How to please a guy who does not pay attention. How to please a guy: simple life tips for purposeful girls

You have to show the other person how wonderful you are, but first you need to understand and realize how wonderful you are. Develop self-confidenceif you lack it. This does not mean that you have to be loud, noisy, arrogant and chatty. You just have to be yourself.

  • You can be secretive, sweet and shy at the same time. But be prepared to throw off your shackles. Guys love confident, interesting girls who are in charge of their own lives.
  • Some guys are attracted to insecure girls. Their goal is to dominate them, as they themselves are also insecure. And who wants to be with a guy who makes you feel bad about yourself and who constantly tells you what to do? This is an unhealthy relationship and you deserve more.
  • Try to look your best. No, don't pretend to be someone else, just try to look great around the guy you like. Guys love with their eyes, so an attractive appearance will give you a better chance. The secret here is simple - when a girl looks her best, she feels her best, while exuding self-confidence.

    • A little makeup doesn't hurt. You don't need to paint your face with all the colors of the rainbow, but good mascara will open your eyes, lip balm will make your smile more attractive, and tweezers will help get rid of bushy eyebrows.
    • Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Don't try to fit into a tight skirt that you normally never wear. Jeans that fit well and a top that brings out the color of your eyes is a simple yet bold combination.
    • Smile more - studies have shown that people become more attractive to others when they smile, so bare your snow-white teeth more often to be not only more attractive, but also more welcoming.
  • Show you . The guy will not pay attention to you if he does not know about your existence. If you haven't caught his eye yet, make sure he notices you. Make sure you show your interest and give him a little hint that you like him.

    • Many guys don't start the conversation first because they're afraid of being rejected. Do you walk first before you start running? Say hello, say goodbye Make a start! If he responds, then you will know that you have caught his attention.
    • [[Introduce yourself|Introduce yourself and start a conversation. It is impossible to please a person who does not know you at all.
  • Joke and laugh at the jokes of others. With a sense of humor, everything is easier. This does not mean that you need to turn into a clown, laugh at everything, but do not be too serious and be ready to accept everything with a laugh, especially if your potential boyfriend is somewhere nearby.

    • If you constantly walk with a serious "mine", you will be considered closed and inaccessible, and this is completely useless to you.
    • Joke your way. Some people are witty and sarcastic, others tell funny jokes, and others just do stupid things and everyone laughs at them.
    • Whatever makes you laugh, it's much easier if you can laugh at something with the person you like. If you have nothing to joke about together, then maybe it’s not worth trying?
  • Show that you are free. A guy will not approach you if he thinks that you are busy, therefore, your task is to make him understand that you are free and ready to start a relationship.

    Part 2

    Get to know each other
    1. Don't be afraid to be his friend. Becoming a friend of a guy will give you two big benefits: you will get to know each other better and you will avoid a relationship with mutual obligations. Act like you want to be friends with him - act natural and be caring around him.

      • Guys are usually more open with guys than with girls, but that doesn't mean you can't get close - miracles do happen.
      • Be careful - if the friendship becomes too platonic, there will be no room for romance, and getting out of the friend zone is oh so difficult.
      • If this happens, then the situation will become much more complicated and, most likely, you will give up without achieving your goal. Add some flirting to your friendships and things will get better.
    2. Talk to him. Seems obvious, doesn't it? But you will actually be talking to the guy you like (rather than looking at him from a distance). This is very important if you want to please him.

      • Ask interesting questions; learn more about his life, family, friends; tell him some interesting stories. Something to help you develop an interesting dialogue.
      • If you find a topic that a guy can talk about with passion - whether it's his favorite sports game, band, or author - then you've won. If he talks to you about what he loves, then this means that he begins to share his positive emotions with you!
    3. Give him a compliment. It's amazing, but guys love compliments just as much as girls, so don't be afraid to say something nice to him from time to time. Of course, do not shower him with far-fetched compliments - you will be mistaken for an insincere person.

      • Compliment him on his looks, dimples, or a cool new hairstyle. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the guy will be embarrassed. A simple phrase like: "I like the color of your eyes" is enough.
      • However, do not focus only on appearance. If he talks about something with interest, then say what you like, with what passion he talks about it. Rate his sporting achievements or a project he did in class.
    4. Find common hobbies. Find activities that both of you enjoy, which will create a special bond between you, and he will be able to appreciate what an interesting person you are. Once he sees that you are someone who can share his interests and passions with him, he may begin to see you as his potential girlfriend.

