How to draw an apple tree in the middle group with a pencil. Abstract of the drawing lesson "apples ripened on the apple tree." Preparation for practical activities

OrtangyThatbandagyuyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinіn abstract

Synopsis of organized educational activities in the 1st junior group

Otkizu kuni/Date: 25.10.18

Tarbieshі / Educator: Izbasarova A.A.

Bilim take salas / Educational area: "Creativity"

Pәn / Subject: "Drawing"

Otpelі taқyryp / Cross-cutting topic:"Autumn is a generous time"

Takyryby/Theme:"Apples ripened on the apple tree"


1. Tarbielik - educational:

2. Damytushylyk developing:

3.Okytu-training: learn to draw a tree, conveying its characteristic features: a trunk, branches diverging from it, long and short; convey the image of a fruit tree. To fix the techniques of drawing with colored pencils, the skill of quickly drawing foliage. Lead to an emotional assessment of their work.

Pedagogical technologylar /ped.technologies: health-saving, information-communicative, personality-oriented, game

Resourcestarmenқamtamasyzetu / Resource provision: colored pencils colored wax crayons, landscape-sized paper (per child).

Bilingual component/Bilingual component: apple - alma, tree -agash

Uymdastyrushylyk kezen / organizational moment

I.Ұyymdastyrylgan oқu қyzmetinің barysy / Progress of the lesson

1. Conversation.

Today we will draw a tree, the fruits of which lie in this bag. Who can recognize these fruits by touch? The teacher gives the children the opportunity to identify the fetus by touch. If the children cannot find out, you can offer to guess riddle:

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

adults love me

And little kids.

That's right, this apple

II. Negіzіbөlіmі / main part

Look how red it is. Apple, it is very useful to each of us. If we constantly eat them, we will not get sick, because in apples are rich in vitamins. And right now, at the beginning of autumn, they begin to harvest apples that we will eat in the winter. Look at this picture. It depicts Apple tree.

2. Preparation for practical activities.

3. Display of the finished work. Explanation

Here we will draw such a useful tree with very useful fruits today. First we draw a tree trunk. Look, the trunk narrows towards the top. Then we draw branches. Draw leaves on the branches. (Circular movements, without painting). And round you already know how to draw apples yourself. Before we get started, let's do some finger exercises.

4. Finger gymnastics

By the road apple tree stands,

(weave hands over head, fingers unclenched)

On a branch bullseye hanging.

(put wrists together)

I shook the branch strongly,

(arms above head, moving back and forth)

That's we have an apple.

(palms in front of the chest, imitate that they are holdingapple )

The sweet bull's-eye,

(connect wrists, spread palms)

Ah, what a nice taste.

TB when working with pencils

5. Independent work of children

Individual help.

Look guys. We are with you draw an apple orchard. And how much apples.

III. Korytyndy / final part

Analysis of the work of organized educational activities.

At the end of the lesson, we all admire together apple trees and sing the first verse of the song "Harvest" sl. and music. A. Filippenko

We carry baskets

Let's sing a song in chorus.


And stock up for the winter.

Chorus: Oh, yes, collect

And stock up for the winter.

Invite the children to wash their hands and treat them apples.

Fruits are rich in vitamins, good for our health.

Exhibition of works.

Organization: MBDOU No. 226

Location: Rostov-on-Don

Abstract of a lesson in fine arts for the middle group in the non-traditional technique "Autumn Apple Tree"


introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques: tracing a hand, typing with fingers. To develop in children a sense of color, shape, aesthetic perception


1. To cultivate in children an interest in autumn natural phenomena, to emotionally respond to the beauty of autumn;

2. Learn to convey the beauty of autumn in the drawing;

3. Develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensitivity.


- reproductions of autumn paintings, an image of an apple tree,

dummies of apples,

Children's drawings depicting an apple tree,

Magnetic board,


Sheets of blue A4 paper;


Jars of water;


Simple pencil;


Preliminary work:

Observation of autumn trees during walks;

A discourse on trees that bear fruit in autumn;

Outdoor games: "Leaf fall", "Hot potato", "Apple";

Didactic games: "Third extra", "Collect pairs", "Fruits and vegetables"; "Edible - inedible"

Learning poems about autumn, apple tree, apple, trees, fruits;


Lesson progress:


- Children, what time of year is it? Why did you decide so? (Autumn, yellow leaves fall from the trees).

