Why is pigmentation on the face in women. External factors of possible pigmentation. Main locations

It is difficult to answer unambiguously why age spots appear. Red and brown spots can occur on the face, hands, on the body of any person. They spoil the lives of not only women, but also the representatives of the stronger sex. The causes of pigmentation or redness may be different.

A spot of brown or beige colour is a localization of melanin. This is the pigment that characterizes skin tone. It can form and accumulate in the upper layers of the epidermis or lie deep. If the spot is close to the surface of the skin, it has light shade. And if pigmented cells accumulate deeply, then the spot becomes bright brown. Moles, freckles, vitiligo, birthmarks- Varieties of common pigmentation. Dark spots on the face are not dangerous, but they can warn of dangerous diseases that start in the body. And so they cannot be ignored.

What diseases does it warn about?

  • If the composition of the blood changes due to some malfunction of the organs, then it cannot fully circulate. Stagnant blood does not have time to completely get rid of toxins and other harmful substances. They spoil the skin on the face, which is covered with spots. Why does pigmentation appear?
  • The gallbladder supplies the liver with substances that help digest fat from food. If the gallbladder is clogged with mucus or stones, it does not perform its function. This means that cholesterol enters the blood, which is deposited on the walls blood vessels and interfere with blood flow. Violation of the lipid process affects all organs.
  • The liver cleanses the blood. Liver disease slows down this process. The bile ducts may become clogged or die due to poisoning of the liver cells. Then the body does not perform its function. This can also be indicated by spots on the face, on the hands and on the whole body.
  • The intestines are called the factory of life. Here, food is processed into useful substances and fuel for all processes. Follow his work and cleanliness should be from youth. Intestinal slagging can result in serious problems in the work of other organs. Reddish or light brown spots on the cheeks and forehead speak of digestive problems.
  • Pigmentation often appears on the face due to bad work heart, circulatory and nervous systems in old age.

By the color and nature of the spots, you can determine the cause of their occurrence, if it lies inside the body. Brown, hard-to-remove spots on the face indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder. Light yellowish formations indicate diseased kidneys. In addition to the special treatment for each disease that the doctor prescribes, it is useful for the digestive organs to review the diet, enrich it with raw fresh vegetables and fruits.

Heat treatment of meat and fish products should exclude the use of fats. Cooking is useful for steaming or baking or stewing in a small amount of water. Bran, wholemeal bread, cereals on the water are also useful. It is not the spots on the skin that are dangerous, but the diseases they indicate.

Each person's skin type is different. The skin reacts differently to external stimuli. Because of them, pigmentation on the face can also appear.

External factors of possible pigmentation

  • Freckles become brighter in spring. This suggests that the sun's rays stimulate the production of melanin, which was hardly noticeable in winter. Active sun can cause post-sun pigmentation if melanocytes are unevenly distributed in the layers of the skin. Extensive areas of the epidermis on the face, arms, chest after winter lose their coloring pigment. If a person is prone to developing pigmentation, then he should protect himself by using sunscreen or protective hats and clothing. The sun is most aggressive in the morning until noon.
  • Often, age spots on the face appear after acne, blackheads and pustules on the skin. They pour out on the cheeks and on the forehead, usually in adolescence. Girls and young people tend to get rid of them as soon as possible. They squeeze out acne, cauterize with alcohol, cover it with a thick layer of foundation. All these actions do not mask the rashes well and leave marks on the face for many years in the form of spots, scars and dents. Treating them after is much more difficult. And additional inflammation is formed from an introduced infection.
  • During menopause, women develop age spots on their arms, neck, and face. They blur in large shapeless formations and spoil the look of a woman and her mood.
  • Hereditary spots appear already in a newborn child. As they get older, they only get brighter and bigger. These are freckles, moles, birthmarks, not only brown. There are moles blue, purple, almost black. Some of them do not protrude from the surface of the skin, and some grow into large raisins. Their removal is possible only with the help of a doctor - a cosmetologist in the salon.
  • The hormonal background of a person changes throughout life. This process leaves an imprint on all organs. In women, hormone levels fluctuate especially frequently. Chloasma - the so-called spots that appear and disappear on their own for this reason. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a hormonal surge. And often light brown large spots appear on the cheeks and neck. After the birth of the child, they eventually pass. Age spots can appear even on the eve of menstruation or with female diseases. The problem may be in violation of the thyroid gland.
  • After taking certain drugs, an imbalance of vitamins and trace elements occurs. Long-term use of such drugs sometimes changes the color of the epidermis. The doctor will advise how to fill this deficiency.
  • Everyone experiences an allergic reaction at least once in their life. The body does not accept any food, or reacts to cosmetics. Large scaly plaques appear on the skin, which are very itchy. If they are not treated correctly and in a timely manner, they can leave dark footprints on the skin. First of all, you should determine the type of allergen that causes a negative reaction. After that, the treatment is carried out internally and externally. The patient should take antihistamines for allergies and eliminate inflammation of the epidermis medicinal ointments. Often skin allergies occur when using strong cosmetics, spicy ingredients in skin care products, or essential oils. Harm brings the skin and cosmetics with expired validity.
  • Injuries to the surface of the epidermis leave scars and dark spots. They remind of wounds for a long time. After boils, chemical and thermal burns, cuts on the hands, unprofessionally performed cosmetic procedures, the integrity of the skin is violated. Sometimes the lesions are deep and the marks are difficult to get rid of. In these cases, it is necessary to start absorbable therapy as soon as possible - apply special creams and ointments.
  • Spots can be not only dark. If areas of the skin are devoid of melanin, then pigmentation can be expressed in the absence of color and spots - lighter, bright pink or white. They appear everywhere - on the neck, arms, chest. The disease is called vitiligo. White or lighter than the rest of the skin, areas remain after lichen. If the body lacks vitamins or other necessary substances, then the skin may be light in places. The spots become more noticeable after tanning the rest of the dermis.
  • If the dermis loses moisture, then small red moles collected in one place can form on it. They are characteristic of aging skin and are benign tumors.