      • If he wants to become a football star, quickly find information about the nearest football event and go there with him. Does he like climbing? Try it and you - perhaps you will like this exciting activity. Be open to everything new.
      • You can also invite him to share some of your interests. For example, you can bring him to a dance class or invite him to cook Chinese food. Be the person who can show him something new.
    5. Find common interests. Find what unites you and use it! Shared interests are the foundation of many successful relationships, so by all means, don't skip this step.

      • It doesn't matter what kind of hobby it is. You can just quote "Family Guy" or do astrophysics - the main thing is to appear before him in a favorable light.
      • For example, if you both like the same music, then ask him if he has heard this or that artist or let him listen to the disc. Or, if your favorite band is coming to your city, then go to a concert together.
    6. Get to know his friends. Guys value friends, so a potential girlfriend needs to get to know them. It is important to take the time to get to know his friends and show them that you are a "cool girl". The guy will see how organically you can enter his life - without problems and dramas.

      • If you can win the trust of his friends, then this will be a good bonus. They will support you and remind you of you, even when you are not near the object of your adoration. That way you will always be on his mind.
      • Be careful. Don't flirt with his friends. This may lead to conflict.

    Part 3

    Take Further Steps
    1. Flirt. Have you already met and often spend time together? Alright, now it's time to take the next steps. Show that you consider him more than your friend by flirting with him - this will be the first hint that he should ask you out on a date.

      • Smile. Smile every time you see this guy - let him know that you are happy to see him. Even when he is in the company of other people, smile the most at him alone.
      • Look into his eyes. This is an important part of flirting. One great way is to look at him from across the room and then when he catches your eye, smile and look away. He will be intrigued.
      • Maintain physical contact. Another flirting technique is to touch the guy not as a friend. Lightly stroke his arm when talking, give him a hug when you meet him, or ruffle his hair when you're joking. This will quickly let him know that you are interested in him.
    2. Send him an SMS. If you have his number (and if not, be sure to take it), then you can write him various nonsense to let him know that you have been thinking about him all day. Write funny or flirtatious messages; if he responds in kind, you are on the right track.

      • For example, if he has an important match or exam on his nose, you can send him an SMS with good luck wishes. He will find it cute that you remember this.
      • However, try not to overdo it and remember the rule: if after two SMS in a row you do not receive a response, then it is better to stop. Be patient.
    3. Invite him to go somewhere. If you only saw each other in the company of friends or employees, then it is time to invite him to go somewhere just the two of you. It doesn't have to be a three-course dinner in an expensive restaurant, a simple cafe or lunch in a shopping center will be enough.

      • He agreed? Great. He is probably not indifferent to you and your company is pleasant to him - this is a good sign. Don't worry too much - you're just hanging out as friends, right?
      • If he refuses, don't be upset. He may have a good reason, or he may just be embarrassed to be alone with you. Wait a bit and try again. If he refuses a second time, then this is a sure sign that he is not interested in you.
    4. Say you like him. At the end of the day, after all the worries and expectations, you will be able to do it. Sometimes the best way out is to tell the guy directly how you feel and ask him how he feels. No matter what his response is, eventually you will open up your feelings and be able to either find a new relationship or keep moving on.

      • Don't believe the myths that guys are supposed to come out first. In reality, guys love strong, confident girls who know what they want. Only the fact that you dared to confess can impress the guy, and he will say the coveted “yes”.
      • Never ask anyone else to ask a guy how he feels. This is childish and will increase the likelihood that the guy will say no. Even if you are very shy, a text message or a note will be more effective than a "send a friend" method.
    5. Be patient. Such things take time. You can't force someone to like you, and trying to speed up the process can ruin everything. Give him freedom and don't be intrusive. Let everything take its course.

      • In the end, he will tell you if he has mutual sympathy for you. And if not, then don't circle around him like a lost puppy. Sometimes people just don't fit together and don't notice it, and sometimes a guy just might not be ready for a long-term relationship.
      • Don't take rejection too personally. It happens to all of us from time to time.
      • The world did not converge on him like a wedge - be sure of yourself, you will definitely meet the guy you deserve.
    6. Pay attention to his feelings. After all, you can't control what other people think and do. He may be the object of your interest, but don't be sure that you are the center of his universe.

