Children's haircuts for girls - your princess will be the most stylish. Children's bob haircut and her photo. Haircuts for little girls

Complete collection of materials: "beautiful hairstyles for girls 8 years old" for you and your friends.

In our time of changeable fashion, we all try to look beautiful and stylish, so we pay special attention to our image. Schoolgirls are no exception. Stylish clothes, colorful accessories and a trendy haircut are all that can form the image of a little princess.

The hairstyle of a young lady is a special component of the style. She should not look too adult, disheveled and interfere with the child while studying. It is worth choosing a haircut, focusing on:

There are several tips according to which stylists create amazing hairstyles for girls 7-8 years old (8-9 years old). Among them:

  • if a girl goes to kindergarten or attends sports sections, it is more advisable for her to make short hair, for schoolgirls, length is preferable;

Since children's hair cannot be heat-treated (curling iron or flat iron) due to its weak structure, it is better to choose a practical hairstyle option.

Haircuts for girls 6 years old - photo

Haircuts for girls 7-8 years old - photo

At the age of 7, your child will already go to school, which is a completely different environment that involves learning. In this case, you need to make sure that the bangs do not climb into the eyes of the child.

Haircuts for girls 9 years old

At the age of 9, the girl begins to blossom. At this age, hair of medium length or below the shoulders is mainly preferred.

Dear parents, when choosing a haircut, pay attention to its accuracy and practicality. It is equally important that the hairstyle suits your baby.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls: 15 easy hairstyles

Each of you will be able to do children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class, we have collected only simple and very quick styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to complete it for your daughter!

  1. Distribute the hair around the entire circumference of the head.
  2. From the crown, start circular weaving according to the principle of a French braid. Grab loose strands only from the outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all the hair. You need to finish weaving with a regular three-row braid.
  4. Tie the tip with an elastic band and hide it under the "basket", fixing it with an invisibility.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos of popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are indicated on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing this chemistry. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Pigtail in the form of a rim

A hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple and allows you to carefully remove the strands from your face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a thin comb.
  2. Gather the rest of the hair with an elastic band so as not to interfere.
  3. Throw the strands at the forehead to one side and start weaving a French spikelet, grabbing the free strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under your loose hair. If you wish, wind them with a curling iron.

Hairstyles for girls - 150 options, photo and video tutorials

Hairstyles for girls for short hair

Do not forget about the various hairpins, with the help of them you can stab the bangs and it will not get into your eyes.

Hairstyles for girls with ponytails

Children's hairstyles with elastic bands

Hairstyles for girls with braids

There are a lot of ways to weave braids, it can be an ordinary French braid, a spikelet braid, a waterfall, openwork braids from several strands, etc. You should not refuse this hairstyle if your daughter has short hair, in fact, with the help of French braids, you can make it interesting hairstyle or remove bangs. Well, if your beauty has long hair, then there are no options for hairstyles with braids.

Children's bun hairstyle

Option 1 - a bunch of braids

A fairly simple, but time-consuming hairstyle, suitable for girls with long hair. You can watch a step-by-step photo tutorial here or in the video below the photo.

The principle of creating a hairstyle is the same as in the first version, the only difference is that in the second case, the hair must be twisted into flagella. See also a detailed photo tutorial here.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

Prom hairstyles for girls

Festive hairstyle for a girl - hair bow

2. The last time we put the hair through the elastic, we do not pull it out completely, so that we get a loop of hair and a free tip. The tip of the hair should be in front, not behind.

3. Divide the loop into two equal parts and fold on each side.

4. We take the free tip and bend it back between the two resulting parts of the hair.

5. We fix with the help of invisibility and fix the hairstyle with varnish. If desired, it can be decorated with a ribbon or beautiful hairpins.

Children's prom hairstyle with babette

A detailed lesson can be viewed on the video.

Prom hairstyle with curls

Children's hair is different from adults, it is thinner and softer and if you use curling irons, it can be injured, so it is better to use safe methods of creating curls.

1. We divide the hair into several equal parts, the smaller the strands, the smaller the curls and vice versa. The hair should be slightly damp.

2. Now we twist each strand into a tourniquet, and then twist it into a bundle

3. We fix the beam with a soft elastic band

4. We do the same with the rest of the hair and leave it overnight or for several hours. Keep in mind that wet hair must dry out, otherwise the curls will not work.

5. Dissolve the bundles and carefully separate them with your fingers, the curls are ready!

1. Moisten the hair a little, and twist the paper towels into tubes.

2. We separate the strand and, starting from the tip of the hair, wind it on a paper towel, the hair should not be wet, otherwise the towel will tear. When the strand is finished, tie a paper towel and move on to the next strand.

3. The hair must be allowed to dry, so the hairstyle can be left overnight.

Hairstyle options for girls 8,9,10 and 12 years old

Looking stylish and well-groomed is important at any age. All children need to instill this mandatory quality, from an early age laying the foundations of taste and good taste. Therefore, mothers and fathers who are raising girls should pay special attention to this part of the educational process. When choosing outfits, try to explain to the baby their purpose. Dressing up dolls, hone the skills of the child, and your own. Constructing styling, explain with what and how they should be worn. It is good if your baby shows interest in this process and will learn the lessons learned in practice.

Start small. Namely, with the implementation of hairstyles. This is an excellent base for children's learning and, most importantly, creativity. In addition, fashion will always tell you and your child the right decision. And soon you will easily learn how to choose certain options that are ideally suited to the age and style of your child.

Children's hairstyles by age

How to do hairstyles for girls of eight years? The category of styling for this age is compiled with the condition for everyday comfortable wearing. These styles are distinguished by unconditional practicality, reliability and originality of execution. Laconic braids, curls with rims, strict high tails and neat buns. All these are very acceptable options for school and training, festive events and going out.

Young beauties do not need complex hairstyles and styling. Because their life at the moment does not require special self-affirmation and transformation.

The main difference between nine-year-olds is that girls try to add their own touches: bows, hairpins and rubber bands. According to their very common opinion, the abundance of accessories best decorates the image. That's why the dressing table is constantly filled with new things, and all of them contribute to the creation of a young glamorous image.

How to do hairstyles for girls 10 years old? They love weaving and try to embody all their styling with openwork pigtails. Do not deny your daughters this hobby. Now is the time for him.

Twelve-year-olds are gradually beginning to join fashion trends. They try to follow the main hairdressing innovations, make the first adult haircuts and styling. Increasing emphasis is given to the length of the hair and its decoration. Curls and a lot of accessories are something that is especially popular among young fashionistas.

Hairstyle instruction for kids

In order to learn how to make hairstyles for girls and decorate the hair of a little fashionista, you need to purchase some accessories: numerous rubber bands, bright hair clips, original crabs, stylish headbands and ribbons. All this hairdressing arsenal will allow you and your beauty to build a truly luxurious hairstyle.

So, if your baby's hair is of medium or maximum length, then the options for everyday styling may be as follows:

- ponytails (one or more, high or low, lateral or openwork);

- pigtails (any number, French spikelet, fishtail, waterfall);

- styling with decor.

If the length of your daughter's hair is easily pulled into a ponytail, then you can easily follow these steps.

1. Comb your baby's hair. Use only soft combs and combs. Don't press too hard on your scalp. Your task is to ensure that the combed strands lie in an even cascade.

2. Now gather all the strands in your hand and comb your hair again.

3. Move the base of the future tail to the side that is most preferable for you. Sideways or strictly straight. You can also adjust the hair height level, for example, low, medium or high.

