Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone. Cool birthday greetings to Sergey

Personal congratulations to Sergey

How nice is it anyway?
The name is bright - Seryozha!
He is worthy of praise
The girls are crying out of boredom!
He is handsome, good-looking,
And sometimes he is indiscreet!
He is always successful in business
So what if he's slow!
And his income is growing
Well, almost all year round!
I wish Seryozha
Life to be like
To a wonderful, wonderful feast,
So that he was in it - sir!

Personal congratulations to Sergei in verse

Who has a birthday?
Well, of course, Sergei!
And, raising your glass,
I wish you now
Easy to conquer peaks
To be the best man
personal happiness, good luck
And health to boot!

Congratulations named Sergey

I congratulate you, Sergey,
Let the heart be filled with joy
Let there be no capricious people
Among those who live with you together.
But, on the contrary, let them always be
Your loved ones are happy with life
Let them respect you in the house
And they live peacefully for a long time.

Congratulations to Sergei in verse

Sergey is cool
Sergey is great
Sergey is reliable
And great!
Be happy love
And desperately cheerful
And your birthday
Good and wonderful!

Happy birthday to Sergey

Happy birthday, Sergey!
You live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And just like that two hundred
Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate together!

Congratulations in poetic form on the birthday of Sergei

Happy birthday, Sergey!
I wish you happiness
Let this fun day
Bad weather will not come
May your home be filled with laughter
Kind and happy!
Let everyone love you
In the whole bright world!

A short congratulations for Sergey

Sergey is cool
Sergey is great
Sergey is reliable
And great!
Be happy love
And desperately cheerful
Let the world be bright and interesting!

Happy birthday greetings to Sergey in verse

A good name is "the venerable one",
That's what it means - Sergei.
We congratulate you on your birthday
You be healthy, do not get sick!
There will be problems - we will regret you,
You call us soon.
We wish you more happiness
Honorable Sergei!

Congratulations for Sergey in verse

Of course, I'm embarrassed
And I flirt a little
But congratulations from the bottom of my heart
I am you today, Seryozhka!
Good luck,
And I wish you happiness.
Let no one cry for you
And don't be offended!

Congratulations in verse to Sergei

Congratulations on the holiday of Sergey,
He deserves all the praise
After all, Sergei does not regret life,
To achieve all sorts of blessings for loved ones.
May fortune reward him
For efforts, deeds, works.
I want happiness to come
In the house of Sergei, giving him fruit.

Personal congratulations in verses to Sergey

Dispel all sorrows in the wind
Today is your holiday, dear Sergei.
Friends come with congratulations
It is impossible to be sad today.
The heart will fill with joy
A series of endless days
And one more thing: we wish you health,
In a word, congratulations!

Congratulations in verse to a person named Sergey

Congratulations on the bright holiday
You accept without a doubt, Sergey!
Be warmed by women's love,
Don't regret the past.
You let a new holiday into your life,
Do not deprive yourself of joy.
Life goes on and it's not in vain
Everything changes in the Milky Way!

Congratulations to Sergey on his Anniversary

I send congratulations to Sergey,
Let the soul rejoice festively
After all, not often in life Anniversaries
Divide our path into years.
And today is exactly the case -
Anniversary a new step heralded.
So listen carefully today
What will your soul tell you?
Accept the new without any fear,
After all, perhaps your happiness is there.
I wish you only good
So accept my greetings!

Happy birthday greetings for Sergey

Our dear friend, Sergey,
On this bright, bright day
Get gifts soon.
Happy birthday congratulations to you
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts -
Stay as cheerful
With a very great sense of humor.

Congratulations for Sergey

You are my protector
You are my support!
You are my supporter
At work and at home!
You are my Serezhenka
I'm glad for you!
Like a lush bloom
Summer garden!

Congratulations by name for Sergey

Our highly esteemed Seryoga!
Therefore, untouchable!
Always worthy keeps the camp!
Smart and wise beyond his years!
His house is his own fortress!
In love, a pleasant absurdity!

