Symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period, the test is negative. The first evidence of new life. What pregnancy test is there before the delay?

Most sure sign completed conception - delay. But many women manage to guess about pregnancy until this moment. How is this possible, and what really are the signs of pregnancy that are noticeable before the delay? Let's figure it out.

Gestational age is usually calculated from the first day menstrual cycle. But since fertilization occurs only at the moment of ovulation, formally for the first 14-17 days the woman is not yet pregnant. When fertilization is complete, the female body begins to undergo significant changes, mostly hormonal. And since the hormonal system, like a storm, begins to fluctuate, all body systems actively respond to such “innovation”. Therefore, attentive women can notice the first signs of the presence of new life in their stomachs even before the scheduled menstruation is late.

The first signs of pregnancy after ovulation before a missed period

Carrying a baby leaves an imprint on a woman’s general condition, so you can always notice the first signs of conception occurring at first, when there is no delay yet.

There are several dozen signs of pregnancy, namely:

  • Groundless malaise. Many women notice general weakness, Strange feeling fatigue, temperature changes, attributing these symptoms to a cold. In fact, such symptoms are caused by fluctuations in basal temperature, which rises sharply at the time of ovulation, and then remains at a high level in the first weeks of gestation. At this moment, a woman may decide to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy without knowing about conception, which will harm her baby. Therefore, all women planning pregnancy need to take this sign for service.
  • Breast tenderness. Approximately 10-14 days after conception, the sensitivity of the breasts sharply increases, they can become very painful, harden, and increase in size. But such a sign is imprecise and depends on the characteristics hormonal levels.
  • Pigmentation on the face, darkening of the nipple halo. The sign appears both in the earliest stages before the delay, and closer to the middle of the 1st trimester.
  • Scarce bloody issues. If a woman is pregnant, the discharge is caused by the implantation of an embryo into the endometrium of the uterus. They can be scarlet, brown, dark yellow. This happens 6-10 days after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. It lasts for a maximum of 48 hours without causing discomfort.
  • Change in basal temperature. After conception, the level of basal temperature rises. To take this sign into account, a woman needs to keep a chart of her basal temperature for the previous few months. Then the jump in indicators during the ovulatory peak will be clearly noticeable.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue. During the process of fertilization, a woman’s synthesis of the hormone progesterone increases. Increased concentration in the blood causes apathy, a desire to sleep a lot, and fatigue. Under the influence of the hormone, a woman’s psychomotor reactions are slightly inhibited, she is often irritated, and may be in a depressed mood for a long time.
  • Restless sleep. Once pregnant, women begin to sleep poorly, find it difficult to fall asleep, and then, when they wake up, they remain in a “broken” state.
  • Problems with thermoregulation. The first few weeks after conception are accompanied by high fever and low blood pressure. This becomes the reason that a pregnant woman cannot warm up even at an air temperature of +30⁰С.
  • Aversion to favorite foods and smells, uncontrollable nausea. Such sensations are common to almost all women between 2 and 8 gestational weeks. Fragrance intolerance and morning sickness are caused by dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system female body.
  • Salivation. This phenomenon is caused by the same reasons as vomiting with nausea, fatigue and anxiety, namely hormonal changes. Excessive salivation does not easily indicate pregnancy, but it also negatively affects digestive system- heartburn occurs and gastrointestinal motility is disrupted.
  • Headache. Oscillations blood pressure, increased hormone production often causes migraine-like attacks. The woman has tinnitus, a severe headache, and sensitivity to light and noise. Such signs appear immediately after conception, but subside by the end of the 1st trimester.
  • Minor swelling of the extremities. Although swelling is more typical for late pregnancy, even before the delay, a woman’s fingers and ankles may swell.
  • Pain in the lower back, stomach. A feeling of twisting in the stomach, pain in the sacrum and heaviness in the pelvis often accompany fertilization, implantation of the embryo and growth of the uterus. This symptom may persist until delivery.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence, constipation, colic are the result of increased blood flow to the vessels in the pelvis and relaxation of the smooth muscles in the abdomen.
  • Frequent urination. Activation of blood flow in the pelvis provokes irritation of the bladder, which causes it to empty itself more often. Changes also occur in the entire genitourinary system. This causes an increase in the urge to go to the toilet and an increase in daily urine output.
  • Discomfort in the vagina, thrush. After conception, the secretion of the sex glands sharply increases to prevent the penetration of sexually transmitted infections to the baby. A woman may notice the presence of white or beige discharge on her underwear. It is possible to develop thrush or exacerbation of chronic STDs, which is associated with a decrease in immunity.
  • Fainting. A woman may lose consciousness, her vision becomes dark, her legs go numb. Low blood pressure causes these symptoms. This is especially evident in stuffy rooms, when taking a bath, or after a long fast.
  • Increased appetite. Many women recall that before their missed period, they had a strong appetite. Moreover, they could only eat certain products when others were disgusted.