4. Next, secure the retainer. Hold the hair in one hand, and stretch the elastic with the fingers of the other. Thread the entire strand through it. Pull part of the locking element to the side and twist it once. Wrap it around again. Repeat the action until the elastic band pulls the base of the tail firmly and securely.

5. After you fix the hair in the desired position, carefully comb the strands and your ponytail can be considered ready.

6. With the same success, you can make not one, but two parallel tails at once. To do this, separate the hair with a vertical parting, leading it through the entire perimeter of the head. By the way, you can arrange it in a zigzag, wavy or strictly straight line.

7. Many collected tails look very fun and playful, decorating the whole head of the baby.

8. Consistently woven ponytails are no less relevant. It looks pretty cute and neat on any young head. Just select a few horizontal partings. Gather the hair of each section into strands and secure them with rubber bands. As a result, you should get a cascade of several tails, where the first fits into the second, and the latter, in turn, goes into the third, and so on.

Most girls like to wear fishnet braids. They are always comfortable, cute and adorable. They are one of the first they perform on their pupae. Weaving can be done in many different ways. Fortunately, today there are simple and interesting technologies that allow you to easily and quickly create real masterpieces.

Instructions for weaving a regular braid:

1. Comb your hair well. Again with the help of smooth combs or combs with soft bristles.

2. If necessary, determine the location of the parting. Make it straight vertical, side or diagonal.

3. Then, from the entire head of hair, select three strands of the same size.

4. Cross them among themselves. Overlap the middle one with the right one, and put the left one on top. Thus, the average will take the place of the extreme.

5. Repeat the crossing of the side strands. The center will change automatically.

6. Continue braiding all the way to the ends.

7. Then fix it with any type of retainer you prefer.

8. Try to repeat several braids: two, four, or humiliate the entire head with them. It will also be to the liking and taste of your beloved child.

Instructions for weaving a French spikelet:

1. Prepare the base for the braid. Comb your hair and lightly dampen it. This will improve the quality and speed of weaving.

2. In the parietal part, perform the division into three identical strands.

3. Cross them among themselves.

4. Perform the subsequent crossing as follows: accompany the pickup of the extreme strand with the involvement of the next bundle of hair. Before making the braid, shift the left and right strands, and use the middle one in the next crossing.

5. Model the spikelet to the very tips, which will not be superfluous to secure with a stylish retainer.

6. So you can weave not one, but two pigtails at once. In appearance, they will resemble a "dragon". And if you make them thin and over the entire surface of the head, then you will get a complex spectacular hairstyle. Which will be very comfortable when worn on vacation, during sports or on the occasion of any children's holiday.

Instructions for weaving a fishtail:

1. Comb your hair thoroughly.

2. Determine the location of the future braid: the lower part or the middle occipital zone, temples or the entire vertical perimeter of the head.

3. First of all, select two large strands.

4. Mark one thin one at the edges of each.

5. With an extremely thin strand, cover the base of the left thick one. Do the same with another thin strand.

6. The first crossing must be supplemented with updated pickups of the extreme thin tufts of hair.

7. Decorate your hair in such a simple way along the entire length.

8. In the final fix with a hairpin or rubber band.

Instructions for weaving a waterfall:

1. Perform this type of braid only on loose and combed hair.

2. Start weaving by separating three horizontal strands from the side of one temple.

3. Cover the lower extreme with the middle one, and move the upper one to the place previously lying below.

4. The middle strand is released, and further weaving takes place with the pickup of the updated outer strands.

5. Lead the pigtail in this way along the entire head. If desired, you can underestimate it or weave it in a strictly horizontal position.

6. Once you reach the opposite side, pull the braid down like a regular braid.

7. Fix the ends of the hair with a fixative.

8. You can also roll the rest of the braid into a flower. Namely, slightly lower the extreme braids to give more openwork. Then roll the structure in a spiral, with the air petals outward. Secure the styling with hairpins and stealth.

Many girls are dancing. The following hairstyle is ideal for them, which is also suitable for wearing to school and to serious events.

1. As usual, start with combing. Hair for such a hairstyle should be as smooth as possible. The exception to this rule is only curls. But they can also lie with even scallops all over the head and make out the beam with some delicacy.

2. Comb all the strands up and collect them in a high tail.

3. Secure the structure with a rubber band.

4. Now twist a loose tourniquet from the entire length of the tail.

5. Wrap it around the base of the stack.

6. Hairpins and invisible hairpins will help you fix your hair. Some of them may be decorative. This will give the hair even more expressiveness.

Unusual styling with the help of flagella will favorably emphasize the expressiveness of even the youngest coquette. This style can be performed on the occasion of the holiday and any other celebration.

1. Divide the combed hair into 10-12 strands of the same size

2. Twist each strand into tight flagella.

3. Lead the elements from the sides to the center of the head.

4. As soon as you reach the parietal zone, fasten the tourniquet with invisibility. It is best to fix them through crossing on both sides of the strand. Then your hairstyle will not fall apart even with the sharpest turns of the head.

5. Model all hair in this way.

6. You can curl or tousle the remaining ends of the hair to get an airy bun without too much fixation.

Styling with decor

Ideal for hair of any length. The essence of such hairstyles is that the hair is completely blooming. But at the same time, part of the strand (smooth, braided or curled) is pinned up with various accessories.

There is nothing difficult in putting on a headband or a rubber band. Simply comb all the strands back and secure the retainer in a comfortable position. Using a crab, twist or pick up part of the hair of the parietal zone and also set it in the center of the head.

Move the bangs to the side with clips, invisible or hairpins. Experiment with any decorations. And, perhaps, you will be able to style your hair in a new, unique way.

When doing children's hairstyles, keep track of what tools and hairdressing accessories you use. They should not be too tight, heavy. It is best if all decorations and appliances are made only from natural materials. Also, do not overload the young head with multi-level styling. Children are very mobile. Nothing should distract their attention from games and studies. And therefore, leave extra hairs, constantly loose hair and an abundance of decor to the dolls. On this basis, your daughters will embody all their creative ideas. Let them learn such fashionable skills from their favorite toys. And then, when they grow up, they boldly embody their ideas on their own hair.

Children's hairstyles from braids

If you are a mother, grandmother or aunt of a girl of school age, then our selection of photos will be useful to you. children's hairstyles for every day and for the holiday of the first of September. Beautiful options with braids and unusual weaving are easy to make with the help of video tutorials.

A girl's long or medium hair is a great opportunity to experiment with hairstyles. We hope that our photo gallery will inspire you to create a new hairstyle for your daughter. Moreover, the solemn holiday of September 1 is coming soon, which means that it is already worth considering a beautiful hairstyle for school.

Hairstyles for girls: 100 new photos and step by step tutorials

How to cut? How to lay? What to think for tomorrow? These and other questions are well known to parents of girls.

As an answer, we offer a great material about haircuts, tricks and accessories. We will also consider in detail hairstyles for girls for every day and for a holiday. In general, with such a guide, you can completely go into battle ... that is, to school or kindergarten. And, perhaps, some of these mothers will adapt for themselves.

Children's haircuts for girls

Against the backdrop of a wave of adoration that swept girls with long hair, shorter haircuts seem to be forgotten. However, this does not mean that you need to write off a graceful bob or fluffy bob. Shoulder length is recommended for hair that holds its shape well.

If the hair always looks disheveled, you should think about a garcon with accentuated tips.