      • Look at the situation from the other side. If there is a guy who likes you and who you don't like, can anything change your mind? No.
      • The reality is that you either like it or you don't. You will find it attractive or not. Funny or not. All he can hope for is to do everything in his power and count on your consent.
      • The reverse is also true - do your best; He will either love you back or he won't.
    • Guys love girls with personality, so be yourself! Don't change for a guy, let him love you for who you are, and not the girl you turned into for him.
    • Always smile ! This is a time-tested way to invite a guy to hang out. No expensive cosmetics, no movie tickets - just a sincere smile, and the guy will definitely pay attention to you! (Remember to brush your teeth regularly to keep them white!)
    • Being yourself is good, but not always. If you are rude, you have few friends, work on yourself. Try to be more polite with other people, take care of their feelings. But don't be too polite or others will think you're faking it. Then everything will work out.
    • If there is no hint from him that he is interested in you, this does not necessarily mean that this is really the case. Maybe he's just shy or a little scared, especially if he hasn't dated anyone for a long time or this is his first time. Be patient, but don't pester him. Just let him know that the door is still open and he can knock on it.
    • Make sure it's free. If you're trying to get the attention of a guy who already has a girlfriend and you know it, you're interfering with someone else's relationship, and that's not fair. Claim it only if it's free. If he quits his current passion now, then what to expect in your relationship? There are guys who run from one skirt to another and get fed up with women. To many of us they are known as "womanizers", but to their ex-girlfriends they are "males". Avoid, avoid, avoid is our only advice.
    • Don't show your boyfriend how much you love him. This is a big mistake for many girls, as a guy can start using it.
    • Some people prefer to become friends first. Others try to avoid the friend zone. Ideally, there should be a little bit of everything - first friendship, then romantic interest.
    • Don't talk about other guys with the guy you're interested in. You might think that this is a way to show how "in demand" you are. But a person who is looking for a long-term relationship will think that you are frivolous. To be honest, it's not the best way to impress a guy, it's more of a good way to get rid of him.
    • You should be aware that some guys mature later than others ("Peter Pan Syndrome"). In that case, you better stop instead of waiting for this guy to make the decision to grow up. You don't want to be someone's mom.
    • Be kind to him - don't "choke" him or be too demanding.
    • Look into his eyes. If you look at the floor or the ceiling, you may appear to be nervous.


    • If your friends are not yet ready for such news, then it is better not to tell them about the guy. They will immediately begin to stare at him and giggle in his presence. They may even begin to wash his bones. At worst, they will bombard him with a lot of questions like, "What do you think of Angela?" With such girlfriends, he will not last long.
      • You should not look for pimps. If this is really an enviable groom, peers will begin to put pressure on him with phrases like: “At least take a look at her”, “Invite her for a cup of coffee” or “What is wrong with her? Give her a chance." Often in such situations, pimps do not say that the girl is actually interested in the guy, but only focus on the fact that she is free. As a rule, matchmakers and panders are attracted by those who are afraid to take the first step and be rejected. If you like someone, take the first step. Don't involve other people in relationships that haven't even started yet. Among other things, they may misinterpret his reaction. The guy will be grateful to you if you express your sympathy to him personally, and do not make him the object of gossip.
    • Don't blow up and tell him you like him or he won't take you seriously. Wait a little, first get to know him properly.
    • Try not to advertise it too much, that is, you should not talk too much about yourself in a conversation. When you talk, feel free to ask him questions. Be careful with words, because the wrong thing to say can lead to a very awkward moment.
    • Don't confuse kindness and politeness with the fact that he actually likes you. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between these things, but if you pay attention, you will understand. If you just got out of a "bad" relationship, a lot of guys, especially older ones, take on the role of "big brother". Then they perceive the relationship as completely platonic, which forever confuses subsequent romantic relationships.
    • Never play "mind games" or send ambiguous signals. This will confuse the guy. This is not a sign of intelligence - it is a sign of insecurity and lack of courage.
    • Trying to "make" a certain person fall in love with you is manipulation, which hardly anyone wants to be the object of. Be open to communication. Take a closer look, maybe that nice guy from the class who smiles at you is the ONLY one if you are already disappointed in your ambitions. Let's remember the words of Maya Angelou: "...hope for the best, prepare for the worst and do something between these two things." You will find that very guy, and when he appears on the horizon, you should not expect him to put on armor and ride to you on a noble horse. It will never be perfect, but it will be good. Do not doubt.
    • If you told your friends and they pester him with questions, tell them abruptly to stop, and if they don't stop then ignore as soon as they start talking about him. Joke with him, say that your friends are immature, which cannot be said about you. He will like to see that you are not acting like a funny eight-year-old girl, like your friends.
    • If these tips work "too" strongly and he becomes too intrusive, calm him down and don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
  • Want to make a good impression on a guy and break into his brain and heart? Then take advantage of our tips. We will tell you how to look in order to please a man, what makeup should be, about the features of behavior. You will learn how to keep a conversation going and what to talk about. You will also find lists of forbidden and permitted actions, methods of winning the heart of a smart, rich, successful and popular man.

