Nice messages for your boyfriend. How to show a guy you like him

Relationships end due to many things. Love, trust, understanding, respect and unforgettable romance - this is the recipe for a long-term relationship.

Romance is their essence. What is love when it's not expressed? It is incomplete and almost meaningless!

Don't let your personal life be like this. Spice it up with a good dose of timely romance.

Guys often find themselves in dangerous situations for relationships, especially when they are around a girl who is as beautiful and good as you. So, boost your boyfriend's confidence that you care about him. We bring you 20 very cute things to say to your boyfriend.

1. You are perfect!
Doesn't he do everything to please you. Tell him he's perfect, he'll feel really appreciated.

2. I can't live without you
It will make him feel on top of this world. What more could a guy who loves you so much want?

3. You are my hero!
Every guy wants to be a hero for his girlfriend. When you tell him that he is your hero, he will be the happiest guy in the world!

4. You are better than all the guys I've met before.
Shows it or not, but he tries his best to be better for you than everyone else. Just tell him that he is!

5. I understand you and your feelings more than anyone.
Every person, guy or girl, wants to be around someone who really understands them. If he is sure that you really understand his feelings, this will bring you closer, he will begin to trust you, and your relationship will become stronger.

6. I will always be by your side
He will be inspired to hear that, no matter what, you will always be there for him. Support is very important in a relationship. He will love you even more.

7. I love it when you play with my hair.
Guys love to play with their girls hair. It's one of the best things they like to do. If he finds out that this feeling is mutual, he will be glad!

8. You are so sexy!
Perhaps he worked hard on his physique, or spent a lot of time trying to get the perfect hair, or maybe changed a bunch of outfits, and all to look good for you. Do not be too lazy to note this and say nice words to him.

9. I like your physique
Apparently guys are very sensitive when it comes to their bodies. He will be delighted to hear such a compliment about his figure from you.

10. You are the most important person in my life.
Maybe it was very difficult for him to get into your life. Therefore, to hear about his significance in her will be a great achievement for him.

11. You are an amazing kisser
Probably shouldn't say anything else. That's the biggest compliment of all time for any guy!

12. I love the touch of your lips
This will make him feel that you really love him very much. He will certainly be flattered.

13. I can do anything for you
This is so cute. Tell him about it with great love, and he will never require you to sacrifice yourself, for granted, because men just need to know this.

14. You are the best thing in my life
What guy wouldn't want to hear that from his girlfriend?

15. I'm glad I found you
Obviously you're glad you found it. That's why you're with him, right? And that's why you're looking for ways to make him feel special, right? So if you're glad you found him, let him know about it. It will really make him feel special.

16. I never want to hurt you
By saying this, you will give him confidence that you really care about his feelings. In turn, he will also try never to offend you.

17. You mean everything to me
If your boyfriend is a really good person, you should reward him with these words.

18. I have a lot of fun and interesting with you
If this is true, why not say so? Any person, friend or loved one will be happy with such a compliment.

19. You are the one I dreamed about when I was a little girl
Do you think that guys are not sensitive at all? This is not entirely true. When a guy loves you, he really wants to be special to you. He wants to be the guy of your dreams. Tell him about it, and you can get to know his sensitive side better.

And finally, nothing could be better than this:

20. I love you!
It may be too traditional, but these words have it all. Everyone wants to be loved, especially the person they love. This is probably the best thing you could say to him. However, you need to speak honestly only when you really experience these emotions.

The stronger sex needs attention no less than the weak, so you should say pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words as often as possible.

Learn to talk about love out loud, and one day you will see that your beloved man will begin to respond to you in the same way.

Do you want to hear nice words? Meet the linguist!
Rick and Morty

Affectionate words that men like

Your admiration will always be flattering for him - the usual warm and heartfelt words help a man to open up fully,.

But the psychology of the stronger sex is different from the female one, so florid and long confessions are useless.

In order for your compliments to reach their goal, you must also take into account the nature of a particular person.

He can be:

  • fluffy hare or tiger;
  • baby, sun, kitten or brutal macho;
  • Igorkom, Tolik, Yurik or Olezhka;
  • relatives, beloved, tender, only, etc.

Warm words to your beloved guy in your own words

What words will appeal to a particular man, only the woman who is next to him knows. But the compliment should not only correspond to his style and way of life, but also be sure to be sincere and said without irony. Otherwise, you will achieve the exact opposite effect. He may be offended.

For example, lisping and “seals” and “bunnies” will only annoy a sporty and brutal man. It is better to tell him how strong, courageous he is and how it takes your breath away from his touch. You can tell a guy who is fond of science that you value, first of all, his mental abilities, etc.