Simple, but at the same time stylish and flexible, haircuts that maintain volume at the crown and reduce it at the back of the head are liked by girls of all ages.

Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten

And now it's time to talk about styling. Let's start with the most difficult category - preschool babies. There are a lot of problems with a hairstyle for girls in kindergarten:

  • hair is still too thin to achieve volume;
  • it is difficult for a child to sit in one place for a long time and not turn his head;
  • styling and strives to crumble during active games.

There are no universal solutions, but a few colored elastic bands on hand and 15 minutes to braid a few braids will save a lot of families.

And little fashionistas love to follow the example of their mothers. Therefore, calmly repeat bunches on their heads and do not forget about fashionable bows.

Actually, the bow is one of the most devoted friends right up until the baby grows up to a “serious” second grade. An alternative to a bow is cute “ears” based on wire.

Hairstyles for girls for prom in the garden do not have to be complicated. Wrap the strands around the hoop or just hide it among the curls.

If time allows, you can choose more magnificent knots and harnesses.

Hairstyles for prom girls in kindergarten should be decorated with flowers, abandoning more complex jewelry made of metal or ribbons. An exception may be an imitation of lace or a thin diadem.

Hairstyles for schoolgirls

Of particular interest are hairstyles for girls at graduation 4th grade. Not yet adults, but not quite crumbs anymore, young ladies usually order “something cool”. So cool can be a crown of braids with butterfly decoration, a large bun with decor or a bun with a natural bow.

In general, hairstyles for girls 10 years old should assume that their owners still cannot sit still all day. So the hoop will come in handy more than once.

The older the girl gets, the easier the styling becomes. Hairstyles for girls to school are usually not full of hairpins and do not surprise with intricacies. The best option is an asymmetrical accent in the form of three braids.

The boho school style is embodied in hairstyles with pigtails oriented diagonally (48, 53, 12).

And by February 14, styling can be made romantic by decorating with hearts from thin strands stretched to the side.

Braiding for girls

Today, weaving has completely moved from the category of symbols to artistic elements. Hairstyles with a tail or a bun, which are continued by a voluminous braid, are very relevant.

And on the cutting edge of fashion - hairstyles with several pigtails that connect ribbons. The result is a stitch effect that will become an elegant highlight for a festive event.

If we talk about simple “drawings”, then here the undisputed leaders are the “fishtail” and “Danish braid”.

The third place is gradually won by a twisted braid, which is made from several bundles.

The combination of several types of pattern is also very relevant: it allows you to create a strict but effective image.

Finally, I would like to recall the good old braid braid, suitable both as a hairstyle for girls in grade 4 and for a dance performance at grade 9. The strands do not break out of this design and do not interfere.

If time is limited, it is enough to braid 2-3 “tracks”.

Easy hairstyles for girls

Usually they are built on a side parting, which is complemented by braids, a bun or catchy jewelry. The styling will be filled with a special charm thanks to the curls.

Tails - perfect hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes. We intercept the strands with rubber bands in several places and get a ready-made cute look. From such segments, you can create a braid.

Do not underestimate the possibilities of harnesses, since they can also decorate short hairstyles for girls.

Festive hairstyles for girls with their own hands

Do not quite understand how to weave or pin strands correctly? Let's take a look at the composite hairstyles for girls step by step.

Spit “Herringbone”

For the base, we will need to braid the braid, for which we will need 3-6 transparent elastic bands (if there are green ones, they will do). Like many beautiful hairstyles for girls, this one does not require special skills and knowledge.

We comb the hair smoothly, raise the upper third and fasten it with an elastic band at the back of the head. The resulting tail is divided into an upper and lower beam. We, in turn, also divide them in half. Further, the scheme is as follows: we circle the upper halves with the lower halves, fasten with an elastic band, stretch to the sides (you need to stretch immediately, and not when the braid is braided - otherwise the strands will be asymmetrically pulled). And so - to the back of the head.

Remaining? We collect hair in a low ponytail. We pass it through the weave so as to close the lower elastic band.

Now we need decor for our Christmas tree. It is better if there are more than 3 hairpins - so they will not look random. They need to be stabbed into the base of the “trunk”, that is, in the place that is fixed with an elastic band.

Everything, now the basis for a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair is ready.

Corrugated braids

An option for all those cases when you want something unusual, but there is little time left for preparation. Such children's hairstyles for girls (the photo gives us an approximate estimate of the scope of work) will take within half an hour.

We divide the hair into a “toothed” parting.

We braid the braids on the sides: for this, we add hair at the temple to the strands of the “teeth”; fix with a rubber band.

The central part is temporarily postponed. Now we process the weaving and the ends below the gum with a curling iron (if it’s more convenient for you, you can first make the strands corrugated and only then braid).

We bring the braids together at the back of the head, remove one of the elastic bands, and fix the weaving with the second. We wrap the construction with a free strand so that nothing hurts the eyes.

Double "chain"

There are hairstyles for girls, photos and just the look of which always causes increased attention. "Chain" is one of them. Remarkably, it does not require much time.

We divide the hair into a straight parting, we form two symmetrical tails on the sides. From the top of the tail we pick up two thin strands and tie them into a simple ordinary knot. We put the hair in the direction of the second tail. After 4-6 cm, we again tie the strands into a knot. We repeat until the tips can not be hidden under an elastic band or pinned with an invisible one.

We weave the same “chain” from the second tail. After that, we collect loose hair in spiral bundles and slightly stretch the “snails” to the sides. The ponytails are fixed inside with hairpins.

Please note that children's hairstyles for girls for long hair can be repeated for medium length - just the chain will consist of two halves.

Waves like a princess

Often the most favorite children's hairstyles for girls are with curls spread over their shoulders. To make such a styling, you will need to take a little fidget for at least half an hour, because you will have to sit still while you manage the curling iron.

Pull dry hair up. We start work with the lowest strands, winding them on a curling iron in a spiral. As we already wrote, girls have thin hairs, so there is a temptation to wind the entire layer, but you should not do this. Divide the layers into 3-4 parts.

Straighten the finished curls with your fingers. It is not worth resorting to a brush, even a soft one, as the curls can straighten out.

Daughter hair care for most mothers is a difficult task, because the usual ponytails and pigtails quickly get bored, and women want to make their babies look beautiful and original. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing the first real haircut, most mothers stop at common options like a bob or cascade, without taking into account the peculiarities of the hair structure, face shape, and the age of the girl.

What are haircuts for girls

There is no fundamental difference between children's and adult haircuts, the only nuance that is inherent in hairstyles for girls is the softness of the forms. If the choice falls on options such as a cascade or ladder, it is worth paying special attention to the length of the strands, since in the process of games or creative activity, the child will be inconvenienced by curls constantly falling out of the hairstyle. Choosing the right image for the baby, it is important to focus not only on the form, but also on the ease of implementation, so as not to waste a lot of time on styling in the future.

Do not be afraid to teach a girl to act like a lady from an early age - combing, tying a tail or braiding, using beautiful hairpins, bows and ribbons - this will lay in the little princess the correct understanding of her own role in life, will contribute to the development of femininity in the future. The most common options for girlish hairstyles are as follows:

  • square;
  • cascade;
  • session;
  • ladder;
  • pixies;
  • cap.

Short haircuts for girls

Recently, such hairstyles for babies are chosen less often, since short haircuts are more suitable for mature ladies. However, this fact does not detract from the style and beauty of short-haired girls. Options such as bob and page are good for babies whose hair has not yet grown back enough. Their advantage lies in the ease of care. Short hairstyles are indispensable to eliminate damaged ends or, if a girl wants to get rid of forever tangled long strands.

