Definition and possible signs of pregnancy. Presumable signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy diagnostics
Pregnancy is a process in the female body in which a fetus develops from a fertilized egg. Conception has occurred or not, a question of concern to many women. Suspicion of a possible pregnancy occurs in women after the appearance of a number of signs specific to this condition.
The diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of a survey, an objective examination of a woman and laboratory research methods.

Signs of pregnancy according to their diagnostic value are divided into:
Alleged signs of pregnancy are the subjective sensations of a woman and changes in the body that do not relate to changes in the genital organs.

Probable signs of pregnancy objective signs determined in the genitals, mammary glands, positive biological immunological tests for pregnancy. Appear relatively early.

Credible or Undoubted, signs of pregnancy are signs that appear in the second half of pregnancy and indicate the presence of a fetus in the uterine cavity, its cardiac activity, its movements. With reliable signs, the diagnosis of pregnancy is not in doubt.

Presumable signs of pregnancy

Symptoms appear 2-8 weeks after fertilization
Functional disorders of the nervous system and psyche: formation of a generic dominant, irritability, emotional lability, fatigue, drowsiness, mood instability, weakness, dizziness, tearfulness, isolation. Signs are associated with a change in the content of hormones, with the onset of pregnancy.

Changes in metabolism: deposition of subcutaneous fat, especially on the abdomen, pigmentation, engorgement, enlargement and soreness of the nipples and areola, protrusion of the veins of the chest; pigmentation of the white line, and sometimes the face; the appearance of stripes (scars) of pregnancy.
General changes in well-being: a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, salivation, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to smells, a sharp change in addictions to aromas and tastes, an aggravation of smell and hearing, a strange "metallic" taste in the mouth, constipation, a slight increase in temperature. These signs may be the result of overwork, poisoning, flu, heat stroke.
At 6-8 weeks after fertilization, increased urge to urinate, increased vaginal discharge. Another reason is inflammation of the urinary tract, diuretics, diabetes.

Likely signs

The uterus increases in size, forms become softer and looser. Blueness of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. Enlargement of the mammary glands, their tension, the appearance of colostrum from the mammary passages that open on the nipple when pressing on the mammary glands (in primigravida). Signs of pregnancy, determined by the doctor, are available after a month of pregnancy (the first week of missed periods). Before this period, pregnancy does not yet lead to tangible changes in the uterus. Even with a longer period, sometimes full confidence in the accuracy of the data obtained is not created. Signs diagnosed using a bimanual examination: the appearance of a dome-shaped protrusion in one of the corners of the uterus (7-12 weeks of pregnancy), thickening of the soft pregnant uterus during palpation, in early pregnancy due to softening of the isthmus, the fingertips of both hands easily approach each other, easy mobility of the cervix in early pregnancy, an anterior inflection of the uterus and a ridge-like thickening on the anterior surface of the uterus. Another reason for these phenomena is the occurrence of fibroids.

Cessation of menstruation in a healthy, sexually active woman of childbearing age (with a regular menstrual cycle, a delay of 4-6 days is a relatively reliable sign of pregnancy). Other reasons for the lack of menstruation: long journeys, fatigue, panic fear of pregnancy, hormonal disorders or serious illness, extreme fullness or thinness, breastfeeding, emotional and physical overload, a sharp change in climate, the result of stress. However, if the menstruation did not come on time, then the very next morning you can start measuring the morning temperature. The thermometer should be inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm for 5-7 minutes. If the temperature exceeds 37 ° C for several days in a row, this may indicate a possible pregnancy.

Also, with a delay in menstruation, a woman needs to do a rapid pregnancy test. After fertilization of the egg, the woman's body begins to intensively produce a special hormone - chorionic gonadotropin (CG), which contributes to the formation of the fetus and placenta, which is determined in the woman's blood as early as 7-8 days after conception. In the urine, hCG appears a little later and can be determined at home on the 1st day of the delay in menstruation (quick test), and sometimes even 3-5 days earlier than the delay. The content of hCG increases every two consecutive days (therefore, for reliability, the study should be carried out 2 times with an interval of 48 hours, using test kits from different manufacturers). After processing the test system with urine, if the result is positive, the second strip is stained. The test may give an incorrect result if the kidney function is impaired, if the test is drunk excessively (dilution of the hormone concentration), improper storage or use. HCG does not indicate the localization of pregnancy (normal intrauterine position of the fetus, or ectopic pregnancy). It must be remembered that a home test cannot replace a consultation and physical examination performed by an experienced specialist. With questionable results of the examination and in clinical situations, laboratory pregnancy tests are carried out: a laboratory analysis of urine, just like a home one, detects chorionic gonadotropin in the urine with an accuracy close to 100% in the period of 7-10 days after fertilization (performed by a specialist); a laboratory blood test can provide information about a week after possible fertilization, it is also based on the detection of hCG, and with the help of a repeated blood test, it is possible to distinguish between a uterine or ectopic pregnancy, and whether a pregnancy is developing. For the most accurate determination of the level of hCG in the blood, women conduct an enzyme immunoassay.

Reliable (undoubted) signs of pregnancy

Fetal heartbeat. It is determined at 5-20 weeks (depending on the device used). The earliest way to hear a small heart is to use a vaginal ultrasound sensor, the latest - a conventional obstetric stethoscope - from the 16-18th week.

Various movements of the fetus, the movement of the fetus, determined by the hand of the examiner.
Determination of parts of the fetus by palpation of the woman's abdomen (Leopold's techniques), by feeling the uterus, the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman's abdomen. What is possible only at 4-6 months of pregnancy (before this period, pregnancy does not yet lead to tangible changes in the uterus).

The most common instrumental method for diagnosing pregnancy is ultrasound. Ultrasound can detect pregnancy (including ectopic) approximately 5-6 days of delayed menstruation, and when using a transvaginal sensor (introduced into the vagina) - 1-3 days earlier. Already in the early stages (from 3-4 weeks approximately) on ultrasound, you can see a fetal egg. In the second trimester of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound in the fetus, malformations can be diagnosed. In the later stages of pregnancy, it is possible to determine the location of the placenta and the volume of amniotic fluid.

Thus, we can conclude that it is possible to accurately diagnose pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy.

Pregnancy for many women is the most long-awaited event. And, of course, I want to understand as soon as possible whether the assumptions are correct. In order to determine reliable, you need to carefully monitor your body even before conception. If a woman knows exactly what sensations she has at different stages of the menstrual cycle, namely the period after ovulation, then it is quite easy for her to notice the changes that occur in the event of conception.

The cessation of menstruation, nausea, drowsiness, soreness of the chest, swelling of the limbs, mood swings, increased appetite and a number of other factors are signs of the desired “position”.

During pregnancy, especially in the very early stages, aching pains in the lower back, lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, pressure in these areas can sometimes appear. These symptoms are due to a large blood flow to parts of the small pelvis, namely the uterus. Also, a woman in the early stages may have minor bleeding and spasms.

A week after the conception has taken place, the fair sex may experience scant discharge with drops of blood. Such "implantation" bleeding in the early stages occurs due to the fact that these days the egg begins to attach to the uterine wall. Then the pregnant woman may be disturbed by spasms, which by their nature resemble pulling pains, as during menstruation.

Additional symptoms

However, all of the above symptoms differ from menstruation in their very short-term nature. But there are other reliable signs of pregnancy. The future parent may begin pain, which is associated with thickening of the walls of the uterus. Also, active cell division provokes the appearance of white discharge.

Some breast enlargement, along with increased sensitivity, indicates that the woman is in position. The breast may swell, the skin around the nipples may darken. Such changes are clear signs of pregnancy, and at the earliest possible time they are easiest to notice. Malaise, feeling tired, fatigue are also some of the manifestations of conception.