Happy birthday greetings to Sergey

All the gathered friends
You are more humane and kind!
Be safe, have fun!
Happy birthday, Sergey!
We wish Sergei
Be tougher and stronger!
Always be bolder in battle!
Then life will become brighter!

Congratulations to Sergey on his birthday

On the frozen glass, I write the letter C ....
And today the magic Express will rush
Full of cans, boxes, bags and bales.
Congratulations, wishes, cakes, pies,
On my birthday, I will give the world to Sergei
Together with him, and a dream, and love, and dawn.

Congratulations to Sergey on his name day

Happy birthday, dear Sergey!
May happiness come to your house from now on,
Let the diseases go away soon
Taking with them and bad weather.
And to replace the worldly bustle
May peace, tranquility, faith come.
After all, they are so necessary for the soul,
And the family of dear Sergei!

Congratulations for Sergey

Congratulations for Sergey
I bring with love this day,
I don't regret anything for him.
After all, he is the meaning of my whole life.
I want great happiness
Colored the world,
I will reveal all the secrets to Sergey,
To never be sad.

On your birthday, accept congratulations from us,
Let luck smile at you, every hour,
Let the dream come true, let it be lucky in everything
May joy always find your home.

Seryozha, always be in a great mood,
Bold, honest, self-confident,
Let life give only inspiration
Let everything be fine in fate.

Sergey, we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you good health and happiness in life,
To be in great shape, no doubt,
Hope and believe and never give up.

May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let the bird of happiness smile at you
Let fate reward in full
All the best to you, prosperity, peace and warmth.

Today is such a big day
Which is called a birthday
To you with an open mind
We offer our sincere congratulations.

Sergey, we wish you joy and happiness,
Let the address be forever forgotten by your bad weather,
May your fate be amazing
May fortune always smile on you.

Happy birthday, Seryozha, congratulations,
And with all my heart, I sincerely wish
Peace, joy, good luck and kindness,
May you always be cheerful.

May all your plans come true
Let all the good things be remembered for a long time,
I wish you smile more, live longer,
Never be discouraged and never be sad.

In fate there was a glorious road,
Sometimes leading to a dead end ...
You accept all congratulations, Seryoga!
With the guests in the house came "rush hour":

Crowding and wishing for Sergei
Good luck, money, life without adversity.
Live, my friend, warming everything around you,
One hundred years still pleasing us, not a year!

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you good luck, joy, fun,
May luck never leave you
May the good angel protect from troubles.

Let the road of life be smooth and beautiful,
May your fate be happy
Let you be lucky, Sergey, in everything, always,
May your dream come true.

Happy birthday, Seryoga, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you great happiness,
Good health, peace and kindness,
May fate reward you in full.

Be lucky in everything
Let all the problems be nothing to you
May all your wishes come true
Let luck always smile.

Receive guests
Hurry, Sergey!
On your birthday
We will all be with you!

You, Seryozha, are good!
You won't get away!
And today, loving

Be always fair
And, as before, beautiful!
Be always cheerful
Never be sad!

And always do everything
In this life, Sergey!

Sergei, let your dreams come true
On your personal holiday - birthday,
From joys, kindness and beauty
Let all your surroundings consist.

Let people wish you well
Let dreams come true help
Let the victorious "Hurrah!"
Friends exclaim on your birthday!

Let the clink of glasses and the laughter of guests be heard today,
Let the champagne flow like a river, let the day be more fun
After all, today is the birthday of a person dear to all of us,
We wish you, Sergey, happiness for your entire long life.

May your life be pure
May every day be joyful and bright,
So that life is wonderful beauty,
Was given to you as a gift.

The name Sergey means - "highly respected",
You are my kindest, sweetest and most beloved,
With all my heart I congratulate you on your personal holiday,
I sincerely wish you all the best.
May luck always accompany you
Let there be a favorable fate
May reliable friends always surround
May the bird of happiness often fly.

Today is your birthday, my love.
Accept gifts, compliments, congratulations,
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May fate reward you in full.
Let your life flow like a full river
Let fortune smile on you
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
May everything work out great for you.

You are kind and gentle
I'm incredibly lucky with you
I am glad to congratulate you on the holiday,
May God bless you for everything.
Let there be a white stripe on the road of life,
May your fate be amazing
Seryozhka, dear, I wish you happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by.