A boy's haircut is able to give volume and allows you to diversify the image with the shape and length of the bangs. Despite the modest length, a mother can decorate her daughter's head with headbands, hairpins and other accessories, bringing something new to the look of a little princess every day. When choosing a variant of the image, consider the oval of the face, the splendor of the hair, the features of the character of the baby.

Speaking of stylish children's haircuts, one cannot help but recall the classic bob - this is a universal option that looks equally good on a five-year-old or a teenager. The hairstyle is good because it suits any type of appearance, thick, thin, even or wavy hair. As a rule, the bob combines the features of a square - the elevation of the crown and a clear line in front.

In addition to the classic version, there are many types of haircuts, so parents can choose the best option for the baby. The main advantage of a bob is that a girl can walk with her hair down for at least a whole day, while the hairstyle will look beautiful and stylish. The bob does not require special care or styling, so mom will save time and effort. The asymmetric shape has no significant disadvantages.


This is a hairstyle that retains its perfect shape in all weather conditions. The hairstyle is suitable for girls who have smooth thick hair. In the page, all the strands are sheared along the same line (bangs, sides, crown), while the angle of the cut changes, which depends on the length of the strands that are behind. The image of the "page" looks most attractive on babies with a round or oval face, while the hairstyle helps to visually adjust the shape of the head. The advantage lies in the convenient, simple care of the strands, the disadvantage is that the page is not suitable for girls with thin hair.


This haircut is suitable for a girl of 3 years old, a teenager and a mature woman. Sesson gained wide popularity due to its stylish look and ease of styling - these are the main advantages of the image. Hair should cover the ears, they are cut in a circle, smoothly moving from a straight thick bang to a short nape. Parents do not have to spend a lot of time in the morning before sending the baby to school. To style the strands, you just need to comb through with a regular comb.

The minus of the session is the difficulty in finding a good master who can perform this difficult haircut on children's hair with high quality. The uniqueness of the hairstyle lies in the fact that it suits everyone without exception, but this does not negate the need to take into account the individual characteristics of facial features. So, sesson is perfect for babies with an oval face shape, but chubby girls are better off with a haircut with sharp or oblique bangs. You can hide a too large forehead with thick bangs, and the right length of strands will hide protruding ears.


This is the second most popular haircut for girls, which is incredibly comfortable and beautiful in appearance. The hairstyle got its name because it looks like a wardrobe item of the same name. Haircuts are characterized by the presence of long strands at the top of the head and short ones at the bottom. A straight parting divides the crown into two parts, but there are variations when it can be beveled at the request of the parents or the girl herself.

The cap is universal, because it looks equally good on hair of any structure and type. As a rule, the length of the strand is made to the line of the ears, cutting the hair in a semicircle, and the bunting is cut very short (a machine can be used for this). This version of the image for the baby is a godsend for the mother, because apart from combing the hairstyle does not require any care.


Children's short haircuts include such an unusual, interesting option as a pixie. A multi-level hairstyle is made out in layers: in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown and the back of the head, a semicircle is cut in the form of a hat. The back of the head is the most important part of the pixie. Often in short hairstyles, the length of the back of the head is reduced to zero, while the haircut is balanced by a long bang. In pixie options with a medium length, the back strands hang freely.

This is a bold haircut for girls aged 10 or older, as there is no point in doing such an elaborate hairstyle for little ones. At middle school age, a girl will be able to style her hair on her own, which is important for busy parents. There are many variations of pixie: it is performed on short, medium and long hair, and this is a plus of a haircut, since it is possible to choose the best style on an individual basis.


This is the most popular children's haircut, which is hair cut in a strict geometric shape (“square” in translation is “square”). The bangs are also shaped with a straight cut line. To date, there are many varieties of caret. Girls with thick hair fit the classic version. On thin or curly hair, multi-level graduated hairstyles will look more profitable.

The length of the caret is also different - strands can reach the shoulders or be limited to the level of the chin. Any girl of any age, even a three-year-old baby, will be able to put her hair in order with the help of an ordinary brush. For a future girl, this will serve as an excellent organizing skill. The advantage of a caret is the ease of creating a haircut and hair care. There are no drawbacks to the hairstyle: a bob suits any girl.

Haircuts for girls for long hair

Beautiful curls are the pride for every girl. For babies under 7 years old, hanging strands cause a lot of inconvenience: they constantly get tangled, dirty, and therefore they need to be combed and washed often. Long braids, spikelets, curly strands are a great option for schoolgirls. Even a simple, familiar tail can be diversified, giving the image an intricate look. It is much easier for owners of long strands to make a festive hairstyle using styling and weaving techniques. The length and shape of the haircut can vary from simple even strands to intricate cascades.


Fashionable haircuts for girls include a multi-level caret (cascade). An experienced master of hairdressing will create this hairstyle on almost any length of hair. The cascade implies a smooth transition from short strands in front to long ones in the back. The line can be sharp and torn, adding to the image of boldness. There are a huge number of cascade options, from which the girl will be able to choose the option she likes, suitable for the character of the baby.

A haircut is more suitable for schoolgirls (from 7 years old) and teenagers, and for babies 3-5 years old it will not be appropriate. The disadvantage of hairstyles is the need to straighten and style your hair daily to emphasize the downward contours of the strands. A big plus of a casual haircut is that, if desired, the girl will be able to wear both loose hair and collect it in pigtails, plaits, buns.


Looks great on babies with both thin and thick hair, the only requirement is that the strands must be straight. The hairstyle will emphasize the natural beauty of the curls in the latter case, and in the first case it will visually increase the volume. Curly hair does not need additional volume, so the image is not suitable for curly-haired babies. A big plus of the ladder is the absence of the need to lay strands.

With a bang

The bangs are formed based on the wishes of a small client or parents and can be short, elongated, straight or oblique. When choosing, you should proceed from the age of the baby: young children do not need to let go of too long bangs, this can lead to strabismus. In addition, it is better to focus on the shape of the face and the splendor of the hair. So, a smooth bang will well veil a large forehead and make the face less elongated, and oblique will be the best choice for chubby babies. With a bang, a square, a cascade, a short flight of stairs and other images are combined.

Haircuts for little girls

In the first year of life, the hairs are still weak and grow unevenly, so for the first time you can cut the child's hair slightly, just by trimming the ends. Starting from 1.5-2 years old, the baby can be cut like a boy, then hair growth will be more even and active. If by the age of 2 the strands have grown, you can form a beautiful short bang for the little princess. From 3 to 6 years old, such haircuts for girls as bob, bob, any ladder options will be relevant. In addition, asymmetrical hairstyles, any kind of bangs are suitable at this age.

For teenage girls

The aurora haircut looks original and attractive on schoolgirls 7-10 years old, which, according to the principle of creation, is similar to a cascade, but has some differences. Aurora looks attractive at any length, it is universal, therefore it is equally suitable for teenagers with any type. In the aurora, the transition between the strands is more noticeable, so that the aurora can be performed on hair of different lengths. The hairstyle visually adds volume, even if the hairs are naturally thin.

Fashionable haircuts for girls aged 7-10 are characterized by practicality and convenience, since at this age children are mobile and active. Moms are advised to pay attention to options such as squares (including asymmetrical), short flight of stairs, bob, pixie, cascade. You can experiment with the length, shape of the bangs, the texture of the edges (they can be torn or even, have sharp corners or smooth transitions).