Folk signs, the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period

In addition to the generally accepted signs, women also use folk signs, signs and dreams indicating conception.

Although the credibility the following signs impossible to confirm, women tend to trust them:

  • Fishing, swimming in clean water in a dream. Women consider fishing, buying or cooking fish, as well as eating it in a dream, a sure sign of pregnancy. In some dream books, the same interpretation is given to a dream in which a woman bathes in water.
  • Night snoring. It is believed that if a woman suddenly starts snoring, it means she is pregnant. Although this has scientific explanation: a woman experiences swelling of the nasopharynx, which causes snoring.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth. Among women, this symptom is most popular and occurs in almost every pregnant woman.

Thrush as a sign of pregnancy before missed period

After conception, the body is somewhat depressed immune function so that the process of embryo rejection does not occur. This opens the door to various infections, including genital infections. The most common problem among pregnant women is thrush. Her companions are itching, curdled discharge and terrible discomfort - often precede obvious signs of pregnancy, and therefore can be considered as one of the messengers of an accomplished conception.

Is heartburn a sign of pregnancy before your period is missed?

During pregnancy, problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract, which most often manifest themselves in the form of an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus and bitterness in the mouth. Heartburn can be short-term and associated with food, or last for hours, causing a lot of inconvenience. Such symptoms can occur even before the delay appears, and if heartburn was not typical for a woman before, then she can accurately indicate fertilization.

The cause of heartburn is incomplete closure of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach as a result of weakening muscle tone under the influence of progesterone.

Temperature as a sign of pregnancy before delay

After fertilization of the egg, thermoregulation in the woman’s body is disrupted. At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus, the temperature can reach 37-37.4⁰С, and then remain at this level while the corpus luteum functions (up to the 15th week of gestation). She may be cold or very hot, and this will not be related to weather conditions and indoor microclimate. If a few days after ovulation the temperature rises, but there are no signs of a cold or other diseases, it can be assumed that the woman is already pregnant.

If the temperature exceeds 37.5⁰С, we're talking about not about a possible pregnancy, but about infectious disease, even if there are no external manifestations of it yet.

Stomach hurts before delay as a sign of pregnancy

Pain in the abdominal area is considered as a sign successful conception. It can occur at the time of ovulation, or during implantation of the embryo into the uterus. But there are frequent cases when abdominal pain even before the delay indicates a pathological course of pregnancy. If pain syndrome intense, or lasts more than 48 hours, it is necessary to exclude ectopic pregnancy, the formation of a corpus luteum cyst, low attachment of the fetus closer to the os of the uterus, and, of course, the threat of miscarriage, which can occur before the delay and the fetus leaves the uterus along with menstruation.

Diarrhea as a sign of pregnancy before missed period

Doctors don't treat diarrhea as possible sign the onset of pregnancy. But such a reaction of the body is quite possible if at that moment the woman already has toxicosis. Also, the appearance of diarrhea can be observed in women with pancreatic dysfunction. Therefore, diarrhea as a consequence of conception is rather an exception to the rule.

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Often women experience cystitis at the beginning of pregnancy due to decreased immunity. If a woman experiences pain in the pubic area, urination becomes more frequent, urine becomes cloudy, pungent odor, an admixture of blood, and the temperature has also increased, this may indicate acute inflammation of the bladder, requiring treatment. But isolated frequent urination and slight discomfort when visiting the toilet most likely indicates false cystitis caused by pregnancy.

Bloating as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Bloating is one of the sure signs of conception. This happens for two reasons: firstly, after implantation of the embryo, the uterus begins to quickly increase, which creates a feeling of bloating, and, secondly, under the influence of hormones, gas formation in the intestines increases in a woman. Therefore, such sensations can be regarded as a sign of pregnancy.

First signs of pregnancy: swollen breasts

Since the breast is responsible for feeding the future offspring, it begins to prepare for this from the first day of pregnancy. Women initially perceive minor discomfort and sensitivity as signs of PMS, but soon the breasts swell noticeably, and they do so symmetrically. Colostrum may also appear.