Frequent urination can be one of the symptoms of "position". This phenomenon can bring anxiety in the earliest stages of the onset of pregnancy. All this is due to a change in the hormonal picture in a woman. Early periods are also characterized by a decrease in pressure. This is due to the flow of blood to the internal organs.

Some women (at an early age) are overtaken by an increased appetite or a changed taste. There is a desire to eat a lot, and the appetite is caused by foods that did not attract before. There may be an addiction to sour, salty and other foods with "extreme" taste qualities. In the matter of choosing a new unusual menu, everything will depend on the characteristics of the organism. Such manifestations are typical for pregnant women at an early stage. However, they can also mislead a woman, therefore, in order to be sure, it is better to do a test right away.

True Signs

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the usual test, there are more accurate diagnostic methods. For the greatest persuasiveness, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Using different methods, a specialist will be able to accurately answer whether there is a pregnancy or not. First of all, an analysis can be prescribed for the presence of a fertilization marker in the blood serum.

Such a study can be carried out within a few hours after fertilization, while conventional tests make it possible to determine pregnancy from about the 10th day of fertilization, when the egg has already attached to the uterine wall.

The most common and reliable method for determining pregnancy is ultrasound. By performing an ultrasound examination with a special transvaginal probe, the doctor will be able to see the embryo at the 3rd or 4th week.

It is important not to confuse the concepts of fertilization and egg implantation. Attachment of the egg is observed only a week after the moment of fertilization.

You can also perform an hCG analysis, in other words, determine the pregnancy hormone. This study is carried out on the basis of the patient's blood as well as urine. When a woman is in position, this hormone begins to be actively produced by the placenta.

It performs the function of an endocrine gland, which produces a full range of active hormones required by the body, as well as other substances vital for the development of the fetus, including human chorionic gonadotropin. The latter can be detected in the blood a week after conception. But in the urine, it does not always appear immediately. Then the use of tests can give a negative result.

It is important to remember that the lifestyle of the expectant mother directly affects the development of her baby. If you are just getting ready for conception and, moreover, if you have already suspected pregnancy, completely exclude alcohol from drinking, enter as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible. Try to be outdoors more often and ... do not be nervous!

Feeling the uterus

The indisputable signs of pregnancy include the definition of parts of the embryo when feeling the uterus with your fingers. The easiest way to determine a dense and round head, sometimes it turns out to probe the small parts. The hand of the examining physician is able to detect fetal movement. Also with a stethoscope (or thanks to a heart monitor) it is possible to listen to the heartbeat of a new life.

The latter method 100% indicates pregnancy, however, it refers to late signs that can be seen only at the end of the 4th or at the very beginning of the 5th month of gestation. Another important "late" factor in the diagnosis is a vaginal examination, as well as palpation of the uterus.

Its value in the normal state is no more than 9 cm (if we consider the longitudinal axis). In pregnant women, this indicator changes. If until the end of the first trimester the uterus is still located in the plane of the small pelvis, and it can be felt only when examining the vagina itself, then it leaves the small pelvis. At this stage, it can be felt from the side of the peritoneum. Then a noticeable increase in the female abdomen begins - no tests are needed here.

Another sign of pregnancy is the thickening of the uterus. At first it is quite soft, but later it becomes denser.

Finally, a delay in menstruation also indicates a possible pregnancy. This classic symptom is a fairly reliable sign for those who are accustomed to a regular cycle of menstruation. And if the delay is combined with swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of milk in them, you can be congratulated and referred to a gynecologist.

Every woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, it is not very important for what reason - both in the moments of preparation for motherhood and in a series of ordinary everyday life. After all, there are situations when a woman independently applies tests and does not even suspect an ectopic pregnancy. This situation is very dangerous for the life of both the woman herself and her unborn child. A fertilized egg, fixed on the walls of the uterus, actively grows and can damage internal organs, cause severe bleeding, and acute pain. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in time to find out the true state of affairs.

Have more kids and don't get sick!

To establish pregnancy during examination, the doctor is helped by the presence of distinctive signs, which can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Conjectural.
  • Probable.
  • Reliable.

Important It should be remembered that a number of diseases (endocrine pathology, taking certain drugs, etc.) can mimic some of the symptoms of pregnancy.

Alleged signs and their description

Presumable signs include a change in the subjective feelings of a woman in connection with pregnancy:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. Occurs mostly in the morning on an empty stomach. Usually passes after a light snack, without getting out of bed. In the event that vomiting is repeated repeatedly during the day, as well as from day to day and disrupts general well-being, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since this condition is a pathology and requires treatment (sometimes stationary, depending on the severity);
  2. Change in appetite. Often during pregnancy, a woman has a desire to eat certain foods and not to eat others. This is the normal state. It must be remembered that there are pathological taste preferences (the desire to eat chalk, etc.), which may indirectly indicate certain diseases;
  3. Change in olfactory sensations(aversion to tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol);
  4. Violations of the functions of the nervous system: drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, sudden mood changes. In this case, the support of loved ones is necessary to reduce the severity of such symptoms without medical intervention;
  5. Increased urination. It occurs due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the symptoms increase somewhat, there are nocturnal urges to urinate. It must be remembered that urination should not be uncomfortable and even more painful (which is a sign of a urinary tract infection);
  6. Appearance(on, on the face, nipple area). Often during pregnancy, there are also striae(striations on the skin). As a rule, this is due to changes in the hormonal background and skin characteristics, and more often occurs with a large fetus, polyhydramnios;
  7. Increasing the volume of the abdomen due to the growing uterus.

In some women, a change in subjective sensations is not observed, especially in the early stages.

Information The above signs are not strictly specific to pregnancy, so you should not rely on them alone when making a diagnosis.

Possible symptoms and their description

Probable signs are changes in the woman's body due to pregnancy, which are determined primarily in the genitals and mammary gland. It should be noted that these signs may be a symptom of a number of gynecological diseases (for example, hormone-producing tumors).

  1. Cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea) in healthy women of reproductive(childbearing) age. Amenorrhea can be a symptom of gynecological diseases (menstrual irregularities due to changes in hormonal levels, etc.), as well as with strong psycho-emotional overload, with sudden weight loss, after severe illness;
  2. Breast enlargement, which occurs due to hormonal changes and preparation for lactation(breastfeeding). Sometimes, more often in the second half of pregnancy, a small amount of colostrum can be released from the nipples;
  3. Cyanosis(cyanosis) mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, which is determined by examining the genital tract in the mirrors;
  4. Change in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus. An increase in the size of the uterus during examination can be determined from the 5-6th week of pregnancy (earlier in thin patients). It grows with increasing gestational age, and also softens (especially in the isthmus). A change in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus can also be observed in various gynecological diseases (myoma, adenomyosis, etc.).

When delaying menstruation, you should first of all do, based on the definition chorionic gonadotropin(hCG is one of the hormones of pregnancy) in the urine. This analysis can be carried out at home necessarily with the morning portion of urine. If there is a positive test (2 bright stripes), pregnancy can be assumed. You can also use the definition in the blood of a woman. Chorionic gonadotropin is produced from the beginning of pregnancy, has its maximum by 11-13 weeks, and then gradually decreases. The lack of proper dynamics in the level of hCG is alarming, as it may indicate the presence or pregnancy. The norms of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood are given in the table.

weeks of pregnancy

Blood hCG level, honey/ml


non-pregnant postmenopause

* HCG norms are different for each laboratory. In the second half of pregnancy, hCG already, as a rule, does not have an important clinical significance.

To establish the localization and dynamics of the development of pregnancy also allows ultrasonography() in the early stages, which is possible already from 2.5-3 weeks of pregnancy (from about 5-7 days of delay). Ultrasound diagnostics is based on the determination of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity in the early stages, the determination of the embryo with the presence of its heartbeat after 5-7 weeks. Also, this method allows you to differentiate an ectopic or non-developing pregnancy. Often, ultrasound control in dynamics is also important.

Reliable signs - definitely pregnant!