As you can see, the causes of pigmentation on the skin are different. And the ways to get rid of it are also not the same. Treatment should begin with the elimination of the cause of the disease. After that, skin manifestations are also successfully treated with cosmetic, folk remedies, procedures in beauty salons. There are a whole series of cosmetic products that contain whitening and brightening components. With the help of such products, during cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing the skin, it is whitened, that is, spots are eliminated.

From salon methods different chemical and mechanical peels, elimination of pigmentation with a laser beam, mesotherapy, cryotherapy.

During peeling, the top layer of old cells is removed, which contains dark inclusions. Young skin cells have a healthy color. Thus, pigmentation from sunburn is effectively removed. Chemical peel- this is an effect on the epidermis with acids. They burn out the pigmented spot. The skin after chemical peeling recovers for a long time. Such a procedure is possible if there are no lesions, inflammations on the surface.

Laser resurfacing is the effect of a laser beam on the deep layers of the skin. The laser evaporates moisture from the colored cells and they dry out. In their place, healthy cells of a natural color are formed.

Ultrasound is the most gentle method of getting rid of pigmentation. It activates blood circulation in the upper layer of the dermis and thereby promotes the formation of new cells.

Whitening Home Remedies

Folk methods are not as effective as salon procedures. They require patience, regularity and time. But these methods have an undeniable plus - they are harmless, inexpensive, and always available. These are lotions, rubbing, masks, applications.

Hydrogen peroxide has long been used to lighten hair. This effect is also applicable to skin whitening. With a cotton swab moistened with a 3% composition of this product, you can wipe the spots on the face 1 time per day. A similar effect will be from a solution of baking soda in water. These components are added to masks to remove melanin spots.

Recipes for whitening masks:

  • With yeast. Combine 20 g of yeast with 1 tbsp. lemon juice, add water until the density of sour cream. The mask is applied with a brush on the face, excluding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. After half an hour, remove it with water and lubricate the skin with cream.
  • The juice of any citrus fruits - orange, lime, grapefruit - contains fruit acids. They can slightly lighten the skin. With regular use, you can soon notice the desired effect.

Why hyperpigmentation appears can only be determined by a qualified specialist. Therefore, before engaging in self-treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eliminate the cause of the aesthetic defect.

Various disorders in the human body can provoke the accumulation of melanin on the skin, resulting in the formation of age spots. This condition is not only a cosmetic defect, but can also be a symptom of many diseases. The causes of the appearance are due to ultraviolet radiation, hormonal disorders, problems with the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract, hereditary predisposition and other factors.

Why do age spots appear?

The direct etiology of pigmentation is based on the enhanced synthesis of the pigment substance. However, this circumstance is only a consequence of some pathological process that led to a failure in the production of the substance.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays

The sun's rays are the most common cause that leads to the formation of age spots on human skin. Large dosages of ultraviolet rays are a serious danger to appearance health and, in some cases, life.

