What gift to give the school for graduation. Graduation gifts for teachers. If the teacher is a fan of the automotive theme, he will like it at graduation

So the school years flew by, a long and very important period of life ended. Maybe for someone it was not very pleasant, but most remember their teachers and studies with great warmth. I really want the school to not forget about the existence of your cheerful and friendly class. What to give the school as a keepsake after parting?

Gift Classification

Everything for the school can be divided into several groups.

  1. Traditional. Some schools have developed a tradition of giving gifts to the school over the years, which is maintained by alumni year after year. Such traditions unite many generations of graduates with the school. For example, planting ornamental or fruit trees in the school grounds. Next to them, you can install a plate indicating the class and year of manufacture. In this way, you will forever leave your mark on the school and, perhaps, having met your classmates many years later, you will be able to relax in the shade of the trees you planted.
  2. socially useful. Such a gift for the school will be useful for future generations of students. You can replenish the fund of the school library with an interesting series of books, leaving a dedicatory inscription or a wish for future readers on each of them. The new equipment for the gym will be delighted not only by the physical education teacher, but also by young athletes who will be happy to use it. These can be sports benches, uneven bars, rings, a horse, barbells, etc., depending on your budget.
  3. Creative. In every class there are children with one talent or another. If you prepare for the holiday in advance, you can collect interesting video material during the school year and present a film, for example, “One Year in the Life of a School”. Such a disc will be interesting to watch both for teachers a few years later, and for the graduates themselves at the evening of the meeting. For those who have musical abilities, it will not be difficult to compose a song about their native school, which can later become the school's anthem. An original gift that will decorate the school building for many years can be the coat of arms or emblem of the school, embroidered on canvas or laid out in the form of a mosaic.

What to give the school from graduates

When choosing a gift, do not forget to consult with the class teacher, who, for sure, is better versed in school needs. Sometimes they are voiced by the director of the educational institution himself. Of course, a gift to a school depends not only on the imagination of graduates, but also on the financial capabilities of their parents.

Gift Ideas:

  • Repair. Many parents approach the issue of choosing a gift from a practical point of view and prefer to invest in the renovation of the school building. Of course, if the school is in need of repair, such a gift will be to the taste of both the teaching staff and the students, because the school is their second home. Plastic windows, linoleum, bathroom fixtures, new wallpaper and freshly painted walls - often there is not enough money from the school fund for such necessary details.
  • Furniture. Perhaps the desks in the classroom need to be replaced for a long time or the teacher does not have enough shelves for teaching materials. In this case, new furniture will help solve the problem. Sometimes there are no benches in the school corridors, and children do not have the opportunity to sit down during breaks. Some classes need new learning boards. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of whiteboards (for chalk, marker, with combined surfaces, interactive boards with a touch surface, mobile on wheels).
  • Computer and multimedia technology. Modern teaching methods require the use of new generation technology, the purchase of which not every school can afford. This may be sound equipment for the assembly hall, a video camera, a video projector with a screen, a printer, a photocopier, a risograph, or other equipment that the school needs.
  • Decor elements. Is there a lack of comfort in school corridors? In this case, decorative plants in floor stands will come in handy. The foyer can be decorated with new chandeliers and lamps, or a large aquarium can be placed in it. Perhaps the girls do not have enough mirrors in the locker room.

These things are just a small part of what you can donate to the school. The choice is only limited by your imagination and budget.

Liana Raymanova November 12, 2018, 03:08

There is an unspoken tradition of giving gifts from graduates to teachers, the class teacher and the school. Every graduating class wants to leave something behind. for memory.

This is not just a parting gift: in this way, students and their parents want to express their gratitude and appreciation for the work invested in the upbringing and education of children

A gift to the school from graduates

A gift to the school from graduates should be useful, so that it is useful to other students and turns out to be exactly the thing that the native land lacks.


Every school has an assembly hall. As a rule, the administration does not have enough money to update it, and it is much more pleasant to hold an event in a beautiful and comfortable room. It would be a great idea to give the school new curtains for his graduation. Curtains will help transform the familiar environment, change the interior, the hall will be transformed. For such a present to graduates both children and teachers will be grateful.


Sports equipment

great idea will donate sports equipment to the school. It can be new balls, skis, mats, wall bars. It will be a useful and necessary gift.