Signs are considered reliable, determining which, it is safe to say that there is a pregnancy. Most often detected in the second half of pregnancy. These include:

  1. Palpable parts of the fetus. On examination, large (head, buttocks) and small parts (limbs) of the fetus are clearly distinguished;
  2. Fetal heartbeat auscultated from the beginning of the second half of pregnancy (in thin women - from 18-19 weeks) The heartbeat is normally defined as rhythmic repetitive beats with a frequency of 120-160 per minute. It can also be registered with cardiotocography(the method is used from 28 weeks and consists in recording a heartbeat on a tape through a sensor installed on the anterior abdominal wall);
  3. Fetal movements determined by the doctor during the examination of a pregnant woman.

Thus, the presence of one reliable sign allows us to speak with 100% certainty about the presence of pregnancy. The presence of presumptive and probable signs requires monitoring in dynamics and often additional examinations (ultrasound, determination of hCG).

Signs of pregnancy

Early diagnosis of pregnancy and determination of its duration is important not only from the point of view of obstetrics, but also due to the fact that the anatomical, physiological and hormonal changes that occur after conception can have a significant impact on the course of extragenital diseases that are in the history of the expectant mother . Establishing the exact gestational age is extremely important for a full examination and adequate management of pregnancy and childbirth. Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages can present significant difficulties, since stress, medication and some of the endocrine diseases can mimic the state of pregnancy in terms of symptoms. Currently, due to the widespread introduction of ultrasound diagnostics into obstetric practice, the signs of pregnancy described in classic textbooks on gynecology and obstetrics are no longer so significant. All signs that allow diagnosing pregnancy are divided into presumptive (doubtful), probable and reliable. They can be based on subjective or objective data.

Presumable signs of pregnancy

The presumptive signs of pregnancy include those based on subjective data:

Vomiting or nausea (especially in the morning), changes in appetite or food cravings
Intolerance to certain odors
Violations of the functions of the nervous system (drowsiness, frequent mood changes, dizziness, malaise, irritability)
Frequent urination
Breast engorgement, their hypersensitivity.
Changes in skin pigmentation on the face, in the area of ​​the nipples, along the white line of the abdomen
The appearance of scars (bands) of pregnancy on the mammary glands, thighs, skin of the abdomen
Enlargement of the abdomen in volume

Probable signs (objective signs determined during examination)

Express pregnancy test

Enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of colostrum;
Blueness of the vaginal mucosa and cervix;
Change in the shape, volume, consistency of the uterus;
Enlargement of the uterus from 5-6 weeks, first in the anteroposterior size, then in the transverse;
Horvitz-Hegar symptom: softening of the uterus, especially in the isthmus. With a two-handed examination, the fingers touch in the isthmus without resistance. Characteristic for 6-8 weeks from the last menstruation;
Snegirev's sign: variability in the consistency of the uterus: with mechanical irritation or two-handed examination, the uterus thickens and contracts, then becomes soft again.
Piskacek's sign: in the early stages, there is asymmetry of the uterus, protrusion of one of the corners where the implantation took place. Disappears with time.
The sign of Gubarev and Gauss: in the early stages, there is slight mobility of the neck, which is associated with a significant softening of the isthmus.
Genter's sign: in the early stages, due to softening of the isthmus, there is an inflection of the uterus in front and a ridge-like thickening on the anterior surface of the uterus along the midline. Not always defined

Undoubted (reliable) signs - in the second half of pregnancy

The fetal heartbeat is determined (using an obstetric stethoscope, you can listen to the fetal heartbeats);
sensation of fetal movement (primiparous - at 18-20 weeks, multiparous - at 16-18 weeks;
palpation of large and small parts of the fetus or its movements (starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy). During the implementation of palpation of the abdomen with Leopold's techniques (external methods of obstetric examination), the position, position, type, presentation of the fetus and the ratio of the presenting part to the small pelvis are determined.
on the radiograph and echogram, the skeleton of the fetus is determined;

A positive result of immunological pregnancy tests is one of the signs that probably indicates the onset of pregnancy. Determination of the level of the ß-subunit of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood serum makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy several days after embryo implantation.

Reliable or undoubted signs of pregnancy indicate the presence of the fetus in the uterine cavity. The most reliable information for diagnosing pregnancy is obtained based on the results of ultrasound (ultrasound). When conducting a transabdominal scan, pregnancy can be diagnosed for a period of 4-5 weeks, and with transvaginal echography earlier by 3.5-4 weeks. Pregnancy in the early stages is diagnosed on the basis of the determination of the fetal egg, yolk sac, embryo and its heart contractions in the uterine cavity. At a later date, when visualizing the fetus (fetuses). The cardiac activity of the fetus is determined at a period of 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, and motor activity at 7-8 weeks.

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay:

A woman who wants to have a baby looks forward to a miracle every month and wants to know all the most reliable and even not so reliable signs of pregnancy. It can be understood, because it is not just about curiosity, but something much more, and sometimes it is simply impossible to wait for an indefinitely long time (and it lasts forever!)

The role of the central nervous system in pregnancy

Some women in anticipation of a child become very observant and notice all the little things that should speak of pregnancy. If a woman is calm and not prone to exaggeration by her nature, then she can adequately assess these signs. But it also happens that some women are so waiting for the onset of pregnancy that they unwittingly take wishful thinking. Their suggestibility increases so much that some physiological processes in the body actually change in the absence of pregnancy. The disappointment is very great.

There is also such a phenomenon: if a woman is waiting too long for pregnancy, she does not occur, but if she forgets about it or simply comes to the conclusion that there will never be a child and calm down, the desired pregnancy comes. All these facts speak about the huge role that the central nervous system plays in our body.

What signs can indicate pregnancy

Even our great-great-grandmothers knew the main signs of pregnancy. But they are not expressed equally in all women, and some do not notice any initial signs at all, focusing only on the absence of menstruation, a pregnancy test, a doctor's examination and an ultrasound examination. And yet a woman is supposed to know what was known to our distant ancestors. The first signs of pregnancy that appear even before a missed period are:
the appearance of constant fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance:

The appearance of bouts of dizziness, which are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, lack of coordination, and sometimes fainting; this is one of the most common signs of pregnancy;
another sign that occurs in almost all pregnant women is mood volatility (lability); a previously calm woman can, for no reason at all, pounce on her husband and make a scandal, then move on to tears and end the scene with violent remorse and a feeling of extraordinary love for her husband;
increased sensitivity to odors; at the same time, smells that a woman used to consider pleasant (for example, her favorite perfumes) cease to please, and sometimes cause disgust; on the contrary, there is an addiction to unpleasant odors (gasoline, asphalt acetone); but this is not always the case, often an increased sensitivity to smells manifests itself in the fact that a woman cannot stand strong smells or even any smells;
taste changes: food preferences can change dramatically; but this also does not always occur and each woman proceeds in her own way; in addition, a woman may experience a wolfish appetite or, on the contrary, a sharp decrease in appetite;
nausea in the morning - in the first days of pregnancy, this symptom is not so common, however, it also happens that it starts to vomit from the very first day of pregnancy;
incomprehensible sensations in the lower abdomen, including pain; this sign usually appears in sensitive and impressionable women and is most often the fruit of fantasies and self-hypnosis; although the actual presence of some sensations in this area cannot be ruled out;
soreness in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands sometimes occurs from the very first days and is associated with a change in hormonal levels; but in general the mammary glands enlarge and engorge later.

Other early signs of pregnancy (weight gain, frequent urination) usually appear later.

Is it possible to confirm pregnancy before a missed period?

The most accurate guide is the measurement of basal temperature in the rectum daily in the morning, without getting out of bed. Well, if the graph of such a temperature is constantly maintained, then it can be seen that before menstruation, the basal temperature decreases, while when pregnancy occurs, it slightly rises.