For your information, aggressive ultraviolet radiation can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms of the skin.

The human body independently protects itself from the influence of external factors, including sun rays. In the latter case, the pigment melanin is produced, which leads to a darkening of the skin, which in a peculiar way protects against burn disease. If abused sunbathing and trips to the solarium, then the coloring pigment is distributed unevenly, as a result of which cosmetic defects are formed.

genetic factor

Usually with a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of age spots, given state diagnosed at birth. Pathology is due to the presence of one or both parents of a tendency to the appearance of such a problem.

Age changes

Over the years, people do not get younger, respectively, in the body occur various changes, in many cases leading to negative consequences. In some people, so-called "senile" age spots begin to appear. The most common locations:

  • Neckline;
  • Upper limbs.

This disease is caused by intensive production of melanin, its incorrect distribution in various layers. epithelial tissue. As a rule, the reasons lie in the age of the patient and hormonal disorders.

Provoking factors include concomitant diseases that are in the anamnesis of every second person after the age of 50. In the course of their course, they can provoke an active synthesis of melanin. "senile" spots do not pose a threat to health.

Hormonal imbalance

In this case, age spots on the skin are clearly visible, capable of affecting extensive surfaces of the skin. The reason is hormonal disbalance in organism. The following factors lead to it:

  1. The period of bearing a child;
  2. postpartum period;
  3. Chronic diseases.

Chloasma - the so-called pigmentation caused by a hormonal "storm". There are many reasons for education, therefore it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Only by normalizing hormonal background you can get rid of external defects.

Lack of nutrients

In connection with malnutrition the human body receives an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a full life, as a result, pigmentation is formed.

Important: in most cases, the cause of pigmentation is a deficiency of copper and ascorbic acid.

Allergic reaction

At hypersensitivity skin can develop an allergy to any cosmetic product. The disease has a variety of clinical manifestations. Not only age spots appear on the skin, but also rashes, redness, peeling, etc.

Other causes of skin pigmentation

In medical practice, there is a large list of causes and pathological factors that can lead to disruption in the production of melanin pigment. Consider the most common of them:

  • chronic stress lead to disruption of the activity of the central nervous system, which leads to a failure in metabolic processes as a result, hormonal imbalance is a provocative factor of pigmentation;
  • Prolonged use of medications. Some medications, such as certain antibiotics, cause age spots. If they appeared because of the pills, the reception must be abandoned;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If problems with digestive system, then red spots appear. With cholecystitis, when asked what age spots look like, we can say that they round shape, have a brownish tint. In a situation where the spots are closer to black, they speak of violations of the functionality of the liver;
  • Kidney dysfunction leads to the appearance of pigmentation of yellow and brown.

Some mechanical damage can become a "push" to pigmentation. It is inappropriate to talk about the distinctive characteristics of the spots, since their size, color, shape, and other nuances depend on the degree of damage, the depth of the injury, individual features skin cover.

Types of pigmentation: causes and symptoms

In dermatological practice, pigmentation is classified depending on the clinical manifestations and causes of formation. There are three main types, which in turn are divided into multiple subspecies.

Three types of skin pigmentation disorders:

  1. Leucoderma. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the production of either total absence melanin synthesis. Clinical manifestations always extensive, affected big square cover.
  2. Melasma is characterized by excessive deposition of melanin.
  3. Grey-blue dispigmentation- a disease against which the pigment is present in the skin, but it breaks off unevenly, which leads to a change in the color of the surface.

Depending on the cause, leukoderma can be infectious, medicinal, congenital, occupational, immune and post-inflammatory in nature. Infectious pathology sometimes syphilitic, leprosy. It also develops against the background of pink and white lichen, with lichen planus.

Clinical manifestations depending on the type of leukoderma:

  1. Infectious pathology develops as a result of infections. The appearance of age spots is due to syphilis, leprosy, multi-colored lichen, white and red flat lichen. Depending on the form, the pigment spot has a different color, location.
  2. Professional leucoderma develops as a result of constant contact with toxic components. Spots appear in most cases on the upper limbs.
  3. The congenital form includes a disease such as vitiligo. IN currently the exact cause of the abnormal process has not been established. White or pink spots appear on the skin, located on the hands, face and knees. They tend to increase. They don't peel and don't hurt.