Do not be afraid of experiments and pick up new and new gentle words of love. But always pay attention to the reaction of the betrothed. If he does not like some of them, he will definitely let you know directly or indirectly.

Naturally, the morning wish can be anything, for example:

  • my bunny, the dawn today is simply amazing, how good it is that we meet it together;
  • I want to wake up all my life in your arms, my love;
  • I thank God that every morning I wake up with you, dear;
  • when you leave in the morning, I start to get bored in the first minutes; I love you baby
  • good morning, dear, you and I are not just husband and wife, we are one; I can't imagine life without you; good morning my sun, my light, my joy.

Warm words for a loved one at night

Affectionate words for the night can also be anything.

The most important thing is that they please a man and give him confidence and peace of mind:

  • my only one, I wish you the same sweet words as my love for you;
  • sleep sweetly, dear, may you have the most vivid and sweet dreams;
  • you are tired, dear, lie down, rest and let you dream of the sea, the sun, the surf and I am near;
  • come to my dream where we will hold hands and watch the sunset;
  • good night, my beloved, let a fairy tale come into your dreams.

Pleasant words to a beloved man in prose

You don't have to be a poet to express your feelings.

can become very important for a loved one if he knows for sure that they come from a pure heart:

  • I'm so lonely without you, dear, to be with you next to me is happiness;
  • I can never stop loving you; you are my desire, my light, my sun; I am grateful to fate for such a gift;
  • I'm going crazy, drowning in your eyes; I so often look at you and think: “God, I thank fate that she brought me to you”;
  • listen to the beats of my heart; if you stop loving me one day, it will stop;
  • you are the ideal such men are one in a billion; I am so glad that the happiness of meeting you fell to me;
  • I will never get tired of your kisses and touches; I am able to give everything in the world, if only it never ends, etc.

We list where you can leave warm words in prose written for a loved one:
  • computer desk: believe me, he will be glad one day to find a love message on the screen;
  • email: it can be sent regardless of whether you are at a great distance from each other or spend a weekend together in a 1-room apartment;
  • remote control from the TV: stick a small piece of paper with a frank confession on it;
  • mailbox: ask your loved one to look into it on the way home from work;
  • : we think that this is another of the excellent ways to please the betrothed; if you want to intrigue, add that a surprise awaits him when he comes home; try to keep it unusual; with the help of such a game you can diversify your relationship;
  • bathroom mirror: let him see your message before going to bed or early in the morning; many will say that this is commonplace and banal, but after all, love simply does not happen banal;
  • a plate or mug of coffee: your confession can even be immortalized if you order an inscription made on them in a special office.

Pleasant words to a beloved man in verse

During the time, tell him that you wrote poetry for him. This will show that communication with him is very, very important to you. Anyone, even the most severe macho, is able to melt away from romantic and sincere words.

It was poems - a short and very capacious way of self-expression at all times that conveyed the emotions and experiences of lovers. In them you can also tell your erotic fantasies, if in ordinary life you are ashamed to repeat them aloud.

So that he understands that it was you who wrote these cute quatrains, try to use those special gentle and affectionate words that only your couple uses. In this case, the man will understand that the verse is addressed to him. It doesn't matter if the rhyme isn't perfect. If the feelings are sincere, and the words come from the heart, he will be touched.

Write about your feelings on the pavement!

You can write a pleasant and warm message not only on paper. Warm words in chalk on the pavement (you should not use indelible paint) will please your loved one. Be sure to write his name in it so that he knows that this kind of letter is addressed to him.

Such messages on asphalt are very often written by young people. So why not please your loved one in this way? Imagine what a surprise and joy it will be for him to find out that you are ready to declare love to the whole world.

Words expressing gratitude

Women's gratitude is the wings that lift a man up.

So don't forget to say nice words to a beloved man in your own words:

  • I thank you and fate for your presence in my life; you are my ideal;
  • thank you for opening the whole world to me, the world of love and fairy tales;
  • thank you for making me feel like a real beloved woman with you;
  • thank you for the feeling of happiness that you give me every day;
  • I thank God for creating such an ideal creation - you;
  • thank you for being you, for the fact that I can see and kiss you every day.

Affectionate and warm words at a distance

Words spoken at a distance are very important. In this case, the man will be sure that you will never forget about him.

