Should the urine of the baby smell? What should I look for in the results of a child's urine test? The smell of urine in a child

Ideally, freshly collected urine does not have an unpleasant odor - this statement is equally true for both an adult and a child. Specifically, it begins to smell about 15 minutes after collection, due to the fact that the urea in it decomposes under the influence of bacteria.

A person may not always notice deviations from the norm in his urine - for example, changes such as cloudiness of the liquid, color changes or the presence of sediment are not always visible, and not everyone pays attention to this. But a sharp, unpleasant odor immediately after urination is impossible to miss.

Such phenomena are especially alarming for the parents of a small child - even one that spends almost all the time in a diaper. The fetid urine of the baby is a reason to see a doctor for tests and examinations. The final diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

Ammonia is a substance that is formed in the body as a result of the deamination of compounds that were formed due to an insufficient amount of carbohydrates, organic diseases, and an excess of proteins.

When the urine smells like ammonia in a child, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

The most common reasons

Often, such a phenomenon can be associated with age-related changes in the child's body, the characteristics of his diet, and dietary disorders. The main factors that can provoke the smell of ammonia are:

  • Lack of vitamin D in the body. The climate in our area is such that most babies lack this substance. You can recognize this problem based not only on the fetid smell of urine. Usually, with a lack of vitamin D, a child's hair grows poorly - especially at the back of the head. Other symptoms are also observed - growth retardation, loss of appetite, increased sweating;
  • Respiratory ailments, in which there is a high temperature and dehydration of the body. In this case, the smell of ammonia in the urine of a child can also be caused by medications or antibiotics that he took to cure the underlying disease;
  • Sudden changes in the diet - for example, in a baby whose mother has introduced a new product into her menu, or is experimenting too boldly with the "tasting" of various products. Overeating, introducing a new dish to complementary foods - all this can cause a strong smell of urine;
  • Prolonged lack of urination, eating garlic or asparagus.

Poor-quality diapers can also provoke a problem. The same can be said about not fresh and dirty clothes. Liquid droplets interact with bacteria and begin to give off a stench.

Even if you are sure that the unpleasant smell of urine is not a pathology in your baby, you should still consult a doctor. After all, the lack of vitamins and errors in nutrition can seriously harm the health of your child.


It is not uncommon for ammonia stench to indicate the presence of serious ailments that require immediate treatment. For example, this:

  • Cystitis - stagnation of fluid in the bladder leads to the multiplication of bacteria and the decomposition of urea;
  • Pyelonephritis - an inflammatory process in the kidneys, a disease of bacterial origin;
  • Urethritis is inflammation in the urethra when viruses infect the walls of the urethra. The main symptom of this disease is burning and pain during urination, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • Infections - vaginitis, gardnerellosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus also occurs in young children. This ailment is accompanied by increased thirst, frequent urination, loss of appetite, a sharp loss of body weight, and itching of the skin. The smell of ammonia in the urine of a diabetic child is associated with severe dehydration;
  • Hepatitis, or liver damage;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Poisoning, during which the baby is tormented by severe vomiting and diarrhea. Because of them, the body loses a lot of water.

The smell of a child's urine is an indicator of the state of his body. Normally, it should be weakly expressed or absent altogether. If you notice changes - strange discharge, a strong smell of acetone, fish or other foreign substances, you should think about possible causes. What changes in urine can tell about and what needs to be done to prevent the baby from worsening, every parent should know.

What is the normal smell of urine in a child?

Urine in children should smell weak, without impurities, and the smell of urine in infants may be completely absent. The expansion of the children's diet leads to the appearance of a subtle, soft, unobtrusive smell. As a rule, urine begins to smell from 5-6 months, with artificial feeding - earlier. Until the child can independently report what is bothering him, you need to be especially careful to monitor any deviations.

If you notice that urine smells sharp and unpleasant, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, even if there are no other symptoms. At the initial stage, this may be the only manifestation of pathology. Timely diagnosis of the disease will avoid expensive treatment and potent drugs. Do not be shy to tell the doctor such things - when it comes to the health of the child, it is better to play it safe.