Albinism is characterized by impaired pigment production. In medicine, ten forms of the disease are distinguished. In some cases, only the skin is involved in the pathological process, in others - hairline, eyes.

Varieties of melasma: clinic

Melasma is divided into many subspecies. Severe chronic diseases can lead to pathology - chronic form renal failure, pituitary dysfunction, liver dysfunction, tuberculosis.

Symptoms of melasma depending on the type:

  • toxic form manifested by pigmentation in the folds of the skin. There is hyperemia, clear boundaries. Spots tend to increase in size, merge;
  • Precancerous form It occurs more often in women over 50 years of age. A spot of the wrong size appears on the chest, 2-6 cm in diameter. The color is different - white, yellow, brown, black and blue. There is a pronounced skin pattern;
  • Baker's syndrome. Most are diagnosed in men 20-30 years old. Accompanied by the appearance of a spot 10-50 cm on the body, less often on the face and neck. Hair grows intensively on the affected area;
  • Coffee stain. Single or multiple brown spots appear, the boundaries are clear, the color is uniform. They never affect the mucous membrane, the place of localization is any;
  • Chloasma appears on the face as yellow and brown spots, irregular shape, may turn pale in winter;
  • Lentigo - small and flat hyperpigmented age spots;
  • Freckles are more common in fair-haired individuals. They are located symmetrically, do not rise above the skin. The color ranges from yellow to brown. After ultraviolet rays become brighter.

It is worth knowing: birthmarks appear as a kind of age spots, fraught with a certain danger - under the influence of a number of factors they can transform into malignant neoplasms.

Pigmentary manifestations require adequate treatment. First of all, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. To establish the exact cause, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, endocrinologist, oncologist, gynecologist, etc. medical specialists. In rare cases, pigmentation is independent disease, in most situations it is a symptom of other pathological processes.

Causes of age spots

Pimples are a fairly common occurrence. Women can suffer different ages. This is due to the fact that the skin loses its ability to recover after being in the sun for a long time.

The main causes of age spots:

  • Most often this occurs in adolescence, during pregnancy and menopause.
  • Long stay in the sun. In this case, melanin actively accumulates in the skin cells and the body does not have time to process it.
  • At this moment, skin pigmentation begins to appear most actively, because. the kidneys and liver lose their ability to completely eliminate toxins.
  • genetic inheritance. For example,

How to get rid of age spots

If the dermatologist has confirmed that age spots do not pose a threat to health, then they can be removed using the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Laser therapy. The rays are directed directly to the pigmented areas of the skin, thereby removing them forever.
  • Chemical or salt cleaning of the skin is used. Chemical penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, and saline removes only the upper layers.
  • Whitening cream. It is used for small accumulations of stains, because. action comes slowly.
  • Grinding. Cleansing the top layer of the skin with a brush that rotates at high speeds.
  • Phototherapy. The rays affect pigmentation and a large accumulation of melanin is destroyed.

If age spots do not cause discomfort to you, then you should not remove them.

Masks for age spots

For age spots:

  • Parsley. Grind the parsley root or branches, mix with milk until a slurry is obtained. Apply to spots, keep no more than 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Cucumber. Cut into thin circles and put on problem areas of the skin. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
  • diluted with water, it helps to fight pigmentation.
  • Use of fresh berries such as strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and currants. They also have a whitening effect.
  • Flesh of watermelon. Grind the pulp and apply on the face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

There are an unlimited number of recipes for removing age spots. We talked about the most common, since any housewife has all the ingredients.

Creams for age spots

Pharmaceutical companies offer various creams to remove age spots.

Consider the most effective according to users:

  • Achromin is a Bulgarian company. It has a thick texture and a pleasant rose scent.
  • Vichy. Apply morning and evening. The first visible effect is achieved with the first use.
  • Clotrimazole - manufactured Russian manufacturer. Different from previous brands inexpensive price. The spots disappear in the first week of application. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Melanative. It is applied once a day.
  • Skinoren. It fights not only with age spots, but also acne, which is important for teenagers.

  • it is possible to be in the sun only in the morning and in the afternoon;
  • use creams with great UV protection;
  • on the beach, cover yourself with an umbrella or go into the shade;
  • wear tinted goggles to protect your eyes;
  • take multivitamins.

By following these rules, you will protect yourself from the appearance of age spots and remain beautiful for many years.

