” braids are woven should be at least 3 cm, otherwise the artificial material simply will not hold.

Advantages and disadvantages

African braids have both positive and negative characteristics.

Among the advantages of this hairstyle are:

  • Convenience: people with afro braids do not need to worry about damage to their hair during periods of strong wind or rain, the hair does not become electrified, it does not climb into the face.
  • Time saving: the owners of this hairstyle do not need to spend a lot of time in the morning in front of the mirror to create a beautiful hairstyle. African braids, even just gathered in a ponytail, can create a neat, complete look. In addition, this hairstyle does not require frequent shampooing: once a week is more than enough.
  • Saving money: for quite a long time, you won’t have to spend money on various masks and balms for hair care, on fixatives, etc. In addition, the minimum amount of shampoo is also used.
  • Accelerated hair growth: due to the tightened state of the hair roots and scalp, the blood will flow better to the hair follicles, bringing more nutrients.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • Headache and itching of the scalp. This is due to the constant tightness of the scalp. However, the discomfort disappears after 1-2 weeks.
  • Dryness and split ends of the hair after untwisting African braids. Since Afro-braids are not combed, the necessary amount of sebum does not get to the ends, which protects them from excessive dryness and thinning.
  • Afrokos dry for a very long time. Unlike ordinary hair, Afro-braids cannot be quickly dried with a hair dryer after washing and go about business: due to the tight fastening of the hairs between themselves, air cannot penetrate to each of them and dry. However, this problem is easily solved if you wash your hair in the evening.


African braids (how to braid them can be seen below) according to the classical scheme are standard braids: the hair is divided into 3 strands, which are alternately crossed with each other. However, for their weaving, the total mass of hair must be divided into very small strands and braided into a tight pigtail from each.

In general, their number can reach up to 200-300, depending on the thickness of the hair.


This type of hairstyle is small curls of strands of hair, and their volume varies from small to large curls. In appearance, the corrugation is similar to a perm, but more harmless to the condition of the hair. Due to the execution technique, the corrugation is suitable even for owners of thin and weakened hair.


A feature of this hairstyle is weaving not from 3, but from 2 strands that twist in opposite directions. As a rule, such braids are an addition to the classic Afro braids, but there are options for creating hairstyles only from Senegalese braids.

french afro braids

According to the total length of the hair, such pigtails look like classic ones: 3 strands intertwined with each other. However, unlike the classic ones, French afro braids are not woven “on” the head, but “over” the head: they are braided close to the scalp, due to which geometric patterns of almost any shape are formed.

Upon completion of work on the upper part of the head, between the braids, patches of skin are visible.


These braids look identical to classic African braids. However, unlike the latter, Thai braids are braided exclusively from natural hair, without inserts of artificial material. Because of this, Thai braids are only suitable for owners of very thick and long hair, otherwise the hairstyle will not look very beautiful.

With big curls

This hairstyle is a zigzag air curls. Special material (strands with large curls) are woven into natural hair, which creates an additional effect of volume.


Pigtails made in the zizi style can be different: straight, corrugated, curled with large curls or a spiral. In addition, this type of braid can be stacked in various combinations. Straight zizi visually resemble classic Afro braids, however, they are thinner and lighter, and dry fairly quickly.

Zizi Sue

This zizi is decorated in very large curls, this hairstyle is ideal for those who want to create the most voluminous hair.


Dreadlocks are not at all like braids in the usual sense: they are more like "sausages", the thickness of which can be completely different. In fact, dreadlocks are something like tangles: if you do not comb or wash your hair for a long time, then they will gather into dreadlocks.

However, when deliberately weaved, they look neat and beautiful, which cannot be said about the “self-braided” in a natural way. Several techniques are used to weave dreadlocks. The most common of them: hold a strand of hair between the ribs of the palms and rub the curl between them. When the curl begins to resemble one whole, it is taken by the edges and "teared".

Pony tail

Weaving is fully consistent with the classic afro braids, however, the lower part of the hair (10-13 cm) remains unbraided.

Curly curls

This hairstyle is a large voluminous curls made of artificial material, which are attached to the base of natural hair by weaving a small braid. In order not to see the transition, the braid-mount is masked with artificial material.

What African braids to choose for men

Not all of the listed hairstyles are suitable for the strong sex. Among them, dreadlocks can be distinguished. This type of braids looks great on athletic men who have a brutal appearance. Surfers are a prime example.