Why can the smell of urine change?

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The urine of the child smells due to ammonia. Normally, when it enters the pot, the “aroma” is weakly expressed and intensifies as you stay outdoors. If a pungent odor appeared immediately after getting into a pot or diaper, there may be several reasons:

  • the appearance of new products in the diet;
  • long-term medication;
  • pathologies of a different nature.

The introduction of new foods into complementary foods can cause a change in the smell of urine

Before sounding the alarm, you need to think about which of the factors took place in your situation. If food is the cause, adjust your diet. You can find out if the pungent smell of urine in a child has become a side effect of taking medications in the official instructions for the drug. The absence of the first two factors indicates that you are faced with a disease.

With the development of pathologies, urine may smell:

  • acetone;
  • fish;
  • mice (mold);
  • beer (see also:);
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • pus.

At the baby

In infants, urine is colorless and odorless. As the crumbs grow and the introduction of complementary foods, ammonia accumulates, and urine more and more resembles an adult.

The appearance of a strong smell of ammonia in infancy signals danger. The cause of the pathology may be a violation of the nursing mother's special diet, heredity or the development of acquired diseases.

From the foregoing, it follows that the urine of the child begins to smell for various reasons, and parents need to find out why. Follow the behavior of the baby: does he feel discomfort, is he naughty? Expert advice will not be superfluous. If temperature, loss of appetite and pain are added to the unpleasant odor, call an ambulance.

In children older than one year and adolescents

In the process of growing up (at 1-2 years old), the baby gets acquainted with a variety of products, and parents immediately begin to notice that the child's urine from the age of one year becomes yellower and acquires a specific smell, especially noticeable when it gets on the fabric. The reasons for the ammonia smell of baby urine can be:

  • excessive consumption of carbohydrate or protein foods;
  • lack of useful macronutrients in the daily diet;
  • dehydration;
  • eating foods containing chemical components (flavor and odor enhancers, preservatives, etc.).

In adolescence, urine can become smelly during the period of hormonal adjustment, with severe physical overwork. Parents need to accustom the child to thorough intimate hygiene. In the case when urine smells like acetone or there is a temperature, a burning sensation is felt in the urinary tract, you should immediately go for a diagnosis.

If other unpleasant symptoms are added to the unpleasant smell of urine, the child must be shown to the attending physician

What diseases are indicated by an unpleasant odor?

Our table will help to understand the causes of an unpleasant symptom:

The nature of the smellCausesPossible diagnoses
AcetoneDue to an increase in the blood of acetone bodies with an insufficient amount of carbohydrates in the body. In the absence of pathology, it resolves on its own after adjusting the diet
  1. diabetes;
  2. stenosis of the digestive system;
  3. heavy metal poisoning
AmmoniaHigh concentration of ammonia due to pathology of the urinary system
  1. pyelonephritis;
  2. dehydration;
  3. urethritis;
  4. cystitis;
  5. cancer tumor;
  6. systemic diseases
Rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide)Consequence of heartburn, occurs with excessive use of spicy or alcoholic products
  1. pyelonephritis;
  2. liver failure;
  3. inflammation of the urinary system
ChemicalAn increase in the concentration of chemical elements in the blood
  1. poisoning with household chemicals;
  2. drug overdose;
  3. diabetes
mousePoor blood clottingphenylketonuria
FishFermentation in the intestinestrimethylaminuria
beermalabsorption of food
  1. hypermethioninemia;
  2. liver failure
PurulentThe presence of pus
  1. acute urethritis;
  2. acute cystitis;
  3. fistula.
FecalPoor hygiene-

Diagnosis of pathology in a child

In order to find out the causes of the bad smell of urine, you need to seek help from a medical institution. There are two types of diagnostics: laboratory and instrumental. The first type of check means the study of body fluids for the presence of specific signs of pathologies in them.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys allows you to make an accurate diagnosis

The second type of diagnosis allows you to look at the clinical picture "from the inside": with the help of special devices, the doctor determines which organ is affected and how much. An instrumental study for making a final diagnosis includes:

  • biochemical analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound or tomography of the kidneys.