Any woman, regardless of age, wants her skin to always be healthy and beautiful. One of common problems that annoy many ladies are age spots on the face. They can appear in adolescence and in women over 50 years of age. Most of the fair sex is sure that the spots are associated with negative processes occurring directly in the skin. Various methods are used to combat them. cosmetic preparations and resort to folk remedies, sometimes very dubious.

Local exposure to the skin leads to the fact that age spots do not disappear, but only turn a little pale. Inadequate measures may well cause the progression of the process. In order to successfully deal with this cosmetic defect, you need to know the reasons for its appearance.

As a rule, pathological pigmentation develops in women over 35-40 years old, but there are exceptions. Spots are the result of local accumulations of melanin present in the body of any person. This pigment is present in the outer layer of the skin - the epidermis. When it accumulates in limited areas of the outer layer, birthmarks or freckles appear. The color of such formations can vary from light yellow to deep brown. As a rule, they do not cause problems for a woman.

Another thing is melanin deposits in the deeper layers of the epidermis. These spots are characterized dark brown. They can interfere with applying makeup on the face, and if they rise slightly above the level of the skin, then even put on clothes.

Cosmetologists distinguish between the following types of age spots:

  • birthmarks;
  • lentigo (typical for older women);
  • chloasma;
  • freckles.

One of the leading causes of hyperpigmentation is genetic predisposition. Spots can sometimes be present even in newborns. The elimination of hereditary cosmetic defects requires the adoption of quite serious measures, one of which is laser resurfacing.

Often spots appear due to hormonal imbalance. Pigmentation can develop with diseases of the organs endocrine system, as well as hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy or menstruation. In some cases, it can develop in women in the first year after the birth of a child. These spots are usually irregular shape; they are called chloasma. Experts do not advise taking any measures to eliminate this cosmetic defect. Pigmentation areas often develop with thyroid dysfunction, as well as with the development of neoplasms in the pituitary gland. To cope with the spots of endocrine origin, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. As the hormonal background returns to normal levels, the spots will also disappear.

Pigmentation can occur with skin injuries.

The main causes of skin damage that cause hyperpigmentation of its individual areas:

To eliminate spots of traumatic origin, as a rule, local exposure is not enough. Most patients require complex therapy.

Often spots appear under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The immediate cause, in particular, may be excessive exposure to the sun. It is known that ultraviolet stimulates the formation of melanin, and normally a person develops a tan, which is necessary to protect against burns. But the pigment in some cases accumulates more intensively in certain areas. Usually it is the skin of the face that suffers, since it is the most delicate and is never protected by clothing. Age spots often appear from the spring sun, since after the autumn-winter period, the skin is maximally depigmented.

Even the most modern sunscreens are not always effective, therefore, in order to avoid skin problems, it is recommended to sunbathe in the evening or morning hours.

Note:spots often appear after too much frequent trips to the solarium. In the pursuit of beauty, you can achieve the exact opposite effect.

Area pigmentation skin often indicative of disease digestive tract(particularly the intestines), kidneys, liver and gallbladder. With bowel diseases, spots of a reddish hue usually appear. Brown pigmentation indicates problems with the liver or gallbladder. Violations of the functional activity of the kidneys leads to the development of yellow or yellowish-brown spots. Whitening and other local procedures are ineffective. The spots disappear on their own after successful treatment of the underlying disease. In many cases, strict adherence to the diet prescribed by the doctor is sufficient.

Pigmentation spots are often caused by mental illness, nervous disorders and even frequent psycho-emotional stress. Nervous system problems lead to hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders, resulting in the formation of pathological accumulations of melanin. To eliminate such defects, normalization is required. mental state female patients.

Spots on the skin can appear if a woman's body lacks certain micro and macro elements or vitamins. In particular, pigmentation is often the result of hypovitaminosis in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and insufficient alimentary intake of copper. Such accumulations of melanin spontaneously disappear as the deficiency of these biologically active substances is replenished.

Some pharmacological agents with long-term course use can also provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation areas. Especially often spots appear on the background of long-term antibiotic therapy. IN similar cases it is necessary to consult a doctor who will decide whether to replace a certain drug with an analogue or interrupt the course of treatment.

Important:the cause of the appearance of spots in some cases is allergic reaction. In such a situation, consultation with a specialist is required, which will help identify the factor leading to the appearance of a hypersensitivity reaction.

The skin can react to low-quality cosmetics. There are a lot of counterfeit skincare and makeup products on the market today. They may contain toxic ingredients. If you notice that after applying a certain type of cosmetics pigment spots appear, you need to stop using it and immediately consult a dermatologist.