More ideas

Given the financial difficulties that a modern school always experiences, you can award:

  • musical equipment;
  • projector;
  • class repair;
  • dressing room mirrors
  • books in the school library;
  • posters for elementary school;
  • skeleton models;
  • microscopes.

A projector as a gift to the school from graduates

There are a lot of gift ideas. Graduates should remember what they lacked in school lessons and hand over the necessary thing.

What to give teachers from graduates

It is customary to leave memorable gifts for teachers at graduation. Since there are many teachers, but you don’t want to offend anyone, you can do identical gifts to all teachers who took part in the education and upbringing of the child. It can be:

  • indoor plants in pots;
  • writing sets;
  • photo albums;
  • diaries;
  • sweet packages;
  • panel on the wall.

Graduation potted plants

Don't forget flowers. Bouquets should be given to each teacher. Some students prefer to give teachers handmade gifts. This is a wonderful idea. Each teacher can leave, for example, a small collage with pictures of the class from the moment they arrived at the school until graduation. Or you can give the teacher or curator an original food bouquet. In this case, keep in mind that men's bouquets should be different from women's compositions.

What to give the class teacher for graduation?

Present to the class teacher should be different from other gifts. After all, it was this person who paid the most attention to the children, took care of them, solved their problems, helped in difficult times.

  • Ideas for original gifts for the 11th grade graduation can be pictures of the class teacher taken informally. According to them, you can make a composition of figurines to order. Such a gift will perfectly fit into the interior of a class or apartment.

Figurine made to order for the class teacher from the students

  • You can give the class teacher at the last call a watch with engraving. A solid mechanical watch is more suitable for a teacher, unless, of course, he is a physical education teacher. Then choose the electronic option.
  • An alternative to the clock will be Jewelry. When choosing them, consider the age of the teacher. An elderly person should choose a massive classic jewelry, and a young person should choose a fashionable model of an original design. It can be: a chain with a pendant, a bracelet, a ring, earrings, cufflinks with stones for a man or a tie clip.

You can also give some jewelry to a teacher for graduation in grade 9. If there are enough graduates, it is quite possible to choose a budget option.

For example, choose a gift, taking into account the subject taught by the teacher. A writer will like a rare copy of a dictionary or a multi-volume book of his favorite writer.

A rare book as a gift to the class teacher from the graduating class

If the students know the hobbies of the class teacher, they can present a gift related to his hobbies.

A class teacher diploma from graduates will be a great addition to the main surprise. It can be playful and handed over to the teacher for all the torments that he had to endure with the class, or, conversely, be of an official nature, emphasizing the merits of the teacher.

Do not forget to give gifts to teachers and visit them after graduation, because for them all students are their own children.

In the life of each of us, very special events happen that happen only once, in youth this is: first love and, of course, a school prom. And all the participants of the ball: graduates, parents and teachers want everything to go perfectly. I would like the script of the evening and the entertainment program to be a hit, the menu - to everyone's taste, outfits and hairstyles - to be successful, I want everyone to leave the holiday touched and satisfied with the impressions and gifts received. How do you make sure you enjoy the holiday? How to choose, for example,?

We are talking about real gifts, and not about formal, hastily bought and according to a template. In many ways, graduation gifts for teachers, is determined by the traditions of the school, the well-being of the majority of parents (after all, the material burden of the entire event falls on them), the established relationships and the personality of the teacher himself.

1. Preliminary preparation for choosing a gift for teachers.

Before sending the initiative group to the store, it is recommended to do some preparatory work:

Arrange a survey among graduates, preferably anonymous (so the guys will be freer in their statements), about what gift and to whom they would like to give;

Conduct "reconnaissance" work to determine the scope of interests and tastes of each teacher;

From practical gifts - the most popular today are:

1. Household appliances (chosen to the taste of the teacher) or a gift certificate for its purchase (so that the teacher can choose the right one himself);

2. Gift certificates for a beauty salon, for a one-day resort, for the purchase of goods in a cosmetic, perfume or jewelry store;

3. For male teachers, an annual subscription to the bath is suitable (if the teacher is truly passionate about this). Give a fan a ticket for a match of the sport he enjoys. It is more appropriate for a fisherman, tourist or hunter to present something from the appropriate equipment (or, again, a gift certificate for its purchase;

4. A voucher for a weekly vacation in a sanatorium or a rest home or tickets for the whole teacher's family for a one-day cruise on a ship.