    It is the appearance that men first of all pay attention to, both adults and middle-aged. Everyone has their own concept of beauty and ideal type, but there are general recommendations.

    Cloth should always emphasize the dignity of the figure and conceal possible shortcomings. It is advisable to choose feminine style outfits for a meeting and remember about balance. If a girl prefers a cleavage, then a miniskirt will have to be abandoned and vice versa.

    Most men love it when a lady wears high heels.

    It must be remembered that the outfit must be appropriate. A girl in a dress and high heels will look ridiculous and ugly at a picnic that needs a comfortable outfit (jeans, sneakers). this article will help, which describes in detail what color and length it should be, what decor is welcome, how to combine it all.

    The most suitable makeup in the afternoon - natural (even tone, light blush, neatly shaped eyebrows, fluffy long eyelashes and shiny lips). In the evening, you can make a bright accent, but choose one thing - eyes or lips.

    In this video you will find out the opinion of men:

    Features of the look: how to attract the attention of a young man with his eyes

    While communicating with a brutal or modest representative of the stronger sex (if you want him to begin to notice you and communicate with interest), it is advisable to maintain eye contact. The look should be soft, radiant, so that he is comfortable. It will not be superfluous to look coquettishly and for a short time (20-30 seconds) from under thick eyelashes. At the same time, an innocent, slightly embarrassed smile should be on the face. One minute a look can be thoughtful, and the next you can laugh.

    Helpful advice: you can not carefully and long look at your partner. At best, this will cause ridicule, and at worst, it will scare away a potential gentleman.

    Behavior tips: how to communicate with a man

    It is necessary to take into account what social status the object has and its psychological portrait.

    Popular Guy Charm Tactics

    If a girl wants to interest a popular guy, she should be prepared for the fact that he is used to hearing compliments and bathing in female attention. Therefore, you must choose one of the tactics:

    • stand out from the crowd;
    • choose an unusual hobby;
    • focus on common interests;
    • act like the guy doesn't stand out from the rest.

    The option of ignoring his popularity can be quite effective, because it will hurt the male EGO.

    If you got smart

    If you are interested smart man, you need to be ready to keep the conversation going on almost any topic. A sense of humor combined with femininity will not hurt either. Most often, intellectuals spend a lot of time on self-development, so attend various trainings and courses.

    If you are dealing with an older

    If the chosen one is much older than you, you need to find out what he is looking for in a woman. Most often there are 2 options - he craves lightness and new sensations or partnership and a serious relationship. In the first case, you need to give him the opportunity to take care of you, escape from the daily hustle and bustle, be playful and unobtrusive. In the second, you should demonstrate the ability to organize life and support a partner.

    All men will appreciate if the girl is polite, well-mannered and natural. Psychologists do not advise trying to expose yourself as another person (this is striking).

    When you liked the successful and rich

    A successful and rich man is used to the fact that women show interest in him. It is advisable to try to learn more about his hobbies, to demonstrate his own viability and independence, readiness to become a support and support. You also need to show that you know how to spend money wisely. It is worth doing so that he understands that you can trust them. Do not order expensive dishes, do not say that you can lower your monthly salary in a day and other nonsense.