Note:the appearance of hyperpigmentation is often due to overly frequent skin cleansing and whitening procedures.

The appearance of dark areas on the skin of the hands, neck and face is often the result of natural aging processes. Usually such spots appear after 45 years. The reason is hormonal changes during menopause and uneven distribution of pigment in aging skin. Pigmentation can also be associated with chronic diseases that develop and worsen with age.

As a rule, age spots in themselves are not dangerous, but in most cases they indicate certain pathologies of organs and systems. The appearance of darkened areas on the skin is a reason to undergo a comprehensive medical examination which will reveal the true cause of the pathology. It is not the effect that needs to be treated, but the cause.

Women who have areas of hyperpigmentation of the skin of the face, first of all, need to consult with doctors of the following specializations:

  • therapist;
  • dermatologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of the pathology, the tactics of treatment are also determined. In any case, treatment of the underlying disease is required; otherwise, neither folk remedies for whitening, nor even the most innovative cosmetic procedures will help.

A variety of means can be used to eliminate pigmentation, but the effectiveness of many of them is doubtful. In addition, some "bleach" products can harm the skin.

One of the most famous and common "folk remedies" is a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The application of this agent often causes chemical burn the outer layer of the epidermis, and melanin, accumulated in the depths of the skin, does not disappear anywhere.

Important:a woman carrying a child, as well as nursing mothers, such creams are categorically contraindicated!

Cosmetic procedures should be carried out only by a qualified specialist. A specific technique is selected strictly individually. The beautician takes into account the severity of the defect, the area of ​​its location, as well as the patient's contraindications to this procedure.

Chemical peeling involves the application of organic acids - fruit, glycolic, etc. These biologically active compounds provide desquamation of the cells of the outer layer of the epidermis. Thus, skin renewal is ensured, which over time contributes to the disappearance or reduction of the severity of pathological pigmentation.

Peeling can also be carried out using an ultrasonic unit.

Laser peeling helps to remove the cells of the outer layer of the skin as gently as possible. The disadvantage of this technique is its relative trauma. After the procedure, patients are shown applying agents to the skin that accelerate the regeneration process. Sessions laser peeling it is preferable to carry out in the winter, when exposure to the skin of solar ultraviolet radiation is minimal.

Phototherapy allows you to selectively affect areas of hyperpigmentation. High intensity light waves contribute to the destruction of cells with a pathologically high presence of melanin.

Any cosmetic whitening products should only be used under the supervision of an experienced professional. With their inept use, the development of an effect completely opposite to the desired one is not excluded, i.e., age spots on the face will become even more noticeable.

Please note: a number of drugs are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as acute and chronic pathologies of the liver or kidneys.

Most effective means for whitening are:

  • Retin-A (cream);
  • VC-IP (solution based on ascorbic acid);
  • Achromin MAX;
  • Neoton complex (night serum + Neotone Radiance SPF 50+).

There are a number of safe and time-tested folk methods to get rid of hyperpigmentation. good effect helps to achieve cosmetic mask from grated fresh cucumber.

On problematic skin you can apply a mixture of yeast and lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. It is also recommended to wipe the face twice a day with parsley infusion mixed with fresh whole milk.

Pigmented spots on the face and body, as well as areas with insufficient skin color or its complete absence, are one of the most actual problems modern dermatocosmetology.

Such local disorders are associated with a coloring pigment, mainly melanin, as a result of which they are combined into one group of skin pathology by the term "melanoses". In recent decades, the number of people with hyperpigmentation has increased especially significantly.

Why do age spots appear?

Depending on the excess of melanin (dark spots), the lack or absence of pigment (white spots), local melanoses are distinguished as hyper- and hypomelanoses, respectively. They are not only limited cosmetic defects, differing in causes and mechanisms of development and very often seriously traumatizing the psyche, but can be the result of both local limited disorders and various diseases organism. To have an idea of ​​how to get rid of age spots and in what cases it is possible, it is necessary to understand the causes and mechanisms of their formation.

Melanin is the main pigment that determines the color of the skin. It exists in 2 types, the ratio of which determines the color of the skin:

  • eumelanin - an insoluble pigment of black or brown color;
  • pheomelanin - a soluble pigment with various shades ranging from brown to yellow.

Melanin is synthesized and contained in large cells with processes - melanocytes, which are located in the epidermal basal layer between keratinocytes. The main component of melanocytes is the amino acid tyrosine. As a result of a chain of biochemical reactions involving enzymes, the main of which is tyrosinase, tyrosine is oxidized to form a pigment from oxidation products.