You are my best boyfriend on earth
Let happiness, like a magnet, attract to you,
Let everything be fine at work,
Let everything be fine in your personal life.
Beloved Seryozha, happy birthday to you,
All the best to you, good luck and warmth,
Let my love protect you
Let every day be a pleasant surprise.

Seryozhenka, strong and brave,
You are the knight of my life!
I wanted to wish you
Two, no, three sons!
Let your courage not be shy
May happiness protect you!
Fate let the gift start
Luck will guide you!
And my congratulations for you only,
Like all my life and love!
I know you won't leave me in trouble
Me, my dear never.

We always go with Seryozha
We are one path
And if he gets lost -
A companion will find a way.
And he goes, does not toil.
He walks, he doesn't stumble.
All because the best
He has a companion.
So we go with Seryozha
We are one path.
What will happen to Seryozha
That will come true with a companion.
Well, with such a fellow traveler
And really everything will work out.

All the girls you lead in admiration!
But you are especially sweet to one of them,
Serezhenka, beloved, happy birthday!
Success and good luck in life - you deserve it all!
I wish you good health
So that in my arms I have enough strength to carry me;
Once again, dear, congratulations
I'm happy to be with you!

Sergey, my beloved Seryozhka,
I want to wish you
Just to be a little,
And just don't count the money!
Love you and more happiness
Good health always
To love with all the passion
And you were never sad!

Sergey, I want a birthday
Wish you with love
All your sadness to betray oblivion
And in life, do not know sorrows!
I wish you all the best
What can be in life
In a career - only prosperity,
And most importantly, love me!

Today is your birthday
Today is not an easy anniversary.
I will tell you sincerely, loving -
You are a real, true man!
Seryozha, may you be lucky in everything,
Let luck turn its face
Health never fails
And outside the window, let the sun shine more often!

On your birthday, Sergey,
I wish you only good
To have a wonderful life
Spring bloomed in my soul
So that joy and success always
Lead you forward
May the guiding star
Will not let you down!

Happy birthday, Sergey!
You live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And just like that two hundred
Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate together!

Sergey, always be happy
Don't forget honor
And bear the essence of the name
To the glory of mother Rus',
To the joy of near and dear ones
And to your dear friends.

Friends, let's drink to Sergey!
Our Sergei is well done.
Waiting for a miracle,
He invited us to the palace.

His new home is cozy
Smells delicious and warm.

And bohemian glass.

That's what we decided too
Give a poem to Serezha,
To celebrate a birthday
Gave him some fun.

Dear you our Sergey!
We gathered a crowd of friends
To glorify you now
And happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday, Serezha,
With the best holiday of all!
May luck be near
Let success be with you.

May hopes be fulfilled
Friends will be around
Let today everything at once
They only make you happy.

Have fun from the bottom of your heart
To have no worries!
And such a mood
Save for a whole year.

Smart, stately, interesting,
Boy, you are just amazing.
We wish, Sergey,
So that you are lucky in everything!

Also, so that in your pocket
Every day there was money,
So that friends do not leave
To be respected at work.

That Sergey is a great guy -
We won't tell anyone
He was given to us for joy -
Congratulations to him!
May great luck
Everything will be for him!
Let in a good mood
Stays day by day!

Seryozha, you are already big,
Handsome naughty boy
Now you're a year older
Read our congratulations
Son, dear, dear,
We value you very much!
We wish you happiness and good luck
Let small, but already victories,
And the fulfillment of all desires
For many years.

We wish you, Seryoga,
In life so that your road
No matter how difficult it is,
But you were right!

Sergey, I want a birthday
Wish you with love
All your sadness to betray oblivion
And in life, do not know sorrows!

You are a strong, interesting guy
In a narrow circle very famous,
Attentive to women
And even charming!

Sergey, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a long and happy life! May good luck accompany you, the soul always sings, a rainbow mood sparkles and a sincere smile charges with positive! Good luck and all the best!