The most sensitive pregnancy tests begin to work only after the tenth day of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg enters the uterus and is introduced into its mucous membrane. In this case, the shell of the egg begins to secrete the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is determined with the help of a pregnancy test.

An obstetrician-gynecologist may notice cyanosis and some softening of the walls of the vagina and cervix.

During an ultrasound examination, the egg is visible after it has penetrated the uterine wall.

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period can be quite accurate.

Signs of early pregnancy before delay

The first signs of an interesting situation may appear before the delay of menstruation, which means before the test can give a positive result. Most of these signs are associated with the activity of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - one of the hormones of pregnancy. Although its level at such an early date is still quite low, this is enough for changes to begin in the body, some of which can be seen by external signs.

If, despite the presence of some signs, the test gave a negative result, you may just be in a hurry. Tests that promise to determine pregnancy in the first days after a delay are often wrong, because the amount of hCG is still too low that they could feel it. To get a more accurate result, the delay should be at least one week, so be patient. However, if the test gives a positive result after a couple of days, the error is very unlikely and most likely you are pregnant.

Pregnancy is certainly an exciting, but also a very unusual experience. Many women expect symptoms such as frequent nausea, back pain and fainting from him. But there are other signs - and, probably, expectant mothers do not even assume about some of them.

Nosebleeds and stuffy nose

The nose is far from the uterus, what does it have to do with it? However, epistaxis and stuffy nose are quite common in pregnant women. In most cases, a humidifier, rinsing the nose with saline solution, and proper rest will help to cope with this. If this does not help, seek the advice of a doctor.

Vaginal discharge

Since periods stop around this time, you don't expect heavy vaginal discharge, but many expectant mothers experience it. If they are white or golden in color and have no smell, then everything is fine. If there is a change in color and an unpleasant odor, you need to talk to your doctor.


One of the signs of an interesting situation is severe fatigue and, as a result, drowsiness. Often this is true, but some pregnant women suffer from insomnia. Taking sleeping pills is strongly discouraged. Regular exercise, outdoor activities, cutting down on caffeine, and learning stress-reduction techniques all contribute to deep, healthy sleep.

Increased gas formation

Pregnancy hormones greatly affect everything in your body, including digestion. Bloating, belching and flatulence are common for expectant mothers. Try limiting your gas-producing foods (such as legumes, although you shouldn't cut them out completely) and drink more water.

And most importantly, do not worry too much about these symptoms. It may not be very feminine, but it is absolutely natural.

Thanks to hormones, digestion slows down so that the body has time to absorb as many nutrients from food as possible. Eat as much fiber as possible and drink plenty of water - this contributes to better digestion of food. If that doesn't help and you're really worried about constipation, talk to your doctor, he might be able to prescribe mild laxatives for you.

Other early signs

More frequent than usual urge to urinate can begin as early as 6-8 weeks after conception. While it can also be caused by diabetes, a urinary tract infection, or excess diuretic use, if you're pregnant, it's most likely due to elevated hormone levels.
Elevated progesterone levels sometimes cause constipation. To combat this problem, drink more water, exercise, and eat as many fiber-rich foods as possible.
Frequent and sudden mood swings are especially common for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also associated with hormonal changes.
Headaches and back pain, especially in the lower back.
Dizziness and fainting caused by dilated blood vessels, low blood pressure, and low blood sugar.

For some women, the first signs of pregnancy appear within a week after conception. For others, such symptoms appear only after a few weeks, or even do not appear at all.

A sign of pregnancy - an increase in basal temperature

Basal temperature is measured in the rectum. Some women keep a chart of basal temperature every day, they can confidently determine the day of ovulation, the onset of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the basal temperature is more than 37 degrees, it stays at this level. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature in the morning, immediately after you open and rub your eyes, before getting out of bed. The basal temperature during pregnancy is increased.


Do you know the first signs of pregnancy? Below we provide a list of 25 signs of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy, depending on their reliability and informativeness, are usually divided into 3 categories: possible (the presence of these signs indicates that pregnancy is possible), probable (the presence of these signs indicates that the likelihood that you are pregnant is very high) and accurate (the presence of these signs always indicates the presence of pregnancy).

Possible signs of pregnancy:

Absence of menstruation
In the absence (delay) of menstruation, pregnancy is suspected in the first place. It is customary to talk about a delay in menstruation in those cases when, against the background of a regular menstrual cycle, menstruation did not occur at the expected time.
Pregnancy, however, is not the only reason for the absence (delay) of menstruation. Other possible reasons for not having a period are:

Intense physical activity (for example, fitness classes)
Changes in the mode of life, work (for example, switching to work on a night shift)
Taking certain medications (such as hormonal medications)
Incorrect counting (in case of irregular menstrual cycle)
Period close to menopause

unusual menstruation
The menstrual cycle, in any way different from the usual: longer, or vice versa, shorter; starts earlier or later, is accompanied by more or less abundant discharge - any of these variations and their combinations may indicate pregnancy.
It should be noted that in addition to the onset of pregnancy, such menstrual irregularities can be observed in some gynecological diseases, so the identification of this symptom should serve as a reason to consult a doctor (either for a positive diagnosis of pregnancy, or for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that disrupts the menstrual cycle).

"Feeling" of pregnancy
At the very beginning of pregnancy, some women experience uterine cramps or even pain. Most of all, uterine cramps resemble premenstrual pain.

Nausea and vomiting
These are some of the most common early signs of pregnancy. Although nausea and vomiting may appear from the first weeks of pregnancy, most often these symptoms occur from the 6th to the 12th week. If nausea and vomiting appear in the first weeks of pregnancy, they are usually considered as signs of early preeclampsia (toxicosis of pregnant women).
Nausea and vomiting can be observed in a number of other conditions (diseases) that are not related to pregnancy in any way (gastritis, gastric ulcer, enteritis, enterocolitis, migraine) - however, in such cases, in addition to nausea and vomiting, there are usually other symptoms of the disease that are not characteristic for pregnancy.

Libido changes
Changes in a woman's sexual desire are caused by a complex of emotional and physical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. These changes can either increase or decrease libido (sexual desire).
Physical changes include increased breast tenderness (which can also make touching more pleasant or extremely unpleasant), nausea, increased blood flow to the genital area, and others. Psychological changes are associated with the effect of female sex hormones on the nervous system.
In view of the extreme delicacy of the problem of sexual desire, its changes are usually considered the last sign of pregnancy, especially if these changes are selective or chronic.

sore chest
During pregnancy, the breasts begin to prepare for feeding the unborn child. Breast changes during pregnancy include:

Sore or tender breasts
Enlargement and darkening of the nipples and areolas
Breast augmentation
Isolation of colostrum (either spontaneously or by pressure on the nipple and areola).

The described breast changes can also be observed in some endocrine diseases (for example, increased secretion of prolactin).

Breast augmentation
Although this is not a mandatory feature, many women experience breast enlargement from early in pregnancy. During pregnancy, both breasts increase symmetrically and evenly.
One-sided or uneven (knotty) breast enlargement is observed with breast tumors, mastitis.

Frequent urination
It can be observed from early pregnancy. A woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, which usually ends with the release of a small amount of urine. The increased urge to urinate during pregnancy is due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, reducing its volume and ability to accumulate urine.
In addition to pregnancy, frequent urination can be observed in diseases of the bladder or urethra - cystitis, urethritis (in such cases, frequent urges are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, burning directly during urination, temperature), endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus (frequent urination is accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine and intense thirst).

Unusual taste preferences
While many people associate pregnancy with "cravings" for pickles and ice cream, pregnant women's taste preferences vary and are not limited to the foods described. Some studies show that 68% of pregnant women experience unusual taste preferences, which are sometimes surprising in nature (the desire to eat raw vegetables, chalk, earth, lime, raw meat, etc.).
And although most preferences are safe for health (in a reasonable amount), some pregnancy may experience the so-called pica - the desire to eat inedible substances such as chalk, starch, etc.
A change in taste preferences can also be observed with iron deficiency anemia. In the case of anemia, taste preferences are combined with other symptoms: brittle and dry hair, splitting of nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth, pale skin, dizziness, and increased fatigue.