A hairstyle that combines beauty and convenience for the baby and parents will be successful. If parents are considering different options, but cannot make a decision, you should use the following recommendations from stylists:

  1. Bang. It is better to stop the choice on a short one, the hairs should not grow below the eyebrow line, otherwise strabismus may develop. If parents liked the option with a long bang, it needs to be constantly pinned up in order to avoid such a problem.
  2. Hairstyle shape. When choosing, take into account the shape and proportions of the face, the size of the ears, the structure of the hair. So, for children with an oval or elongated face, short hair is suitable, and for chubby babies it is better to leave long strands or form asymmetrical lines.
  3. Laying. Any hairstyle deteriorates after active games, so from early childhood, kids are taught how to properly care for their hair.
  4. Accessories. Complement the chosen image with beautiful details (elastic bands, shells, crabs, hairpins, headbands of various colors). Do not refuse accessories even on very short hair, because all kids love to look bright.


An experienced good master should not only perform the work with high quality, but also win over the child so that he feels calm and comfortable. This explains the pricing for hairdressing for babies. The table shows the spread of prices in Moscow:

Photo haircuts for girls


Many mothers from an early age pay attention to the appearance of their child. And there is nothing reprehensible in this. The main thing is that the chosen shoes, suits and dresses are age-appropriate and do not interfere with the child in his daily activities. This also applies to the choice of children's hairstyles. Traditional braids and tails are not the only thing you can do for your children. A little imagination and desire, a little time and attention - and the girl's original hairstyle delights everyone around.

What to look for when choosing a hairstyle

Each girl grows and develops individually, so their hair grows at different rates. Some babies already at 3-4 years old can boast of a thick mop, which allows them to make an interesting hairstyle, while others have thin and unruly hair that requires imagination from mothers when creating styling and weaving braids. The way out is a neat haircut, on the basis of which hairstyles can be formed. When choosing, you need to consider the following points:

An example of a baby hairstyle

  1. The younger the girl, the easier her haircut should be. The curls of the babies are still very weak and grow at an uneven rate, so do not get carried away with structural haircuts that require styling. A hat or page will be the best choice for a little princess. If desired, the baby can cut the French fringe. Simple ponytails, flagella and pigtails using hairpins, elastic bands and a headband will be very useful at this age.
  2. Girls 5-6 years old usually get more elongated curls, so you can choose from a variety of trendy haircuts. At this age, you can give a girl's hairstyle dynamics with the help of texturing or asymmetry.
  3. For girls after 7 years old, a ladder or a cascade is suitable. A hairstyle at this age should be not only beautiful, but also practical: the baby needs to braid her hair so as not to get remarks at school for an untidy look. The chosen length should allow you to make a braid or remove curls in the tail.
  4. A haircut for a girl needs to be selected, taking into account the structure and obedience of curls. Hair styling should not take much time and effort, as you have to get up early so that the girl is not late for school or kindergarten, and her mother is not late for work.
  5. When choosing a haircut, be sure to consult with your daughter. She should like her hairstyle so that the girl feels attractive. In addition, you need to take into account the shape of the face, hair structure and figure. So, for chubby chubby girls, an elongated haircut and a slight asymmetry of curls are more suitable, but for thin girls with a pronounced oval face, you can choose an elongated bob or asymmetrical long bob.
  6. If you take the girl to dances or to the sports section, it is more convenient to grow your hair so that you can put it in a bun that will not interfere with training.
  7. Any hairstyle, especially a festive one, needs decorations with hairpins., headbands or rubber bands.
  8. Smooth hair is best emphasized with haircuts with a straight cut., and for wavy curls and curls, a haircut with a cascade or ladder is more suitable.

A good haircut, regular hair care (washing and combing), a variety of styling for every day and on holidays - these are all the procedures that require a little time and caring attention, which must be taken into account.

Options for long hair

Long hair requires special attention, but at the same time has many options and possibilities for creating different looks.

Children's everyday hairstyles for long hair should be simple, neat and comfortable. Combinations of braids are possible here: 2, 3 small braids, seized into one, weaving braids from bangs, or just one braid, decorated with a bright elastic band.

You can experiment with long hair, any hairstyle will look just great. So, we offer you several options for children:

Twisted hair gathered in a bun

If the girl has thin hair, then it is better to choose voluminous hairstyles. The ideal option would be twisted hair, collected in a bun at the back of the head or at the crown. To make such a children's hairstyle, you need to wind the hair with a curling iron or thermal curlers, twist it into a bundle and collect it in a bun. Fix the finished hairstyle with hairpins and hairspray.

high tail

- this everyday hairstyle is done in just 5 minutes. To make a high ponytail, you need to comb your hair well and collect it at the crown, securing it with a beautiful elastic band.

Tail options

twisted braid

This hairstyle can be worn both on weekdays and on holidays. The installation is very simple:

  1. Make a tail (anywhere on the head).
  2. Fasten it.
  3. Divide the tail into 2 parts. Twist one part of the tail 3 times clockwise.
  4. Without releasing the first strand, scroll the second part of the tail 3 times in a counterclockwise direction. Don't let go of the strand.
  5. Swap the strands by twisting them (transfer them from hand to hand).
  6. Twist the strands to the end.
  7. Secure with a rubber band.
  8. Fix with varnish.

This styling option is suitable not only for everyday wear, but also in quality. It will be enough to decorate it with bright hairpins, hairpins and fix it with varnish.

Braids "inside out"

These wonderful symmetrical braids are perfect for everyday wear. The weaving technique is simple: it is almost the same or “spikelet”, only instead of throwing the strands of the braid up, you carefully braid them under the bottom.


Do a beautiful hairstyle for a girl like this:

  1. Divide all hair into 4 equal parts using a vertical and horizontal parting.
  2. Weave start from the center of the head. When you reach the middle, then turn in the opposite direction and continue to weave in the opposite direction.
  3. Collect the remaining hair on your head in a bun. You can make a common thick braid or completely let your hair down by tying an ordinary ponytail.

Hairstyle for girls from braids

Stages of execution:

  1. Comb your hair well, wet it slightly and part to the left.
  2. In the center of the head, gather the hair into a ponytail and tie with an elastic band.
  3. Divide all hair into several strands, and then braid a pigtail from each strand. Braid not to the very end, leaving the ends of the hair free.
  4. The ends of all finished braids must be connected together so that they stick up.
  5. Tie the finished hairstyle with an elastic band and straighten the pigtails and their tips so that they lie nice and even.

Circular braid

Suitable for elementary school girls. How to do it?

  1. Gather your hair into a regular ponytail.
  2. Dampen them to make weaving easier.
  3. Take a small section of hair from the ponytail, divide it into 3 smaller ones and start braiding.
  4. While weaving, add additional strands to the pigtail on one side, as when weaving a French braid.
  5. Weave the braid from left to right. When you get to the neck from the back side, then switch to weaving a regular braid, and from the outside, continue weaving a French braid again.
  6. Perform this weaving several times, depending on how long the hair is.
  7. Finish weaving with a regular braid, which at the end is secured with a thin elastic band, hiding the tip in the middle of the finished circular braid.

Circular braid

sliding scythe

This hairstyle is done quite quickly, in just 5-10 minutes, and is perfect for both everyday and festive outfits.