Also, French braids look beautiful on men. It is especially common among boxers and football players.

Photo of stylish African braids for men.

Classic African braids can also decorate a man, but not everyone: for this you need to have a specific appearance. Otherwise, a man may become overly feminine.

African braids for girls

Girls will suit any of the above hairstyles. Moreover, the most suitable age for them is the interval from 19 to 35 years, although they look good on younger girls (from 7 years old). On women over 35 years old, these hairstyles will not look concise enough.

Tools and materials for weaving afrokos

To weave African braids at home, you will need the following tools:

  • comb, to divide the total mass of hair into strands;
  • a massage comb so that the hair is not tangled with each other, does not have any knots;
  • silicone rubber bands for fixing braids (not needed for dreadlocks);
  • a lighter to solder the artificial material that covers the place of its attachment to natural hair;
  • ribbons, ropes of the required colors, to give the hairstyle a brighter look (optional);
  • hair clips to collect unwanted curls.

Those who plan to weave "safe" pigtails will need artificial materials, such as:

  • Kanekalon- an artificial material used to create wigs and African hairstyles. When creating African hairstyles, kanekalon is needed to create greater hair density, as well as to lengthen the hairstyle. In appearance, it looks like ordinary hair: it goes with thin individual hairs fastened together in a ponytail or braid. This material is the most popular among materials that perform similar functions. First, it is hypoallergenic and safe; secondly, due to its properties, it can take various forms during heat treatment: curls, curls of different intensity. In addition, kanekalon has a very wide color palette, and not necessarily one-color: you can find kanekalon for highlighting, shatuzh, balayage.
  • Acrylic threads are a type of thread for knitting, but recently they are increasingly used for weaving braids. When performing African hairstyles, they perform the same functions as kanekalon, however, firstly, they are much lighter than kanikalon, and secondly, they lose their neatness faster. However, it will be much easier for beginners to weave from threads, as they have more volume and are more difficult to get tangled in.

Afrokos weaving methods

African braids (how to braid them yourself can be found below) performed by step-by-step execution of the following simple operations:

  1. Carefully comb the hair with a massage comb so that no knots remain.
  2. With the help of a comb, the upper “cap” of the hair is separated and secured with a clip. Only a small shock should remain free at the back of the head (along the width of the head).
  3. The remaining free hair must be divided into equal strands of the required thickness.
  4. One of the strands is divided into 3 parts and they begin to weave a pigtail according to the standard pattern, but very tight.
  5. Having reached the ends of the hair, fix the braid in the desired way: with the help of an elastic band, a strand of kanekalon and a lighter, threads.
  6. Do the same operations with the rest of the strands, then dissolve the rest of the hair and separate the next portion from it. Repeat the steps until all the hair is braided.

How to care

African braids, in the first weeks after they are braided, can cause discomfort, cause itching of the scalp - this is a normal reaction to excessive tightness of the hair. In order for the itching to pass over time, and not intensify, it is necessary to take care of the scalp.

For this purpose, moisten a cotton pad in chamomile decoction and treat the scalp with it. It is advisable to do the procedure 3 times a day. The most important thing is that in no case should you scratch your head, otherwise it will itch even more and you can comb the skin in this way to scratches and accidentally bring dirt there.

If the afro hairstyle is made with the addition of artificial materials, then excessive heating of the hair should be avoided, for example, when going to the bath, the hair must be covered with a towel or a special cap.

You need to wash your hair no more than once a week, otherwise the hairstyle will quickly lose its shape and “fluff out”. The braids themselves do not need to be washed (unless in case of emergency, for example, if something sticky got on them or if they smelled like a fire), only directly the scalp between the braids. You can do this in several ways.

The first method includes the following steps:

  1. The scalp is thoroughly moistened from the shower.
  2. A little shampoo is squeezed onto the hand (preferably without the 2 in 1 function), foam it.
  3. Gently apply the shampoo to the exposed areas of the head. Massage them so that the shampoo still foams.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  5. Repeat the procedure until the head is no longer greasy.

The second method is similar to the first, but a sponge is used instead of the palms. You need to apply shampoo to a sponge, lather and blot your scalp with it.


Correction of afro-braids can be cardinal or light. The first implies a complete interlacing of braids, i.e. they need to be untwisted, and then braided back.