    This article will help you quickly win and. You will find out what is needed for this, what you can talk about, you will find instructions ready for use and tips that can harm.

    Must be carefully. Previously, we have already answered the questions: how to attract a guy, how to treat him, what you need to change in yourself, how gestures will help.

    Are you sure that the selected object is what you need? If not, here are the secrets of how to understand that this is the man. It's collected here. In addition, you will be able to determine if this person was right for you.

    Do's and Don'ts: How to Talk

    With the chosen one, you can talk about hobbies, events in the world, mutual acquaintances. At the same time, in order to please guys, you need to avoid talking about politics and health problems.

    • swear;
    • complain;
    • to gossip;
    • raise your voice;
    • to speak obscenely;
    • interrupt the interlocutor;
    • remember the former (if he asks himself, it is advisable to limit himself to a couple of general phrases, without going into details).

    Communication should be pleasant, unobtrusive, easy and bring pleasure to a man.

    So that a young man can like you, a little humor, not vulgar and not offensive, will not hurt. You can give the object of passion a couple of compliments, but they must be truthful. You should call him by his first name more often.

    It is advisable to ask the guy questions, demonstrate your interest and listen carefully to the answers. Such interest will be pleasant to the stronger sex. Illiterate speech and excessive use of slang can scare a man away.

    Psychological tricks: how to catch a guy on the hook

    Experts in the field of psychology advise using non-verbal ways to attract the attention of a man:

    • copying the poses of the interlocutor;
    • accidentally touching a guy you like;
    • “stroking” a glass, playing with a pendant around the neck;
    • hair correction;
    • drawing attention to one’s virtues and femininity (gracefully bend over an object that has fallen on the floor, lean forward, slightly squeezing the chest with your hands);
    • act of caring (help tie a tie, fasten cufflinks, straighten a shirt collar).

    With touches and inclinations, the main thing is not to overdo it. The number one task is to demonstrate sympathy to a man and encourage him to take a step towards the development of relations, and not to create the impression of a depraved and obsessive young lady.

    Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

    The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

    How to know if the plan worked

    Everything is very simple: the guy will begin to offer to meet more often, show signs of attention, and say compliments. collected in a separate article. It will help to find out if there is sympathy at a distance and in real life by behavior, postures, words.

    Best of all, how to please the male sex, guys are aware. So let's hear their opinion: a lot of attention is paid to the mind:

    To make all the tricks work faster, you should use the tactics of half hints. It is necessary to make it clear to the MCH that he has aroused interest, but at any moment he can become indifferent. To do this, smile and laugh at one moment, and be sad at the next, abruptly shut up, as if you are bored. Who knows, perhaps very soon you will acquire a reliable boyfriend and meeting after meeting will follow.

    There are so many seduction secrets… But there are also those that really give results! Do you want not just to like, but to find your love so that it is mutual? This is important for everyone to know!

    In love, as in war, all means are good on the way to final victory. But there are tactics that really work. Here's a "ten" trouble-free ways. Don't thank, just be happy!

    How to make a guy fall in love with you in 10 days

    1. Men are visual. Not news, right? They pay attention to everything bright, beautiful and interesting. There is something a little childish about it, but that's the way it is. It may seem that the best way to make a guy fall in love with you is to look like a dream, move like a dream and speak (or better yet, be silent and smile) like his Dream. But this is not enough. This is just the beginning. Appearance will allow you to attract attention, but to keep it - brains are already needed here.

    The key to a man's heart will always be in your bundle!

    2. Before you fixate on the guy and stubbornly pursue the “prey”, shooting with your eyes and dragging Cupid in the net, look around his surroundings. He should not feel that he is being persecuted, that he is openly interested. From such guys blows the roof, and you can no longer get respect. But if all the guys you know in common are a little in love with you, this will intrigue him. It will awaken curiosity and desire to get closer to the source of seductive light, that is, to you. What to do specifically? Compliments to his friends, flirting, unobtrusive interest. It is enough to be just charming and friendly, you don’t need to hang yourself around everyone’s neck and frankly seduce. You should be desired without a touch of vulgarity, idolized without hysteria and fanaticism. Well, you already got it, right?