Sergey, happy birthday to you,
I wish you all the joys of life in the world.
Always live in abundance, love and honor,
To be needed by everyone at home and at work.
May happiness always walk with you
And everyone who meets, helps in everything.

Happy birthday, Sergey.
Good health!
May the years be filled
Happiness and love.

In the house, let the hearth always
Warms with light.
Let the hostess wait for you
Joyfully meets.

Let the kids fill the house
Let friends be around.
Let the shining sun
Looks with warm eyes.

I wish you all the best
What can be in life
In a career - only prosperity,
And most importantly, love me!

I wish you a lot of money
So that there is always a purse plump.
Also find a woman
To spend life with her.

And we want to wish you
To be happy, always love.
Be full of strength, healthy, then,
There will be no trace of sadness.

Always go boldly to success
Let the body be healthy.
Be able to shine, live in peace,
But what is given, always appreciate.

Happy holiday to you, Sergey,
Don't be sad and don't be sick
Women don't take their eyes off
Money does not leave the account.

Fate so that you were a minion,
Elite whiskey only drank
Ate shrimp and lobster
On the islands under the spray of the ocean!

I congratulate Seryoga!
And with all my heart I wish:
Be happy, don't get sick
Watch the world from the skyscraper!
Live as you want, just enjoy it
And catch a drive in life!

Happy birthday, Sergey!
You are a year older.
So stronger, wiser,
Experienced and daring.

We wish you good luck
The sea of ​​happiness is no different.
A whole ocean of love -
But look, don't drown!

I want to be even
There was a path for you.
I wish you strength on the way, happiness.
Happy birthday, Seryoga.

Let everything in life succeed
A true friend will be nearby
Let the enthusiasm sparkle in the heart,
The body will not take sickness.

Let the family be a support
Let the ladies love you
I want new ups
And your soul is fire.

You, Seryoga, are bright, smart
And gifted with talent.
Into a beautiful life insanely
Be mutually in love
Achieve, set goals, act,
Travel and love.
On my birthday I wish
Fulfill your dreams.

Sergey, strong, confident, courageous
And, of course, still young!
It's no secret that your life's business
Gives in under a strong hand!

I've known you for a long time, my friend
And I want to say without bows:
Surely finds who is looking for!
So long to find!

The path that is chosen by man is important,
Important and the trace he left
Congratulations! Be, Sergey, happy
Radiate love, warmth and light!

Happy Birthday! Remember, Sergei
Life is not vanity, movement
To the destination, but not on the route:
Passion is a jump without a parachute,
Happiness is a stormy river
Faith is an incentive for a breakthrough,
And success, of course, take off!
Move and get lucky!

Sergey, Birthday is a holiday from childhood,
When faith was a tried and true remedy
Fulfill the dream. But with love, hope,
With luck, you will be happier than before!

Today you are a year older
And age, he is no longer the same.
Come on, but he became smarter, wiser,
So let you, Sergey, be lucky in everything!

Frosty day, but the soul is warm,
Our dad is celebrating his birthday!
And today we have a lot of kind words
From the whole family we want to tell you!

Great husband, great family man,
Father you are kind, gentle, strict in moderation,
There are not many such men on Earth,
You have become an example for your sons!

Family hearth - it is holy for you,
And you put a lot of health
Works and nerves so that your family
Need not knew and lived quietly.

You went to sea for thirty long years,
He was a mechanic, and then a starmekh.
Honored by management
And respect from colleagues in the shop!

He accomplished the three main things in his life -
Any man dreams of making them:
You built a house, you raised a tree,
And raised - not one - three sons!

And I want to wish today
Good health to you, good luck, happiness!
To meet every new day with a smile,
Live a full-blooded, real life!

Today, on your birthday,
We wish with heart and soul
Health, cheerfulness and laughter,
In all your affairs, success!

May your birthday
The warmth of your family will warm you!
After all, nothing is scary with him,
Even though the snow flies, even though the rain sows.

We wish you inspiration in your work,
In the family circle - warmth and kindness.
Among friends - love and respect
And in life - a dream come true!

I wish you health, I wish you success,
To make tears shine only from laughter,
So that happiness and joy shine in a smile,
So that all wishes come true!