A number of important changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman and many processes take place, even if it is not very noticeable in the initial period. This organism needs a lot of strength and resources, which explains the reduced endurance, drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue.
This sign has the least diagnostic value, since a feeling of fatigue or decreased performance can occur with many different diseases or be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, chronic overwork or lack of sleep.

Tubercles of Montgomery
Montgomery's tubercles are small bumps (reminiscent of goosebumps) on the areola of the breast (the areola). They do not pose any threat to health, and their appearance is a common sign of pregnancy.

Skin changes
Due to the many hormonal and mechanical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, the skin can also change. Skin changes during pregnancy include:

Mask of pregnancy (chloasma) - in some pregnant women, due to increased secretion of melanotropin, increased pigmentation of the nose, cheeks and forehead develops. After childbirth, this pigmentation gradually disappears.
The dark line along the abdomen is a pigmented line that runs from the pubis to the fundus of the uterus and usually appears by the third month of pregnancy.
Acne - While some pregnant women have better skin than they ever did before pregnancy, for other women, skin becomes oilier and more acne-prone as pregnancy progresses.
Spider veins ("spider veins") - can appear on the face, neck, chest, arms and legs. They appear due to an increase in the blood level of estrogen (female sex hormones). In shape, they resemble stars, have a bluish tint and disappear when pressed.
Stretch marks - usually appear in the second half of pregnancy and depend on factors such as heredity, weight gain, diet, etc.
Erythema of the palms - redness or spots on the palms. It also occurs due to elevated estrogen levels.
Other types of changes - some women notice accelerated nail growth, others notice increased hair growth, hair may become stronger or more brittle, there may be increased sweating, and a host of other changes.

Stretch marks
Stretch marks appear due to the separation and rupture of the collagen fibers of the skin. They are not painful, but they may feel itchy or tingly. During pregnancy and in the postpartum period, stretch marks appear in 60-90% of women. Stretch marks most commonly appear in the lower abdomen, but can also appear on the thighs, upper arms, chest, and buttocks.
There are many factors that affect the likelihood of stretch marks. The main factors are:

Family history - if your mother, sister, grandmother and aunt had stretch marks, you probably will too.
Weight Gained – Rapid and/or excessive weight gain drastically increases the risk of stretch marks.
Multiple pregnancies - If you have multiple pregnancies, the chances of getting stretch marks are very high.
Diet – A healthy diet and sufficient fluids provide higher skin elasticity, and consequently reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Enlargement of the uterus
As the fetus grows, the size of the uterus increases, and, accordingly, the volume of the abdomen increases.
An increase in the volume of the uterus can also be observed in cases of uterine tumors.
An increase in the volume of the abdomen can be observed separately from an increase in the size of the uterus. In such cases, possible causes of an increase in the abdomen may be: obesity, ascites, an increase in the size of other internal organs.

Women who have not given birth before, first feel the movement of the fetus around the 20th week of pregnancy. Those who were previously pregnant feel the movement earlier, around the 16-18th week.
Note that the feeling of fetal movement, as a possible sign of pregnancy, comes much earlier than the visible vibrations of the abdominal wall, which is considered as an undoubted sign of pregnancy.

Isolation of colostrum from the breast
Colostrum is the first milk. It contains all the necessary nutrients for a newborn baby. Usually, towards the end of pregnancy, women notice the release of a yellowish liquid from the breast, or simply notice the appearance of a thin white film on the nipples - this is colostrum. For some women, colostrum may also appear earlier in pregnancy.

Possible signs of pregnancy:

Increasing the volume of the abdomen
If you have been pregnant before, you may notice a slight increase in belly volume as early as the second or third month of pregnancy. However, most often the abdomen noticeably increases only after the third or fourth month of pregnancy, and sometimes even later. After the 12th week, the uterus can be felt above the pubis.

Changes in the shape of the uterus
This sign can be checked by an obstetrician, and it can also be checked with an ultrasound.

Braxton Hicks contractions (training contractions)
Braxton-Hicks contractions are defined as intermittent, painless contractions that occur at intervals of 10 to 20 minutes and may appear after the first trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes they are called training bouts. Not all pregnant women feel exercise contractions, and some mothers say they felt them much more clearly in subsequent pregnancies compared to their first pregnancy. Some women do not feel contractions, but feel periodic tension if they feel their lower abdomen with their hands. Training contractions differ from true labor contractions in that they are shorter, less intense, and irregular. They often stop if the woman lies down and relaxes. If the gestational age is less than 37 weeks, the contractions are regular, do not stop and are repeated more often than every 10-12 minutes, you need to urgently consult a doctor, since these may not be training contractions, but premature birth. The difference between real labor pains and Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions

Contractions do not increase

Contractions get more frequent

Contractions don't get worse

Contractions intensify

Contractions are felt more in the front of the abdomen

Contractions felt all over the abdomen

Contractions don't lengthen

Contractions lengthen

Walking does not affect contractions

Contractions get worse when walking

The cervix does not change

The cervix softens and opens

If any of the described signs or their combinations are determined, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of their occurrence.
Diagnosis of pregnancy should be made as early as possible - this is extremely important for the prevention of some complications of pregnancy.

Positive pregnancy test
A regular pregnancy test, available from a pharmacy, is done 5 or more days after the date your period was due (in the case of a regular menstrual cycle). If this test is carried out earlier, it is likely that it will show a false negative result (that is, there is pregnancy, but it has not yet been determined using the test). This is because this test detects the level of pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, and the concentration of this hormone increases gradually during the first weeks of pregnancy. If you want to check if you are pregnant or not before the specified date, you can take a more sensitive laboratory test.
Very rarely, an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin can be observed with some tumors of the uterus.

Precise signs of pregnancy:

Feeling the fetus
In the later stages of pregnancy, you can feel the fetus through the abdomen. Obstetricians do this to determine the position of the fetus.

Listening to the fetal heart
The fetal heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. With the help of an electronic stethoscope, the heartbeat can be heard as early as 10-12 weeks. The average fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute.

Determination of pregnancy using ultrasound (ultrasound)
It is recommended to undergo the first ultrasound examination (ultrasound) between the 7th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. However, with the help of ultrasound, you can determine the presence of pregnancy much earlier - starting from 2-3 weeks of pregnancy.

Determination of pregnancy using x-ray
Due to the risk of radiation exposure, X-ray examination is not used as a method of determining pregnancy. However, pregnancy can be determined by chance, during an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. In such cases, the bones of the fetus will be visible on the x-ray.

Imaginary pregnancy

There are cases when all the signs of pregnancy, it would seem, are evident, but there is no pregnancy itself. This condition is called imaginary pregnancy. It occurs most often in women who have long and unsuccessfully dreamed of feeling the happiness of motherhood. Less likely to imaginary pregnancy are those who, on the contrary, are afraid of this event. If a woman who is really expecting a baby has the main symptoms due to a colossal hormonal restructuring of the whole organism, then the signs of an imaginary pregnancy have completely different reasons. Stress, infections, hormonal imbalance, various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, beriberi, malnutrition, depression, combined with the appropriate psychological attitude, create a complete illusion of pregnancy.
At the beginning of the last century, the Serbian queen summoned our outstanding obstetrician Snegirev before giving birth. She already felt the contractions and was preparing to become a mother from day to day, but a thorough examination showed ... that all these nine months of waiting were in vain. The queen's pregnancy turned out to be imaginary!
Fortunately, today the situation when a woman finds out about the absence of a baby under her heart already on the eve of childbirth is practically impossible. Now there are many ways to determine pregnancy in the early stages. These are home pregnancy tests, and an analysis for hCG, and ultrasound diagnostics.
Be that as it may, if you find signs of pregnancy (and especially several at once), you should consult a doctor. After all, if the pregnancy is under the control of specialists from the earliest stages, this will significantly reduce the risk of all kinds of complications. And in the event that, in the presence of common signs, pregnancy is still not diagnosed, the doctor will identify the cause of the violations and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


The information contained in the answers to the most frequently asked questions may partially repeat what has already been stated above, but it will still be useful for you to familiarize yourself with it.
What signs of pregnancy occur before a missed period?