    3. No one is interested in a girl who is not interested in herself and other guys. A little "herd" instinct, but it works for you. Be a passionate, pleasant conversationalist, a magnet for people. This is not just a story about how to please a man, this is a story about how to become a person. No, no need to indulge the tastes of the indifferent crowd! Find yourself and open up to the world from the best side. Your common hobbies, similar humor and tastes will fill communication with colors. As a source of inspiration, he will wish to return to you again and again.

    Being a magnetic person means always being the center of attention.

    4. Let him feel special around you. It's a universal way, right? After all, are you also more pleasant to be with those who appreciate you, support and admire you? Here's how to make a man fall in love with you if he is uncomfortable, unpleasant or bored with you? No way! He will avoid unpleasant contact. And should he be blamed for this? Another thing is positive fixation. This is a special method of associating you and something joyful, interesting, emotionally inspiring.

    You like something about him - praise it! Do not flatter, but sincerely support. He will feel comfortable with you. And that "good" will become associated with you. With your voice that celebrates his achievements, with your smile that accompanies these words. He himself will not notice how he “gets hooked” on the positive and loses his head from the one that gives him it.

    Romance, like miracles. It needs to be done by hand.

    5. Ask him to do something for you. Maybe burn a CD, find a book, move a table, get something from a high shelf. Let him have a chance to demonstrate his masculine qualities. After all, you need him, so let him feel like a hero! This tricky way to please a guy has been known for a long time and still works. Here he is - your hero, savior! Psychologically, he is already “responsible” for you. Because he feels his need, his potential, and besides, when doing something for a person, we think about this person. Even from a distance it works!

    6. Another way to make a guy fall in love with you is to have goals. It will seem strange to you, but it is true. Aimless, indefinite in their desires, people repel, pull to the bottom. How do you see yourself in the projection of the future? A loved one must also see himself in this future and want to be in this projection. If you do not have a vision of your goals, the path, then there are no fellow travelers there either.

    7. Your health is important in all areas of life. And in love, of course. Physical and mental health. Avoid that which injures you, destroys and undermines your health. Be firm in this endeavor. Because a healthy and happy person is attractive. And on the subconscious of a man (even if they do not admit it!): Their woman is the mother of their children. This is the basic instinct of procreation, this is the deep, hidden engine of any relationship between a man and a woman.

    And yes, he will still unconsciously evaluate you by anatomy. Just like you: not a hunchback, not a freak, not an idiot, and whether there are any deviations in the family. If it is customary in a party to drink, smoke and lead an unbridled lifestyle, all the same, the subconscious mind filters potential "partners" according to their optimality for the role of a father or mother for offspring. Men are squeamish and meticulous in this matter. And who is not?

    8. There is an erroneous assertion that a woman should not take the initiative. But how to please a man in our time, sitting timidly in a corner, bashfully downcast eyes? Emancipation has opened many doors, including in love and sex. Only the initiative is different: cheeky and deliberate or tactically calculated and veiled. If you are sure that this person is “yours”, take a step towards him! Remember: there are exactly 10 steps between you and him. If you walked towards him 5 and did not meet anyone there - turn around and leave! But not before. You can lose "your" man only because of pride and prejudice. Or impose on someone who is alien to you from the desire to "win at any cost." Know the measure, respect yourself and your partner.

    Intelligent initiative can bring you closer to the moment and place where you so want to be.

    9. The right flavor. Yes, you got it right! Smell is very important when it comes to any close contact. Men do not like sharp and daring smells, even if it is an expensive perfume. And we don’t talk about the unpleasant “ambergris” at all. Hygiene of the body, hair and a good smell of cosmetics are signs of grooming.

    In addition, you can make a man fall in love with you by attracting him with an appetizing smell, much more than with makeup tricks. Pheromones emanating from a girl serve as the most important channel of communication in love affairs. After all, it happens that a woman captivates in a photo, but in reality - there is no charm in her. But vice versa: not top models are popular with the opposite sex. They say about such people: "There is something elusive in it, some kind of zest ...". What is imperceptible to the eye is perfectly captured by the scent!