They will help add passion and romance to the relationship:

  • I miss you so much, come back quickly;
  • I'm counting the seconds until your arrival;
  • Today ; I miss you, your touches, your hugs, your kind words;
  • I am waiting for you, my love, and I will wait as long as it takes; but I miss you so much;
  • the house is empty without you, it is not filled with your laughter, your love; I am waiting for you, my sun, my light, my joy.

The art of complimenting men

By nature, every person is happy when he receives a compliment. At the same time, male psychology is arranged differently than female and, at a time when a woman simply enjoys a compliment, a man perceives it as a guide to action.

For any representative of the stronger sex, a compliment is a recognition of his dignity and confirmation of his significance.

We compliment a man wisely

Given that boys have known since childhood that the beauty of a man is not the main thing, compliments about appearance leave the male sex indifferent. More like the mention of such natural qualities as strength, strong-willed attitude, perseverance and sexuality. Such compliments are highly valued and spur men to great victories. Recognition of professional skills and hobbies also does not go unnoticed.

Flattery and highlighting talents or qualities that a person does not have will not play into the hands of a woman. It is necessary to find exactly the quality that a person is most proud of and praise it. Such compliments speak not only about the desire to win over a man, but also about the attentiveness of a woman and the desire to get to know a person better.

The insincerity of compliments can be easily read by facial expressions. In the case when a compliment is still necessary, you should follow the facial expression so as not to alienate the interlocutor. Particularly pleasant are compliments made in low tones, with a note of excitement in the voice.

You have to be very careful with ambiguity. It is necessary to make sure that a person does not have complexes about his appearance, professional skills and other things. Otherwise, the desire to win over a man can be read as a mockery.

Recognition of talents, praise, compliments are one of the secret weapons of a woman. You should not pour compliments all the time, a person easily gets used to the good and can feel megalomania. But the recognition of positive qualities from time to time gives a man the opportunity to understand how dear the woman who is nearby is.

Addressing by name, a woman captures the attention of the interlocutor, therefore a compliment that began with an appeal is always more valuable and pleasant. The nuance is that by pronouncing the name of a person or addressing him affectionately both before a compliment and before a request, you can devalue the compliment. A man will subconsciously associate the beginning of a sentence with a request and may believe that in this way they are trying to manipulate him.

Third person compliments are great for relationships that are just starting out. The recognition that a woman is insanely pleased to spend time with such a strong and self-confident man will never go unnoticed.

Compliments and praise on occasion are too commonplace. This display of attention seems rather mediocre. It is much more valuable if they praise just like that, for the mood, as a manifestation of tender feelings.

A compliment transmitted through a third party is absolutely unacceptable. In the case when there is no opportunity to show admiration in person, it is best to use e-mail, call or message.

Another important point is the lack of comparison with anyone. Even in the case when the comparison is in favor of the partner, it causes a feeling of anxiety and insecurity, as the man begins to think that he is in constant competition with someone.

Features of compliments

As you know, every person is individual, and everyone perceives compliments and words of praise in their own way. Someone is ready to listen for hours, someone perceives them only on occasion. In order not to be mistaken and not to alienate the chosen one, a woman must remember that a compliment made on time is always valued more and means recognition of talents and qualities, and is regarded as approval.

A man who receives sincere, warm compliments, after some time, is ready for a lot for the sake of a woman who is nearby and so attentive to him. And if we talk about compliments in bed, then you should remember that this is also a guarantee of a trusting, full-fledged relationship between partners.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex really do not like compliments in public, diminutive appeals and exaggeration of their talents and qualities. Any person, no matter how modest, always knows his abilities, and compliments made in an exaggerated form will always be perceived as rude flattery, and it does not contribute to the development of long-term and strong relationships.

You should not be afraid to give compliments, praise your partner and admire his qualities. Mastering the art of giving compliments is a fairly simple task. The main thing here is the desire to sincerely emphasize the positive aspects of a person and show indifference to his person.

Rules and restrictions

The main purpose of your words should be to emphasize his superiority over other males. He must also understand how irreplaceable and necessary for you.

Finally, we list the rules that you should not apply when communicating with your loved one:

  • Maximum sincerity - YES!
    Any falsehood or outright flattery can scare away any person, including a man; therefore, try to select only those words that come from a pure heart;
  • Mocking or irony - NO!
    Comic confessions are possible, but in no case should they offend the dignity of a man;
  • Too many compliments - NO!
    In order not to turn into an obsessive maniac, try to comply with the measure; watch the man's reaction.


So, we have described to you only the main words that women around the world use to keep the attention of the stronger sex.

Say nice words to your beloved man more often. There are thousands of such words in the world, but only you can decide which ones are right for him.

What words do you use?