What trees bear fruit in autumn? (Pears, apples, mountain ash, viburnum, chestnuts).

Listen to the poem:

Apple tree.

High on the tree the apples are ripe,

The ripe sides are saturated with the sun;

We have never eaten such apples.

And no one tried, for sure .

Did you like the poem? What tree is it about? What words does the author use about the apple tree? (About the apple tree. About the fruits that ripe sides are saturated with the sun).

Today we will draw a beautiful autumn tree - an apple tree, using an unconventional technique, for this we need gouache paints, brushes, a simple pencil, water and napkins.

The teacher shows an exemplary work and describes the tree.

Children, what parts of a tree do you know? (branches, trunk, leaf, root, tree crown).

Correctly place (compose) the tree on paper, turn the sheet vertically, put the left hand on the format and circle it with the right hand with a simple pencil. The hand will be the trunk, and the fingers will be the branches. (Teacher shows how to do it).

We turn our fingers into branches, and to make the apple tree beautiful, we will warm up a little and turn into trees for a few minutes.

Physical education:

The wind blows in our face , (breathing exercises)

  • small tree . (hands up, tilts left and right)

Wind hush, hush, hush - (children squat)

The tree is getting higher and higher. (children rise up on their toes, raising their hands)


Now we will open the paints and draw a brown trunk, using the priming method, we will print yellow-green leaves on the tree. Well done!

Now let's decorate our apple tree with apples. To do this, we need your fingers, dip your finger in red paint and print, the print is round, like an apple. Well done!

What beautiful, elegant autumn apple trees we got! We wipe our fingers with napkins.

Analysis of children's work:

At the end of the lesson, the children look at each other's work, and the teacher praises all the children .

Educator: - Children, what did we do today?

Children: - They drew an apple tree in the fall.

Educator: -What did we draw?

Children: - Gouache, with the help of the hand and fingers.

Educator: - Well done guys! Let these drawings delight you and lift your good autumn mood.


For preliminary work:


Bright - red Sits - turns green,

The barrel is satin, Falls - turns yellow,

Either red entirely, Lies - turns black.

Falling down, (leaves)

Kohl ripens,

  • sorry if with a worm. Came without colors

(Apple) And no brush

Leaves from the branches fly around, And repainted

  • fly south. All leaves.
  • during the year? - ask. (Autumn)

We know ourselves. This is ... (autumn)

  • miracle tree,
    On the tree - balls: Not mother is born,
    In the summer they are green, And they gave me a gift.
    In autumn - ruddy. (Apple tree)
    (Apple tree)

Boring picture! "About apple trees and apples"

Clouds without end, green and red,

The rain is pouring, Useful, beautiful,

Puddles at the porch ... Excellent aroma -
Stunted rowan Everyone is happy to taste.

Wet under the window

The village looks on a miracle branch

  • spot. A number of useful fruits,

That you are early to visit, At the end of the golden summer

Autumn has come to us? They go to the parade.

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth! And then they go

  • beautiful apple trees In boxes and baskets,
    Fruits are a gift of summer. And arrive fresh
    apple trees-beauties To us at once shops.
    Fruits - there is no tastier. Iris Revue

A. Pleshcheev

Proverbs and sayings

The soul is not an apple, you cannot divide it.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Do not shake the apple where it is green: it will ripen - it will fall by itself.

If you want to eat an apple, plant an apple tree.

There will be a bee on a flower - there will be an apple on the table.

Every apple tends to become an apple tree.

The neighbor's apple always tastes better.

Whoever eats an apple a day does not go to the doctor.


The apple has nowhere to fall - about the big tightness.

Apple of discord - that creates a quarrel.