  1. Comb your hair and make a side parting on the right or left.
  2. Separate a small strand of hair from the parting, from which the pigtail will weave.
  3. Sprinkle your hair with water or a special foam and start weaving a pigtail, not too tight and not too loose.
  4. At the end of weaving, tie the braid with an elastic band.
  5. Pinch the middle strand of the braid with your fingers, fixing it.
  6. Pull the remaining free strands of the braid up. They easily slide to the roots of the hair and gather into an accordion.
  7. Now straighten the pigtail a little. To do this, pull the strands of pigtails collected at the roots slightly down, giving the pigtail the necessary shape.
  8. Once you have the desired shape, secure the braid with an elastic band.

To give the styling a more festive look, decorate it with hairpins and ribbons.

Hairstyles for medium hair

Medium length hair is very convenient for creating various hairstyles for a girl: ponytails, pigtails, plaits, curls using elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, etc. The choice is very wide.

  • heart-tails- An interesting hairstyle for every day. Make 2 high ponytails on the sides of the girl, securing them with elastic bands. Make a hole near the elastic band and thread the hair through it, pulling the elastic upward. Divide the resulting tail into 2 halves, forming a heart and securing with a satin ribbon or bow;


  • curled tails perfect for girls with wavy or curly hair. Moisten the curls, divide them over the forehead into 4 parts, shifting the parting to the side. Secure each section with an elastic band and decorate with bows. Divide the curls into strands;
  • bow tails. Make 2 tails on the back of the head and divide each of them into 2 parts. Make loops from the parts and secure them with elastic bands. Drag one of the strands through the main elastic band, securing it with a transparent elastic band, and straighten it;
  • mesh. Divide your hair with a horizontal parting into 2 parts. Gather the bottom part into a ponytail. Select the strand at the top and turn it to the side. Now weave a regular French braid, taking strands from both sides. Braid exactly the same pigtails on the right and left sides. Gather the remaining curls into a regular braid and secure with an elastic band;
  • cross hairstyle. Divide the hair with a vertical parting into 2 parts, divide each part into 2 more. You have 4 areas of weaving. Start weaving from the upper left area. French braid to the middle, grabbing the hair from one side. Braid all parts in a similar way, securing each with a hairpin;

You can improvise by adding your own elements to the hairstyle.

  • horse braid. Make a ponytail and wet your hair a little. Take a thin strand from the ponytail, braid a regular pigtail, picking up hair from the ponytail. Secure the end with an elastic band or hairpin.

Horse braid

Festive baby styling

The easiest option for an evening hairstyle will be curls. As a rule, most girls stop at this option. Everyone wants to be like little princesses.

Baby curls can be easily created with curlers or ordinary rags tied up overnight. We do not recommend using hot curling irons for curling children's hair, as they can damage their structure.

Braids dragons

More complex and spectacular holiday hairstyles are obtained by using braids and braids. "Spikelet" or "dragon" can be braided in several rows, varying their location, weaving ribbons, fixing with bright hairpins.

Another option:

Gather long hair at the back of the head into a ponytail, divide into 6-7 identical strands and weave a pigtail from each one along the entire length. Secure the end with elastic bands, wrap each pigtail to the base of the tail, fixing with hairpins. And then show your imagination! You can leave the pigtails like that, decorating the whole composition with a large elegant elastic band, you can lay them out in different shapes, securing them with hairpins. In any case, the hair will be great.

Instead of braids, braids can be braided, which will also be fixed with hairpins at the base of the tail, and then fixed into the composition.

These hairstyles are not difficult to perform, and after a few workouts, you will do them better and faster. At the same time, each time you can experiment by adding new details and decorations.

Simple hairstyles with elastic bands and hairpins

There are many simple hairstyles for girls for every day:

  • "clover leaf"- a neat, unpretentious hairstyle that will be good both on weekdays and on holidays. Make a simple ponytail at the back of your head. Divide it into 3 equal strands and from each braid a pigtail to the very ends. Secure with rubber bands. Wrap each end of the braids to the base of the tail and secure with invisibility. To hide the ends, put a large elastic band on them.
  • graceful bun. Gather your hair in a ponytail at the back of your head and divide it into 7 identical strands. From each strand, weave pigtails along the entire length and secure with transparent elastic bands. Wrap each pigtail at the base of the ponytail and secure with hairpins. The result is a beautiful bunch of braids;

Instead of braids, this hairstyle can be made from flagella.

  • horns - hairstyle that does not require any effort. But she looks funny and interesting. Divide your hair into several sections. At each section, twist the strand into a knot or flagellum. Secure each knot with a beautiful crab or hairpin.

  • hairstyle "Dragon" is made from a pigtail and looks beautiful and neat. Comb your hair back. From the eyebrow line, draw oblique parting towards the crown. Using the fingers of both hands, grab the hair on the top of the head, which is enclosed between the partings. Divide the resulting tail into 3 equal strands and start weaving a regular spike (inner or outer). Braid until the hair ends on the sides, then you can continue to weave a regular braid or make a ponytail, securing the hairstyle with a bright hair band.


For more examples of beautiful children's hairstyles for girls, see the video


It's easy to do. The main thing is to want your girl to look neat, interesting, relevant. After all, the mother will be judged by the child. Any person, seeing such care for the baby, will praise mommy's hands. Don't be afraid to learn how to do hairstyles. After a few workouts, everything will go like clockwork. And the reaction of others to such beauty and care will be your reward.

Children's haircuts for girls are practically no different from their adult counterparts. They look exactly the same stylish, fashionable and beautiful.


Kare in all its varieties leads the fashion rating of this season's haircuts. It remains only to choose the appropriate length and a successful model. On straight and fairly thick hair, a bob with a smooth cut line looks great. But wavy, sparse and thin hairs are advised to make out a multi-level haircut. If you have basic hairdressing skills, you can make a bob yourself. Moreover, it will not be difficult for girls of 7-8 years old to put themselves in order every day, which will greatly facilitate the preparations for school.


Another beautiful haircut, which is distinguished from the square only by the length - the hair here needs to be cut a little above the chin. Bob haircut is universal, because it suits all girls. It is also incredibly convenient with her - the hair does not get into her eyes, it is easy to style with a regular comb and does not interfere with the baby to run, jump and play. The traditional bob is cut without bangs, but if you wish, you can give it any shape and length.

Straight cut haircut

Any mother will make short and medium haircuts with an even cut - just cut the hair with sharp scissors at the right level. For girls 10 years old with long or medium hair, this is ideal. Due to the same length, the strands can be put into any hairstyle - ponytails, pigtails, buns, etc. Bangs (most often straight and thick enough) are made as desired.

Cascading haircuts

Girls of 11 years old very often choose cascading options - a ladder or a cascade. These hairstyles add volume to the hair and beautifully frame the face, do not require much styling effort and go well with headbands and headbands. The most popular length for ladders and cascades is just below the shoulders. It allows you to implement various hairstyles based on braids or ponytails. A suitable bang will help complete the look.

Also, it is worth making such a beautiful hairstyle in 5 minutes:

Boy or pixie haircut

This option is equally popular among both very small crumbs and among girls of 12 years old. The main thing is that a short hairstyle suits the figure and shape of the face and, of course, is your daughter's choice, not yours. Experts say that pixies are perfect for thin, short girls. Its best option is not an oblong, but a round shape. In addition, the pixie allows you to give the strands a very beautiful shape and save the hair from split ends.

This trendy haircut for the 2019 season is ideal for hair of different structures. The length of the session should cover the ears. The hair itself is cut in a circle, making a smooth transition from thick and straight bangs to a short nape.

Don't forget about hair. 3 beautiful, trendy and fast hairstyles.