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All relationships require a lot of work from both members of the couple. So, not only a man should try to win a girl, but she should also respond to courtship in certain ways. Therefore, girls will benefit from advice that will tell you what to write to a guy so that he smiles. After all, it is very important to please your beloved as often as possible.


Everyone is used to the fact that compliments are only for girls. Nonsense! Men also need to be encouraged and praised. There is nothing wrong with a girl saying a few things about his wardrobe, looks, or skills. So what to text a guy to make him smile? Any compliment that comes to mind. You can say nice words about his eyes, muscles, height, clothing style, demeanor. Guys especially like it when girls celebrate their mental abilities. However, it is better not to flatter, but to speak only the truth, because no one needs a lie, and, most likely, it will be revealed.

What else to write a guy to make him smile? You can send him a funny story from life, an anecdote or a funny picture that will definitely amuse him. It is especially easy to do this today in social networks. So it is better not to ignore such opportunities and use them as often as possible.

You can try to flirt with a guy while texting. It will also give him a pleasant smile. However, you should not use template phrases, it is better to come up with something original and unusual. It is also better not to push too hard, because the representative of the stronger sex most often wants to remain the conqueror in a relationship. But it is very necessary to provoke a man, so you can awaken in him still unknown, but pleasant feelings.


What else to write a guy to make him smile? You can thank him for a great evening after a date or a regular walk. So, you can focus on something especially pleasant that happened at this time. The guy will like this alignment of things, especially if he put a lot of effort into this event. It is also good to throw a phrase with the following meaning: "It would be nice to repeat," - or something similar. She will speak for herself that she liked the evening and should not be the last.


What else can be written? It’s also good to send SMS to a guy when he has an important business ahead of him, and the message will be support. The guy will understand that the girl is interested in his affairs, worries about him, and he will definitely be pleased. A morning or evening SMS will make the guy smile, which will wish you a good night or a pleasant day.


What else can you say to a guy to make him smile? So, you can say that there are two tickets for a concert of his favorite band, for football or for go-karting. Such an offer will definitely interest a man and pleasantly surprise him, as the girl is interested in and respects his hobbies.

If a girl does not know what to write to a guy, you can look for examples of messages in magazines or ask friends for advice. However, it will still be much better if she does everything from the heart, at will, and not because it is necessary. If you want to say something, you must speak. If you can’t find the right words, it’s better to just keep silent and wait for the right time.

Love is not silent, so it must be constantly listened to and tried to understand. You need to let her go to make her stronger and stronger. At some moments, warm words are spoken aloud, and sometimes a short letter or a few SMS messages are enough to wake up a sleeping passion in the heart of a loved one.

Let's try to figure out what pleasant phrases you can write to your lover, so that from the very first words of the phrase he understands that you are not indifferent to you.

Most girls believe that the main thing in the process of composing a phrase is its beginning. It is also false to say that writing a love letter will be easy if only the beginning is difficult to write.

First of all, you should think about how you will address the guy. This determines the tone of the message. If in your relationship you have already reached the stage of complete mutual understanding, then it is enough for you to say the word “beloved” so that your lover feels genuine tenderness emanating from you. If you are already at the stage of complete intimacy, then you can use the epithet "beloved".

If your relationship is only at the initial stage, then the word “only” will do. The guy will feel needed and dear to you.

To begin the main part of the message and figure out what phrases to write to a young man, you should not carefully think everything over. Listen to your heart, discarding logic. Let your letter be emotional and filled with love, not dry logical judgments. This will allow the guy to feel your heartbeats, and not just read the standard phrases.

Put down on paper everything that comes to mind: about you, about him, about both of you. If there is a huge distance between you, determine the condition of the guy. Try to convey in the message the feeling of comfort and warmth that awaits him when he arrives home. Your letter should leave only a positive effect.

Even a few hours after the date, write off that you miss him, if this is of course true. Let there be more sincerity in your feelings.

What can you text a guy first?

Most girls who are in the early stages of a relationship with guys feel a little awkward about questions about who will write first and what topics to talk about.

If you are thinking about what to write warm and interesting to a young person, then the right advice is: never write about your own or other people's worries and problems.

Touch topics that you think will be of interest to him. The young man will surely appreciate it. In addition, he will be flattered to hear a sincere compliment addressed to him and regarding his personal qualities or his actions.

He will like that you speak flatteringly about his hobbies, considering them interesting. A guy will be able to see an interesting personality in you if you compliment him on his erudition. However, one should not scatter too much compliments about his appearance, etc. One should try to find a measure in everything.

What can you text a guy?