What breasts look like at the first signs of pregnancy

In the first weeks of gestation, the breasts become denser, their size still does not change significantly, but they seem more rounded and toned. At the same time, a woman experiences discomfort after wearing a bra - her breasts hurt and tingle. Breast volume begins to increase little by little, but this becomes noticeable after 6 obstetric week.

Can the ovaries hurt during early pregnancy?

In the first weeks after conception, a woman may experience pain in her ovaries. This does not necessarily indicate pathology. Pain in the ovaries can be caused by a corpus luteum cyst, gas formation, fetal implantation, or stress. But this sign is subjective, because it can indicate approaching menstruation, inflammation in the pelvis, and problems with the intestines.

Can your back hurt in early pregnancy?

Back pain is a characteristic phenomenon in the second half of gestation. But in the first days of pregnancy, pain may occur in the lower back, which is associated with the beginning of the restructuring of the sacral region. The pain is aching and short-term, which indicates normal preparation of the musculoskeletal system for bearing a fetus.

Can I smear during early pregnancy?

The appearance of spotting - slight vaginal discharge of scarlet, brown or cream color - is a normal symptom of the implantation period, when the endometrium softens so that the fetus can fully implant in the uterus. They are scanty, last 2-3 days, appear in the form of a few drops on the underwear.

Such discharge occurs approximately 7-9 days after ovulation. In combination with other changes (breast tenderness, weakness) can be considered the first sign of pregnancy. Longer daubing, and the appearance pain may occur when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Is there a false pregnancy?

Under the influence of psychophysical factors, a phenomenon such as false pregnancy. A woman may feel changes in her breasts, she experiences delay and toxicosis, some even feel fetal movements. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in young, nulliparous women under 35 years of age, who in the past have had severe emotional shock associated with the loss of a child.

Given the ability of the female body to “invent” a non-existent pregnancy, conception should always be confirmed using an ultrasound or hCG test.

Does toxicosis occur in early pregnancy?

This earlier appearance of nausea and vomiting, according to obstetricians and gynecologists, is a pathology. Normally, toxicosis should not appear earlier than the fifth obstetric week (the week after a missed period). If this happens, the woman may have health problems, including disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems, as well as chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Does constipation occur in early pregnancy?

Constipation can plague a pregnant woman from 1 to 40 weeks of gestation. Such a violation occurs due to the fault hormonal system, which relaxes all the muscles so that the uterus is not in good shape. This process also affects the intestines, reducing its motility. Therefore, constipation may occur shortly before the expected delay, but exact sign conception does not count.

Is there a pregnancy without symptoms?

Each woman's body is individual, so the presence full list signs of pregnancy in one woman and complete absence the other has absolutely no signs normal phenomenon. For this reason, the most obvious and reliable sign is considered to be a delay in menstruation.

Does it happen that the test does not show pregnancy?

The principle of operation of pregnancy tests is based on the ability of the reagent to detect the specific hormone hCG in the urine, which increases exponentially after fertilization. Thus, most tests can identify hCG levels that have reached 20 mIU/ml. This happens only on the 3-5th day of missed menstruation. True, there are ultra-sensitive test systems that detect hCG 10-15 mIU/ml, which allows you to confirm pregnancy 1-2 days before the delay.

In some cases, the test may be negative, even if the woman is definitely pregnant and already has a delay. This phenomenon is caused by late implantation or insufficient production of hCG, which is caused by the threat of pregnancy.

Accurate signs of pregnancy before missed period

There are no exact signs of pregnancy before a missed period, giving 100% confirmation of conception. The only option early diagnosis pregnancy - conducting a transvaginal ultrasound or blood test for hCG. All discussed above early signs are subjective and cannot confirm the fact of fertilization, but they send a signal to the woman about her possible new situation and the need to see a doctor.

Many women guess the onset of their interesting situation long before the expected date of menstruation. These are lucky women with well-developed intuition, or nature itself hints to us about the need for more careful attitude to yourself? How do two fused male and female cells first communicate their existence?

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    Some scientific facts

    Two germ cells, carrying half the set of genes from each parent, have united and strive to quickly implant themselves into the mucous membrane of the uterus, so that they can be reliably protected by the warmth of the mother’s womb for the next 40 weeks. What will accompany their amazing journey, and how the implantation process itself will occur, depends on the characteristics of the female body. It is the specificity of organ reactions expectant mother influences the process of embryo implantation. The imminent appearance of the unborn baby is accompanied by changes in the vital activity of each organ system and the concentration of hormones circulating in the blood; in particular, the number of human chorionic gonadotropin.