Happy birthday!
Know that you are always beautiful!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be healthy and happy!

I will not write hackneyed phrases,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let it be happy for you
The day you were born!

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
than life happens, good:
love, health, happiness, friendship
and forever young soul!

Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

Let a kind, gentle smile
Every day starts for you!
Let worries, worldly anxieties
On the way you are less likely to meet!

Let spring always excite you,
Let your friends send greetings,
May life give you joy
And let the flowers bloom for you!

We wish you luck in life
And the sun shone in spite of all the clouds.
So that trouble never enters the house,
May luck always be your companion!

We wish you happiness, warmth and kindness,
So that all failures burn to the ground!
To live not to grieve up to a hundred years happened!
May everything that has not yet come true come true!

Let no worries enter your paths,
Let no grief stand in your way,
Let it not get tired and stop
Happiness will follow you all the way!

Birthday is a wonderful date.
It doesn't matter if the years go by.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad!

May your eyes shine with the light of happiness and love!
May your soul know neither sorrow nor longing!

Let your tables burst with abundance
and the bed - from love!

Oh, most respected, Sergey,
People rush to congratulate you.
They will bring it to you on a platter.
They respect you
Honor, oh great,
You are like a god to them
And equal to the holy face.

Agree that if
So it was, at least a little,
It would be great
Is it true, tell me, Seryoga?
If people are in front of you
Everyone hastened to bow
Too bad it's not like that
But there is something to strive for)

"Highly Honored" - in Latin it sounds like this,
The name that speaks of you.
You are as hard as a rock.
And soft, like a pastila in childhood.

You are a diplomat from God, you know a lot,
How to have a good conversation.
Are you a little persistent
You look at things from afar.

We wish you successful business,
So that in this life you always have time
Achieve everything you want!
After all, life is a game, and you play cool!

May good friends be around
And sweet, favorable fate,
Let the difficulties without a fight all surrender -
As soon as you, Sergey, touched them.

And let for the Latvians "highly respected",
For all of us, you are glorious and beloved.
So be happy, our dear Sergei.
Everything will be fine in your destiny!

Sergey, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you today
Hurry happy birthday, because everyone knows
What is better than you, you will not find a person,
You are a pro in all categories of life.

You are an exemplary and loving family man,
A good friend that we all love,
You are an excellent specialist in your work,
And just a lovely soul humorist.

Sergey, you help everyone and always,
Almost never asking for change.
We are proud of you and praise fate,
For sending us you as a dream.

Favorite female ideal,
You are placed on a pedestal
For a sharp mind, a cheerful disposition,
You've been given a lot of rights

In life, a cute merry fellow,
When meeting, always a bachelor,
You broke a lot of hearts
What made men jealous

May your birthday
Drive away all evil from you
Better days will come
Worthy of happiness, dear, you!

Seryozha was for mom and dad,
You grew up and became Sergey,
Followed stubbornly to success,
Fulfilled my dreams

Time flew by quickly
You didn't forget about your loved ones
And sometimes sacrificing yourself
Saved them from harm

Good, nice man you are
They say about such "best"
You deserve more in life
You have become like a brother to me for a long time,

May your birthday be fun
Will make you rest
All doubts will disappear,
Happy fate!

Became more serious for a year
Became a year older
And gathered for a celebration
All friends Sergey,

The guests are smiling
The whole family is happy
glorious birthday,
You can't miss

delicious salads,
Toast is a dime a dozen,
All songs for you
Poems for you

Be healthy and happy,
Dear Sergey,
Before the trouble
Please don't be shy

Let difficulties disappear
All troubles will go away
Let it be calm
Comfort at heart!

Brothers, let's drink to Sergei!
Our Sergei is well done.
Waiting for a miracle,
He invited us to the palace.

His new home is cozy
Smells delicious and warm.
It has a scanner and a computer,
And bohemian glass.

We congratulate Sergey
We conjure to live in abundance.

Sergey, happy birthday, dear!
I love you very much.
Every day, turning to God,
I pray for your health.
I want to wish you joy
Let the soul sing with happiness.
Life will be bright and colorful
And Fortune will not let you down.