I.A. Lykova “Fine activity in kindergarten. Middle group. Modeling, application, drawing. Planning, abstracts, methodological recommendations. M 2007

N.V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina "1000 riddles" Yaroslavl 2002

E.G.Saykina, Zh.E.Filireva "Physical education hello - minutes and pauses!" S-P 2006

A.T. Volobuev "500 riddles about everything for children" 2008

R.G. Kozakova “Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques, lesson scenario, planning "M 2007

O.V. Marinicheva, N.V. Elkina "We teach children to observe and tell the seasons" Yaroslavl 2006

A.A. Fateeva "We draw without a brush" Yaroslavl 2004

Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the middle group "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Topic of direct educational activity ti "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Target : continue to teach children to draw a tree, conveying its characteristic features: a trunk, long and short branches diverging from it, to teach children to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing. To fix the techniques of drawing foliage. To bring children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.

Preliminary work: observations on walks, excursions, reading poems, looking at illustrations.

Materials for the lesson : colored pencils, colored wax crayons, landscape-sized paper (for each child).

The course of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment. Conversation .

Educator. Today we will draw a tree, the fruits of which lie in this bag. Who can recognize these fruits by touch?

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to identify the fetus by touch. If the children cannot find out, you can offer to guess the riddle:

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

adults love me

And little kids.

That's right, it's an apple. (The teacher takes an apple out of the bag.) Look how red it is. Apple, it is very useful for each of us. If we constantly eat them, we will not get sick, because there are a lot of vitamins in apples. And right now, at the beginning of autumn, they begin to harvest apples, which we will eat in the winter. Look at this picture. It has an apple tree on it. (Children name what parts the tree consists of)

2. Preparation for practical activities.

Here we will draw such a useful tree with very useful fruits today. First we draw a tree trunk. Look, the trunk narrows towards the top. Then we draw branches. Draw leaves on the branches. (Circular movements, without painting over). And you already know how to draw round apples yourself. 2-3 children try to draw a tree on their own at the blackboard.

- Before we get started, let's do some finger exercises.

There is an apple tree by the road

(weave hands over head, fingers unclenched)

An apple is hanging on a branch.

(put wrists together)

I shook the branch strongly,

(arms above head, moving back and forth)

Here we have an apple.

(palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)

I'll drink into a sweet apple,

(connect wrists, spread palms)

Ah, what a nice taste.

3. Practical independent activity.

/ in the process of drawing I provide individual assistance, I monitor posture /

4. Reflection. At the end of the work, I say: Look, guys. We drew an apple orchard. And how many apples.

At the end of the direct educational activity, we all admire the apple trees together and sing the first verse of the song “Harvest” to words. and music. A. Filippenko

/children dance around the apple tree and sing a song/ - 2 min.

We carry baskets

Let's sing a song in chorus.


And stock up for the winter.

Chorus: Oh, yes, collect

And stock up for the winter.

Summing up the lesson:

What they were doing?

What happened?

What were the difficulties?

I invite the children to wash their hands and treat them with apples.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

(Teacher rings a bell)

mischievous bell,

You build the guys in a circle,

Gathered guys in a circle

Friend on the left and friend on the right.

Let's hold hands together

And smile at each other!

Educator: the children are our guest today, I want to introduce him to you. The GARDENER appears and introduces himself to the children.

Hello children. I am GARDENER. I take care of fruit trees. Fruits have ripened in my garden, this year a rich harvest.

What fruits do you know? (children's answers)

Do you know what you need to do to grow a rich harvest of fruits? How to care for trees so that they have a lot of ripe fruits? (children's answers)

The GARDENER's story (ICT presentation)

As soon as spring comes, buds appear on the trees. When the sun begins to bake, the buds open and turn into flowers. Insects collect pollen from them. After that, the flower petals fall off, and fruits are tied in their place.

Difficult work of the GARDENER, but at work and a reward. It is hard to harvest such a harvest alone. That's why I came to you for help. Will you help me? (YES)

I invite you to visit me. You will see my garden and help in the collection of fruits.

Music game "Fun Train"

On a magnetic board pictures of trees (pear, plum, apple tree) On all trees, except for an apple tree, 1-3 fruits. On the apple tree, the fruits are according to the number of children. Fruit baskets (pears, plums, )

GARDENER shows his garden.