Treatment Options

Standard treatment regimens for diseases that cause an unpleasant smell of urine in a child:

DiseaseTreatment regimenPrevention
DiabetesTaking hypoglycemic drugs, monitoring blood glucose levels, in severe cases - insulin therapyMinimize the consumption of foods containing a large amount of fast carbohydrates, avoiding fast food
Stenosis of the digestive systemIn the early stages - anti-symptomatic drugs, in the later stages - surgeryBalanced three meals a day + light snacks between main meals
PyelonephritisAntibiotic therapy - the drug is selected after bacterial culture of urine. In combination with an antibiotic, prebiotics and probiotics are recommended.Avoid severe hypothermia, consume a sufficient amount of fluid per day, respond in a timely manner to the urge to urinate
UrethritisAzithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Doxycycline. For external use Miramistin is used. After treatment, immunomodulators are prescribedCompliance with the rules of personal hygiene, minimizing the consumption of fatty, spicy foods, avoiding hypothermia
CystitisAntibiotics, anti-inflammatory, diuretics, analgesics. Bed rest and physiotherapy, compressesSimilar to urethritis prevention
Liver failureCephalosporins, hypoammoniemic drugs, mild laxatives, vitaminsTimely treatment of infectious diseases, rejection of excessive consumption of protein foods
PhenylketonuriaIncurable. Symptoms are minimized by controlling blood phenylalanine-
TrimethylaminuriaDiet that excludes foods containing choline and lecithin, as well as antibiotic therapyCompliance with the rules of personal hygiene

Prevention is carried out not only before the disease, but also after - in order to avoid re-infection. Prevention of relapses is to increase immunity and stimulate the work of the organs of the urinary system. If your baby is sick, try to follow all the doctor's instructions to avoid complications.

Why does urine smell bad in a child? Many parents who are faced with this problem and do not know how to get out of it would like to know the answer to this question. The pungent smell of urine in a child is an alarming and rather serious signal, which says that it is important for parents and their child to urgently consult a doctor. Although the unpleasant smell of urine in a child does not always indicate the development of diseases or a pathological condition of the body, since the urine of a child can smell due to a sharp change in diet, parents should still be vigilant and diagnose the body. Indeed, with its help it will be possible to understand what disease, characterized by a pungent smell of urine, develops in the child's body, and how to quickly cure it?

In children whose age has reached 12 years, urine should change its smell on its own - this is due to the fact that the body at this time begins to produce certain substances by the endocrine system that are important for normal development. Hormonal restructuring significantly affects all human organs - this also applies to the urinary system. In this case, it is important to explain to the child that he should carefully carry out personal hygiene.

The smell of urine in infants and children up to 9-12 months appears as a result of a rare change of diapers, bed linen or diapers. This not only leads to pungent urine odors, but also causes many skin diseases.

These include:
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • diaper rash.

However, if urine smells strongly in an infant or child 1, 2 or more years old, this should be a serious reason to see a doctor, because the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different.

Doctors say that urine smells strongly from children in the following cases:
  1. Changes in the diet. If a child older than 3-5 years old began to smell like urine, this may be due to a change in diet, that is, the inclusion of certain products endowed with a strong and pungent odor. Such products include ketchup, onions, garlic, marinades or pickles. If the urine stinks for 1-2 days, and after that the smell disappears immediately, you should not sound the alarm, since this phenomenon develops quite often and does not cause health consequences or complications.
  2. Dehydration. If the urine begins to smell, and its smell is far from ordinary, the reason for this may be dehydration. This phenomenon can easily develop in a newborn and children under 1 month old. The reason for this is considered to be improperly prepared complementary foods or the ingress of toxic compounds into the body, which causes poisoning. And, as you know, during intoxication, profuse vomiting and diarrhea occur, as a result of which most of the fluid instantly leaves the body. In this case, a strange smell appears with an increased concentration of urine.
  3. Lack of vitamin D. Lack of walks or insufficient exposure of children to the sun causes rickets or improper formation of bones and joints. Especially often it will be unpleasant to smell the urine of the baby, as older children can go outside on their own. In addition to changing the smell of urine, the baby will also be disturbed by slow hair growth, a decrease in appetite and an increase in sweating.