You see, there on the horizon
The star is shining.
Happiness on the family front
Kindly wishes.
Be, Seryozha, the most courageous,
You are not afraid of obstacles.
An angel warms with white light
Calm down your heart.

Happy birthday, Sergey!
You live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And just like that two hundred
Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate together!

Sergey, happy birthday, dear!
I love you very much.
Every day, turning to God,
I pray for your health.
I want to wish you joy
Let the soul sing with happiness.
Life will be bright and colorful
And Fortune will not let you down.

Sergey, happy birthday to you!
Let everything come true in life easily,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart this day
Look far-sighted, fly high!
Let your career please you with new success,
Let health be enough for many years,
May life be filled with happiness and laughter
May there be no more grief or trouble!

Sergey, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you today
Hurry happy birthday, because everyone knows
What is better than you, you will not find a person,
You are a pro in all categories of life.

You are an exemplary and loving family man,
A good friend that we all love,
You are an excellent specialist in your work,
And just a lovely soul humorist.

Sergey, you help everyone and always,
Almost never asking for change.
We are proud of you and praise fate,
For sending us you as a dream.

May everything be good in your life,
Whatever year you, Sergey, do not go,
You remember - this is "yet", not "already".
And most importantly - the age that is in the soul.

Warm our hearts with your
Love all of us you suddenly! ...
Happy birthday, Sergey -
Our great and faithful friend!

Maybe you are small
We sometimes yell at you ...
But he became a huge Russian
You, Sergey, are a hero!

And be such a soul
So that, to match the epic,
Encased in chain mail chest,
We could be too!

You are warm, kind, mind, Seryoga,
Love and happiness - a lot, a lot, a lot!

Sergey, happy birthday to you!
Let luck settle in the house
To find your love
To make you stronger and richer
So that a smile is always on the lips,
Like a bright sun, she played
For everything to be successful in business,
So that there are many victories in life!

Today is Sergey's holiday
It's his birthday.
In everything he reached the apogee
We wish you happiness and everything.
Everything you need in life
Build a house, raise a child
And a big garden will not be superfluous.
There the bird of happiness is waiting for you.

Serezha has a birthday
I bring him flowers
And in the box a treat,
And in the envelope of a dream.
To make life colorful
And miracles happened!
So that in summer and winter,
Eyes filled with happiness.

Today is a special occasion
To congratulate you, Sergey!
May you live better every day
And true, sincere friends!
Let health not fail
Good luck, the angel keeps you
Let hope rule
And failure runs away!

I want to congratulate Sergey on his birthday,
And wish you only happy days!
What to add to the general congratulations?
To become stronger and bolder
To be ready to face change
They only happen for the better!
So that you do not forget your dear walls,
Happiness, health, luck, love!

Dear you our Sergey!
We gathered a crowd of friends
To glorify you now
And happy birthday to you!

You are a strong, interesting guy
In a narrow circle very famous,
Attentive to women
And even charming!

We wish you, Seryoga,
In life so that your road
No matter how difficult it is,
But you were right!

Congratulations, our Earring!
And wish you baby
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
To make your eyes sparkle.
To become an astronaut
And bought a cool car
To have your wallet
Full of big banknotes
To make your life boil
Young in body and soul
To be proud of myself
For you to be God himself.
And most importantly, Seryozha,
Be strict with yourself
Obey all laws
And don't forget your friends!

Seryoga, hello, happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you,
And today with pleasure
Congratulations to all friends!
Good luck and more joy
So that everything in life is OK,
Love and be loved longer
And don't forget your friends!

Be the kindest, be the strongest
Be the smartest and most beautiful
I want to congratulate you soon
Happy birthday, Sergey

Sergey, I want a birthday
Wish you with love
All your sadness to betray oblivion
And in life, do not know sorrows!
I wish you all the best
What can be in life
In a career - only prosperity,
And most importantly, love me!

Great friend, great guy
Seryoga, it's about you!
We will make you celebrate!
We wish you joy in fate
Let it be lucky in everything in the world,
In business, work and love!
Let there be only a fair wind!
May your plans come true!