Didactic exercise "What tree is the fruit from?"

From the apple tree they harvest ... what? apples.

Plums are harvested... what? Drain.

A pear is harvested ... what? Pears.

Harvested from cherries .... what? Cherries


We are walking now

In a young garden

Harvest is good

This year.

Apples are like sugar

Pears are pure honey

On purple plums

Blue plaque.

The gardener notices that he has already harvested pears, plums and cherries. It remains to harvest apples.

Educator: let's help the GARDENER? (YES)

GARDENER: What do we need to harvest the fruit from the tree?

The fruits are harvested from the trees by hand, using a ladder if the tree is tall. Placed in a basket or special wooden boxes carefully so as not to damage the fruit. So they last longer and do not deteriorate.

Physical exercise "Picking apples"

That's the apple! It's full of sweet juice!

(stand up, hands to the sides, stretch)

Stretch out your hands, pick an apple!

(hands up, stretch up)

I began to swing a branch, it's hard to pick an apple!

(arms up, tilts to the sides)

I’ll jump up, stretch out my hand and quickly pick an apple!

(jumping up, clapping overhead)

Children take turns taking pictures - dummies and put them in a basket.

GARDENER: Look how many apples we have picked.... Full basket.

Do you know what are the benefits of apples? (children's answers)

GARDENER: Right. Apples are the most valuable fruit. Among fruits, it can be said to be our daily bread. Fresh apples have not been translated for almost a whole year. They give strength, prolong youth and help fight disease.

Thank you children for your help, without you it would not be easy for me. And work and reward. Help yourself. (gives a basket of apples)

Time to say good-bye. Goodbye. Until the next harvest.

Musical game "Insect locomotive"

Educator: Did you like the trip? Well done. What did you learn from the GARDENER? (how to care for trees in order to get a rich harvest of fruits; how to properly collect fruits from trees).

See how ripe apples are in the basket. Wash your hands and let's eat apples.

Plasticineography "Apples ripened" (can be done in the afternoon.

To remember our walk visiting the GARDENER all winter. I propose to draw a picture "The apples are ripe." We will draw neither with paints nor with pencils, but with plasticine.

(The finished form is an apple tree branch)

Educator: Children, look at how to roll plasticine between the palms. The teacher shows the children how to roll balls from red plasticine. Take plasticine, roll a small ball between the palms. (The teacher walks, helps, explains). Dasha is smart. Ksyusha let me help you. Whoever did it comes up and gently presses his apple onto the tree.

Educator: Children, look how many apples have ripened on the branch. We put our picture in a frame and we will admire it all winter.

Workplace cleaning.

Develop cognitive abilities, interest in visual, artistic activities through the game.

Integration of educational areas

"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

To expand children's ideas about the work of a gardener, about how to care for fruit trees; about the rules for collecting fruits.

Continue to acquaint with an unconventional way of drawing - plasticineography, lead children to create an expressive image by means of volume and color.

Develop general speech skills, coordination of speech and movement, speech, enrich vocabulary

Develop ingenuity, independence, curiosity, fine motor skills; improve the ability to enjoy the achieved result.


Bell, gardener (suit), Laminated pictures on a magnetic board, basket, apples (natural), musical accompaniment, presentation, plasticine, boards, stacks, frame.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in drawing in the middle group. Topic: "Apples ripened on the apple tree"

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic and aesthetic development" (drawing), "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world).
Types of children's activities: productive (pictorial), cognitive research, play, musical and artistic, communicative.
The goals of the teacher's activity:
Educational: Learn to draw apples using finger painting (drawing with one finger). To consolidate the skills of children by sticking to draw leaves on a tree in green and yellow, draw apples in an unconventional drawing technique: with cotton swabs.
Activate the names of the tree (apple tree) in the children's speech.
Fix the meaning of complex words (apple orchard). Develop speech, attention, logical thinking.
To bring children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.
Developing: Develop fine motor skills of hands. Develop a sense of composition and color in the process of using various techniques to create an expressive image of apple fruits, to consolidate cultural, hygienic and social and communication skills.
Educational: To educate in children an interest in fine arts, love for nature.
Preliminary work: observations on walks, looking at the apple orchard, reading stories, looking at illustrations, paintings, didactic and word games.
Materials and equipment: illustrations of apple trees, red, green and yellow gouache, cotton buds, a wet wipe for each child.
Album sheets, apple tree, Hedgehog toy, audio recording of the song "Harvest" ly. and music. A. Filippenko.