Small messages are a great opportunity to attract the attention of a young man, further inflaming his passion for you. This is the easiest way to please him by reminding him of yourself.

Dear, I want to get a tattoo and capture your portrait on my body, but I don’t know which original place to choose to implement this idea .... Just kidding, you're already imprinted in my heart!

I want to share your work worries, honey, like a cup of morning coffee. I want to unite in a kiss, like a white cloud and azure sky. I want to raise your positive spirit as much as possible, and a geyser of passion!

I oversalted all the cooking, dear. Dinner will probably have to be washed down with wine, you grab a bottle on the way home. But there is also good news - with the sweetness of the dessert, I definitely did not lose!

I will distract you a little, my good, and share the following thoughts. If you make a list of the world's goodies and gourmet delicacies, then you, cat, will be the head of this list!

Dear, today I heard a theory that a frequent smile stabilizes the hormonal balance of each male organ. Now I understand why you are so harmonious and inimitably unique!

Then a moth of passion flew past the window, my love, so I gave him a couple of hot kisses that will hint at a stunning surprise awaiting you this evening!

I need to give up delicious, dear, I gained 300 grams of excess weight! Or maybe you will agree to conduct individual fitness classes for me? I think you are the perfect instructor!

My adored knight, I don’t know about yours, but today my thoughts are naughty somehow in a special way. I wonder if our fantasies will coincide in the evening, although if not, we will certainly synchronize them!

When the artist of Destiny painted the panorama of my life, he used the brightest colors for your portrait, my love! I firmly believe that you are a uniquely special person!

With a boundless stream of tenderness, an unstoppable river of passion, a stormy waterfall of love, an endless downpour of happiness, I will excite you, dear, every moment of the day and every second of life!

My heart, dear, is connected with your honey of sincere love! I want drops of my unctuous tenderness to penetrate from the lines of SMS into your day, making its minutes sweet nectar!

I want to become a caterpillar eating the sweet leaves of your masculinity, my dear. I want to become a bee enjoying the flowery treat of your passion, my beloved. Have a good mood!

Darling, I was given some kind of unnatural diagnosis today! Explain quickly what this means: the patient has an extreme degree of cardiac euphoria, caused by boundless passion for her beloved!

Dear, you are the fuel for the train of my love, you are the gearbox of the car of my passion, you are the helm of the plane of my tenderness, you are the compass on the ship of my well-being! Always be in good working order!

There will be no dots, no commas, and no words in the phone sms-glass that I will send to my beloved… But it contains the ambrosia of my kisses, the fruit juice of my passion, the intoxicating wine of my love!

Let the perimeter of your undertakings, dear, bypass the storms of disappointment. And you, radiant, like the amber of the Sun, warmed our joint evening of pleasure!

Let this SMS send a million sweetest kisses to my beloved, and every moment of your busy day will turn into candy pleasure! ... Let a drop of passion, located in ...


First meetings and dates, light flirting - what could be more exciting and enjoyable? The beginning of a romantic relationship is always associated with excitement and doubt. Many women are ready if a man does not call for more than a day. Should I call and write first? How to remind a man about yourself and not scare him away?

Interest or obsession?

The times when it was believed that decent girls do not start conversations with guys first are in the past. Modern ladies are not shy to take the initiative. Such a desire is commendable, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Any man is pleased with the interest from the opposite sex. On the other hand, too much attention can be tiring. The main rule: if you decide to write or call first, limit yourself to one call / message and wait for an answer. Many women, being carried away by a man seriously, literally lose their heads. Having written a message, they do not release the phone from their hands, waiting for the recipient's reaction. If there is no answer within half an hour, the hands themselves begin to type the next message. Of course, this is not the best way to remind a man about yourself. Just imagine how stupid you will look if you send a dozen messages or a hundred calls on the phone that the man of your dreams simply forgot to take with him.

The most unobtrusive way to remind yourself

In our age of high technology, almost every person has a personal page on a social network. And it's a great way to communicate. To find a real acquaintance in the virtual space, it is enough to know his first and last name, as well as the city of residence. Modern communication allows you to add new acquaintances to your contact list literally on the day of the first meeting. How to remind a man about himself using social networks, what to write to him? The most unobtrusive way is to put "likes", or ratings, on photos. You can comment on any picture, video. The alternative is to have a personal conversation. Start with a neutral question. If possible, avoid completely banal phrases: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”. Ask better: "How are you?" or “How is your weekend?”. In fact, your goal is to directly start a conversation. By its development, you can judge how much you are interested in the interlocutor.