These reasons are the main ones with the appearance of a pungent smell of urine. If the child is ill and unable to describe his condition, it is important to urgently consult a doctor with such children.

Additional reasons for this phenomenon include:

  1. The use of antibiotics in treatment. Why does my child's urine smell strongly? The reasons for this phenomenon may be concluded in taking antibiotics. In this case, parents will notice that their child's urine will smell like a "pharmacy". Immediately after the abolition of one or another drug, the smell will stop changing and return to “normal”.
  2. Breast-feeding. If the baby smells bad, breastfeeding, or rather, a new product included in mom's food, may be to blame. For example, asparagus or cabbage can significantly change the aroma of urine - in this case, there is no need to worry, as this phenomenon will soon pass when the baby's body gets used to different products.
  3. Rhinitis. An unpleasant odor can be heard from the body and from the child even if he has a long nasal congestion. This causes a violation of the penetration of molecular oxygen into the lung cavity, which leads to dehydration. And, as described earlier, this cause also leads to the appearance of a strong and pungent aroma of urine.
  4. The course of influenza or SARS. The smell of urine in a child 3 years of age and older may appear as a result of the course of colds. They cause hyperthermia, which often leads to vomiting. And increased sweating causes the urine to thicken, thereby making it highly concentrated. This is where the pungent smell of urine comes from, which can be eliminated only after a complete cure.
  5. Diseases of the urinary system. The reasons why a child's urine began to smell unpleasant may lie in the development of pathologies of the urinary organs. These include inflammation of the bladder, outflows, kidneys, and so on. All this leads to the appearance of bacteria in the urine, which lead to the formation of an unpleasant smell.

It is important to note that any type of urinary disease must necessarily be taken into account by parents, since the absence of its treatment leads to the development of serious and often life-threatening complications. If the smell of urine has changed, and it began to stink, this may be the main sign of the development of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, and so on.

True, these pathologies can only develop in children whose age has passed 3 years, so if urine began to smell during breastfeeding or when the child switched to new products, this symptom cannot be called the development of urinary diseases. It is important to note that the deterioration of the aroma of urine most often occurs if the child is sick with urinary pathologies for the second or third time.

Each parent should know what causes the smell of urine to change, and also be able to independently look for the cause of this phenomenon.

After all, it is the responsibility of parents to monitor the health of children, and at the slightest suspicion of illness, immediately take a number of methods to normalize the health of the baby.

The sharp smell of urine in a child can be both a temporary phenomenon due to the influence of random factors, and a sign of the development of pathology in the body of the baby. Parents should be able to assess the color, texture and smell of the baby's waste products in order to make appropriate adjustments to the care and diet, and understand when it is necessary to see a doctor.

Normally, the smell of urine in a child has its own specifics, but problems should be suspected if the liquid smells sharp or too strong. At the same time, it can give off acetone, ammonia, rotten fish, vinegar. Particular attention should be paid to this symptom if it is accompanied by other negative signs.

Changes that can occur with the smell of urine in a child

Experienced specialists can make a preliminary diagnosis only by assessing the smell and color of the urine of the baby. Particular attention should be paid to the following situations:

  • The liquid smells like ammonia. This indicates a clear violation of the excretory system, which can be triggered by diabetes mellitus or acetonemia (ketone bodies in the blood of the baby). The phenomenon rarely appears alone. It is often accompanied by weight loss, severe thirst, a change in the frequency of urination, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. In some cases, the smell of ammonia and cloudy urine indicate the development of a urinary tract infection.