AND From expensive gifts to the class teacher, you can stop at the following:

1. Wristwatch in a gold case and on a leather strap;

2. For men, cufflinks or a tie clip made of semi-precious stones, gold or silver can be a suitable gift;

3. Ladies teachers can choose a decent bracelet, brooch or chain with a pendant made of gold or silver, or again a certificate with a certain amount, so that the class teacher herself chooses something to her liking;

4. A worthy gift for a modern teacher is a good cell phone, mini-ipad or iPhone;

5. It is appropriate to present the teacher with a leather-bound diary and an expensive pen with a silver-plated or even gilded case;

6. An excellent option is a desktop writing set or an office organizer made of semi-precious gemstone.

When making a gift, all teachers should not skimp on elegant baskets, boxes and bouquets, including fantasy ones - from balloons, photos of graduates or chocolates. Little things decide everything. (Household appliances, books and wall clocks can be placed in a gift basket decorated with flowers and fruits. Jewelry - in handmade cases).

When choosing a gift for teachers at graduation, remember that the greatest value is the presentation: sincere words of wishes and gratitude said when giving, the originality of the idea, attention and warmth, the general atmosphere of the holiday. A memorable gift differs from the usual one in that it evokes pleasant memories and emotions!


In life, there are many reasons for congratulations and presentations. Usually these dates are repeated from year to year, but there are those that happen only once. One of these holidays is farewell to the school - graduation from 9th and 11th grades. For former schoolchildren, this is a turning point, because they enter adulthood, where sharp turns and smooth currents, stormy waves and clear sunshine await them. Parents do not hide their excitement, teachers recall that just recently these boys and girls came to them in the first grade. But the main thing is that this is a real holiday for everyone, so it is not complete without gifts.

Parents and teachers begin to organize graduation from the beginning of the school year. There is so much to do, book and come up with. Moms and dads turn on fantasy, evaluate their capabilities and plan a course of action. One of the main issues is the choice of surprises for the heroes of the occasion. First of all, you need to decide on the main points:

  • whether to give something else besides memorable gifts: of course, it is not customary to present car keys on the day of release, as in some foreign countries, but it is not enough to present only photo albums and medals. Adults definitely need to come up with an addition in the form of necessary and original surprises;
  • how much in monetary terms: the main question is how much to organize a holiday and buy gifts. These nuances are recommended to be solved jointly by the entire parental composition of the class, so that the pre-decided amount does not come as a surprise to anyone;

    Every mom and dad want only the best for their child, even if it is already an adult. But it should be borne in mind that not everyone can afford to order the latest iPhone model for graduation as a present for graduates. Therefore, it is necessary to find a compromise so that the amount suits all adults.

  • decide what to give: here the main role is played by the agreed amount and the imagination of the parents. From the experience of many mothers and fathers, we can say that we can organize an interesting and unforgettable holiday without having hundreds of thousands of rubles at our disposal.
  • Leave warm memories in the heart: memorable gifts

    Children spent most of their time at school, where they met their friends, studied, rejoiced and grieved, strived to achieve more and determined their future goals. Therefore, at the holiday there must be presents that carry that charge of emotions and memories, they will remain in the memory of graduates for many years. There are many options for surprises:

  • photo book or photo album: recently, parents prefer books. Adults agree with a photographer who can film the life of the class throughout the year. The pages of the commemorative album are decorated not only with portraits of students and teachers, but also with joint photos. By opening the cover and turning the pages, every adult will be able to remember the fun and such important school years;
  • medals and ribbons: these attributes are a real tradition at graduation. Medals can be packed in gift cases, and it is advisable to order ribbons of the same color so that one class is visible;
  • cups: they can be nominal or with wishes to former schoolchildren in adulthood. A student can take such a present with him to a hostel or to a rented apartment. It will remind you of home and best friends;
  • identical t-shirts, sweatshirts or sweatshirts with a commemorative inscription: elements of clothing for the whole class with information about the year of graduation, the emblem of the school and the motto of the children. In the future, graduates will be able to gather for general meetings, an evening of meetings at school, for example, dressed alike;

    The same gift, only with an inscription to their beloved teacher, can be presented to the class teacher by the guys.