At the slightest delay in menstruation, we usually fly to the pharmacy to check the only thought of pregnancy with a test. However, tests usually reliably show the result after the period when menstruation should begin. In a situation where you want to know about it at the earliest possible time, even before menstruation, you should pay attention to several possible signs. They may be subtle or quite strong, but they will indicate that perhaps the miracle of pregnancy has come to you.

First of all, examine your chest. If she reacts sensitively or painfully to a greater extent than when critical days approach, this may indicate that you are expecting a baby. The chest may increase significantly. The main symptom is the darkening of the alveoli and a dark pigmented stripe in the inguinal region. Pigmentation can also appear on the face. Small bumps may form on the nipples.

In addition, you may experience severe nausea or dizziness, not only in the morning, but also during the day, hypersensitivity to odors and a change in food preferences. Appetite may increase sharply, but some women feel quite strong rejection of food. Premenstrual syndrome in the form of tearfulness, bad mood, uncontrollable anger may intensify. These signs are explained by all the same hormonal changes, when the rebuilding organism adapts to bearing a child.

In addition, there may be pulling pains in the abdomen and slight bleeding, which is often mistaken for early menstruation. The thing is that in the interval of 8-10 days, the fetal egg, having passed its way through the fallopian tubes, is attached in the uterus, causing these rather unpleasant symptoms. At this time, pregnancy is difficult to determine, but you can definitely understand that a woman is not pregnant by measuring daily basal temperature. As you know, after ovulation, the basal temperature is slightly increased and when pregnancy occurs, it remains above 37 degrees. However, if the temperature has dropped sharply, you can expect the onset of menstruation.

It must be noted that nature has created us so different that the signs appear very individually. In some cases, you will not notice any changes at all, and sometimes a woman knows for sure even before her period that she is expecting a baby. This is our famous female intuition (the main thing is not to confuse it with suspiciousness).
Is it possible to notice pregnancy in the first week?

In the first week, determining pregnancy is even more difficult. A fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus for a whole week. At this time, the division process is constantly taking place and the placenta and umbilical cord are formed. At this time, the embryo already has the shape and size of a pea. A week later, it attaches to the walls of the uterus. You can feel the birth of life only intuitively, as well as observing the very first signs.

First, you should keep a basal temperature diary. During pregnancy, it is higher than 37 degrees, however, this only indicates a high probability of an “interesting position”. Other signs: drowsiness and fatigue, headaches, migraines, throwing it into heat, then into cold - all this is possible when the body is reorganized to bear offspring. Drawing pains in the lower back, noticeable processes of breast enlargement and swelling, nausea.

Do not rush to draw conclusions and rush to extremes, all this can be just common symptoms not related to pregnancy. You can accurately determine your condition with the help of a blood test, but it is best to wait. Just a few days, and medicine or nature will be able to answer you more definitely.
What sensations arise in the first month of pregnancy?

The conception that has taken place can be determined by several individual signs. Many do this at different times, on their own or with the help of tests. Symptoms only help determine the likelihood of conception, since many factors can be just symptoms of a "false pregnancy" - a condition that many nervous ladies experience, wanting to bring their dream of having a baby closer. Only a gynecologist can finally confirm this fact 100% at a later date, approximately 4-5 weeks.

According to statistics, during the first month after conception, 90% of women experience changes in the condition of the breast. Sensitivity increases, some soreness appears. The chest, as it were, swells up, becomes more voluminous, a network of protruding veins is clearly visible. Of course, everything is the fault of hormones. In addition, the areola and nipple become dark brown. Perhaps, when pressed, colostrum is released from the nipple.

Some women feel toxicosis even before the expected period of menstruation. Statistics tell us that during the first month more than 60% of women experience toxicosis - nausea, aversion to food, vomiting, more often in the morning. The sense of smell changes. Some smells become simply unbearable, others are strangely very attractive.

Too rapid growth of the uterus can provoke pain in the lower back or in the sacrum. In the last week of a monthly pregnancy, the fetus, increasing in volume, can press on the uterus, causing frequent urge to urinate. Salt can linger in the body, so slight but noticeable swelling is sometimes observed on the arms and legs. Small pink discharge, indicating the exit of the embryo from the fallopian tubes and attaching it to the uterine cavity, is often almost invisible, but can also resemble meager periods.

In any case, don't trust your intuition too much. The first weeks are the most responsible. If you suspect that you may be pregnant, go to the gynecologist as early as possible in order to be monitored in time and provide yourself and your child with comfortable conditions for bearing.
What are the signs of abnormal pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With or without fever. The appearance of such not even too painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of a woman's life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, a woman is urgently examined and, according to indications, operated on, since delay can lead to serious problems with women's health and even death. What happens is extremely rare, so do not be scared in advance, but just show yourself to the gynecologist in a timely manner.

For the rest, tune in positively Wink. After all, the process of pregnancy is full of interesting and pleasant moments. And the birth of your baby will open up a whole new world for you and become a new page in your life.

Possible signs of pregnancy

The group of probable signs of pregnancy include changes in menstrual function and in the reproductive system: - Cessation of menstruation in a young healthy woman who is sexually active; - Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix; - Breast engorgement and the appearance of colostrum in them; - An increase in the size of the uterus, according to the delay in menstruation - Changes in the shape and consistency of the uterus.

The size of the uterus, its shape and consistency are revealed using a two-handed study. With the onset of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases, which becomes noticeable at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.

A normal non-pregnant uterus is pear-shaped, dense, flattened in the anteroposterior direction, moderately mobile. With the onset of pregnancy, the uterus acquires a spherical shape (5-6 weeks), and up to 7-8 weeks of pregnancy it becomes asymmetrical due to the bulging of one of its corners. Away with the development of pregnancy, the asymmetry disappears and the uterus again acquires a rounded shape.

A number of signs of early pregnancy have been proposed:

1. Sign of Horvitz-Gegar - the tissues of the uterus at the level of its isthmus are so softened that they are not felt during a two-handed examination and the fingers, examining the hands, seem to meet each other 2. Sign of Snegirev - during a two-handed examination, under the influence of mechanical stimulation, the uterus becomes dense and decreases at the rate of. After the cessation of irritation, the uterus again gains a soft consistency. 3. Sign of Piskachek - in the early stages of pregnancy, the asymmetry of the uterus is often determined, depending on the dome-shaped protrusion of its right or left horn. The protrusion corresponds to the site of implantation of the fetal egg. 4. Gubarev and Gaus drew attention to the slight mobility of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy, which is due to a significant softening of the isthmus. 5. Genter's sign is an increased inflection of the uterus in front, which occurs as a result of a significant softening of the isthmus, a ridge-like thickening, along the midline of the anterior surface of the body of the uterus. The listed probable signs of pregnancy do not always indicate the presence of pregnancy and may be associated with other reasons. So, a delay in menstruation can be the result of psychogenic factors, emotional stress. An increase in the size and change in the shape of the uterus can be caused by a growing uterine fibroids. Therefore, all probable signs of pregnancy are important, mainly in their totality and are studied in dynamics during a second examination of a woman, expressed in the early stages (up to 3 months).

- Identification by palpation of parts of the fetus in the second half of pregnancy; - Listening to the heart sounds of the fetus; – Determining the presence of a fetus using medical equipment: fetal phono- and electrocardiography data, ultrasound data.