Hello Seryoga! And immediately congratulations
Happy birthday to you.
Let him become older, but I know -
You will always be young at heart!
I wish you more laughter this day
In life you will have joys, but you will not know sorrows,
I am very happy to be friends with such a good person!
It’s a pity that I won’t be able to visit the birthday party ...

The most worthy of friends
It's you, of course, Sergey,
Able to help in time
Don't hesitate to lend money

Favorite female ideal,
You are placed on a pedestal
For a sharp mind, a cheerful disposition,
You've been given a lot of rights

In life, a cute merry fellow,
When meeting, always a bachelor,
You broke a lot of hearts
What made men jealous

May your birthday
Drive away all evil from you
Better days will come
Worthy of happiness, dear, you!

Sergey, we wish that the barriers
Run away from your paths
So that all wishes come true
All victories were easy.
Let only luck in life
And optimism will go with you.
The love of relatives is your reward -
Give joy and comfort.

Serezha, happy birthday to you and ...
I wish you health - so often it is not enough!
I wish you fun - it never interferes!
Good luck - it doesn't come often!
And I just wish you great personal happiness!

Here we would like to tell you, Sergey:
Various blessings to you and victories,
More loyal friends
Many more happy years.

Serezha cute, beautiful, good
With all my heart I wish you good health.
So that life will indulge in joy and happiness,
To be filled with love.
I want to always be in my place
And surrounded by decent people.
I want everything to be perfect
So that everything works out in your fate.

There are many good and smart guys
But for me you, Seryozha, are dearer to everyone!
I love you, kiss you, hug you tightly
And happy birthday, dear, congratulations!
I wish that on the path of life
Happiness and luck always walked in step,
And maybe it sounds pathetic:
Love you! And I can't help it.

That Sergey is a great guy -
We won't tell anyone
He was given to us for joy -
Congratulations to him!
May great luck
Everything will be for him!
Let in a good mood
Stays day by day!

Seryozha was for mom and dad,
You grew up and became Sergey,
Followed stubbornly to success,
Fulfilled my dreams

Time flew by quickly
You didn't forget about your loved ones
And sometimes sacrificing yourself
Saved them from harm

Good, nice man you are
They say about such "best"
You deserve more in life
You have become like a brother to me for a long time,

May your birthday be fun
Will make you rest
All doubts will disappear,
Happy fate!

Today is your birthday
Today is not an easy anniversary.
I will tell you sincerely, loving -
You are a real, true man!
Sergey, may you be lucky in everything,
Let luck turn its face
Health never fails
And outside the window, let the sun shine more often!

On this day was born
Our comrade, friend - Sergey!
He turned out to be good
Make people happy!

On this date we congratulate
Everyone gathered today
Wish you all the best
In this life and family!

Let it be bold with hope in step
With faith you will be together
Step to keep in the whole universe
Let your dreams come true!

Dear Sergey, accept with love
My congratulations are short.
I won't tell you a secret
If I talk about feelings all.
I wish you with all my heart
Fulfillment of all desires instantly.
May all life be filled with dreams
And one day the dream will come true!

Congratulations, Seryoga, on your anniversary!
And I want to wish you success.
So that all dreams come true faster
Catch the firebird of good luck by the tail!
And if there are difficulties in life,
The ones that you can't get away from
Remember, Gray, within walking distance
True friends will be with you!

Our Sergei
Today is the birthday
Let our Seryozha
There will be a big, good house,
And a beautiful wife
And maybe not alone
Let life be a full bowl
Day after day - everything is better, more beautiful,
The house is full of kids
And more friends in it!

All the girls you lead in admiration!
But you are especially sweet to one of them,
Serezha, beloved, happy birthday!
Good luck and success in life - you deserve it all!
I wish you good health
So that in my arms I have enough strength to carry me;
Once again, dear, congratulations
I'm happy to be with you!

Great friend, great guy
Now I will congratulate you!
Today you celebrate your birthday
And here's what I want to say:

What to wish you, I do not know
It's so hard to find the words.
Desire love - no, I do not want,
She will come to you herself.