    10. The first kiss is an indicator of compatibility. In the United States, they conducted a survey on this topic, and this is what happened: 59% of men and 66% of women admitted that passion sometimes crumbled after the first kiss. Bummer? Kissing is an important stage of courting and evaluating a partner. He sends unambiguous signals to the subconscious, according to which people, as it were, make the choice of a possible chosen one. And as soon as there are no “butterflies in the stomach” and “stars in the eyes” from the kiss, then the body itself signals: “We will not succeed with this person!”. And it's not about technique, not about skill and experience.

    Everything is trite and simple - for our brain, a kiss is not just an act of love, but a kind of “analysis” for health and compatibility. Do not delay with this "check". Make sure that the breath is fresh and the environment is favorable. You will learn everything you need to know about each other in terms of biology plus - you will discover a lot in yourself and in him in terms of sexual temperament.

    How to please a man? Be a loving woman!

    Do you know what is the most interesting? In fact, there are no universal recipes. Nothing, never. Yes, we have listed “fail-safe ways to please a guy”, but all this only works when there is real attraction, true feeling, primal “chemistry”. It cannot be imitated, forced artificially. If there is that same spark, electricity between you, he feels it too. Just don't be stupid and be loved!

    Joseph Fanelli

    Psychotherapist, teacher specializing in sexuality and relationships.

    1. Speak without speaking

    Even before you strike up a conversation with a guy, your body will tell him a lot. And the first thing he will notice is how physically attractive you are.

    It's not just about beauty. If you are fit and well built, then you are able to give birth to healthy offspring.

    Another important aspect is whether you show interest. Of course, you don’t need to hang yourself around your neck, but it’s very desirable to subtly hint that a man has a chance.

    This can be shown using two tricks. First, blink more often, because we naturally begin to do this when we are excited. Secondly, lean a little towards the interlocutor: this is also a non-verbal signal of interest.

    We like people with whom we have a lot in common. Therefore, your task is to find common ground with the guy you like. For example, you can agree on a love of music or, if there are few common interests, try to get into what he likes.

    At the beginning of dating, the easiest way to show similarity is to use the chameleon effect.

    Try to take the same posture as a man, imitate his movements and gestures, use the words and phrases that he includes in his speech.

    Being an exact and synchronous copy is not worth it: it's too obvious. Try to anticipate the movements of the interlocutor or, in general, repeat them after a few seconds.

    3. Stay visible

    The more we see a person, the more we like him. This is confirmed by science. In one study Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction residents of a student dormitory were asked to rate their attitude towards their neighbors. It turned out that boys and girls liked those who lived nearby more: in neighboring rooms or on the nearest floors.

    IN ordinary life this means that if you and the guy attend the same place (university, courses, gym), then you have a better chance of liking him.

    6. Make him a fan of hugs

    When hugging, the body releases oxytocin, which enhances the feeling of closeness. So hug the guy you are interested in at a meeting and parting, during joyful moments and just like that.

    7. Find what makes you happy

    In the end, it all comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be together. So do not waste time to lure someone into your networks, but look for. Happiness and passion are attractive in themselves. Become the one who radiates them.

    Any girl dreams of becoming an ideal woman for her man, a woman who wants to win forever, who can be admired and enjoyed every second. , to find a spiritual and energetic connection with him, to become one?

    In order to keep a man near you, you must at least become irreplaceable for him. You must combine several female roles: a caring mother and an excellent housewife, a passionate lover and an innocent, capricious, defenseless and weak girl, a wise wife, a free and independent woman.

    An interview is taken from a woman who has lived with her husband for 50 years without a single quarrel:
    - Madam, but how did you manage to live all this time
    in peace and harmony?
    - Oh, it's simple. When we got married, my husband put me on a wagon and took me to his ranch. While we were riding one of the horses stumbled and he calmly said: "One."
    Fifteen minutes later, on the same ride, the same horse stumbled again and he said, "Two."
    And already when his ranch was in direct line of sight, the same horse stumbled for the third time.
    He said: "Three" - and shot her.
    Of course, I started screaming, threw a tantrum, started to feel sorry for the poor
    - And what?
    - And he said "One"

    If you like a guy, and you want to achieve mutual sympathy, then you need to do everything in your power to make him pay attention to you. And how you will attract his attention, read below.