Primigravidas feel the movements of the fetus from the 20th week of pregnancy, re-pregnant women from 18 weeks.

10. Parity. The course of previous pregnancies. The nature of previous births.

Reliable signs of pregnancy. Undoubted signs of pregnancy. Diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasound (ultrasound).

Or, these are signs that appear in the second half of pregnancy and indicate the presence of a fetus in the uterine cavity.

1. . In the second half of pregnancy, palpation of the abdomen determines the head, back and small parts (limbs) of the fetus; the longer the gestation period, the better the parts of the fetus are felt.

2. Clearly audible fetal heart sounds. With the help of an obstetric stethoscope (Fig. 4.7), fetal heart sounds are heard from the beginning of the second half of pregnancy in the form of rhythmic beats, repeating 120-140 times per minute. Sometimes it is possible to catch the fetal heartbeat from 18-19 weeks of pregnancy. Registration of fetal heart rate is also possible at an earlier date using echocardiography (48 days after the first day of the last menstruation) and echography (from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy).

3. felt by the doctor during the examination of a pregnant woman. Fetal movements are usually determined in the second half of pregnancy. (themselves pregnant feel the movement of the fetus - primiparous from the 20th week, but, but these sensations do not apply to reliable signs of pregnancy, since they may be erroneous - a woman may mistake intestinal peristalsis for the movement of the fetus.)

Most reliable information in the diagnosis of pregnancy get with (). With transabdominal scanning, the presence of pregnancy can be established from 4-5 weeks, and with transvaginal echography - 1-1.5 weeks earlier. In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is established on the basis of the determination of the fetal egg, yolk sac, embryo and its heartbeats in the uterine cavity, at a later date - due to the visualization of the fetus (or fetuses in multiple pregnancies).

- requires a comprehensive examination of the patient: only after carefully collecting an anamnesis, listening to subjective complaints, examining and palpating the abdomen, mammary glands, examining the external and internal genital organs, the doctor can diagnose pregnancy based on the total amount of presumptive and probable signs. In addition, in doubtful cases, the presence of pregnancy is clarified by ultrasound (reliable sign).

- is accurate even if there is only one reliable feature.

After establishing the fact, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

Some women realize that they are pregnant from the moment they conceive a child. It may just be an inner feeling. If you feel pregnant before the test, this can be explained by a change in hormonal levels. Your body begins to produce the hCG pregnancy hormone and other hormones, and thus, we can assume that reliable confirmation of an interesting situation for you is your personal feeling and understanding of your body.

Women who are very sensitive to any changes in the body can feel some changes happening to her until the delay is determined. The following subtle but reliable signs of pregnancy are called putative or subjective signs, which means that they may indicate a condition and not pregnancy. If you are experiencing any specific signals or symptoms, you may want to talk to your gynecologist about it. You can do a pregnancy test, but the result will not be accurate at an early date.

Many signs of pregnancy, such as missed periods and morning sickness, are common and therefore reliable signs of pregnancy. However, many women experience bleeding that is mistaken for menstrual bleeding, and not all women experience early morning sickness, so it's good to know your reliable signs of pregnancy.

Delay or absence of menstruation

Delayed menstruation is considered the most common symptom, which begins with many pregnancy history. There are many reasons for a missed period, so it cannot be considered that a delay or absence of a period is a reliable sign of pregnancy.

At an early stage, a woman may experience spotting that occurs during the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. The amount of discharge depends on the woman herself, but some mistakenly take these discharges for a full menstruation, thereby ignoring the fact of pregnancy.

Unusual eating habits are sometimes the very first signs of pregnancy, even before the onset of a delay. Basically, women tend to crave coffee and fatty foods. A woman cannot ignore such addictions, there are even stories in literature when the husband of a pregnant woman had to travel far for a wonderful fruit, and, returning home, he finds out that his wife wants another fruit.

A woman experiencing nausea is always under suspicion of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are reliable signs of pregnancy in many women.

All signs of pregnancy are manifested in all women in different ways; it all depends on individual tolerance and health status.

To establish pregnancy during examination, the doctor is helped by the presence of distinctive signs, which can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Conjectural.
  • Probable.
  • Reliable.

Important It should be remembered that a number of diseases (endocrine pathology, taking certain drugs, etc.) can mimic some of the symptoms of pregnancy.

Alleged signs and their description

Presumable signs include a change in the subjective feelings of a woman in connection with pregnancy:

  1. . Occurs mostly in the morning on an empty stomach. Usually passes after a light snack, without getting out of bed. In the event that vomiting is repeated repeatedly during the day, as well as from day to day and disrupts general well-being, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since this condition is a pathology and requires treatment (sometimes stationary, depending on the severity);
  2. . Often during pregnancy, a woman has a desire to eat certain foods and not to eat others. This is the normal state. It must be remembered that there are pathological taste preferences (the desire to eat chalk, etc.), which may indirectly indicate certain diseases;
  3. Change in olfactory sensations(aversion to tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol);
  4. Violations of the functions of the nervous system: drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, sudden mood changes. In this case, the support of loved ones is necessary to reduce the severity of such symptoms without medical intervention;
  5. . It occurs due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the symptoms increase somewhat, there are nocturnal urges to urinate. It must be remembered that urination should not be uncomfortable and even more painful (which is a sign of a urinary tract infection);
  6. The appearance of streaks of pigmentation on the skin(along the white line of the abdomen, on the face, nipple area). Often during pregnancy there are also (stretch marks on the skin). As a rule, this is due to changes in the hormonal background and skin characteristics, and more often occurs with a large fetus, polyhydramnios;
  7. Increasing the volume of the abdomen due to the growing uterus.

In some women, a change in subjective sensations is not observed, especially in the early stages.

Information The above signs are not strictly specific to pregnancy, so you should not rely on them alone when making a diagnosis.

Possible symptoms and their description

Probable signs are changes in the woman's body due to pregnancy, which are determined primarily in the genitals and mammary gland. It should be noted that these signs may be a symptom of a number of gynecological diseases (for example, hormone-producing tumors).

  1. () in healthy women of reproductive(childbearing). Amenorrhea can be a symptom of gynecological diseases (menstrual irregularities due to changes in hormonal levels, etc.), as well as with strong psycho-emotional overload, with sudden weight loss, after severe illness;
  2. , which occurs due to hormonal changes and preparation for (breastfeeding). Sometimes, more often in the second half of pregnancy, a small amount of colostrum can be released from the nipples;
  3. (cyanosis) mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, which is determined by examining the genital tract in the mirrors;
  4. Change in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus. An increase in the size of the uterus during examination can be determined from the 5-6th week of pregnancy (earlier in thin patients). It grows with increasing gestational age, and also softens (especially in the isthmus). A change in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus can also be observed in various gynecological diseases (myoma, adenomyosis, etc.).

With a delay in menstruation, you should first of all do an express pregnancy test based on the determination (hCG is one of the pregnancy hormones) in the urine. This analysis can be carried out at home necessarily with the morning portion of urine. If there is a positive test (2 bright stripes), pregnancy can be assumed. You can also use the determination of hCG in a woman's blood. Chorionic gonadotropin is produced from the beginning of pregnancy, has its maximum by 11-13 weeks, and then gradually decreases. The lack of proper dynamics in the level of hCG is alarming, as it may indicate the presence of an undeveloped or ectopic pregnancy. The norms of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood are given in the table.

The first signs of pregnancy, reliable signs

Questions have been troubling people since ancient times. To find out if a woman in ancient Egypt was pregnant, she was given a drink made from a special herb (budu-ka) and the milk of a woman who gave birth to a boy. If this drink caused vomiting, then the woman is pregnant, otherwise there was no pregnancy. To determine pregnancy, the ancient Jews forced a woman to walk on soft grass: if a deep trace remained, then the pregnancy existed.