The daughter's mother must certainly be able to do different children's hairstyles for girls for every day. Although, the baby does not yet realize that she is irresistible in any form, nevertheless, with a hairstyle, beauty multiplies a hundredfold. Not sure what hair transformation to do today? Ready to offer a lot of ideas.

Children's hairstyle for the smallest girls

A child of 2-3 years old is difficult to keep in place. Yes, and it spins, it spins in all directions. And how many tears you have to endure while naughty curls will be put in order by mom. Therefore, the smallest girls should do quick and beautiful hairstyles. For example, with ponytails. Only gum for delicate hair is desirable to select soft and terry.

  1. Visually divide the hair into 4 parts and turn each into a ponytail.
  2. Separate the curl from the tail and twist it into a “rope”. Use it to wrap the tail and hide the tip. It remains to put beautiful elastic bands on each ponytail. They will keep their shape and will not allow the entwined flagellum to fall apart.
  3. It remains to straighten the ends of the tail so that they stick out randomly, resembling the top of a palm tree. You can brush a little. Beauty is ready to show itself to the world!

Children's hairstyle-sun for every day

Such a hairstyle with the help of mother's hands will appear on the baby's head in 5 minutes. It is performed so quickly that the little fussy one does not even have time to look back. For styling, you will need to purchase a lot of small sunny-colored crab hairpins and an elastic band to match. A comb with a narrow handle designed to quickly and clearly separate the strands will help mom cope with naughty strands.

  1. It is best to immediately divide the hair into 4 parts, and then work with each part separately. Ideally, you should get 12 separated curls.
  2. After separating the curl, twist it into a not very tight tourniquet and fix it with a crab. If desired, you can twist not into a bundle, but braid a spikelet.
  3. When all the strands are pinned up, fasten the hair into a ponytail in the middle of the head, and the hairstyle is ready. Why not show this beauty to friends and all random passers-by?!

Children's hairstyle with rubber bands

Here is another hairstyle for the smallest beauty. Even if the hairs have not yet branched to the length of the pigtails, the baby will still be able to create a masterpiece on her head.

  1. Comb your hair to the side.
  2. We start from the top. Gather some hairs on the side and make a ponytail out of them.
  3. Next, attach new strands to the tip of the ponytail and put on the next elastic band below.
  4. Thus, we perform several ponytails, capturing the tips of the previous one. The hairstyle is ready in a couple of minutes. The baby can be shown with the help of a mirror what beauty is induced on her head. She will definitely like it.

Beautiful hairstyle of ponytails and rubber bands

With the help of small multi-colored rubber bands, you can make beautiful hairstyles from many ponytails. Laying can be done around the entire circumference of the head or arranged only on the side.

Let's show step by step how the hairstyle is done on the side.

If desired, this hairstyle can be slightly changed. For example, before the first connection, turn the strands into “tows-ropes”, and then fasten them with elastic bands.

Easy hairstyle for a girl from two braids

Braid your daughter with two pigtails made in a special way, and in a short period of time you will be able to make an incredibly beautiful hairstyle. Moreover, with such hair styling, the girl will be comfortable. The braids are braided in the classical technique, which means that the hair will not be very stretched.

It remains only to decorate the girl's beautiful hairstyle, for example, with bright bows.

If you wish, you can experiment with parting. This hairstyle looks beautiful if the hair is divided in half in a zigzag.

Beautiful wreath hairstyle for a girl

It's unbelievable how many hairdressers have come up with spectacular hairstyles for children. For example, such a wreath of hair is suitable for a girl who is going to a matinee, a festive performance. Considering that it will take only 15 minutes to complete this children's hairstyle, mom will be able to braid such a wreath, for example, in kindergarten at least every day.

  1. Separate the hair by making a clear side parting. Separate two strands, twist them into a rope and twist 2 times.
  2. Next, gradually add strands from above and below to the main tourniquet. We weave a "rope", moving around the circumference of the head.
  3. Having reached the starting point of weaving, we twist the hair, dividing it into two curls, to the very ends according to the “figure of eight” principle.
  4. We spread the twisted hair with the second row of a wreath around the head, fix it with hairpins.

Children's hairstyles with a spikelet

Having learned how to make simple and original children's hairstyles with a spikelet for a girl, mom will feel relieved. Indeed, little time will be spent on restoring accuracy and beauty on the hair of the daughter, and this is expensive. Weaving a spikelet is easy and fast. The technique is so simple that even a small schoolgirl can handle it. The entire hairstyle, regardless of the length of the hair, is performed for a maximum of 5 minutes. For those who are just starting to learn how to weave braids with a spikelet, the following step-by-step recommendations will be useful.

  1. After combing, we separate the hair at the crown by making a neat parting around the circumference.
  2. Divide the separated hair into three strands.
  3. Let's do the first two weaves of the classic braid.
  4. Starting from the third binding, we add on both sides to the side strands along a thin additional curl, separated from free hair.
  5. Weave the braid until there are no strands left for weaving.
  6. After we finish the braid in the classical technique to the very ends and put on an elastic band.

When weaving a braid using the spikelet technique, it is important to separate additional side strands of the same thickness. Having learned to weave a braid, you can experiment. For example, braid two, three or many small braids.

Children's hairstyle for every day

We offer an original children's hairstyle to try to make a girl. It is perfect for everyday trip to kindergarten or school. Hair will not be disheveled, during the day the girl will look neat. True, with such a children's hairstyle it is not recommended to go to bed. At night, the hair must be untangled to give the head a rest. If mom knows how to quickly weave a spikelet, then this children's hairstyle can be done in 10 minutes.

  1. Divide the hair into three parts along the lines of the triangle. We cut off each part of the curls with crabs or clips.
  2. We will braid the side strands with a spikelet and fasten both pigtails with elastic bands.
  3. We will braid the hair from the crown using any technique you like. Beautifully looks "spikelet inside out", "fishtail".
  4. Now you need to connect all three pigtails with one elastic band.
  5. Putting on an elastic band, do not stretch the ends of the tail to the end and leave a fluffy loop.
  6. Now you need to beautifully spread the loop with a fan and fix it with invisibility so that the composition does not fall apart.

Hair done. You can decorate it, for example, with a large hairpin.

Children's hairstyle with spikelets for every day

With the implementation of this hairstyle without experience and a stuffed hand, mom can not cope. It seems to be styling and simple, intuitive, but still in 5 minutes you can’t repeat it on the first try. On the other hand, it is worth learning how to make such a children's hairstyle for every day. After all, it looks interesting and attractive.

  1. First you need to clearly divide all the hair in half. Fasten one side with an elastic band or clips. We begin to weave the second using the spikelet technique, but weave an additional strand not into each, but through weaving.
  2. As a result, it turns out that loose strands, similar to creepers, are flowing from under the braid.
  3. Having reached the back of the head, we braid the hair to the end of the length of the usual braid.
  4. We perform similar weaving on the other side.
  5. Now the hardest part. It is necessary to hang strands-lianas, lifting them up to the center, and also braid them using the “spikelet” technique.
  6. Connect the ends of the braids, fastening, for example, with a bow. It turned out a magnificent wide braid, from the beauty of which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Beautiful children's hairstyle for a girl

This hairstyle resembles an elegant wreath. She looks incredibly beautiful. A girl of any age will have such hair styling to her face. Weaving is performed according to the spikelet principle. You can braid an unbreakable wreath without dividing your hair into two parts.