Activation of the tyrosinase enzyme occurs only in the presence of oxygen, copper ions and under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The synthesized melanin accumulates in the organelles (melanosomes) formed in melanocytes, which then move along the processes of the first to the keratinocytes of the epidermis and are evenly distributed at different depths in all layers, and the melanosomes are destroyed.

Regulation of the biological processes of melanin synthesis and secretion is determined by genes, the influence of the endocrine system with the participation of the middle lobe of the pituitary gland (through melanin-stimulating hormone), ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources, and a combination of these factors.

In these processes, disturbances in the metabolism of amino acids, the function of the nervous system, liver and spleen, and the deficiency of such microelements as magnesium, copper, sulfur and iron are of no small importance. For example, magnesium is involved in the regulation of the secretion of melanin-stimulating hormone, is directly involved in the transmission of signals from hormone receptors, is able to inhibit the action of tyrosinase, and helps maintain the connective tissue structure, due to which the pigment is distributed more evenly.

Thus, the causes of the appearance of age spots are very numerous. They are able to cause both a local decrease in the number of melanocytes and a breakdown of the mechanisms briefly described, resulting in disturbances in the synthesis and secretion of melanin and its distribution in the skin. In the vast majority, patients with limited areas of increased pigmentation on the skin prevail.

Is it possible to remove age spots?

Depending on the causes and mechanisms of occurrence of hypermelanosis, they are combined into two groups:

  1. Primary, which is a large group of diseases in which focal hyperpigmentation is the leading and, most often, the only clinical sign, although sometimes it can be combined with other manifestations of the disease. Primary hypermelanoses can be acquired, congenital and hereditary, which are inherited, are detected immediately after birth or after some time and, often, in combination with the symptoms of any other pathology.
  2. Secondary, including limited skin changes, caused by the primary morphological elements in the form of rashes with any infectious or inflammatory origin. Hyperpigmentation in these cases develops as a result of the influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It has the character of residual effects of transferred dermatosis (eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, various vasculitis, etc.). Such defects, as a rule, do not need any therapy and after some time disappear spontaneously after the cure or long-term remission of the underlying pathology.

Acquired hypermelanoses also include all cases of activation of the synthesis and secretion of melanin, which develop throughout life under the influence of:

Some types of primary hypermelanoses can be treated cosmetic products generally impossible. In these cases, age spots can be removed only through therapeutic, and sometimes surgical treatment of the underlying pathology.

The most common types of age spots


It is a primary hypermelanosis and develops, as a rule, between the ages of 10 and 70 years. The foci are represented by rounded or oval spots with a maximum diameter of several millimeters to 1–2 cm and various colors - from light to dark brown and even black, depending on the duration of their existence. Most often lentigo is localized on the face, neck, upper sections chest and on the hands.

Causes include chronic sun exposure and age. Depending on the latter, juvenile (simple, youthful) and senile lentigo are distinguished. Simple can develop on any skin areas and even on the mucous membranes. In the basal layer, an increased content of melanin is noted, but its local distribution is observed.

Already in old age, senile age spots very often occur, which is mainly due to a change (slowdown) in metabolic processes. It is important that lentigo spots are a precancerous pathology. It's confirmed histological examination- in the dermal layer, the dystrophy of collagen fibers is determined, prone to staining with alkaline dyes, which indicates a "solar" elastosis. Therefore, the choice of treatment in elderly patients should be very careful and reasonably justified.

Freckles, or ephelids

Are one of typical features skin integuments of blondes and red-haired people and belong to hereditary primary hypermelanoses. Their number is not associated with an increased number of melanocytic cells, but with a more intensive formation and accumulation of melanin in keratinocytes.

Freckles occur in childhood (from 4 to 6 years), and at an older age (after 30 years) - the number of elements decreases significantly. They look like spots with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.4 mm, localized on the face, on the back and front of the chest, as well as on the limbs. The boundaries of the ephelids are clearly defined. Their number and intensity of pigmentation increase significantly in spring and summer periods under the influence of ultraviolet rays, especially after sunburn.

In addition, in women (less often in men) after 40-50 years, so-called age-related freckles. With increasing age, their number increases more and more.