For simplicity, it is better to unravel not the whole mass of hair at once, but one braid at a time. With this method, the main thing is not to get confused which ones have already been corrected and which have not. To do this, you can collect ready-made braids in a separate bundle using an elastic band or a clip.

Light correction occurs in an unusual but effective way:

  1. They take one braid, put it in the palm of your hand.
  2. Sharp scissors are laid flat on top of the braid.
  3. Spend scissors along the entire length of the braid.
  4. To get rid of the fluff on top of the head, the hairs must be collected in a bun and cut off.

As a rule, the hairs that come out are the tips, so you don’t have to worry that after such a correction, unwinding the braids, you can find bald spots.

Hairstyles with afro braids

Afro-braids look spectacular both loose and assembled.

From African braids, you can make the following hairstyles:

  • tail;
  • various braids (French, spikelet);
  • a bump on the crown;
  • two beams at the back of the head or closer to the front of the face;
  • you can collect only the upper mass of hair in a ponytail, and leave the lower ones loose.
The name of the hairstyle Weaving method
TailIt is necessary to tilt your head down, collect all the hair in one bun, without letting go of the hair, raise your head, fix it if there are “cocks”, and secure with an elastic band.
two beamsIt is necessary to divide the braids into 2 equal parts, alternately collect each of them in a high tail in the necessary part of the head and secure with an elastic band. Then the hair begins to twist (as if it needs to be squeezed out, but only in one direction), continuing to move until the hair itself lies in a “bump”, and secured with a large elastic band. The same is done with the second part of the hair.
Bundle on the top of the headThe first step is to collect a high tail, as in the first hairstyle, and then twist the hair into a bump, as described in the previous diagram.

African braids (how to braid them can be decided by choosing a hairstyle for the style of clothing) can be styled in a variety of hairstyles, and they are done in the same way as with loose hair.

How to unweave afro braids

It is necessary to unwind the braids correctly and very carefully, otherwise the hair structure can be damaged:

  • each pigtail is moistened with water;
  • remove the gum that fixed the tip;
  • take any thin object, for example, a needle;
  • insert it into each visible hole in the braid and slowly pull it down - the braid should slowly unwind;
  • after removing all the braids, you need to wash your head and moisturize your hair and skin with a mask or balm.

After wearing such a hairstyle for a long time, tangles may appear in the hair, which will interfere with the braids. To prevent this from happening, you can spray your hair with a product for unruly hair.

African hairstyles are a great way to change up your look and free up some time and money for what matters. In addition, braiding is simple, the main thing is to know how to do it and follow the instructions.

Video about the varieties of African braids and the rules for weaving them

How Afrokos weave:

Weaving zizi braids:

Braided over the head. Now this word is called all types of tightly braided braids on the head from two to two thousand. In 2018, boxing braids with colored kanekalon and just tight French braids remain the most fashionable and trendy, and the most popular number is from 2 to 6.

One of the first boxing braids tried on Kim Kardashian. Then, with this comfortable and spectacular hairstyle, many stars began to appear: Rita Ori, Katy Perry, Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lopez and others.
Consider the most fashionable of the braids:

Boxer braids with kanekalon

These are now the most fashionable braids, the entire instagram is full of bright images of braids with multi-colored kanekalon. The most popular quantity is 2 or 4 braids. The required hair length is from 10-15 cm. If you try, then boxing braids can be braided for the average length of hair. The shorter the length, the more braids you need, then they will hold better. That is, for a square it is better to make 4 braids.

How long do boxer braids last:

This hairstyle lasts 3-5 days. Then they start to fluff up and lose their appearance. If you want to extend the life of your braids, then go to bed in a scarf or bandana, then the hair will rub against the pillow less and last longer.


  • Fashionable and comfortable, suitable for a party, an active photo session.
  • With such a hairstyle, you can go for several days (ideal for a trip).
  • You can braid yourself.
  • Kanekalon can be used several times.
  • Lengthens hair without extensions by weaving additional artificial strands.


  • If the weave is very tight, the scalp may hurt a little.

You will need:

  • Kanekalon. Which one to choose: bright and contrasting colors look beautiful, pink, purple, blue and white are very popular.

  • Matte paste or clay (for loose, frizzy hair), strong hold hairspray.

  • Hairpin.
  • Transparent gum.

How to weave braids with kanekalon:

Step 1. Divide the hair into a parting (or parting with more braids).