The Art of SMS Communication

Many people enjoy texting more than speaking out loud. And indeed, there are advantages to messages before calls. You can weigh every word, and you do not risk saying anything superfluous. How to unobtrusively remind a man about himself: SMS, MMS - what to choose? It is appropriate to send photos only to a man with whom you know each other well. Short SMS messages are a suitable way to communicate with any acquaintance of the opposite sex. What to write? The best option is neutral-positive messages. You can give a man a compliment or offer to meet. Most importantly, never send repeated messages without waiting for a response. Try to avoid quarrels and showdowns over SMS. If you have any questions or complaints, please make an appointment.

Photo postcard - a reminder of yourself to your loved one

In this age of high technology, there are many ways to send an image. Use MMS messages or personal mail. You can send a photo of yourself with an intriguing or cute postscript to the man with whom you are in a love relationship. If you want to attract the attention of a friend or a member of the opposite sex who is just beginning an affair, it is better to choose a more neutral reminder. Share photo news, take a photo and send something unusual, unique or simply beautiful. Let it be a picturesque landscape, a new landmark of the city or a photo from some interesting event. If a man is interested in communicating with you, he will certainly lively support the proposed topic or at least give you a couple of compliments.

How about SMS?

Traditionally, a pickup truck is called men's secret tricks for seducing women. But why shouldn't the fair sex get their own technique for conquering guys? Most men are quite curious. Do you want to win attention? Send the object of your sympathy an intriguing message. Great options: “You surprised me!”, “They told me this about you ...” or “I didn’t expect this from you.” Do not be too lazy to come up with a legend in advance of what exactly you were told.

The young man you like does not call for several days? How to remind a man about yourself? SMS can be sent to his number, pretending that you made a mistake. You can write something frank and seductive. The alternative is to send something rude. Send a "random" SMS and forget about it. If the recipient is at least somewhat interested in communicating with you, he will definitely want to clarify the situation as soon as possible. Don't forget to pretend to be surprised when you hear a call or receive an SMS reply.

Share the news with your loved ones!

Universal reminders and reasons for meetings

Are you going on a date and are afraid that it will be the last one? There is one effective method to help avoid such a development of events. Leave the man a "souvenir as a keepsake", in other words, forget something from him. The item should be valuable enough so as not to fall into the trash can immediately and give a new reason for meeting. You can "forget" some of the clothes - gloves or a scarf, business card holder, jewelry or cosmetics. Try to leave your reminder where it will look most natural and will be revealed only after the breakup. In a car, theoretically, any thing can fall out of a handbag. If you have been visiting, cosmetics accidentally left near the mirror is also a completely banal phenomenon. You can arrange the next meeting by borrowing something from the man himself. Ask to read a book or throw some files on a portable information carrier. Having exchanged any things, you will always have an excuse for a meeting. And you no longer have to think about how to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself.

Take a promise from him

Any man wants to be a real hero in the eyes of the opposite sex. That is why all the guys are ready to instantly fulfill any requests of lovely ladies. Think of what a young person of interest can do for you. Maybe it's time to fix the socket or help carry heavy bags? Choose a task that he will definitely cope with. Is it worth reminding a man of himself if he promised to help you, and then disappeared somewhere? The situation is complicated, but it is always better to check why it happened. Do not be too lazy to call and delicately ask whether it is worth waiting for the fulfillment of promises. If you receive a refusal, do not even think about persuading or asking again. Remember that the object of your sympathies could always really just forget about what he promised. And a reminder in this case would be more than appropriate.

Random encounters are not random

One of the most effective ways to make a man think about himself is to regularly "accidentally" catch his eye. Try to learn as much as possible about him and use the information received. Visit his favorite cafe from time to time, you can unobtrusively show up near the place of work of your chosen one. Women often say to themselves: “I want to remind myself of the man of my dreams,” and in their desire they are reckless. If you decide to use the method of "random" meetings, it is important not to abuse their regularity. In addition, you should always have an answer ready for the question of what brought you to this place.

How to remind a man about himself: mystical ways

Some ladies claim that they have achieved the attention of the gentleman they like with the help of magical means. Before deciding on any mystical manipulations, try to establish yourself in your desire. Only when you are confident in the depth of your own feelings, you can proceed to action. Every day before going to bed, concentrate your thoughts on your chosen one. Remember all the best moments spent together, and do not hesitate to dream about new meetings. To establish an energy connection, put a photo of your loved one in your room. It is desirable that it be a recently taken portrait. Look at it and imagine a joint future. Remember: the photograph used in this ritual should not be touched with your hands. It is desirable that strangers do not see it. Whether a man needs to be reminded of himself in magical ways is a personal matter. In love, as in war, all means are good, so why not try?