    Of course, the most reliable method for diagnosing pregnancy is the absence of menstruation, palpation of the pelvic organs and ultrasound of the uterus, but sometimes you really want to detect the unborn child as early as possible. Since ancient times, there have been a number of signs that can help determine the onset of pregnancy before changes are visible to the eye.

    The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation

    Nagging pain in the area of ​​the uterus

    Unpleasant tingling or pain in the lower abdomen is very common for many pregnant women in the very early stages. Movement of the embryo fallopian tube into the uterine cavity and its consolidation there can be felt by a woman as a rather unpleasant feeling of compression in the abdomen.

    Minor discharge

    Every second pregnant woman can notice a very small amount of milky-white, slightly yellowish mucous discharge. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of pregnancy hormones.

    Sharp emotional outbursts

    Changes in hormonal levels lead to unexpected changes in mood - outbursts of rage, sudden sadness, stormy delight or anger. Any minor reason, be it bad weather or a runaway bus, are perceived as a tragedy, invariably leading to bad mood for the next few hours. Watching melodramas, reading books can cause a storm negative emotions, sadness and tears, creating a picture of previously unusual hysteria.

    Night sleep disturbance

    Quite often, women expecting a child have to struggle with insomnia. Disturbed sleep in the first half of the night affects the feeling of exhaustion for the whole day. But even when very tired, it is difficult to fall asleep. In addition, you may have meaningless dreams that bring anxiety and excessive suspiciousness.

    Fatigue and loss of strength

    During implantation and development ovum in the uterus, women experience increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and absent-mindedness. The body spends a lot of energy on the proper attachment, retention and growth of the embryo, so a pregnant woman lacks strength for everyday activities. Dizziness and, in rare cases, fainting due to hypotension in the first trimester are possible.

    The appearance of a capillary network

    As the fetus grows, the blood flow of the expectant mother changes: the amount of circulating blood gradually increases and the blood supply to certain parts of the body improves. Therefore, it is possible to increase the visibility of small veins in the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs.

    Changing taste preferences

    During intrauterine development the child consumes a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, to replenish which the mother’s body needs nutritious food. As a rule, pregnant women consume exactly those foods that contain the substances they need. It is not surprising that the overwhelming number of women in this situation consume huge quantities of the same products. For example, very often they are drawn to eat salted cucumbers or herring. This can be explained by the body’s natural defense mechanisms: due to the redistribution of blood flow, a decrease in blood pressure occurs. Foods rich in salt, when entering the body, help increase the volume of circulating blood.

    Change in appetite

    The needs of the embryo also determine the fickle appetite of the expectant mother. It can either increase or remain unchanged if the reserves of the mother’s body are sufficient for full development fetus

    Metallic taste

    The birth of a new life requires a serious restructuring of the female body. Changing the rhythm of functioning internal organs affects oral cavity, which has many receptor zones. A metallic taste may appear in any food, or habitual food may suddenly become tasteless.

    Increased amount of saliva

    Most often, saliva production increases at night and may leak out of the mouth. This is a temporary phenomenon caused by changes in the rhythmic functioning of the digestive organs.

    Enhanced sense of smell

    Very often, pregnant women suffer from intolerance to the bright smells of perfumes and cooking. In this case, it is advisable to avoid contact with strong aromas.

    Dark spots

    Unusual pigmentation most often appears suddenly on the face and stomach. And just as suddenly it disappears without a trace. This can be explained by excessive activity of skin pigment cells

    Painful mammary glands

    Painful swelling of the mammary glands, which have begun preparing for lactation in advance, brings severe discomfort in the form of increased breast sensitivity. In addition, the nipple areolas may darken and the nipples may become slightly rougher. In this case, soft natural fabrics and loose-fitting clothing will help reduce discomfort.

    Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction

    Possible flatulence, constipation, heartburn, belching. Most often, these disorders will smoothly replace each other throughout the 40 weeks. Such manifestations can be reduced fractional meals, excluding carbonated and flour products, high water consumption.

    Frequent urination

    Frequent trips to the toilet are associated with a rapid increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on bladder. The kidneys also work actively, increasing the volume of daily urine, which also contributes to an increased frequency of urination.

    Manifestations of early toxicosis

    Nausea and vomiting most often appear at 8 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes a pregnant woman begins to suffer from toxicosis from the first days of fertilization of her egg. Nausea may come from the sight or smell of food, or even from the thought of food.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases

    Due to the restructuring of the functioning of all body systems, chronic diseases in a state of incomplete remission may worsen. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe medications appropriate to the woman’s interesting situation.