Step 2. For smooth braids or, if the hair is very loose, it is difficult to weave, then you need to take a small amount of matte clay or paste, rub it well in your hands. Walk through the hair, paying attention to the vellus hair on the edge. Hair along the edge can be smoothed with a small brush.

Step 3. Fasten the kanekalon around the first strand. There are several ways. One is to tie a knot around the first strand and secure with a hairpin so that the kanekalon does not slip. If the kanekalon still slips, then first weave the braid a little, and then simply add it to the weave without a knot.

Another option is how to weave a kanekalon into a braid at the beginning:

Step 4. Start braiding into a tight French braid outward, adding kanekalon.

Step 5. Weave to the end, secure with a transparent elastic band, wrap a small strand around it and sprinkle with strong hold varnish.

2 boxing braids:

With bangs, such braids do not look fashionable, so it is better to weave it into a braid.

Where to buy kanekalon

The most budget option for buying kanekalon is on Aliexpress. We have selected for you options from trusted sellers, with reviews and beautiful flowers.

Solid color kanekalon for very long braids

1 pack is enough for braids to the waist (82 inches - approximately 208 cm). Bright colors, fast delivery.

Solid color bright kanekalon:

100 cm, large selection of colors and fast delivery according to reviews. 1 pack is enough for braids to the chest.


Length: 24 inches (61 cm), 60 colors to choose from.

There is no limit to fantasy: a wave, rhombuses, a spiral, etc.


Braids for short hair

When you are tired of short hair, but you want some other hairstyle and length, braids are ideal. For small braids on the head, a length of 5-7 cm is enough. The shorter the hair, the more braids you need to make. For boxing braids, you need a length of 12-15 cm.

How to braid afro braids yourself?

Absolutely all women know how to weave braids. In any case, you need to try very hard to find one that does not know how to divide the hair into three strands and weave them together. Afro braids differ from the usual "Russian" braid only in thickness, quantity and presence of decorating materials. It is not difficult to form such a hairstyle on the head.

To weave or not to weave - that is the question

A definite plus is a positive and unusual image. My pigtails were bright blue. It is very pleasant, I tell you, to see something funny and invigorating in the mirror, especially on Monday mornings. The mood rises, the eye rejoices.

There are two main disadvantages. First: irritation of the scalp. Pigtails pull hair, head itches.

Second: after unweaving, the hair will have to be treated. Pigtails interfere with normal moisturizing, washing and other vital processes of the hair. Immediately after you decide to get rid of African joy, the hairstyle will look like a washcloth, which, frankly, scares and does not please.

If you still decide to please yourself and those around you with Afro-braids, and the specialist does not have the opportunity to braid, I can offer a brief instruction on weaving at home.

Choosing a material

Kanikolon (artificial hair) or ordinary threads. I have not tried to braid with canicolone, so I will not give unverified advice. We choose any threads. The main thing is that they are thick enough and pleasant to the touch. I used acrylic yarn for knitting. It took 1200 meters to braid 200 thin braids.


For each pigtail, it is best to use a multiple of six threads, then you do not have to tie and hide knots. We roughly estimate the desired length of the pigtail, multiply by 2 + 20 cm. For example, if you decide to weave from 6 threads, for a pigtail 1 m long, you will need three threads 2.2 m long folded in half. The thickness of the thread itself plays a very important role. Therefore, it is desirable to calculate the exact length of the threads experimentally.


We start from the lowest point of hair growth above the neck. Parting separate the horizontal row of hair. The rest can be stabbed so as not to interfere. We separate with the help of a comb-comb one strand of the desired thickness, a “square”. We divide the strand into three parts, fasten the threads, weave. And so on until the hair runs out.

The tip can be soldered with a lighter or left, secured with a knot.


I only get to wash my hair once a week. The pigtails dry for a very long time, and I was afraid to “help” them with a hairdryer, I didn’t want to increase the already negative impact.
You don't have to brush at all, which is a plus.
Balm and masks should not be used. But shampoo will have to stock up, and good. It takes just an incredible amount of it for pigtails with threads. I don’t recommend replacing a normal shampoo with some cheap filth in order to save money, because your hair is hidden under the threads, which it is advisable not to spoil completely.

Today, stylish and very unusual African braids remain at the peak of popularity. They help not only to make the image more interesting and eye-catching, but also add volume to the hairstyle. Often girls want to know how to weave African braids on their own at home, but they are afraid for the health of their curls. In fact, if you approach this process correctly, then the hair will not be damaged, and the lady will receive an excellent result of her work.