The occurrence of such age spots is associated with a decrease in the hormonal function of the ovaries and a decrease in the content of estrogens in the blood, with a weakening (both in women and men) defensive reaction to the damaging effects of sunlight and reduce barrier functions skin, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to microdamages.

This melanosis is not a manifestation pathological condition and does not require treatment, however, patients quite often turn to beauty parlors about this. With a professional approach, in most cases it is possible to carry out effective whitening pigment spots.


This is the most common type of limited primary acquired hypermelonosis, in which melanin accumulates in the cells of the epidermis of the spiny and basal layers, and the number of melanosomes in the superficial dermal layers also increases.

Chloasma appears in age period 20-50 years old. They look like spots with irregular outlines of dark yellow or dark brown. Favorite localization - forehead, cheeks, periorbital zone, upper lip and bridge of the nose, zygomatic region, neck. Hyperpigmentation is caused by excess solar exposure against the background of changes in the content of estrogens, progesterone and luteinizing hormone in the blood in women, and in men - reduced level testosterone and elevated levels of luteinizing hormone.

Especially often such hormonal changes are associated with the second half of pregnancy, pathological processes in the uterus, ovarian tumors and taking oral contraceptives. Age spots during pregnancy occur in most women (90% on average). First of all, they appear mainly in the "hormonally dependent" zones (areola, white line of the abdomen and inner thighs), and then in the above-mentioned zones.

Chloasma, melasma


Which many authors equate to chloasma. However, melasma is not associated with reproductive organs, but with the pathology of other organs (liver diseases, etc.) and ultraviolet radiation. It is characterized by a more pronounced aggressiveness of the course, compared with chloasma, and can be transient (in spring and summer, with hormonal surges) and chronic, when hyperpigmentation spots do not completely disappear, but only become paler.

The number of visits of patients with melasma is even significantly higher than those with chloasma. The remedy for age spots with melasma is chosen depending on its varieties (epidermal, dermal and mixed), which differ from each other in the depth of the location of the excess amount of pigment.

Broca's pigmented perioral dermatosis

Isolated in a separate form of hypermelanosis. It develops predominantly in middle-aged (30-40 years) women with hormonal ovarian dysfunction or dysfunction of the digestive tract. Foci with clear boundaries or vague outlines are localized in the zone of the nasolabial triangle. The spots have a yellow-brown color of varying intensity, up to complete disappearance. Removal of age spots on the face with Broca's dermatosis is possible only as a result of complex therapy with predominant correction of the underlying pathology.

Treatment of age spots

In order to prevent the appearance of age spots or enhance the intensity of color, as well as during their treatment, photoprotective agents containing UV filters(With SPF factor not less than 50) - sprays, emulsions and creams from various manufacturers.

Methods for getting rid of pigment defects skin:

  1. Laser removal of age spots.
  2. Whitening, consisting of two stages - mechanical or chemical peeling and direct whitening effect. The latter is achieved mainly by blocking the tyrosinase enzyme and reducing the production of melanin by melanocytes.

Laser exposure

For the purpose of selective photothermolysis, carbon dioxide, alexandrite, ruby, copper vapor or dye lasers are mainly used. If the principle of action is to evaporate tissues containing melanin, then the brightening effect of other types is to destroy and spray the pigment into particles (selective photothermolysis), which are then removed by macrophages through the lymphatic system. The laser can be used to remove age spots on the face and other parts of the body.

Each type of laser is designed for a specific type and depth of localized hypermelanosis. IN Lately high-pulse IPL therapy is very popular. With the help of these methods of treatment, defects can be removed relatively quickly and excellent results can be obtained.

However, they are very costly. In addition, the removal of age spots with a laser can cause various complications - repeated, even more pronounced, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation in the form of white spots, scars. In conventional beauty parlors, mechanical (dermabrasion and, much less often, cryodestruction) and chemical peels are mainly used, followed by bleaching.

Removal of age spots with a laser


Chemical peels are carried out using retinol and its derivatives, as well as fruit alpha-hydroxy acids - citric, kojic, malic, tartaric, glycolic, lactic, almond. Fruit acids also have a regenerating effect.

To achieve a depigmenting effect, drugs are used, the main components of which are hydroquinone (rarely used due to toxicity), ricinol, arbutin, salicylic, kojic, azelaic acids, ascorbic acid in the form of magnesium ascorbyl-2-phosphate. In addition, these substances have mild exfoliating, and some of them, antioxidant effects. Chemical peeling is often combined with mesotherapy procedures to introduce ascorbic, glycolic acids and other drugs.