    The appearance of thrush

    Manifestations of thrush are associated with dysbiosis of the vaginal mucosa, the occurrence of which is promoted by pregnancy hormones. Abundant flaky leucorrhoea, as a rule, appears repeatedly and is slightly amenable to correction antifungal drugs.

    Night cramps in the legs

    Quite painful cramps of the calf muscles are a consequence of the removal from them of calcium ions, a participant in the conduction of nerve impulses to the muscles. The muscle fibers begin to contract asynchronously, and pain appears. This mainly happens at night - the time of best absorption of calcium by the fetus.

    Mild cold

    Slight nasal congestion fast fatiguability and sore throat are symptoms of a cold that appears due to decreased immunity. A temporary reduction in the body’s defenses is necessary to secure the embryo in the uterus; as soon as this happens, all symptoms will disappear.

    The most reliable signs of pregnancy

    Laboratory research methods provide the most accurate information about a woman’s condition. These methods are based on identifying specific substances in physiological fluids - markers of pregnancy, for example, human chorionic gonadotropin.

    The most accessible nowadays is to use special test, showing the level of concentration of the pregnancy hormone in the urine. To do this, you need to lower one test strip into a container with urine, then place it on a horizontal surface and see the result after 4-5 minutes. If the hormone level is sufficient, the test will show 2 bright stripes. It is better to perform this analysis in the morning, since at this time the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine will be highest.

Probably every woman suffers from this question at least once in her life. I’m pregnant for the third time, so I can tell you exactly and unmistakably what the most early firsts signs of pregnancy.

Under New Year 2014 I already knew for sure that I was pregnant with our third child, and without any tests and long before the onset of menstruation.

- How? - you ask.

This is not my first pregnancy, and I can already unmistakably determine the onset of a “miracle” by a special state of health and changes in the body. This earliest first signs of pregnancy.

In this article I will describe them in great detail to help girls determine whether they carry under their hearts new life. I remember how difficult it is to understand yourself when you are pregnant for the first time. Therefore, this information will be very useful for new mothers-to-be.

So, let's go!

What are the earliest first signs of pregnancy?

  • Change in sense of smell (odors irritate)

My third pregnancy was wanted, but not planned. We wanted to give birth again, but a little later, when our son was older. But the Universe decided otherwise!

One day everything started STINKING to me! Yes, that’s exactly what you can’t call it in any other way. I became acutely aware of smells. I set it to cook and I couldn’t stand the smell of meat, although it never bothered me. My husband came home from work and I rushed him to the bathroom. He was offended and I felt sorry for him. But everything stank to me: my favorite perfume, food, flowers, I felt any smell that other people standing nearby did not smell. And this happened every time I was pregnant. Therefore, for me this is a 100% sign!

  • Skin changes (pimples, acne, pigmentation)

I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t understand: my whole face was covered with acne and blackheads, my pores were enlarged. Remedies for acne and acne hardly helped. It was one of two things: or hormonal disbalance or pregnancy!

  • Fatigue (fatigue, drowsiness)

I began to want to sleep all the time. Before I even got out of bed in the morning, I already felt tired and overwhelmed. During the day, I crawled to the bed, lay down, my eyes closed, children were jumping all over me, my husband didn’t understand why I was lying in bed, but I didn’t even have the strength to talk! All homework I did it through force. And this lasted 2.5 months!

  • Changes in mood (tearfulness, irritability, sentimentality, apathy, isolation, aggression, need for communication)

Everyone celebrated new year holidays. But I was sad. I wanted my husband to hug me and feel sorry for me. I couldn’t see anyone, but it’s New Year, everyone comes to visit. Apathy began towards everything that previously interested me. I didn't want anything. Or suddenly everything would start to enrage me, irritate me, I would yell out loud at my children and husband. And then she didn’t understand why she snapped at them. Or I would start crying while watching a movie or TV show, which is completely out of character for me. The mood changed very sharply and often.

  • Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath

It would seem that there is no load on the body in the first weeks of pregnancy, but it feels like your heart is about to jump out of your chest and it’s hard to breathe. If you need to bend down for some reason or climb the stairs - everything, you can’t breathe, your head is spinning, and your heart is knocking, knocking, knocking, beating very often... So this is another early sign of pregnancy.