The world of modern young people is mainly concentrated in social networks. Now it has become bad form to get acquainted in real life. The Internet makes life easier for girls and boys. After all, it’s really true, a representative of the opposite sex liked it, came home, found his page on VK, learned everything you need and don’t need about your sweetheart, perhaps even added her as a friend, and then, as they say, a stupor sets in. This especially happens with the weaker sex, girls are more indecisive in matters of dating.

We were taught from childhood: the guy should be the first to take the initiative. Of course, you can continue to study by heart the profile of a guy who has sunk into your soul, or you can muster up the courage and write a few simple, but overnight well-chosen words to the person who will become your destiny. How to do this, we will understand below.

How to write a guy to like him?

Initially, you need to distinguish for yourself that the words addressed to the guy you see for the first time, and then according to your VK profile, and the man with whom you had a relationship before, will be different.

We start a correspondence with a guy we didn’t know before:

  • The first word you write to a young person will say everything and almost nothing about you. Simply and banally: over time, the guy will generally erase his memory of how you greeted him at the beginning. However, it will depend on this main word whether they will answer you. If you want an exact answer, write "hello" or "hello", put a well-chosen emoticon. Of course, you can pass for the original and ask the guy right off the bat any question regarding his photo on the avatar on the social network, any of his interest. Just remember to say hello. Men welcome clarity, logic and common sense more.
  • Write first, but don't be intrusive. Men love proactive young ladies. At first, there will be enough light secular chatter “about this and that”, the main thing is to use positive language more often, embellished with healthy wit.
  • Remember: few people like whiners. You should not immediately write to the man you like about the tragic death of your beloved poodle and the impact of his death on your mood. Although, if you present this information with humor, you can write. Just remember that while you are not connected with this guy, he will not waste his time comforting your person.
  • During the conversation, cling to what specifically interests your sweetheart. If he is interested in football, you can criticize the game of some player or sincerely (!) resent the game of his favorite team - this will make the guy interested and want to discuss with you. The main thing here is to know the measure and not push the young man away from himself.
  • A categorical mistake is the use of the words “kitty”, “zaya”, “baby” in the first days of correspondence, because in this way you cross the intimate line of your interlocutor. These words appear in the correspondence of people who are in love with each other in a natural way, and this happens, as a rule, mutually. You just have to wait until the guy you like becomes yours. Then you can already swim in the sea of ​​tenderness.

The exchange of sms, letters, messages on VK and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting and exciting game. Once again, you will begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Why do men need beautiful words?

Some girls are convinced that men should take more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they don’t really pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like someone his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase her self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her.

No matter how selfish it may sound, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have the desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom. Is it worth it to say nice words to your beloved guy? Undoubtedly yes!

We write pleasant words to the guy in VKontakte (vk, vk)

We discussed above what is pleasant and how you can write to an unfamiliar guy in contact. Now let's think about what words to choose for a man you know in real life using a social network. After all, it is during a long correspondence that people now open up completely, sometimes exposing the most hidden nooks and crannies of their souls.

What is pleasant to write in VK to your beloved guy whom you know for a long time? Here you have been corresponding with a guy on VK for a long time, you have a period of mutual exchange of tenderness and amenities, and you do not want to lose such good communication. This period is indeed one of the most important, because it will completely affect your future relationship with your beloved guy.

How to avoid it?

  1. Write about everything, the main thing is not to inspire boredom, that is, avoid messages like “Darling, I'm bored”, “I'm sitting here without you and I miss you”, “Darling, I'm lonely”.
  2. It is on the social network that you should write to the young man directly about your feelings. You will never go wrong with a wording like “How glad I am that you appeared in my life” and so on, “Thank you for understanding me.”
  3. Be patient and do not start a conversation with phrases like “Where are you?” If a person is online and simply wants to take a break from communicating even with you.

We write pleasant words to a man in the morning

Finally, you started dating a guy and you want his morning to start with your SMS message if you live apart for now, or so that your SMS pigeon finds its addressee at work if you already live together.

What should you write in the morning?

  • "Good morning, my dear. I slept so sweetly with you, and I didn’t notice how you left”, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep without me? And so on. Bring his attention to you. It’s bad if he woke up without you, but if it’s good, then veiledly thank you that you woke up together.
  • Pick up clue words, if you are dating your loved one for a long time, do not be afraid to write gentle words to him: “Darling, my pillow smells like you. Come home quickly."
  • Psychologists say that poems of their own composition are a good clue. The main thing is to use this technique if you really have a talent for rhyming. If not, use cool ready-made rhymes from the Internet. Poems are more original than letters in prose.