  1. First, we will collect the hair on the top of the head in a ponytail, without attaching the side curls around the circumference of the head.
  2. Separate the parting in front, fix the hair on one side with something so that it does not get confused and does not interfere.
  3. Separate the strand from the upper tail and two thin side curls. Of them weave a braid. After completing two bindings, we add, according to the principle of weaving a spikelet, again a strand from the tail.
  4. We braid to the middle of the back of the head and while fastening the braid.
  5. We perform a similar weaving on the second side.
  6. It remains, having connected the ends of the two braids, weave out one central pigtail and tie it, so as not to fall apart, with an elastic band.

Children's hairstyles with hair bows

Little girls love to wear bows. They love these simple hair accessories. And how many pleasant emotions a little fashionista will feel if her mother learns how to make children's hairstyles with hair bows. Such styling will not be left without the attention of passers-by. Ovations and compliments to mother's ability to create such beauty with hair are guaranteed.

Having learned how to make bows from hair, you can come up with a lot of options for transforming your hair. Moreover, it is enough to add an insignificant element, and you get a new unique hairstyle. We offer you to try to make a children's hairstyle with a hair bow. Rather, call a small model and start the transformation, based on the following recommendations.

  1. Immediately determine where you want to place a bow of hair. You can perform it strictly on the crown, shift it to the side, or perform a malvinka. Two bows made on the sides look beautiful and at the same time playful. We collect the tail.
  2. We put on an additional elastic band so that a loop is obtained from the tail, and its tip is in front, falling to the forehead area.
  3. We divide the loop in half and rewind in the middle with the left tip of the tail. We form a bow and fix the hairstyle with invisibility.
  4. The remaining tip of the ponytail can be hidden under the hair or beautifully laid on the back of the head and fixed with varnish.

When making a “Bow” hairstyle, you can not collect all the hair, but make it only from half of the curls. Twist the remaining strands and dissolve. Such a children's hairstyle is suitable for a matinee or a festive event.

5 kids hairstyles with buns

On a child's head, ordinary and simple buns of hair look amazing. In order for the hairstyle to change, it is enough, when making an ordinary bun, to add an insignificant detail. Hair bundles are performed for several minutes. Even a very capricious and restless girl will not notice how her mother creates a beautiful children's hairstyle.

We offer several options for light children's hairstyles that can be done in haste. Let's start with the simplest styling.

side beam

The side bun looks elegant and childishly playful. Based on step-by-step recommendations, this hairstyle can be done in a couple of minutes on medium, long hair and short (shoulder length) hair.

The beam can be placed not on the side, but in the middle. In this case, weaving strands with a bundle will have to be done on both sides. You can also experiment with the parting. The zigzag will look beautiful.
  1. We comb the hair and separate two strands from the middle of the head.
  2. We twist them, lowering down, according to the principle of eight.
  3. As you twist, add loose strands to the weave from below.
  4. You will get such a beautiful tourniquet.
  5. We braid the tourniquet to the opposite side of the head, collect all the hair in a ponytail and fasten it with a strong elastic band.
  6. We twist the hair of the tail into a "rope". As you do this, the hair bundle itself will fold into a beautiful bun.
  7. We fix the hairstyle with a hairpin in several places. It remains to straighten the bun and smooth the hair.

Bundle with flagella

The next hairstyle for a girl is more difficult. But, with practice, you can do it every day in 10 minutes with ease. With such styling, you can send your daughter not only to kindergarten or school, but also to a matinee, a festive friendly meeting.

  1. You should immediately decide how many harnesses of the same thickness can be made around the circumference of the head. Fix each part for now with a clip, elastic band or crab. The thicker the hair, the more beautiful braided bindings you can make. Let's divide the hair into sections. We turn each one into a tight tourniquet, reaching the middle of the head, fix it with a thin black elastic band (for fair-haired girls, use elastic bands to match the hair). We do not hide the ends.
  2. We collect hair in a high tail. It is important to fasten it with a reliable and tight elastic band.
  3. Spread the tip of the tail in a bunch, trying to hide the elastic bands that fastened the upper flagella. You can not wrap a few strands with a bun, but leave them freely falling on your back. It is only desirable to twist them slightly.

Classic bun for a girl

For a girl with long or medium hair, it’s easier than ever to make a voluminous bun if you use a foam hair accessory during styling. Mom will have to allocate only 1 minute for all the transformations.

  1. We collect hair in a regular ponytail. Where to place it (on the side, at the very top on the top of the head or on the back of the head), decide for yourself.
  2. Put a foam rubber (matched to the shade of hair) roller on the tail. Pull it close to the elastic.
  3. Distribute the hair evenly around the circumference of the roller, put an elastic band on top of them. Get an effective beam.
  4. It remains to veil the remaining tips under the beam or braid them and circle them around a lush voluminous bun.

Classic bun with a beautiful braid

Having learned how to perform a classic bun with a foam accessory, you should start experimenting with styling curls. There are a lot of hairstyles that can be done with a roller. For example, make a classic bun with a beautiful braid. This baby hairstyle looks great.

  1. We make a high tail, but we put on a foam roller so that one strand remains below. For convenience, we distribute the hair of the tail into the upper and lower parts.
  2. Having separated two thin strands from the lower mop and taking the curl left under the roller, we begin to weave a pigtail.
  3. Having made two bindings, we add an additional strand on top. Again we make bindings and again add a strand. So we weave a braid around the circumference of the beam.
  4. When weaving around the circumference reaches the end, we braid a thin classic pigtail to the end of the hair. We hide it under the beam.
  5. An elegant hairpin bow will help to decorate the bundle.

Easy baby hairstyle with a small bun

What girl doesn't want to look like a princess from fairyland! Mom can easily help her daughter's dream come true, just by doing this light children's hairstyle with a small bun. With such styling, the girl will look like a king. Just be sure to get a beautiful diadem before you start doing your hair.

  1. We collect hair at the crown. Let's brush them.
  2. We wind, as if on curlers, a combed crown and form a shell-bun at the very top of the head. If your hair is naturally thin, you can wind the top curls on an oval foam roller. We fasten the shell well with hairpins.
  3. Now you need to pick up the side strands and lay them so that they hide from below all the inaccuracies of the made beam. We fix invisible.
  4. Let's lay the bangs to one side with a wave, put on a diadem.
  5. The ends of loose hair can be twisted a little. The hairstyle is ready, the little princess can rush to the ball.

Quick baby hairstyle for short hair

A baby whose hair has grown to her shoulders can make this beautiful quick hairstyle. Laying is suitable for every day, and for a festive event.

  1. We start at the side of the temple. We take a strand and, twisting it from top to bottom, add a curl from below.
  2. After twisting the strands several times, we fix it with a hairpin. So we twist, adding the lower strands, to the middle of the head. We put on an elastic band, and for now we leave this tail without attention. Collect the hair on the other side in the same way.
  • We connect the ponytails left after weaving and, as if winding them on curlers, lift them up. We fix it well with the help of hairpins, for example, with flowers.
  • You can come up with a great variety of easy children's hairstyles for every day or for attending a festive event. It is important, when choosing a styling, first of all, to hear and feel the feelings of the child. If the hairstyle strongly tightens the delicate children's scalp or the braided hairs hurt, the baby will definitely not like the hairstyle, and she will demand to dissolve her braids in a quarter of an hour. On the other hand, making too loose light hairstyles for girls for every day is not worth it. After all, a girl (especially of kindergarten and primary school age) will not be able to braid herself if her hair falls apart, and will be forced to walk untidy disheveled all day long.

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