  • Headache, migraine

Again, due to hormonal changes in the pregnant woman’s body, headaches are possible. My migraines became more frequent, my head hurt very much, especially when moving, my eyes hurt in bright light. Suspecting my interesting situation, I did not take painkillers...

  • Heavy discharge

There was such a profuse vaginal discharge that I couldn’t do without it every day. And also occasionally transparent, thick and viscous. But it is normal if there is no color, odor or itching. The discharge forms a mucus plug that protects the baby from external infections.

  • Abdominal enlargement

Well, of course, the belly doesn’t grow right away. But about a couple of weeks after conception, I had a feeling that I could not draw in my stomach. It feels like something is bursting from the inside; when you try to pull in your stomach, pain occurs. This may be due to changes in the uterus, which begins to enlarge.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (pulling stomach)

Several times a day I was sick and had pain in my lower abdomen, and I ran to the toilet, still waiting for my period to appear. A tummy tug at the beginning of pregnancy is also due to hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus. So this is the earliest sign of pregnancy before a delay.

  • Breast tenderness

My breasts began to hurt, it was simply impossible to touch, and they became swollen (which I was very happy about, since after feeding two children I was not pleased with the shape of my breasts!). The nipples also darkened. By the way, the sensitivity and soreness of the breast continues even now (30 weeks of pregnancy).

  • Nausea

I sat down at the table to eat and felt nauseous. There was no vomiting and no time reference - some girls say they felt sick in the morning. I just felt nauseous all the time, not too much.

  • Changing taste preferences

Waking up one fine day, I poured myself some morning coffee (I’m actually a coffee lover, I really love it!) - AND I CAN’T DRINK IT! I was so disgusted!

  • Increased urination

I ran to pee every hour, it turns out that this is how progesterone affects the bladder.

  • Squeezing the calf muscles

In the evenings before going to bed, when I went to bed, my leg muscles would clench strangely, twitch, as if they were having a slight cramp. I stretched my toes and rubbed my calves. This happened several times during the night. This did not happen in the second trimester, but in the third it appeared again due to a lack of microelements in the body: potassium, calcium and magnesium.

  • Restless sleep

During the day I was simply exhausted, and at night I woke up and could not fall asleep. I tossed around, got up to drink, go to the toilet, and was tormented by insomnia. This is also the earliest sign of pregnancy, everything is connected with hormonal changes. It is difficult for the body to relax because the processes of preparation for bearing a child are in full swing.

  • Constipation

I did not consider this problem to be a consequence of pregnancy, but as it turns out, during pregnancy, hormones disrupt intestinal function from the very first days. Progesterone affects the stomach in such a way that, in addition to everything else, belching and, excuse me, gas appear.

  • Lack of menstruation

In the absence of menstruation, we first suspect pregnancy. But in my case it was not main feature, because I literally stopped breastfeeding my son just a couple of months ago, and my cycle has not yet improved.

So here are mine the earliest signs of pregnancy.

I got 17 signs. Already 1.5 - 2 weeks after conception they begin to appear and intensify. And this condition persists for about 2.5 months.

You can also measure your basal temperature, but I didn’t do that. When such dramatic changes occur in the body, it is clear what is happening: PREGNANCY HAS COME and you can expect a new addition to the family! I took one pregnancy test to show my husband, although I already knew everything for sure.

Of course, all people are different, everyone is individual. Perhaps you will not have any signs of pregnancy at all, and the test will never show two lines, but this also happens. But I sincerely hope that my article will be at least somewhat useful for you.

As I promised, MY VIDEO about the earliest signs of pregnancy.

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Follow the buttons and tell your friends! Thank you! I wish you good luck and a great mood!

With love to you,

Irina Zhukova

Physiological changes in the expectant mother. The first symptoms of pregnancy according to the gender of the child. Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy.

Determine pregnancy by short term, when there is no delay yet, it is quite possible. Knowing the early signs of gestation and identifying them in yourself will please a married couple who has been striving to conceive.

Pronounced signs of pregnancy before a missed period are noticeable during the period of implantation of the fertilized egg (approximately 20 days after the fusion of the female and male cage). Until this moment, the body reacts slightly to the birth of a new life. But attentive women understand that a new addition to the family is expected.

Physiological changes in the expectant mother

If a woman of childbearing age suspects that conception has occurred and is looking for information on how to understand that she is pregnant before her period is missed, first of all she should listen to herself.

How are you feeling, sense of smell, condition of the breasts, type of vaginal discharge, etc. Any deviation from the usual sensations is a reason to think about what is happening in the body.