Wishing happiness is inconvenient,
After all, happiness must be earned.
With all my heart, Seryoga, I wish
Be a good person!

be a little more fun
On this day, we wish
Congratulate you, Sergey,
We won't get tired!
Reliable friends for you
Find your love
Do not be afraid of difficult paths
Always go ahead!

I wish you Sergey.
And let your fate be capricious
You be insolent with fate.
I wish you good health
So that you never get sick
And happy birthday.
Your friends are always with you.

Yours, Sergey, today is your birthday,
May he bring you good luck!
Always be in a good mood -
Here is the key to success all year round!
We will not wish you platitudes:
The main thing is that life leads forward,
To be surrounded by those who love
So that love is mutual!

Great success in personal life
I wish you Sergey.
And let your fate be capricious
You be insolent with fate.
I wish you good health
So that you never get sick
And happy birthday.
Your friends are always with you.

Sergey, I wish you
On a wonderful holiday - birthday -
So that only true friends
Bring you joy and fun
So that in life you are lucky in everything,
I sincerely wish you good luck
So that every day, to spite the enemies,
You just got richer!

Sergey! We value you very much
We protect, as we keep friends;
We wish you great achievements
And no matter how sad, he went forward in life.
You are gifted with a sharp mind and a strong spirit,
You know how to get around adversity
We wish that the trouble was just a rumor,
And I was lucky to find my love!

Seryoga, we know each other
Been with you for a year now!
You are congratulations from a friend
Accept. Let it bring joy
It's your birthday today.
Let there be happiness ahead
And you dream, forgetting the shyness,
And your plans will come true!

We want to say: Sergey!
We hurry you soon
Happy birthday to congratulate
Wish you happiness, love
You catch fate by the tail!
We also want to add:
You live, friend, light!
Yes, and a toast to health -
Get up to your full height!
From all your friends:
Happy birthday, Sergey!

Dear Sergey,
You accept from all of us,
Your sincere friends!
Do not know the troubles, problems, worries.
Prosperity all year round!
Be rich and successful.
Resistant to external adversity.
Good health always.
Life is long!

I sincerely wish you
Only what you would wish for yourself!
You are bolder, Seryozha, go according to fate,
Let the path lie flat, all bypassing potholes!
I wish you only true friends
Be successful in everything, never give up!
Happy birthday! Happiness, health, Sergey!
And I want to be myself!

Seryozha, you are already big,
Beloved, mischievous, dear,
Now you're a year older
Read our congratulations
Son, dear, dear,
We value you very much!
We wish you happiness and good luck
Let small, but already victories,
And the fulfillment of all desires
For many years.

open and sociable
Cheerful and simple.
Moreover, amazing
You own kindness.

Responsive, very sincere,
Friendly always.
Mysterious, mysterious
You can't do it without difficulty.

Sergey, smile more often
And be happy all year round
Stay as awesome
And never vice versa!

Today since morning
There are good words.
This means that Sergei
Celebrates an anniversary.
That's what we decided too
Give a poem to Serezha,
To celebrate a birthday
Gave him some fun.

Serega, dear sidekick,
We congratulate with all our heart
Happy birth day!
May you not have troubles
And there will be happiness and luck,
Let all tasks be solved
Let life become a fairy tale
From joy, health, happiness!

My dear friend, my boy, Sergey,
Gather all your friends as soon as possible.
After all, today is a bright holiday for you,
And all your relatives want to congratulate you.

I congratulate you, Sergey!
What should a man want?
Of course I want love
And respect your loved ones!
As well as a successful career
And boldly go through life
To be able to overcome all barriers,
Do not see obstacles on the way!

Us Sergei on this day
Congratulations are not too lazy!
And the poem is ready for you
It has a lot of kind words!
May any dreams come true
Wishlist, whims and good dreams!
We wish you health - to move mountains!
You are on the strength of the chosen path!
An excellent student in everything: both in business and in the family,
From this happy to be doubly!

In our company Sergey,
How I made all my friends
It's always interesting to be with him -
The soul sings like a song.

He is always attentive to women,
Immensely interesting, charming,
Known only for good deeds,
He is always frank and honest.