Tip: With diabetes, the baby's urine can smell not only of ammonia, but also of apple cider vinegar, ammonia. This phenomenon must be monitored every day if the child's history includes a hereditary predisposition to a pathological condition.

  • The liquid smells like acetone. This does not always indicate the development of pathologies, often the phenomenon may be the result of excessive emotional or physical stress, lack of nutrition. In this case, it is recommended to follow the dynamics of the condition and find out its causes, provoking factors. If the baby is tired, you need to give him something sweet and see if his urine smells like acetone after that.
  • The liquid smells like rotten fish. This condition can only be caused by a specific genetic disease. An unpleasant smell comes from any fluids secreted by the body, even sweat and exhaled air vapor. Parents usually know about the predisposition to the phenomenon in advance.

There are other genetic pathologies that act as the causes of an unusual smell of urine. It can have notes of burnt sugar, cabbage, mold, and even mice. For some, they appear strongly, for others they are barely distinguishable.

The smell and color of urine alone cannot give an accurate answer about the condition of the baby. Before you find out why the child's body malfunctioned and carry out appropriate treatment, it is necessary to conduct a number of tests to confirm the diagnosis. If the doctor believes that his experience is enough and you can do without confirmation, it is better to contact another specialist.

Physiological and pathological causes of conditions

To understand why the smell of urine in a baby has changed dramatically, it is necessary to evaluate many factors, to conduct practical experiments at home. Most often, a natural liquid changes color and smells unpleasant when the following reasons are at work:

  1. Change in water balance readings. This can happen in the hot season, with a decrease in the baby's appetite, a change in the composition or consistency of breast milk, after vomiting or prolonged diarrhea. The color of the urine becomes more saturated and bright.
  2. Difficult nasal breathing. The body receives less oxygen, there is a slowdown in metabolic processes. The fluid is retained in the body and comes out in a very saturated form.
  3. Consequences of malnutrition. If urine smells unpleasant, and pathological causes are excluded, it is worth evaluating the diet of a child or a nursing mother. Fast food, sweets, seasonings, spicy additives, some seafood, garlic, cabbage and asparagus can leave such traces of their stay in the human body.
  4. Metabolism disorder. Most often, the cause is genetic pathology.
  5. Long-term use of antibiotics and other medicines by the mother of the baby or the child himself, with specific specifics.
  6. Poor diaper quality or underwear that is not fresh. In this case, the problem will be pronounced in the morning and before hygiene procedures.
  7. Rickets. It also affects the quality of discharge, especially in children under one year old. At the same time, sweating of the palms, poor sleep, reduced appetite are noted.
  8. Hormonal disruptions or physiological changes. Not only the smell suffers, but also the color of the urine. This is considered the norm only during the period of a hormonal surge in adolescence, all other moments need the intervention of specialists.
  9. Inflammatory and infectious processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.
  10. Liver diseases. The liquid acquires a very dark color and a specific repulsive odor.

Treatment of the disease or its correction of child care depends on why the phenomenon has arisen. With systemic problems, the change in the smell of urine is only symptomatic and does not require specific intervention. The problem will disappear simultaneously with the improvement of the general condition of the baby.

What to do if the urine of the baby has a pungent odor?

In case of one-time failures, you should not attach much attention to the phenomenon and take some action. Only the systematic manifestation of a symptom or its persistence for several days requires a specialist consultation. In this case, not only urine, but also blood for analysis is mandatory. Basic research today can be done at home, using special test strips for this.

With a positive reaction to acetone, you can restore the level of glucose in the child's blood by letting him drink an ampoule or chew a special tablet (this may be ascorbic acid). Not bad helps a decoction of raisins, warm tea without sugar with honey. The listed methods are used only after the approval of the doctor, in the case of an accurate understanding that the condition is due to physical fatigue or emotional overstrain.

All other activities involving the use of folk remedies are best left for lovers of alternative medicine. Infectious, endocrinological and genetic diseases can only be cured with the help of appropriate medications and specialized manipulations.