Distorted sense of smell

An aversion to environmental odors during pregnancy occurs in every second woman. The phenomenon is associated with changes in the central nervous system. Aversion to odors leads to profuse salivation, nausea, change in the taste of food.

Breast tenderness

The mammary glands react to conception immediately after implantation of the egg. Breasts may appear swollen in the first week. Light touches cause pain. Sensitivity increases, the color of the halos changes.

Montgomery's bumps, which resemble rashes on halos, become more pronounced. They are present on every woman's chest and are usually not so noticeable. These small rudimentary glands become visible after the fertilized egg has implanted. Therefore, changes in the mammary glands can be considered one of the earliest signs of a recent pregnancy.

Deterioration in general health

Fluctuations in progesterone levels and a slight increase in body temperature lead to the appearance of signs colds. Not yet knowing about her situation, the woman thinks that this is a consequence of hypothermia or infection, because all the symptoms are the same:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Runny nose or sore throat.

In the first 48 hours after fertilization of the egg, a special substance appears in the blood of women, which experts call early factor pregnancy. An increase in its indicators is observed in the 1st trimester. Diagnosis of conception based on this factor confirms 67% of completed pregnancies.

Bleeding from the genital tract

Let's consider whether pregnancy can be determined by vaginal discharge. When the egg implants into the uterine cavity, slight implantation bleeding occurs. This is explained by the presence of its own vascular network in the endometrium.

At the moment of attachment of the egg, the vessels are injured and blood is released. Often such an event occurs on the day of the expected menstruation. If a woman has never had heavy periods, she may not suspect gestation.

However, there are several signs by which false menstruation can be distinguished from true bleeding:

  1. Short duration – 1 – 2 days.
  2. There is no increase in bleeding.
  3. The color of the blood is red or pinkish.
  4. The discharge does not contain impurities.
  5. The process is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

If the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus was atraumatic for the vessels, vaginal discharge During pregnancy, they become transparent, moderately thick and lose their distinct odor.

Frequent urination

Increased frequency of trips to the toilet during the day and the need to urinate at night may indicate pregnancy.

If there are no unpleasant symptoms, there is no need to worry. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal changes, due to which the uterus receives more blood. Crowded blood vessels affect the urinary system. This is not considered a disease.


Toxicosis, which is often manifested by nausea and vomiting, will help determine the development of pregnancy before a missed period.

Many mothers remember with a shudder unpleasant symptom, because of which it was not even possible to brush my teeth properly. Toxicosis cannot be ignored, since it disrupts the formation of organs and systems of the embryo. In addition to digestive symptoms, a pregnant woman may be bothered by cramps, bronchial asthma, and skin rashes. And all this refers to signs of toxicosis.

Scientists cannot determine why such an unfavorable process develops during pregnancy. However, gynecologists analyzed which factors increase the risk of developing toxicosis:

  • Stress.
  • Multiple abortions.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Excessive body thinness.
  • Endocrine and digestive disorders.

HCG tests help doctors judge the presence of pregnancy. The hormone begins to increase even before the delay of menstruation, and at 1 - 2 weeks of pregnancy its value varies between 25 - 156 mU / ml. From 2 to 3 weeks, the hCG value is 101 – 4870 mU/ml.

Fullness in the lower abdomen

A strange feeling of a full stomach sometimes indicates pregnancy. The severity is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus, to which blood actively flows.

With a significant increase in the reproductive organ, when the fetus is rapidly developing, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be accompanied by hemorrhoids. During the first pregnancy, the complication occurs after the 20th week, and during the second pregnancy it bothers us in the early stages.

Basal temperature indicators

Constant measurements in the morning immediately after waking up and drawing up a graph of its fluctuations give the most accurate results. Based on BT indicators, you can easily calculate ovulation, since during this period previously recorded indicators increase and persist for some time. About a week before your period, the temperature measured rectally becomes normal.

If a woman sees on the graph that the dynamics of BT have changed, but there is no decrease, it makes sense to suspect pregnancy. In an interesting position rectal temperature does not decrease.

Low blood pressure in early pregnancy is observed in hypotensive women. Blood pressure levels reach 90/60 mmHg. and are lower. In a stuffy room and after a long stay in a standing position, the expectant mother experiences weakness or dizziness. For the same reason, fainting occurs.

The first symptoms of pregnancy by gender of the child

If a married couple really wants a boy or a girl and makes every effort to conceive, information on how to find out about pregnancy based on the child’s gender will be relevant for future parents.