Many girls have probably heard about the dangers of such braids, but in fact, this hairstyle helps protect the hair from various harmful effects. You should not refuse to be stylish and beautiful, especially since you can even make such a hairstyle with your own hands, without resorting to the services of a master.

What are Afrokos?

In fact, the question of how to weave African braids with threads at home using a video is not so complicated. To begin with, it is simply necessary to consider the types of such braids, because they can be different, and the weaving method will also depend on the type. For example, these can be the usual classic types of braids, they are woven with the addition of special threads to make the strands look denser and thicker.

There are also bundles, in this case not three strands are taken, but only two, and they are folded into a bundle using a special technology. The "Pony" hairstyle may appeal to more romantic persons, here the pigtails are already woven with a special light material, and the ends are left loose. In this case, the tails should be slightly twisted. Braids and corrugations remain no less popular, in the first case, the braid is woven over the head, and in the second case, twisted kanekalon is used.

Afrokos weaving rules

Now it’s worth analyzing in more detail how to weave African braids with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a master. It is recommended to weave braids on hair that is at least ten centimeters long, while the master can braid such braids on curls from five centimeters.

Basic Rules:

  1. Before starting the process, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface of the hair. To do this, it is enough to wash the curls with soap or shampoo, but without using a balm.
  2. It is very important to do the markup correctly, usually checkerboarded squares are used for this. In this case, the strands will not intertwine, and the marking line will also be well hidden.
  3. Weaving starts from the occipital region. You will need outside help, not necessarily a master, you can ask a friend. It is also worth remembering that the braids will have to be set in the right direction, otherwise they will stick out in different directions.

What materials do we need?

  • material for weaving such braids (the choice depends on the type of afro-braids);
  • a comb with small and frequent teeth, to create even partings;
  • a comb with large and rare teeth, for weaving braids;
  • small rubber bands, for attaching braids or special hair glue;

What materials are better to choose?

Before you figure out the question of how to weave African braids from a video at home, you should take a little time to choose the material. Most often, for such afrokos, a special material is used that looks like yarn, it is called Kanekalon. The advantage of this material is that it does not slip through the hair.

Usually Kanekalon has very bright colors, it is very convenient to work with it even for beginners, and it also washes well. If desired, you can use the most common yarn and various ribbons, and use beads and colored laces as decoration.

Rules for weaving afrokosichesk:

  1. First you need to divide all the hair into separate strands, the more curls you get, the more time-consuming the work will be, but the result will be very pleasing. It is necessary to start weaving only from the back of the head, for this reason you will have to ask someone for help.
  2. Now one strand is combed, and a prepared thread of the selected material is attached next to the hair root. It is best to choose the thread from Kanekalon, but you can also pick up a simple yarn, although the result will not be the same at all.
  3. The resulting strand is divided into three equal parts, as for ordinary braiding, and then they gradually begin to weave a fairly tight braid. If you want to make the hair a little longer than the natural length, then you need to add a little material when your own curls are already over. This will make it possible to make a braid of the same thickness along the entire length.
  4. Next, you need to fix the tip, this is done using special glue, small rubber bands or beads can also be used. The weaving process should go from the back of the head, and move to the temporal region, only then they begin to design the rest of the curls.

Basic rules of care

In fact, taking care of such a hairstyle is not at all difficult, everything is even easier than with loose curls. To begin with, it is worth remembering that you should not wet the entire length, firstly, it dries poorly, and secondly, the pigtails themselves almost do not get dirty. You can wash your hair roots with a simple shampoo no more than once a week. For some, once every ten days will be enough.

It is useless to use balms and conditioners, in addition, they are difficult to wash out of curls, for this reason it is better not to use these products. Do not dry the braids with a hair dryer, as the material used does not tolerate high temperatures.

It is worth considering that the first few days the scalp will get used, so itching and irritation may occur. To relieve these symptoms, you can rinse the roots of chamomile tincture.

It is better to wear such heavy braids on your head for no more than three months, during this time the appearance of the braids will deteriorate significantly. The thing is that the roots will begin to grow and stray, it will be simply impossible to comb them later. It is better to avoid such a problem right away. And in general, long-term wearing of such a hairstyle aggravates the health of curls. Hair must rest and recover, for this one month is enough, and then you can braid the pigtails again.