    Observing the behavior of girls who are incredibly popular with the male half, I singled out basic ways to manipulate guys! 😉 So let's go!

    light flirting

    Don't be afraid to take the first step on your own. Do not go ahead, but with hints. Keep your eyes on him, smile, flirt. Flirting is an open demonstration of feelings, hateful coquetry, voice, look, gestures, facial expressions, a game to lose. Modern men love girls who are confident and purposeful, walking through life with their heads held high. However, the measure must be observed. Too high, open attention to the guy will scare him away!!! A man will feel that he is weaker than you. If you want a guy to like you, flirt with him! 🙂


    A man needs to signal that he is interested in you, this will give him the confidence to take the lead in developing your relationship. If the man answered with a mutual smile, did not ignore and made contact, you need to take the following tactics for rapprochement - start chatting. However, everything should look natural and unobtrusive. Want to please a guy? Do not give in to your first emotions of joy - that he is already on your hook! 🙂 Play a game with him based on the approach-repulsion tactics. If you're in a big group, don't get hung up on his persona, hang out with other guys to make him feel a little jealous. Men begin to act decisively when another appears on the horizon.

    Keep him at a distance, but on the hook

    If a guy is not indifferent to you, he will look for a reason to see you again and get to know you better. Set up a new date. But don't show your feelings too openly. You must present yourself in such a way that he still has doubts about whether you really like him or this is an illusion and your behavior towards other guys is similar.

    Keep your feelings and man under control

    Sometimes it's better to get away from something beautiful before it loses its appeal. These words contain the truth of life. If you fully open up to a man and give a slack in demonstrating all your love for him, you will immediately feel how he will move away from you. Perhaps you will even experience suffering from the most pleasant feelings in the world. You can not enter into dependence on a partner and feelings for him !!! A woman who is too in love will experience the indifference of a man.

    Don't fixate on it

    Love really drives you crazy. Fear of rejection can cause excessive reckless passion for a partner and provoke a decrease in self-esteem. The more love the more committed partner demands, the less the need for the other to give.

    Your position is: “I like this man, I want to increase his interest in myself in order to create a more serious relationship, but I do not deny the option that he will not like me or we will not get along in character. There are many other men around me, among whom there will definitely be that person with whom mutual feelings of love and understanding can arise. I take this hobby lightly.” First of all, you need this attitude so as not to become dependent on your partner and not cause him to want to reject you.

    first date

    The key to a good relationship is open communication, without blaming or reproaching. You cannot change your partner, and the more you try, the more he resists. But you are able to change yourself - a model of thinking, behavior, communication by accepting a person with all his qualities, as well as destroy your idealizations about what a partner should be like in your opinion. In communication, decide on common hobbies, interests, life goals, find out about his work, what his childhood was like, whether he keeps in touch with his parents, etc.

    The basic requirements of how to please a guy:

    • Watch your appearance. , hairstyle, clothing should be appropriate, emphasizing your strengths and hiding flaws.
    • What distinguishes a Woman from a woman, of course, is a graceful posture, a smooth gait, soft gestures, beautiful speech, mercy.
    • In your wardrobe, leave only those things in which you feel confident, desirable and beautiful.
    • All guys love girls with a good sense of humor. A smile is the beauty of your face. A gloomy, preoccupied face only scares away men. Do not know what to do, what to say - smile. 🙂
    • It is important to love yourself first. Daily care of the body, face skin and hair is a must.
    • When getting to know a guy more closely, the challenge is to find common ground. Treat him with understanding of his masculine nature.
    • The ability to cook well is a plus. 🙂
    • Three "NOTs": DO NOT infringe on his rights and freedom, DO NOT bother him with complaints, advice, whining, DO NOT impose. 🙂
    • Interesting sex is a plus. Experiment. 🙂
    • Do not think that if he liked you, then he will devote all his free time to you. Keep in mind that he has his own hobbies, interests, hobbies. When your boyfriend is busy with work, take your free time so that you don't have time and desire to reproach him for not paying attention to you. Men like girls who are active, cheerful, not lazy.
    • But at the same time, always be yourself. This means that you need to love yourself, be sincere, open and natural. Improve!
    • Let's ask the guys in the comments to leave a few more practical tips for girls on how to win their attention and sympathy :). Men, feel free to add the list of tips to the article "How to please a guy?". We need to know your desires 🙂

    Any relationship is worth working on. I wish the guys like you as much as you like them! 😉