There are several rumors about the conception of a boy obvious signs, noticed by mothers of sons. They have no medical basis. Let's look at how pregnant women walk:

  1. Appearance – only positive changes. The woman looks blooming. Her hair becomes thick, her nails become strong, her skin becomes matte with a pleasant peach tint.
  2. Appetite increases from the first days. A craving for meat products appears.
  3. Mood - psycho-emotional state good, performance is normal, a surge of strength is felt.
  4. Temperature of the extremities – cold feet against the general background of internal warmth.
  5. Nausea - either not there, or slightly nauseous.
  6. The belly is rounded at the bottom, taking on the shape of a small bulge. Upon careful examination of the body, this is noticeable in 1–2 weeks.

Now let's try to figure out how to determine pregnancy before a missed period if a girl is born in the womb. The mother's appearance changes the worst side. The daughter takes away her beauty, making her skin pale and puffy, and her lips swollen. Appear dark spots, freckles become more pronounced. My legs feel warm to the touch, but my insides are pounding with chills.

There is no appetite from the first days of pregnancy. If you want to refresh yourself, a woman chooses sweets or citrus fruits. Mood, thoughts and actions are disordered. Much is done spontaneously. In the morning, mommy is bothered by nausea, which subsides slightly in the evening. The stomach looks slightly sunken.

Concerning multiple pregnancy, which makes some people happy and saddens others, its symptoms can be as follows:

  • Appearance – powerful hormonal changes and the body’s work “for everyone” significantly spoil the appearance. Worries severe toxicosis. Acne appears on the face.
  • Appetite is increased even with nausea.
  • Body weight is gained quickly.
  • The mood is unimportant. The woman is overcome by laziness, drowsiness, and fatigue.
  • Nausea – periodically ends with vomiting.
  • Urination – accelerated growth uterus increases the need to urinate.
  • The belly is evenly rounded from the first weeks.

A gynecologist can determine early pregnancy. He examines the patient on the chair and sees that the cervix has become softer and cyanotic. Its color changed under the influence of increased blood circulation. These indicators are typical for a period of 6 weeks.

Folk signs about the beginning of pregnancy

Determining pregnancy in the first week is very difficult. After merging with the male seed, the female cell moves through the tubes to the uterus within 5–7 days. The pea-sized embryo acquires a placenta and umbilical cord. After a week, it attaches to the walls of the reproductive organ. You can feel the birth of life at this moment intuitively and by comparing folk signs with your state of early pregnancy.

Some women do this simple test: sprinkle a pinch of soda into fresh urine and observe the reaction. If bubbles appear, the test is positive. The second option is to mix urine with a drop of iodine. If the drug has dissolved, conception has taken place.

Dream interpreters consider a dream in which a watermelon or live fish was a signal of pregnancy. Many mothers notice an increase in libido as pregnancy begins. I want sex more and more often. A more reliable method would be a simple measurement. You need to lie on your back and measure 8 cm down from the navel. If this point pulsates, there is new life within.

Two identical bulbs will help you tell your fortune whether you are pregnant or not. They are placed in glasses and watched to see which one releases green feathers faster. The winning vegetable gives the exact answer.

Other signs also promise pregnancy:

  1. Sprinkle with urine houseplants or flowers in the garden - their intensive growth will tell about the hormonal surge characteristic of gestation.
  2. Boil urine - the appearance of flakes indicates pregnancy.
  3. Assess the color of morning urine - dark liquid indicates an interesting situation.

But what to do if the signs indicate conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period are accompanied by unilateral abdominal pain and prolonged heavy pseudomenstruation?

Most likely inside female body An ectopic pregnancy develops. In other words, the fertilized egg stopped at a certain part of its path and settled outside the uterus (most often in the tube). Unpleasant sensations occur at the site of its localization and intensify when walking and turning the body.

What to do in this case? Go to the doctor immediately!

A little about vaginal thrush

Early in pregnancy expectant mother may be bothered by the symptoms inherent in thrush - itching, cheesy discharge, swelling of the genitals. Out of ignorance, women classify the disease as a sign of gestation and do not receive treatment. But in fact, it is fungi that provoke it, and not the fact of conception.

Intense blood flow to the pelvic organs, an increase in the amount of secretions and a surge of estrogen create the prerequisites for the successful reproduction of candida flora. Specific smell and the unusual consistency of discharge during pregnancy should alert a woman. Thrush is not harmless. It must be completely eliminated before birth so that the baby does not pass through the infected genital tract.