The unpleasant smell of urine in a teenager is evidence of hormonal changes that take place at the age of 12-14 years. If the baby was recently born and the puberty period is still very far away, then the pungent smell of urine in the child becomes a reason to seek medical help. You can get detailed advice from an experienced pediatrician who will send the crumbs for a detailed examination, based on the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed. If all the organs and systems of the baby are functioning normally, the aroma of urine is barely perceptible or completely absent. The changes that have appeared indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or the presence of an infectious disease that affects the organs responsible for excretion of urine.

The urine of a newborn baby has no smell, but as they grow older, a certain aroma appears, indicating the quality of the work of the organs of the urinary system. In crumbs, until the moment when he is 12 months old, urine:

  • light;
  • transparent;
  • without impurities and odor.

The slightest deviation from the norm can be evidence of the presence of a pathological process occurring in the child's body.

A barely perceptible odor appears in the urine after additional food (in addition to breast milk or milk formula) is introduced into the diet of the crumbs. So, due to the use of beets or beetroot juice, urine not only changes color, but also acquires a sweet smell.

But in those cases when the usual aroma turns into a stench, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician who can determine the presence of the disease and prescribe a high-quality adequate treatment. Sometimes it is the change in the smell of urine that becomes the first clear sign of the development of the disease.

Timely contacting a medical institution for qualified help from an experienced doctor will allow you to avoid not only significant material costs for the purchase of medicinal formulations, but also to abandon the use of potent drugs.

Before sounding the alarm, you need to carefully look at the quality of urine and try to catch the slightest change in its smell. Normally, in a child after a year of life, urine has a sweet smell. He is barely perceptible, unobtrusive, soft. Any sharp shade or significant change in aroma indicates the beginning of the development of the pathological process. If the baby is not able to independently talk about what worries him, then only parents who carefully monitor the condition and functionality of all systems of the child's body are able to notice the deterioration in the general state of health of their child in time.

There are several reasons for changes in the quality and smell of urine in a child. Among them:

  1. Violation of a special diet by a nursing mother.
  2. development of a congenital disease.
  3. The onset of an acquired disease.

Depending on the reason for the change in the quality of urine, the aroma inherent in it also changes.

The smell of urine in a child during illness changes and may resemble the aroma:

  • fish;
  • mold (mothers tell the doctor that after the baby has peed, diapers or sliders smell like mice);
  • ammonia;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • pus.

Often, mothers who are unable to deny themselves the use of beer or other alcoholic beverages turn to pediatricians. Despite existing prohibitions, breastfeeding mothers sometimes allow themselves to drink a small amount of beer or wine, and some of them do not refuse daily drinking of alcoholic beverages. If such a mother continues to breastfeed the baby, then the baby's urine acquires a characteristic pungent odor, reminiscent of the aroma of brewer's yeast or beer.

Refusal to eat forbidden foods and switching to a healthy diet can help get rid of the strong smell of urine only if the reason for its change is not related to the violation of the functionality of individual organs or entire systems of the child's body.

Why does baby urine smell bad?

A child under the age of one year is not able to independently talk about what worries him, to understand what is happening with the baby, various changes in the work of his body will help. There are main and additional reasons for changing the quality and smell of baby urine. The main ones include:

  1. Changes in the diet, the addition of various foods and drinks, after the processing of which the color, smell of feces and urine changes. For children younger than a year old, it can be various juices and sour-milk products, cereals and vegetable soups or mashed potatoes. The older ones have ketchup and seasonings, sauces and marinades, salty and spicy foods. If the unpleasant smell of urine disappears after the refusal of the listed products (their use), then there is no reason for concern, otherwise you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination.
  2. Dehydration resulting from diarrhea or vomiting in an infant. An increase in the concentration of urine is accompanied by the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor.
  3. Low levels of vitamin D in the body. Insufficient amount of time that the baby spends in the fresh air under the rays of the sun provokes the development of beriberi, one of the first manifestations of which will be the appearance of an unpleasant pungent smell of urine.