The course of direct educational activities.

Organizing time:
IN. Children, let's say hello to the guests and wish each other health and good mood.
Come on, kids, stand in a circle! I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.
IN. Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly.
IN. When does it happen?
D. In autumn.
IN. And in autumn, people harvest in the garden.
round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
adults love me
And little kids.
IN. What is this?
Children: an apple.
IN. Today we will go to the apple orchard.
- Look, what a beautiful tree with apples.
IN. Thank you, where do apples grow?
D. on a tree.
IN. And let's remember what parts a tree consists of?
D. trunk, long and short branches grow on the trunk.
IN. What color are the leaves on the tree?
D. leaves are green and yellow.
IN. What color are the apples on the branches?
D. Apples are red.

IN. What shape are the apples?
D. round apples.
caregiver: Children, quietly, I hear some rustling and sounds.
Quietly sat on a magic rug
IN.(says the words puff puff puff)
Look, there is a basket, and there are leaves in it, and someone is sitting under the leaves.
V. (opens the foliage, and there is a hedgehog)
IN. Who is this?
D. Hedgehog.
IN. The hedgehog has arrived.
Is the hedgehog upset for some reason?
IN. Hedgehog, what happened to you?
Hedgehog: I live in a large garden, there are a lot of apple trees on which red apples have ripened, and now autumn has come, it's time to harvest.
People will pick all the apples and my apple orchard will not be beautiful.
And so I got upset
Educator: Children, I propose to draw apples for the Hedgehog.
2. Preparation for practical activities.
We stood next to the chairs. And play with our fingers.
There is an apple tree by the road. (arms above head)
An apple hangs on a branch. (Put your wrists together)
He shook the branch strongly, (hands above his head, movements back and forth)
Here we have an apple. (palms in front of chest)
3. Practical independent activity:
All sit straight.
- Today we will be magicians, we will draw not with a brush, but with a finger and cotton swabs.
C. Look what a beautiful tree with apples we will draw the Hedgehog.
B. First, we draw leaves with cotton swabs (we collect green paint on a cotton swab and draw leaves on branches using the method of sticking)
V. Veronica, show me how you will draw the leaves?
B. You can get to work.
- Tell me, what color do we take the paint? (green)
B. And now we draw yellow leaves.
V. (we collect yellow paint on a cotton swab and draw yellow leaves)
V. Matvey, show me how you will draw yellow leaves.
Educator: we drew the leaves, and now we are drawing apples on the branches.
V. (shows to children). I take my index finger and dip it in the paint (not the whole finger, but only the tip) and apply it to the branch.
Q. Children, show me your index finger.
C. We draw carefully, draw paint on your finger well so that the apples are juicy. We draw a lot of apples so that our tree is beautiful.
Q. And what color will we draw apples?
D. Red.
V. (I help in the process of drawing, I follow the posture of children)
B. Who drew apples, wipe your finger with a napkin.
B. Take your work and hang it on our apple tree.

Final part:
IN. What good fellows you are. What beautiful trees with apples we got.
IN. Do you remember the name of the garden where apples grow?
D. Apple orchard.
IN. Now the Hedgehog will have apples all year round.
4. Summing up the lesson:
- Children, what did we draw with you?
(Apple orchard)
Whom did we help?
IN. We have prepared a surprise for the Hedgehog.
IN. Children, stand around our apple tree and sing a song.
We carry baskets
Sing a song in chorus
And stock up for the winter.
Oh yes, pick it up.
And stock up for the winter.
caregiver: for your beautiful drawings, I prepared a surprise for you and the hedgehog.
See what's in the basket?
D. apples.
IN. Apples are full of vitamins, they are very tasty and good for your health.
Educator: Children, say goodbye to the guests.
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