Nice night messages

Letters at night depend on the degree of your relationship. When you had only a few meetings with a man, it would be wrong to write “I would like to be next to you now”, “I can’t sleep without you”. Why? Guys do not find any romantic halo in such a phrase, they perceive it as a signal for intimacy.

When you and your boyfriend are in a long-term strong relationship and for some reason you sleep apart, don't forget to write: "I want to sleep on your shoulder." Men are very greedy for such gentle and touching formulations overnight.

If you don’t know the guy well, you can laugh it off and write: “Good night and let me dream about you.” Here again, the main thing is to transfer the attention of the guy you like to your favorite person. It’s also a good idea to have some kind of unobtrusive rhyme sent to the guy in time before he goes to bed.

Pleasant SMS for a loved one is a whole art

SMS is a short message that can attract a guy's attention even more than social media correspondence. Writing a good SMS to interest a person is a whole art. What's nice about sending SMS?

  1. A very, very, very funny joke. Such that not only the young man would laugh, but also his mother. Everyone knows that God is hidden in a sense of humor. Be lively and witty. A spontaneous joke will boost the mood of the young person you like for the whole day ahead.
  2. Again, my own poetry. Your young man will know that next to him is a creative girl who can write not only messages in prose. With a beautiful rhyme, your sweetheart can brag to relatives, colleagues and close friends, which will certainly increase his mood and self-esteem. After all, for the sake of it, they even go to writing poetry! Only a very callous and mundane person will not like this approach. Here, too, do not overdo it and send a rhyme once every six months.
  3. Praise words. Your boyfriend will only be happy if you remind him more often how good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best he is in the world.
  4. Ask the guy for some advice more often. How do you find a particular store? Where is the best place to fill up in your area and more. This approach is especially good if you know the guy quite recently.
  5. Send him an invitation to an event. Everyone loves unexpected surprises. Be Santa's grandfather for the guy. More often rejoice with all sorts of unexpected invitations somewhere.

If your communication is just starting to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Let him first show more initiative - this is useful in general for the development of your relationship.

What should not be written or typical mistakes of girls?

  • Don't write with mistakes. When the guy you like doesn't have perfect literacy, don't stoop to the same. Be for him initially an authority, at least in matters of spelling and knowledge of his native language.
  • Never right off the bat do not demand increased attention to yourself. Does the guy not respond to you for a long period? It means he is either busy or has lost interest in you. And with questions like “Where have you gone?”, “Answer me, I’m waiting,” you will not return attention to yourself, but rather push the person away from you. Interested guys will always find time to write. Wait and be patient, it will pay off later on.
  • If a loved one does not want to write to you, do not try to blackmail him with SMS messages like “If you don’t answer, I will jump out of the window” and other similar formulations. You will not return a guy like that, but even this way you will leave only bad memories behind you.
  • Do not humiliate the guy in the correspondence. You can poke him in moderation, make fun of him, but you must always remember that all people are selfish, and once you have strongly hurt the feelings of an unfamiliar young man, you will hardly return those pleasant impressions that he initially made about you.

We write pleasant words to the conscript soldier

One of the most pressing is the issue of correspondence between a girl and a young man who is serving in the military. Write him long letters about how you are waiting for him and miss him. The main thing is not to be overly sentimental, because your boyfriend also has a hard time being separated from you. Lively and interestingly describe everything that happens in your city, on your street with your families and mutual friends. The immutable truth is that a loving heart will always find the right words, no matter how difficult it is to find them and write to your beloved guy. Be decisive. Dare!

nice words for husband

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are some phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I am a happy woman. Will you ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my own kitten (bunny). I need your love so much
  • For so many years you and I have been united by the bonds of marriage, and you still deprive me of my mind.

Send your husband a message when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see, he will come home in an excellent mood.

Psychologists advise girls to be open, friendly, nice when communicating with a guy in correspondence and remember that you should never get hung up on any person, because this leads to personality breakdown. After some attempts to get a man interested in you, stop it and turn your attention to someone else.

Often girls also ask other questions regarding correspondence with young people. They are interested, for example, how to regain the trust of a man with whom you broke up through correspondence. There is also a way out here. Try to start a conversation with your ex at the same level as you had at the dawn of the initial acquaintance. Greet him and write about common acquaintances, common interests, and what once united you. Most importantly, don't be pushy.