The midwives of ancient Greece already possessed considerable knowledge. So, to determine pregnancy, they were based on a number of objective signs: lack of menstruation, lack of appetite, salivation, nausea, and the appearance of yellow spots on the face. At the same time, they also resorted to such ridiculous means: they rubbed a red stone in front of the woman's eyes, and if the dust got into her eyes, the woman was considered pregnant, otherwise the pregnancy was denied.

Even Hippocrates (460-377 BC) had many false and erroneous ideas about pregnancy. In particular, he believed that pregnancy could be recognized by the eyes, but at the same time, he considered the cessation of menstruation to be one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Soranus of Ephesus (1st century AD) established the following signs of pregnancy: menstruation is delayed, the mammary glands swell, and the vessels of the skin of the mammary glands become crimped, acquire a bluish tint and swell; there is an urge to vomit; dark circles appear under the eyes, and sometimes yellow spots appear on the face; over time, the abdomen increases and the pregnant woman begins to feel the movements of the fetus.

Diagnosis of pregnancy has been gradually improved in accordance with the development of human society. Today, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of a survey, an objective examination of a woman and laboratory research methods.

Signs of pregnancy according to their diagnostic value are divided into presumptive and probable, which appear relatively early, and reliable, usually detected from the second half of pregnancy. It is understandable, therefore, that it is impossible to use reliable signs for early diagnosis of pregnancy.

Among the presumptive (doubtful) signs that appear early, although not with every pregnancy, but still have some diagnostic value, include the following:

    Dyspeptic disorders, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, salivation, nausea, morning vomiting on an empty stomach, changes in appetite or aversion to certain types of food (usually meat), the appearance of a particular addiction to spicy and especially sour dishes, constipation, the desire to eat inedible substances lime , chalk, clay, etc.

    Functional disorders of the nervous system and psyche: slight irritability, aggravation of smell and hearing, tearfulness, isolation.

    Changes in metabolism: deposition of subcutaneous fat, especially on the abdomen, pigmentation of the nipples and areola, white line, and sometimes the face.

  • The appearance of stripes (scars) of pregnancy.

All these signs are often found in pregnant women, but are not necessarily associated with pregnancy, and therefore are called presumptive.

Possible signs of pregnancy include the following:

    Cessation of menstruation in a healthy, sexually active woman of childbearing age.

    Stagnation is a bluish coloration of the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina, its walls and the vaginal part of the cervix. An increase in the size of the uterus in accordance with the delay in menstruation, a change in its usual shape and consistency.

  • Breast engorgement and the appearance of colostrum in them.

All these signs in most cases really characterize pregnancy, but sometimes they can also be the result of other reasons. So, for example, a delay in menstruation can be of a psychogenic nature; the cause of the enlargement of the uterus is a growing tumor. Therefore, the listed signs of pregnancy are valuable not individually, but in the aggregate.

Significant (undoubted) signs of pregnancy include the following:

  • Determination of parts of the fetus when feeling the uterus; it is easiest to determine the round, dense part of the head, as well as small parts of the handle and leg.
  • The movement of the fetus, determined by the hand of the examiner.
  • Listening to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope or heart monitor.

These signs 100% confirm pregnancy, but they are late, since they can only be noted from the end of the IV or the beginning of the V month of pregnancy. One of the important points in the diagnosis of pregnancy is a vaginal examination and palpation of the uterus, so this should be discussed in more detail. The size of a normal non-pregnant uterus along the longitudinal axis is approximately 79 cm (in non-pregnant women, somewhat less, in those who have given birth, somewhat more). With the onset of pregnancy and in the process of its development, the size of the uterus increases. Until the end of the third month of pregnancy, the uterus is still in the pelvic cavity and can only be palpated during vaginal examination. Only after this period, no longer fitting in the small pelvis, the uterus comes out of it and can be palpated from the side of the abdominal wall, and subsequently leads to a noticeable increase in the abdomen.

The normal non-pregnant uterus is usually pear-shaped, somewhat flattened in anteroposterior size. With the onset of pregnancy, in the process of its further development, the shape of the uterus changes. At first, it takes on a spherical shape, then somewhat asymmetric, then again spherical, and towards the end of pregnancy, ovoid.

The acquisition of a spherical shape by the uterus, along with other signs, is very characteristic of pregnancy. The spherical shape of the uterus can be observed already from 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, and this shape can persist up to about 9 to 10 weeks.

Starting from 78 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus becomes asymmetric, namely: one of its corners protrudes somewhat, as if bulging compared to the opposite side. The appearance of asymmetry is due to the fact that the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity usually occurs near the mouth of the tube through which the egg was transported. This feature of the shape of the uterus during this period of pregnancy was noted for the first time by Piscacek and proposed by him as a diagnostic feature (see fig.). In the future, with the development of pregnancy, the asymmetry of the uterine body disappears, and then the Piskachek symptom will no longer be determined.

The consistency with the onset of pregnancy changes: it becomes much softer. The softening of the uterus occurs due to an increase in the size and number of muscle fibers due to the enrichment of the organ with blood, congestion. Particular softening is noted in the isthmus of the uterus (see Fig.).

Sometimes the softening is so pronounced that, on examination, the body of the uterus seems to be separated from the cervix. The second feature of the pregnant uterus is the inconstancy of its consistency. When examining a pregnant uterus, its softish consistency is noted at first, and in the process of research, the uterus becomes denser. Such a change in the uterus at the time of the study is a particularly characteristic sign of pregnancy.

It is usually not always possible to diagnose a very early pregnancy by an internal obstetric examination, since the main signs of pregnancy obtained in this case can be detected no earlier than 56 weeks of pregnancy. Before this period, pregnancy does not yet lead to tangible changes in the uterus. Even with a longer period, sometimes full confidence in the accuracy of the data obtained is not created. Meanwhile, it is often necessary to establish the presence of pregnancy before 5 weeks, for example, for the production of a mini-abortion.

Methods for determining pregnancy

The imperfection of the palpatory method of early diagnosis of pregnancy has long directed the idea to find other methods based on identifying those changes in a woman's body that occur with the onset of pregnancy.

The study of the biochemical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman made it possible to propose various reactions with which they tried to diagnose pregnancy. The evolution of these methods was quite long and continues to this day. At the same time, methods were improved in parallel with the development of science and the emergence of new knowledge, and special successes are associated with the development of biochemistry and immunology. All methods are based on the detection in the blood or urine of a woman of the hormone of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance is detected by modern methods in the blood of a woman a week after conception.

The most widely used express diagnostics of pregnancy with the help of test systems, which are based on the principle of chromatography. The sensitivity of the test is sufficient for almost 100% accurate diagnosis of pregnancy on the 1st day of the delay in the expected menstruation, and often this is possible even 3-5 days earlier than the delay. With the help of such a test, an ectopic pregnancy is also detected in many cases, however, it cannot be distinguished from a uterine pregnancy on the basis of this test alone.

Now on sale there are various diagnostic tests that allow you to independently detect the presence of pregnancy at home. Most often, such a test is an indicator strip immersed in urine for 1-2 minutes. The presence of pregnancy is judged by the number of colored bands.

Using enzyme immunoassay, you can accurately determine the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. But for the diagnosis of pregnancy, this method is usually not used, since there is no need. But in some cases, such a definition has practical significance. For example, to monitor the nature of the course of pregnancy, the diagnosis of trophoblastic disease, ectopic pregnancy.

Another well-known and affordable method for diagnosing early pregnancy is ultrasound (ultrasound). It allows you to detect pregnancy by about 5-6 days of delay in menstruation. When viewed with a special transvaginal probe (which is inserted into the vagina), this can be done 1-3 days earlier. During these periods, an ultrasound can be seen in the uterus with a fetal egg with a diameter of 4-6 mm.

Thus, at present, the diagnosis of pregnancy does not present any particular difficulties for a specialist and can be very early.