  • Engraved USB flash drive: they can be ordered in a certain shape and write the name of the graduate and the year of graduation;
  • engraved pen: yesterday's schoolchildren will soon become students, so a great pen will be the perfect memorable gift. Packed in a case with a name inscription, it will definitely come in handy for the guys;
  • a slideshow of photos: starting from the first grade or an edited video for all 11 years of school will also appeal to students - it can be both touching and comic. It's nice to look at yourself from the moment you went to first grade as a child and after more than a decade in school. A song performed by parents and teachers is also suitable.
  • Gallery: keepsake gift ideas

    Ordering a limousine for graduation is not only fashionable, but also convenient: more people can fit in the car

  • Be sure to hire a professional photographer and videographer who will be with the graduates from the very beginning until the end of the evening. After everyone is seated in the cars, you can drive around the city and take some original shots, shoot parts of the clip.
  • Then the driver will take everyone to a restaurant or cafe, where the adults have arranged the hall in advance, ordered the menu and the staff is just waiting for the guests.
  • There must be a thematic photo zone in the room, where graduates can take original and memorable photos.

    Many organize this evening in a thematic style, for example, shabby chic, dudes, timeless classics. Then the photo zone should be framed accordingly.

  • In addition to the main dishes on the tables, a candy-bar can be placed separately, where children can enjoy light desserts, coffee, tea or juice.
  • Parents can prepare an original dance, composition or film a video in advance and show it at the evening. Graduates will be pleasantly surprised by what they see.
  • Video: clip-congratulations from parents to graduates

    DIY Graduation Gifts

    In most cases, such surprises become an original addition to the main presentations:

  • scrapbooking albums: the design may be different. It would be a great idea to order a product in a marine theme, because summer and vacation are ahead;
  • handmade leather diary: parents can order everything in one style, but for girls the ornament will be more delicate, but for guys, courageous drawings and design will suit;
  • handmade leather belt. Guys always wear trousers or jeans, so a high-quality, leather belt will be a great gift. Today you can find a master who is engaged in embossing on leather and will bring any idea to life. On the belt you can make a name inscription;

    It should be noted that such products are expensive. The approximate price of the belt varies depending on the complexity of the pattern, but will be at least 7-10 thousand rubles.

  • girls can present interior dolls. Moreover, mothers can order an exact copy for their daughter, and the master will completely repeat the girl’s outfit, in which she will be at the prom. Such a doll will become a wonderful decoration of the room and will remind you of the holiday of farewell to the school;
  • boutonnieres for boys and wrist bracelets for girls made of foamiran: this material is durable and looks like a real flower. So graduates will be in the same style, because the class is all together.
  • On some gifts, you can make an inscription that will contain a wish for graduates who will go to adulthood the next day.

    Gallery: handmade surprises

    The original album contains not only pages for photos, but also places for notes

    There is one educational institution that cannot mean little to us. Of course, this is a school. We spend a whole piece of our life at school, 10 years is a significant part of it. The anniversary of the native school is one of the most wonderful holidays, which, of course, you don’t want to miss. What to give the school for an anniversary is a question that is equally interesting for both teachers of this educational institution and its students. Gratitude and good memories of the best years of childhood and youth will not allow you to be indifferent and not be noted by some interesting and memorable present. Everyone wants to cook something memorable and symbolic as a gift for an anniversary date, something that will not only be perceived, but also remembered for a long time.

    Of course, the first thing that I want to draw the attention of those who are in search of the perfect present to the school is gift awards. The award product on the occasion of the anniversary date should be special. It can be an order, a medal, an award figurine, or a cup. The most successful, in our opinion, in this festive situation is a festive cup. You can choose a model from those presented on our website, or order a personal engraving that will perfectly match the date being celebrated. Your order will be made as soon as possible. Thus, you will give not just a memorable, but a unique and incomparable present that will forever remain within the walls of the school, as a clear confirmation that the students have not forgotten anything, remember and love the educational institution, which was once their second home.

    Thinking about what to give the school for the anniversary, take a closer look at another interesting presentation. We are talking about the Retro Music Center, which can become a unique decoration for the teacher's room or the director's office. But not only. It can also be used at school parties and discos, because, despite its ancient design, sound quality and functionality meets the most modern requirements, criteria and standards. To make the present even more memorable, order the attachment of a metal nameplate with a unique inscription to the music center. In this way, your presentation will become even more valuable and desirable for the school authorities. And even after a few years, the engraving made will not let you forget about you, or about the wonderful occasion that caused such an original gift. You can easily find words that you want to see on a metal nameplate. The main thing is that they should come from the heart, and then the music center will be perceived, as they say, with a bang.