Among the many reasons for the deterioration in the quality and aroma of urine, the general health of the baby is of great importance. Doctors call additional reasons, including:

  1. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs, after the abolition of which the unpleasant smell of urine disappears.
  2. Acute or chronic rhinitis. The deterioration of the quality of oxygen supply to organs and tissues leads to the development of dehydration, which causes a strong smell of urine.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Such diseases include inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis).
  4. Pyelonephritis and other inflammatory or infectious diseases that affect the kidneys. In the urine, pathogenic bacteria appear, and the urine becomes foul-smelling.
  5. Influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory viral diseases lead to disruption of the functionality of many organs and systems of the child's body, including the urinary system. Urine smells not only unpleasant, but sharp.

Any changes in the smell of urine (even minor ones) should be the reason for contacting an experienced pediatrician who will refer the child for a detailed examination and, based on the results, draw the right conclusions and prescribe (if necessary) adequate treatment.

Infectious diseases of the urinary system in children can cause the development of complex and dangerous pathologies. Untimely access to specialists and the lack of adequate treatment lead to serious violations of the functionality of the organs of the urinary system. Therefore, it is so important to closely monitor the health of the baby and pay attention to the smell of urine.

The diet for both the youngest and older children should include a variety of foods. Some of them have a significant impact on the color, composition and smell of the child's urine. These products include:

  • cabbage and asparagus;
  • garlic and onions;
  • fragrant seasonings and various sauces;
  • seafood and smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades.

Even in infants, the smell of urine changes, it becomes sharp and unpleasant if the breastfeeding mother introduced one of the above products into her diet or the baby formula was replaced with crumbs. The child's body is sensitive to any changes in nutrition, and the first indicator is a change in the quality, color and aroma of feces and urine.

The cause of dehydration, due to which the smell of the urine of a small patient worsens, is not only intoxication. Inadequate intake of fluids drunk by the baby during the day also leads to the development of dehydration, an increase in the concentration of urine.

Another reason is various colds and inflammatory diseases that accompany a significant rise in the baby's body temperature.

In this state, most of the fluid is excreted from the baby's body not with the help of the kidneys, but through the pores on the surface of the dermis. Urine becomes concentrated and offensive.

The stench of urine is considered a sign of the development of such dangerous and complex ailments as:

You can get more detailed information, ask any questions and get comprehensive answers to them by visiting the forum where mothers of children who have experienced such a change in health communicate.

What do the doctor's say

Highly qualified doctors strongly recommend that parents carefully monitor the work of all organs and systems of babies, especially those who are not yet a year old.

At this age, there is no other way to notice the onset of a dangerous disease, because the baby cannot talk about what he feels, what hurts him and what worries him. An indicator of the health of the baby is:

  • the work of the respiratory system (the presence of a runny nose, shortness of breath);
  • excretory system (intestines and urinary organs).

By noticing changes in the quality, composition and smell of the urine of a small patient in time, it is possible to prevent the development of complex and dangerous ailments.

Practicing experienced pediatricians recommend immediately informing the local doctor about all the changes noticed, even if at first glance they do not seem significant to parents. It is possible to establish the exact cause of the deterioration in the smell of urine in a child only after a detailed laboratory and instrumental examination carried out in a specialized medical institution.

During clinical trials, doctors confirm or cancel the suspicion of the presence of special (specific) signs of pathological changes in the biological fluid. Instrumental diagnostics allows the doctor to study the problem in more detail. For this, an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra is performed.

The result of the conducted research becomes the basis for making an accurate diagnosis and in one case - the appointment of effective adequate treatment, and in the other - changes in the diet and lifestyle of the child.

It is strictly forbidden to try to cope with the problem on your own with the help of medicines or alternative medicine methods. Improper use of specific drugs or infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants and herbs can only aggravate the situation and cause serious complications.